A striking representative of the Euphorbiaceae family is Croton. Croton - a palette of colors in the living room Home flowers croton care

A striking representative of the Euphorbiaceae family is Croton.  Croton - a palette of colors in the living room Home flowers croton care
A striking representative of the Euphorbiaceae family is Croton. Croton - a palette of colors in the living room Home flowers croton care

Nothing pleases a gardener’s vanity more than a well-groomed plant with lush and bright foliage. Multi-colored croton (codiaum) is able to decorate any room with its presence alone. But at the same time, unpretentious and gratefully responsive to care. To admire a beautiful plant, you need to thoroughly study the rules of caring for it at home.

Description of the origin and appearance of the plant

The East is rich in bright colors. He gives us many beautiful plants that amaze with their beauty and claim the palm. But I want to give the victory to croton, it is in it that all the colors of the autumn forest are harmoniously combined, the riot of color fascinates and at the same time calms.

Croton or codiaum belongs to the humble Euphorbiaceae family. Plants growing in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, India, the Pacific and Malaysian islands are represented by numerous species. Among them there are trees, shrubs, and herbs. The shape and color of the leaves are varied. This diversity is due to the different climatic characteristics of the regions in which croton grows.

In their natural environment, crotons reach 3 and even 4 meters in height; the size of domestic species is half that. It does not grow quickly in the room, it takes a very long time to get used to the new place.

The leaves have a hard, leathery surface and are attached to short petioles. The shape of each variety is different. The leaf blade can be three-fingered, guitar-shaped, elliptical, ribbon-elongated, spiral-shaped and corrugated. The predominant colors are red, yellow, green, orange, pink and white. It is the leaves that are the undeniable decoration of croton. Their mass resembles bright autumn leaves collected in a bouquet.

Care must be taken when caring for Croton. The milky sap of the plant causes irritation to the skin and mucous membranes.

Croton flowering can be called inexpressive. White small flowers are collected in racemes and look very poor against the background of luxurious foliage. It blooms extremely rarely in indoor conditions. And if this happens, then it is best to remove the inflorescences. Peduncles will take away excess strength from the plant and slow down its growth.

The name croton was assigned to the plant in 1762 thanks to the work of Carl Linnaeus. Although now it is more correct to call it codeium, this is what the Dutch naturalist Rumphis called the flower in 1690, when he first wrote up its description.

Croton cannot be called too capricious a plant. But you will find mutual understanding if you can provide the plant with the necessary conditions for normal growth. Evergreen crotons decorate residential and office spaces. The flower can harmoniously fit into any interior.

Type of croton and its varieties grown indoors

Despite the huge variety of species, only one type of croton is grown in indoor floriculture - variegated or variegatum.

It and its varieties are successfully used in indoor floriculture. Varieties
It is on its basis that many hybrid forms have been developed.
It has an erect, branching stem that is bare at the bottom.
up to 3 m high (in room conditions only 70 cm). Leaves
leathery, large - 30 cm long. Characteristic
The peculiarity of the species is its color scheme, in which
has a predominant yellow-green color, and
various leaf shapes. Leaf color
changes depending on lighting and other external
irritants. Flowers are dioecious.
One of the most popular varieties. Trunk
branching, with alternately arranged leaves.
Leaf blades are pointed-lobed or oval,
dense, glossy. The main background is dark or
light green color. The veins and edge of the leaf are colored
rich yellow color.
Tree form. The leaves are elongated and wide,
with rounded ends. Brightly colored - predominate
yellow, red, pink and golden shades. Croton Excellent
A small bush with oak-shaped leaves. Top of the sheet -
green-yellow, the underside is burgundy-red
The plant is rare. Has an exotic appearance. Leaves
black-green in color, with bright spots standing out on them
orange or red streaks and spots.
Bushy form. The leaves are lobed and
painted green with yellow streaks. Wrong side
brick-brown leaf.
It is distinguished by a narrow, long leaf shape. In coloring
Yellow, red and green colors predominate. cascading
leaves look impressive in hanging flowerpots or on
Unusual curly foliage and variegated leaf color -
the main distinguishing feature of the hybrid. Leaf blade
long, twisting around its axis.
The plant can grow more than a meter tall. The leaves are hard,
leathery. Their shape is elongated oval with an uneven edge.
The coloring is very unusual - the predominant color is white and green.
combination, sometimes splashes of pink may appear,
purple or yellow.

Photo gallery: color variety of croton

Very often in flower shops you can read “Croton Mix” on the price tag. In fact, this is not a name, there is no such variety as “Mix”. It’s just that suppliers often place several hybrids on one pallet and combine them under one name.

Seasonal conditions of detention (table)

Season Humidity Temperature Lighting and
Spring If we remember that croton inhabits
tropical forests, then you can immediately
conclude - humidity for
plants need increased But not
excessive. Threshold - 45%, reduction
humidity will immediately entail
unpleasant consequences. In summer
be sure to spray the leaves
water heated in the sun. IN
summer heat needs to be increased
humidity around the plant. For
this, place the pot in a shallow
container filled with wet pebbles
or expanded clay.
Croton loves heat, but does not tolerate
heat. Average temperature in summer
period should be at the level
20 - 24°C. If the thermometer
is approaching the 30°C mark, the plant
need to shade and increase humidity
Around him.
The plant loves bright light
and needs it. But from direct
gets burned by the sun's rays,
therefore requires shading. Eastern
and the western direction is larger
Autumn In autumn and winter the leaves are sprayed
warm water, but not as often as in
summer period. The situation will change
only when the system is turned on
heating. During this period of time
The air should not be allowed to dry out.
Winter temperatures are from 18 to 20°C. It is forbidden,
so that this indicator drops below
16°C. It is worth noting that Croton
really doesn't like temperature changes.
In winter, Croton is not afraid of the sun
rays so it can be moved
on the south window sill. When decreasing
luminous intensity in sheet
green colors will begin to predominate in color
colors. Reducing daylight hours and
cloudy weather is a reason for
additional lighting.

Croton can be successfully grown in closed and open florariums.
Among the many varieties, there are also compact varieties with smaller leaves. The size of the plant does not in any way affect the bright color of its leaf blades.

In addition, croton can be grown into a bonsai. True, this will require a lot of time and patience. And of course, skill. Bonsai masters achieve amazing results by properly pruning and tying up branches.

Planting and transplanting

Adult plants are rarely replanted - once every 2-4 years as needed, when the roots have completely entwined the earthen ball. Large crotons are transferred to another container, but more often they simply replace the top layer of soil with a new fertile one. Another thing is young plants that have not reached 3 years of age. They require annual transplantation, which is carried out in the spring - in March or April.


For planting or replanting, you will need slightly acidic soil, well-drained and air-permeable. You can buy universal soil in the store and add drainage of the finest fraction, perlite and pieces of charcoal to it. Or you can prepare the soil mixture yourself. You don't need a lot of time or special skills. And the composition of the soil does not differ in exotic components. For young plants you will need:

  • 2 parts leaf soil;
  • 1 part of turf land;
  • 1 part coarse sand.

For adults - you need to take 3 parts of leaf soil, and leave the proportion of the remaining components the same.

planting pot

Choose a pot based on the size of the plant. The larger the croton, the more stable the planting pot should be. For small plants, plastic containers are quite suitable. For large ones, try to choose a clay container. Another advantage of ceramics is that the material breathes, which means the earthen lump inside the pot will not mold. The dimensions should be several centimeters larger than the previous one, moderately wide, but shallow. If you take a container for growth, then do not expect rapid growth after replanting - the croton will try to master the inside of the pot, and will completely forget about the leaves.

A new pot must have drainage holes. And please don’t forget about drainage.

Step-by-step replanting of croton

Only healthy plants are replanted!

Store-bought croton must undergo an acclimatization period. You can spray with Epin solution to help adapt to a new place. If the plant is healthy, then replanting can begin in 3 weeks.

Croton does not need supports, as it has a fairly strong stem. But if the plant develops in unsuitable conditions and its stem bends and lacks stability, then a bamboo support to which the plant is tied can help.

Croton care at home

An attentive florist will definitely surround his ward with care and comfort.

Watering and fertilizing

Croton loves evenly moist soil throughout the year. Does not tolerate waterlogging or dry soil.

Summer watering differs from winter in frequency and abundance. Before the next watering, you need to let the soil dry out by 1/3 of the pot, but no more. Of course, the ambient temperature should be taken into account. The hotter it is, the faster the earth dries out, and vice versa. At low temperatures, it is important to establish the correct moisture regime; if there is too much moisture, the roots will easily rot.

Irrigation water must be well settled. Excess salt in the liquid will negatively affect the quality of the soil and, accordingly, the health of the plant. And one more rule - the water for watering croton should be warm.

During the period of active growth, that is, in spring and summer, croton must be fed with complex mineral fertilizers with microelements once a week and a half.

Good results are achieved by alternating with organic fertilizers. From September to March, fertilizers are applied no more than once a month.

Fertilizers are applied only to moist soil.

Features of the dormant period in croton A feature of croton is a weak dormant period.

In winter, the plant must be provided with maximum lighting, at least 12 - 14 hours a day. To do this, move it to a south-facing window sill, but make sure that the leaves do not touch the glass. You can't do without additional lighting. If you don't have a phytolamp, don't despair. An ordinary fluorescent lamp will help solve the problem.

The fluorescent lamp should not be installed too low, as this may cause burns. Being too high is also not an option. Croton will be drawn to the light source and its shoots will begin to thin out. The temperature should ideally be within 20°C. Watering in winter is reduced, but does not stop. It is advisable to move it away from heating appliances and air conditioners.

If this is not possible, maintain the required air humidity around the flower and wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

Croton formation

Young plants must be pinched at a height of 15 cm. And then, as the shoots grow, they are pinched every 20 cm. Don’t be alarmed, but after pinching the croton may freeze for a while, but then it will begin to branch. And then it all depends on whether you want to rejuvenate an adult plant or reduce the occupied area. Pruning is carried out from spring to mid-June.

If the croton is not pruned, the adult plant will gradually begin to lose its decorative effect. This happens due to the exposure of the trunk, when it gradually loses the lower leaves.

Care errors

A bright and spectacular croton can look very poor due to improper care. If the plant doesn’t like something, it will immediately inform you with its appearance: drooping leaves or spots that appear on them.

Maintenance errors and their elimination - table

Error Cause How to fix
The leaves lose their bright colors,
fade, green color
predominates in color
The plant is experiencing
lack of lighting.
  • Move the croton closer to the window, but

shade it from the midday sun.

  • In winter, be sure to turn on

additional lighting.

Light brown dry
spots on leaves
Traces of sunburnRemove the plant from direct sun.
The leaves begin to curl
edges turn brown
color, but remain soft
Perhaps this happened
due to temperature
changes when during the day
warm, but at night it becomes
colder than expected.
Provide Croton with suitable
temperature conditions.
The tips and edges of the leaves turn brown
and turn brown
  • The plant is experiencing

lack of watering.

  • The indoor air is very
  • Perhaps croton is worth

in a draft.

All shortcomings should be eliminated:
  • adjust the frequency of watering;
  • increase the humidity around the flower;
  • remove it from drafts.
The leaves have fallen, lost
  • Insufficient watering.
  • Root system

freezes slightly.

Croton should be kept warm and
bright place.
Leaf fall
  • Natural process


  • Excessive watering in winter
  • The air is too dry.
  • The air is too cold

or draft.

Analyze the situation and find
  • If only the lower leaves fall and

young ones grow normally, then this
natural aging process.

  • If not only the old ones fall off

leaves, eliminate the listed
problems by giving Croton
normal conditions for growth and

Leaves change green color
to red
Lack of nitrogen.The fertilizer must contain nitrogen
Leaves turn brown, underside
covered with white fluffy
Excessive watering and low
air temperature.
In winter, if indoors
cool, water the croton after
drying 1/3 of the soil. For hydration
use warm water.
Leaves turn yellow
  • Not nutritious enough
  • Overmoistening of the soil.
  • During the growth period, croton must be fertilized.
  • Water according to the rules.
Appearance of red spots
Too much bright light.The plant can be slightly shaded at midday.

Photo gallery: common care mistakes

Dry spots on a croton leaf are the result of a burn or insufficient moisture Croton leaves droop when the plant lacks water Red spots on the back of the leaf can appear from too much light Croton loses leaves for many reasons - the main ones being dry or cold air

It often happens that the croton has dropped all its leaves. This can happen for many reasons:

  • the plant is in a very cold room;
  • after transplantation, during which the roots were injured;
  • adaptation period after purchase;
  • the plant was attacked by pests.

In this case, it is necessary to urgently eliminate the errors that led to such a sad event. It is possible to correct the situation, but you will have to work hard.

  1. Naturally, for croton it is necessary to recreate conditions close to natural: seasonal temperature conditions, the necessary humidity and, of course, sufficient lighting.
  2. In winter, you can build something like a greenhouse for the affected plant: put a bag over the pot. Do not forget to ventilate daily, otherwise the plant will lock up.
  3. You can pamper the croton with a hot shower, and then hide it in a greenhouse.
  4. Closer to spring, you can help the dormant buds (a small notch remains in place of the fallen leaf, and a bud is located above it). To do this, you need to buy Cytokinin paste in the store. The dormant bud needs to be lightly scratched (just don’t overdo it) and a little paste applied with a toothpick. In this way, you can treat several dormant buds.
  5. You can simply cut off the top. Pruning is a natural stimulator for branching.

Diseases and pests

Frequent watering, which leads to acidification of the soil and too dry air, are the main reasons why croton may become sick or be attacked by pests.

Table: diseases and pests characteristic of croton

Diseases and
Symptoms Control measures Prevention
Brown spots of varying sizes
appear in the center of the sheet, by
edges. The stains gradually dry out.
Young shoots stop growing.
The plant gradually dries out.
  • Quarantine the plant.
  • Remove affected leaves

rinse the root system in
weak solution of potassium permanganate.

  • Change the ground.
  • Treat croton with Previkur or


  • If the defeat is serious, it is better

use Fundazol or Skor.

  • Keep Croton in the above

temperature conditions, observe
humidification mode.

  • Avoid mechanical

damage to croton.

  • Fertilize correctly

selected fertilizers.

The leaves begin to turn yellow and turn pale
and fall off. The roots soften
lose viability.
  • The only way to fight the disease is

at the initial stage.

  • Remove the croton from the pot and clean it

from old soil, wash the roots.

  • Remove all rotten areas, including

including diseased leaves.

  • In order not to take from the plant

excess strength, can be trimmed
tops of shoots.

  • Transplant into a sterilized

soil mixture.

  • Spray with Carbendazim solution.
  • Put it in light, but without bright

sun, place.

  • Water minimally until

new leaves will appear.

  • If the plant is heavily infected - with

It’s best to leave him.

  • At the time of purchase please contact

attention to the condition of the plant.

  • Follow the rules strictly
Sucks out intercellular juice,
weakening the plant. In places
punctures leave stains. Croton
becomes lethargic. Pest is easy
comb out along a thin cobweb.
Treat croton with one of
drugs: Fitoverm or Actellik.
The solution is prepared according to the instructions.
Process in means
personal protection, with
open window or outside.
  • The main prevention is compliance

required humidity.

  • At the first sign of pests

you need to bathe the croton in the shower,
washing away insects with water.

  • You can use a cloth napkin,

soaked in soapy water,
remove pests from leaves and trunk.

The pest is visible to the unarmed
eye. Main signs:
sticky coating; cotton wool-like coating;
suspension of croton development.
Sucking pests hiding behind
brown-like shell
tubercle. I weaken the plant. If
If measures are not taken in time, they may
cause the death of croton.

Photo gallery: how diseases and pests manifest themselves

This is how anthracnose manifests itself on the leaves of indoor plants. The root system affected by rot. Spider mites can be easily identified by the cobwebs that appear on the plant. On the bright leaves of Croton mealyworms you can immediately notice Croton affected by scale insects

Croton propagation methods

Croton can be propagated using cuttings, seeds, air layering and leaves.

Propagation by cuttings (apical and lateral)

Some gardeners root cuttings directly in a jar of water to which activated carbon is added. But the water needs to be changed periodically.

Propagation by seeds

The method is not easy, so it is used very rarely. In addition, plants grown from seeds can be very different from their parents. Seeds that are no more than a year old are sown at the end of winter.

  1. The seeds are soaked in a solution of phytohormones for 2 - 3 hours.
  2. Then they are sown in loose soil. The seeds are slightly pressed into the soil, to a depth of no more than 1 cm.
  3. The surface of the substrate is moistened with a spray bottle and covered with a bag.
  4. Average temperature 25°C. Be sure to ventilate the greenhouse.
  5. The seeds that appear after about a month begin to gradually adapt to the environment, arranging for ventilation more often and for a longer time.
  6. Young plants with 3 leaves can be planted in separate pots.

Reproduction using air layering

This method is often used when croton has a problem with a bare trunk.

Leaf propagation

The leaf propagation method is very similar to rooting cuttings. But it raises some doubts: a lot of roots grow, but there is no growth point.

Codiaum, which we more often call croton, is an ornamental plant with unusually original variegated leaves. Like any ornamental plant, it is quite capricious, so it needs to be cared for with special care. Particular attention should be paid to proper watering and maintaining high humidity in the room.

At the slightest violation of growing conditions, codiaum leaves wither, their tips dry out, and when stressful situations arise, they fall off completely.

    Show all


    Codium and croton plants belong to the Euphorbiaceae genus. Croton is commonly grown as a herb and codiaum as an ornamental. They are similar in shape and bright color of the leaves, which is why codiaum is usually called croton. In the tropics and subtropics of Australia or Eastern India, codiaum grows in the form of shrubs or trees, reaching a height of 3-6 m. At home, this plant reaches about 70 cm. The maximum height is one and a half meters.

    The main advantage and decoration of croton is its colorful leathery leaves.

    They may take the form:

    • laurel;
    • oval;
    • in the form of a blade;
    • forked;
    • guitar-shaped.

    The colors of the leaves are very diverse. On the green body there are white, olive, yellow, orange, red segments, veins, and dots. The lower the leaf is located in the crown, the brighter its color. In some species, the leaf length reaches 30 cm. There are small-leaved ones, which are grown in the form of a standard tree.

    Croton rarely blooms in an apartment. But there is no need to regret it. Croton flowers are small, white-yellow. There are male and female (without petals). If the seeds are not needed for croton propagation, the flowers are plucked before flowering so that they do not weaken the plant.

    Types of codiaum

    There are many types and varieties of codiaum. A large number of hybrids have been created on their basis. The most common of them:

    • Variegated - has leaves of different shapes with multi-colored veins, often with edging.
    • Petra - with fleshy leaves of contrasting colors. The veins are yellow, with the same edging along the edge.
    • Excellent has yellow veins on top, red on the bottom and brown veins.
    • Mammi - with narrow, spiral-wrapped leaves. Shades of spots are red, pink.
    • Sunny Star - young leaves of which are olive-colored, while mature leaves have multi-colored spots.
    • Mix - with long leaves, at the top of each there is a sharp edge.
    • Tamara - with long leaves, the ends of which are twisted in a spiral. The color of the leaves is light green with red dots and spots.


    The most common method of propagation is the rooting of lignified apical cuttings (leaves). Cut them off with a sharp knife. The length of each cutting is at least 10 cm. A juice flows inside the shoots, looking like milk. It needs to be washed off by placing it in a bowl of water at room temperature.

    The leaves are rolled into a tube and fixed in this position. The soil is prepared from sand, peat and sphagnum moss. Place the cutting in a pot, cover it with a glass jar or arrange a greenhouse over it. It will take a month and a half for the cuttings to take root. All this time they keep the soil moist. Bottom heating of the pot will speed up rooting.

    It is easier to propagate codiaum by air layering. But this can only be done if there is already an adult plant. Bend the branch, cover it with soil and wait for roots to appear. After this, the grown part is cut off and transplanted into another pot. The leaves of a young tree are usually not as bright as those of an adult.

    Croton seeds are harder to find than cuttings. But if they are available, in February they are soaked in a growth stimulator according to the instructions for using the product. Then they are placed in a substrate, moistened, and covered with glass or polyethylene. They germinate in 3-4 weeks. Remove the glass and water it. When a couple of true leaves grow, they are planted in a separate container.

    Croton care

    Caring for croton at home is not particularly difficult. It does not require special conditions of detention. Croton is a tropical plant. To grow it in a city apartment or house, conditions are created similar to those to which it is accustomed in its homeland. This is high humidity, lack of drafts, abundant diffuse lighting. A plant brought into the house must get used to new conditions. It is stressed and sometimes sheds its leaves.

    The best option for placing croton is a window facing east or west. Hot dry air from a heating radiator can be detrimental to it. Sometimes it is better to place the plant near a south-facing window. Do not install it so that the sun's rays hit the leaves, leaving burns on them. In winter they will not cause harm. If the lighting is insufficient, the leaves will lose their colorful color, and croton will grow slowly.

    The temperature in an ordinary apartment (about 22°C) is suitable for croton. If it rises above 27 or falls below 17°C, the croton will feel uncomfortable, and at 11-12°C it may even die.

    Water the plants regularly, not allowing the soil to dry out deeper than 1 cm. But you can’t over-water it, otherwise the root will begin to rot.

    Do not water croton with cold tap water. It can cause the tree to shed its leaves. First, the water is filtered or settled. Make sure it is soft and warm, at room temperature.

    In order for croton to grow and develop quickly, the room maintains high (70%) humidity. In an ordinary city apartment with radiators under every window, it is difficult to provide this. Therefore, a number of activities are carried out:

    • install a humidifier directly near the plant;
    • a pot with a plant is placed in a tray with stones, which is filled with water;
    • periodically spray the leaves, wipe them on both sides with a cloth moistened with water.

    Small plants are washed in the shower once a month so that water does not get on the ground. If tap water is of good quality, you can use it. If it is highly chlorinated, settle it and water it with a watering can.

    Alternate fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and organic matter. They are carried out 2 times a month, in winter - 1 time. Before this, the plant is watered.

    Transplantation and crown formation

    The first few years of Croton's life are replanted every year. Then monitor when the root system completely fills the pot. Look at the drainage hole to see if roots are peeking out.

    Replant in spring or early summer. The pot for croton is wide but shallow, several centimeters wider than before. Place drainage at the bottom, at least 3 cm high. Take small crushed stone, expanded clay, and broken ceramics.

    Croton does not like pots that are too wide. If the amount of soil is much greater than the volume of the roots, the water can stagnate and the roots can rot.

    Form the crown of the plant. Pinch the top at a height of 15 cm, repeat the procedure several times as it grows.

    Croton juice, if it gets on the skin, can cause dermatitis, and ingestion can cause vomiting. Therefore, all operations are carried out carefully; hands are washed with soap after contact with the plant.


    Croton juice is poisonous, so insect pests do not like it. A healthy plant is rarely attacked by them. Pests common to indoor plants can settle on weakened plants as a result of insufficient care:

    • The presence of spider mites can be determined by the thin web located on the trunk under the leaves.
    • Mealybugs are clearly visible to the naked eye. They are mobile, whitish, and quickly move along the stem. They leave a white discharge that looks like lumps of cotton wool.
    • Scale insects are small insects whose bodies are covered with a durable shell. They settle down on the trunk and drink the juice. Their activity leads to leaf fall and plant death.

    If the number of pests is small, wipe the trunk with medical alcohol. It will help remove insects, not their eggs. Therefore, the treatment is repeated after a week. Use soap solution or any detergent. Lather the leaves and trunk and leave for 3 hours. Then wash it off, cover the flower with a plastic bag and leave it overnight.

    If there are a lot of pests, they are controlled with insecticides. The best among them:

    • chemical agent "Actellik";
    • biological preparation "Fitoverm";
    • "Neoron", destroying insects and their eggs.

    Predatory ambileyus mites, which can be bought at a flower shop, successfully fight pests.

    Growing croton is a fascinating, but troublesome task. It cannot be left unattended for a week or two. But healthy plants will delight you with bright, variegated leaves for many years. They are used to decorate shop windows, halls, and spacious rooms.

Reading time: 9 minutes

Florist with 12 years of experience

Codiaum (croton, “Joseph’s cloak”) stands out among other crops with its bright, interestingly shaped leaves. The tropical plant reaches one and a half meters. It is often used in interior design. In appearance, codiaum resembles a palm tree with a woody stem and crown at the top.

Botanical description of the plant

The flower belongs to the euphorbia crops and is poisonous. The plant's homeland is Melanesia, India, Polynesia, northern Australia, southeast Asia. Wild codiaum grows up to 2.5 m. At home, croton is 65-115 cm high.

Croton species

An indoor flower with broadly ovate, notched, three-lobed, blunt-pointed, pointed, oblong-lanceolate, asymmetrical leaves. There is green, yellowish foliage with orange, pinkish, red, purple stripes or spots. The shade of the crown may vary. In summer, paniculate inflorescences with long anthers form in the leaf axils. The flowers are small, pale yellow.

Can I keep it at home?

It is not recommended to grow croton at home if you have animals. The milky sap of the plant can harm pets. The liquid is poisonous and severely irritates the skin, so you need to wear gloves when caring for the flower. According to popular belief, croton is a plant that takes away negativity. Feel free to keep him at home if you need determination and a good mood.

Croton - species with photos and names

Codium variegated is grown at home. Common varieties:

  • . Leaves with a tapered end. Young foliage is light green with bright yellow streaks.

Croton Sunny Star
  • "Aucuboleous". Foliage is unevenly colored. There are yellow and green tones. This croton is narrow-leaved.

Codiaum aucubifolia
  • - multi-colored asymmetrical yellow-green leaves.

Croton Wilma
  • Petra. A flower with yellow spots on the leaves. Large bush with lateral leathery leaves. On the shoots they are located alternately.

Croton Petra
  • Mammy. Flower with red veins on the leaves, narrow-leaved. If properly cared for, there are bright yellow, green, and pink tones. The edge of the leaves is slightly curved.

  • The lobed leaves are brown in color. The outer side of the leaf blade has bright yellow spots and veins.

Croton Disraeli
  • Codeium Excellent. The foliage looks like oak. There are clear green and yellow blotches and stripes on the surface of the leaves. The reverse side of the foliage is pinkish.

Codeium Excellent
  • Zanzibar. Dense narrowed leaves of a bright green hue. There are orange, yellowish, burgundy stripes.

  • Mrs Eyeston. A compact tree or spreading bush with large green leaves grows. On the surface of the foliage there are pinkish, burgundy spots, and yellowish stains.

Mrs Eyeston
  • Black Prince. Dark green leaves with red, orange spots and stripes.

Black Prince
  • Nervia. Multi-colored greens - leaves of a yellow, pinkish hue. The edges are wavy. There is a central vein on the surface.

  • Croton Tamara. The tone of the oval leaves may be green. The edges are light green or white.

Croton Tamara
  • Codeium Gold Sun. Large variegated foliage. The main color is green, there are yellow veins. Height more than 30 cm.

Codeium Gold Sun

Codiaum Variegatum Mix is ​​often sold. This is not one variety, but several. Codium Mix can be of different colors. It depends on the age of the crop and its growing conditions. Therefore, compositions with the same varieties often look different.

Croton care at home

The flower is capricious, you need to care for it daily, otherwise the leaves will dry out and fall off. To maintain the splendor of the crown, you need to pinch the side stems. They can be rooted later. Trim the tops of plants to a height of 15 cm. Treat the cut areas with sulfur or charcoal. Croton's flowering is not attractive, so cut off the shoots - this will preserve the plant's strength to form a crown.

Lighting requirements

Place the pot on a well-lit windowsill. A window facing east or west will do. The south side is not recommended in summer, because the bright sun may cause burns - brown spots - to appear on the foliage. In winter, croton feels good on windows facing south.

Air temperature and humidity

In summer, maintain the air temperature at 20-25 degrees. In winter, the recommended value is not lower than 16 degrees. Protect the codiaum from cold and drafts to prevent it from dropping its leaves. Place the flower away from open windows and doors. Do not place the flowerpot on the street or balcony.

Recommended air humidity is 70-75%. To maintain the indicator, spray the flower daily with a spray bottle or wipe with a wet cloth. Place the plant near windows and doors. To constantly humidify the air, place a bowl of water, stones, and moss next to the codiaum. In the summer, organize a shower for your flower once a week. In winter, the frequency of the procedure is every 15 days.

How often to water croton

Watering codiaum

The soil should always be slightly moist. In summer, water the codiaum every 1-2 days, in winter - once every 2-4 days. Use warm, soft, settled water. Please note that lack of moisture leads to drying out and falling leaves. If there is excess water, the root system may rot. To prevent the liquid from stagnating, there should be a 1-3 cm layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot. To create it, use gravel, polystyrene foam, and broken tiles.

Feeding and fertilizer

Apply fertilizing from early April to November. In summer, the indoor croton plant is fertilized every 2 weeks, in winter – once a month. For root feeding, use mineral mixtures for ornamental plants - Pokon (10 ml of liquid concentrate per 1 liter of water), Etisso (10 ml/l), Bona Forte (10 ml/l), MultiFlor (5 g/5 l). Feed the croton after abundant watering, otherwise the preparations will burn the roots.

Replanting after purchase

Codium transplantation process

Do not touch the purchased codiaum for about 2-3 weeks. Let him get used to the new conditions. Subsequently, replant young flowers up to 2-3 years old annually, adult plants from 3 years old - every 2-3 years. You should not hesitate to replant if the roots have grown through the drainage holes. Spring and summer are the best time to replant codiaum. Flower transfer procedure:

  1. To disinfect, calcine the soil or spill it with a pinkish solution of potassium permanganate and dry it a little.
  2. Moisten the soil with water. So, the earthen lump will not fall apart, the roots will not be damaged.
  3. Pour expanded clay into a new pot in a layer of about 3 cm.
  4. Add fertile soil.
  5. Place the flower in the center and sprinkle the roots with soil, pressing the soil down a little.
  6. Water the croton generously and place it in the light in a warm room.

How to choose a pot and soil for codiaum

To prevent the roots from rotting later, take wide, shallow containers. Plastic or clay pots with large drainage holes work well. The diameter of the new container should be 2-5 cm larger than that of the old container. If the pot is 28 cm wide, replanting is not done.

The soil is prepared from equal parts:

  • turf land;
  • humus;
  • peat soil;
  • rotted fallen leaves.

Croton propagation at home

Mostly cuttings are used for planting:

  1. Cut off the top of the plant 6-10 cm long. If you need to get several flowers from propagation by cuttings, cut the shoot into several parts.
  2. Rinse the cut.
  3. Leave the cutting to dry for 3-4 hours.
  4. Remove the lower leaves. Cut the top ones in half - the cuts should be parallel to the veins.
  5. Place the workpiece in warm water (temperature 23-30 degrees). In cold liquid the cutting will rot.
  6. When the roots grow 2 cm long, plant the flower in the ground.
  7. Care for your codiaum by moistening the soil and foliage daily. Elastic leaves will indicate successful rooting of the cuttings.

Croton cuttings

Croton reproduces by seeds very rarely, only if you need to grow a rare species. For this, freshly harvested seeds are used. Description of planting and growing at home:

  1. Warm the seeds in warm water for half an hour (temperature 65 degrees).
  2. Fill the container with substrate.
  3. Plant the seeds in the ground to a depth of 1 cm.
  4. Cover the container with glass or polyethylene and place it in a room with an air temperature of 23 degrees.
  5. Before emergence, watering should be in a tray.
  6. When the sprouts hatch, remove the glass and expose the container to the light.
  7. Seedlings with three leaves are planted in separate pots with a diameter of up to 7 cm. Care for young plants as for adults.

Croton propagation by seeds

Diseases and pests

Spider mite

  • External manifestations: red spiders affect the lower part of the foliage. First, small white dots appear, then a thin cobweb appears. The leaves turn pale and dry.
  • Causes: dry air.
  • Treatment: humidify the air daily, treat the bush with “Aktara” (4 g/5 l), “Fitoverm” (2 l/l), “Fufanon” (0.5 ml/5 l), “Aktellik” (2 ml/l ), “Apollo” (2 ml/5 l), “Neoron” (5 ml/2.5 l) or a solution of 100 g of soap, 20 g of tobacco, 5 l of water.

Shield aphid

  • External manifestations: white or brownish insects 1.5-2 cm in size. Adult bushes are often affected. If not properly cared for, dark spots appear on the leaves. The larvae spread throughout the bush.
  • Causes: acidification of the soil, contaminated soil.
  • Treatment: replace the soil, disinfect the container, wash the plant with a soapy sponge, treat it three times with Iskra M (5 ml/5 l), Tanrek (1 ml/2 l), Aktara (4 g/5 l) with at intervals of a week.

Mealybugs or hairy lice

  • External manifestations of croton disease: sucking insects measuring 3-6 mm, leaving a white cotton-like coating on the foliage and stems.
  • Causes: waterlogged air.
  • Treatment: collect insects with your hands, treat the bush every 5 days with insecticides - “Karbofos” (3 g/4 l), “Aktellik” (2 ml/l), “Intavir” (8 g/10 l), “Agravertin” ( 5 ml/0.5 l). Take care of the flower until the insects disappear completely.


  • External manifestations: the fungus penetrates the tissue, red and gray spots appear.
  • Causes: excessive watering.
  • Treatment: destruction of the affected parts, treatment with antifungal drugs - “Acrobat” (20 g/5 l), “Ridomil” (25 g/5 l).

Root rot

  • External manifestations: leaves turn yellow, dry out and fall off.
  • Reasons: low soil acidity.
  • Treatment: treatment with antifungal drugs - “Trichophyte” (25 g/l), “Fitolavin” (12 ml/5 l), “Fundazol” (5 g/5 l), “Topaz” (1 ml/5 l), “ Maxim" (5 drops per 0.2 l of water) or "Mikosan" (100 ml/3 l).

Croton sheds its leaves

  • Reasons: drafts, unmoistened soil and air, sudden temperature changes.
  • Treatment: place the pot in a warm place, organize frequent watering, humidify the air daily.

Croton leaf tips dry out and brown spots appear

Dry codeium leaves
  • Causes: cold, unhumidified air.
  • Treatment: place the flower closer to the heat source, spray the greens regularly.

Croton's leaves have dropped

  • Reasons: not enough sun and heat.
  • Treatment: place the pot in the light, regularly moisten the soil and air. Take care of the croton until it recovers. Do not fertilize, put a transparent bag on the bush.


Croton, also known as codiaum among indoor decorative foliage plants, if not the king, is very close to this title. It looks really bright and pompous! And he needs care like a real member of the royal family. Many novice flower growers, seeing this luxurious flower in the store, cannot resist buying it. After which comes a series of bitter disappointments. Having paid a tidy sum for the plant, they begin to face a lot of problems, and panic begins. But the whole point is that the conditions in which croton is kept do not meet its requirements, and care is either insufficient or excessive (which is also not uncommon).

By familiarizing yourself with the rules for caring for croton at home, you can avoid most problems, and if you follow them strictly, you can get rid of them altogether.

Before describing the conditions for keeping this indoor plant, I must warn you - croton is a poisonous plant! More precisely, its milky juice is poisonous (like everyone else). Be careful not to get it on the skin, and especially the mucous membrane. Choose a place for croton that is not only the most suitable for it, but also inaccessible to children and animals.

Croton (codiaum): home care

The basic conditions for keeping croton are simple: protect it from drafts and cold, monitor air humidity and regular watering, it does not like dry air and dry soil, provide it with a well-lit place. Now about all this in more detail.


Croton needs a lot of light, but direct sunlight can greatly harm it. Therefore, the light should be bright, but diffused. Young plants or those that undergo adaptation after purchase do not even need such light initially. Accustom him to bright lighting gradually. The most suitable place for croton would be window sills or stands placed near east or west windows. The south side is suitable only if there is protection from the sun's rays. The main thing to remember is that lack of light is the main reason for the loss of decorativeness and variegated coloring of croton leaves.


This indoor plant does not like the cold. for him, even during a period of relative rest, in winter it is not lower than +16 degrees. During this period, the most comfortable temperature for him is +18 degrees. In summer +20-25 degrees. But at the same time, if there is air conditioning in the room, keep the flower away from it. Make sure that its habitat is reliably protected from drafts. In winter, it is better not to leave the flower on the windowsill. It is colder there and cold air may enter. If you take your indoor plants out into the fresh air for the summer, then codiaum (like streptocarpus, etc.) should remain indoors. Primarily due to drafts and temperature changes, and wind and rain can damage it.

Watering and air humidity

Croton is a tropical flower, which means it loves a lot of moisture. If you dry out the soil, it will drop its leaves and that’s it… new ones won’t grow. It is especially important to monitor soil moisture in the summer, when it dries out especially quickly. You may even need daily watering. But you can’t pour codiaum either; the soil in the pot should not be damp or “swampy.” Drain the water that remains in the pan after watering, do not let it stagnate. An hour after watering, it can be drained. In winter, watering is reduced and largely depends on the room temperature. At an optimal temperature of +18 degrees and normal air humidity, you can water no more than once every three days.

Be sure to spray your croton. But you also need to be careful and moderate with spraying. The spray nozzle should be adjusted to produce the finest spray. The amount of moisture on croton leaves during spraying should be such that it evaporates from the surface of the leaf and does not flow onto the lower leaves. It is best to spray in the morning or evening, when there is no chance of sunlight hitting the leaves. For this, you can use a spacious tray with wet pebbles, expanded clay or moss (as for). To maintain sufficient air humidity for codiaum at home, do not place it close to radiators in winter. Dry air threatens the plant with the same irreversible loss of leaves, and these are fertile conditions for croton’s original enemies - spider mites and weevils.

Advice. Water for watering and spraying croton must only be warm (not lower than room temperature) and well settled.

Croton transplant

Transplants should be regular, at least once every two years, and even better annually. Croton should be replanted taking into account its growth. Typically, each subsequent pot for developing plants should be larger than the previous one by a centimeter or two. As for the pot itself, despite the many undeniable advantages of clay pots, you need to settle on plastic or glazed clay ones. In such pots, moisture will be retained much longer. At the same time, the pot for transplantation must have one or more drainage holes. When replanting, in order to avoid injury to the root system, it is not necessary to completely clear it of soil (partial replantation method). Soil for croton can be bought in a store, ready-made, but as practice shows, it contains too much peat, which is why it is excessively loose and light. It is better to use it as a base, adding about a quarter of the volume of leaf soil. If you decide to make the soil mixture yourself, then use the following recipe: peat, leaf soil, turf soil, humus soil, sand (or perlite) - in equal parts. For disinfection, it is advisable to add a little charcoal, and pieces of charcoal to retain moisture. Don’t forget to sprinkle (expanded clay, for example)!

Croton propagation

Croton is usually propagated by cuttings. There are other ways - by seeds, air layering. But these methods at home are very labor-intensive and unreliable. Propagation by cuttings, although not so labor-intensive, is also quite complicated. After all, in order for a croton cutting to take root, it is necessary to constantly maintain a fairly high soil temperature - +25-30 degrees. And maintaining such a temperature without using a greenhouse with bottom heating is somewhat problematic. There is an “easier” way to root a cutting – in water. But the water should also be warm, about +25 degrees. Rooting under favorable conditions takes a very long time, up to one and a half months.

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Croton (lat. Croton), or codiaeum (lat. Codiaeum) is an evergreen perennial shrub plant belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. Like other tropical exotics, crotons cultivated indoors are extremely picky about their conditions.

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When cared for at home, croton does not tolerate cold and temperature changes. Suitable air temperature in summer is +20-25 °C, in winter – +18 °C. The minimum permissible value is +16 °C. If the thermometer drops lower, the roots will begin to rot and the plant will die.

Lighting and comfortable place

Codiaum needs a lot of light, otherwise its leaves will lose their decorative effect. The lighting should be bright and diffused, since the plant is afraid of direct sunlight, which can burn its leaves, and can only tolerate it in the morning and evening.

It is possible to save a plant that has been exposed to the sun for a long time and has received a burn; to do this, it needs to be moved to the shade.

The daylight hours of the codiaum must last at least 12 hours, so in the cold season it is necessary to use additional artificial lighting.
It is better to place croton on the windowsills of eastern or western windows; you can leave the plant on the south side only in winter or if partial shade is created.

It is also necessary to ensure that the croton is protected from drafts and cold air. There is no need to place the plant near heating appliances or window glass.

Shade tolerance

Croton tolerates shade quite well, but at the same time its leaves lose their variegated color and it loses its decorative appearance.

A newly acquired plant or one that has stood in the shade for a long time should be gradually accustomed to bright light.

Care during the winter season

With the onset of cold weather, the plant, which is usually located on the western or eastern windowsill, is moved to the southern one. Watering croton is reduced, but make sure the soil is moist. The foliage is also sprayed and wiped much less frequently. Fertilizers, such as Bona Forte, should be used in winter a maximum of once a month.

Pruning and rejuvenation

To form a beautiful bush shape, pinching is carried out regularly - this does not allow the central stem to stretch out and become bald and serves as a stimulus for the growth of side shoots. Pinching is first performed when the croton reaches a height of 15 cm, and then, if necessary, if the shoots grow to 20 cm.

In addition, it is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning of the bush, removing all dry and damaged leaves and branches.

Flower buds and peduncles are also removed, since they are inconspicuous and have no aesthetic value, but they take away most of the nutritional elements from the plant.

You can buy croton at a flower shop or order online. The cost, depending on the type and its height, varies from 300 to 20 thousand rubles.
Immediately after purchase, the codiaum is watered. A recently purchased plant needs to be replanted, since the substrate in which it was transported and stored in the store can provoke the development of diseases.

However, the transplant is not performed on the day of purchase, but after 2-3 weeks - during this time the codiaum will acclimatize and get used to its new conditions. Before this, the flower is quarantined separately.

What kind of pot does the plant need?

The flowerpot for codiaum should be of medium size; if it is too deep and large, there will be a lot of free space and there is a risk of root rotting from excess water. When replanting a plant, the new container should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one.
The best material for a pot is plastic or clay coated with glaze. They retain moisture longer, which will reduce the risk of drying out the soil and plants.
The flowerpot should have several drainage holes, and drainage material, such as expanded clay, perlite, vermiculite or tile chips, should be placed on its bottom.

What kind of soil is needed?

To grow codiaum, you need nutritious, light, loose soil that is well permeable to air and moisture and has a pH of 6.5-7.4.
You can purchase ready-made soil mixture for indoor ornamental plants in the store. But it usually has a high peat content, so leaf soil is added to it. You can prepare the soil mixture yourself by mixing in equal parts:

  • peat;
  • leaf soil;
  • turf land;
  • humus;
  • river sand.

For an adult plant, the amount of leaf soil must be increased.

To destroy pests and microbes, the soil is calcined or frozen. Also, for the purpose of disinfection, they spill the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate or add fine charcoal to it.


A young indoor plant is replanted 2 times a year - in spring and autumn, and an adult - as needed, a maximum of 1 time in 2 years. The best time for replanting is March, the beginning of the growing season.

The plant should not be disturbed during illness or flowering, otherwise it will die.

Reasons for codiaum transplantation:

  • soil depletion and the need to replace it;
  • development of the root system, which causes the flowerpot to become cramped;
  • 2-3 weeks have passed since the purchase.

To avoid damaging the roots, it is best to replant using the transshipment method. This means that you cannot disassemble the roots and completely clear them of soil; you need to move the plant to a new pot along with a lump of earth. An exception is replanting a flower after purchase. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of as much of the substrate as possible.

Step-by-step instructions for transplantation:

  • prepare the soil and flowerpot;
  • Pour drainage into the bottom of the pot so that it fills a quarter of the container;
  • fill up the soil;
  • moisten the soil and make a depression in the center;
  • carefully remove the plant from the old flowerpot, place it in this recess and cover it with new soil;
  • lightly compact the soil to eliminate voids;
  • water the codiaum.

After transplantation, the plant needs high humidity, so it is watered and sprayed daily.

The croton root system does not adapt well to changing conditions, so there is no need to completely change the soil.


Codiaeum propagates by cuttings, dividing the bush, seeds and air layering.

To complete the procedure you will need:

  • latex gloves;
  • sharp knife;
  • the soil;
  • flowerpot;
  • drainage material;
  • water;
  • polyethylene or glass;
  • greenhouse;
  • phytohormones (heteroauxin, rootin, epin, zircon, gibberellins, etc.);
    sphagnum moss.

By cuttings

For this method, healthy lignified cuttings 7-10 cm long are selected, which are cut in late spring or early summer.

For cuttings you need:

  • wash off the poisonous juice flowing from the cuts and let them dry;
  • shorten the leaves on the upper part of the cutting by 2 times, and remove the leaves on the lower part;
  • treat the sections with “Kornevin” or “Fitoverm”;
  • place the cuttings in water, the temperature of which should be 23-30 ºC;
  • place containers with water and cuttings under bright diffused light;
  • transplant the cuttings into flowerpots with prepared soil when the roots reach a length of 2 cm;
  • For the first 10 days after transplantation, it is necessary to maintain high humidity around the cuttings with regular spraying.

Restored leaf elasticity is an indication that the cuttings have taken root.

Dividing the bush


This is the most difficult way to propagate croton, since it blooms rarely and the seeds do not ripen well.

A few days before planting, the seeds are soaked in Kornevin or Fitoverm.

They are planted in a small greenhouse at the end of January or February, deepening them by a maximum of 1 cm. For germination, maintain the temperature at +22 ºC, and moisten the soil until germination using bottom watering. Young plants should be planted in separate flowerpots when they have 3 leaves and continue to be cared for as for an adult codiaum.

When propagated by seeds, the varietal characteristics of croton, as a rule, are not preserved.

Air layering

Select a strong shoot and cut off the bark in a circle at a distance of 10-15 cm from the end of the stem so as to expose about 1 cm of wood. Roots should form in this place. Treat the cut area with a product that activates root growth, wrap it in a layer of moistened sphagnum moss and cover it with a bag. Among the folk ones, these are honey, willow water, aloe juice; chemicals - heteroauxin, etamon.

The roots should form after 4-6 weeks, after which you need to cut the stem under the root growth site and move the resulting seedling into the ground.

Fertilizer and feeding

From May to October is the period of active growth of croton, when it is necessary to fertilize frequently - once every 1-2 weeks. With the onset of cold weather, codiaum slows down its growth and does not need such frequent feeding, so its application should be reduced to once a month.

The best option is liquid complex fertilizers for decorative foliage plants, for example “Ideal”, “Oasis” or Bona Forte.

Fertilizers should be applied only after watering the plant.


In spring and summer, croton needs regular, abundant watering - the soil should dry out no more than 1 cm deep.

To maintain high humidity, you need to spray the leaves daily with a spray bottle, regularly wipe them on both sides and give the plant a shower twice a month, after covering the soil in the pot with film.

In winter, watering is reduced to about once a week, the main thing is to prevent the soil from drying out.

For watering and spraying, you should use only settled water at room temperature.

Problems during cultivation

Croton is a regularly flowering plant. A long absence of flowering indicates improper care and lack of fertilizing.



A fungal disease that occurs due to excessive watering with cold water. It appears as reddish or gray-ash spots on the leaves. If symptoms are detected, the plant must be immediately isolated and treated with a fungicide (hamair, zineb, agate, green soap, Bordeaux mixture), otherwise it will die.

Root rot

The development of the disease is caused by low acidity of the soil, stagnation of water or fungus. In this case, the leaves become pale, dry, begin to fall off, and the root system splits and rots. To combat the disease, drugs such as Alirin-B or Fitosporin-M are used.


Spider mite


The best prevention of pests is regular spraying and wiping of leaves.

Problems with leaves

  • tips dry out – low air and soil humidity;
  • brownish spots appear on the leaves - the plant is located in direct sunlight;
  • brown edge on the leaves - croton is in a room with low air temperature;
  • the leaves turn pale, lose their brightness and color - the consequences of a lack of lighting;
  • leaves turn yellow and fall off - insufficient or excessive watering;
  • croton has lowered or dropped its lower leaves - this is a normal process of croton aging;
  • the upper leaves have dropped - the plant is not able to receive moisture due to freezing of the roots.

Errors when leaving

All shortcomings in plant care have a negative impact on its health and appearance. Drafts, a large temperature delta, and improper watering lead to curling, the appearance of brown spots on them or loss of foliage, and a lack of nitrogen in fertilizers causes the color of platinum leaves to change from green to red.