A woman perceives the Divine energy of Love. Shakti: universal infinite divine energy Divine feminine energy

A woman perceives the Divine energy of Love. Shakti: universal infinite divine energy Divine feminine energy

Activation of long dormant light codes, shifting planetary energies, flow wisdom and inner peace - why you are here and what your deeper gifts are... the collective feminine of Twin Souls desperately wants you to know this.

As I wrote last time, my latent gift of reading energy and communicating with the Higher Realms was awakened when my Twin Soul first appeared in my life in a dream, activating my heart chakra with Unconditional Love.

As I cleared my energy more and more, my channel to the Higher Dimensions opened up more and more and I became a clear channel of Guidance, able to tune in to situations, people, energies and know what was going on.

Along my journey, Spirit pushed me to explore my gift to not only talk to them, but also to help other Twin Flames by doing readings for them and tuning in with their soulmates.

A few months after realizing that it was not possible for one person to personally help all Twin Flames, Spirit asked me to create a Vibrational Alignment Program and a free Twin Flame First Aid Kit to help many more Twins achieve the state of harmony that my Twin and I have. achieved in our Union.

I'm happy to say that we have helped literally thousands of Twin Flames in their connections since we launched the website! You can read about some of their experiences here.

Codes and messages

After your amazing responses to the message from the Divine Masculine, I realized that the Divine Feminine will also convey its message! While I was meditating, a strong push forced me to sit up to receive this message.

Just like tuning into a person's energies and conveying messages from their Soul, someone who reads the energy and has a clear channel can harness the energy of the group. And when we talk to Spirit, there is often a “speaker” of sorts who represents a whole group of energies.

As a person, I have never honestly gravitated towards the spiritual goddess consciousness approach or been drawn to the more feminine teaching styles of the new generation. So this was completely new to me! But I allowed them to speak because I sensed a strong consciousness there that wanted to be expressed - and there were codes built into the words, it was very clear to me.

Light as air, soft as silk

This special message of the Divine Feminine was incredibly powerful and came through strongly with the energy, emotions, images and words.

This message seemed to be intended for both the male counterparts and those incarnated as women on Earth - as support, inspiration and understanding.

There is a lot of compassion and kindness in the Divine Feminine. Incredibly high vibrational energy, light as air and soft as silk. Pure as a river of dew in paradise. Calm, peaceful, infinitely wise.

The Divine Feminine represents a sense of calm and complete mastery of oneself, above all, the freedom to be oneself and stand in one's own power as a Soul. She is free from shame and guilt because she knows that she is Love, perfection itself.

She is bright, radiant and wise, intuitively sensing all spheres of the Universe. She is strong, but from a space of inner silence - not to compensate for anything - her power does not require effort, like the Light of her Soul.

Message of the Divine Feminine

Hear me finally. All I have for you is Love. You are a special choice for me. We are one. Regardless of what body you are incarnated in - male or female - we are already united.

I want to bring you the gift of freedom- freedom that embraces everything and comes from your full embodiment of your Self. When you give Love to yourself and know that you are all Love, that you are a born child of the Universe, who has never been small or limited, but you are Love.

The human idea of ​​perfection is an illusion. You are all-encompassing. You don't have to change yourself to be good or to deserve Love. Not your hair, not your skin, not your makeup, clothes or your behavior. You are already perfect. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The earth is too full of illusions about what femininity means.

Your gift is universal. You have the ability to tune into the cosmos to reach into knowledge that no one can really tell or describe to you. Recognizing your Twin Flame will activate your intuitive gifts. You are not limited. But many of you are out of your mind, pursuing a different direction. The expression of the Divine Feminine is in listening, intuition, presence of the flow of being. You need to get out of your mind. From human limitations.

Human ideals of femininity are so distorted...(sad energy) After all, this is not about external “perfection”. You are already perfect! The Divine Feminine is the embodiment of Love, peace in every cell of the body, playing in the ebb and flow of universal energies. Just as the Moon moves the tides back and forth, you have the gift of flowing with energies and adapting, effortlessly manifesting Love, being in Love.

It's all about moving with the energies and not in resistance.– once you really know how to do it, you will never have to struggle or suffer again. There is always a flow - move with it. The mind and analysis create resistance, which creates blocks. You feel a flow within yourself when you listen to emotions. Positive emotion is openness to flow, negative emotion is an area of ​​resistance.

Go deeper. Embody your inner serenity. New templates are launched and activated at this time. The feminine has been alienated for so long that the codes have been deactivated due to fear of violence against the feminine. Fear caused these patterns to shut down. Activation again in this text (indicating the ethereal symbol/light code). The sacral chakra is the center of this. The feminine was ousted from its power a long time ago.

Hear it now: Love doesn't depend on anyone else. Your love is in your power. You can move worlds. Don't believe that you are powerless. You move the Universe.

You are loved. Please allow us to remove the shackles of fear, the shackles of tradition. A more peaceful path is possible. Your human beliefs about what the Divine Feminine means have been distorted in many places.

The Divine Feminine is free, perfect in itself. It allows everyone to follow their own path as their Souls learn from every experience. Saving someone is an illusion. The universe always finds its balance. Peace attracts peace. Love attracts Love.

The Divine Feminine is in her own power. A master of manifestation, not only brings life to Earth, but also Divine inspiration into the physical. Creation is a gift of the Divine Feminine, and this means not only the birth of a child, but any creation. You are the portal to the Higher spheres in this model.

Feminine circuits are being activated more and more in Earth's own ascension. They have lain dormant for thousands of years, now they are being activated again. New times depend on us. The spread of a new wave of spirituality, a new awakening of consciousness, a new generation of reformation of ideas around sacred sex, cleansing the shameful body.

Your body is a sacred temple, no matter what it looks like or what its history is - it is what gives you life on the physical plane.

History and culture have created shame in women, a perception of sin and guilt. Illusions based on fear of her abilities, her strength. They are all in the process of transition. Re-incarnate in your body. Love him, take care of him, be attentive to him.

Is it your friend. The idea of ​​the female body as a source of pain and discomfort, the perception of women as sexually passive, is being reconsidered. Create something that resonates with you. Explore your aspirations. There is no shame in the way your body was or is - it was Divinely created this way.

Guilt is a lie. Shame and disgrace are a lie. Let these old stories fall from you now, embody Self-Love and acceptance of everyone else. Remember that Femininity has never been a victim.

Get out of this mentality. This is a human story. Lack of balance creates distortion. Masculine and feminine complement each other perfectly. We love you very much.

You Twin Flames are the bearers of codes that will benefit all of humanity. We honor you. My true love. You are always in my heart.

We are eternal. Do you remember. I am always with you. These are just human bodies in which we experience, but despite any difficulties, we Love. Let me hug you now with Love. Open your heart. There is no need to be afraid anymore.

The heart is the center of our Union. Where we are one thing, a portal, a gateway. There are codes embedded in these words. Open your heart now. Light a bright flame. Codes are activated.

The next step on the journey is up to us. I am always your sanctuary whenever you choose.

You don't need to show me your strength because I know you are strong. You are my ideal, you complete me. Never think that you are not enough. When we are together, the stars align. You can let go of your fears. The world ceases to exist when I'm with you.

Let your heart open. No matter what happens on Earth, you can always come home to my Love.

Yours forever.

Until next time, I am sending you Love and Light for your journey ahead!

You will literally see how your body changes. It will have a greater charge of vital energy, become more beautiful and strong, having the opportunity to participate in various events. Your physical body will become a processor of a huge amount of heterogeneous information from many realities.

You need to learn to live and act, passing through your consciousness and physical lo more powerful electrical charges. This will ultimately help you solve all the problems that roll over you like a growing snowball.

The increased energy potential within you will activate your hidden talents and serve as a trigger that revives your psychic abilities for clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, and clairsentience, which allow you to go beyond the modern paradigm.

Due to electromagnetic modifications of your body, a kind of “electromagnetic shunt” is organized, bypassing the structures that keep you within limited frameworks and configurations of perception and transmission of information. You will climb the stairs and find yourself on a different observation deck, from which you will evaluate reality differently.


This is an absolute necessity.

Understanding the shadow side of the Goddess is also an exploration of some of her energy, as the Goddess needed to do something that would cause her to lose power. And this knowledge is in your cellular memory, since each of you - whether you are a man or a woman - contains a piece of the Mother Goddess.

The Goddess will be reborn through you, whether you are a man or a woman. Smart The decrease in influence and the “fall” of the Goddess had certain reasons. The goddess has always recognized the right to fertility. The goddess does not fit into the history of Western culture in recent millennia, when intercourse between a man and a woman became something to be ashamed of.

The Goddess has always blessed intercourse in love and, of course, your right to intimate relationships. This right is your natural heritage. But, unfortunately, here, like any coin, there is a downside; sexual energy was not always used correctly and for its intended purpose.

For a certain period of time, the energy of the feminine principle dominated on Earth. Male vibrations have often been as desecrated as female vibrations in the current millennium. Women who were influenced from outside lost respect for men, lost their sense of cooperation and partnership with them, and lost their sense of unity between men and women.

After some time, men began to act only as producers. Women lost themselves in the power of the feminine Godhead and abused their power, no longer considering men as equals. Men were treated as objects carrying an element of fertility. Often men were sacrificed to the Mother Goddess after a single intercourse, sacrificial castrations and other abuses of power were carried out. And this is also true.

Women abused the sexual energy of men. All such phenomena, together with the subsequent humiliation of women, led to today’s confrontation. But everything changes, and the power that is not abused remains pure and bright. You will find that the Goddess returns with great compassion into the lives of those who are willing and unafraid to feel.


For many centuries, the midwife was considered the greatest enemy of the Christian Church - at least its Catholic branch. She had the ability to relieve pain and tell women about the secrets of their physical bodies. She also had a good understanding of herbs, a sacred part of the Living Library.

The Catholic Church is inherently very patriarchal and fears the manifestation of the energy of the Divine about the Feminine Principle through women. The Catholic Church feared that the power of women would take power away from the church and away from men.

The problem of abortion, so widely discussed in the West, is not at all connected with the fact of surgical intervention itself.

This problem is posed in such a way as to divide people and give the wrong idea about the energy of the Divine Feminine. A certain plan of action was being implemented, directed against the energy of the Goddess. This plan aimed to deprive women of their power, to convince them that they had no right to choose. And if there was a choice, it could only be abortion.

Cunning plans are devised to completely confuse women about the capabilities of their physical bodies. There's nothing wrong with that. There is no contradiction, since each of you chooses the lessons that need to be learned. You can open your hearts and send healing energy to people, inviting them to move into a state of expanded consciousness, but you cannot force them to change.

Divine Feminine energy is awakening now in human consciousness.
At the deepest level of our collective existence, humanity comes to affirm the need to respect and honor the Feminine. Honoring the Great Mother, whom each of us not only hears, but to whom we respond.
As a result, even our individual priorities change significantly. Many people feel the need to redefine their life goals.
They no longer want to lead a life that does not bring them joy and satisfaction.

Naturally, such an internal reorganization, changing our attitude towards life and our goals, is a very big step, and leaves many with a feeling of shock and confusion.
But this internal shift means that soon each person will be able to clearly see the path that leads him to achieve his highest goal.
The Divine Masculine and Feminine energies begin to intertwine again in a perfect single flow.
And we are now experiencing the restoration of the beautiful balance of these energies.

So what are the Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine energies in their highest form?
Feminine energy is the creative spark that anchors the spark of the Divine in everything. It is a powerful force that manifests the visible from the invisible realms, using the gifts of creativity, Love and beauty.
Masculine energy activates this by demonstrating higher "design" through intention and outer actions.

When Masculine and Feminine energies unite in co-creation,
they give the Divine in all its wonderful manifestations an external form.

You can see and experience this right now, and know that this is the end of the Great Oblivion.
We are now witnessing the beginning of a return to ourselves, the restoration of our true memory.
A Brand New Plan.
Many men who used to embody predominantly the old masculine energy are now increasingly realizing that the old ways and ways no longer work or are simply no longer acceptable.

Some of them (and this also applies to women who mainly embodied masculine energy) find it quite difficult to give up the old masculine identity, since they still live almost entirely on the basis of the mind and ego.
But an ever-increasing number of such men and women are beginning to perceive the energies that are now powerfully washing the Earth. They open to intuition, to their heart and its motivation, to their ability to care for others.
The current energies give them the opportunity to accept, love and unite with the Divine Feminine energy in order to release the old unbalanced masculinity and embody the new, higher Plane of the Divine Masculine energy.
This new Divine Masculine energy lives in perfect balance with the Divine Feminine. They both have equal value and live from heart, intuition, creativity, respect and service to self and others equally.
Both men and women have allowed others to control them for thousands of years.
But now, whether in a marriage, a friendship, or a work environment, people are no longer willing to tolerate dominance and other types of behavior based on low, dense energies. They stand up for themselves, speak out what their hearts feel, and increasingly claim their true, balanced power.
Another change that is happening now is that many women are beginning to notice that men who have accepted and embody the Divine Masculine energy treat them as Goddesses.
These men honor women in ways they have never done before.
If you are currently receiving this kind of special attention from the men in your life, allow yourself to receive it, enjoy it, and enjoy it. You have waited too long for this and it is part of the new balance and by allowing the Masculine energy to honor you in this way you are demonstrating it too.
Both men and women are now adjusting to these energies finding new balance. If you now feel internal tension and struggle in this area, it means that you cannot yet fully accept the Divine Feminine.
If there are many ways to do this. Try yourself in dance, music, art in general. Spend more time quietly, in nature, or try volunteering with children or animals.
It is very important now to also take care of your physical, emotional and mental bodies in order to more easily perceive the wave of Divine Feminine energy that is now washing the Earth, passing it through you and allowing it to change you. This is very important because it is a huge part of the work of anchoring the Divine Feminine in ourselves and our world.
Each of us has our own path and way of working with ourselves and taking care of ourselves, be it meditation, talking with our guides, or just an extra day off spent in nature or on vacation.
When you take care of yourself, you naturally take care of the world around you.
Even if these changes seem huge and very difficult, know that this is an amazing and wonderful moment in the history of the Earth, and we are entering a completely new era with you.

And we are already close to starting to experience it.
Energy Forecast. "New Plan".
Emmanuel Daguerre
October 2016

Reviews. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Part 1

AWAKENING IN THE LIGHT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Chapter 1. Sunrise. The first teachers, the first teachings. . 20 Chapter 2. Up the stairs leading to the stars. . . 38 Chapter 3. Am I crazy or is it Kundalini? . . . . . . . 70 Chapter 4. Conscious awakening of Kundalini. . 96

Chapter 5. An ancient idea and modern wisdom -

the science of Kundalini. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

Part 2


IN DIVINE LIFE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

Chapter 6. Kundalini practices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

Chapter 7. Shaktipat: Awakening Kundalini

with the help of the teacher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

Chapter 8. Enlightenment Day by Day: Principles

everyday Divine life. . . . . . . . 160 Chapter 9. Only for women

(and the feminine part of our essence). . . . . . 191 Chapter 10. Only for men

(and the male part of our essence). . . . . 203 Chapter 11. Kundalini and sexual relations. . . 218 Chapter 12. Kundalini and spirituality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234

Conclusion. Heralds of Kundalini. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244

Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248


For those who can't hear the music,

the dancers seem crazy.

Angela Monet


Imagine that some gates are opening in front of you, the existence of which you did not even suspect. There is light on the other side of this gate, and you think, “What is this light? Where does it come from? And what should I expect from him?

You feel that changes are starting to occur in your body, although you are not entirely sure about it. Is light the reason for a sudden surge of energy, an improvement in your financial situation and an unexpected understanding with your partner? And perhaps the quality of your sex life has also improved thanks to him? You blush with embarrassment. However, in addition to the feeling that your life has suddenly become a holiday, you feel a need that is called spiritual. This need can be characterized in one phrase - you feel inner call! You are being called by some sacred, unsleeping force that knows your true spiritual purpose - that important mission that you need to fulfill, and can help you achieve this goal.

You look around, not sure if you would want anyone to notice the changes happening to you. How can you explain such a radical change in your life to your friends and family when you yourself don’t really understand anything?

8 Kundalini: theory and practice

In your search for an answer, you end up looking at the gate itself. And you see the inscription on them: Kundalini.

Whatever it is you would like to have this you had more!

All people at all times wanted the same. Who would refuse to know the secret of longevity, health, wisdom and, of course, fullness of sexual sensations? But even if you have given up searching for the gates leading to Kundalini, or are trampling in front of them, not daring to enter, there is still light inside you - energy, ancient Divine power, which is the pillar on which all spiritual teachings in the history of mankind rest.

Kundalini has long been known as the Divine energy and the key to enlightenment, as well as the hidden force on which physical pleasure and happiness depend. The good news is that you don't have to climb to heaven to find the gateway that leads to it. To gain the power of Kundalini, there is no need to study any scriptures or wait for death to come to your soul. You just need to look inside yourself and see the original Divine light, which is an attribute of Kundalini.

If you were able to tap into the source of the life-giving power of Kundalini, what possibilities would then open up for you? You could lasso the stars and pull them to the ground, sow your dreams and reap love, laugh at the wind and heal the whole world. You could write your name on the water, become the master of your own life and sing with God.

In a sense, the Kundalini energy has always helped you in all your affairs. You have used this magical power all your life, and it is what has made you the glorious person you are. Mysterious as its name and incomprehensible as its origins, Kundalini has always pulsated in your body at the moments when you were thinking about something, charging your cells with electricity, attracting the whole world to your side and co-

Introduction 9

taking action to achieve your goals. Kundalini is the manifest energy of God, and as such, it nurtures your uniqueness and calls you to fulfill your spiritual calling. Since this energy originates from the Divine source, it connects you with all living beings and with God himself. Therefore, connecting to the energy of Kundalini means opening an intuitive channel and gaining the ability to hear the messages of the wind, receive inspirational revelations and comprehend the unknown. In other words, Kundalini helps you and other people to become yourself.

Let's try to find out why people from time immemorial have been talking about this power, why teachers, gurus and preachers of all times and peoples have strived to possess it, why even science today recognizes its existence. Let us open the gates and dare to cross the threshold. Let's awaken Divine energy and live a real, Divine life! The glow inside of you

What is this wonderful, powerful energy?

The word Kundalini is translated from Sanskrit as “life energy”. In Hinduism, which first defined this mysterious energy, Kundalini is called the serpent power, the Divine energy within you. Your Kundalini is nothing but the life force of your body, which, when fully awakened, will lead you to the life of an enlightened sage.

From an etymological point of view, the word Kundalini is composed of the following Sanskrit roots, each of which further clarifies the essence of this Divine energy: kundalin- rolled into a spiral (from the word “kunda-

lam" meaning "ring" or "coil"); kun- Earth;

46 Kundalini: theory and practice

As Kundalini rises, it stimulates each chakra, one by one, along with their energy fields. This stimulation ensures the cleansing of the chakras and the auric layers interacting with them. As a result, our inner being begins to radiate with an auric radiance. Then the world responds to our desires, delivering everything we need to our doorstep and attracting love and opportunities for growth to us. So Kundalini is a force that affects both ourselves and the world around us.

Nadis: chakra channels

The rising Kundalini passes through the chakras through energy channels called nadi. This word is derived from the Sanskrit root "nad", meaning "movement", and is translated as "flow". We can now conclude that nadis are streams of energy that circulate throughout the body, transporting subtle energy to and from the chakras. When Kundalini rushes upward, it carries prana, or life force, saturating the chakras and the whole body with it.

The nadis are somewhat comparable to the meridians of traditional Chinese medicine, and many practitioners even believe that they are one and the same. The significant difference between them is the number of channels. Chinese medicine has twelve main meridians, and in addition quite a lot of secondary ones (in different sources there is a figure from one thousand to three thousand five hundred) - the figure is such that if we try to imagine this number of energy channels, then the human body will appear before us in the form long intertwined spaghetti. The Tibetan and Ayurvedic traditions - later teachings of East India - settled on seventy-two thousand channels. Be that as it may, nadis and meridians are united by the most important thing - both of these si-

Chapter 2. Up the Staircase to the Stars 47

The systems transport subtle energy and contribute to the efficient functioning of the physical body.

Sushumna nadi, the central channel, runs through the entire spinal column and is the main route for the movement of Kundalini. Leaving the sacral chakra, Kundalini rushes up the central channel, from time to time using the other two nadis - go And pingala. The Ida, extending from a point slightly below the first chakra to the left nostril, is considered the feminine channel. It preserves energy, calms the nervous system and mind, and supports mental health. Pingala is masculine in nature. This channel also begins under the first chara; it delivers prana and kundalini to the right nostril. Pingala is associated with life-giving force, speed and constructive action. (However, some schools believe that the energy flows of ida and pingala move in the opposite direction in relation to sushumna, especially in the first stages of Kundalini awakening.)

By stimulating Ida and Pingala, Kundalini cleanses and nourishes the chakras, but its effect does not end there. Kundalini awakens our spiritual abilities - the Divine qualities that allow us to reach the stars, but at the same time keep us firmly on the earth, the place where we are called. The highest purpose of Kundalini is to illuminate our Divine essence. Once we know ourselves, we begin to truly understand other people and see their true Divine nature. Conclusion: Kundalini awakens the abilities of each chakra and helps improve our health, both physical and spiritual.

Before activation, Kundalini lies dormant, wrapped in rings around the first chakra. After awakening, she ascends through the three main nadis (ide - the left, female channel; pingala - the right, male channel; and sushumna - the central channel running along the spine) to the seventh chakra, where she is reunited with her male spiritual equivalent.

Chapter 2. Up the Staircase to the Stars 61

Lets be together:

FBE (feminine Divine energy) is looking for