English lesson in kindergarten Ellis's birthday.docx - Open English lesson "Happy Birthday, Ellis!" Open English lesson in kindergarten

English lesson in kindergarten Ellis's birthday.docx - Open English lesson "Happy Birthday, Ellis!" Open English lesson in kindergarten

This open lesson plan for preschoolers is good because you can easily change some parts of the lesson by inserting your own poems or songs.

1. Start of class. Greetings.

Hello Song (your song that starts the lesson).

"Hello! Hello! Good afternoon, my dear friends! How are you?”

“I’m fine, thank you.” I’m OK, thank you.”

“Guys, today we will go on a magic magic carpet to a zoo, and not just a simple one, but a fabulous one.”

2. The main part of the lesson.

2.1 Repetition and reinforcement of the “My name is...” construction.

“But to take your place on the magic magic carpet, you will have to say your name. How do we say our name in English?”

"My name is..."

“Let’s each take turns saying our name in English. You, please. All right. Take your seat, please."

2.2 Phonetic exercise.

“Our carpet is flying, the wind is blowing in our faces and making noise”
“And here we are flying straight through the cloud, and the carpet is gaining strength: “”
“And now we are approaching the fabulous zoo, our carpet stops and says: “”
“The plane is flying and buzzing: [ð]”
“A snake slithered near us and hissed: [θ]”
“And over there the bee is buzzing on the flower: [ð]”
“And the snake poses towards her: [θ]”

2.3 We repeat and reinforce words on the topic “Animals”.

“So you and I have arrived at our fabulous zoo. Let's go and see what animals live there.
And who is this? Who is this? (Tiger - tiger).

Where to see it, guess?
In the city of the tiger cub, tiger,
Or a mountain goat?
Only at the zoo. Zoo.

Look who's lying there. Who is this? (Lion - lion).
And there is this poem about a lion:

King of beasts - we know this -
It will be in English a lion.

Who is this? (Fox - fox).

Red-red miracle phlox!
Red fox... fox.

Who is this? (Frog - frog).

Jumped from the garden bed, right on the threshold
Green beauty, in English... frog.

Who is this? (Bear - bear).

The clubfoot bear can barely walk.
Teddy bear, bear cub in English... bear.

Who is this? (Crocodile - crocodile).

It’s a pity I didn’t know what to treat you with
Crocodile. crocodile.
Offered him candy -
He was offended by this.

Who is this? (Piggy - pig).

The pig wants to eat every moment,
We call a pig... pig.

Who is this? (Horse - horse).

I'll ask you a difficult question:
“What was the name of the horse?” ... horse.

Who is this? (Elephant - elephant).

Not ordered to approach
To my little elephant, elephant.
He is terribly mischievous:
He pours water on everyone.

Who is this? (Rabbit - rabbit).

Grandfather robs the grass with a rake.
Our rabbit wants to eat... rabbit.

Children, let's see what color the animals are. Who knows what color a rabbit is? How do you say “green frog” in English? What about the brown horse? And the pink pig? What about the gray elephant?

Well done boys!

Guys, a kind gnome named Tom works in this fabulous zoo, but he doesn’t know English very well, and he needs your help. We need to feed the animals, can we handle it?! But to know if we have enough treats for everyone, we need to count how many animals we have in the zoo, and how many vegetables and fruits.

Well done boys! You did a great job!

2.4 Physical education minute(fixing the verbs jump, run, sit down, stand up and other verbs).

We flew for a long time on a magic carpet, walked around the zoo for a long time and counted and fed the animals, of course, we were tired. Let's go to the clearing near the zoo and play a little.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, run!
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, sit down!
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, stand up!
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, jump!

(you can add your own verbs).

3. Repetition of the material covered.

Guys, the residents of this fabulous zoo liked you so much that they wanted to tell you a poem called “Little Mouse and Little Cat”.

Little Mouse, Little Mouse,
Where is your house?
Little Cat, Little Cat
I am a poor mouse
I have no house.

Little Mouse, Little Mouse,
Come to my house.
Little Cat, Little Cat,
I can't do that
You want to eat me.

4. Song “If you are happy”

Guys, did you enjoy our trip? Let's sing a song for our new friends!

5. Final part.

Guys, now it's time for us to go back. The magic flying carpet has been waiting for us. Take your seats, please.
And now it's time for us to say goodbye. Goodbye, my dear friends!

If you find the material interesting, share it with your friends on social networks.

Svetlana Veretennikova
Open lesson in English on the topic “Animals” in the preparatory group.

Target: fix the title animals, colors according to English.


1. Educational: consolidate vocabulary by topic; consolidate speech patterns; practice pronunciation of sounds and words.

2. Developmental: train children’s memory, attention, auditory attention, develop thinking, retrieve information from memory; train children's ability to use their knowledge in the game.

3. Educational: cultivate interest in English language, fostering kindness and a sense of responsibility towards each other; instill love and care in animals; instill in children a love of singing songs English language.

Equipment: illustrations by topic« Animals» , Rocky the parrot, Seven-flowered Flower, medals for participants, tape recorder, recording of songs.

Progress of the lesson.

Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you.

Good morning, good morning,

We are glad to see you.

Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you.

Good morning, good morning,

We are glad to see you.


Today on class We have an unusual guest. His name is Rocky the parrot. The parrot brought with him an amazing flower. Look, its petals are different colors. What kind of flower is this?

-"Seven-flowered flower".

That's right, this is a flower from a fairy tale "Seven-flowered flower". Guys, let's name the colors of the petals English.

Well done! Of course, but this is not the same flower, but it is also magical. Each petal has its own task, and I think you can complete them.

Pink, orange, red, blue, yellow, green, purple.

Competition 1. "Blue Petal".

"Find the mistake".

Goodbye! - This "Hello".

Hello! - This "Goodbye".

Yes! - This "No".

No! - This "Yes".

Goodbye! - This "Goodbye".

Hello! - This "Hello".

Yes! - This "Yes".

No! - This "No".

Competition 2. "Red Petal".

"Encrypted Letter".

Well done! Now you have to complete a very interesting task. Each of you will receive "encrypted" letter. You must read it aloud and translate it into Russian language.

I see a dog - I see a dog. I see a cat - I see a cat. I see a monkey - I see a monkey. I see a bear - I see a bear. I see a fox - I see a fox.

Competition 3. "Yellow Petal".

O.k. It's time to have a rest. Let’s remember our songs “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”.

Competition 4. "Orange Petal".

"Tell a Poem"

Child 1:

Once upon a time there lived a little elephant.

He told everyone in the morning

"Good morning!".

The sunny bunny laughed in answer:

"Good morning! Hello!"

Child 2:

Here is an unripe tangerine.

It's still green, green.

But it will ripen and you will remember

You are orange, orange.

Child 3:

The cat is not to blame for anything.

He was always white.

But he climbed into the pipe on the roof,

Black, black, came out of there.

Child 4:

I ate breakfast with gusto:

Yogurt, bun and biscuits.

Remove the foam from the milk with a spoon

And said: "Thank you! Thank you!”

Child 5:

I'm out for pie today

Invited a frog, frog.

I didn't have time to close the doors,

How the rabbit came rushing, rabbit.

I heard from the bee, bee,

What about cabbage pies?

Child 6:

Cat, cat, lives in a pond,

fish, fish, - on land.

I won't say that yet

Don't listen to me.

Child 7:

The sun is yellow, the sky is blue.

I really like to look

In a colored glass, glass,

Closing my left eye.

Child 7:

The sky is purple, the sun is red.

Guess what color it is

At the magic glass

Was the birch pink? (pink)

Competition 5. "Purple Petal".

Let's play! In front of you are pictures with numbers. I, on in English I will name the number, and you will name the one who is depicted under this number, but also on English language. Do you agree? (Children's answers.)


Competition 6. "Green Petal".


All children play at the same time. They have two in their hands cards: “happy face” and “unhappy face”. I name words by topic: « Animals» . Hearing the word topic, you pick up the “happy face” card, otherwise you pick up the “unhappy face” card. The player who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

Competition 7. "Pink Petal".

And the last petal. Remember the song about the Rainbow. Rainbow song.

Children sing a song in chorus.

Here comes our class by the end.

It’s time to say “Good bye”



Consolidation of the studied lexical material (poem, physical exercise);
- Dialogue speech skills on the topic “Introduction”;


Attention, speech, memory, thinking, voluntary memorization;

Train language guessing, visual memory, voluntary memorization;


Fostering love and respect for people, plants and animals.


My family, mother, father, sister, brother, colors, red, green, count, fruits and vegetables, a strawberry, a banana, a tomato, a cucumber.

Equipment and materials: pictures on the themes “Color”, “Family”, pictures with numbers, a ball, an audio recording on the theme “Here I am”, pencils of different colors and a sheet of paper with a picture of a tomato, cucumber, banana and strawberry (for each child for coloring).

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the center of the group and stand at their places.

The teacher greets children and guests.

B: Good morning, boys, girls and our guests! I'm glad to see you!

Children, look, today guests came to our group, let's greet them in English and read the poem “Good morning!”

(Read the poem in chorus)

D: Good morning! (3p) to you,

Good morning! (2p)

I'm glad to see you.

Q: Sit down, please!

Phonetic warm-up:

Let's guys remember the fairy tale about the tongue that lived in a cozy warm house, in the mouth of its owner. He likes to play different sounds [d], [t], [n], [l], [s], [z].

And according to tradition, we will begin our lesson by reviewing vocabulary on the topic: « Introduce»

Dasha, give me a ball, please!

It's game time!Game "Reporter"

The teacher throws the ball to the child and asks the question “What is your name?”, the one who caught it answers “My name is.....”, then passes the ball to the next one and asks the same question “What is your name?” etc.

Now let's count!

You're wandering there all alone.

One, one - otherwise. . . one.

Two raisins in the mouth.

In English it's two. . . two.

Come here quickly! Look:

The cat has three kittens - three.

The car has a wheel

There are only four of them. . . four.

Never forget,

What is a five? . . five.

In the example, x is unknown.

There will be six in English. . . six.

I'm young and green.

That means I'm seven years old. . . seven.

My sister is eight years old.

And eight is in English. . . eight.

Nine - you remember -

It's simple in English. . . nine.

It's already the tenth day.

Ten in English. . . ten.

I don’t ask everyone the question “How old are you?”, the children answer.

Now children, I ask you to sit on your places at the desks and listen to me with attention!

Children go to their desks and listen to the teacher.

Game on the theme "Mybody»

Pictures on the topic “Parts of the Body” are hung on the board; the children, at the teacher’s command “Close your eyes,” close their eyes, and at that time he turns the picture over, and then, at the teacher’s command “Open your eyes,” the children open their eyes. The teacher asks the question “What is missing?”, the children answer by raising their hands.


Are you see the sheets and pencils? Show me papers! Show me sheets!

Take a red pencil and color the tomato , next, take a green pencil and color the cucumber , take a yellow pencil and color the banana and now take a red pencil and color the strawberry .

Children sing the song “Here I am”

Very good! Today you did a great job, you pleased me and our guests with your knowledge. I’m proud of you! For this you receive from me a sweet fruit gift in the form of a pie!

But before we get it, let's say goodbye to our guests “Goodbye!”

Bykovsky Center for the Development of Creativity for Children and Youth in Udelnaya.

Open lesson at the educational association “Yazykoznayka” /English/ on the topic “Travel around Great Britain”

Scenario of an open lesson in English in the study group “Linguist”, second year of study. The lesson uses elements of the Singapore teaching system, built on the principles of group work.



Goals: - practical application of speech knowledge, abilities, skills; — broadening the horizons of students and replenishing their regional knowledge;

Tasks:-develop the ability to interact in groups and apply individual elements of the Singapore methodology in practice;

Train vocabulary skills on the topics “Travel to Great Britain”, “We read fairy tales”, “Food”, “Sport”, “Tourist English”;

Train grammatical skills on the topic “General, alternative and special questions”; “Short answers to a common question in the Present Simple;

  1. Org. Moment. Startclasses.

Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Sit down, please, ladies! Sit down, please, gentlemen! Are you ready to speak English?

  1. Setting for activities in the lesson. Lesson plan message.

All children are divided into three teams of four to five people to work throughout the lesson.

Today we are traveling to the UK, to four of its countries. We show our guests how to check in at the airport and at the hotel, how to order at the café. In every country you have to do some tasks with your shoulder partners and face partners. Are you ready?

Greet your shoulder partners! Greet your face partners and wish Good luck!

  1. Training and control of lexical skills and regional knowledge on the topic “Travel around Great Britain”

And now say what the country is this?

One pupil from each group. Take the picture. One from each team takes the country's flower symbol (they are upside down): scarlet rose, shamrock, daffodil, thistle. What country is it? Choose the card. Then he takes one of the signs (they are not upside down) and says:

England. The capital is London.
Wales. The capital is Cardiff.
Scotland. The capital is Edinburgh.
Northern Ireland. The capital is Belfast.

The question to everyone: What country is it?(the remaining picture with the flower symbol)

Well, we are traveling to England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland. Are you ready to travel?

There is a slideshow with pictures about Northern Ireland, accompanied by musical accompaniment: folk music of Northern Ireland.

Children name the country

Yes, we are traveling to Northern Ireland, to Belfast.

Let's go to the airport to check in. What group has got number 1? Show us how to check in at the airport. (the dialogue is shown by the group whose desk has a picture with the number 1) on the board turns over picture from No. 1 (airport)

  1. At the airport . Check-in"

Hello! Your passport, please.

—Hello! Here you are.

Your name is...

You are flying to London. Flight 305.

Have you any luggage?

-Yes, I have. One suitcase.

—Have you a hand luggage?

— Your boarding card, please. Gate 27 C. Have a good flight!

And now we are in Northern Ireland, in Belfast. And the first task for shoulder partners.

  1. Grammar training: General, alternative, special questions. (Card with a proposal for a group, everyone works together) You’ve got 4 min

Well done, children! You've got a present – a shamrock– the flower symbol of Northern Ireland

Everyone gets a picture as a souvenir “ clover" .

Information for guests : : What came from Northern Ireland(children answer in Russian, because this is information for parents and guests present)

And now it’s time to visit the second country. Look at the screen and say what country is it?

There is a slide show about Scotland, accompanied by the musical accompaniment of “Scottish bagpipes”.

Children name the country

Yes, we are traveling to Scottland, to Edinburgh.

In Edinburgh we have a room reservation at the hotel “ Royal British Hotel “.What group has got number 2? Show us how to check in at the hotel (the dialogue is shown by the group who has a picture with number 2 on their desk) on the board is turned over picture from No. 2 (Hotel)

  1. Dialogue speech skills training. Dialogue "At the hotel. Checkin

Hello! Can I help you?

—Yes, I have a room reservation.

Your name, please.

Where are you from?

— A single or a double room?

—A single room.

- OK. Your room number is 246.

Your key, please.

Enjoy your stay!

The second task for shoulder partners. I need one pupil of the group. Take these cards. (Pam, Tug, Chuck) . Take these pictures. (pictures with fairy-tale characters from the fairy tale “About the Little Hen Jen” “Jen-the-Hen”)

  1. Development of speaking skills(monologue - message about the fairy-tale hero of the fairy tale read). Tell us about these characters. (Picture of a group, everyone is working together. Everyone says 1-2 phrases) You’ve got 4 min

a thistle– the flower symbol of Scotland.

Everyone gets a picture of a thistle as a souvenir. .

Information for guests : : What came from Scotland:

Look at the screen and say what country is it?

  1. Dynamic pause . Scottish like to dance very much. Let's dance together. “She’ll be coming to the mountain” (song with movements)

And now it’s time to visit the third country. Look at the screen and say what country is it?

Against the background of the Music of "Wales" there is a slide show about Wales, musical accompaniment: "Music of Wales" .

Children name the country.

Yes, we are traveling to Wales, to Cardiff. In Cardiff we'll visit cafe Madame Fromage .” . What group has got number 3? Show us how to order at the café. (the dialogue is shown by the group whose desk has a picture with the number 3) on the board turns over picture from No. 3 (Cafe)

  1. Dialogue speech skills training. Dialogue "At the Cafe

Hello! Menu, please!


— Are you ready to order?

—Yes. Mushroom soup and beef steak with rice.

— O.K. Would you like salad?

—Yes. Greek salad, please.

O.K. Anything else?

—Yes. Orange juice.

So, mushroom soup, beef steak with rice, Greek salad, orange juice.

—Yes. Check, please.

10.Training lexical and grammatical skills: topic “Food”, “Short answer to a general question inPresent Simple"

And the next task for face partners.

  • Ask and answer the questions about FOOD.(Picture on the topic “Food” for each child. Talk in pairs)
  • And now I need one pupil from each group. " Exam» . One representative per team. Everyone takes a picture (like an exam card) and voices it out.

Weldone, children! You've got a present – a daffodil– the flower symbol of Wales.

Everyone gets a picture of a daffodil as a keepsake. .

Information for guests : What came from Wales:(children answer in Russian, as this is information for parents and guests present)

And now it’s time to visit the fourth country. Look at the screen and say what country is it?

There is a slide show about England, musical accompaniment by the Beatles

Children name the country.

Yes, we are traveling to England.

London is the capital of England and the UK. There are a lot of attractions in London. Let's remember what. Look at the screen and say.

There is a presentation with pictures about London, the children name the sights in English.

  1. Control of regional knowledge.
  • And next task for shoulder partners. Choose the write names of attractions.

(Each group receives a set with photographs of London attractions and maps with English names.)

England is the country of different sports, of football, but we play today questionball.

  1. Lexico-grammatical training: t. “Sports”, a short answer to a general question.
  • The task for face partners . I need one pupil from group 1 and one pupil from group 2. And two assistants. Question ball. Take these

Do questions .

Now I need one pupil of the group 3 and one pupil of the group 2. And two assistants.

Can questions . Players take rackets and “play” questions by looking at pictures held by each player's assistants. Short answer question.

Weldone, children! You've got a present – a rose– the flower symbol of England.

Everyone gets a picture of a red rose.

Information for guests : What came from England:(children answer in Russian, as this is information for parents and guests present)

England was the last Country in our travel. This is finish.

And some more information for our guests:

Look at a map of the United Kingdom and tell me what color it is. England, Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland?

Who are they Welsh? Scots? British? Irish?

Name capital

Name flower symbol England, Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland?

  1. Bottom line classes And reflection.

Weldone, children! Thanks for your work.
If you think our lesson was not interesting, take and show this picture(sad smiley face) , if you think , our lesson was interesting , take and show that pictu-re(happy smiley face) ! Children show a cheerful emoticon. So do I!

  1. Org moment. End of class. Stand up, please! Good bye, my dear friends!!! Good luck!!!

Open lesson at MBDOU "Orange"
Tambov in English
(5-7 years)
"Happy Birthday, Ellis!"
Lesson prepared and conducted
primary school teacher MBOU "MBOU
"Pokrovo-Prigorodnaya Secondary School" by Mochalova
Elena Nikolaevna.
Tambov 2017

Progress of the lesson.
Organizing time. Greetings.
Song "Hello!"
Teacher (Th): Hello, boys and girls! Hello, parents and teachers!
Children (Ch): Hello, Elena Nikolaevna!
Th: I,m glad to see you! Let's welcome our guests.
Hello, Hello! And let's sing the song “Hello!”
Th: Good of you! Great, guys! Guys, I received it today
letter. (Letter) from the girl Ellis. Let's see together what
"Hello! Come to me to celebrate my birthday!”
Ellis invites us to his birthday at Magic
country. And the Land of Magic is not only because there
various miracles are performed, but because in this country we will
try to speak English.
But before I go on a visit, I want to know from you: “How
are you today?”
Ch: Thank you. I'm fine, good, OK….
Th: It's great! Great, everyone is in a great mood. And this
This means we can safely go to the holiday!

Main stage.
Th: Today is Ellis' birthday. But to get to the Magic Land
not easy. We need to overcome obstacles, fulfill
some tasks. A song will help us with this.
Song “One little finger”
So we found ourselves at the gates of the Magic Land. To get through
they need to believe in a miracle.
Close your eyes. Let,s count to 10. Let's count to 10. (Children
count to 10 in English).
Open your eyes. (a vase and flowers appear on the board).
Guys, a miracle happened, flowers bloomed everywhere. But are we
Can we come to Ellis's birthday without a gift? What are we
can we give it to her? (bouquet of flowers).
Well done! Absolutely right. But since the country is magical, do
it won't be easy. In order for a flower to be in a vase, you need to name it,
what colour is he. And of course in English. In this we
riddles will help.
Riddles and agreements about colors:
Sea and sun
I'll draw a ship
Sea with blue paint, BLUE.

And then I’ll paint it boldly
The sun is painted yellow, YELLOW.
 What two flowers should we put in the vase?
The cat is not to blame for anything.
He was always white, WHITE.
But he climbed into the pipe on the roof,
Black, BLACK, came out from there.
Here's an unripe tangerine
It is still green, GREEN.
But it will ripen and you will remember
You are the color ORANGE.
Piglet is a mischief maker
It used to be pink, PINK.
But one day he shed
A whole bottle of ink.
Since then our klutz
Purple steel, PURPLE.
I know, the most strict color
At the traffic light, red, RED
If suddenly it catches fire
Everyone must stop.
(Children take flowers and make a bouquet in a vase)
So we put together a bouquet as a gift for Ellis. Guys, it's already quite
We'll meet Ellis soon, but for now I'm offering a little
relax and perform musical exercises.
Physical education "


Do you hear Ellis rushing to meet us? Let's
Let's welcome her.
Hello! Ellis!
Ellis, meet the guys!
(Ellis approaches each child and asks: What is
your name?
Children answer: My name is……….)

Children, let's hand the bouquet to the birthday girl and sing the song "
Happy birthday."
It's great! Our birthday girl is glad to receive your congratulations and
gift. She is happy!
Ellis was so worried that she didn't have time to set the table.
and put away your toys. Let's help her.
GAME “Edible-Inedible”
We need to separate items into edible and
inedible. Now you need to check if you have done everything
Checking the edibles: I have got a……
And now Ellis wants to show you his family album.
Family agreements

1. Don’t be lazy, but repeat! Family differently – Family
2. My dear mother will tell you a fairy tale in the evening - Mother

3. All problems will be solved immediately by the best dad in the world - Father
4. My sister has a ringing laugh and a radiant look -

5. My cheerful brother loves games and pranks - Brother
6. I'm going fishing with my grandfather - Grandfather
7. All day in the morning, without laziness, very tasty dumplings,
will cook to help my mother, our grandmother -

And after the treat there is usually entertainment. Ellis suggests
play the game "MAMORY". On the board there are pictures on the topic “CLOTHERS”
children must remember for a while which objects
clothes were shown and named from memory.
This is a T-shirt, a dress, socks, jeans
Well done boys! Ellis couldn't have done it without your help.