Frozen glass mosaic: making stained glass windows with your own hands. Stained glass. Stained glass painting

Frozen glass mosaic: making stained glass windows with your own hands.  Stained glass.  Stained glass painting
Frozen glass mosaic: making stained glass windows with your own hands. Stained glass. Stained glass painting

Making real stained glass requires painstaking work and professional skills. Such stained glass windows are very expensive, and making them at home is not always possible. By classical technology, figuratively cut multi-colored pieces of glass are placed in an openwork frame made of brass or lead. Using the Tiffany method - each mosaic element is edged along the contour with copper foil and soldered into a monolithic canvas.

There are several ways to create stained glass windows with your own hands with minimal material costs and not requiring any special skill from you. The pouring method will require aluminum wire and stained glass paints. It’s even easier to make stained glass by gluing translucent self-adhesive film.

Stained glass windows look especially impressive on windows facing south. Sunlight favorably reveals the compositional color scheme of stained glass.

Sketch and preparatory work for creating stained glass

  1. To create a sketch of a stained glass window, a photo can be found on the Internet, you will need a sheet of graph paper or tracing paper. An ornamental drawing of the future stained glass window is applied to the paper with a thin pencil.
  2. Choose a stained glass pattern that suits your taste and fits harmoniously into the interior. This could be a geometric pattern, flowers, birds or insects. The scope for imagination is unlimited. Don't forget to label the colors on the paper template.
  3. The ornamental lattice can be made from aluminum wire at least 1.6 mm thick or special lead tape on self-adhesive base. This tape is available in various thicknesses and can be tinted to match the color of copper, brass or gray lead.

Purchase a special palette of stained glass or aniline paints. For the second option, buy a set of multi-colored self-adhesive film.

Making a contoured openwork stained glass grid

For the outline, aluminum wire, lead tape with an adhesive base, or relief paint for stained glass are used.

  1. The glass sheet to be processed is placed on a horizontal surface and degreased with acetone. Using pliers made of aluminum wire, dividing contours are bent according to the ornament template. The bent wire is beaten a little with a hammer to give it a greater plane and securely adhere to the glass surface.
  2. A life-size sketch of a stained glass window is placed under the sheet of glass. The wire is generously lubricated with PVA glue, adjusted to the contours of the pattern and pressed down with a weight. Before gluing, the wire can be painted with gold, bronze or, to match the color of copper, acrylic paint.
  3. Lead tape on a self-adhesive base is bent and pressed against the glass in place, focusing on the contours of the sketch of the stained glass window under the glass. The tape is then rolled with a rubber roller.
  4. You can also use special relief paint for the outline. Tubes with this paint are equipped with nozzles various diameters, when applied, it does not spread and hardens with an even edge.

The process of making stained glass using the pouring method

This method is good in cases where the glass sheet being processed can be positioned strictly horizontally.

  1. Prepare aniline paints for work. Dry paints are diluted with distilled water, stirred and carefully filtered through cheesecloth. Then mixed with PVA emulsion to the consistency of cream. In this form, the paints are well applied to the glass canvas and adhere well to it.
  2. To check the saturation of the tone, apply a layer of paint to a piece of glass and leave it to dry. The tone is lightened by adding an emulsion, and saturated with pigment dye diluted in distilled water.
  3. The paint solution is applied from the edge of the outline to the middle of the fragment. When adding new strokes of paint with a brush, monitor the thickness of the layer. The saturation of the stained glass picture depends on this. After applying the first layer, time is given for complete polymerization, then subsequent layers are applied until the desired saturation is achieved.
  4. Covered with one color required areas stained glass window, the brush is thoroughly washed, degreased and wiped dry. The next color is poured after the adjacent areas have dried to prevent sagging and mixing of paints of different colors.
  5. Completely dried stained glass is coated with clear varnish. The varnish will additionally bond the scattered stained glass elements and give the canvas shine. Sticks around the perimeter of the window or doorway rubber compressor. When installing stained glass into an opening, a rubber seal will smooth out unevenness and ensure a tight fit to the frame.

Technique of applied stained glass from self-adhesive film

The pouring method is not suitable for installed windows. Make stained glass plastic window can be done using the application method. This is the most easy way make stained glass with your own hands.

To work with film you will need:

  • assembly knife and scissors;
  • rubber roller;
  • marker and pencil;
  • degreaser;
  • set of colored self-adhesive film.

Process of stained glass application with film:

  1. Window glass is thoroughly washed and degreased. You can degrease with acetone or an alcohol solution. Based on the life-size sketch, stained glass parts are cut out from multi-colored film.
  2. A sketch of the stained glass design is attached to the back of the glass using double tape. Lead tape is glued along the outline of the contour lines and rolled with a rubber roller.
  3. The intercontour space is carefully filled with colored parts made from adhesive film cut out according to a template and smoothed with a rubber roller. The parts are glued carefully, simultaneously smoothing and expelling air bubbles. Small air bubbles formed under the film are eliminated by piercing them with a needle and smoothing them with a roller. Parts are made with a small tolerance along the contour and adjusted by trimming with a knife in place.
  4. A similar procedure can be performed on the back side of the glass. In this case it will decrease throughput Sveta. Double-sided stained glass windows are recommended to be installed on the south side of the room.

Many people think that decorating a room with their own hands using stained glass paints is difficult. In fact, the activity can become a fun game for both adults and children. The main thing is not to be afraid to fantasize and not give up when making the first mistakes. If you are used to doing everything yourself, then stained glass glazing will not cause you much trouble.

Types of stained glass

Before we start creating stained glass windows with our own hands, let's look at the main types of stained glass art and techniques.


One of the most complex techniques creating stained glass windows - fusing. Stained glass is made from solid glass with colored elements applied to it. There is no fastening metal thread between the fragments, and the finished canvas is calcined in a hot oven for several hours.

The details of these stained glass windows can have clear boundaries, can merge and layer on each other, or can take on textured outlines. It all depends on the master’s idea and the temperature melting furnace. Stained glass windows are created in production; it is difficult to replicate the technique at home.

Fish. Glass. Fusing. Master Elena Yaroshenko

Of course, it will be difficult to repeat the fusing technique with a small child, but with an older child you can sign up for a master class on making stained glass. The impressions from a non-standard lesson will remain for many years.

Master Liliya Gorbach


In stained glass windows created using Tiffany technology, working with glass involves fastening individual parts using a metal strip and soldering. Bizarre shapes, intricate plots and bright colors– the main component of any product using the Tiffany technique. From the lamp and the lampshade table lamp, to a doll house - all this can be decorated with Tiffany stained glass technology.

Creating stained glass windows using the Tiffany technique with your own hands can cause the following difficulties:

  • glass will have to be cut into small parts and sand the edges;
  • metal thread cannot always be soldered the first time;
  • It is strictly not recommended to master this technique with a child.

Vera Yurieva, St. Petersburg

“Fairy”, Stained glass using Tiffany technique. Master Olga Lisitsyna, Voronezh region.

Lamp made of colored glass and glass drops using the Tiffany technique.
Master Nadya Bezrukova, Samara

Film stained glass

Particularly popular are stained glass windows made using the English technique, which involves assembling a picture on glass from parts of a self-adhesive film. For this DIY stained glass window you will need:

  • self-adhesive stained glass film of different colors;
  • self-adhesive lead tape;
  • rubber roller;
  • painting knife;
  • glass.

This technique can be mastered with older children, having previously been instructed in working with the materials.

The essence English method consists of transferring the outline of a painting onto glass. The blank can be printed from templates posted on the Internet, or you can create it yourself. First, we draw an outline on the glass with a black marker, then we glue it along the outline with lead self-adhesive and turn the glass over. We glue the colored stained glass film and apply the second contour of the lead tape. All that remains is to secure the lead contour with a rubber roller.

Film stained glass window on the cabinet door. Workshop “Miracle of Glass”

Stained glass films come in single-color and multi-color, smooth and with relief effects, interspersed with particles various forms and shades.

Glass painting with stained glass paints

Most affordable way creating stained glass windows with your own hands - stained glass paints. This version of stained glass will appeal to both adults and children. It is based on drawing the outline and pattern of the future stained glass window using special paints.

A painting created with stained glass paints must dry completely after production, so after applying an outline or picture, the product will have to be left alone for at least 24 hours.

But you can paint with stained glass paints together with your child of different ages. The younger ones can copy the contours through the base film, while the older ones can transfer the drawing directly onto the glass.

Interior plate with stained glass painting in African style.
Workshop 3dogsdesign, St. Petersburg

Lantern with stained glass painting.
Decorator Maria Nett, Chelyabinsk

Painting with stained glass paints on glass.
Maria Kirillova, Nizhny Novgorod

Technique for creating stained glass according to your own sketch

If you are seriously thinking about creating a stained glass window with your own hands using stained glass paints, do not rush to master the windows and glazed doors. First, you should try to draw a stained glass window on a small area. For example, decorate a night light or a vase, a glass plate or a mug.

Stained glass paints

To create stained glass windows with your own hands, you need to decide what paints you prefer to use. All stained glass paints can be divided into fired and non-fired. Fired ones allow the finished product to be calcined in a furnace, that is, to extend the life of the finished stained glass window.

But, despite the obvious advantage of fired materials, such stained glass paints have disadvantages. Firstly, after firing the product, the paint becomes dull, losing its former brightness. Secondly, some shades may change color after annealing. Cloudiness may appear.

Non-fired paints do not have such features. Ready product has bright, rich colors, smooth, glossy structure. The only “but” is that you will have to wash this product manually using mild detergents.

Glass paints and contours without firing Idea

Contours for stained glass paints are sold in special tubes. Very often, beginners buy a black outline. It is not right. Working with a black outline is more difficult than it seems at first glance. The lines may be unnecessarily wide and the outline may be conspicuous. Overshadowing the entire picture.

For a beginner in stained glass decoration and decor, it is better to use outlines of silver or white flowers. Don't be afraid, at first the line will be larger than you planned, but with experience you will understand how to squeeze out contour paint of the required width.

To prevent the tip of the nozzle from drying out and becoming overgrown with paint residue, always place a damp sponge next to the product and wipe off all excess.

Stages of work

Before working with glass, it must be freed from dirt and excess fat. To do this, rinse the base under running water with detergent.

Now about the sketch. If you do not want to repeat replicated pictures and dream of creating something unusual, then the drawing can be made using special programs or in simple Paint, which is on every computer.

Having created and printed the sketch, we proceed to transfer it to glass product. If this is a night light for decoration, then we carefully insert the sheet with the design inside the glass lampshade and secure it with adhesive tape.

Now we take a black marker for working on glass (its outline is erased very easily), and apply the outline of the design to our lampshade. The next stage: apply the stained glass outline and leave the product to dry.

When creating stained glass windows with your own hands, it is important to work correctly with stained glass paints. Before use, each tube must be shaken, but not shaken, so as not to raise a bunch of bubbles.

Stained glass paints are applied in a thick layer to every detail of the design. Each side should be allowed to dry completely. The finished product can be opened with acrylic varnish to secure the parts, or it can be calcined in an oven. In the second case, pay attention to the heat resistance of the base glass.

Stained glass paints are fun for kids

In order not to go broke on expensive stained glass paints, you can invent something fun for your baby yourself. To do this, take a tube of PVA glue and several bags of food coloring. Mix the dye with glue until you get a homogeneous, thick mass.
You can use empty gouache tubes or jars for containers. baby food. This material is ideal for even a small child to work with.

The next step is to apply the design to the film. Do-it-yourself stained glass paints are applied to a sheet of file that contains the desired picture. A child over three years old will be able to trace the outline and draw a pattern under the film. The baby needs to be given room for creativity.

After completely dry, the painted film is separated from the template and pasted onto the glass.

My daughter loves to draw the sun and flowers, houses and people. Whereas before her art made me spend hours washing paint off windows, now acrylic pictures are easily attached to the glass. They are also easy to remove which is great!

This is how interesting, friendly and creative we create stained glass windows with our own hands using stained glass paints, which is what we wish for you too!

There are several easy techniques for making stained glass at home.

Real stained glass is not cheap, and they are made experienced craftsmen. There are several simple methods for making stained glass at home. A window opening or door with stained glass will add an authentic touch to the room. Stained glass windows look expensive and, finally, they are simply beautiful.

There are several easy techniques for making stained glass at home. They will not require unusual skills or large financial outlays from you. A pencil sketch of the stained glass window you like is applied to whatman paper or tracing paper. These might be: animal silhouettes, geometric patterns, exotic birds or floral patterns. Fragments of the sketch are marked with the desired color tone.

Types of technologies for making stained glass

Stained glass can be used in the decoration of the most various items interior Glass can be inserted into window frames, doors, decorate ceilings, use as a partition screen or apron in the kitchen. Sometimes mirrors are decorated with stained glass frames.

To create a stained glass window you will need a palette of translucent and volumetric paints, markers for marking and sketches of the drawing on tracing paper. After completion of the work, the self-leveling stained glass window can be secured with transparent varnish. After heat treatment, the stained glass window becomes moisture resistant.

Tiffany stained glass is a little more difficult to make. The materials you will need are a set of colored glass and stained glass foil. If you have skills in cutting glass and working with a soldering iron, then making a Tiffany stained glass window will not be difficult.

Film stained glass is the easiest to make. Multi-colored translucent self-adhesive film is cut out according to sketches and glued to the glass. Work can be carried out even vertical plane without removing the glass. Selection of colored self-adhesive films in construction stores very big.

The work of producing any type of stained glass cannot be rushed and requires attention and scrupulousness.

Manufacturing of stained glass windows

On horizontal set table A sketch of the stained glass design on a scale of 1:1 is placed. Cleaned from dirt and degreased glass is placed on top of the sketch. By contour lines relief paint is applied to the design. Tubes of this paint are equipped with nozzles different diameters, and in color scheme there are tones similar to the colors of metals. The relief paint is applied along the contour in even rollers, and after drying it forms a side 3–4 mm high.

The contour edging can be made from a special stained glass tape. This is a lead strip on a self-adhesive base in metallized colors. The ribbon can be a natural lead color or imitating copper, bronze, gold plated, etc. The width of the ribbon has different sizes.

Sometimes the edging is made of aluminum wire 2 mm thick. The wire is flattened with a hammer, bent along the contour pattern of the sketch, coated with thick PVA glue and pressed tightly against the glass.

Acrylic paints diluted with water are used for stained glass designs, or colored varnish is prepared. For colored varnish, a little transparent nitro varnish is taken into clean plastic jars and diluted with solvent to a liquid consistency. Add a little oil artistic paint and stirs. Colored varnish is poured into the free openings of the stained glass pattern according to the marked markings and left to dry in a horizontal position. The tone and thickness of the layer of colored varnish is selected depending on the desired light transmission of the stained glass.

Aniline or acrylic paints diluted with water with the addition of PVA emulsion. The paint is applied in strokes, from the outline of the fragment to the middle. After the first layer has dried and the color saturation has been adjusted, the stained glass fragments are finally filled.

The stained glass window is coated with transparent varnish, and when installed in the frame, a rubber seal is used.

Technology for stained glass "Tiffany"

Two sketches of a stained glass drawing are being prepared. The fragments on them are numbered and color coded. One of the sketches is cut along the contour lines into fragments. The cut out elements will serve as a template for cutting colored glass.

Technical supply stores or art stores sell sets of colored glass for Tiffany stained glass windows. They have different thickness, texture and color density. It is advisable to purchase glass of uniform quality and always the same thickness. Edging copper foil - folia - is also purchased there. Folia - a strip of copper foil with a one-sided adhesive surface. Depending on the type of patina chosen, black or copper foil is purchased.

Fragments of a sketch of a stained glass window cut out of paper are glued onto colored glass. The elements of the design are cut out using them using a glass cutter. Using a grinding machine, the part is adjusted to size and the chamfer is removed. Glass elements are degreased and blotted dry with a napkin. Each piece is wrapped in foil.

A second whole sketch of the stained glass window is placed on a sheet of thick plywood. Elements of stained glass are laid out on it, starting from the corner. Along the outer perimeter, the stained glass window is fixed with strips or baguette slats. The laid out several elements are nailed and soldered.

The seams are treated with flux, and tin solder is evenly distributed over them with a hot soldering iron. Wood slats along the perimeter are removed and the stained glass window is edged with a U-shaped frame profile. The contact points of the profile and seams are secured by soldering for strength.

A fully soldered Tiffany stained glass window reveals a patina at the seams. The patina solution is applied with a sponge. Stained glass Cleaned with glass cleaner and installed in the frame.

The simplest film stained glass windows

To make stained glass from self-adhesive film you will need:

  • a set of translucent multi-colored adhesive film;
  • lead stained glass tape;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • sketch;
  • marker.

Work can be carried out even in vertical position glass Dirt is removed from the glass and wiped with a degreasing solvent. According to the film pattern different color fragments of stained glass are cut out. A sketch of a stained glass window is glued to the opposite side of the glass using double-sided tape.

Along the lines visible through the glass, a relief rim made of lead flexible tape is glued. The joints of the contour side can be soldered. Colored pieces of film are glued into the free openings. The film is applied in the central part of the fragment and smoothed to the edges of the contour. Excess film is trimmed with a sharp stationery knife. The air sinuses that appear when gluing the film are pierced with a needle and smoothed out with your fingers.


Home-made stained glass is difficult to distinguish from factory-made glass. Be careful and patient when working. It is recommended to place stained glass for windows on the south side of the house. In this case, they look more beautiful in the light and “steal” little sunlight. published

In this article: real look for making stained glass at home:

  • what types of stained glass are suitable for making at home
  • what tools and materials are needed for the job
  • what training courses you can trust, find out course reviews And see the work of beginners
  • watch video tutorials on making stained glass at home
  • find out where to start

Creation of stained glass windows - ancient art, which was previously only available selected masters, however, nowadays it is very possible to make a beautiful stained glass window yourself at home. Of course, you will not make stained glass using medieval technology in this way, but modern materials And modern technologies allow you to create very beautiful compositions, which outwardly differ little from those very ancient stained glass windows.

Methods of creating stained glass, which ones are suitable.

There are many ways to make stained glass. In some cases, making stained glass is a rather labor-intensive and complex process that requires special equipment, while other methods make it relatively easy to make stained glass with your own hands at home. The word relative is key. Stained glass cannot be made without expense and effort.

As a rule, stained glass windows are classified according to the method of their manufacture and the materials used. Some techniques are not very different from each other, but there are differences in the materials used.

This is the very first stained glass technique, known since the Middle Ages. These stained glass windows are assembled from pieces of glass held in place by metal partitions. This is quite a complex and labor-intensive job that requires special equipment and skills, and besides, such stained glass windows are expensive. They also turn out to be quite heavy, so you can’t install such a stained glass window on some kind of fragile structure. However, as they say, “hunt is greater than captivity,” and such little things cannot stand in the way of creating beauty.

Now you can buy ready-made glass for stained glass in specialized stores. Choosing is a fascinating thing, as the variety of colors and textures can awaken the imagination of even the most conservative person.

However, the cost of such glass is very high, and to produce 1 sq.m of stained glass surface, as a rule, 1.5 - 2 sq.m. are required. glass For the manufacture of lamps, floor lamps, chandeliers, glass with a thickness of 3-4 mm is used, and the thickness is different types glass may fluctuate within one sheet of glass, so calculate required quantity glass on the product is difficult. There will probably be unclaimed pieces of expensive material left.

You can see how easily and simply Svetlana Romanova and Marat Ka make classic stained glass in this video.

Advice from an experienced stained glass artist:

“You don’t need to buy a glass grinder yet,” said the salesman in the store, “at first, just take a whetstone and grind off the sharp edges. Then, when you acquire the skills, buy a machine.

The advice seemed reasonable, but quite high price the car was pushing me to put off buying it until later. And we followed this advice.

So, gentlemen, if anyone ever advises you like this, send the adviser to hell. The very first thing a beginning stained glass artist should buy is Sander for turning glass.

Without it, work will turn into torture. Especially at first, when you have not yet learned how to cut glass exactly along the contours and you will have to remove a lot of excess in order to give the curved lines of the parts the exact shape.”

This type of stained glass also includes Tiffany technology, which involves collecting pieces of glass on a copper strip.

At home, you can make stained glass using Tiffany technology, but this will also require the ability to work with glass.

  • The work of creating stained glass begins with a sketch. The parts should also not be too small, otherwise they simply cannot be cut out of glass properly.
  • The sketch is cut into parts, each part is applied to a sheet of colored glass desired color, after which the part is cut out using a glass cutter.
  • Then the edges of the parts will need to be smoothly turned and wrapped in copper foil. When everything is ready, the parts need to be folded into a composition, pressed tightly against each other.
  • The edge of the foil must be coated with soldering acid, and then the seams must be joined using tin and a soldering iron. At the end of the work, you will need to wash the stained glass so that there is no residue left on the seams. This can be done using regular detergent.
  • The seams will need to be covered with patina, and then washed again, thereby completing the work.

Watch the video of how his students make their first works in the studio of the artist Roman Zorin.

Film stained glass

Making stained glass of such a type best suited for home use, because there is no need to buy here special equipment And expensive materials. This is a stained glass window, but on a single piece, the glass does not need to be cut into pieces, no need to be ground, no need to spend money on adhesive plasters, because there will be no cuts on your fingers. The entire design is mounted on solid glass. This could be window glass, door glass or decorative panel the entire wall or a tiny decorative element.

To do film stained glass, You will need a special film. The leaders in quality available on our markets are English films from Regalead. This is not an ordinary self-adhesive film, it is an amazingly technological imitation of glass, the film consists of a dye located between two durable layers that do not transmit ultraviolet radiation and protect paints from fading, and can also withstand temperatures from -45 degrees to +135 degrees Celsius. Films have an incredible range of colors and textures, and also vary in degree of transparency.

To cut film, you do not need special machines or other devices, although in enterprises or private workshops where they work with big amount orders use plotters, digital devices for precise cutting according to the applied pattern. At home, it is enough to have scissors.

And, of course, a special lead tape for connecting pieces of film. And, of course, a good teacher. The artist Irina Kiseleva is one of these, she will tell and show, teach where to get what and how to do it, release electronic journal to help beginners, is engaged in the creation of stained glass windows and training in the creation of stained glass windows professionally.


This technique is otherwise called sintering. Pre-cut pieces of multi-colored glass are laid out on a colorless glass base, placed in an oven and sintered together under the influence of glass temperature. Also, other objects can be used to create a pattern, for example, colored sand, which is used to lay out patterns, or wire. Of course, contour images cannot be obtained using this method, but the abstractions are bizarre and beautiful. The technology is attractive, the products are mesmerizingly beautiful, but look at the video to see what equipment is used to make such things.

Sandblasting stained glass windows

The technique for making stained glass of this type is to use air flow and sand. There are three subtypes of stained glass of this type, which differ in the way they use an air stream and colored sand.


Stained glass windows are made using acid. A special coating is applied to the glass protective film, as well as a stencil with the contours of the design along which the image is melted. Such stained glass windows are made in relief, with three-dimensional patterns. It is worth noting that the technique of working with acid is very dangerous and is therefore rarely used. To avoid being poisoned by acid fumes, artists wear respirators and special clothing. Not suitable for home at all.

Cast stained glass

A complex technique in which each glass module is cast or blown by hand, giving the glass a special texture that enhances the refraction of light and gives expressiveness to stained glass. The glass is fastened together using metal reinforcement and cement mortar.

Painted stained glass

This technique requires the mandatory use of painting. And such a product can be called a stained glass window with great stretch, but nevertheless. The surface of the glass is painted either with acrylic opaque paints and then, after drying, varnished, or painted with expensive silicone transparent stained glass paints, and then the glass is fired in a special oven. Of course, no one wants to burn anything at home. And here’s how charmingly the designers painted the glass and at the same time shared their secrets in the television program “Dacha”:

Filled contour stained glass window

In fact, this is just an imitation of classic stained glass, since it does not require any glass processing. Making stained glass This type is done using special paint. First, an outline is applied that imitates a stained glass frame, and then another layer of paint is poured into the area limited by the outline.

Where to begin?

Choose a drawing, or draw it yourself, go to the store, on the advice of a cheerful salesman, buy a bunch of unnecessary materials and... FAIL THE ENTIRE CASE?

Creating stained glass windows, however, is not the easiest thing. Even the easiest method, film, requires certain knowledge and skills. After all, what a profession is is knowledge of the nuances! So if you want to know, how to make stained glass with your own hands, contact professionals who know professional nuances, do not be fooled by statements about the ease of the process, which does not require preparation, this is not the case.

Go to courses in your city in artists’ workshops, buy special literature, watch video lessons. Although on the Internet enough ridiculous recommendations on making stained glass paints with your own hands, for example.

Therefore, the phrase “turn to professionals” will never lose its relevance. Contact professionals, this will save you Your Time and Your Money.

Artist Irina Kiseleva has been making stained glass for a long time. Her professional activity I started working for a stained glass company. The artist maintains an electronic magazine, where she shares tips with readers, and she also has a training video course, which was created specifically for those who want to learn how to create stained glass.

Training course by Irina Kiseleva reviews

Irina Terekhova presented photos of her works and words of gratitude to the author of the course (information source

I liked the poems of M. Tsvetaeva:

Success in your endeavors, Always with you,

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

A colorful stained glass window can decorate a living room, a bedroom, or a corridor. Ordering such products is too expensive, but you can make similar decor for your home yourself. A stained glass window of any complexity can be created with your own hands without any special problems: the artist needs high-quality glass, paints, and sealant. Step-by-step instruction, given below, will tell you in detail about the rules for making stained glass.

Materials for creating illuminated stained glass windows

The basis of the work is glass, but its choice must be approached very carefully. The surface of the material must be perfectly flat; the presence of air bubbles or waves is unacceptable. The selection of other components for work should be approached no less responsibly: the result obtained depends on their quality. In order to make stained glass on glass, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Whatman paper (must correspond to the size of the decor being made);
  • glass;
  • stained glass paints;
  • black silicone for aquariums (can be replaced with rubber sealant);
  • wooden blocks (for the frame);
  • corners;
  • LED cord, fasteners and power cord with adapter.

After purchasing all the elements, you can safely start making bright home decor.

How to make a stained glass window from ordinary glass?

You should not do many elements, especially if such a task is being performed for the first time. After receiving a beautiful sketch, the following work is carried out:

1. The pencil drawing is outlined with a thick marker for ease of subsequent transfer of the image.

2. Glass is placed on top of the paper, whatman paper is fixed to the glass with tape.

3. The sealant is prepared: the sharp nose is cut off, as shown in the attached video tip. This will help you draw lines more accurately and conveniently.

4. The pattern is transferred to the glass.

5. The image is colored using stained glass paints along the prepared contours.

To obtain the most beautiful and “lively” stained glass window, it is recommended to use additives when applying paints, dilute one color with another, and lighten areas. All these techniques are demonstrated in a master class on making stained glass at home. On ready-made decor you can see how original and bright the play and shade transitions look.

Preparing a frame and decorating a room with stained glass

The dimensions of the frame are determined according to the dimensions of the glass itself: it will be glued directly to wooden frame. To securely connect the timber, you need to saw it in the corners to get secure lock between adjacent elements. Next, drill holes at the joints and hammer dowels into them.

After assembling the frame, it is sanded and painted.

It is attached along the inner side using plastic fasteners duralight.

Once the fixation is complete, it is connected to power cord with adapter. The glass is glued to the frame, the glass is additionally fixed at the front metal corners, mounted on the rear of the frame metal fastenings under the dowels. At this stage, the stained glass window will be completely ready for installation.