Zephyranthes: the subtleties of caring for a blooming “upstart.” Zephyranthes: caring for the divine flower of the west wind at home

Zephyranthes: the subtleties of caring for a blooming “upstart.”  Zephyranthes: caring for the divine flower of the west wind at home
Zephyranthes: the subtleties of caring for a blooming “upstart.” Zephyranthes: caring for the divine flower of the west wind at home

In warm areas of the American continent, perennial bulbous zephyranthes are unpretentious, beautiful flowering plants for flower beds, decoration and green lawns. But in middle lane Russian zephyranthes, home care h and which is as simple as in open ground, it is a potted plant found on city window sills.

Description and features of the indoor zephyranthes flower

Distinguish zephyranthes from other popular ones bulbous plants help:

  • elongated leaves extending from the neck of the bulb;
  • erect or lodging peduncles about 25 cm long;
  • single flowers of various colors, in shape resembling the more familiar to gardeners or sparaxis.

The diameter of the corolla with a tubular bract is 7–9 cm, and the color of the petals and core depends on the variety and variety of zephyranthes. Flower growers consider the plant’s unique ability to be almost lightning-fast development and the appearance of flower stalks with buds. But after flowering is completed, the developing leaves most often die off, and the zephyranthes goes into “sleep” for several months.

These cultural features must be taken into account when caring for zephyranthes at home.

Caring for the zephyranthes flower during the growing season, flowering and dormancy

With the appearance of buds, zephyranthes needs bright sun and warmth. The plant is not afraid of southern windows, and at suitable air temperatures, a flower from the subtropics of America grows well on the balcony and even in open ground, for example, in a country flower garden.

With proper care of zephyranthes, planting plants in a well-lit place guarantees rapid growth of mother bulbs and the appearance of new bulbs.

Except bright sun, during the growing season, the bulbous crop requires:

  • air heated to 20–25 °C;
  • regular application, at least once every 10–14 days;
  • obtaining warm, settled moisture.

Watering is carried out as the top 2-centimeter layer of the substrate dries. If there is more moisture than the plant requires, stagnation and rotting of the branched system of roots and the bottom of the bulb cannot be avoided.

IN summer time when the air is dry and hot, effective addition Spraying of greenery becomes a part of watering. This measure for caring for marshmallows at home, as in the photo, helps maintain the freshness of foliage and flowers even in open ground.

By September, zephyranthes begins to prepare for hibernation. In most species of this bulbous culture, the dormant state lasts for several months. The impetus for awakening in natural conditions are seasonal climate changes. At home, regulate the flow of life by changing the care of the marshmallow flower and temperature fluctuations.

When the leaves on the plant wither and fall off, this means that it is time to move the zephyranthes to a cool room where it will be dry and dark. The optimal temperature can range from 5–14 °C, but if it drops below, there is a risk of the bulbs freezing.

During the dormant period, plants do not need full-scale watering; they are not fed. But to avoid drying out the bulbs, the soil is sometimes carefully moistened with settled water.

With the onset of spring, the plant’s life processes are activated, the first green foliage appears, followed by buds. At this time, the pot is transferred to the light and fertilizing and watering, interrupted for the winter, begin. Caring for zephyranthes returns to its previous course.

In some species, leaves do not fall off during the winter. Therefore, they are not put away in the dark, but they try to keep them in low temperatures, slightly limiting watering.

Planting and caring for zephyranthes during flower propagation

Every year, several small daughter bulbs are formed around adult marshmallow bulbs, which are easy to separate and give birth to new plants.

If planting and caring for zephyranthes were carried out correctly, the young bulbs quickly lay the rudiments of peduncles and open buds a year after separation from the mother plant.

The easiest time to collect small bulbs is in the fall, when replanting is carried out. For planting, take wide boxes or pots, lay out a drainage layer on their bottom, and pour a mixture of equal parts on top of it:

It is good if, before planting zephyranthes and caring for the bulbous plant, the soil has been sterilized. This will prevent infection of the bulbs by fungi or damage to the rhizomes by pests.

Zephyranthes - comparatively small plants, so they look much more impressive in group plantings, where there are from 8 to 15 bulbs nearby. When planting in the ground, be sure to pay attention to ensuring that the thin, graceful neck of the bulb remains above the surface of the substrate.

Planting crops in open ground is done in the same way. If the marshmallow plants are well-groomed, as in the photo, at home they can be pollinated and produce seeds. About 60 days pass from the moment of artificial pollination to the collection of seed material. Sowing is carried out in the same season, otherwise the germination of seeds drops sharply.

The seeds are laid on the surface of a loose ready-made substrate at a distance of 2–3 cm from each other, lightly sprinkled with soil and placed in partial shade. At a temperature of about 22–24 °C in greenhouse conditions, seedling boxes are kept for up to 4 weeks. In most species, after this time, the first young shoots appear. Caring for zephyranthes brings good results. Flower specimens grown from seeds first open buds in the third year of life.

Video about upstart flower

Zephyranthes, which does not require much effort to care for at home, is a representative of the Amaryllis family. This perennial is native to the central and southern parts of America. Translated from Greek, the name means "flower west wind". By appearance it resembles a lily bud, which is why it is sometimes called the “rain lily.”

In the flower's homeland, western winds are considered a harbinger of rain. It is during this period that the plant emerges from the ground and rushes towards freshness. For this feature, the flower also received the name upstart zephyranthes. Interestingly, it grows very quickly and begins to bloom in just a few days.

There are also some superstitions associated with this perennial. So, the teachings of Feng Shui tell us why you can’t keep marshmallows at home. The fact is that its leaves have pointed ends and therefore attract bad luck. IN residential buildings Feng Shui recommends keeping flowers with rounded leaves. But florists explain the reason for superstition differently. Zephyranthes - poisonous plant, in which toxic substances are contained in green mass. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep the flower in homes with small children and animals. When working with the plant, you should wear rubber gloves.

The culture is distinguished by the diversity of species that bloom in different periods of the year. Among them:

  1. 1 White-flowered. Zephyranthes alba primarily blooms from April to October in cool conditions. It is distinguished by the white color of its buds.
  2. 2 Yellow-flowered. Suitable for open ground, but only in a warm climate. Blooms in winter. The color of the buds is yellow.
  3. 3 Red-flowered. Zephyranthes pink blooms in summer and has a corresponding color.
  4. 4 Two-color types. Produces buds in January. The inflorescences are white, with a reddish tint on the outside.

The soil for planting the plant must be loose and nutritious. You can prepare the soil yourself. To do this, you need to take turf, humus and sand in proportions 1:1:1. Phosphate fertilizers can be added to the soil. The pot should not be very large. A drainage layer is laid on the bottom.

Location also plays an important role. The zephyranthes flower needs constant lighting and easily tolerates direct sunlight. Therefore, the southern, western and eastern sides are suitable for him. IN summer period The pot can be taken out onto the balcony, but not into drafts.

Care, feeding and replanting

Caring for marshmallows includes following a number of rules:

  1. 1 Temperature mode. During the period of growth and flowering, the air temperature should be within +18...+25°C. During the rest period - +10...+12°С. It is important to take into account that each species has its own flowering time, and therefore dormant periods vary.
  2. 2 The upstart likes slightly higher air humidity. In summer, you should spray the leaves once a week. But with low humidity there is a high risk of infection with fungal diseases.
  3. 3 Perhaps the most important thing in caring for a flower is watering. The soil should be constantly moist. Water the plant with settled water as the top layer of soil dries. At the same time, the amount of fluid is not reduced even during the rest period. The exceptions are newly transplanted bulbs and those specimens that shed their leaves for the winter.
  4. 4 Blooming zephyranthes needs regular feeding. So, from the moment the leaves appear until the end of the flowering period, the plant should be fed 2 times a month. Minerals are chosen as fertilizer.

Some species shed their leaves in the winter. Such specimens should be removed for the entire period in a dark, cool place. Stop watering. Only occasionally moisten the soil to prevent the bulb from drying out. The air temperature should be no higher than +14°C and no lower than +5°C. After the leaves appear, you can expose the plant to light and resume watering.

If the zephyranthes does not shed its leaves, it can be left in a bright and cool place. Don't stop watering. The indicator is upper layer soil.

Florists recommend replanting the flower every year at the end of the dormant period. For the procedure, choose a low, but wider than the previous pot. Drainage must be laid at the bottom. You can plant several bulbs in one container without digging them too deep into the soil.

Reproduction and possible difficulties during cultivation

The upstart flower reproduces by bulbs and seeds. The most common and simplest method of propagation is by daughter bulbs. They are separated from the mother plant before the onset of the dormant period, but after flowering. In autumn, the bulbs are planted in low pots or boxes. For the soil, take humus, sand and loose turf soil in proportions 1:1:1. A drainage layer is laid on the bottom. From 6 to 12 bulbs are planted in each pot. It should be taken into account that “daughters” with a short neck should be completely buried in the ground, and those with a long neck should protrude on the surface. Flowering can be expected the very next year after planting.

Seed propagation is used much less frequently. To obtain seeds, the flower undergoes artificial pollination. 2 months after it, grains appear, which are recommended to be planted immediately. The soil mixture is the same as for bulb propagation. Flower growers add another 1 part of peat. The soil is watered and leveled before planting. Seeds are sown at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. Then the crops are covered with film and stored in dark place at an air temperature not lower than +21°C.

The first shoots can be expected a month after planting. The soil must be moist throughout this period. With this method of propagation, the first flowering appears only after 3-4 years.

Zephyranthes is susceptible to various pests if it is not properly cared for and the soil is over-moistened. The most common “guest” on the flower is scale insects. When it appears on leaves and stems, brown spots. Then the leaves lose color and dry out, and the buds begin to fall off. The pest can be controlled using special chemicals.

Very dry air leads to the appearance of spider mites. A cobweb appears on the back of the leaf, and the green mass begins to dry out and fall off. At the first sign of a mite, the leaves are treated with a soap solution and left until completely dry. Then wash it off warm water. For severe lesions, chemicals are used.

Most dangerous pest, infecting the “rain lily” is the amaryllis mealybug. It settles in the bulb and devours it, thereby completely destroying the flower. In addition, its secretions provoke the development of fungal diseases. When attacked by a scale insect, zephyranthes stops growing and flowering and loses its leaves. Insecticides will help get rid of the pest. Severely affected bulbs should be removed.

Very often, flower growers wonder why zephyranthes do not bloom. This may be due to pests, improper care, or fungal diseases. The first sign that something is wrong with the plant is yellow leaves. This is caused by excess or lack of water, non-compliance with temperature conditions, small amounts of fertilizers, very high or, conversely, low air humidity. Observing the behavior of an upstart, you can easily understand what exactly he is missing.

In general, if all the rules of planting, watering and fertilizing are observed, zephyranthes delights owners with beautiful flowering every year.

That's what people call it Zephyranthes. It throws out flower stalks even before the leaves appear. Two days, and the buds bloom. This movement “ahead of the locomotive” became the reason for the second name.

The first is associated with a sweet called “Marshmallow”. Remember its airiness and lightness? She is akin to the breeze. By the way, “zephyros” is translated from Greek as “breeze”. "Anthos" means flower in the ancient language. So we deciphered the name. It remains to consider itself.

Description and features of Zephyrantes

Zephyranthes - plant family Amaryllis. Homeland - South America. There, the hero of the article settles in arid areas. In the heat, Zephyranthes is neither visible nor heard. Peduncles “shoot” upward during the rainy season, filling the air with a sweetish-fresh aroma.

In the photo there is white zephyranthes

In the photo Zephyranthes distinguished by 6-petals in the shape of stars. Sometimes, the buds resemble funnels. These are Gabranthus. It is conditionally classified as a genus of the hero of the article, since there are 4 buds on the peduncle.

In Zephyranthes, only 1 flower blooms on the “arrow”. In addition, the seeds of Gabranthus are thick, while the hero of the article has flat grains. In general, there are enough differences, even at first glance, like twins.

Botanists call the shape of Zephyranthes buds crocus-shaped. The concept is formed by analogy with Saffron buds. His middle name is . Gabranthus has tubular buds, which are popularly called funnels.

Fading Zephyranthes flower as quickly as it appears. Only 3-5 days pass from blooming to death of the bud. The continuous release of peduncles saves flowering. They rise, on average, 30 centimeters.

Each bush has several shoots with buds. They come from one bulb with a diameter of about 3 centimeters. This is the only thing that remains from the drought.

Zephyranthes bulbs covered with brown scales, accumulate moisture and nutrients. U low-growing species The diameter of the rhizome can be only a centimeter.

In the photo there are marshmallows at home

The bulbs of tall Zephyranthes reach 5 centimeters. As for the buds, their diameter is just beginning from 5 centimeters, reaching 12-13. But the fragility of the hero of the article “forces” most of the year to admire only its leaves.

They are oblong, like belts. Some species have lanceolate-shaped greens. The name is derived from the name surgical instrument. Like it, the leaves of Zephyranthes are elongated, widened in the middle and narrowed at the ends.

Greenery Zephyranthes Upstart produces a basal plant collected in a rosette. The height of the leaves is equal to the length of the peduncles. At the moment of flowering, it seems that the greenery is a wrapper from which the bouquet peeks out.

You can often admire the picture at night. Zephyranthes in the garden or at home it opens its buds at dusk. The goal is to attract moths. They are the main pollinators of the hero of the article. It attracts insects with its intoxicating aroma.

Zephyranthes seeds ripen in fruit boxes. As soon as they open, the leaves die. This is the end of flowering. Zephyranthes at home And wildlife goes into hibernation for 2-5 months.

Her flower spends time in dry and dark rooms, in cool conditions. Temperatures can drop to 5-14 degrees. More conducive to early awakening, he will not have time to gain strength for further development. Temperatures below 5 degrees lead to freezing of the bulbs and the death of Eephyranthes.

Reproduction and planting of Zephyranthes

Growing Zephyranthes start with seeds or bulbs. The latter are formed every year. Daughter bulbs are formed around the mother bulb and are easily separated. TO independent life The rhizomes are ready after Zephyranthes blooms, in the fall.

In the photo there are marshmallow bulbs

However, some types of grass produce buds in winter. Plant onions 10 pieces in a wide and low flowerpot. Need ceramic. The heaviness of the material and the configuration of the pot will ensure stability. Other containers are powerful root system the hero of the article and an impressive bunch of leaves can turn over.

Implemented landing of Zephyranthes into a mixture of turf, sand and humus. They are taken in equal shares, generously flavored with expanded clay. These are foamed pieces of clay.

They are moisture-intensive, absorb excess water, releasing it when the soil dries out. In addition, drainage will add breathability to the substrate. The hero of the article loves loose and light soils.

Zephyranthes indoors produces 2 types of bulbs. Some have a short neck, while others have a long neck. The first type is completely buried. Bulbs with a long neck stick out slightly from the ground.

Several bulbs are placed in a single flowerpot to create a voluminous bush of leaves and to crowd the plant. Only in this state does the hero of the article bloom profusely. If Zephyranthes does not bloom, the pot is probably too big for him. throws energy into the growth of the root system, leaving no resources for buds.

Zephyranthes may also refuse to bloom if the pot is moved at the time of planting the buds. A change of environment is stressful for the bush. Grown from a bulb, it is ready to flower within a year. This is one of the reasons for refusing to plant Zephyranthes with seeds. , obtained from them, produce buds only in the 3rd-4th years of life.

In the photo Zephyranthes Robusta

Zephyranthes seeds are also difficult to work with because of their low shelf life. Already six months after harvesting, the grains lose their ability to germinate. In addition, the seeds need to be collected somewhere. Zephyranthes does not self-pollinate. You have to transfer the pollen to the pistils yourself, or bring fresh Upstart grains from travel.

After artificial pollination, Zephyranthes seeds ripen for 2 months. Then the grains are soaked for a day in settled, warm water and placed in the substrate. Add another 1 share to the soil for the bulbs. Zephyranthes are sown at intervals of 3 centimeters. The soil must be constantly moist.

The crops are covered with film and placed in a shaded place with a temperature of about 22 degrees. Seedlings are expected to take 3-4 weeks. After the 3-4th leaves appear, the greens are thinned out, selecting the most viable, strong ones and placing several of them in one pot. When Zephyranthes transplant finished, it’s time to think about a routine care regimen.

Caring for Zephyranthes

Grown in warm regions Zephyranthes in open ground. Sometimes, it manages to remain a perennial. But, often, the bulbs freeze in winter. Therefore, it is cultivated as an annual.

The hero of the article can be planted in gardens due to his tolerance to harsh conditions. Desert tolerates sudden changes in temperature, considering 19-23 degrees the most comfortable. Minimum - 5 degrees. This must also be taken into account when keeping indoors.

The photo shows blue zephyranthes in the open ground

TO light mode Upstart is as patient as he is with temperature. The plant is ideally placed on western and eastern windows. However, it doesn’t “complain” either on northern or southern window sills.

From the north, it is advisable to move Zephyranthes closer to the glass. This way the bush will receive maximum light. On the southern windows, the hero of the article is protected from direct rays of the sun with a translucent curtain, or the pot is moved to a table near the windowsill.

The main thing in the graph "Care for Zephyranthes"- watering. Since the flower awakens only during the rainy season, its imitation should be arranged in the apartment. Water the bush often, abundantly, as soon as the soil begins to dry out.

In order not to provoke rotting of the bulbs, water is given through the tray of the pot. Zephyrantes himself will take as much as he needs. Stop watering only during the dormant period. There are species of Zephyranthes that do not shed all their foliage during hibernation. In this case, rare irrigation of the soil is maintained.

In the photo the marshmallows are soft pink

Since the hero of the article loves nutritious soils, he also loves. During the period of active growth, they are given to Zephyranthes once every 14 days. Flower growers recommend Agricola. But other fertilizers for flowering bulbs are also suitable.

Types and varieties of Zephyranthes

7 species of Zephyranthes are grown in culture. There are dozens of varieties. Among them there are those that produce offspring, bred by selecting plants with certain parameters within the same group.

In the photo there is pink zephyranthes Pink

There are also hybrid varieties obtained by interspecific crossing. These are distinguished by their resistance to environmental conditions, beauty and size, but are sterile.

Review decorative species Let's start the hero of the article with “White”. Found in the wild in Argentina, it is distinguished by onion-like leaves. buds Zephyranthes "White" forms from July to October. The diameter is 6 centimeters. The color of the petals is usually white, hence the name of the species.

The names of most species of the hero of the article are associated with the color of the buds. So, Zephyranthes "Yellow" has golden . Their diameter is 8 centimeters. The buds bloom in winter. The leaves of varieties of the species are belt-like, up to 30 centimeters in length.

Zephyranthes "Pink" has a middle name - "Lindley". The species is classified as large. The bulb reaches up to 5 centimeters in diameter, and the bush itself reaches up to half a meter.

In the photo there is an indoor blue zephyranthes

The diameter of the flowers is 7 centimeters. Blooms Zephyranthes "Pink" in summer. When the buds fade, some of the green remains. The leaves are about 1.5 centimeters wide and equal to 20-25 in length.

There is Zephyranthes "Multi-Colored". Its buds are white on the inside and red on the outside with green streaks. The color contrasts with the dark green foliage. The length of the green plates is 30 centimeters. The diameter of the buds varies from 5 to 7 centimeters. The bulbs of this species are medium-sized, about 3 centimeters wide.

The Atamaska ​​species is distinguished by small bulbs with a diameter of 1.5-2 centimeters. The leaves of the plants of the group are lanceolate, emerald in color. "Atamaska" blooms in spring. In apartment conditions, the buds last until August. Varieties of the species are painted white or lavender. The diameter of the buds is 8-10 centimeters.

Zephyranthes "Robusta" It has soft pink buds. They bloom from June to September. The species is bushy and powerful with a small height of 20-30 centimeters. The diameter of the buds is about 6 centimeters. The leaves of the "Robustos" varieties, like those of the "White" Zephyranthes, are similar to the feathers of an onion.

In the photo there is a yellow zephyranthes

It remains to mention Zephyranthes “Large-flowered”. It has 5 cm bulbs and 10 cm buds. Bright orange stamens stand out inside. They are collected in a bun. The greenery is dark. The length of the belt-shaped leaves is 40 centimeters.

Diseases and pests of Zephyranthes

Buy Zephyranthes relatively safe. The bulbs are poisonous. Therefore, soil insects and fungi do not attack. The tops of Zephyranthes can be affected by spider mites.

The size of insects reaches half a millimeter. You may notice dots on the sheets. They are green, red, brown. Scarlet, for example, are sexually mature females.

Zephyranthes whitefly infection

The spider mite is called a spider mite because it weaves a web. Several generations of insects live in it. They suck the juices out of Zephyranthes. In places where ticks are attached, the production of chlorophyll is disrupted. Therefore, the green grass becomes covered with whitish or brownish spots.

The first sign of spider mite infestation is yellowing and falling leaves. Afterwards, dark dots and cobwebs become visible on the underside of the green plates. The next stage is that the mites move to the upper plane of the leaves. In the end, insects attack young shoots, flowers and fruits.

It is too late to save Zephyranthes in the final stages of spider mite damage. We need to act on initial stages. The most effective means– acaricides.

These are chemicals of targeted or general action. The first ones work exclusively against arachnid insects. Complex acaricides also kill other insect pests.

Amaryllis mealybug on zephyranthes

From folk remedies Washing Zephyranthes with 45-degree water works against spider mites. You can heat the solution laundry soap. After keeping it for a day, wash it off, thoroughly pour the hero of the article with ordinary water and cover with polyethylene.

A hot and humid microclimate is created under the hood. Spider mites die in this. Therefore, insects settle in dry climates. Hence the prevention of ticks - periodic spraying of Zephyranthes.

Many people have such a small flower at home, with foliage similar to small onion. It is often called the domestic daffodil. The flowers of the plant are simple, but when a cap of white buds appears among the foliage, the beauty is simply indescribable. This is zephyranthes.

Description and pedigree

So simple but delicate flower originally from Central and South America is a perennial bulbous indoor plant and belongs to the Amaryllis family. Zephyranthes got its name from the Greek “Zephyr”, which translates as Zephyr - the name greek god, which means warm western breeze, and "anthes", which means "flower". Another name for zephyranthes is “water lily,” and among gardening enthusiasts it is known as “upstart.” The peculiarity of this flower is its flowering, which is why it is popularly called an upstart. Flowering usually begins in April and continues until July, when the rainy season begins in its homeland. During this period, flower stalks grow rapidly, and completely unnoticed. At the end a flower blooms, shaped like a six-pointed star, the color of which depends on the variety. The flower stays open for no more than 2 days, and then fades, but then blooms to replace it. new flower. Thus, continuous and frequent flowering allows you to constantly admire its beauty. The flower bulb is ovoid, usually 2-3.5 cm in diameter, but there are also large specimens. The fruit of the marshmallow is a capsule.


Zephyranthes Atamasco. Originates from the USA. This variety has a bulb only 1.5-2 cm in diameter, leaves are dark green, linear-lancelot in shape. In spring, pink or white flowers up to 8 cm in diameter bloom on long peduncles. At home, with proper care, this species can bloom from April to August. Atamasco likes to winter at a temperature of 16-18 degrees, but at the same time it requires lighting and proper watering.
Zephyranthes grandiflora. Quite a large species. Its bulb is round in shape, reaches a size of 5 cm and deepens completely when planted. The leaves are belt-shaped, dark-colored. green color, reach 40 cm in length and 1 cm in width. Single funnel-shaped flowers with bright orange stamens bloom on long peduncles. The size of the flower is impressive - up to 8 cm wide.
Zephyranthes white. This species is native to Argentina and has small bulbs. Its leaves are narrow and long, similar to onion feathers. Single flowers up to 6 cm in diameter bloom on peduncles. Flowering begins in July and continues until October. Zephyranthes should overwinter at a temperature of 10-12 degrees.
Zephyranthes golden. This species is native to Peru. Its bulbs are up to 3 cm in diameter. The leaves are quite long - up to 30 cm long and approximately 1 cm wide. Flowering begins in winter. At this time, they bloom up to 8 cm in diameter.
Zephyranthes Lindley. This is perhaps the largest species, its bulb reaches a size of 4 cm. The leaves are long, 1.5 cm wide. It begins to bloom in July with pink funnel-shaped flowers up to 7 cm in diameter. This zephyranthes loves good lighting and fertilizing, but it needs to be fertilized from the onset of spring until the end of flowering.
Zephyranthes variegated. The bulb of this variety is 3 cm in diameter and is covered with a dense dark-colored film on top. Leaves linear shape 30 cm long. Flowering occurs in January and the plant blooms with flowers 5-7 cm in diameter. The color of the flower is white inside and reddish-green outside. This variety will be comfortable in rooms where the atmosphere is moderately warm.


Zephyranthes is perhaps a flower for the lazy. It is unpretentious and tolerates temperature changes well. A temperature of 19-23 degrees is perfect for it. But it is better for him to winter at a temperature of 8-14 degrees.


Nothing for lighting either special requirements does not present the flower. It grows well on western and eastern windows. It can also live on a north window, but I would advise moving the flower close to the glass itself to provide as much light as possible. It would also be useful artificial lighting. If you have southern windows, then the flower should be shaded from the direct rays of the sun. To do this, I advise MirSovetov readers to either hang a small translucent curtain, move it away from the window, or simply move it to a table by the window. If you live in a private house, then you can put the pot on the veranda in partial shade - just perfect place for marshmallows.

Watering and humidity

As I already said, zephyranthes blooms with the onset of rain in its homeland. Therefore, it needs to be watered quite often, but moderately, so that the bulbs do not rot. And if your room is quite dry, then you need to additionally spray the flower, that is, slightly increase the humidity around the flower. There are types of zephyranthes that shed their leaves during the dormant period, so there is no need to water the flower during this period. If there is little foliage left, then water the zephyranthes, only very rarely.

The soil

For marshmallows you need neutral soil. The best mixture is turf, leaf soil, peat and sand. Everything must be taken in equal parts. You can also buy land. But I want to warn you that no matter what soil you take, it is worth remembering that it should be light and loose, as well as nutritious.

Reproduction and transplantation

Zephyranthes reproduces quite easily, forming babies. One “mother” can give birth to up to 15 children. You can, of course, wait for the seeds, plant them and wait for the bulbs, but this takes so long that the method is very rarely practiced. I would like to note that if you decide to propagate zephyranthes by seeds, then you need to plant them immediately after harvesting, because over time they lose their qualities.
People say different things about transplantation. Some advise replanting once a year in spring or autumn, others advise not to replant until the pot becomes too crowded, others generally advise digging up the bulbs and planting them in the spring. I chose the second option for myself. I don't do any digging or annual replanting. I’m just making sure that the bulbs aren’t too crowded in the pot. When there are a lot of them, the bush simply looks incomparable, but when it blooms, there are no words. If there are too many bulbs, then I simply separate them when transplanting. I would like to note that when transplanting the bulbs, they should be examined. If they have a long neck, then they need to be planted so that the neck peeks out. If the neck is short, then the bulbs need to be buried completely. As for pots, for zephyranthes it is better to take bowls - low but wide pots. The width of the chosen pot is judged by the number of bulbs that are going to be planted. If there are only a couple of them, then you should take a small one. A decent layer of drainage must be placed at the bottom of the pot. After transplanting, zephyranthes are not watered for several days.

Top dressing

I feed zephyranthes with any fertilizer for flowering bulbous plants once every 2 weeks in the warm season. Agricola is often recommended for it.

Pests and diseases

In general, zephyranthes is resistant to various pests and diseases, but, nevertheless, the flower often disappears due to overwatering. If this happens, the bulbs must be dug up, dried well and inspected for rot and planted in a new substrate.
Pests may include spider mites, whiteflies, amaryllis bugs or scale insects.

Features of cultivation

  1. Follow correct landing bulbs
  2. Don't overdo it with watering.
  3. During dormancy, the plant's leaves may drop.
  4. If the zephyranthes does not bloom, then perhaps it did not have a proper dormant period or the lighting is too poor for it.
That's all the recommendations for caring for such unusual flower. If you come across it on sale, buy it, you won’t regret it.

In its homeland, the flower actively grows green mass and begins to bloom during the rainy season, for which it received its name. In a short period of time, the plant produces leaves, and after one or two days the first flowers bloom.

(Zephyranthes) is a native of tropical and subtropical regions of America. The plant is also common in Argentina, Chile, northern Patagonia and the West Indies. The culture belongs to flowering plants from the genus Amaryllidaceae, which includes more than 80 species, but only some of them can be cultivated at home, including white zephyranthes.

Zephyranthes is a bulbous plant perennial. Bulbs with a diameter of two to five centimeters are ovoid or rounded shape and may be covered with a dark, dense skin.
The leaves of the plant are narrow and long, they can grow up to 35 cm, but their width does not exceed one and a half centimeters.

The leaf plates are painted green from dark to bright colors. The foliage of the plant is often compared to the feathers of an onion. Often the leaves appear after the peduncle. Hence the name Upstart.

Zephyranthes blooms with white flowers, but there are other varieties with a richer palette.

Flowers with a diameter of five to eight centimeters look like a six-pointed star. The peduncle grows up to 30 cm. The lifespan of the flowers does not exceed two days, but as soon as one withers, another blooms in its place. Therefore, it creates the impression of continuous flowering over a long period of time. The flowering period begins in mid-summer and lasts 2-3 months, after which the plant sheds its leaves and goes into hibernation.

Zephyranthes refers to unpretentious plants, so growing it at home is not difficult. The main thing is to create acceptable conditions for it to grow:

  • For active development, zephyranthes needs a large amount diffused light. It also tolerates the influence of direct sun rays. Therefore, the flower will feel good on any windowsill, but on north windows the plant should be provided with additional lighting.
  • When forming buds, the “upstart” needs a bright sunlight and warmth. It grows well on verandas and balconies, if the street is stable warm weather. Optimal temperature The air temperature in summer is between 18 and 25 degrees. And in winter time When the rest period begins, the temperature should be maintained at a level of 7 to 15 degrees. When the temperature drops below three degrees Celsius, the plant bulbs may freeze. This leads to the development of diseases and death of the flower.
  • For a tropical guest, medium or high humidity air. If indoor humidity is low, the likelihood of developing diseases increases. In the summer, when it's worth hot weather and the air becomes dry, zephyranthes should be sprayed regularly. This helps replenish moisture and preserves the decorative appearance of the plant.

By the beginning of autumn, water lilies are preparing for rest, which can last for several months. At this time, the plant sheds its leaves. In nature, awakening occurs due to a change in climate, which the flower senses well. And at home, the climate is artificially regulated: the frequency of watering, air temperature and daylight hours increase.

In early spring, the plant begins to wake up, grow greenery and buds. At this time, it is important to help the zephyranthes recover and gain strength. To do this, you should move the flower to a lighted place and follow some rules of agricultural technology:

  1. Irrigation. The frequency of watering should be adjusted based on seasonal activity. During the growing season, the flower needs regular watering. The signal to carry out the procedure is dried soil, but there is no need to allow the earthen lump to dry out. The plant should be watered with soft water warmed up in the sun.
  2. Fertilizer application. It is recommended to feed zephyranthes with liquid fertilizers enriched with microelements. The procedure should be carried out once every two weeks. Fertilizing begins with the appearance of the first leaves and ends after the end of the flowering period. It is important to follow the recommended dosages, because excess fertilizer can destroy the plant. Also, do not feed flowers in extreme heat.
  3. Transplant. Zephyranthes are replanted annually. Events are held in early spring. The container for the plant should be small and low. It is disinfected with a manganese solution and filled with a light nutritious soil mixture. The soil can be prepared from equal parts of turf soil, peat, turf, humus and sand. And at the bottom of the pot you need to lay a drainage layer. One or more bulbs are planted in containers. It is important to ensure that the necks of the onions remain on the surface. After transplanting, it is recommended to reduce watering.
  4. Wintering. The falling of leaves and wilting of inflorescences serves as a signal that the plant is preparing to rest. At this time, zephyranthes should be moved to a dark, cool place and watering should be minimized. The soil needs to be moistened occasionally to prevent the bulbs from drying out.

Zephyranthes can be propagated in two ways: by sowing seeds and planting bulbs.

Sowing seeds. This method is not popular because it requires a certain amount of time and effort. Only freshly collected seeds are suitable for the procedure, and flowering will occur no earlier than three years later. Seed propagation is carried out according to a certain scheme:

  • to get high-quality seed material, zephyranthes need to be pollinated
  • ripe seeds are collected and immediately prepared for planting
  • Seeds are placed on the surface of moistened nutrient soil at intervals of 3-4 cm.
  • planting containers are covered with polyethylene and placed in a dark, warm place
  • the air temperature is maintained at 23-25 ​​degrees and the soil is regularly moistened

If all the rules are followed, the first shoots will appear within three weeks. Next, the plant should be provided with standard care.

Planting bulbs. This method is more accessible and less expensive. During the development process, home daffodils form many daughter bulbs - children. They can be easily and painlessly separated from the mother bulb. Received planting material planted in separate containers, several at a time. Up to 15 babies can form on one mother bulb. After planting the children, the soil should be watered abundantly and the young plants should be placed in a shaded place for rooting. Young plants will quickly grow and bloom the next year.

White Zephyranthes is rarely affected by diseases and pests. The main reason development of diseases is excessive hydration. Most often the plant is attacked spider mites, whiteflies, amaryllis scale insects and scale insects:

  • Scale insects give themselves away by education dark spots on leaf plates that are covered with sticky liquid. If symptoms are detected, zephyranthes are placed under running water and insects are removed with a soft cloth soaked in alcohol or soap solution.
  • Whiteflies are small insects that lay many larvae on the undersides of leaves. They feed on the sap of the plant, which leads to the withering and death of the flower. Treatment consists of systemic spraying with permethrin preparations and reducing watering. It is also recommended to transplant zephyranthes into disinfected soil.
  • Amaryllis scale insects. During the life of insects, cottony formations appear on plants. Leaves and buds fall off. To cure a flower, you need to remove all pests and remove the affected bulbs. Subsequent treatment consists of treating marshmallows with garlic or tobacco infusion, as well as alcohol tincture. Treatments are carried out three times with an interval of 10 days.
  • Spider mites envelop bushes in cobwebs. As a result, zephyranthes begins to wither. Treatment consists of treating the flower with insecticidal preparations and completely replacing the soil.

More information can be found in the video:

Problems during cultivation:

  • If watered too much, the bulbs of water lilies can rot. To resuscitate the flower, an urgent transplant will be required, during which all damaged bulbs are removed, and healthy ones are dried well and planted in a new soil mixture.
  • If homemade zephyranthes does not form flower buds for a long time, this means that the temperature regime and air humidity. This is also an indicator of excessive fertilizing and insufficient lighting.

Caring for zephyranthes is not difficult, but you should remember that this plant is poisonous. Therefore, you need to follow safety rules and not place pots within reach of children and pets. Some varieties can be grown in the garden. But this requires suitable climatic conditions. If you carefully monitor the condition of the plant, many troubles can be avoided. Zephyranthes will grow healthy and delight with abundant flowering.