Winter apple tree Jonagold. Apple variety "Jonagold": characteristics, pros and cons. Characteristics of the American selection Jonagold apple tree

Winter apple tree Jonagold.  Apple variety
Winter apple tree Jonagold. Apple variety "Jonagold": characteristics, pros and cons. Characteristics of the American selection Jonagold apple tree

Apples of this variety are quite popular in many countries. It is not strange, since, despite its low durability, the Jonagold apple tree always produces large, large and beautiful fruits. In addition, apples have good taste. Their yield is always very high and freshness remains for quite a long time. This variety is very popular in cooking and production.

History and description of the variety

The history of the creation of this apple tree variety is quite interesting. A description of the variety was found back in the last century. As usual, many gardeners tried to create something new, and now, after many attempts, new variety apples It was created from the varieties Jonathan and Gold Delicious, from the first parts of the name of the parents, and received a new name for this tasty and actively fruiting variety - Jonagold. Today, breeders have bred more than a hundred types of these apples.

The Jonagold apple tree variety is strong and fast-growing. The crowns of young trees are oval, and as they grow older they become spherical. The branches extend at fairly wide angles. The excitability of the buds of the variety is high, but the tree does not produce shoots so quickly. Fruits are formed on ringlets, fruit rods and growths not older than one year.

Flowering period is average. These apple trees are triploid, so they need at least two pollinations to bear fruit well. The best pollinators are Idared, Gloucester and Elstar. Apples are always large, weighing from 150 to 250 grams. They are usually round or slightly elongated in shape, with characteristic ribbing in the areas of the fruit cups. The skin is medium in thickness.

Yield indicators

The harvest period occurs approximately 2 or 3 years after planting. In the first 10 years you can get up to 15 kilograms in one season. After this, the yield increases to 60 kilograms. The fruiting period occurs in September, when the apples gain color.

The best clones

The variety is very popular all over the world. Therefore, it is not strange that many of its clones have been created that possess certain properties of the variety. The main difference by which a clone can be identified is the brighter color of the fruit.

Usually there are 5 main clones of this tree:

  • WITH bright color, characteristic blush, shading - Wilmut and New Jonagold apples.
  • Apples that are red, but more diffuse in color. This includes varieties Jonica, King Jonagold, Goldpurple.
  • Medium intensity in color, usually from bright to the darkest red - Novayo apple tree.
  • Varieties with blush dark colors. There may be shading on the fruit. Varieties Jonagored, apple tree Jonagold Decosta, Romagold.
  • Clones with a smeared or uniform blush over the entire surface. Apples are always dark in color - Marnika, Rubin-Star and Jomured.

The ripeness of the fruit is usually determined by its pink blush. Full maturity occurs around January. It is recommended to store apples in cold rooms or refrigeration units until spring. Reviews of taste confirm that the storage period does not affect them in any way.

Diseases and pests

The described apple tree variety is moderately resistant to frost and pests. In our country, this variety is rarely infected with scab. A frequent companion of the apple tree is powdery mildew; it must be combated almost constantly. During spring, fruits are necessarily treated with Bordeaux solution. After the buds appear, but before flowering, Jonagold should be treated with products containing copper. The number of treatments depends directly on weather conditions.

The characteristics of this variety of apples make it possible to highlight their special attractiveness if you need to get good, juicy and tasty fruits. Apples are stored for quite a long time and do not lose their quality. Although the trees themselves are not very resistant to diseases, there are quite a lot of fans of the variety.

Video “Apple variety Jonagold”

From this video you will learn about the features of the Jonagold apple tree variety.

Jonagold is an American apple tree with late-winter ripening fruits. Obtained in 1943 at the Geneva breeding station (New York, USA) by crossing 2 varieties - Jonathan x Golden Delicious. In the early 1970s, the variety was sent to undergo initial testing, and since the mid-1980s, it has undergone extensive production testing in plantings belonging to scientific institutions in the Forest-Steppe and Steppe of Ukraine. In the territory of southern Polesie, this apple tree was tested mainly on frost-resistant skeleton-forming plants. It is worth noting that initially the new variety did not arouse much interest among American breeders and its trials were completed in the United States back in 1953. In the 1960s, Jonagold was brought to European countries (Belgium, the Netherlands), where its first large plantings appeared. And only after the active spread of the apple tree throughout Europe in their homeland they remembered it. The variety began to be distributed on the territory of the Soviet Union in the 1970s, and in the 1980s it was grown in all republics of the USSR. The popularity of this apple tree throughout the world has not faded to this day; its share in the world market accounts for a significant volume of apple sales.

The trees are vigorous and fast growing. The crown at a young age is broadly oval in shape, in mature trees it is spherical and medium dense. When extending from the trunk, the skeletal branches form a wide angle (closer to a straight line). The excitability of the buds is above average, the ability to form shoots is average. Fruiting is concentrated on ringlets, fruit twigs and annual growths.

The flowering period falls in the middle period. The variety is triploid (requires at least 2 pollinators). From 9 to 21% of fruits are set through open pollination. Among the best pollinators for Jonagold are the following varieties: Jonathan, Idared, Gloucester, Champion, Cox Orange Pipin, Elstar.

The fruits are of above-average and large size (the weight of an apple usually varies from 170 to 220 g, the largest specimens can reach 250 g), one-dimensional, round or rounded-elongated, slightly conical, with ribbing at the calyx (better expressed in large fruits). The skin is of medium thickness, smooth, elastic, dense, shiny, with a waxy coating. The main color of the fruit is greenish-yellow; the outer color occupies no more than 2/3 of the surface of the apple and is expressed through a fairly bright, blurry-striped orange-red blush.

The pulp is yellow in color, dense in consistency, juicy, crispy, with an excellent, very unique, but harmonious sweet and sour taste, with astringency. Tasting assessment of the taste of Jonagold apples is 4.6 - 4.8 points. Universal grade: in fresh, canned food, juices, compotes, purees, dry powders for baby food, preserves, jams, desserts.

The period of removable fruit ripeness falls in September (often towards the end of the month, depending on the area of ​​growth). It is customary to harvest when the main color of the fruit becomes yellow-orange (without “greenishness”) with the addition of a pink blush. The fruits reach full maturity in January. The fruits are stored for quite a long time: in the refrigerator until April. The transportability of the variety is very high.

The apple tree bears fruit quickly: the trees bear fruit from the 3rd year after planting. Productivity is also high: from 5 - 7 year old trees up to 10 - 15 kg of fruits are collected, at the age of 10 - 12 years old apple trees produce up to 40 - 55 kg of fruits.

Winter hardiness is low (below average): trees very unfavorably tolerate the change from normal winter to extreme winter for a particular region. In the conditions of the Crimea, the Steppe and the western Forest-Steppe, the trees withstand the winters usual for these regions well with decent agrotechnical care on rootstocks M.9 and MM.106, while forming quite high yields. In extreme winters, trees suffer significant damage, take a long time and are not fully restored, and yields are noticeably reduced. For example, in the conditions of southern Polesie Ukraine, in the harsh winter of 1986 - 1987. Trees aged 6 years on M.3 froze by 3.0 - 4.0 points when the air temperature dropped to minus 35.9 °C. In the spring, the condition of the trees was assessed at 2.0 - 3.0 points: the wood of the skeletal and semi-skeletal branches was brown, the proportion of damaged bark on the trunk reached 50 - 70% of the total surface, up to 65% of the fruit formations were frozen, loss of some semi-skeletal branches and shoots was observed grew very weakly. Subsequently (from 1987 to 1992), the frozen trees never fully recovered, bringing low yields (from 7 to 18 kg/tree). In 1993, these trees were uprooted.

Jonagold apple tree resistance to scab is average, to powdery mildew- low.

The obvious advantages of the variety are: large, very beautiful fruits with excellent taste; high rates of productivity, early fruiting and keeping quality; the possibility of various uses of fruits for culinary and industrial purposes.

TO significant shortcomings include: not enough high level winter hardiness and resistance to major diseases.

Since the Jonagold apple tree is very popular all over the world, it has developed numerous clones (there are more than 100 species in total), usually distinguished by a more intense color. They are conventionally divided into 5 groups:

1. Mutants with a bright red striped (hatched) spotty-blurred blush: Wilmuta, New Jonagold, etc. 2. Mutants with a bright red blurred cover color: Jonica, Jonagold King ( Jonagold King), Nicobel, Goldpurpur, etc.

3. Mutants with average fruit color between bright red and dark red: Navajo. 4. Mutants with a dark red blush blurred over the entire surface of the fruit, against which streaks may appear: Jonagored, Jonagold Decosta, Romagold. 5. Mutants with a uniform dark red blush blurred over the entire surface of the fruit: Jomured, Marnica, Rubinstar.

Apple tree "Jonagold": description of the variety, photo

The Jonagold apple tree has been one of the most common and popular varieties throughout the world for decades. It has rightly earned such recognition due to its excellent characteristics, which we will consider in the article.

History of selection

“Jonagold” is an apple variety, bred in 1943 in Geneva (USA) as a result of crossing two selections - “Golden Delicious” and “Jonathan”. But at first, this variety did not gain due popularity among breeders, and since 1953 in America they forgot about it, stopping any research. The first large-scale plantings of the Jonagold apple tree appeared in the 1960s after its spread to European countries such as Belgium and the Netherlands.

The appearance of this variety on the territory of the USSR dates back to the early 1970s, and since the 1980s it has already been introduced in all republics of the Soviet Union without exception. In the mid-1980s, the Jonagold apple tree underwent successful production testing on the territory of scientific institutions forest-steppe and steppe of Ukraine. The variety was studied on skeleton-forming plants in southern Polesie for frost resistance.

Description of the tree

Jonagold apple trees belong to a fast-growing and vigorous species. According to the description, young representatives of the variety are distinguished by a wide oval-shaped crown, which over time transforms into a spherical one with an average density of branches. The arrangement of the skeletal branches in relation to the trunk forms a wide, almost right angle.
The shoot formation of this variety is considered average, and the excitability of the buds is above average. Fruits on trees are formed not only on ringlets, but also on fruit twigs and annual growths.

Description of fruits

The apples are mostly large or larger than average in size, since the average weight of one is 170-230 g; specimens weighing 250 g are not uncommon. The fruits are characterized by a round or slightly conical shape, one-dimensionality with slightly pronounced ribbing in the area of ​​the fruit calyx.

The peel of apples is of medium thickness, smooth texture, quite elastic with a waxy coating. The external color of apples is presented in green-yellow shades with a dark red, slightly striped cover that occupies most of their surface.

Inside, apples are characterized by fairly dense, juicy and crispy pulp with a yellowish tint. They taste sour-sweet with a slight tartness. In general, the taste qualities of this variety are estimated at 4.6-4.8 points.

Lighting requirements

When planting seedlings to obtain maximum yield, it is very important to take into account lighting requirements. The Jonagold apple tree is a light-loving variety. Therefore, the planting site should always be as bright and open to sunlight as possible.

Soil requirements

Before purchasing a seedling of the desired apple variety, make sure that the soil on your site meets all the requirements as much as possible. Since the Jonagold apple tree belongs to industrial grades, then the soil for planting in the first place should not be heavy; loamy and sandy loam soil is most suitable. In this case, soil, level groundwater which is located above 1.5-2 m to the surface.


"Jonagold" is a prominent representative of triploid varieties. This means that for maximum productivity a minimum of 2 types of pollinators is required. Under the condition of free pollination, no more than 20% of the fruits are set on the tree, or even less. The best and proven pollinators for the Jonagold apple tree include Gloucester, Idared and Elstar.


“Jonagold” is a fast-growing variety, since the first fruits appear already in the second or third year from the moment of planting. Subsequently, the trees bear fruit every year.

Important! Weather conditions during the period of ovary formation and fruiting have little effect on the yield of this variety.

Maturation period

The fruits reach ripeness in the second half of September. Don't be alarmed if the apples don't seem ripe enough. When removed from the tree, they should be yellow-orange in color with a pink blush. But don’t be afraid of this, because consumer ripeness of the fruit begins already in the month of January.

Important! Do not pick fruits that have a pronounced green color from the tree.


The productivity of Jonagold apple trees is high and steadily increasing. Thus, 7-8 year old apple trees produce an average of 15 kg of apples, 9-12 year old trees produce 40-50 kg, and 20-30 year old trees produce 60-100 kg per year per tree.

Transportability and storage

The transportability of the fruit is considered high. During transportation, apples perfectly retain their presentation. You can store fruits using two options:

  • In the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-3 degrees, the fruits are stored until April.
  • in storage, cellar - until February.

Resistance to diseases and pests

The variety of apple trees in question is not sufficiently resistant to diseases and pests. In opposition to scab, he has average results.
To frequent and dangerous diseases for apple trees include powdery mildew. Due to the low level of resistance to it, it is necessary to constantly help trees fight this type of disease. In the spring, Jonagold must be treated with Bordeaux solution. During the period after bud formation and before flowering, trees should be sprayed by special means with copper content.

Winter hardiness

Winter hardiness cannot be called strong point of this variety, it is below average or even close to low. Trees have a particularly difficult time withstanding winters with extreme temperature changes. In such harsh weather conditions trees suffer noticeable damage, after which they take a very long time and do not fully recover, which significantly affects their productivity.

Use of fruits

Apples of this variety are classified as fruits with universal use. They are good not only fresh, but also in the form of all kinds of preservation - juices, compotes, purees, jams, preserves. Great demand for Jonagold fruits comes from baby food manufacturers who process them into dry powder.

Advantages and disadvantages

Having analyzed all the main characteristics of Jonagold apple trees, we should highlight their main advantages and disadvantages.
Obvious strengths The fruits of this variety are as follows:

  • large fruits with excellent external and taste characteristics;
  • high and stable yield;
  • precociousness;
  • high transportability;
  • long storage;
  • universal use in cooking.

But among the huge number of advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • low disease resistance;
  • insufficient level of winter hardiness.
Despite some weak sides apple tree "Jonagold", its numerous advantages have made it famous all over the world, and the demand for its fruits is only increasing every year.

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Jonagold (apple tree): description of the variety, photo

Apples are valued for their benefits to the body and taste. The number of apple tree varieties increases every year, but some of them are gaining particular popularity due to their tasty fruits and their good keeping quality. Jonagold belongs to these varieties.

Jonagold (apple tree): description

Jonagold is an apple tree winter variety. It is obtained by crossing the very well known Golden Delicious and Jonathan varieties. This happened in the middle of the last century in America. This variety came to us a couple of decades later, and gardeners immediately paid attention to it. Industrial cultivation began.

Jonagold apple tree (photo) is popular not only in the USA. There she is among the top 15 most requested. It is one of the most commonly grown varieties in Belgium. It is valued for its large fruits, although its price is low.

The Jonagold apple tree is of medium height, in the first years of life it has a wide rounded crown. Then, at the time of full fruiting, it becomes broadly oval. The density of young branches is average. The crown shape does not require special adjustments. Skeletal branches grow at such an angle that they do not need to be adjusted.

Every year an average number of young branches are formed on the tree. The tree bears fruit on ringlets, annual growth and fruit branches.

It begins to bear fruit quite early, in the third year after planting. permanent place Jonagold apple tree.

The description and photo indicate that the fruits are larger than average in size, reaching up to 9 cm in diameter. The weight of one fruit is up to 220 g. The apples are the same size, round. The color is yellow, with a red or orange blush covering two-thirds of the fruit. The skin is medium thick, shiny, covered with a waxy coating. The pulp is very tasty, aromatic, with a wine flavor, sweet and sour (4.6 b.), yellow in color.

The fruits reach removable ripeness at the end of September, a week earlier than the mother variety Golden Delicious. It is then that they are removed from the trees and stored.

They can be stored in a cellar or other similar type of premises. There they can retain their taste until February. If you use the refrigerator for storage, you can enjoy fresh apples Jonagold and in April.


Jonagold apples tolerate transportation well, so they can be transported over long distances.

Apples of this variety are used to make juices and wine. From the bottom they produce puree and dry powders. What do the gardeners who grow the Jonagold apple tree say? Reviews say that at home, jams, preserves, compotes are made from apples of this variety, and used as a filling for pies. But they consider the best use to be eating fresh apples, because they are very tasty and aromatic.


It doesn't bloom very early. Jonagold is a triploid. In order for the number of ovaries to be sufficient, you need to have at least two pollinators.

Open pollination ranges from 9 to 21 percent. The best pollinators for this apple tree variety are:

  • James Grieve;
  • Renet Orange Cox.

Pollination with varieties shows good results:

  • Jonathan;
  • Champion;
  • Idared;
  • Elstar.


The yield of the Jonagold variety does not depend on weather conditions. It is always stable and quite high.

At the age of 7 years, the Jonagold apple tree is capable of producing up to 15 kg of fruit per tree; at 12 years, the yield is up to 55 kg per tree.

Frost resistance of apple trees

Jonagold is an apple tree with average frost resistance. Does not tolerate sharp changes from normal winter temperatures in the region to extreme ones. After freezing, it recovers poorly and the yield decreases. In the middle zone, trees of this variety are best grown on frost-resistant wood chips.


You can plant an apple tree in autumn or spring. It is believed that the Jonagold apple tree variety takes root better in the fall. But for this it needs to be planted correctly.

The hole for the seedling is prepared in advance, two weeks before planting. Its size should be sufficient to accommodate the root and provide it with a set useful substances. Having prepared a hole 1 m deep, loosen the soil. This allows the roots of the plant to grow unhindered in depth and to the sides for several years. The length and width of the pit are also 1 m.

The soil for planting an apple tree should be neutral acidic, pH 5.0-6.5. The layer of chernozem or humus layer must be at least 18 cm. The apple tree does not tolerate stagnation of water in the root system. Level groundwater should not be less than 1.5 m. Apple trees do not grow on swampy soils and peat bogs.

The top layer of soil is laid separately. Fertilizers and substances beneficial to the seedling are added. This is rotted manure, a handful of ash. You can add complex or potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

A mound of prepared soil is placed at the bottom of the hole. A seedling is placed on it. Straighten the roots so that they are directed to the sides of the mound. Place a peg in the hole to which the seedling will be tied. Carefully fill the remaining space with soil, compacting it periodically.

Watered. Up to 30 liters of water are poured under one tree. Then the tree trunk circle is mulched with a thick layer of peat, humus, hay or mowed grass. This especially needs to be done in the spring. Mulch will help retain moisture near the plant's roots and prevent weeds from choking it out. Water deeply once or twice a week. This largely depends on the weather and soil conditions.

In spring they are planted 5 days after the soil thaws. In autumn - two weeks before the onset of persistent frosts.

When planting, make sure that the planting site is located at a height of at least 10 cm above the soil level. The distance between apple trees should be at least 4.5 m.

Crown formation

Jonagold is an apple tree that does not require special pruning. Its skeletal branches grow under right angle. Therefore, the main task is to form a crown by cutting the conductor 40 cm from the upper branch of the lower tier, and leaving required quantity skeletal branches (4-6).

If the tree is weak, the lower tier consists of 3-4 branches, the conductor is cut to 20 cm. The next year it is shortened again by 40 cm. After 4 years of such procedures, the conductor is cut out at a height of 2.5 m, transferring it to a side branch.

Subsequently, branches growing into the crown or crossing are removed. Damaged or diseased ones are pruned. The crown is constantly maintained in a cone shape.


In the first 4 years of life (in the second year after planting), nitrogen fertilizers are applied to promote the growth of the apple tree. When the branches or root system freeze, which can happen in the Jonagold apple tree, use foliar feeding with a 0.5 percent urea solution. The first time is carried out a couple of weeks after flowering, the second time after another two weeks. Potassium chloride is added to the solution.

Foliar feeding with preparations containing boron promotes better fruit set.

Disease resistance

Jonagold is an apple tree that has average resistance to scab. But powdery mildew is often affected. These diseases need to be fought regularly. In early spring, the tree is treated with Bordeaux mixture. After bud break, but not during flowering, they are treated with other preparations containing copper. The number of treatments depends on weather conditions. In rainy and hot weather they need to be carried out more often than in dry summers.

Apple clones

Jonagold is a popular and famous apple tree. Therefore, it is often used to breed new species. Currently there are more than 100 of them. They are all divided into 5 groups according to color.

These are mutants with a bright red blurred or striped coat, a solid red color or blush, blurred over the entire surface with or without strokes.

Jonathan + Golden Delicious = Jonagold

Breeding work aims to improve existing and develop new varieties of plants and animals. There are several methods and techniques for performing such tasks, among which is the method of interspecific crossing. It involves pollination of flowers of one plant variety with pollen of another, followed by selection of seeds. This is how many varieties and hybrids were obtained, among which the Jonagold apple tree takes its place.

The emergence and distribution of the Jonagold variety

The Jonagold apple tree variety was obtained in the mid-twentieth century, in 1943, in the USA. It was bred by scientists at the Geneva breeding station in New York State, crossing the then well-known Jonathan and Golden Delicious varieties. For some reason, the variety did not become widespread in America and in 1960, after some tests, it was brought to Europe. Soon the first industrial plantations of Jonagold appeared in Holland and Belgium. European gardeners were pleased with the new plant and plantings of the variety began to spread to other countries.

In the Soviet Union, Jonagold drew attention in the early 70s, and then serious variety testing began. Around then, this apple tree returned to the American continent and became one of the most popular there. The main work with the variety was carried out in institutes of the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Ukraine, where the emphasis was on determining the frost and drought resistance of the plant. The Jonagold apple tree performed well, and by the mid-80s the seedlings were propagated and brought for planting in different regions THE USSR. It was in our country that the variety received greatest distribution and is successfully grown to this day (though only in private plots).

Photo gallery: Jonagold and parents

Variety Golden Delicious - fragrant apples light yellow color Variety Jonagold - parents can be proud of this offspring Variety Jonathan is popular due to its unpretentiousness and high yield

Description of the apple tree

The Jonagold apple tree has medium, sometimes large, sizes. The shape of the crown changes slightly with age - from round to more elongated, oval. The density is characterized as average, the branches generally grow almost horizontally, forming a right angle with the trunk. Young, overgrowing shoots are directed upward. The bark of the trunk is gray-brown in color; that of annual growth is brown. The leaves are large, pointed, smooth with green matte surface. The flowers are medium-sized, white, located on ringlets and fruiting branches.

Young Jonagold trees in industrial cultivation

Jonagold's fruits are large, with an average weight of 185 g, but they can weigh up to 220 g. The shape is regular, round, slightly elongated. The ribbing is weak, more noticeable in large fruits. The main color of the apple is green with yellowish, integumentary, often occupying 75% of the surface, orange-red, blurred, sometimes with noticeable stripes. The skin is dense, smooth, with a waxy coating. The funnel is conical, medium size. The peduncle is short, curved, firmly holding the fruit.

Jonagold apples

The apple pulp is fine-grained, medium-density, juicy, cream or yellow in color. The taste is sweet and sour, tart with a pleasant, strongly noticeable fruity aroma. When fresh, the fruits have the highest tasting score - 5 points; during storage, the taste deteriorates slightly to 4.6–4.8 points. Harvesting maturity occurs in late September - early October.

Appearance and section of Jonagold apples

Video: all about the Jonagold apple tree

Characteristics of the variety

Like any other plant, Jonagold has its positive and negative traits.

Problematic characteristics that slightly alarm gardeners when choosing a variety are:

  • triploid type of apple tree, when at least two pollinators are required for full pollination, but the plant itself cannot be a pollinator;
  • low adaptability, as a result, poor winter hardiness: the apple tree is difficult to rebuild when normal conditions change to more difficult ones;
  • resistance to scab and powdery mildew is average, but unfavorable conditions there is a high risk of severe damage to trees, which requires, regardless of weather factors, constant preventive treatments.

These qualities undoubtedly make it difficult to grow a Jonagold apple tree, but, of course, they should not be considered key. This variety has many qualities that have made it famous and popular in many regions. Among them it is necessary to highlight:

  • good yield - average, recorded in industrial cultivation - 225 c/ha;
  • high drought and heat resistance of plants; increased temperature has almost no effect on general state wood;
  • early fruiting - fruiting begins from the third year after planting, at the age of 6 years the harvest is 10–15 kg;
  • ability to long-term storage- if appropriate conditions are met, the collected fruits are stored for about eight months;
  • versatility of using fruits both fresh and after processing, in home and industrial conditions;
  • excellent transportability of fruits - losses during transportation are minimal;
  • Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, these are large, one-dimensional, smooth apples with excellent taste and attractive appearance.

Jonagold apples look amazing before picking

Some features of growing Jonagold apple trees

How successfully Jonagold will grow should be considered immediately when planting a tree.

You need to start with choosing a place and preparation landing pit. There should be no drafts at the planting site, the groundwater level should be no closer than 1.5 m from the ground surface. The acid reaction of the soil should be neutral, at a level of 5.5–6.5 pH (if it does not correspond, carry out necessary measures). Prepare the pit at least 3-4 weeks before the expected planting date and add the required amount of fertilizer - 2 buckets of organic matter (compost, humus, etc.).

When planting several trees, the distance between them should not be less than 4.5 m. You should immediately determine the presence of pollinators. Within a radius of 20 m there must be at least two different varieties Apple trees have the same flowering period as Jonagold. If this condition is not met, the harvested harvest is unlikely to exceed 25–30% of the potential. The best neighbors include Idared, Elstar, Champion, the parent varieties Jonathan and Golden Delicious, as well as any of the many clones of Jonagold.

Optimal time considered early for disembarkation autumn period, although it is possible spring planting. Planting the plant in the fall ensures compaction of the soil around the roots and overall survival of the root system before the winter cold.

There are no difficulties when forming the crown of a tree. For a planted seedling, the central conductor above the upper skeletal branch should be cut off and a sparse tiered form should be formed, removing thickening and damaged shoots.

During the growth process, Jonagold does not have a great need for fertilizing; autumn mulching with humus is sufficient - 1 bucket per square meter. m of tree trunk circle. If the soil is depleted, it is advisable to carry out spring fertilizing with nitroammophos at the rate of 50 g/m2 of the tree trunk circle. Treatment after flowering with boron-containing preparations improves fruit set.

Given the low resistance to powdery mildew, protective procedures must be carried out constantly, without even waiting for signs of the disease to appear. Before the buds open, the tree should be treated with 3% Bordeaux mixture (per 10 liters of water - 0.3 kg copper sulfate and 0.4 kg of quicklime) or the drug DNOC (strictly following the instructions for use). Before flowering and immediately after it, spray with copper-containing fungicides. In humid and damp weather, treatments should be carried out approximately once every two weeks, preferably changing the preparations; in dry weather, one spray per month is sufficient.

Jonagold trees are difficult to tolerate severe frosts and sudden temperature changes, so at a young age the plant needs to be covered for the winter. As long as the size of the apple tree allows, you need to completely wrap the trunk and branches with insulating materials. It is used as insulation as natural materials(straw, dry corn and sunflower plants, burlap, etc.), and synthetic (roofing felt, plastic film, roofing felt and others). It is preferable to use natural ones - the air circulates more freely and it is much easier for the plant to breathe; when the temperature changes, condensation does not form on the branches.

Complete cover of trees for the winter synthetic material

These are perhaps the main points that you should pay attention to when growing the Jonagold variety.

With proper care, the Jonagold apple tree gives such delicious fruits

The Jonagold apple tree variety has gained great popularity among professional and amateur gardeners. What are the advantages of this variety over other types? Jonagold apples are distinguished by their fairly large size and excellent taste.

Jonagold is a variety characterized by increased early fruiting, so trees begin to bear fruit in the third year after planting.

The winter hardiness of the variety is low (even below average). Apple trees have a very difficult time withstanding the change from normal winter to harsh winter. Extremely cold winter conditions can cause great damage to trees, as a result of which they are not capable of full recovery, and the recovery process is quite long in time. The result of such negative impacts is a sharp decrease in yield.

Apple trees of this variety are characterized by average resistance to scab and low resistance to powdery mildew, so it is necessary to regularly prevent these diseases.

In early spring, apple trees need to be additionally treated with Bordeaux mixture, and after buds open - with preparations that contain copper. The number of necessary treatments directly depends on weather conditions: in rainy weather it should be treated more often than in dry weather.

Jonagold is a variety of apples obtained as a result of the work of breeders in 1943. The variety was bred in 1943 at the Geneva breeding station, located in New York, USA, as a result of a successful crossing of the Golden Delicious and Jonathan varieties. The developed variety did not receive recognition from American breeders, and therefore no further work was carried out to improve it and distribute it among gardeners.

Only 13 years later, the variety first appeared in the Netherlands and Belgium, and in 1970 - 1980. Large-scale production studies of the Jonagold variety began to be carried out in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Ukraine. It is on the territory former USSR and the potential of this variety was revealed, thanks to which it quickly gained well-deserved popularity among the population of the country.

Apple tree Jonagold: description of the variety

Apples of the Jonagold variety ripen on fast-growing and vigorous apple trees. Feature young trees have a wide oval-shaped crown.

In mature trees, it changes somewhat and takes on a more rounded, spherical shape. The degree of crown density is average, primarily due to the fact that the skeletal branches extend from the trunk at a wide angle.

Every year an average number of young branches are formed on the apple tree. Fruiting is concentrated on ringlets, fruit branches and even annual growths.

The flowering process begins early. The Jonagold apple tree is a triploid fruit tree. This means that it needs at least two pollinators to bear fruit.

Thanks to open pollination, no more than 20% of the ovary can be formed. The best pollinators of this variety are: Idared, Gloucester and Elstar.

Fruit characteristics

Jonagold fruits are large in size, and the weight of one apple can reach up to 250 grams. The diameter of apples is up to 9 cm.

The shape of apples is round, slightly elongated with a faintly pronounced ribbed surface near the fruit calyx (this can be most clearly observed in large fruits).

The thickness of the peel is medium, but dense and smooth with a pronounced waxy coating. The main color of the fruit is green-yellow, and the outer color has an orange-reddish tint, which is often called “blush”.

The apple pulp is yellow, juicy and dense, tastes sweet and sour with a clearly visible tartness. They are harvested in September, but the fruits reach full maturity only in January.

Apples collected from this tree have a universal purpose and are widely used for canning, fresh consumption, for making juices, wines, purees, and various desserts. IN industrial production Such apples are used to prepare a powder intended for baby food.

Nutritional value of apples:

  • carbohydrates – 48 kilocalories (about 12 grams);
  • fat – 5 kilocalories (0.5 grams);
  • proteins – 2 kilocalories (about 0.5 grams).

Such the nutritional value contributed to the widespread use of apples of this variety in dietetics.

Suitable growing regions

The "Jonagold" apple tree is distinguished by its versatility to its growing areas. The most important requirement for the regions is moderately cold winters. The apple tree prefers a temperate and warm climate, so there are many suitable regions for it. This variety can grow in America, Europe, in the middle canopy and in the south of Russia.

Popular variety clones

The enormous popularity of the variety ensured the appearance large number clones, of which there are currently over a hundred. The more intense coloring of apples is the most important difference between the varieties.

Conventionally, based on color, all clones can be divided into five main groups:

  1. Varieties characterized by bright red skin, spotted, slightly blurred blush. Representatives: New Jonagold, Wilmuta and others.
  2. Varieties that differ bright red skins with a somewhat blurred outer color. These include: Jonika, Nicobel, Jonald King.
  3. Clones with dark red skin. Representative - Navajo
  4. Varieties with dark red skin color, but a blurred blush: Jonagored, Romalgold, Decosta.
  5. Clones with dark red skin color and uniform blush: Rubinstar, Jomured.

Productivity, storage, consumption

The period of fruit ripeness falls at the end of September (some discrepancies may be observed depending on climatic conditions, predominant in the growing area).

Harvesting of Jonagold apples begins at the moment when their color acquires a yellow-orange color, and there is also a slight pink tint. The fruits reach full ripening only after three months (in January). In the refrigerator, apples keep well until April. The variety is highly transportable.

The harvest from the apple tree can be obtained already in the third year. From trees aged 5 to 7 years, about 10 - 15 kg of fruit are harvested; at the age of 10 to 12 years, the harvest volume reaches from 40 to 55 kg.

If the storage rules are followed, apples of this variety have excellent shelf life and can be stored until April.

After the fruit is removed from the tree, then:

  • they need to be cooled in the basement or in the refrigerator;
  • after cooling, each fruit is carefully wrapped in plain paper;
  • fruits are placed in a dry, clean container so that the stalks “look” up;
  • the container with apples should be placed in the basement or in the refrigerator for fresh vegetables and fruits.

The main purpose of apples is to eat fresh, but many people use them for preparing preserves, for preparing for the winter (jams, jams, five-minute preserves), and even for making homemade wines.

Reviews of the Jonagold variety

Many gardeners emphasize the following obvious advantages of this variety:

  1. Large in size, appetizing fruits with excellent taste.
  2. High rates of early pregnancy.
  3. Possibility to store apples for a long period of time (until April).
  4. The widest possible use of fruits for culinary purposes: compotes, preserves, jams are made from them, they are also used for the production of natural juices or apple wine.
  5. Apple trees of this variety do not require special pruning.

Many reviews also highlight negative points:

  • winter hardiness coefficient is too low;
  • poor resistance of apple trees to diseases.

Planting and caring for Jonagold apple trees

Apple tree planting scheme:

Apple trees of this variety are found in regions where moderately cold winters prevail, since in severe winter conditions the trees can be injured. In this regard, it will not be possible to grow this variety in the northern regions.

Average drought tolerance should also be taken into account. Therefore, the maximum favorable conditions trees are grown in regions where the climate is warm and temperate. In central Russia, Jonagold apple trees can be grown only if all the rules of care and preparation for the winter period are observed.

Choosing a landing site

For normal growth and development, it is necessary to choose sunny, open areas, protected from drafts.

The soil for planting should be fertile, loose, with neutral acidity. Trees of this variety do not grow on peat and marshy soils.

Apple trees can be planted in both spring and autumn. In the autumn season, planting should be done before the first frost.

The scheme for planting apple trees of the Jonagold variety is similar to other trees: hole depth – 0.7 meters, width – 1 meter. The minimum distance between trees is 5 – 7 meters.

The top part of the soil is mixed with ash and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, after which the prepared soil is poured onto the bottom of the hole. Here it is also necessary to additionally install a peg to which the young seedling will be tied. The remaining free space is covered with earth, lightly compacting each layer.

Apple trees of this variety are resistant to drought, but even despite this, they must be watered weekly at the rate of 25 - 30 liters of water per seedling.

Feeding rules

Starting from the second year of the apple tree’s life and over the next four, it is necessary to apply nitrogen fertilizers, which will promote the active growth of the apple tree.

During the year, adult apple trees should be fed with mineral fertilizers, and in spring and autumn they should be additionally applied. organic fertilizers. When preparing for winter, it is advisable to mulch the tree trunk circle with peat, previously mixed with sawdust or humus.

In the event that freezing of the lower branches or root system occurs, it is necessary to use foliar fertilizers containing 0.5% urea solution. The first time such fertilizing is done after flowering, the second time – two weeks after the first. Potassium chloride is additionally added to the solution.

Trimming and shaping the crown

This variety of apple trees does not require special pruning, so the main task facing the gardener is the formation of the crown. For this purpose, you should cut the conductor from the upper branch of the lower tier by 40 centimeters and leave about 5 (±1) skeletal branches.

If the tree is poorly developed, the conductor should be shortened by only 20 centimeters. A year later, it must be shortened again by 40 cm, and after 4 years the conductor is cut out at a height of 2.5 m, transferring it to one of the side branches.

In the future, you only need to remove crossed or crooked branches and strive to maintain the crown in a cone shape.

Diseases of Jonagold apple trees

Jonagold apple trees are susceptible to diseases such as scab and powdery mildew.

Scab – fungal disease, the causes of infection are indicated by the appearance of light spots on the leaves (there is a feeling that the leaves are discolored), after which the spot becomes covered with an olive-brown coating, grows and ultimately the leaves become completely black.

This is how gradual infection of all parts of the tree occurs. Young trees affected by this disease are capable of producing crops, but their apples are often deformed and often have poor taste.

With a disease such as powdery mildew, a white fungal coating appears on green leaves and petioles, which quickly spreads from bottom to top, and after some time the spots become brown. First, the affected areas wither, and then die completely.

Apple trees of the Jonagold variety are very popular not only among Russian gardeners, but also abroad. Fruit trees of this variety have average resistance to scab and low resistance to powdery mildew. However, the variety has clear advantages, including the formation of large, very beautiful fruits with excellent taste, as well as a high level of productivity, early fruiting of trees and keeping quality of apples. In addition, the variety is widely used in cooking and has also proven itself for production purposes.

Description of the variety

A feature of the crown of young trees is a wide oval shape; as the plant matures, it becomes spherical and of medium density.

Skeletal branches extend from the trunk at a wide angle. The excitability parameters of the kidneys are high, but shoot formation is quite average. The main formation of fruits is observed not only on the ringlets, but also on fruit twigs, as well as annual growths.

Flowering is observed in the middle period. Apple trees of the Jonagold variety are triploid and require at least two pollinators for active fruiting.

Through free pollination, no more than 20% of the ovaries are formed. The best pollinators are considered to be the varieties “Idared”, “Gloucester” and “Elstar”.

Jonagold apples are quite large in size, and the weight of one fruit can vary from 170 to more than 250 grams. The fruits are characterized by their one-dimensionality, round or slightly elongated shape with slight ribbing in the area of ​​the fruit calyx. The apples are covered with medium-thick skin, smooth and moderately elastic. The dense covering of the fruit is shiny and has a characteristic waxy coating.

The main type of coloring of Jonagold apples is represented by a greenish-yellow color; the top coloring is expressed in the form of a bright, blurry-striped blush of orange or red. The blush can occupy more than 60% of the surface of the apple.

The best clones of the variety Apple trees of the Jonagold variety are quite popular all over the world, which has led to the emergence of numerous clones, of which there are more than a hundred today. Usually,

The main difference between clones and the original is the more intense coloring of the fruit.

  • There are five main groups into which clones of the Jonagold apple tree variety are combined. Clones that have a bright red, striped or streaked, spotty-blurred blush. This group includes clones "Wilmuta"("Wilmuta") And
  • Clones with a bright red, slightly blurred outer color. The category of such clones includes "Jonica" and "Jonagold-King"("Wilmuta") "Gold-purple"
  • Clones with medium-intensity apple color, which varies from bright red to dark red. Among these clones are "Novajo"
  • Clones with a dark red blush blurred over the surface of the fruit. The main background may have shading. Clones of this type are represented by varieties "Jonagored" « Jonagold-Decosta", and "Romagold"
  • Clones that have a uniform dark red blush spread over the entire surface of the fruit. These clones include "Jomured", and "Marnica"("Wilmuta") "Rubin-star"

Apple tree "Jonagold": features of the variety (video)

The nutritional value

The pulp of the fruit is yellow in color, dense in consistency, and has high juiciness. Crispy fruits have a harmonious sour-sweet taste with some astringency. The taste qualities received a tasting score of 4.6–4.8 points, which makes this variety very worthy for fresh consumption.

Apples of the Jonagold variety are a universal fruit. They can be used fresh, as well as for preservation, namely the production of juices, compotes, and purees. The variety is in demand for the preparation of dry powders for baby food, as well as as a raw material for preserves, jams and desserts.

Indicators of the energy value of apple tree fruits of the Jonagold variety are as follows:

  • the amount of protein is about 0.5 grams or ~2 kcal;
  • the amount of fat is about 0.5 grams or ~5 kcal;
  • the amount of carbohydrates is about 12 grams or ~48 kcal.

Rules for planting and care

There are some rules for planting apple tree seedlings of the Jonagold variety.:

  • apple trees can be planted not only in spring, but also in autumn, before frost sets in;
  • planting soil should be loose and as fertile as possible;
  • the Jonagold variety is very responsive to sunlight, so the planting area should be as exposed to sunlight as possible;
  • planting is carried out in pre-prepared planting holes, the diameter of which must be at least one meter and the depth - 70 centimeters;
  • the bottom of the planting hole must be loosened, and the fertile layer cannot be less than one spade bayonet;
  • fertile soil it is advisable to enrich with mineral fertilizers;
  • the seedling is installed in such a way that the grafting site is five centimeters higher than the ground level;
  • root system the plants should be carefully straightened and then covered with fertile soil;
  • It is necessary to carefully compact the soil and generously spill the apple trees with water in a volume of about 30 liters for each planted seedling.

Growing fruit trees require high-quality watering, as well as compliance with standard requirements of growing technology, which will accelerate the adaptation of planting material to the soil. Fruiting occurs in the third year of cultivation.

It should be remembered that productivity indicators increase significantly as they grow older. garden plantings. We should not forget about fertilizing, as well as loosening the soil around planted plants and protecting trees from diseases and pests.

Harvesting and storage

The main period of mass harvesting of apples of the Jonagold variety falls in the first autumn month. As a rule, a significant part of the fruits in weather conditions characteristic of middle zone our country, ripens at the end of September. Productivity depends entirely on the care provided and climatic conditions in the cultivation region.

It is recommended to pick the fruits at the moment they develop a yellow or orange color without a green tint. In addition, ripeness can be determined by the presence of a characteristic pink blush, which extends to a significant part of the fruit.

Full ripeness for the fruits of the Jonagold variety occurs in January. Apples store well in cool conditions basement or in special refrigerators until the beginning of spring. It is necessary to pay attention to quality training premises and containers for storing fruits for storage. The transportability of fruits of this variety is high.

Use in cooking

Ripe apples of the Jonagold variety are sold in significant volumes through retail chains. In addition, these fruits are the basis for the manufacture of a variety of food products. Jonagold apples are ideal for making juice and baby purees. Its taste qualities make the variety very popular for fresh consumption and the preparation of fruit salads.

The excellent vitamin and mineral composition makes the fruit indispensable for children and people weakened after illness. From apples of this variety, most gardeners make jam that is amazing in taste and color, as well as jams and healthy compotes. Such fruits are also irreplaceable as a filling for baked goods.

Late varieties of apples (video)

The calorie content of Jonagold apples may vary depending on various factors. As a rule, the calorie content is about 45 kilocalories per hundred grams of fruit. It is for this reason that apples can be consumed even if it is necessary to follow a fairly strict calorie diet.

The numerous benefits of the Jonagold apple tree have made it popular all over the world. Having planted this variety fruit trees on the plot, you can enjoy tasty and healthy fruits for many months without spending too much time and effort on caring for the apple tree.

Breeding work aims to improve existing and develop new varieties of plants and animals. There are several methods and techniques for performing such tasks, among which is the method of interspecific crossing. It involves pollination of flowers of one plant variety with pollen of another, followed by selection of seeds. This is how many varieties and hybrids were obtained, among which the Jonagold apple tree takes its place.

The emergence and distribution of the Jonagold variety

The Jonagold apple tree variety was obtained in the mid-twentieth century, in 1943, in the USA. It was bred by scientists from the Geneva breeding station in New York State, crossing the well-known Jonathan and cultivars at that time. For some reason, the variety did not become widespread in America and in 1960, after some tests, it was brought to Europe. Soon the first industrial plantations of Jonagold appeared in Holland and Belgium. European gardeners were pleased with the new plant and plantings of the variety began to spread to other countries.

In the Soviet Union, Jonagold drew attention in the early 70s, and then serious variety testing began. Around then, this apple tree returned to the American continent and became one of the most popular there. The main work with the variety was carried out in institutes of the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Ukraine, where the emphasis was on determining the frost and drought resistance of the plant. The Jonagold apple tree performed well, and by the mid-80s, seedlings were propagated and brought for planting to different regions of the USSR. It is in our country that the variety has become most widespread and is successfully grown to this day (though only on private plots).

Photo gallery: Jonagold and parents

Variety Golden Delicious - fragrant apples of light yellow color
Variety Jonagold - parents can be proud of this offspring
The Jonathan variety is popular due to its unpretentiousness and high yield.

Description of the apple tree

The Jonagold apple tree has medium, sometimes large, sizes. The shape of the crown changes slightly with age - from round to more elongated, oval. The density is characterized as average, the branches generally grow almost horizontally, forming a right angle with the trunk. Young, overgrowing shoots are directed upward. The bark of the trunk is gray-brown in color; that of annual growth is brown. The leaves are large, pointed, smooth with a green matte surface. The flowers are medium-sized, white, located on ringlets and fruiting branches.

Young Jonagold trees in industrial cultivation

Jonagold's fruits are large, with an average weight of 185 g, but they can weigh up to 220 g. The shape is regular, round, slightly elongated. The ribbing is weak, more noticeable in large fruits. The main color of the apple is green with yellowish, integumentary, often occupying 75% of the surface, orange-red, blurred, sometimes with noticeable stripes. The skin is dense, smooth, with a waxy coating. The funnel is conical, medium size. The peduncle is short, curved, firmly holding the fruit.

Jonagold apples

The apple pulp is fine-grained, medium-density, juicy, cream or yellow in color. The taste is sweet and sour, tart with a pleasant, strongly noticeable fruity aroma. When fresh, the fruits have the highest tasting score - 5 points; during storage, the taste deteriorates slightly to 4.6–4.8 points.

Appearance and section of Jonagold apples

Video: all about the Jonagold apple tree

Characteristics of the variety

Like any other plant, Jonagold has its positive and negative traits.

Problematic characteristics that slightly alarm gardeners when choosing a variety are:

  • triploid type of apple tree, when at least two pollinators are required for full pollination, but the plant itself cannot be a pollinator;
  • low adaptability, as a result, poor winter hardiness: the apple tree is difficult to rebuild when normal conditions change to more difficult ones;
  • Harvesting maturity occurs in late September - early October.

These qualities undoubtedly make it difficult to grow a Jonagold apple tree, but, of course, they should not be considered key. This variety has many qualities that have made it famous and popular in many regions. Among them it is necessary to highlight:

  • good yield - average, recorded in industrial cultivation - 225 c/ha;
  • high drought and heat resistance of plants, increased temperature has almost no effect on the general condition of the tree;
  • early fruiting - fruiting begins from the third year after planting, at the age of 6 years the harvest is 10–15 kg;
  • ability for long-term storage - if appropriate conditions are met, the collected fruits are stored for about eight months;
  • versatility of using fruits both fresh and after processing, in home and industrial conditions;
  • excellent transportability of fruits - losses during transportation are minimal;
  • Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, these are large, one-dimensional, smooth apples with excellent taste and attractive appearance.

Jonagold apples look amazing before picking

Some features of growing Jonagold apple trees

How successfully Jonagold will grow should be considered immediately when planting a tree.

You need to start by choosing a location and preparing a planting hole. There should be no drafts at the planting site, the groundwater level should be no closer than 1.5 m from the ground surface. The acid reaction of the soil should be neutral, at a level of 5.5–6.5 pH (if it does not correspond, take the necessary measures). Prepare the pit at least 3-4 weeks before the expected planting date and add the required amount of fertilizer - 2 buckets of organic matter (compost, humus, etc.).

When planting several trees, the distance between them should not be less than 4.5 m. You should immediately determine the presence of pollinators. Within a radius of 20 m there must be at least two different varieties of apple trees of the same flowering period as Jonagold. If this condition is not met, the harvested harvest is unlikely to exceed 25–30% of the potential. The best neighbors include Idared, Elstar, Champion, the parent varieties Jonathan and Golden Delicious, as well as any of the many clones of Jonagold.

The optimal time for planting is considered to be early autumn, although spring planting is also possible. Planting the plant in the fall ensures compaction of the soil around the roots and overall survival of the root system before the winter cold.

There are no difficulties when forming the crown of a tree. For a planted seedling, the central conductor above the upper skeletal branch should be cut off and a sparse tiered form should be formed, removing thickening and damaged shoots.

During the growth process, Jonagold does not have a great need for fertilizing; autumn mulching with humus is sufficient - 1 bucket per square meter. m of tree trunk circle. If the soil is depleted, it is advisable to carry out spring fertilizing with nitroammophos at the rate of 50 g/m2 of the trunk circle. Treatment after flowering with boron-containing preparations improves fruit set.

Given the low resistance to powdery mildew, protective procedures must be carried out constantly, without even waiting for signs of the disease to appear.

Jonagold trees are difficult to tolerate severe frosts and sudden temperature changes, so at a young age the plant needs to be covered for the winter. As long as the size of the apple tree allows, you need to completely wrap the trunk and branches with insulating materials. Both natural materials (straw, dry corn and sunflower plants, burlap, etc.) and synthetic materials (roofing felt, plastic film, roofing felt, etc.) are used as insulation. It is preferable to use natural ones - the air circulates more freely and it is much easier for the plant to breathe; when the temperature changes, condensation does not form on the branches.

Complete covering of trees for the winter with synthetic material

These are perhaps the main points that you should pay attention to when growing the Jonagold variety.

With proper care, the Jonagold apple tree gives such delicious fruits