White ash tree cultivation. Fraxinella. It is planted in the garden for various purposes.

White ash tree cultivation.  Fraxinella.  It is planted in the garden for various purposes.
White ash tree cultivation. Fraxinella. It is planted in the garden for various purposes.

Yasenets is better known as the Burning Bush. The Latin name for this plant is dictamnus. Due to its unusual beauty, many gardeners grow Yasenets in their garden plot, even knowing that a flame can break out from an open fire over a bush, burn the skin. Hence its popular name - Burning Bush. The main thing when growing this plant is to observe the necessary precautions.

Botanical description

Ash tree (Dictamnus) is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Rutov family. In the wild, it grows almost throughout Europe, as well as in temperate regions of Asia. The height of the bush is approximately 90 cm. The trunk of Yasenets is straight, but very bushy, which is able to create real thickets. The leaves are pinnate, slightly pubescent, reminiscent of ash foliage in their shape. They are dark green in color.

The flowers of the plant are large. They are approximately 2.5 cm in diameter. The flower petals have an original color: white with purple veins or pink, red, lilac with dark purple veins. The flower consists of five sepals and the same number of petals, of which one petal is lowered down, and the rest are up. The flowers are collected in long racemose inflorescences. Their length reaches up to 20 cm.

The beginning of flowering - June. Flowering lasts up to 1.5 months. The plant exudes an unusual aroma, reminiscent of the smell of dried lemon peel. Smelling flowers is not recommended.

The fruit of the Yasenets is a box consisting of five nests, in which shiny black seeds are located. When the seeds ripen, the box opens and breaks up into 5 sacs, while the intracarp is separated along with the seeds.

During the ripening of seeds, the box releases essential oils in large quantities. It was at this time that an open fire is dangerous near the bush - a flame immediately appears above it, but Yasenets himself remains intact. It is not worth worrying about the fact that a fire can occur from this bush in the area, since the burning temperature of the essential oil is low.

Precautions When Growing Ash Tree

Ash tree is a poisonous plant. When growing it, care must be taken, in particular, work with gloves, try not to come into contact with parts of the plant, so as not to get burned, do not inhale the aroma, otherwise you can get a burn of the respiratory tract. Moreover, the burn begins to appear after some time: bubbles appear, which later burst, forming wounds and ulcers, the temperature may rise. In this case, you need to consult a doctor for help.

Common types of Yasenets

White Ash Tree (Dictamnus Albus)

The height of the bush is 90 cm. The leaves of White Ashnet are rather dense, located on long petioles. At the base of the plant, the leaf plates are solid, but on the shoots they are unpaired ovoid with a sharp top. The stem and leaves have a strong smell, they are pubescent with short glandular hairs, which cause a burn. If you accidentally touch them, you can burn your hand. White flowers are collected in a racemose inflorescence up to 20 cm long.

Caucasian Ash Tree (Dictamnus Caucasicus)

The main place of growth is the Caucasus, Iran, the lower reaches of the Volga. The height of the bush is 80 cm. The leaves are pinnate. The color of the flowers is mostly pinkish-lilac, occasionally white.

Fluffy ash tree (Dictamnus Dasicarpus)

The range of this species is the Far East, the Sikhote-Alin mountains. Special beauty in the flowers - bright pink with purple veins.

Holostolbikovy ash tree (Dictamnus Gymnostilis)

It grows in the Crimea, on the coasts of the rivers of Russia and Ukraine. The height of the plant varies from 40 to 80 cm. The leaves are elliptical, pointed towards the end. Inflorescences are paniculate or racemose. One of the species that emit the largest amount of essential vapors.

Growing Ash Tree from Seeds

Sowing seeds of Yasenets in the garden is carried out immediately, as soon as they ripen. You can also sow them in autumn or spring, but keep in mind that the seeds, which were sown before winter, will sprout only a year later.

Seeds should not be sown immediately on a bed intended for a permanent place for Yasenets, but in a seed row. Seedlings that appear the following spring are thinned out and planted. The distance between the sprouts should be approximately 15 cm.

Seedlings are grown for three years and only after that they are planted in a permanent place.

In one place, Yasenets has been growing for 10 years. Yasenets is better known as the Burning Bush

Yasenets Care

Watering. The ash bush does not impose special requirements for watering, but still does not like excessive moisture. It is recommended to water only on dry days.

Soil composition. The soil for growing Yasenets should be light, necessarily drained. The plant does well in alkaline or neutral soils. According to experienced gardeners, it is better to have poor soil than saturated with organic matter. The best soil option is soddy land, sand and humus in a ratio of 1: 2: 2.

Lighting. In the wild, Yasenets grows on the edges of the forest, in a light forest, on a mountain slope, and therefore grows equally well both in an open sunny area and in partial shade.

Top dressing. The plant requires complex fertilizers that alkalize the soil. Top dressing is carried out 1-2 times during the flowering phase. Top dressing is carried out only in the third year of Yasenets growth, but if the soil is very poor, fertilizer can be applied already in the second year.

Pruning. It is carried out at any time convenient for the gardener. The best time for this is early spring or late autumn.

Preparing for winter. Ash tree is a winter-hardy plant. Mature plants do not need special shelter.

Diseases and pests. The plant is quite resistant to fungal diseases, attack by pests.

A variety of flowers grow in our gardens. Some of them are obligatory inhabitants, others are fashionable "stars" of the season, there are favorites, but there are also exotic "curiosities". The last category also includes a dangerous beauty - a burning bush. The plant is widespread in the Caucasus and in the Crimea, but in our country, in the middle lane, its garden forms are still rare. Why is this flower dangerous, and why does it have such a strange name? How to propagate, grow and care for him safely? We will try to answer all the questions in this article.

Why is it called so?

Burning bush - this plant is also called dictamnus and ash. The scientific name Dictamnus came from the merger of the Greek words - thamnos - "bush" and the name of one of the Cretan mountains - Dicte. This flower was nicknamed ash tree for the similarity of its foliage with ash leaves, but they began to call it the “burning bush” because of its unusual properties. This beautiful plant does not burn in a fire, as the flame burns a cloud of poisonous ethereal vapors surrounding the bush without damaging the plant itself.

Botanical features

Burning Bush - a plant of the Rutov family with a branched root system and beautiful flowers.

The slightly hairy, slender stem of this perennial ornamental flower can grow up to 1.5 meters. The leaves of the ash tree are medium-sized and usually pinnate. The upper part of the stem and leaves are densely covered with special glands that secrete strong-smelling essential oils. The racemose inflorescences of the burning bush come in different colors, from light pink to purple-lilac. Each five-petalled flower is streaked with blue-violet or red. The ash-tree blooms closer to the middle of June - in July, and you can recognize this by the bright and not very pleasant "pharmacy" smell that spreads throughout the district. In August, the plant already ripens and falls off its fruits, smelling of freshly ground cinnamon.

Features of care

It grows well both in the sun and in the shade, is resistant to drought and undemanding to soils, the burning bush. The plant "refuses" to grow and bloom only in very shady places, as well as on waterlogged soils. Watering this flower in the conditions of the middle lane is very rare.

When choosing a place for planting, one must remember that the ash-tree will demonstrate all its beauty in a sunny and protected place from the north winds, best of all - on the eastern or southern elevated area of ​​\u200b\u200byour garden. This flower has no special requirements for the composition of the soil, the main thing for it is good drainage and the absence of excess water. In one place, the bush can grow for about 10 years. The burning bush is a plant, the care of which is somewhat unusual for us: it is not necessary to water, it is possible to fertilize, but only in very small doses. The plant overwinters well, but in especially severe or snowless winters it is better to cover it with spruce branches or foliage.

How to grow?

Burning bush - a plant whose reproduction is possible by spring and autumn sowing of seeds, dividing the bush or in spring, cuttings with a "heel".

Despite the fact that the ash tree can self-sow, the germination of its seeds is rather weak. Flower growers note that sometimes, during winter sowing, they germinate only after a year. Small seedlings sprouted from seeds are transplanted into mini-greenhouses or small boxes, leaving 10-15 cm between plants. Under such conditions, seedlings are grown for three years, after which they are planted in a permanent place. Such plants will bloom in a few years. The easiest way to propagate ash is the spring or autumn division of an adult bush. The seedlings obtained in this way take root better and begin to bloom earlier.

We propagate by cuttings

To obtain planting material in spring or early summer, young shoots that have not yet had time to become lignified are taken from an adult plant. After they are treated with a root formation stimulator, they are planted, covering at first with spunbond or cut plastic bottles. The burning bush is a plant that does not tolerate transplantation, so it is better to root the cuttings immediately in the place where they will grow constantly.

Why is it dangerous?

You should not smell, let alone touch the ash bushes found in nature. The burning bush is very insidious. The plant leaves a burn, but a person does not feel it immediately, but after 8 to 12 hours, when blisters filled with liquid appear. Over time and without proper care, they break, and a long-healing wound opens. If the wound is properly treated, it will heal over time, leaving a dark spot “for memory”, gradually disappearing by the next summer.

As already mentioned, the burning bush is a flowering plant that emits a sharp and unpleasant odor. When inhaled, a headache may begin, which disappears after a few hours. Garden forms of ash tree are less dangerous than wild ones, but when processing it, especially on hot summer days, it is imperative to wear gloves, long sleeves and trousers covering your legs to avoid accidental burns. Do not plant this plant along the paths, as well as in areas where children may be. It should be remembered that the seeds of the plant are also unsafe, so gloves should be used when collecting them in the autumn.

What to do with a burn?

As with any chemical burn, first of all, you need to wash the affected area of ​​​​skin well with soap and water. In the event that you did not notice the touch, and later found blisters, then they should be treated with any gel with an antibiotic and try not to open them for as long as possible. If the blisters still burst, then the wound should be treated every day with hydrogen peroxide, and then bandaged with an ointment containing antibiotics and covered with several layers of bandage.

Dictamnus albus



Family - Rutaceae - Rutaceae.

The parts used are grass and roots.

The popular name is wild star anise, volcana, ash tree, bodan, ash tree, bergenia, burning bush.

Pharmacy name - ash herb - Dictamni heiba (formerly Herba Dictamni), ash roots - Dictamni radix (formerly Radix Dictamni).

Botanical description

Perennial herbaceous plant, up to 1m in height, with a highly branched root system, from which numerous erect pubescent stems grow, covered in the upper part with black dots - glands. The whole plant, especially the fruit, emits a lemon scent when crushed. The leaves are dark green, pinnate, alternate oblong-lanceolate (similar to ash leaves), the leaves are pubescent, look punctured in the light. large up to 2.5 cm, white or pinkish (sometimes purple-red with dark veins) are collected in loose racemose inflorescences up to 15 cm in length, 5 sepals, 5 petals, of which four are turned up and the fifth down, 10 stamens. Blooms in June-July.

The fruit is a five-celled capsule with black shiny seeds, which break up when ripe into five sacs, and the inner carp separates and pops up with the seeds.

The plant is very rich in essential oils and in very hot weather, under the direct rays of the hot sun, the ash bush can ignite spontaneously - its top flares with a blue flame, or if a match is brought to the bush. But the bush itself is not burned, the ash tree remains unharmed after the outbreak. It is the combustible essential oil that flares up at high temperatures, which is why the white ash-tree is called the burning bush.

Occurs in southern Germany in sunny, dry places, in light shrubs and clearings of deciduous forests, only occasionally in dense forests.

Collection and preparation

Collect the upper parts of the shoots from plants grown in the garden and dry them in bunches in the shade. The roots are dug up either in early spring or late, cleaned, cut into pieces and dried in the shade.

Active ingredients

Alkaloids, essential oil, bergapten, saponins, bitters, anthocyanins and flavone glycosides.

Use in homeopathy

Homeopathic remedy Dictamnus albus is prepared from fresh leaves, which are harvested shortly before flowering. It is given in gastro-intestinal troubles with flatulence and foul-smelling stools, but mainly in irregular bowel movements. menses.

Healing action and application

It is used for skin diseases, melancholy and nervous disorders, regulates menstruation, serves as a diuretic and eliminates bloating. A decoction of the root acts as a fixing agent and as an anthelmintic.


The plant is highly poisonous and leaves deep burns that do not heal for a long time. They burn not only leaves and shoots, but also the very cloud of essential oils. can be obtained without even touching the plant, it is not recommended to smell its flowers and you should not approach without gloves.

Ash is a perennial plant from the Rutaceae family. In the people, the ash-tree is called ash-tree, bergenia or wild star anise. Yasenets is considered a rather unpretentious and very common plant throughout Russia.

In height, the ash tree grows up to one meter, the stalks of the ash tree are densely pubescent with glandular hairs, they are erect. Thanks to the hairs of the ash tree, he received a second name: burning bush. And all because when in contact with the skin, these hairs emit a substance that, under the influence of sunlight, can cause burns. When working in a flower garden where ash grows, be careful.

There is an opinion that if in dry hot weather a burning match is brought to this plant, a flame will light up.

Otherwise, the ash tree is very attractive. White or pink flowers of ash tree with red veins, fragrant, collected in tall racemose inflorescences.

Immediately after the ash seeds have ripened, they are sown in open ground. Also, ash seeds can be sown in spring or before winter.

Ash tree blooms at a "mature" age, as a rule, in the fourth year. The ash tree will not cause you any more problems. It will grow in one place for many, many years. Also, ash can be propagated by dividing the bush. Its roots are divided in autumn or early spring. In summer, the ash-tree may be propagated by green cuttings. For better rooting, cuttings can be treated with rooting stimulants and covered with a plastic bottle from above until rooting.

Ash can grow well in full sun and shade. It grows and develops especially well on neutral or alkaline soils. It must be remembered that the ash tree does not tolerate wet soil, and if underwater groundwater is close to your site, then do not forget about drainage when planting the plant.

Caring for the ash tree is not a big deal. Watering, weeding the soil, loosening the soil. During the flowering period, it is recommended to feed with complex fertilizers.

The ash tree blooms in June for 30-45 days. The ash tree looks great in group plantings. In flower beds, ash tree looks good with geyhera, daylily, monarda, liatris.

Fraxinella is a rare and unique plant. Twenty years of my communication with him did not reveal any significant shortcomings in this flower. On the contrary, every year the ash-tree causes more and more respect.

Ash has another name - burning bush. It is given for an unusual property. On a hot day in the sun, the ash tree exudes a lot of ethereal vapors. If you bring a lit match to it, the air around the plant flares up. But surprisingly: the blue flame does not harm the flower itself!

Fraxinella. Description

I can say a lot of good things about this flower. He reminds me of people about whom they say: "The breed is so rushing!" And the human race, as you know, is not in the shape of a nose or height of growth, but in the ability from generation to generation to keep its kind stable and prosperous.

The ash tree, like a garden flower, has everything in abundance. Although nothing "screams", does not stick out excessively.

Firstly, the ash tree is beautiful, but with that strict natural beauty that is now becoming the standard of an ornamental plant.

Secondly, the ash tree does not grow and does not crowd other flowers, but grows compactly and predictably, for many years in the same framework.

Thirdly, the ash tree is resistant to frost, drought-resistant, undemanding to soil fertility. And, in addition, it does not lose its decorative effect during the entire growing season. Already a lot, isn't it?!

Yasenets (Dictamnus) is a genus of perennial herbs of the rue family. Total botany

There are six species of ash trees growing in the temperate and subtropical zones of Eurasia. Three (or four) species occur in the mountain belt of southern Russia.

ASH WHITE (D. albus) - in nature distributed from Southern and Central Europe to Southern Siberia. The plant has several erect branched stems up to 90 cm high. The leaves are dense, long-petiolate, pinnate with ovate pointed leaflets. In Central Russia, white ash is quite common in culture c. The flowers of this species are white, fragrant, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, in racemose inflorescences up to 20 cm long. There are decorative forms and varieties with pink and dark red flowers. Blooms in June-July for about a month.

The fruit is a five-celled capsule. Seeds are black, shiny, ripen in August. Seeds should be collected in advance, as plants shoot them far when fully ripe.

The stem and leaves of ash trees are pubescent with short glandular hairs and smell quite strongly. Attention! Touching them, especially in hot weather, can cause skin burns. Wear gloves when handling the plant.

CAUCASIAN SHELL (D. caucasicus). Grows in the Caucasus, Iran, the lower reaches of the Volga. Reaches a height of 80 cm. The leaves are pinnate with rather large ovate leaves. The flowers are most often pinkish-lilac, sometimes white.

FLUFFY-FRUIT ASH (D. dasycarpus). It grows in the Far East, but can be successfully cultivated in the Middle lane. It has bright pink flowers with purple veins, collected in brushes up to 20 cm.

Under natural conditions, the ash tree often settles on rocks, deeply rooting in the crevices of stones. It is simply impossible to dig it out without damage. So they once sent me the stumps of the fluffy ash tree. Moreover, it was already in November.

I had to plant in practically frozen ground without any hope. In the spring, the plants did not appear on the surface for a long time, but in June they all came to life together. Since then, they have grown in the same place. When the plants bloomed, it turned out that it was very difficult to distinguish this species from other types of ash - the same leaves and the same flowers.

Fraxinella. Care

Ash tree is sun-loving, drought-resistant, undemanding to the presence of organic matter. But for all the unpretentiousness, there are conditions in which the ash-tree will definitely not grow - this is waterlogging of the soil and a dense shadow.

In our climate, it can even be called dry-loving. So it is necessary to water it in Central Russia only when absolutely necessary.

Landing place. When planning to plant an ash tree, keep in mind that an additional advantage of the location is protection from the north winds. It can be buildings, trees or natural terrain. Very favorable, for example, the location on the slopes of the southern or western exposure.

illumination- open sun, hot. It is good to put boulders at the foot of the plants, which contribute to the deep heating of the soil, because the ash tree is very fond of warm soils.

The soil. Light composition, with good drainage and deeply cultivated, relatively fertile. A good option would be a mixture of soddy soil, humus and sand (1:2:2).

It used to be that the front garden changed its face every year. Now spruces, arborvitae, junipers and much more are planted under the windows, which will live for decades. Yasenets is a good company for them. A native of the mountains, he loves our neighborhood with stones. Harmoniously fit, for example, in rockeries.

It is advisable for his partners to choose the same slow-growing and durable plants as he himself. Good inclusions of ash in coniferous compositions. Nearby look great lavender, backache, sedum prominent. Ground covers are organic at the foot: thyme, antennaria, arabis, young, carpet stonecrops.

In any combination, the ash tree will be a raisin, since this is a rather rare plant. Its unusual flowers framed by long stamens always attract attention.

The ash tree is propagated by seeds, which are sown immediately after harvest. During storage, they quickly lose their germination. The seeds are black, shiny, they smell strongly of essential oils.

It is better to sow ash-tree immediately to a permanent place, since it does not tolerate transplantation well, as well as dividing the bush. But when the delenki take root, there are no more problems. Ash tree is not damaged by pests and practically does not get sick. After flowering, it remains green for a long time, the leaves do not fade and do not dry until frost. Agree, a plant with such properties is desirable in every garden.

HELL. Smirnov, Vladimir

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