Bluetooth unlocking the smartphone screen mi band 2. Unlocking the phone using Xiaomi Mi Band. Running in your desired heart rate zone

Bluetooth unlocking the smartphone screen mi band 2. Unlocking the phone using Xiaomi Mi Band.  Running in your desired heart rate zone
Bluetooth unlocking the smartphone screen mi band 2. Unlocking the phone using Xiaomi Mi Band. Running in your desired heart rate zone

Are you bothered by constantly entering your password to log into Windows 10, but don't want to disable it for security reasons? If you have a Mi Band 2, you can use it to unlock the login screen. Let's find out more about how to do this?

Unlock Windows 10 via Mi Band 2

If you carry a laptop with you at all times, it's a good idea to properly secure the device to prevent others from logging in while you're away (or worse, if it's stolen). A Windows 10 laptop requires you to sign in again every time you wake up from sleep mode, and you can do this using a password, PIN, fingerprint, or face scan.

It is also possible to log in through a fitness tracker such as Xiaomi Mi Band 2. However, by default Windows 10 does not support the function of unlocking the screen through Chinese bracelets, but you can add such functionality. Then just bring the Mi Band 2 closer to the laptop and it will be unlocked without having to enter a password. How to do it?

How to connect Mi Band 2 with Windows 10

First, you need to download the application from the Microsoft Store, which will allow you to connect, respectively, Mi Band 2 with Windows 10 and download the function of unlocking the laptop through the fitness tracker. Let's use a Chinese utility that only needs to be configured once.

Download the app to connect devices

Install the program from the Microsoft Store. If information is displayed that the program is not available in your region, but you need to change it in the settings to China.

Open the Start menu, select Settings, go to the Time Language - Region tab. Select China from the list and try downloading the application again.

After a successful download, set the region back to Russia.

The next step is to pair the Mi Band 2 with your laptop.

Check that Bluetooth is turned on on your laptop. You also need to disconnect the fitness tracker from your smartphone. It is enough to turn off Bluetooth on your smartphone, or it’s easier to completely turn off the phone manually (turning it off does not mean that you will then have to reconfigure the connection between the bracelet and your mobile device).

Now launch the application. If you can't find it by Chinese name, then the program may appear in the Start menu list as Millet Smart Unlock or Mi Unlock Tool.

If you have problems launching the application (does not respond to clicks or closes automatically immediately), try launching it from the Microsoft Store. Open the store and go back to the page with the utility (link above). Now, instead of the “Install” button, the “Run” button will be displayed.

On the “Scan band” tab, a scan will begin to detect the Mi Band 2. Wait until the device is detected and appears in the list, then click the “Bind” button next to it

Connect the devices, confirming the operation by entering your password in Windows 10 or using a PIN code (if you use it). After successful connection, you don't need to do anything else. You can close the application and no longer use it.

Now, if you restart your computer or wake up from sleep mode, you will notice a notification on the login screen that you can unlock the device through Mi Band 2. Just bring the bracelet closer and the screen will be unlocked using Windows features Hello.

Xiaomi Mi Band 2 is one of the most popular fitness bracelets. It is distinguished by wide functionality, low price (about 1.5-2 thousand rubles) and good performance.

Mi Band 2 features

This fitness bracelet has wide functionality and therefore can be used in various cases.

Thanks to step counting, you can use Xiaomi Mi Band 2 for running and sports. The built-in accelerometer and gyroscope are responsible for this function. They determine the movements and movements of the device in space, and the software recognizes steps from all this activity and counts them.

Another opportunity that uses these functional elementssmart alarm clock. In this mode, the bracelet analyzes the phases of sleep. The alarm clock goes off when the body is ready to wake up.

How does Mi Band 2 determine sleep stages? Similar to steps - this uses the built-in accelerometer and gyroscope. In the rapid phase of sleep, when the body can wake up alert and rested, the body moves a lot. In slow mode, the body practically does not move. The bracelet detects when its sleeping owner begins to move a lot - that is, enters the REM sleep phase - and turns on the alarm.

Another function of the bracelet is heart rate determination. Mi Band 2 heart rate monitor using tissue transmittance analysis technology human body, counts the pulse. To count your heart rate, you need to press the corresponding button in the Mi Fit application.

The display displays notifications from programs, time, during calls - the contact name, as well as some other information, including the measured pulse.

Among the capabilities of the Mi Band 2, which can be expanded by installing third-party applications, are a stopwatch, a timer, analysis of movements in training for certain sports, and much more. Of course, the bracelet can be used with various programs like Sleep as Android or Runtastic for tracking physical activity - if the user needs it and the capabilities of the standard companion application are not enough.

Setting up the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 fitness bracelet

Setting up the device is quite simple.

How to turn on Xiaomi Mi Band 2?

The fitness bracelet turns on automatically. It must be fully charged (this will take approximately 1.5 hours) via the USB connector of the computer from the cable that comes with the device. After this, the bracelet will be automatically activated and will be ready to pair with your smartphone via Bluetooth.

How to link Mi Band 2 to your phone?

For the bracelet to work, you will need to install special application Mi Fit from the company store – Google Play Market for Android smartphones and AppStore for iOS devices. Then you need to turn on Bluetooth on your smartphone. After this, you can open the Mi Fit application.

To connect the bracelet to the phone and any other operations, you will need a Mi account. If available, you must log in to the application. If you don’t have an account yet, you can create one directly from the Mi Fit application using your address Email. After registering in the Mi network, authorization will occur automatically.

The app will then prompt you to connect to the bracelet. You need to select your device on the pairing screen in the MiFit app. After this, for some time (usually less than a minute), the program will synchronize with the bracelet, and upon completion of this process, Mi Band 2 can be used.

How to set up Xiaomi Mi Band 2

All Xiaomi settings Mi Band 2 is made from the company's Mi Fit companion application.

You can set the following options:

  • Bracelet Location: left or right hand. When this setting is set correctly, the device will count steps more accurately;
  • Information displayed on the bracelet display: time and date, steps, distance traveled, calories burned, heart rate, battery charge. If you do not need to show any of this, this option can be disabled;
  • Time display format– large watch or small watch with date;
  • Turn on the display by raising your hand. If this item is active, the bracelet's screen will light up when you look at it. If disabled, the display will always be on. It is recommended to activate this option - it will increase the time battery life bracelet;
  • Using the heart rate monitor in sleep tracking mode. If the parameter is enabled, the bracelet will turn on the alarm at the most appropriate time, but this will increase battery consumption.

In fact, all these settings should be turned on or off based on your personal preferences.

Some bracelet features can be configured in another menu. Among such functions of Mi Band 2 is displaying the name of the caller, SMS text and other notifications. And they are configured directly in the “Notifications” menu.

In this menu, you can select which notifications will be broadcast to the bracelet. Among those available:

  • Incoming call. The bracelet will vibrate when there is a call and try to display the contact's name;
  • Alarm. We are talking about those applications that are recognized by the Android operating system as alarm clocks (for example, those installed in Google Clock or the stock clock application are recognized, but those configured in Solid Alarm Clock Extreme are not);
  • Notifications from third-party applications. The icon of the program that sent the notification is displayed on the screen;
  • Inactivity alerts. If the bracelet has not registered activity for too long - well, that is, the user has been sitting for too long without moving - it will vibrate and remind you that it would be a good idea to walk around a little;
  • SMS messages. The bracelet will show an icon and try to display text;
  • Alarm clock set on the bracelet itself via the Mi Fit application;
  • Goal achievement notifications. For example, if the user sets himself the task of walking 10,000 steps per day, the bracelet will vibrate when this number is reached.

You can also set the time at which the bracelet will stop bothering you with notifications.

It is worth remembering that in most cases the bracelet does not correctly display the caller’s name and message text if they are typed in Cyrillic (in Russian). This is due to the fact that the device was not officially supplied to the Russian Federation, and Xiaomi does not have a representative office in our country. Therefore, support for the Cyrillic alphabet was simply not added to the bracelet firmware and application capabilities.

At the end of the instructions there is information on what to do if the bracelet does not display the caller's name correctly.

How to use the Mi Band 2 bracelet

After the initial setup, the bracelet becomes completely ready for use, so usually instructions in Russian or a user manual for Xiaomi Mi Band 2 are not required. Additional manipulations are necessary only in some cases.

How to reboot Mi Band 2?

There is no usual way to reboot the Mi Band 2. The easiest option is to wait until it is completely discharged. This will be similar to a soft reboot.

To speed up the reboot, you can use an unsafe method. Just put the bracelet capsule in the freezer for a couple of hours. But you should not do this, as this may damage the device.

How to set up a smart alarm clock on Xiaomi Mi Band 2?

IN latest versions Mi Fit apps Xiaomi company I cut out the smart alarm function. Therefore, to activate this feature, you will need to use third-party applications. One of them is Xsmart (download for Android).

  • Setting up a smart alarm clock is as follows:
  • Set up all necessary alarms in third-party applications (system clock, third-party applications, Mi Fit, etc.);
    Install Xsmart;
  • Open Mi Fit, select Profile, then Devices – and copy the mac address of the bracelet;
  • In Xsmart, enter the mac address of the bracelet in the appropriate field and click “Check”;
  • Set up alarms in the Xsmart application itself and make sure that the Xsmart item is installed next to each of them.

That's it, smart alarm clocks are set up. In the future, you will only need to turn them on and off, as well as change the time - and all this as needed.

How to turn off Mi Band 2?

No way. You can only wait until it is completely discharged.

How to reset Mi Band 2 to factory settings?

Without a special flasher (hardware, that is, a separate device) - no way. The bracelet remembers the Mi account to which it is linked, and also stores some information about the user’s last physical activity.

Similar to a "soft reboot", you can do a "soft reset". To do this you will need:

  • Open the Mi Fit application, there Profile, on this screen in the “Devices” section find your bracelet;
  • Click the “Disable” button located at the very bottom;
  • Agree with all application warnings;
  • Wait until the bracelet is completely discharged.

After this, it will be in close to factory condition and can be transferred to another person.

An unsafe alternative is a short-term electric shock to the charging contacts of the bracelet. To do this, you will need a piezo generator, which can be removed from a piezo lighter. Its contact must be placed against one of the charging contacts of the bracelet capsule, and the button must be pressed to create a spark. ATTENTION! This method is not recommended for use as it may damage the Xiaomi Mi Band 2!

How to disconnect Xiaomi Mi Band 2 from your phone?

If you only need to unlink the bracelet from your Mi account, you can use the instructions above. If you need to break the Bluetooth pairing of your smartphone and device, you need to do the following:

  • On your smartphone, open the Bluetooth settings (Settings – Bluetooth);
  • Find your bracelet among those already paired and click on the icon with the “gear” symbol next to its name;
  • Click the “Delete” button in the window that opens.

All. The smartphone will no longer connect to the bracelet. The device itself will begin to vibrate as if the connection is lost.

This method does not delete the Mi account from the bracelet and does not break the binding, so you will not be able to transfer the device to someone.

Application for Xiaomi Mi Band 2

The fitness bracelet can be used with both official and third-party applications.

Mi Fit for Mi Band 2 – official application

The official application developed specifically for the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 fitness bracelet is Mi Fit. It must be installed immediately after purchasing the device. Through this application you can:

  • Mi account registration;
  • Linking your Mi account to the bracelet and unlinking it;
  • Connecting the bracelet to a smartphone;
  • Initial setup of the bracelet;
  • Tracking your physical activity for a day and a longer period;
  • Setting up bracelet functions.

The Mi Fit app can be downloaded from the company stores for Android and iOS:

For other operating systems you will have to use third-party applications.

The Mi Fit app is required for use with this fitness bracelet. However, it is not the only program that can work with Mi Band 2. The bracelet can be used in conjunction with third-party applications.

What applications does Mi Band 2 work with?

The Xiaomi Mi Band 2 fitness bracelet works with the following applications:

  • Notify & Fitness for Mi Band– offers advanced notification management, smart alarm clock with heart rate analysis support for a more pleasant wake-up, automated monitoring pulse;
  • Sleep As Android– smart alarm clock with proprietary sleep monitoring technologies;
  • Runtastic, Runkeeper, Endomondo– programs for tracking and storing information about physical activity, including GPS tracking, as well as user stimulation;
  • Google Fit– a proprietary set of fitness tracking services for the Android operating system. Unfortunately, it works with restrictions and requires a link of accounts.

There are also many other applications that expand the functionality of the bracelet (for example, activate music control by pressing its only button) or simply monitor fitness activity.

How to charge Xiaomi Mi Band 2

To charge the fitness bracelet, it is recommended to use the included Charger for Xaiomi Mi Band 2, which connects to the port Computer USB or laptop. It is undesirable to use network units designed for more than 500-700 mA output current. The battery in the bracelet is not designed to be charged with such high currents.

To charge, you need to remove the bracelet capsule from the strap and install it in the appropriate adapter. It is necessary to rotate the capsule so that its charging contacts are in contact with the charging contacts of the adapter.

How long does it take to charge Mi Band 2?

It takes about an hour and a half to charge the fitness bracelet from scratch (if the power source is a computer USB port). The current battery charge level can be viewed in the Mi Fit app.

If you use more powerful blocks power supply with Xiaomi Mi Band 2, charging time will decrease. But this will increase wear on the battery, which will lead to faster discharge in the future.

What to do if the charger for Mi Band 2 is broken?

If the original charger for Xiaomi Mi Band 2 is broken, buying a new one will not be difficult. Due to their design simplicity, such devices and adapters are found in many online stores.

The cheapest place to find such a charger is on Aliexpress. We have selected for you best option price-seller rating - click .

Xiaomi Mi Band 2 – firmware update

The firmware for Xiaomi Mi Band 2 is updated automatically via the Mi Fit application. In fact, when updates for Mi Fit are released, new versions arrive software for a bracelet.

However, if the latest firmware version has not arrived, or you want to install an alternative version of the software, you can use third-party companion applications for the bracelet - such as Notify & Fitness for Mi Band or Gadgetbridge.

However, all actions through these applications are carried out at your own peril and risk.

How to update Mi Band 2 firmware?

  • Make sure it exists a new version firmware for bracelet;
  • Check for updates for Mi Fit in the app store;
  • If there are none, wait a few days and check for updates again.

Everything else is done at your own peril and risk, as it may damage the bracelet:

  • Install Notify & Fitness for Mi Band;
  • Download the new firmware version and copy it to your phone;
  • Open the Notify & Fitness for Mi Band menu (three dots in the upper right corner);
  • Select “Settings”;
  • Find the item “Mi Band Firmware Version” and click the “Update” button;
  • Click the menu (three dots in the upper right corner) and check the “Advanced” box;
  • Click the “Select file” button;
  • Choose File;
  • Click the "Start update" button.

In the same way, custom firmware is uploaded to the bracelet.

A short guide to the Mi Band 2 with the most important questions

What should I do if Mi Band 2 shows questions instead of a name?

Unfortunately, the Mi Fit app is not optimized to display Cyrillic fonts. Therefore, instead of the caller's name, they may display question marks. There is no official solution to this problem.

However, you can use the unofficial one. However, this operation is performed at your own peril and risk, since it can lead to both damage to the bracelet and compromise of your Mi account.

  • Uninstall the official Mi Fit app. There is no need to unlink the bracelet from your account;
  • Install the latest version of the Mi Fit application from the MIUI.SU community (download);
  • Log in to the application using your account;
  • Make sure the bracelet is connected to the phone;
  • Go to the smartphone language settings (Settings – Language and input) and change it to Chinese;
  • Restart your smartphone;
  • Go to the Mi Fit app. Wait a while for the bracelet firmware to update;
  • Configure (from memory) the display of necessary notifications, including calls and the name of the caller;
  • Go to the language settings of your smartphone and change it back to Russian.

After this, the caller's name will be displayed.

If after all operations the date on the bracelet dial is displayed Chinese, change the dial to one without a date. You can then return the date dial.

Xiaomi Mi Band 2 does not count steps correctly

To analyze physical activity, the Mi Band 2 fitness bracelet uses accelerometer and gyroscope data. If it doesn't count steps correctly, check the following:
The bracelet should fit snugly to your hand. If it moves freely, this may lead to extra steps being counted or the ones taken being incorrectly analyzed;
The bracelet must synchronize with the smartphone at least once a day. It is advisable that it be connected constantly.

If the bracelet fits tightly on your hand and synchronizes regularly, but at the same time incorrectly counts steps, you should do a “soft reboot” - completely discharge it, let it sit for a while in the off state, and then charge it again.

If this does not help, you need to unlink the bracelet from your Mi account, discharge it, charge it and link it again.

It is worth remembering that in any case, the accuracy of the calculation will not be absolute, but sufficient. The error is approximately 5-10%.

Mi Band 2 does not connect to the phone

If the Mi Band does not connect to your smartphone, you need to check the following (the procedure is approximately the same for both iOS and Android):
Make sure Bluetooth is turned on on your smartphone (Settings - Bluetooth);
Make sure your smartphone's Bluetooth is at least 4.0. Information about this is given in technical specifications smartphone. If it has generation 3.0, unfortunately, the devices are incompatible;
Make sure that there is no other Mi Band 2 in the list of paired Bluetooth devices. If there is, delete it;
Just in case, delete the current pairing of the smartphone and bracelet via Settings - Bluetooth and try pairing the devices via the MiFit application;
Perform a “soft reboot” of the fitness bracelet;
Try connecting the bracelet via Notify & Fitness for Mi Band and update the device firmware (works only on Android).

In addition, during the search process (the bracelet begins to vibrate), you can press a button. In some cases this helps.

Mi Band 2 discharges quickly

The problem of fast discharge often occurs due to incorrect firmware. Therefore, it can be solved by flashing the smartphone. For these purposes, you can use the Notify & Fitness for Mi Band program.

Detailed instructions on changing the firmware are given in the section “Xiaomi Mi Band 2 – firmware update”.

If you are using the official firmware, but the bracelet still discharges quickly, you should check the frequency of use of the heart rate monitor. It can turn on automatically in running or sleep tracking modes. It is worth disabling them if you do not need to track your heart rate.

How to update Mi Band 2 firmware

The firmware update arrives automatically, often simultaneously with the update of the MiFit companion application. If a new firmware version has been released, but the update has not yet arrived, you should wait a few days.

An unsafe method for changing the firmware is given in the section “Xiaomi Mi Band 2 – firmware update”.

How to set the time on Mi Band 2

The fitness bracelet does not have its own watch. The device displays the time set on the phone. Therefore, if the watch is not working correctly, you should make sure that it is configured correctly in your smartphone.

If the time in your smartphone is set correctly, but the bracelet clock is still in a hurry or behind, a “soft reboot” will help (completely discharging the capsule and then charging it).

Mi Band 2 stopped measuring heart rate

Most often this is due to problems with the firmware. You can wait for the official update or use the instructions given in the sections “What to do if Mi Band 2 shows questions instead of a name” or “Xiaomi Mi Band 2 - firmware update”.

If Mi Band 2 does not measure the pulse, then you should make sure that it is adjacent to the artery, and is also located just above the junction of the wrist and hand.

Is it possible to swim with Mi Band 2

The bracelet's water resistance is certified to IP67. This means that it can withstand short-term immersion to a depth of 1 meter, but only in distilled water.

Mi Band 2 – can it be wet?

Yes. The bracelet can withstand short-term immersion to a shallow depth and easily “survives” short contacts with water - while taking a shower or washing hands.

How to do a Hard Reset on Mi Band 2

There is no official way to do a hard reset. On the Internet you can find several instructions for Mi Band 2 in Russian, which involve the impact of high power currents on the charging contacts. This should not be done, since such a procedure can lead to breakage of the bracelet.

The only way to reset your Mi Band 2 is to unlink it from your Mi account and do a soft reboot.

How to flash Mi Band 2

Instructions for flashing the fitness bracelet are given in the sections “What to do if Mi Band 2 shows questions instead of a name” or “Xiaomi Mi Band 2 - firmware update”.

How to increase brightness on Mi Band 2

The fitness bracelet is equipped with a display made according to OLED technology. As a result, there is no way to increase or decrease screen brightness.

Unless the Xiaomi company periodically releases bracelets equipped with a brighter screen than others. However, it is almost impossible to recognize such devices.

To date mobile technologies have entered the life of almost every person and occupy a leading position in it, if we talk about the frequency of use of certain devices. The modern smartphone has long been no longer positioned as a toy, since its functionality has turned the device into a full-fledged work complex. The developers realized in time how they could make money, and therefore began to create various accessories (bracelets, watches) and gadgets that expand the functionality of already smart mobile phones. Below are detailed instructions for the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 with all the nuances of using the bracelet and the Mi Fit application, through which the device connects and synchronizes with a smartphone.

In fact, further instructions for the Xiaomi Mi Band are presented in Russian, but naturally it’s worth starting with the unpacking of the product itself. If you purchased an original bracelet and appearance packaging, then you need to start working by charging the device in order to finally confirm its authenticity and prepare it for the first use.

The package must contain the following items:

  • the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 bracelet itself, which is divided into a strap and a tracker inserted into it;
  • USB charging cable.

Rules for using the charger and tracker

For Mi Band the setting is important stage, but you still need to learn how to charge the bracelet correctly. Having unpacked the brand new Band, you need to remove the tracker from the strap, and then insert it into the charger with the contacts inward (as deep as possible, but without effort). Then the charger must be inserted into a free USB port on your computer (recommended) or a USB adapter for standard socket. Charging time for the bracelet does not exceed two hours.

The tracker's charge level is indicated by three LEDs that blink during charging and glow evenly when the device is fully charged. The standard time for the first charging cycle is about 2 hours. All subsequent charges will take much less time. The tracker needs to be fully charged, you should also avoid non-standard methods charging, since incorrect current supply will cause the device to burn out.

Installing Mi Fit and registering an account

The next step after unpacking the bracelet is to connect it to your smartphone, but this cannot be done without and.

More detailed instructions can be found in an already written article dedicated to this issue, but in abbreviated form, the algorithm of actions for the owner of the Mi Band bracelet is quite simple:

  1. The Mi Fit application is installed from the Play Market or App Store.
  2. Registering a Mi account is carried out through a browser using a link or through the application itself.

After registration, the Mi Band 2 can be configured, but to do this you will have to make initial settings in the Mi Fit application, thanks to which the bracelet is tied to the smartphone and data is constantly synchronized.

Initial Mi Fit settings

Now you need to configure the application itself to work with it correctly:

  1. Naturally, first authorization is performed using an existing or just registered login and password.

  1. Then it is necessary for the user to enter his personal data into the application: name (nickname), gender, date of birth, height, weight, minimal amount steps that you plan to take every day.

  1. Immediately after entering the specified data, the bracelet binding menu will open, where you will need to select the device to be connected.

  1. After successful synchronization, Mi Fit will offer to update the bracelet firmware to the latest version. During this process, you do not need to turn off your phone or remove your Mi Band from it. Immediately after the firmware is installed, the application interface will open, which you can start using.

Using Mi Fit and Mi Band

After connecting the Mi Band successfully, you can begin to study the application interface, which has become available to us. The home screen has three tabs: Activity, Notifications, and Profile.

Activity Tab

From the screen of this tab you can go to several functional sections: “Statistics”, “Sleep”, “Weight”, “Achievement Streak”, etc.

IN English version this tab is called "Status". From this section you can go to the statics of various actions by clicking on the circle with steps or other sections in the event strip.


You can get to this section by clicking on the circle with the number of steps, which is located on the “Activity” tab.

Features of working with this section:

  • Swiping left will open the statistics section for the past days;
  • Clicking the Statistics button will open a general summary that can be sorted by day, week, and month.


By going to the “Sleep” section, the user can obtain the following information:

  • Statistics of the sleep session for the previous night, indicating the duration of all phases and moments of awakening;
  • Swiping to the right will allow you to view statistics for earlier sleep sessions;
  • If you click the “Statistics” button in the “Sleep” section, you can group the data by days, weeks, months, etc.


When entering this section, the user observes the following functional elements:

  • Graph of changes in weight indicators;
  • Above the graph is a list of users, which can be adjusted directly from this section (just click on the desired name to go);
  • A specific weight indicator is remembered by clicking on the special “Record weight” button;
  • You can always monitor your body mass index, weight, dynamics, and also evaluate your physique.

"High Streak"

This section is a good incentive for Mi Band 2 owners, since it displays all the goals that were achieved while using the bracelet.

The main indicators are:


When launching the “Running” section, the user must activate GPS navigation in advance so that the device finds active satellites. As soon as Mi Fit displays optimal quantity satellites (will light up green), you can press start and go to the distance. While running, basic information about the runner’s condition will be displayed, and if you switch to the “Map” view, you can follow the trajectory of movement. You can stop reading information, for example, when moving to a step, by holding down the “Pause” button.

“Notifications” tab and how it works

On this tab, you can configure configurations for triggering notifications for main events, as well as configure the function of duplicating them on the bracelet.

The list of controlled notifications includes:

  • Challenges. The bracelet will respond to each call after a certain period of time. Also, the enabled blocking function will prevent calls from unfamiliar numbers.
  • Alarm. After setting up, the bracelet will wake up the owner even when the phone is dead or duplicate the signal of the phone itself, which may not be enough to wake the owner from sleep.
  • Messages. It works in a similar way to a bell.
  • Applications. Settings are carried out for each application installed on the phone, and notifications work on the principle of messages.

Screen Unlock feature

By entering this settings menu, the user can:

  • Set up the screen unlocking process in such a way that you only have to swipe the phone with the bracelet and not make unnecessary movements on the screen or fingerprint sensor;
  • Configure Mi Band visibility settings for other devices.

Profile Tab

The last tab, in fact, does not require explanation, because it is already clear that the profile contains all the information about the user of the bracelet and the configuration of this device.

Still, it’s worth saying that in this menu you can:

  • View personal information entered at the stage of setting up and connecting the bracelet to the smartphone;
  • Examine the list of devices connected to the smartphone and their configurations. In the case of Mi Band, we're talking about about the ability to search for a bracelet using your phone (makes it make sounds and blink), change the colors of the LEDs, determine where to attach the device, activate/block notifications;
  • You can also view data about the bracelet’s firmware and unlink it from a specific phone;
  • Even lower are the settings for the bracelet owner’s goals, notifications about collected statistics, and other settings and services.

Other bracelet features

That's it for the list useful functions Mi Band doesn't end there.

It is worth highlighting the following possibilities:

  • Visual control of achieved goals for the first version of the bracelet. Everything is quite simple: the three indicators that were described above, when the bracelet is in working condition (not charging), are used to measure the level of achievement of goals. To activate this function you need to make a certain gesture, raise your hand and turn the bracelet towards you, as if you were looking at a watch.

  • Search for a bracelet. This function has already been discussed above, but it is still worth giving specific instructions on how to use it. After following the path “Profile – Devices – Mi Band”, click the corresponding search button.
  • Service "Friends". Your friends and family members who own similar bracelets can become members of the same Mi Band network. Everyone will be able to follow each other’s achievements, as well as send welcome notifications to someone else’s bracelet.

Operational features of the bracelet

What is worth knowing about features that are not included in the description, but play an important role:

  1. The device is “waterproof,” but that doesn’t mean you can swim in it. The bracelet can be left on in the shower, in the rain or when washing dishes. The device will most likely survive a short-term immersion to a depth of 1 meter, but it is better not to take risks. Be especially wary of salt water at resorts.
  2. Automatically restore contact with your smartphone. Rare cases of desynchronization may be caused by interference from other devices using the technology. wireless connection Bluetooth. When disconnected, the tracker independently continues to try to restore the connection until the next synchronization.
  3. Long operating life without recharging. The average Mi Band 2 user can go without recharging the bracelet for about a month. This time decreases if the device is constantly synchronized with a smartphone.
  4. Convenient fastening of the case to the strap. There is only a slight risk that the tracker will be squeezed out of the compartment that secures it on the elastic and elastic strap. However, this situation is only possible if there is excessive mechanical pressure on the device.
  5. The real usefulness of the bracelet for the body. Naturally, the device will not remind the owner how much to walk/run, sleep, eat, etc. This is only an auxiliary tool that simplifies the process of achieving optimal conditions of body and spirit.
  6. It is worth mentioning the translation curve, as a result of which you can see the “temperature” parameter; in fact, this is how the calories burned were translated.

Alternative bracelet models

As an alternative version for the reviewed Mi Band 2, we have also written a user manual for Mi Band 1s indicating the main differences of this device.

What you need to know about this bracelet:

  1. It still connects to the phone via wireless technology Bluetooth.
  2. When you use it for the first time, it asks you to charge it, and then it requires this procedure after about a month of use.
  3. For proper operation, you will need to enter your data into Mi Fit, and then, using detailed guide presented above, connect and configure.

There are not so many differences with the newer (second) version. When considering the Mi Band 1s Pulse, the instructions for it make it clear that this model with the Pulse prefix is ​​aimed specifically at measuring the owner’s heart rate.

Naturally, Mi Band 2 can also do this, but in this modification the pulse is analyzed from different angles:

  • measurements are made using a photoplethysmogram;
  • data is displayed on the display within 15 seconds;
  • The bracelet operates in active (with manual activation) and passive (everyday) mode (2 times per minute).

The disadvantage is that Xiaomi fitness bracelet Mi Band 1s Pulse will not measure pulse when the charge drops below 10%.

Bottom line

From all of the above, it is important to understand only that in order to achieve optimal physical condition and high level health, it is not enough to buy a bracelet, enter your parameters and correct settings. Regular sports, walks and a consistently active lifestyle are what remains for the owner of the bracelet.

Many users of popular fitness trackers from a Chinese manufacturer know that it is possible unlocking your phone with Xiaomi Mi Band using a special function supported by the bracelet. But not all users can configure it to work correctly. It must be said that the convenience of unlocking a smartphone or tablet in this way is a rather controversial issue, and it has not yet been possible to meet a user who actively uses this function. However, you can easily set up this “trick” on your gadget using our detailed instructions.

For MIUI from Xiaomi

The smartphone lock is disabled if you bring the device close to the bracelet. If the Mi Band is located remotely, the smartphone can be unlocked as usual - using a user-specified password or pattern. This unlocking method is supported by gadgets with the following OS:

  • MUIU 5 and all versions released later (based on Android 4.4 and later);
  • Android 5.0 and later;
  • Android 4.3/4.4 (partial unlocking available).

The function works when Bluetooth is turned on. Mi Fit should only function in the background.

Setting up unlocking using the Mi Band

  • We enable any screen lock that is convenient for you.
  • In the bracelet program, go to the settings menu, where in the item Unlocking the screen the function is turned on.
  • Bring the tracker closer to your smartphone. If 3 diodes on the bracelet light up, lightly tap on it three times.
  • Click OK immediately.
MIUI v5 based on Android 4.4
  • We enable the display lock, any of the ones offered by the system.
  • Sync your fitness tracker with Mi Fit.
  • Go to the menu Settings and at point Screen lock find Unblocking using Bluetooth.
  • In the list that appears, you need to select a device whose name begins with MI.
Android 5.x and 6.x

Even the oldest versions of the tracker application, such as 1.1.861, can interact with these operating system versions. The Smart Lock option is used, which is inextricably linked with Google services. When linking, you will have to enter the code once. There is an important limitation - when using the function with a bracelet, you cannot use third-party applications and widgets to unlock, otherwise you will have to constantly enter the code. Warnings may appear while binding is in progress and should be ignored.

  • In the smartphone settings, enable any screen lock method convenient for you.
  • In Mi Fit you need to enter the menu, where in the item Unlocking the screen, at the bottom of the panel, you need to click Settings.
  • After a message appears on the smartphone screen, press the button Add a device.
  • Confirm that you are aware of the warning that appears.
  • All function controls are located in the menu Settings, paragraph Safety - menu Smart Lock in subparagraph Reliable devices.

The Xiaomi Mi Band 2 fitness bracelet has many useful features, so the device is used not only for sports purposes, but also for Everyday life, as well as to simplify interaction with the phone. One of the useful features of the gadget is that the bracelet can unlock your smartphone without having to enter a password.

But there are pros and cons to unlocking with a tracker.

  • it's very convenient and fast.
  • Constant Bluetooth activity will lead to rapid battery drain;
  • Anyone can unlock their phone if they have your bracelet.

The phone is unlocked via Bluetooth. When you press the power button on your smartphone, the device automatically searches for a trusted gadget, which is a fitness tracker. If the distance between the smartphone and Xiaomi Mi Band 2 does not exceed, for example, one meter (by default), then unlocking is performed.

If you are still determined to use this method, then read below for instructions on exactly how to activate.

The smartphone unlocking function using the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 is possible thanks to the Mi Fit application. Without it, the gadget will not be able to fully perform its functions.

  1. Open the Mi FIT program.
  2. Go to the “Profile” tab, and there select the line “Devices - Mi Band 2”.
  3. By selecting the line “Devices - Mi Band 2” you will be taken to the Notifications Menu. You need the "Unlock Screen" item.
  4. Select "Unlock Screen".
  5. Next, to enable smartphone unlocking via Mi Band, two conditions must be met:
  • make sure that the phone has protection when unlocking (this can be a pattern, password, etc.).
  • connect the bracelet to your smartphone via Bluetooth, doing this strictly through the specified application.

6. If two requirements are met and “Step 1” appears with the status completed. Then you can safely click “Step 2” - Set up Bluetooth unlocking.

7. The phone will require you to enter a pattern or unlock code.

After Mi Band 2 starts to vibrate, touch the touch button on the case.

This is exactly what it looks like brief instructions, which will help you activate the “Unlock your smartphone using a fitness tracker” item.

Connecting unlock on Android 4.4

Quick unlocking using a fitness tracker on the latest versions of Android can be installed in a few clicks. On Android 4, it is also possible to set up such a function if the gadget is running MIUI 5. However, the function will only partially work. To do this, you should adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. In the phone menu, enable any display lock (pattern or password);
  2. Next, synchronize the bracelet with the “Mi Fit” application;
  3. Go to the settings menu, in the “Screen lock” item, check the “Unlock using Bluetooth” checkbox;
  4. A list of devices will appear in front of you - select the one that begins with “MI”.

At this point, the unlock setup for Android version 4 can be considered complete.

Connecting unlocking on Android 5 and 6

Data OS are able to work with any version of the Mi Fit application. Unlocking will depend on the use of the Smart Lock service.

Important! In order for everything to work as it should and not have to enter the code manually, you should remove all third-party programs and unlock widgets.


  1. On your smartphone, activate any display lock method (pattern or password);
  2. In the “Mi Fit” application, go to the menu, find the “Screen Unlock” tab;
  3. At the bottom of the screen, click “Settings”;
  4. As soon as a notification arrives on your phone, click “Add device”;
  5. Confirm your agreement with the described conditions;

If you need to get into the control panel, you need to go to the menu on your smartphone - “Settings”, then find the item - “Security”. In the “Security” sub-item you will see “Smart Lock”.

Distance between smartphone and fitness tracker

If you need to adjust the unlock distance, then the short Mi Band instructions will be useful for you, follow these steps:

  • Launch the “Mi Fit” program;
  • Open settings;
  • Click Mi Band;
  • Go to the unlock menu;
  • Now you should click ten times on the check mark;
  • Next, choose either close to the smartphone, 1 meter or 3 meters. This will be the unlocking distance.