Green tea just right. How to drink green tea? How much tea to drink to lose weight

Green tea just right. How to drink green tea? How much tea to drink to lose weight

Tea is a delicious, popular drink, a constant companion for each of us. This does not depend on the time of year, time of day, or life circumstances. We drink it alone to pass the time and be alone with our own thoughts, at a business meeting to set the conversation in the right direction, in the family circle to create a special warm atmosphere, and just like that in a noisy company of friends. We should not forget about the incredible benefits of this drink.

Green varieties are especially valued. How to brew green tea? Proper preparation is an important requirement for obtaining a drink with maximum development and preservation of valuable taste, aroma, and health properties.

Brewing green tea correctly

There are many varieties of green tea. Cooking any of them seems like a simple task. But there is another side. During the brewing process, it is important to not easily obtain aromatic and tasty colored water. The main goal is to reveal the distinctive features of each variety.

It is impossible to simultaneously take into account the features of a wide range and create some kind of universal, full-fledged brewing algorithm. Some nuances are determined solely by the type of product. These include:

  • water temperature and brewing time;
  • number of possible brews;
  • amount of raw materials per serving.
Information on how to brew tea correctly can be obtained from the seller when purchasing at specialized outlets. If your variety has any nuances, you should be informed.

There are a number of general aspects regarding how to brew green tea. But they may differ from the manufacturer’s recommendations for a specific type of product. In case of such “disagreements”, one should focus on the latter.

Amount of brew per serving of tea

The optimal amount is a teaspoon per final serving.

Tea infusion time

The aspect affects the concentration of the tea drink. Another important point is the tonic effect. If you have a desire/need to quickly perk up, you should not keep the variety for a long time; one minute is enough for the leaf. Longer infusion makes this property less pronounced, but longer lasting.

Indicators characterizing the infusion time and the amount of brewing are difficult to standardize. Reasons for this:

  • different sizes of tea leaves (the ability of different varieties of tea to “give” their taste, color, smell);
  • differing taste preferences of consumers.

The tonic effect is the result of theine. It is transferred to the liquid very quickly (the mentioned minute is enough). Next, the drink is enriched with tannins. In the process of assimilation, they are ahead of theine, relegating it to the background.

Water for brewing tea

Regarding the use of water, several recommendations can be made:

  • Possible temperature range is 80 (maximum 90) degrees Celsius. At lower rates, the tea leaves will not be able to reveal all its properties, but at higher values, it will reveal and partially lose.
  • The water must be clean. The best option is spring water. If only tap water is available, it must be allowed to settle before use.

Brewing utensils

You should stop at using dishes that hold heat well. Commonly available options are teapots made of clay and porcelain. They should not be saturated with foreign odors. The ideal situation is to use one teapot for one type of tea.

The use of chemical detergents is contraindicated. An alternative is regular soda. But a brown film of tea on the walls of the teapot is not bad at all. Outwardly, it does not look attractive and may confuse those who are not familiar with the technology for properly preparing green tea. But such a film protects the drink from interaction with external factors.

Before use, rinse the teapot with hot water. This allows you to get rid of possible contaminants, reduce existing excess odors and warm up the cold walls. So, they will not “take away” the temperature of the drink.

Cooking procedure

The following sequence of actions will help us prepare the leaf variety correctly:

  • heat the water;
  • pour hot water over the teapot;
  • add tea leaves in the required quantity;
  • fill with water and immediately drain (this will “awaken” the tea leaves and get rid of possible contaminants);
  • refill with water;
  • let it brew for the required amount of time;
  • pour into cups.
  • over the fire;
  • in the microwave/oven;
  • by pouring boiling water over it (a common and obvious method), etc.

Adding sugar/honey overpowers the tea taste. Their use in brewing is not recommended. For those with a sweet tooth who want to fully enjoy all the properties of the product, it is better to give preference to an unsweetened drink with sweets in the bite. But it is worth remembering the detrimental effect on the figure.

Number of brews

High quality green tea can be brewed up to seven times (the number depends on the properties of the brew). Each time, noticeable changes in its properties appear. The first use reveals the greatest aroma, the second - the greatest benefit, with each subsequent use the taste becomes more pronounced. The brewing time should be gradually increased.

In China, it is believed that to maintain health and energy, you must drink at least 4 cups of green drink a day.

Recyclability does not imply storage of “waste” raw materials. Over time (after just two hours), it begins to accumulate harmful properties.


A lot depends on how to brew green tea: taste and aroma characteristics, health benefits and possible harmful effects on health. Proper preparation does not require supernatural knowledge or superpowers. Simple rules and recommendations can make tea drinking unforgettable.

Green tea perfectly fights obesity problems; it can improve metabolism, increase metabolism, and reduce blood pressure. How to drink green tea? For effective results you need to drink it regularly. There are many ways to brew green tea, using them you can diversify the taste of the drink.

The benefits of green tea for weight loss

Green tea has the main effect on figure correction. This property has long been appreciated by women who take care of themselves. Tea can normalize metabolism and regulate the functioning of the intestines, stomach, liver and kidneys. It also improves skin color and hair health. Among representatives of countries such as India, Japan, China, where they drink regularly, it is rare to find people suffering from obesity and cellulite. They are all cheerful, cheerful and in good spirits. The unique properties of green tea are explained by its rich composition. It contains:

  • vitamin K,
  • vitamin C,
  • B vitamins,
  • catechin,
  • copper,
  • fluorine,
  • zinc.

Microelements and vitamins help to gently remove waste and accumulated toxins from the body, after which metabolism and the digestion process improve. How to drink correctly

  • Green tea should be drunk frequently, hot and freshly brewed.
  • You should not use sweeteners, sugar, or add flour products and sweets to tea drinking.
  • It is better to drink green tea about 35-40 minutes after eating or before starting a meal.
  • The minimum amount of green tea you should drink per day is three large cups.
  • It is necessary to brew tea correctly, following the instructions on the package exactly. It is not recommended to use metal containers for brewing to prevent oxidation of the metal when reacting with tea.

How to choose green tea for weight loss

Currently, various manufacturers offer a variety of varieties and types of green tea. But tea is different. The main rule: you should refrain from buying bagged tea, no matter how attractive in cost and appearance it may seem. Preference should only be given to loose green tea, which is sold in specialized stores and tea shops.

It is recommended to purchase green tea in its pure form, that is, without adding any flavorings or additives. Natural additives in tea are allowed if it can be visually verified that they are indeed flower petals, orange zest or dried berries. The best tea is loose leaf.

Rules for brewing green tea for weight loss

Proper brewing is the next step to success. In the process of preparing the drink, the main task is to preserve all the beneficial substances in the tea. It is very important that it contains antioxidants that affect the condition of the entire body.

Temperature conditions must be observed. The temperature for brewing green tea varies from 60 to 90°C. For large-leaf tea grown in the shade, 60-65° will be enough to prevent bitterness. Green tea in the form of rough, mature leaves will only open at 90°C. It is better to follow the instructions that are usually on the package, or get advice from a consultant when purchasing tea.

High quality water. It should be soft, without impurities of salts and calcium. The best option is spring water; in urban conditions, bottled water.

The first water that is poured into the tea leaves is immediately drained. This is necessary to clean the tea leaves.

After draining the first water, the tea is poured again. This time you need to soak the drink for 3-4 minutes (less or more, depending on the type of green tea), then pour into mugs. Do not dilute tea with water, this will spoil the taste and deprive the tea of ​​its benefits.

Green tea recipes for weight loss

There are many recipes for preparing a healthy drink that can help in the process of becoming slim. We present some of them, everyone will be able to try tea with different flavors, choose the one they like or alternate recipes in order to diversify their diet during the period of weight loss.

Green tea with honey

Many people believe that sweets during the weight loss stage are unacceptable. This is wrong. Of course, sugar in its pure form, sweets should not be taken. But natural honey in limited quantities will not cause harm; on the contrary, it is rich in beneficial substances that will benefit the body depleted by diets. The main thing is to purchase natural honey from an apiary, and not sugar syrup with honey flavoring sold in stores.

To prepare the drink in the classic way. After waiting a few minutes for it to brew, it should be poured into cups. 1 tsp. honey is added to the tea when it has cooled a little.

Green tea with lemon

Green tea with lemon will improve immunity and thermogenesis, and reduce the level of bad cholesterol. Drinking the drink promotes the breakdown of fats and has rejuvenating properties.

Lemon is added to tea after it is prepared. To prevent the drink from being too sour, you can add a spoonful of natural honey and a mint leaf for flavor.

Green tea with ginger

Ginger promotes the breakdown of fats and weight loss, which is why it is often found in recipes. Ginger tea improves metabolism; when combined with green tea, its benefits are doubled. To prepare the drink, you can use fresh root or dried ginger. It is added to the tea brew at the first stage. The mixture is poured with hot water. You can drink the drink after infusion. Re-brewing is allowed. Ginger goes well with honey, lemon, mint, and they can be added to ready-made tea.

Green tea with cinnamon

You need to add a cinnamon stick to green tea, brew according to the classic recipe and let it brew. The resulting tea is aromatic and healthy. Can improve metabolism in the body and remove toxins from it. Cinnamon has the ability to improve mood and give a boost of vigor.

Family tea parties are a unique tradition. In many families, household members gather in the evening over a cup of aromatic drink and discuss the latest news, events of the day and simply relax. The tea itself plays an important role - this drink calms, tones, and gives strength. Tea lovers need to know everything about the properties and abilities of their favorite drink. This article will discuss the benefits of green tea.

How to choose good green tea

In many ways, the healing abilities of green tea depend on the place and method of its collection, the method of its processing. Without going into details, we note that healing green tea after brewing will have a pistachio-golden color in the cup. At the same time, brewed green tea waste looks like a dark, cloudy liquid and such “tea” cannot heal anyone.

Buy tea in bulk, in tea stores. This way you can appreciate the appearance and subtle aroma of the leaves.

IMPORTANT: The color of properly dried green tea leaves is light green. If the leaves are dark in color, the drying technology has clearly been violated.

If you need to make a choice among the many packs and boxes lined up on the supermarket shelf, take only loose leaf tea. Tea garbage and waste from processing tea leaves are usually sealed in bags.

Medicinal properties of green tea

So, drinking green tea helps:

  • renewal of vitality
  • decreased appetite
  • accelerated supply of the required amount of oxygen to brain cells
  • preventing the development of cancer cells in the body
  • decrease in pressure
  • reducing blood sugar
  • removing toxins from the body
  • radiation protection
  • eliminating slagging
  • removing excess fluid from the body
  • strengthening bones, hair and nails
  • improving complexion
  • general rejuvenation of the body

These and not only beneficial properties of green tea are experienced daily by lovers of this wonderful drink. But is everything so harmless?

When is green tea dangerous for health?

Despite the fact that green tea has a whole list of beneficial properties and is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals, some people should refrain from drinking this drink. Green tea is not recommended to drink:

  • hypotensive patients– the drink can significantly lower blood pressure and disrupt heart rhythm
  • people with peptic ulcer disease– tea will cause colic, pain, heartburn
  • nursing mothers– the child may be restless and not sleep

IMPORTANT: Under no circumstances should green tea be substituted for water. Firstly, clean water is necessary for a person, and secondly, too much tea is fraught with poisoning, stomach upsets, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms.

How to brew green tea? How to brew green tea for a child?

The effect this drink has on the human body depends on the time of brewing green tea:

  • for vigor and increased strength, drink green tea, brewed for 2.5 minutes
  • for calming, relaxation, before going to bed - five-minute brewed tea
  • to quench thirst - tea brewed for more than 6 minutes.

Recipe: Take 1 tsp. dry green tea leaves, place in a porcelain or glass teapot and pour in 250 grams of filtered water brought to a temperature of 85 - 90˚C. Before pouring tea, be sure to rinse the cups with hot water - this will prevent the drink from cooling quickly. If you need to brew tea in a mug, then put no more than 1 tsp per container. dry tea leaves.

If you need to brew weak tea for a child or a pregnant woman, use 1/3 - ½ tsp. dry green tea per 1 tbsp. inputs.

IMPORTANT: A sign of properly prepared high-quality green tea is light brown foam at the edges of the teapot. There is no need to remove the foam; it is better to carefully combine it with the rest of the contents of the teapot using a dessert spoon.

How many times can you brew green tea?

Good green tea is brewed up to 7 times. The first brew is the strongest and most aromatic, all subsequent brews gradually reveal the taste of the drink.

How to drink green tea correctly?

The delicate taste and aroma of green tea is incompatible with the rich taste of sugar. You should drink green tea with honey and dried fruits, taking small leisurely sips. Anyone who has felt the aftertaste of good green tea will never exchange this drink for any other.

“Taste without taste is the highest taste”- said the great Chinese Lu Tzu-chzhy about green tea. And he knew about drinks.

The tea leaf contains more than 2000 components, including catechins, polyphenols, theanine, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, caffeine and essential oils. Each of these elements has healing and protective properties.

By the way, green and black tea are essentially the same product: they are collected from the same plant - the difference is in the processing.

Unlike its “black brother,” green tea is not fermented. A more gentle technology is used - evaporation, which allows you to preserve the maximum of useful substances given by nature.

Beneficial properties of green tea

Catechins give the drink a tartness, but the main thing is that, like polyphenols, they are powerful antioxidants, especially when combined with milk. Thanks to them, the body is cleansed of pests before it leads to problems.

In addition, it is a natural fat burner and a source of youth, as well as an indispensable assistant in the fight against oral diseases.

Caffeine and theanine partially oppose each other: if the first stimulates the nervous system and brain, the second calms: it is a natural antidepressant that does not cause drowsiness.

The benefits of green tea and a huge amount of vitamins:

  • A - strengthens the immune system, vision, gives beauty to hair and youth;
  • B1 - gives strength, stimulates brain function and improves mood;
  • B2 - has a positive effect on vision and skin condition;
  • B3 - helps to lose weight, control sugar levels, stimulates digestion;
  • C - supports immunity, has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • E - important for heart health, skin condition, and also helps to get pregnant;
  • F - helps strengthen teeth, heal wounds and relieve swelling;
  • U - normalizes acidity, helps control cholesterol;
  • P - strengthens blood vessels, reduces blood pressure, normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Minerals contained in green tea include phosphorus, copper, potassium, calcium, zinc and manganese. They maintain skeletal strength and water balance in the body.

Essential amino acids (including threonine, phenylalanine, valine, leucine, etc.) activate the strength and functioning of the brain, improve metabolism, regulate appetite and normalize blood pressure.

The consumption of green tea must be compensated with water.

Green tea: harmful to the body

After all that has been said, calls to avoid the “magic elixir” will sound strange. However, there are diseases in which green tea - at least in excess - can cause harm.

Firstly, it is a powerful diuretic: it removes fluid from the body. Therefore, the consumption of the drink must be compensated with plain water - otherwise it is easy to lead yourself to dehydration and kidney stones.

Secondly, those who suffer from diseases of the urinary system should be especially careful: a couple of small cups per day is the limit for such patients, after which you should definitely drink water.

But even a healthy person can get undesirable consequences from drinking green tea: dizziness, irritability, nausea, headaches, heartburn, problems with sleep, urination, loose stools, cramps and tremors in the limbs.

However, it is not difficult to avoid this: it is enough to follow a number of simple requirements.

How to drink green tea correctly

No matter how trivial it may sound, the main rule is: the drink must be of high quality. Saving on food and health is not the best solution for your budget and life in general.

The second important question: how often can you drink green tea? Doctors advise drinking no more than 2-3 cups per day, and you must wait until the tea cools down: temperatures above 60 degrees negatively affect the health of the stomach, even leading to cancer.

Be careful: harm to the body can sometimes exceed the positive effect of even the healthiest product.

Is it possible to drink green tea at night?

We have already examined the composition of the drink literally under a microscope, and, as you can see, it contains a large number of substances that stimulate brain function and risk disrupting sleep. Therefore, the last cup should be drunk no later than three hours before bedtime, otherwise a person will easily lie with his eyes open until the morning.

You should also remember about the diuretic properties of green tea: even if you manage to switch off, a full bladder will most likely cause you to wake up in the middle of the night.

However, it is also impossible to unequivocally prohibit evening tea drinking: if you have to move at night, be on duty or have a party, then activating the body’s reserves will be a plus.

To drink or not to drink - that is the question

The benefits of green tea are undeniable, unless, of course, there are medical contraindications. But even too much sun can become poison. A reasonable approach is needed, and then this aromatic drink will truly become an elixir of youth, beauty and health.

The culture of tea drinking requires strict adherence to many subtleties, especially for green tea. Is it possible to organize a peaceful tea ceremony at home, enjoy the taste and aroma of the drink, and experience all its benefits? Yes, if you brew green tea, following the basic recommendations, know whether it can be sweetened with sugar and how much leaves and water you need.

There is no clear answer to the question of how best to prepare green tea. It all depends on the variety, recipe and accompanying components. When purchasing at a tea store, you should ask the seller about the nuances of brewing the variety at home. As a rule, the packaging is supplemented with a sticker with instructions.

Key factors that affect the properties of green tea:

  • water quality;
  • temperature;
  • number of tea leaves;
  • brewing duration.

What water to use

Here are some simple tips:

  • the best choice is spring water, but in urban areas it is difficult to get;
  • You can use filtered or bottled water; you can use settled tap water.

Note: Do not brew green tea with re-boiled water.

What should the temperature be?

When brewing green tea, water of different temperatures is used, but the main rule is that you should not pour boiling water over the tea leaves.

The temperature depends on the selected variety. For example, for Alishan oolong it will be 90°C, for the recommended 80-85°C, and for Japanese Kabusecha tea – 65-75°C. The average value is about 80°C, for basic varieties 85°C.

An incorrectly chosen temperature will cause the taste to deteriorate and the tea to turn out devoid of aroma and tasteless.


The amount of loose leaf tea directly depends on the size of the tea leaves and the desired richness of the finished drink. If there is a lot of tea leaves, then it will turn out to be too strong with a bitter-astringent taste, and if there is not enough, then its flavor and aromatic properties will not be revealed.

On average, the optimal proportions are one teaspoon of dried leaves per glass of water or 2-3 g for each serving (if the teapot is designed for several cups).

Brewing duration

The longer the loose leaf tea is brewed, the more bitter the treat will be; any sweetener will not save the situation (sugar is excluded).

The first brewing time is 30 seconds, with subsequent brewing times increasing by 5-10 seconds. On average, it takes 1 minute per serving.

You should not expect the infusion to take on a certain color. It is different for each variety. For example, Tai Ping Hou Kui is translucent with a yellowish-green tint, and the Huang Shan Mao Feng infusion is transparent light emerald.

What utensils are needed

The best choice is dishes that retain heat for a long time, such as ceramic or porcelain. The traditional Japanese tea bowl is made of enameled cast iron. The glass one looks stylish and beautiful, through it you can watch the process of how the tea leaves “dance”, rising and falling to the bottom.

Note: before preparing the drink, it is recommended to rinse the kettle with boiling water, warming the walls evenly. You also need to prepare cups or bowls.

Brewing procedure

Classic method for basic varieties:

  1. Warm up the kettle (rinse with boiling water).
  2. Add tea leaves (2-3 g per serving). It is recommended to drain the first brew literally after 3-5 seconds, this will wash and moisturize them.
  3. Fill the kettle with hot water 85°C.
  4. Leave for 30 seconds and you can pour the treat into cups.

Pour in equal portions so that the taste in each mug is the same. It is not customary to offer sugar as a sweetener; instead, you can use dried fruits or honey.

Note: if the kettle is not prepared and it is cold, the tea leaves will heat up unevenly, the drink in it will quickly cool down and lose its taste.

There is also a distinction between top and middle brewing. In the first case, dry leaves are poured into a container that has already been heated and filled with hot water. The method is suitable for preparing Bi Lo Chun.

The median is also applied to high-quality green teas (for example, Huang Shan Mao Feng). Pour the tea leaves into a heated container and add a small amount of hot water at the desired temperature, so that it just covers it. This is done to moisten the leaves. Next, the kettle is filled to the required volume.

How many times should I brew? The number of repeated brews depends on the selected variety. If you are preparing the drink several times, increase the cooking time by a few seconds each time.

How to drink

Green tea should not be drunk on an empty stomach. The best time for a tea ceremony is an hour before a meal or a few hours after. The time of use also depends on the variety.

Sometimes green tea at night is the cause of various sleep disorders. For example, or Taiwanese oolong Alishan have a refreshing and invigorating effect. It is better to drink them in the morning or before lunch. On the contrary, Huang Shan Mao Feng will help you relax after a hard day at work, find peace and clarity of thinking.

Tea must be of high quality and fresh, and then it will delight you with a beautiful shade, pleasant aroma and delicious taste.

photo:, asimojet, joannawnuk