Activated carbon (manufacturing). How to make activated charcoal for cleaning moonshine

Activated carbon (manufacturing).  How to make activated charcoal for cleaning moonshine
Activated carbon (manufacturing). How to make activated charcoal for cleaning moonshine

Activated carbon has been known to mankind since ancient times. This is probably one of the first medicines, and for many centuries doctors and herbalists could not find him a worthy or replacement. But times have changed. Now in pharmacies you can buy a variety of drugs, the effect of which is similar to that of activated charcoal. So how was it produced before, and how is it produced now?

What was activated charcoal made from?

Humanity has learned to use coal for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases for a long time. To obtain such coal, some types of wood were burned: birch, fruit trees. After combustion, the coals were treated with steam at a very high temperature. It was easiest for our ancestors to cook it in a bathhouse, where part of the birch charcoal was taken out of the oven and left in the steam room for the actual activation process. It is distinguished from ordinary coal by its incredibly low weight. And due to the porosity and low weight, the absorbent, absorbent properties of coals increase tenfold. Coal in those days was used not only as a medicine. They also filtered water as they do now, drove alcoholic beverages through it, even treated livestock and poultry with the help of this universal remedy.

What is activated charcoal made of today?

But times have changed, and Russian baths have been replaced by modern technologies. They make it possible to produce huge amounts of activated carbon much faster, but the porosity is consistently higher compared to earlier analogues. And if earlier the activation of coal was physical, then in modern pharmacology coal is activated by chemical methods. Although it does not become more dangerous because of this. The process of chemical activation of coal consists in the treatment of the coal mass with a certain composition of salts, as a result of which it is possible to avoid keeping the coal under the pressure of hot steam. Although some companies still practice the physical activation process charcoal. This process is today called steam-gas activation of coal. It is more environmentally friendly, and such a drug costs more than activated carbon. chemical method. The resulting preparation can be in the form of tablets, small granules or a simple paste, it all depends on its further use: in the form of filters for liquids, medicines or in industrial production.

Even ancient people noticed that if the wood does not come into contact with fire during the firing process, then the resulting coal absorbs all extraneous odors better. Initially, in order to achieve the desired "activity", the coal was placed in a closed clay pot and thus subjected to heat treatment. Such activated carbon was called only when they learned how to produce it on an industrial scale. The name follows from the process of activation of the absorbent properties of such coal, when it becomes able to absorb foreign molecules and compounds into itself.

Activated charcoal has long been removed from charcoal. A more adapted material is used for this product: coconut shell, fruit pits, charcoal, silicone gels and organic polymers. way special processing a very high percentage of microcracks is achieved on specific gravity finished product. Thus, in production with special technologies achieve content of more than 1000 pores per gram of coal. For comparison, at home you can get Activated carbon with only a few dozen pores per gram of product.

Varieties of activated carbon

In finished form, activated carbon looks like granules about 1 mm in size. After production, finer dust is also left, which, however, is no less valuable, since it has the same absorbency. Granulated coal is often briquetted and pressed for ease of use. Powdered charcoal is often used for water purification filters.. But the most popular form of activated charcoal is charcoal tablets. The granules are pressed into tablets - they can also be crushed into powder for use in different purposes.

The meaning of the action of this medicine is that the initial raw materials processed at high temperature turn into porous coal with many micro-slits, seeking to fill their empty space with any materials of a suitable size. The enormous sorption (absorbent) capacity of a product such as activated carbon determines its effectiveness.

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However, will activated charcoal be able to cope with all toxins and hazardous substances that got into the body or into the water filter? What activated carbon is made of determines the size of cracks and pores on its surface. If the cracks are smaller than the substance that the coal particle collided with, it will not be able to absorb it.. For example, some heavy metals, minerals and trace elements.

Composition of activated charcoal tablets

The "activation" of activated carbon, thanks to which it got its name, is that during the heat treatment of raw materials at high temperatures, it does not come into contact with fire. Raw materials are isolated directly from the flame or are used electrical methods heating.

The composition of the tablets includes:

  • Activated carbon;
  • starch;
  • "black salt"

This form of release is used for some food intoxications.. It should be remembered that the properties of activated carbon are not only in the absorption of toxins, but it also absorbs beneficial trace elements to the same extent. In this case, potassium, magnesium and calcium are “washed out” first of all. Therefore, the presence of black salt in the composition is a very useful additional source of these trace elements for the body. Not all tablet forms come in the same composition, and the presence of black salt must be checked in the information on the composition on the package. There is another type of tablet, which consists of activated charcoal, starch and sugar.

Activated charcoal acts on substances by binding them active properties . It binds alkaloids, barbiturates and many other active substances, absorbing them and removing them from the body through natural cleansing. It does not have a sufficient adsorbing effect on acids and alkalis, as well as on iron salts, cyanides, malathion, methanol, ethylene glycol.

The drug is most effective when taken either before or immediately after poisoning. Can be taken topically - on ulcers and other lesions to speed up healing.

How activated carbon works

In this article, we found out that coal tends to fill many of its voids that have arisen in its structure after being treated with high temperatures. Once in contaminated water or other liquid (for example, among the contents of the stomach or intestines), coal absorbs everything that can linger in its cracked pores. At the same time, it is worth remembering that if there was not enough coal, then its adsorbing effect may be ineffective when the amount of sorbed substances exceeds the ability to absorb them.

Food can also interfere with this process and its presence in the stomach should be accompanied by an increase in dose, which averages 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight - with a slight disorder. The main effect of coal, leading to its "activity", is the number of pores that reaches maximum dimensions at proper processing raw materials. Thanks to such porosity, coal becomes weightless and one gram of coal is able to accommodate a thousand or more pores and microcracks, which is achieved using ultra-high temperatures.

Activated charcoal is a universal drug that has been successfully used for many years in medicine, chemical, pharmaceutical and Food Industry. Filters containing activated carbon are used in many modern models devices for purification of drinking water, as they are able to purify even from chlorine.

This absorbent is often used to cleanse the body during food intestinal infections and similar symptoms. What is activated charcoal made of? In its manufacture, the following components are used: charcoal / coal and peat, which are heated in specialized containers (up to 100 C). After that, they are subjected to further processing - shaping and packaging. Now everyone will know what activated carbon is made of.

What was it made from before?

First they burned birch and fruit trees. The resulting coals were treated with steam at high temperature regime. But since there was no special laboratory before, the whole process was carried out in a well-heated steam room. Thus, a small part of the birch charcoal was taken out of the furnace and left in the bath until the activation process began. Such coal had a fairly small weight, but due to the high porosity, absorbent, absorbing qualities increase. Coal in those days was used as a multifunctional tool. They were cleaning drinking water, low-quality alcoholic products, treated livestock and poultry. In principle, the latter is hardly different from its modern use.

What is activated charcoal for?

  1. To cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. It is allowed to drink in case of poisoning with various toxic agents. It reduces the absorption of harmful elements into the intestinal tract by more than 50%.
  2. At home, it is used as a universal antidote. It neutralizes the harmful effects of alcohol, fatty foods, etc. By the way, experts advise drinking activated charcoal during a hangover, and not during a feast, in order to avoid reverse action- increased intoxication. It is also actively used as effective method for weight loss. To do this, you need to drink 1 tablet three times a day - in the morning, afternoon and evening. Consult with a nutritionist first.
  3. Helps in the fight against gas formation. Therefore, in the event of flatulence and associated colic, it is necessary to take coal.
  4. Stops diarrhea.
  5. Prescribed for chronic diseases. It does not allow components that can activate allergic reactions. But first you need to consult with your doctor, it is possible that he will have something to add to this.

ATTENTION! Activated charcoal is forbidden to take long courses. It removes useful elements from the body that come with food. First of all, these are trace elements and vitamins. Also, when used together with it, the effect of the drug is neutralized. Therefore, be very careful when treating them.

How does activated charcoal work?

It removes all harmful substances accumulated in the body by adsorption and absorption. It is important to know that along with harmful elements, it also absorbs carbohydrates, proteins and fats, which it needs daily. human body. In addition, it can, like a magnet, attract negative pollutant particles to its positively charged active oxygen. This process is called catalytic reduction. This means that during treatment they need to take a short break, which will be filled with vitamins through the use of fresh fruits, vegetables and meat, according to the instructions of a specialist.

This drug has the following benefits:

  1. Firstly, these are detoxifying, adsorbing and antidiarrheal properties.
  2. Secondly, it removes elements that can contribute to the development of an allergic reaction.
  3. And, finally, thirdly, it does not irritate the mucous membranes.

You can buy it in the form of tablets, capsules, granules, powder and paste for the preparation of a suspension for oral administration.

Indications for use:

  • with impaired metabolism;
  • salt poisoning heavy metals, various medicines, chem. substances. It is also used in case of poisoning with low-quality (expired) products;
  • hepatitis occurring in acute or chronic form;
  • withdrawal syndrome. Typically used in alcoholism.

With increased gas formation, intoxication caused by radiotherapy, this absorbent is also used.

Reception is contraindicated for bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, colitis, stomach ulcers. It is not recommended to take activated charcoal along with anti-venom drugs, it can adsorb it.

Caution - side effects

As a rule, it can be hypothermia, dyspepsia, lowering blood pressure, constipation. With the simultaneous use of laxatives and activated charcoal, the appearance of loose stools is not excluded.

Active or activated carbon is a porous adsorbent that is made from organic materials containing coal. Activated carbon production technology is a long process consisting of several stages. The adsorbent activated (active) carbon is a substance with a very porous composition. It is obtained from a variety of organic materials that contain coal. Often, activated carbon is produced from charcoal, from peat (peat coke), coal coke, walnut, coconut shells, olive pits, apricots and many other plants.


The active adsorbent is divided into:

  • according to the type of material from which the production of activated carbon is made: wood, coconut shell, hard coal and so on;
  • by purpose: clarifying, gas, coal-carriers of catalysts with the qualities of chemical sorbents;
  • according to the activation method: steam and thermochemical method;
  • according to the release form: granular (crushed) activated carbon, powdered, molded active carbon, extruded carbon (granules in the form of cylinders) and cloth impregnated with carbon.

Activated carbons are classified into three categories of pores: micropores (from 0.6 to 0.7 nanometers), mesopores (1.5-100-200 nanometers), macropores (>100-200 nanometers). The first and second types of pores are considered to be the main components of the active carbon surface. For this reason, they play an important role in the adsorption properties of coal. Micropores are great at adsorbing small organic molecules, while mesopores are great at adsorbing larger molecules.

The specific surface area of ​​activated carbon depends on the dimensions of the pores. The adsorbent, which has thinner pores, absorbs well, even having a low concentration and small partial vapor pressures. The active substance with wide pores is characterized by capillary condensation.

The dimensions of the specific absorbent surface of activated carbon and wide pores allow the adsorbent to be used very effectively for effective cleansing gases and liquids from various types impurities. The amount of impurities that coal "eats" can vary from the smallest molecules to molecules of oils, oil products, fats, organic compounds with chlorine.

Equipment for the production of activated carbon is presented in a wide range. Special ovens are used to obtain the adsorbent different types and designs. Most commonly, an activated carbon plant uses shaft, vertical and horizontal rotary kilns, multi-shelf kilns and fluidized bed reactors.

Process steps

The production of coal from materials of organic origin is divided into several stages. So, the technology for the production of activated carbon includes the following sequential activities:

  1. Carbonization. This process is the firing heat treatment) raw materials in airless inert conditions with the use of high temperature. After carbonization, it turns out - carbonizate, this is coal that has very low adsorption qualities due to the small inner area and small sizes. The carbonizate is subject to crushing and activation in order to achieve a special structure of the substance and a significant increase in adsorption as a result.
  2. A few words about pre-crushing. The activated carbon obtained after carbonization must be crushed. Its initial dimensions are 30-150 millimeters, and the effective activation of the adsorbent is difficult due to such large fractions. Therefore, the carbonizate is carefully crushed to a fraction size of 4-10 millimeters.
  3. The line for the production of activated carbon includes an activation process, which is carried out using two main methods:
  • Chemical activation for the manufacture of activated carbon involves the treatment of a substance with salts that release an activating gas when exposed to high temperature. The activator can be nitrates, sulfates, carbonates, sulfuric, phosphoric or nitric acid. The production of activated carbon using this method is carried out at a temperature of 200 - 650 ° C;
  • Steam-gas activation is carried out exclusively under strict control conditions, at a temperature of 800 to 1000°C. Water vapor and carbon dioxide act as oxidizing agents at the moment of steam-gas activation of coal. The interaction of steam with carbon is accelerated by oxides and carbonates of alkali metals. Given this fact, they are periodically added in small doses to source material. Copper compounds are also used as a catalyst. The production of active carbon from carbonizate using a steam-gas technique makes it possible to obtain a powerful adsorbent with a surface area of ​​maximum 1500 m 2 per gram of coal. True, not the entire area can be used for absorption, because large molecules of the adsorbed substance will not fall into small pores.

The use of active carbon

The use in the production of activated carbon is gaining momentum every day. The adsorption capacity of coal allows you to quickly and effectively clean wastewater and off gases. In addition, it is the main adsorbent of radioactive gases and waters at nuclear power plants.

Also, activated carbon has found application in such areas as:

  • Adsorption of process and drinking water;
  • Use in the chemical industry;
  • Recovery (return of a part of raw materials or energy for recycling in the same technological procedure) of solvents;
  • The use of active carbon for medical purposes. Purification of the blood and the body as a whole from bacteria, toxic substances;
  • For gold mining;
  • As a cosmetic preparation for lightening the skin on the face;
  • Food supplement for intoxication;
  • For weight loss and diet (not recommended by experts).

If you need to buy activated carbon for filtration made in Russia, you can apply for this in specialized stores or make a purchase via the Internet.

>how to make activated charcoal

What is activated carbon?

First of all, you need to understand what is activated carbon?
Activated carbon is a porous substance, an absorbent, obtained from various carbon-containing materials of organic origin, that is, charcoal, walnut shells, hazelnuts, coconut shells, coal coke, petroleum coke. Of course, we are interested in the simplest, most affordable and pure product. Therefore, further we will only talk about activated carbon, which can be obtained from wood.

What is activated charcoal used for?

Activated carbon is used in medicine and manufacturing. In medicine, it is used for various intestinal disorders, it helps to cope with many types of poisoning, or at least significantly reduce harmful effect toxins on the body (including alcohol, chemical and radioactive).
In production, activated carbon is used in purification systems. Most of all air filters for gas masks, protective masks are made using activated carbon. Industrial and domestic water filters are also made with activated carbon.

activated charcoal at home

Making activated charcoal yourself is quite simple, but for internal use, this is certainly not the best idea, since charcoal can be bought at every pharmacy. But to make coal, for example, for filtering water or in the absence of industrial designs, to make a filter for a gas mask yourself, this knowledge can come in handy. Moreover, the prices for coal in the pharmacy are not small and it will be expensive to make a large water filter from "pharmacy" coal.

No matter what you use (jars, barrels, pots, pans, gas burner or bonfire), the principle of making activated carbon at home or field conditions same. It consists of three stages: the first is the production of coal, the second is its "activation" and finally drying.

So, let's start making activated carbon.
First stage:
We take a container, for example a wide tin can. The jar should be tightly closed with something. It is desirable that the jar be flat, that is, that its width (diameter) be greater than its height. In the bottom of the jar, you need to make several small holes 1-2 mm. Next, put small dry, wooden chocks in a jar, tightly close the lid and put on fire. Wooden chocks are best made from wood that does not contain a large number resin, birch is well suited for this, but spruce and pine will give a lot of smoke and there is a high probability of igniting the resin inside the can, then the process of making activated carbon will be ruined.
This stage can be called dry distillation of wood. In this case, all combustible gases (provided that the lid is tightly closed) will go out into the holes made in the bottom of the can and immediately burn in the fire. Thus, there will be practically no smoke and smell, which means that this method can literally be used to make activated carbon at home. But if instead of holes in the bottom you use the absence of a lid or distill the wood in a pot or pan, there will be a lot of smoke, so you can only make coal on outdoors. Using the "without a lid" method, it is better to sprinkle the chocks with dry sand so that the haul runs evenly and the wood does not ignite.
Further, when the evolution of gases and steam stops, you should remove the jar from the heat and let it cool. We open the lid and see black coal there, but this is not activated carbon yet.
We pass to the second stage.
We take out the coal from the jar and put it in a saucepan or other jar and completely fill it with water. We put on fire and boil for 20-30 minutes. This is the activation process, boiling water washes the pores of the charcoal, washing away everything minerals.
Third final stage.
We spread still raw, but already activated carbon again in a jar with holes in the bottom and put on fire. We dry the coals in this way, now instead of combustible gas, pure water vapor comes out of the pores. After all the moisture has evaporated and the coals have cooled, the whole action can be considered completed. Activated charcoal is ready! By weight, such coals feel almost weightless, because all the pores are free.

Store activated charcoal in glass jar, closed with a lid or in a plastic hermetically sealed container, so the activity of the coal will remain for several years. But with the access of oxygen, the properties of coal are lost in a few months.