The meaning of the name Philip, character and fate. The meaning of the name Philip. Interpretation of the name Philip, decoding of the name

The meaning of the name Philip, character and fate.  The meaning of the name Philip.  Interpretation of the name Philip, decoding of the name
The meaning of the name Philip, character and fate. The meaning of the name Philip. Interpretation of the name Philip, decoding of the name

1. Personality: brilliant men

2.Color: green

3. Main features: will - activity - sociability - intelligence

4. Totem plant: acacia

5. Totem animal: ibis

6. Sign: Leo

7. Type. These are bright personalities whose behavior is always a mystery. Their totem is the ibis - a bird with mysterious powers. They are very confident in themselves, they have the nature of a commander, a boss: they are interested in any matter only when they hold the steering wheel in their hands.

8. Psyche. Extroverts are active only when they directly participate in social or industrial affairs. They are not influenced, but listen carefully to any advice and suggestions.

9. Will. She dominates people with a similar character. Even in old age they do not refuse adventures and adventures.

10. Excitability. They react to everything, are kind-hearted, and are well aware of the value of other people's lives. They treat others with love and affection, without demanding anything in return.

11. Reaction speed. They have excellent self-control, but their patience should not be abused.

12. Field of activity. To achieve success, they need to carefully choose the area of ​​application of their strength. They are not the type who are willing to do anything just to get a diploma. They achieve leadership positions provided they show persistence and learn to make decisions. A well-developed imagination helps them become outstanding inventors.

13. Intuition. They have excellent intuition, sometimes it even seems that someone is guiding them, “whispering” the correct solution to life’s problems.

14. Intelligence. Such men have a clear mind, which allows them to navigate life quickly and well.

15. Receptivity. Impressionable.

16. Morality. They have an integrity that they never think about

17. Health. Simply magnificent. Such people only need air, sun and relaxation at sea, although it is necessary to monitor the functioning of the internal secretion system.

18. Sexuality. Very developed, but controlled by reason.

19. Activity. Very active and dynamic. They manage to remain objective, and if sometimes they impose their decisions, it is only in order to force their subordinates to work with full dedication.

20. Sociability. huge. They are elegant, reserved, know how to behave and know what to say to please others.

21. Conclusion. These are individuals with rich inner content.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: “He who loves horses” (Greek) It is worth noting that in Ancient Greece the horse was one of the main symbols of a noble person

Energy of the name and character: To better understand this name, we must probably look into the very roots of word formation, when primitive man, giving names to some objects and phenomena, tried to convey with sounds his feelings and sensations associated with these phenomena. Therefore, at first it was possible to catch the characteristics of the object in the name itself. Of course, the feelings of modern man have moved far from the primitive stage, but in some words, especially those associated with childhood, this relationship is still preserved. It just so happened that in the Russian sound the name Philip is consonant not only with the word “sob,” but even with the very sound accompaniment of this tearful process. Of course, an adult’s head is filled with millions of all kinds of thoughts, but a child can perceive such consonance very acutely. It is unlikely that the parental cry from the heart will have the right effect on him: “Well, don’t cry, Philip!” - rather, this will make the child burst into tears even more. In much the same way, the sound of running water can provoke a child’s desire to go potty. In a word, a Russian child with this name can be too whiny in childhood. This is a very important point, since little Filya may simply get used to getting his way from his parents with tears, gradually turning into an ordinary spoiled egoist.

Of course, tearfulness goes away with age, but touchiness can most likely remain. It is a pity that the name does not imply sufficient patience and firmness, however, even if these qualities were not developed in him during his upbringing, life will still teach Philip to behave in a society where excessive touchiness rarely finds understanding. Most often, Philip, who is not prone to aggression, prefers to hide his grievances from others, but among his loved ones they can manifest themselves in full force, significantly darkening family relationships. Given the sufficient mobility of the name, it is very likely that at home, Philip’s mood can change in just one day from cheerful playfulness to mortal resentment and back, which, you see, is extremely difficult to withstand. The only exceptions are those cases when Phil nevertheless overcomes excessive emotionality and tries to justify the person first, and only then be offended.

But be that as it may, with age, children’s grievances find another manifestation - Philip’s great pride. This is especially acute if his parents, exhausted by Owl’s tears, began to indulge him in childhood and taught him that he was always the center of attention. In this case, this will affect Philip's ambitious plans. Most likely, he will try to choose a profession that will allow him to always be visible and feel important. This could be the stage, or politics, or even, for lack of a better word, the position of a tractor driver on a collective farm. However, there is nothing wrong with ambition, as long as it does not run counter to the interests of others, and especially close people.

Secrets of communication: If Philip is not the center of attention in the company, then most likely he will soon get bored with her. In addition, he often does not tolerate the company of those who are considered superior to him very well; it is possible that he will try to be on an equal footing with them, and when this does not work, he is capable of getting angry. At the same time, he himself is often not averse to talking to a person from the position of an older brother. Be that as it may, when communicating with him, try not to forget about his strong emotionality.

The name's trace in history:

Philip Kirkorov

One can have different attitudes towards the work of pop singer Philip Kirkorov (born 1967), but it is difficult to disagree with the fact that not so long ago he was one of the most prominent figures on the Russian stage. Another question is whether this popularity is a consequence of talent, or whether the singer owed much of his position to banal “promotion.”

"I want to get everything from life!" – Kirkorov often stated this in interviews with journalists, and it seems that these words really reflected his life credo. Being the only child in the family of the popular Bulgarian singer Bedros Kirkorov, from childhood Philip did not lack anything: his parents, who doted on their son, spoiled him as best they could. It is not surprising that in the future Philip took the gifts of fate for granted - however, he was not going to sit idly by, waiting for manna from heaven, but worked a lot, trying to stand out from the crowd of Russian pop singers with a bright image and an unusual repertoire.

An energetic handsome man with a scorching oriental appearance, Philip Kirkorov during his performances places the greatest emphasis on the entertainment of what is happening: the show must be memorable. Unusual costumes, stage effects, professional backup dancers - such a policy has brought and still bears fruit for him, even despite the damage to the singer’s image that was caused to him by a scandal with obscene language at one of the press conferences and a divorce from Alla Pugacheva. Well, life is not only ups, but also downs. A strong person is distinguished by the ability to accept both with dignity, as well as the ability to learn from his mistakes.

According to Mendelev

An inconspicuous person in ordinary life, potentially capable of both high ups and equally, if not deeper, falls - in a word, a man of extremes. He can love selflessly and just as sincerely trample on his own and other people’s feelings.

Philip is a weak man in the wind, it is not known where he will be taken. Excessively developed intuition and sensitivity control his actions and, surprisingly, can (temporarily!) lift him high. Sometimes the tender and hot traits of his nature prevail in him, and sometimes the base, dull and sad ones prevail. This is a complex and unpredictable person, very difficult to communicate with.

As a rule, he has excellent health and is completely devoid of any suspiciousness. He is prone to unexpected actions that are not always pleasant for others, endowed with undoubted charm and a strange, inexplicable attractive force. Does not accept anything mundane and monotonous. Alcohol or drugs can drag him into their networks.

Philip marries either very early or very late. Early marriage is not always lasting. Often chooses a profession associated with long

travel or risk that is not always justified, for example, maritime, fishing or police. Can become noticeable in a creative environment, and this fame often has a scandalous connotation.

Filya is very similar to Philip, but better and stronger, not so quiet and sad, but even slower and hotter. The difference is very small and almost unnoticeable.

The color of the name is pure blue.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

He is confident in his sexual capabilities, but is constantly looking for new confirmation of them. Philip sometimes behaves like a small car driver who is trying to overtake all other cars at any cost. Philip is the type of eternal playboy. If he is interested in erotic literature, exchanges impressions about a porn film, then mainly in order to create among others an opinion of himself as a man who knows a lot and can do a lot. In his youth, he leads a stormy sex life, the main goal of which is to prove to himself what he is capable of, attaching great importance to the frequency of contacts, a record number of climaxes during one “session”. Philip clearly overestimates the technical side of sex, since he is not capable of deep emotional experiences.

He is prone to painful jealousy, arising from a subconscious fear that his partner may meet a man who can give her such emotional sensations, after which he himself will no longer be able to satisfy her. In middle age, this can lead to tragedy, despite full physical ability.

“Winter” Philip has a very high opinion of himself, he is careful, and rarely gets into trouble. He always chooses a partner more experienced than himself, who is able to take the initiative. The conditions for communicating with a woman are very important to him; he loves a beautiful environment and pleasant smells.

If he likes a girl in the company, he will quickly find a common language with her, and when going on a date, he will definitely buy flowers. Philip's sexual behavior is sometimes unpredictable; he likes to act spontaneously. He gets married late and can’t find someone worthy for a long time. The family tries to maintain independence, but most often unsuccessfully.

According to Higir

Ancient Greek origin, meaning: lover of horses.

In early childhood, he was a sickly, capricious boy. He looks like his mother and is just as stubborn. Disgust.

He is somewhat absent-minded, jealous, greedy and lazy. Many Philippi are selfish and do not tolerate large companies. Most of them are endowed with considerable abilities, which, unfortunately, remain undiscovered. Philip's marriage is difficult due to his unyielding character.

“Winter” - the most capable, but also with a complex character, they like to argue with and without reason. They boldly take on a new task, but do not always complete it. As a rule, they marry calm, flexible women and live with their wife’s parents.

“Summer” people get married late and first strive to achieve a stable position. They are non-conflict and kind-hearted. They enjoy traveling, going on long and long business trips. In marriage, they are more likely to have sons.

Among men with this name there are doctors, lawyers, turners, singers, engineers, tractor drivers, and aviators.

DOB: 1967-04-30

Version 1. What does the name Philip mean?

1.Personality. Brilliant men.

2. Character. 90%.

3. Radiation. 92%.

4. Vibration. 80,000 oscillations/s.

5. Color. Green.

6. Main features. Will - activity - sociability - intelligence.

7. Totem plant. Acacia.

8. Totem animal. Ibis.

9. Sign. A lion.

10. Type. These are bright personalities whose behavior is always a mystery. Their totem is the ibis - a bird with mysterious powers. They are very confident in themselves, they have the nature of a commander, a boss: they are interested in any matter only when they hold the steering wheel in their hands.

11. Psyche. Extroverts are active only when they directly participate in social or industrial affairs. They are not influenced, but listen carefully to any advice and suggestions.

12. Will. She dominates people with a similar character. Even in old age they do not refuse adventures and adventures.

13. Excitability. They react to everything, are kind-hearted, and are well aware of the value of other people's lives. They treat others with love and affection, without demanding anything in return.

14. Reaction speed. They have excellent self-control, but their patience should not be abused.

15. Field of activity. To achieve success, they need to carefully choose the area of ​​application of their strength. They are not the type who are willing to do anything just to get a diploma. Philip achieves leadership positions provided that he shows persistence and learns to make decisions. A well-developed imagination helps them become outstanding inventors.

16. Intuition. They have excellent intuition, sometimes it even seems that someone is guiding them, “whispering” the correct solution to life’s problems.

17. Intelligence. Such men have a clear mind, which allows them to navigate life quickly and well.

18. Receptivity. Impressionable.

19. Morality. They have an innate sense of decency that they never think about.

20. Health. Simply magnificent. Such people only need air, sun and relaxation at sea, although it is necessary to monitor the functioning of the internal secretion system.

21. Sexuality. Very developed, but controlled by reason.

22. Activity. Very active and dynamic. They manage to remain objective, and if sometimes they impose their decisions, it is only in order to force their subordinates to work with full dedication.

23. Sociability. Huge. They are elegant, reserved, know how to behave and know what to say to please others.

24. Conclusion. Philip

DOB: 1810-04-06

Version 2. What does the name Philip mean?

Philip - “loves the end” (Greek)

From childhood, you should protect your throat, as laryngitis is possible; he has a weak nervous system. The boy needs fresh air, sun, sea. It is necessary to monitor the functioning of the internal secretion system.

Philip is a brilliant, bright personality.

His behavior is always a mystery; it seems that he came from another world. Very confident. He has the soul of a commander, a ruler. He is interested in something and becomes active if he holds the steering wheel in his hands. An extrovert by nature. He is not influenced, but listens carefully to any advice and suggestions. Will is the main trait of his character. Even in old age, he is capable of various kinds of adventures, ready for adventure. Easily excitable, reacts to everything. Humane. He is well aware of the value of other people's lives. Expects nothing in return. He has excellent self-control. But as much wisdom as there is in the heart, there is as much strength in the fists - one should not abuse his patience.

To achieve success, Philip needs to carefully choose his field of activity. He is not capable of doing anything, he must be in love with his work. Leadership positions are suitable for him, or at least not the last ones, where there is an opportunity to show decisiveness and the ability to make decisions. A fertile imagination helps you become a great inventor. Philip has well-developed intuition. Sometimes it even seems that someone is guiding him, whispering the right solution to life’s problems. He has a clean, clear mind, which allows him to quickly and well understand what is happening.

He has innate moral frameworks and thinks about it extremely rarely. Expressing feelings for him is deed and faith. Sexuality is very developed from an early age. However, the power of reason, which manifests itself in all his actions, guides his emotions. Philip is unusually active and dynamic when his interests require it. He manages to remain objective even when he loses control of himself, which is extremely rare. If you need to keep a team of subordinates in your hands and force them to work with full dedication of strength and knowledge, you can be extremely strict.

He is elegant, knows how to behave in society, knows what and when to say, and willingly does something nice for others. Very sociable. Philip is a man with an extraordinary personality, he is a person.

“Winter” is aggressive and should not be irritated. Talented in various fields of science.

“Autumn” is more balanced, strict in his judgments. He is an excellent economist, director, and producer. The patronymics for this name are the most favorable for the future: Sergeevich, Viktorovich, Vladimirovich, Andreevich, Petrovich, Efimovich, Vitalievich.

“Summer” is a dreamer, a merry fellow, a good-natured person, a ringleader, the life of the party.

“Spring” Philip is an actor, a braggart, a liar. Extraordinarily musical. A great inventor of various entertainments. Patronymic names suitable for the name: Leonidovich, Alexandrovich, Danilovich, Platonovich, Erastovich, Yaroslavovich, Kharitonovich.

DOB: 1900-07-29

Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union

3 version of the meaning of the name Philip

Ancient Greek origin, meaning: lover of horses.

In early childhood, he was a sickly, capricious boy. He looks like his mother and is just as stubborn. Philip is disgusted. He is somewhat absent-minded, jealous, greedy and lazy.

Many Philippi are selfish and do not tolerate large companies. Most of them are endowed with considerable abilities, which, unfortunately, remain undiscovered. Philip's marriage is difficult due to his unyielding character.

“Winter” - the most capable, but also with a complex character, they like to argue with and without reason. They boldly take on a new task, but do not always complete it. As a rule, they marry calm, flexible women and live with their wife’s parents.

“Summer” people get married late and first strive to achieve a stable position. They are non-conflict and kind-hearted. They enjoy traveling, going on long and long business trips. In marriage, they are more likely to have sons.

Among the men named Philip there are doctors, lawyers, turners, singers, engineers, tractor drivers, and aviators.

date of birth: 0000-00-00

King of France (1328-1350), first of the Valois dynasty

4th version of the interpretation of the name Philip

Philip - from Greek. loving horses; decomposition Philipius.

Derivatives: Filipka, Filya, Filyukha, Filyusha, Linden.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Our Philip is used to everything.

Like Philip, he stuck to the dough.

They put Filya in damn bast shoes.

They drank at Filya’s place, and they beat Filya.

Frost on Philip, November 27 - harvest for oats. A black crow croaks - the thaw. Philip's fast is the beginning of the Christmas, “cold” fast.


Philip is a capable, in some ways even talented, person, but his arrogance, selfishness and confidence that everything is permissible for him, that he is always right in everything, pushes many away from him. And only those who are able to endlessly admire him are included in the number of his friends. They forgive him everything: arrogance, royal aplomb, inconsistency, scatteredness. And only the wife he comes across is far from flexible and leads him through life like a fool.

5 version of the meaning of the name Philip

PHILIP - lover of horses (Greek)

Name day: August 30 - The Holy Martyr Philip the Nicomedia, together with his comrades, after being tortured, was thrown into the fire and died for the faith of Christ.

November 27 - The Holy Apostle Philip preached the word of God in different countries; after torture he was crucified on a cross with his head down (1st century).

Zodiac sign - Scorpio.

Planet - Pluto.

Color - raspberry.

Auspicious tree - linden.

The treasured plant is peony.

The patron of the name is karakurt.

Talisman stone - ruby.


Philip is a somewhat absent-minded self-lover who prefers a society where he can reign and arouse admiration. This is, as a rule, a capable person who, with his arrogance and love of controversy, does a lot of harm to himself. Philip boldly takes on any task, but does not always complete it. He chooses flexible friends, but his wife dominates him.

Name day named after Philip

January 17, January 22, February 7, March 4, March 5, March 6, March 7, April 11, May 25, June 13, July 13, July 16, August 30, September 15, September 16, October 18, October 24 , November 11, November 27, November 28,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Famous people named Philip

DOB: 1967-04-30

Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer, producer, People's Artist of the Russian Federation

DOB: 1810-04-06

English naturalist, inventor of the aquarium

DOB: 1900-07-29

The meaning of the letters in the name Philip

F- perfectly adapt to environmental conditions. Always have lots of great ideas. In their stories they are able to embellish and lie a little. They really love helping people. There's never a dull moment with them. Their life is always filled with many interesting events.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided by logical thinking in their actions. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

P- scrupulousness and accuracy in everything, from appearance to home. Constantly worry about what other people will say. They are distinguished by their special passion. They are capable of labeling their offenders. They have excellent memory.

Name as a phrase

  • F- Firth (the meaning of the word combines the concepts: Spit, Axis of the World, Base, Source);
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • L- People
  • P- Peace

The name Philip in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Philip in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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What does the name Philip mean?

The name Philip means - lover of horses (Greek)

The meaning of the name Philip is character and destiny

A man named Philip shows abilities in various fields of activity, is proud and ambitious. Somewhat lazy, narcissistic, selfish. He is not collected, it is difficult for him to concentrate on one thing, he is overwhelmed by emotions. He tends to idealize those around him and speaks enthusiastically about his friends and acquaintances. He loves everyone, is hospitable to everyone, but is impatient, rushes to conclusions and decisions, and often gets confused. He, like no one else, needs to have a strong and sensible friend nearby who could restrain his emotions and control his actions. Philip is subject to emotions, susceptible to influence. He likes to flaunt good manners, but in a fit of anger he is so unrestrained that all his efforts to impress fail. Philip is stingy, but he spares nothing for himself. He tries to look generous in other people's eyes; if he gives a gift, it is very expensive and extravagant. However, even in this case, he thinks more about how he will look in someone’s eyes, how well they will think of him, than about the fact that it will be pleasant for someone. Philip is very jealous, although he tries to hide this feeling deep inside himself. A man named Philip is stubborn, easily wounded, even a trifle can offend him. He really needs universal recognition, love, and enthusiastic feedback about himself. For the sake of fame and success, he is ready to work hard and for a long time, although he is lazy enough to strain unnecessarily. Cunning and diplomatic, diligent and careful in personal affairs. Philip is temperamental, confident in his sexual capabilities, but will not miss an opportunity to once again establish himself in this. Philip loves women, but rarely becomes seriously attached to anyone. In each of his girlfriends he loves himself more; by her attitude and admiring glances he tests how good he is. He marries a calm, reasonable, intelligent woman who can be a support for him in difficult times, support in his affairs. In marriage he is balanced, respects his wife, loves his children.

The meaning of the name Philip for sex

Philip is the type of eternal playboy. If he is interested in erotic literature and exchanges impressions about porn films, it is mainly in order to create an image of an experienced man among others. In his youth, he leads a stormy sex life, the main goal of which is to prove to himself what he is capable of; attaches great importance to the frequency of contacts, a record number of climaxes during one “session”. A man named Philip clearly overestimates the technical side of sex, since he is not capable of deep emotional experiences.

The character and fate of the name Philip, taking into account the patronymic

First name Philip and patronymic....

Philip Alekseevich, Philip Andreevich, Philip Artemovich, Philip Valentinovich, Philip Vasilievich, Philip Viktorovich, Philip Vitalievich, Philip Vladimirovich, Philip Evgenievich, Philip Ivanovich, Philip Ilyich, Philip Mikhailovich, Philip Petrovich, Philip Sergeevich, Philip Fedorovich, Philip Yurievich contradictory and unpredictable. He surprisingly combines kindness and selfishness, stinginess and generosity, cynicism and nobility. He is independent, self-confident and at the same time cannot exist without the support of people close to him and devoted to him. Without the attention of others, he becomes depressed. Women idolize him. A man named Philip has an inflated opinion of himself, and he must receive confirmation of his superiority every minute. Cheerful and carefree when he is the center of attention, irritable and harsh when someone else is enjoying everyone's attention. Often, Philip does not even hide his selfishness, concentrating all his efforts on achieving his goal. When choosing a wife, he is guided by mercantile considerations, taking into account the external data of the chosen one, her position in society, her social circle and temperament. A man named Philip adheres to conservative views in marriage, believing that under any conditions it is necessary to preserve the family. Therefore, he tries to marry once and for all. But this does not mean at all that Philip is faithful to his wife. Here he is not much different from many men, allowing himself innocent hobbies. Believes that the main thing is not to leave your family, and physical betrayal is not betrayal. However, I am jealous myself. In the household, he is a professional, he can do everything, but he doesn’t want to do anything at all, he is lazy, and slow to move. Philip's children grow up independent, economical, and neat. They do housework early and help their mother - this is something Philip knows how to instill in them. Maybe because I’m too lazy to do anything myself.

First name Philip and patronymic....

Philip Alexandrovich, Philip Arkadyevich, Philip Borisovich, Philip Vadimovich, Philip Grigorievich, Philip Kirillovich, Philip Maksimovich, Philip Matveevich, Philip Nikitich, Philip Pavlovich, Philip Romanovich, Philip Tarasovich, Philip Timofeevich, Philip Eduardovich, Philip Yakovlevich highly emotional, often gives vent to his feelings. Independent, freedom-loving. He will not allow himself to be controlled even by those closest to him. Very vulnerable, impressionable, sensitive to failures. Somewhat envious, gets upset if someone has more success than himself. He is devoted to his friends, seeks their support, is sincere with them, but is too trusting, and tends to idealize people. However, he knows how to quickly forget the insults inflicted, his wounds from disappointment heal somehow imperceptibly. Philip does not know how to suffer for a long time, it tires him. He is loved for his cheerful character and carefree nature. This is a broad nature - if he has fun, then with all his heart. Maybe he is not too generous in material terms, but you cannot refuse him spiritual kindness. Love adventures for a man named Philip are a necessary attribute of a fulfilling life. He has many connections that he does not take seriously. He is afraid of affectionate women and stays away from them. Philip himself must choose his partner; he perceives any kind of pressure on himself painfully, this causes a spirit of contradiction in him, pushes him away from the woman. Philip loves to talk about erotic topics with friends, to show his knowledge in this area, the experience of a man with extensive experience. She is not in a hurry to get married; first she strives to build a good material basis for starting a family, so that family life is not overshadowed by unpleasant little things that spoil family relationships. He places a high value on the material well-being of the family and tries to provide for the family in a dignified manner. He loves children very much and is ready to make any sacrifice for them. He sees his continuation in children, wants to see them well-mannered and educated.

First name Philip and patronymic....

Philip Bogdanovich, Philip Vilenovich, Philip Vladislavovich, Philip Vyacheslavovich, Philip Gennadievich, Philip Georgievich, Philip Danilovich, Philip Egorovich, Philip Konstantinovich, Philip Robertovich, Philip Svyatoslavovich, Philip Yanovich, Philip Yaroslavovich more balanced, his every action is thought out and balanced. He takes every issue seriously. Thorough in business, careful and obligatory. In his youth he leads a vigorous sex life, but with age he becomes calmer and more selective. Self-confidence allows him to achieve the affection of the smartest and most beautiful women. Philip marries consciously and at an age when he no longer wants to run somewhere or look for adventure. He is a good father, a wonderful husband, an excellent owner. For a man named Philip, family comes first; although he loves to be with friends, he is very sociable and loves parties. Most often, such parties take place at his house, because Philip is slow-moving and, if his friends cannot come to him for some reason, he would rather stay at home reading an interesting book. Philip does not strive for betrayal, because it is too burdensome and tires a man. In the family, Philip is non-conflict, all issues are resolved calmly, without incidents. Philip raises his children in the same spirit, without raising his voice, without raising his hand, without dictatorship and coercion. Democratic relationships in the family allow him to raise wonderful children, independent, freedom-loving, respectful of elders, and attentive to others. Philip is a very practical owner, there are no useless things in his house, every acquisition has its own meaning, carefully thought out and chosen by him.

First name Philip and patronymic....

Philip Antonovich, Philip Arturovich, Philip Valerievich, Philip Germanovich, Philip Glebovich, Philip Denisovich, Philip Igorevich, Philip Leonidovich, Philip Lvovich, Philip Mironovich, Philip Olegovich, Philip Ruslanovich, Philip Semenovich, Philip Filippovich, Philip Emmanuilovich the most intelligent, with impeccable manners. Unbalanced, but able to control himself. Practical and enterprising, economical, although on occasion he can show off his generosity in front of a woman. This Philip is impressive, gallant, elegant, tall, smart, takes care of himself. He likes to dress beautifully, does everything for show, for the public. With girls he is seductive and attentive, knows how to look after, and attaches great importance to this period of acquaintance. However, having entered into an intimate relationship, he quickly loses interest in his beloved, and not because she is bad, he just already had this. It's hard to even imagine a woman who can impress him. Philip has a wealth of sexual experience, it is difficult to surprise him. A man named Philip is not capable of either constancy or strong affection, but if a girlfriend nevertheless falls into his heart, then he becomes her husband, albeit an unfaithful one. Nevertheless, his marriage is happy, family relationships are stable and calm. He does not lose interest in his wife even in old age, he is temperamental and physically strong. This Philip frankly does not like to do housework, he is lazy and uncollected, but he provides for his family decently. Most often has daughters. Takes an active part in their personal life when the time comes to enter into an independent life. He chooses spouses for them, although he takes into account their opinion, arranges their life, and prepares a good material base for them. She makes sure that the girls are not left with nothing if the marriage turns out to be unsuccessful, stipulates all the conditions in the marriage contract, without fear of looking mercantile in the eyes of others. Often his daughters are very grateful to him for this.

First name Philip and patronymic....

Philip Alanovich, Philip Albertovich, Philip Anatolyevich, Philip Veniaminovich, Philip Vladlenovich, Philip Dmitrievich, Philip Nikolaevich, Philip Rostislavovich, Philip Stanislavovich, Philip Stepanovich, Philip Feliksovich consists of continuous contradictions: kind, but merciless to offenders, reasonable and smart, but sometimes he commits such unexpected actions that he makes you doubt your mental abilities. He does not always manage to suppress negative emotions, and their surge can be like a hurricane. Philip loves his friends very much; friendship for him is devotion, the ability to rely on a friend at any moment, to feel his shoulder. He is also friendly with women; none of his former lovers can say a single bad word about him. He maintains warm, friendly relations with everyone, responds to their requests, and is always ready to help them. A man named Philip rarely remembers his former lovers; he has a great many new acquaintances. And if this happens, it means that this woman is not indifferent to him and may become his wife in the future. Only from the height of the past years is Philip able to correctly assess his relationship with her, her dignity and superiority over everyone else. Philip’s marriage is most often quite happy, since the choice of his wife is conscious and thoughtful. Philip is a very affectionate husband, his potency does not dry out until his old age, and his love for his wife does not prevent him from having short-term affairs on the side. He does this not from a lack of female affection in marriage, but more because of the desire to once again test his physical form, to establish his masculine strength.

Short and diminutive options: Phil, Filka, Filya, Filichka, Filyusha, Filipka.

Analogues of the name in other languages: English Philip, Belarusian Filip, Pilip; Bulgarian Philip, Spanish Felipe, Italian Filippе, Latin Philippus, German Philipp, Polish Filip, Ukrainian Pilip, Finnish Vilppu, French Philippe, Czech Filip.

Latin transliteration in the Russian passport – Filipp.

Origin of the name Philip

The name Philip has ancient Greek roots and means “horse lover.” It should be borne in mind that in those days in Ancient Greece, the horse was one of the symbols of a noble person.

According to the Orthodox calendar, Philip celebrates name days more than once a year. In winter, Philip's angel day is January 6 and February 7, in spring - March 7, April 11 and May 25, in summer July 13 and August 30, and in autumn - October 18 and November 27.

Character of the owners named Philip can be called versatile, since he is quite capable of a sharp change from a balanced and melancholy state to an energetic and very hot one. As a child, Philip is often capricious, whiny, selfish and touchy. He constantly demands attention to himself, wants the interest of other children to be directed to him, but does not know how to do this. During his school years, Philip also wants to be different from others. He willingly takes part in public affairs, while showing hyperactivity, which is not characteristic of him in everyday life. Usually Philips are quite talented people, but sometimes it is difficult for him to understand what he still wants to do. It turns out to be even more difficult for Philip to be patient with his chosen business and not give it up at the first unsuccessful attempt.

With age, Philip's childish tearfulness goes away, while in most cases his touchiness remains. Unfortunately, the name Philip does not imply the presence of sufficient firmness and patience, however, even if these qualities were not developed in him during his upbringing, Philip will receive many life lessons about how to behave in a society in which excessive touchiness often does not find understanding . Philip, who is not at all inclined to show aggression, most often prefers to hide his grievances from others, while among his close friends, grievances can manifest themselves in full, which greatly overshadows family relationships. With such sufficient mobility of the name, there is a high probability that in a home environment during the day, Philip’s mood can change from cheerful and playful to touchy and back, which is not so easy to withstand. The only exceptions can be those cases when Philip, overcoming excessive emotionality, first tries to justify the person and only then take offense at him.

As an adult, Philip never ceases to be vulnerable. He is often cunning, lazy and loves to start an argument, but he manages to control himself extremely well, he rarely gets excited and leads to conflict. In society, Philip usually behaves relaxed, loves communication and meeting new people, so he has many acquaintances. At the same time, of all the people Philip knows, he has very few real friends, since usually those around him do not easily tolerate his changeable mood.

Among other things, childhood grievances develop with age into Philip’s manifestation of great pride. This is especially acute if, in childhood, parents often indulge Philip and teach him that he is always the center of attention. This is reflected in Philip's ambitious plans with age. Most likely, he will try to choose a future profession for himself that allows him to always be in sight of others and feel important. This could be politics, the stage, or sometimes a managerial position.

On the positive side, the name Philip is characterized by its rarity, as well as strong energy and some majesty, as well as good compatibility with Russian patronymics and surnames. The only disadvantages that can be noted are the difficult character of many people named Philip.

Philip is not in good health. As a child, he often gets colds, and as an adult he also looks unwell, although he gets sick much less often. To improve your health, playing sports and avoiding alcohol will not hurt.

In Philip’s family relationships, everything is going well, if he chooses a flexible, soft and wise woman as his wife. Often, Philip's marriage may be in jeopardy due to the fact that he simply does not want to compromise, which is difficult to endure when living together, unless you show enormous patience with Philip. With children, Philip behaves strictly and conservatively; as a rule, trusting and close relationships do not arise between them.

In the professional sphere, Philip can choose the profession of an actor, manager, radio host, bartender, administrator, musician or real estate agent.

Secrets of communicating with Philip: if in a company where Philip is present, he is not the center of everyone’s attention, he will quickly get tired of her. In addition, he often reacts poorly to the company of those considered superior to him. He will even try to be on equal terms with such a person, and may become very angry if he does not succeed. He often likes to talk to his interlocutor from the position of an older brother. In any case, Philip’s opponents should remember his strong emotionality.

Horoscope named "Philip"

Philip is ruled by Aquarius, and his planet is Venus and Mercury. Clothing in green and brown colors will always bring good luck to its owner, especially in combination with a talisman - emerald, jasper and chrysolite. His totem plants are peony and linden, and his animal is the spider.

Name compatibility

Successful wives for Philip could be Alexandra, Valentina, Lada, Nadezhda, Olga, Polina, and Tatyana. With them, Philip will be happy and live for many years. But with Alisa, Valeria, Daria, Elizaveta, Inna, Natalya, Svetlana, you shouldn’t hope for happiness and family comfort.

Philip and pets

Philip will most likely prefer medium-sized dogs, always purebred: Schnauzer, Irish Terrier, Doberman. However, he will not be involved in raising the puppy. Suitable nicknames: Claude, Karl, Mark, Monica, Isolde, Susan.

A person’s name is his guide to life. Each name has its own history, meaning, and uniqueness.

What does the name Philip mean? It's worth looking into.

The meaning of the name Philip

Philip is a horse lover. The short meaning of the name is Filya, Filyunya, Filipok. Philip celebrates Angel Day twice a year. Name days fall on the thirtieth of August and the twenty-seventh of November.

What does the name Philip mean? The name means that its owner will be endowed with enormous willpower and endurance. He will be friendly with nature and animals, but he himself will have a rather impudent character.

Origin and history of the name Philip

The origin and history of the name Philip goes deep into Greek mythology. Philippi was the name given to strong and active babies. Often they were sent to serve in the cavalry for the benefit of their state.

Gradually, the ancient Greeks passed on the name Philip to Western peoples, and it began to be used in everyday life throughout Europe. The ancient Jews also revered this name and considered it especially important, as it identified a leader and a man who knew his business.

The character and fate of Philip

So, the positive character traits of Philip include:

Pride, but in moderation;

Beauty is external and spiritual;


The desire to occupy a high position, to become famous and respected.

The meaning of the name Philip predetermines that such a man is not inclined to harm his loved ones. He honors the traditions of his family and takes care of those younger than him. Also, such a man is very generous and has a huge kind heart.

As a boy, Philip grows up to be talented and very gifted. He has virtually no equal in discussions and persuasion. He is a very curious and inquisitive child. Philip's memory is almost phenomenal.

Philip's character and fate are determined by his negative character traits:




Mood swings.

Parents need to be extremely careful in raising such a child. The boy is certainly talented and strong-willed, but he also has a tendency to exaggerate his merits and humiliate the dignity of other people.

Parents need to raise him competently, avoiding extremes in this matter. Philip will be happy to watch the development of everything around him, he will read a lot, while teaching others and giving instructions. This is where the negative traits of his character manifest themselves. In order to avoid problems in communicating with peers, parents must teach Philip to be more sensitive and loving.

The mother plays a very important role in the development of a child’s personality. If she is a wise and soft woman, her son will grow up the same way, but if she is tougher and more despotic, the child will also grow up callous and selfish, but at the same time, will achieve great results in moving up the career ladder.

If Philip’s mother is a soft woman, he will grow up to be a capricious and spoiled child who knows no limits in selfishness and always tries to be the first in everything. Such a total desire to control the situation is worth fighting. If Philip is too phlegmatic in childhood, then upon reaching adulthood he will become even softer and more sensitive, but this will not give him the opportunity to successfully advance his career.

The boy is quite impressionable and in dire need of praise. He lacks affection and care when he is not praised and his merits are not recognized. He adapts very quickly to the current situation and even emerges victorious from any problems. But you shouldn’t hope that Philip will help you in difficult times. He will do this only when it is convenient for him and when he sees his benefit in it.

Philip's love and family

It will be very difficult for Philip to build relationships with weak-willed and flexible girls. He will literally dominate and try to constantly prove to his beloved that she is wrong.

It is quite difficult for such a man to get along with a kind and family lady, because he constantly finds reasons to find fault with something, to make claims. He often grumbles and refuses to communicate calmly and measuredly. He does not like noisy companies and friends and categorically refuses to communicate with his beloved’s friends who do not fit his worldview.

As a result, the relationship between lovers will deteriorate considerably due to disagreements and minor conflicts. If Philip gets a rather wise woman who can gently correct his character and prevent him from distorting reality, this will save their marriage.

If Philip falls in love– he becomes a very courteous young man, but at the same time, he pays a lot of attention to himself. He almost never forgets about a healthy lifestyle. He tries to involve his soulmate in it too.

If Philip marries early- such a marriage becomes a test for both. Since the man is quite inexperienced in relationships, he tries to assign almost all responsibilities to himself and at the same time constantly reproaches his partner for not devoting enough time to their relationship.

If Philip marries late– such a marriage has a greater chance of success, especially if his life partner has a tougher character and enough wisdom, then such a union will be more stable and will bring success and self-confidence to both partners.

If Philip decides to devote himself to his career- He will definitely succeed in everything and even more. He will definitely get wonderful results from his work and will be completely satisfied with himself. It will be difficult for his subordinates to find a common language with him; most likely, there will be conflicts at work.

Philip will wisely defend his point of view, but at the same time will be able to come to terms with competitors in business. Although he is not a very good ruler, his determination allows Philip to achieve enormous results in almost any business. The main thing is to learn to keep a balance between your mind and feelings, not to put pressure on your neighbors, and not to force them to act.