Protestant church building name. What is the Protestant Church. Dogmatic similarities and differences

Protestant church building name.  What is the Protestant Church.  Dogmatic similarities and differences
Protestant church building name. What is the Protestant Church. Dogmatic similarities and differences

In rigor and minimalism architectural solutions The main feature of the Protestant branch of the Christian religion is manifested.

A Gothic Protestant church for Kharkov is a unique rather than common phenomenon, and therefore attracts attention, including
with its unique architecture. Our conversation with the pastor of the Adventist Church, Alexander Tyupin, was about this.


–– A Protestant temple or house of prayer (this name is more common) from an architectural point of view provides for creative
approach, combining eclecticism of styles and trends, as well as focusing on the architectural traditions and cultural traditions of the country and area in which the temple is located. Therefore, the architecture of Protestantism is diverse, it acquires shades and colors of local construction techniques, architectural styles and directions. Temples can be unusual, original and beautiful, but most often this beauty lies in the simplicity and minimalism of architectural solutions, because this reveals the main feature of the Protestant branch of the Christian religion.

The uniqueness of a Protestant church, for example, in the Baltic states, is that it can be built according to the principle of northern wooden architecture as a simple wooden frame.

If you look at the house of prayer in Cyprus, you will notice the dominance of oriental motifs in architectural techniques.

In the East, the temple can be built in the form of a mosque. Inside such a mosque, people will sit on carpets on the floor, some may sit on a chair, near the wall.

Sometimes a Protestant church looks like a Jewish synagogue.

Often temples repeat the Byzantine church tradition, what is observed in Orthodox Church. You can also see the inheritance of the Catholic architectural feature is a creative combination of rigor gothic style and the simplicity of modern minimalism.

In Kharkov, Protestant houses of prayer are built both in the form of a synagogue and in the style of modern minimalism. The Charismatic Church (another movement of Protestantism), for example, has a more pronounced style; here you can see a combination of modern minimalism, simplicity, and Gothic severity (the Charismatic Church on Blyukhera Street, Saltovka).

Baptist house of prayer (direction of Protestantism), for example, on the same street. Blucher, combines simplicity and at the same time an original, unique style feature.



– This temple has been under construction for almost 10 years, because the temple is being built at the expense of the parishioners themselves, members of community No. 8. The owners of the temple premises, its owners and users are members of the community.

The Azimut-Service company took part in the development of the construction project; the author of the project is the city architect Sergei Georgievich Chechelnitsky. The initiators of the construction idea are members of community No. 8 and the pastor of the church. By the end of this month, it is planned to complete work on the roof of the temple, and in general the house of prayer will be ready.


-– The style of the house of prayer will be distinguished by modern creative architectural execution, modern minimalism, strict form appearance buildings and amenities interior spaces, which is typical for the European Protestant monastery. The house is a strict cottage type, designed for more than 300 people, will have premises not only of a prayer and ritual nature, but also premises for teaching and foreign language courses, for kindergarten. Everything is designed for the convenience and comfort of parishioners and children.


–– Several main features of the interior of the house of prayer express the main goals of Protestantism.

The first is the presence in any Protestant church of a pulpit from which the pastor preaches. The temple should have places for the flock, that is, those who came to pray, because the main thing in a Protestant church is not the cult of the temple itself, but the community of people who, with their prayers, creates this entire temple. People sanctify the temple with their presence, rather than the temple sanctifying people with its architectural appearance and internal decorations. After all, when they asked Jesus Christ where the house of prayer should be, what the temple should look like, he led his people out into nature, to the river, this place was the temple for prayer.

In many Protestant houses of worship, as in catholic cathedral, an organ may be present (in many ways, Protestantism has absorbed elements of Catholicism, especially in terms of objects of church worship, which is not surprising, since Protestantism arose precisely in a Catholic environment). Mandatory presence of a baptistery, i.e. pool for complete water immersion during baptism, because that’s exactly how it is - full immersion John baptized Jesus in the Jordan River. For baptistery equipment you can buy plastic swimming pools wholesale .

One of the main distinctive features is the lack of worship of symbols of faith: in the halls of the temple there is a lot of simplicity and naturalness, there is no elegant beauty on the walls, there are no icons and images, paintings, there is no altar.

Throughout Protestantism, the place of prayer carries a desacral character, therefore the objects in the temple themselves, like the cross that is present in the temple, do not have sacred significance without the presence of God and man. The main subject of the word of the Lord is the Bible, which is worshiped by Protestants of all times and directions - this is the only symbol of faith that should be present in any Protestant house of prayer, being the main attribute of the church.

Lutheran Church. Distributed in Germany, Scandinavian countries, USA, Estonia, Latvia. Available in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. This is one of the largest Protestant churches. Its name comes from the name of Martin Luther; this church is based on his teaching. The Lutheran Church retains many elements of Catholicism. The Mass (worship), two sacraments (baptism and communion) have been preserved. There is church marriage, ordination to the priesthood, unction of the sick and dying, confession, confirmation (confirmation). Lutheran churches - churches (lit. Church). They are humble on the inside. There are no icons, but there is a crucifix and an altar. Music sounds (organ, choir). Priests - pastors (from Latin shepherd) are dressed in special clothes.

Calvinism (Switzerland) and Presbyterianism (England and Scotland). Neither faith nor human activity can influence his fate after death. Everything is already predetermined by God and is a mystery to people. A person's success in business is a sign that he is chosen by God. This results in a desire for competition, frugality, savings, and hard work. God forbid someone dresses brightly or richly than others!

Presbyterians do not have a priesthood. Worship has been simplified to the extreme. These are Gospel readings, prayers, chants performed by a choir of believers. The service can take place in any room.

Anglicanism. In England. The head of the church is the king or queen. English kings They were very burdened by their dependence on the Pope. The Reformation was a good reason for the local church to break with Rome. In 1554 ᴦ. King Henry YIII was proclaimed head of the church by an act of parliament. This church is in the middle between Catholicism and Protestantism. Anglican clergy can be married. There are also women priests. The temple buildings are richly decorated. The idea of ​​salvation through the church remains. Two sacraments. There is a principle of “justification by faith”.

Baptistism and the movement of evangelical Christians close to them. It developed in the 19th-20th centuries. The name of this direction comes from gr.
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immerse in water, baptize in water.

Adventists. The name comes from Lat. adventus coming (of Christ). March 21, 1843 ᴦ. waited for the second coming of I. Christ.

Quakers. ( Comes from anᴦ. shake). They originated in the XYII century and were called the “Christian Society of Inner Light”. During a prayer meeting, Quakers enter into a kind of ecstasy (illuminated by an inner light), begin to speak in the name of God, tremble, shake, and are in a state of trance. They try to live in closed communities.

Pentecostals. According to the New Testament, on the 50th day after Easter, the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles. They mystically communicate with God and from this, as they believe, they acquire special abilities: to heal the sick, preach, etc. After fasting and prayer, in a state of ecstasy, a person begins to speak in incomprehensible words, and also use sayings in foreign languages which I have never studied. These “other tongues” are evidence that a given member of the community has received the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Jehovah witnesses. Originated in 1872. in USA. This trend has gone far from the generally accepted trend of Christianity. His followers believe that the second coming has already happened invisibly. They do not recognize the Trinity; the only God for them is Jehovah. Christ on earth was not God, but a perfect man. They believe in angels and demons. The core idea of ​​their teaching is Armageddon - the war of good and evil principles.

The first representatives of Protestant movements appeared on the territory of Russia almost simultaneously with the beginning of this movement in Europe, namely in the 16th century. Over time, many foreign guests took root in Russia, and with them a new religious movement. The word “Protestantism” itself was coined by Martin Luther. It means “publicly proving.”

How are Protestant churches different?

It spread mainly after the collapse of Protestantism itself - a rather unusual religion for Russia. After all, its supporters do not recognize the cult of the Mother of God and do not pray to saints and angels. Protestant churches differ from Orthodox churches in the absence of magnificent decoration. In this direction of Christianity there are only two sacraments - communion and baptism. Protestants consider the Bible to be the main and only source of doctrine.

Protestant Church in Moscow: Baptists

One of the most widespread branches of Protestantism is Baptistism. The Protestant Church in Moscow is also represented by these communities. Their largest association is called the “Moscow Central Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists.” It was founded in the capital in 1882. In 1881-1882, Stepan Vasiliev and his colleague Ivan Bocharov, who were book dealers, began to conduct gospel readings in Moscow.

Booksellers began to do this because they encountered strange fact: those people who considered themselves Christians, in fact, did not know the Bible at all. Many are now wondering where in Moscow protestant church Baptists? The current church is located at Maly Trekhsvyatitelsky Lane, building 3.

Seventh-day Adventists

There is also a representation of another branch of Protestantism in the capital - the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The main difference between this movement is the veneration of Saturday as a holy day. Catholics, for example, abolished the celebration of the Sabbath. They introduced the celebration of Sunday to replace this day of the week. And also one of the main points in the Adventist faith is the expectation of the imminent coming of Christ to earth. That is why they have such a name (in Latin the word adventus means “coming”).

In 1994, the Adventist Protestant Church was founded in Moscow. The addresses of the communities are Nagatinskaya street, 9 building 3, as well as Krasnoyarsk street, building 3. The founder of the Adventists is the American preacher William Miller, who lived in North America in the 19th century. When Adventism penetrated into Europe, there this doctrine found very fertile ground for itself, organically connecting with the ideas of Protestants.

The Cathedral of Peter and Paul is the main representation of the Protestant movement in Russia

Today the most influential in Moscow is the Lutheran Cathedral of Peter and Paul. Now the cathedral is located at: Starosadsky Lane, 7/10. This is one of the oldest parishes in this area religious movement in Russia. The Protestant community appeared in Moscow in 1626 and constantly moved from one monastery to another.

In 1649, it was prohibited for foreigners to purchase real estate in the capital. But soon General Bauman and the artist Inglis acquired a small amount of land in the German Settlement and built a wooden church. In 1667, there was already a full-fledged church here, which included a pastor’s house and a school building. It burned three times and was completely destroyed in 1812.

But in 1817, the religious community of Peter and Paul acquired the Lopukhins’ estate in the German settlement. The house was renamed a church and consecrated as a temple in 1819. And in the 19th century, the number of Protestant parishioners was already about 6 thousand. Therefore, a new building had to be built. The Protestant Church in Moscow was built in the neo-Gothic style in 1905. In 1892, the parish acquired an organ from Germany. This musical instrument, purchased in the city of Ludwigsburg, became one of the best in all of Russia.

Evangelical Christians in Moscow

Another famous Protestant church in Moscow - this building was used as a palace of culture. But in December 1992, religious services began to be held here. In April 1993, the church was officially registered. For a long time The room was not heated and required repair and restoration. With the help of the community, the building was brought into proper shape. The church is located at the address: Vasily Petushkov Street, building 29.

In 2011, the Austrian construction studio “Coop Himmelb(l)au” implemented the project for the construction of the Martin Luther Church in the town of Hainburg. New Protestant building
The church was erected on the site of an old building located in the city center. It housed a prayer hall, a common meeting hall and additional rooms. The lightweight 20-meter bell tower structure, made of snow-white stone, plays an extraordinary role in the building ensemble.

Martin Luther Church's unique look is a modern reinterpretation of local building traditions: gabled roofs over round Romanesque towers. The dome of the prayer hall rests on four “legs” and represents some abstract form with three skylights and special lighting. When designing and manufacturing the roof, shipbuilding technologies and modern principles metalworking.

From the street side, the church building has a very open transparent façade, covered with winding strips of glass. His appearance attracts passers-by, a wooden wall separates the hall from the foyer. From the prayer hall you can get into the bright hall of the children's room and the baptismal room with a transparent glass ceiling. Behind it is the meeting room. A large revolving door connects these areas and provides visual continuity to the space.

MOSCOW, December 7 – RIA Novosti. The largest church of the Protestant Pentecostal community will appear in Moscow; On Sunday, the consecration of the Moscow Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith "Good News" will take place, the press service of the Russian United Union of Christians of the Evangelical Faith (ROSHVE) told RIA Novosti.

"Protestant churches have long been an integral part of the multi-confessional diversity of the Russian capital. The new temple will be one of the largest among all existing Protestant churches. The building meets all safety and comfort requirements. The main hall for worship is designed for a thousand people. In total, the Protestant community numbers more than three and a half thousands of parishioners, therefore, three services will be held every Sunday to accommodate everyone,” the message says.

Russian Pentecostals will discuss development strategy until 2017The main report at the forum, which will last three days, will be made by the leading bishop of ROSHVE, a member of the Public Chamber and the Council for Interaction with religious associations under the President, Bishop Sergei Ryakhovsky.

The local religious organization of Christians of the evangelical faith "Good News" has existed in Moscow since 2000. Its peculiarity is the great attention paid to raising children, as well as helping the elderly and the needy, including drug addicts. For several years in a row, the community has supported five orphanages and four boarding schools; believers also visit drug treatment clinics and provide street patronage to the homeless - feeding them, distributing clothes, and helping them solve everyday problems.

The building for the temple was purchased back in 2010. Previously it housed a large conference room. In addition to the main hall for worship, the premises, after completion of repairs and reconstruction, will also house a Sunday school and a baptistery - separate room intended for baptism.

In the celebrations marking the opening and consecration of the new church, located in the Moscow district of Golyanovo, not only clergy and believers of various Protestant churches in the city will take part, but also representatives state power and municipalities, as well as public figures. It is planned that the honorary guests of the event will be representatives of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council and State Duma Russian Federation, Moscow Government, Moscow City Duma, Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. The ceremony will be led by the commanding bishop of the Russian United Union of Christians of the Evangelical Faith, Sergei Ryakhovsky.