Table height: standard sizes for writing, computer and dining tables. The second level in the apartment Table height depending on height

Table height: standard sizes for writing, computer and dining tables.  The second level in the apartment Table height depending on height
Table height: standard sizes for writing, computer and dining tables. The second level in the apartment Table height depending on height

To equip the second level in the apartment you need to have high ceilings. Such a decision allows to significantly diversify the planning solution of the interior of the apartment. What rooms can be placed on the second level? There may be an office with a view of the room below, a home library with stairs from the living room, a play corner in the children's room. Everything needs to be done correctly in order to get the desired result and not disturb the harmony of the space of the room.

The second level in the apartment is also called the mezzanine.

Room dimensions for second level device

The main size that is taken into account when constructing a mezzanine will be the height of the room. It depends on the height which rooms will be located under and above the mezzanine. The minimum room height for a second-level device should be 3.2 m. In this case, a pantry can be arranged under the mezzanine, and a sleeping place on top. For the device of two full-fledged floors, a room height of 4.60 m is required.

As I said above, the functional purpose of the spaces under and above the mezzanine will also depend on the height of the room. In order for there to be a comfortable and functional space under the mezzanine, the height from floor to ceiling of the mezzanine should be 2.2 m. The height above the mezzanine should also be the same if there is a workplace and it is planned to spend a lot of time.

If it is planned to place a wardrobe or pantry under the mezzanine, then a height of 1.8 m will be enough.

For a berth, a height of 1.2 m is needed. Why is that? The average height of a sitting person is 1 m. Add to it the height of the mattress and blankets, and this is another 0.2 m. The sleeping place should be arranged shallow. Let's calculate. The width of a single mattress is 0.9-1.0 m, a double mattress is 1.4-2.0 m. Another 0.3-0.4 m must be added to this width so that there is room for a cup, book or other things. But, unfortunately, such a bedroom in which it is impossible to stand up to its full height will be uncomfortable. Also at the top is somewhat difficult air exchange, which is bad for health. The way out of this situation would be a device with a two-level mezzanine, that is, with a step. At the lower level, we will be able to change clothes, for example, put on pajamas. A place under such a mezzanine can be organized as a workspace with a closet or pantry.

Selection of the height of the mezzanine

When installing the second level, do not forget to take into account the thickness of the mezzanine structure itself. On average, the thickness of the beams with the floor will be exactly 0.2 m.

Staircase to the second level

For the device stairs you need a lot of free space. A staircase with a step height of 170 mm and a tread depth of 280 mm is considered comfortable. To climb to the second level, we need 14 steps, and this is 3.64 m of the length of the stairs in the plan. In addition, for comfortable movement on the stairs you need a marching platform.

What to do if there is very little free space? In such cases, you can use the option with an attic-type staircase, which will be less convenient. Climbing such a ladder is more or less convenient, but there is no descent, since you have to go down facing the steps.

The mezzanine consists of supports and beams on which the floor is laid. Beams and supports can be made of wood or metal. Metal elements need to be welded or bolted, and, therefore, such a mezzanine will be difficult to construct. But on the other hand, its appearance will be more elegant, due to the fact that metal structures are more durable and their thickness is less. From wood, everything will look more massive.

The floor can be made of wooden boards, chipboard, polycarbonate or reinforced glass. To soundproof the mezzanine floor, you can use mineral wool, then the floor will not act as a drum. The room under the mezzanine can be sewn up with plasterboard plates, decorated and painted.

For a modern interior, a combination of materials such as glass block and stainless steel will be interesting. For a classic mezzanine, a tree is used.

A mandatory element of the mezzanine is a balustrade or fence. The height of the fence should be higher than the center of gravity of a person, which is 1.1 m. For a small mezzanine, such a fence will seem too large, so it can be reduced to 0.9 m. The material of the balustrade must necessarily correspond to the nature of the interior. It is possible to use forged or wooden balusters, stainless steel pipes and others. Practice shows that wooden fencing is more pleasant to the touch.

Mezzanine ventilation

Perhaps this place will be the most stuffy in the whole house or apartment. We all know that warm air moves to the top, which means that the conditions for sleeping will not be entirely comfortable. Therefore, it is worth thinking about forced ventilation or making some additional structures that enhance air circulation.

It is good if there is a ventilation duct at the mezzanine construction site, then the ventilation problem is solved very quickly. If the second level is located in the attic or in a one-story house, then the exhaust duct can be let through the roof.

As an alternative solution, it is possible to combine a mezzanine room with a ventilation duct with any other room with the installation of flexible steel pipes and an additional fan. However, it is better to consult with a specialist in this matter.

There can be two lighting options: daylight or artificial light. It all depends on the functional purpose. If only the sleeping area is located on the second level, then there is no need for daylight. But for a study or library, you need to provide good natural lighting. Perhaps this will require making changes to the wall structure, breaking through a window opening or installing a light tunnel.

Artificial light must be on the mezzanine. This is solved by conducting electricity and selecting fixtures that match the interior.

For the convenience of working at the table, its height must be taken into account. This parameter affects the comfort of using furniture. The standard table height should fit...

By Masterweb

04.04.2018 02:01

For the convenience of working at the table, its height must be taken into account. This parameter affects the comfort of using furniture. The standard height of the table should be suitable for the average figures of adults and children. Moreover, for each type of furniture, this parameter is different.


In furniture, its parameters are the main ones. Why is table height important? This indicator can provide ease of use. As well as protection against spinal disorders. The height of the desktop plays an important role. This determines the comfort required by the position of the body, especially the back.

If the furniture is not suitable, then the person during the period of work needs to lean forward, stoop. This causes curvature of the spine, as well as the appearance of discomfort in the back. Therefore, it is important to choose the appropriate table height for adults and children. But it should be borne in mind that for each type of structure, taking into account its purpose, the parameters are different.


The height of the table for the kitchen is determined by the parameters of the person. The greater the growth, the higher the work surface should be. In this case, the furniture will be comfortable. To determine the optimal height of the kitchen table, the rules are used:

  1. With growth up to 150 cm, the design should have parameters in the range of 75-76 cm.
  2. At 150-160 cm, a height of 80-82 cm from the floor is more suitable.
  3. Indicators of 160-180 cm are considered the general standard. They are taken into account by many firms when creating furniture products. In this case, the parameter can be 87-90 cm. This is the standard table height, as it will be convenient for men and women.
  4. If the growth is higher than standard parameters, then the furniture is created to order. At 185-200 cm from the floor to the countertop there will be 1 meter.

It is important that the furniture is comfortable for the whole family. Since it is impossible to select a design for each parameter, therefore, the average is calculated. For example, if the height of the wife is 150 cm, and the husband is 190 cm, then the average is 170 cm. And for this you need a table 85-87 cm in height. And since women usually spend more time in the kitchen, it is better to choose 80 cm.


The height of the desks for children and adults is different. This should be taken into account when buying a design. If height-adjustable tables are created for children, then for adults everything is different. It is important to take into account the physique, size, height. Furniture should be selected based on these parameters.

In addition to height, length and width are taken into account. They must meet the standards. When these indicators are less, then there are inconveniences that negatively affect the state of the musculoskeletal system. Comfort is determined by the height of the desktop and other dimensions. According to the "Modulor", created by the architect and designer Le Corbusier, the following proportions apply:

  1. Since the average height of the people of the earth is about 175-183 cm, the standard height of the writing table is 700-800 mm.
  2. For 150-160 cm, it is better to choose 60 cm.
  3. With a height of 190-200 cm, you must order a desk height of 85-90 cm.

These rules are used all over the world. Taking them into account, it will be possible to choose a suitable product for which it will be comfortable to work.


A suitable height of the computer desk will allow you to work comfortably for a long time. When the parameter is insufficient, the person leans forward, which greatly strains the back. And at high rates, the seated person raises his head up, which negatively affects the condition of the back.

There are rules to consider when choosing computer furniture:

  1. When sitting at a table, the back should be straight, and the shoulders should be straightened to the sides.
  2. The forearms should be placed on the surface.
  3. It is important that the place of the shoulder girdle is not raised.
  4. The norm is the location of the working surface in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus.
  5. Legs should be bent at a right angle, they should be on the floor.

If these rules are followed, it will be possible to prevent problems with the spine. A person will not have a curvature, deformation, which usually leads to serious illnesses. The height of the computer desk is set according to height. Usually it is 75 cm, which is designed for a height of 170-172 cm. The rest of such a product will be uncomfortable. Then you need to order the design.


The height of the dining table should be comfortable for everyone so that there is no discomfort while eating. When sitting behind such furniture, the relaxation of the body should be felt, it should rest. When choosing the height of the dining table, height is taken into account.

For convenience, you need a size of 700-750 mm. This parameter is optimal, it is chosen with a height of 165 cm. The average furniture height is 72-78 cm. To calculate the appropriate option, the formula is used: furniture height = height * 75/165 (75 cm is the height of the structure, 165 is the average parameter of a person). For example, with a height of 170 cm, the calculation will be as follows: 170 * 75/165 = 77.3.


Properly selected height of the children's table will allow you to work comfortably. Then there will be no strong tension on the back. For children, furniture must be chosen especially carefully, otherwise unsuitable designs lead to a curvature of the spine. But they have to spend a lot of time at the table.

Height is required to determine height. If the product is selected for a first grader and a teenager, then the following parameters should be considered:

  1. With growth up to 85 cm - 34 cm.
  2. 85-100 - 40 cm.
  3. 100-115 – 46.
  4. 115-130 – 52.
  5. 130-145 – 58.
  6. 145-153 – 64.
  7. 154-161 – 67.
  8. 162-170 – 71.

Suitable parameters ensure the full development of the child. It is also worth considering that a growing organism requires suitable conditions for comfort. When choosing furniture for a child, you need to focus on the following points:

  1. The feet should be on the floor, and a right angle should be obtained with the lower leg and thigh.
  2. The required degree of depth of the chair is set as follows - the seat of the chair should not dig into the popliteal joints.
  3. Between the knees and the tabletop should be 10-15 cm or more.
  4. The distance from the eyes to the surface of the structure should be the area from the fingertips to the elbow.

It is necessary to choose a suitable chair for the table so that the child’s classes are comfortable. In addition to height, you need to pay attention to the width, shape, design of structures. The material, the presence of original parts is also important. In sets with tables, chairs are often sold at a height suitable for comfortable use. The main thing is to use them for their intended purpose.

Selection rules

Although many different parameters are taken into account when buying furniture, size should still be the main thing. And this applies to any type of table:

  1. If you plan to choose a kitchen set for cooking, then it is better to buy 80-85 cm. This indicator is standard, so there will be no difficulty in finding it. In addition, behind such a product it will be comfortable for people with a height of 1.5-2 meters.
  2. If a written design is required, and the growth is more or less than average, then it is advisable to order furniture according to the required parameters. Dimensions must be set according to the formula: height * 75/165 cm.
  3. It is important to know when choosing chairs - the best height is 42 cm. Tall ones need 45, and small ones need 40.
  4. If you buy a product for a child, then you need to calculate especially carefully. Adjustable models are great.

Solution of non-standard situations

Height is especially important when choosing furniture for the whole family. Non-standard cases are solved in the following ways:

  1. You can adjust the size of the chair. There are many chairs sold in shops and markets that can change in height. So it will be comfortable to sit at the table. But then there may be inconvenience with the placement of the legs. And this negatively affects health.
  2. Production of furniture to order. In this situation, it is preferable to focus on the growth of an individual in the family. You can define an average. A difference of a few centimeters will not be visible. But you can get the desired result only with a small difference in growth. Before manufacturing, a drawing is necessarily created.
  3. You can choose a table with an adjustable top. Such products are usually created for schoolchildren.

These techniques allow you to create furniture that is comfortable for the whole family. The best solution would be to make a design to order or on your own. The advantage of the method is the saving of the budget, in addition, it becomes possible to create a comfortable product.

Adjustable height

In addition to classic products, there are tables that are adjustable in height. These are mechanical modules or transformers. Often they have X-shaped supports, with which you can set this parameter. But there may be a retractable or electronic mechanism.

An excellent choice would be a coffee table that can become a dining table. The advantages of furniture include:

  1. Comfort for the whole family - you can adapt to children and adults.
  2. Compact and space-saving due to versatility.
  3. Practicality and the ability to place in any place in the room.

The disadvantage of height-adjustable tables is their high price and low load that the product can withstand - about 30-45 kg.

Consequences of the wrong choice

Incorrectly selected furniture height creates tension, discomfort, fatigue. This applies to tables for different occasions. In the kitchen, this design also causes a lot of inconvenience. During the cutting of products, about 40 muscles work. If the workplace is higher, then the load increases markedly, and if it is lower, then this causes rapid fatigue.

A suitable table height eliminates back problems and diseases associated with this phenomenon. Knowing the growth and calculation rules, it will be possible to choose the right furniture.

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The convenience and comfort of a seated person directly depends on the size of the chair, so it is necessary to pay due attention to the choice of this piece of furniture. The main criteria will be the features of the customer's physique, the purpose of the chair, the room or room for which the item is purchased. Depending on this, chairs can be divided into several groups.

Models for the kitchen

Chairs for the kitchen can be of various shapes and colors. They are made of wood, metal, plastic and even glass.

Keep in mind that kitchen items often get dirty, and if you have fabric upholstery, it will deteriorate over time, so it's best to consider more practical options.

The height of the kitchen chairs should match the height of the table. This is an important indicator of comfort, and although many sellers may tell you that they are all the same, in fact, this is far from the case.

In accordance with the standard GOST indicators (for a table of 72-78 cm), the dimensions may vary:

  • The required height of the object from the base of the floor to the top of the back is 800-900 mm;
  • The size from the floor to the seat is in the range of 400-450 mm;
  • The height of the part on which you are leaning must be at least 450 mm;
  • The width of the back and seat is from 350 mm, and the depth is 500-550 mm.

For bar counters, the height of the chair will be different. Here you also need to consider the level of the surface on which you will sit.

Depending on this, the size from the tile to the seat will vary between 750 and 850 mm. The width of the seating surface should start at 460 mm and the depth at 320 mm. The tilt radius will be 450 mm for standard models and 220 mm for lumbar.

In bar models, a footrest for support will not be superfluous. If you have a kitchen worktop height of 90 cm, then the bar model for sitting will be 65 cm.

Nowadays, both tables and chairs can be made to order. The master will take into account all the individual features of the customer's physique: he will measure height, weight, lower leg and hip part of the body.

Such chairs will allow not only to feel comfortable, but also save the spine from scoliosis.

Banquet products

Tables and chairs of this type are more comfortable than ordinary kitchen ones. Usually restaurants use semi-chairs or chairs with armrests. This creates more convenience and comfort, but takes up less space than when placed in chairs.

It also allows you to save space in the hall and seat more people. However, it must be remembered that the width of one seat must be at least 500 mm so that a person feels comfortable at the table.

Restaurant models can have an inclined back, which allows you to take a more relaxed posture and facilitate communication. Also, these chairs are wider, deeper, higher than the standard options. At the same time, one should not forget about the convenience of the waiters. To do this, the height of the object should not exceed 1000 mm.

Office chairs

When choosing a work chair, you need to know that the desired height of the chair for eating and working is different. Most modern models have the ability to adjust the height and depth of the seat, the position of the back, but there are models on four legs with a back that is strongly reclined. For most people, this position is not comfortable.

It is not comfortable to constantly sit at your desk, “lounging”, and if you straighten up and sit without support, then by the end of the working day your back will hurt a lot.

  • The width and depth of the seat should start from 400 mm;
  • The seat should have a height adjustment in the region of 400-450 mm, the slope is measured in degrees: forward 15, and back 5;
  • The front of the seat should be rounded;
  • It is necessary that the back should have values ​​​​from 300 to 380 mm, its angle of inclination should be close to 30 degrees;
  • The length of the armrests is recommended to choose a minimum of 250-260 mm, a width of about 60 mm;
  • Armrests should also be adjustable in height and width.

Having shown concern for the wards, choose models made from natural fabrics so that your back does not sweat in hot weather, and with head restraints so that you can relax your neck muscles from time to time. All this will affect the quality of work of employees.

Options for the child

Choosing the right chair for a child is especially important, since from childhood you need to take care of the formation of the correct posture. Also, from too small a piece of furniture in a child, blood circulation may worsen, and from a large one - vision.

As with adults, the size of the highchair depends on the table and the height of the child.

  • With a height of up to 80 cm, a chair height of 17 cm is suitable for a child;
  • 80-90 cm - 20 cm;
  • 90-100 cm - 24 cm;
  • 100-115 cm - 28 cm;
  • 110-120 cm - 30-32 cm;
  • 120-130 cm - 32-35 cm;
  • 130-140 cm - 36-38 cm.

When choosing a child seat, be guided by the following rules.

  • Try to seat the child in a chair. Place both feet flat on the floor, with the angle that forms the lower leg and thigh must be 90 degrees. If you have an obtuse angle in front of you, then you need to choose a smaller model, and if it is sharp, then a larger one.
  • It is required that the height from the knees to the table top be 10-15 cm.
  • The depth of the seat should be sufficient so that the seat does not press under the person's knees.
  • It is necessary that the back of the chair forms an angle of 90 degrees, is securely fastened so that the child can lean on it without much tilt back.

If you purchased a chair that needs to be enlarged, you can make a wooden stand for it, which should be securely fixed. If you want to lower the model, then you need to cut the base with a jigsaw, if the selected product allows this.

Currently, there are so-called "growing" chairs that allow you to adjust the height of the seat relative to the floor. Such models are cost-effective, as they allow you to use them for a long time.

For information on how to choose the right ergonomic chair, see the following video.

How to calculate the required size?

If you decide to buy factory-made furniture, before going to the store it is better to calculate these dimensions “for yourself”. First of all, decide what size the table will be. If you are purchasing a new table, then you need to decide on its choice, and then take on the rest of the furniture. There is some standard formula for calculating, which will be discussed below.

First, measure your height and the height of the rest of the family. You need to calculate the average height of your household. It is taken as the arithmetic mean of height. For example, your height is 178 cm, the average family height is 167 cm. Next, we take the ratio: 178 * 75 (standard height) / 167 \u003d 79.9 cm. This will be the ideal kitchen table height.

Now subtract from the resulting figure from 40 to 45 cm (depending on height: the higher the person, the closer to 45 cm). In the above example, it turns out 79.9-43 \u003d 36.9 cm. This is the optimal distance from the table to the seat. Choose the length of the back at your discretion, but remember that the standard size is 90 cm.

This formula also works when choosing bar items and office items, but for children's models it is better to start from standard sizes or buy by “trying on”.

The standard height of the kitchen table is 0.8 m, work surfaces 0.9 m. However, this height is calculated for a person with a height of 1.65 m, if you have a different height, then you can calculate the necessary parameters yourself using the formula given in the article.

Among the list of criteria that affect the rational choice of a kitchen table, its height becomes one of the dominant indicators. A comfortable fit depends on it, if it is, as well as comfortable activity, if we are talking about working kitchen tables.

Standards for kitchen tables

Regulatory documents regulate the dimensions of furniture items. The main one is GOST 13025.3-85. In accordance with its provisions, the distance from the floor to the lower plane of the tabletop is set to a minimum of 0.61 m, respectively, to its top, the size of the distances varies from 0.72 to 0.78 meters.

The unit of reference is usually taken as the average height of a person - 1.65 meters. This is what causes the inconvenience that sometimes arises when the table turns out to be low or, on the contrary, extremely high, since everyone's height is different.

Discomfort is expressed in the inconvenience of using cutlery competently and fully if the countertop is too high. If the table is not high and it is impossible to take a comfortable position, since you have to bend over, stoop, then by the end of the meal there will be a feeling of fatigue and aching in the spine.

Table Height Formula

There is a simple technique for interpreting the average standard height of the countertop (Hst ≈ 0.75m), taking into account the average growth rate (Рav = 1.65 m), for one's own height (P). The ideal height of the selected dining table (H) is calculated by the formula:

H \u003d Hst ∙ P / Rav.

For example, having a height of P = 1.8 m, the most comfortable arrangement will be observed at a table with the following estimated height:

H \u003d 0.75 ∙ 1.8 / 1.65 ≈ 0.82 m.

Of course, such a calculation is rationally suitable for one person, but more often several households gather at a meal. In such a situation, it is advisable to take the arithmetic mean of the growth of adult family members as a basis, and for the younger generation, you can purchase special chairs that make it easy to adjust their height.

Optimum desktop height

It is important to know and take into account the optimal height of desktops, where the hostess spends a lot of time. Ideally, compliance should be observed, and the standard kitchen in each functional area that has a specific purpose is focused on the normative height range (m):

  • washing dishes - 0.85 ÷ 0.95;
  • cutting raw types of products - 0.82 ÷ 0.85;
  • cooking - 0.8 ÷ 0.85;
  • kneading, rolling dough - 0.7 ÷ 0.82;
  • working space for installing kitchen appliances, pots with ready-made food and other needs - 0.85 ÷ 0.87.

If we take for example a cutting surface, which, with average growth rates (1.65 m), should rise above the floor by a maximum of 0.82 m, then for a taller person it is advisable to increase this figure. You can make an approximate list of the optimal height of the desktop.

  • A height of 1.7 m will require a cutting plane height of 0.85 m.
  • At 1.75 m, a worktop level with a mark of 0.87 m is appropriate.
  • If the growth reaches 1.8 m, then it is more convenient to work on a surface that is 0.9 m from the floor level.

Knowledge of these patterns is of great help if you plan to independently manufacture kitchen furniture.

In furniture collections, the standard height of kitchen tables is usually 0.85 m. This does not always suit women, and especially men, who are quite impressive in height. Manufacturers have taken into account the relevance of such a problem and now you can purchase a kitchen table model that allows you to adjust the vertical level of its installation.

Chair height

In order for the optimal height of the tabletop, selected in exact accordance with the height, to be really comfortable, it is necessary to correctly select the chairs. Based on the calculated values ​​\u200b\u200busing the above formula, it should be subtracted from the result obtained 0.45 m for high (> 1.7 m) growth, respectively 0.42 m, if the growth is average (≈ 1.65 m) and 0.4 for low person (< 1,6 м).

Therefore, having a height reading of 1.8 m, having picked up a table, in accordance with the previously calculated results with a height of 0.82 m, it is advisable to put a chair for yourself with a height of 0.82 - 0.45 \u003d 0.37 m. These calculations are especially convenient if it is accepted solutions all chairs to buy from the range with adjustable legs. In such a situation, not only household members are satisfied in a comfortable seat at the table, but it is also possible to create an excellent environment for guests, regardless of height.

The dimensions of the tabletop must ensure the freedom of each person, for which a minimum of 0.7 m of space per person is required. Based on this, it is easy to determine the area of ​​​​the future countertop, which will not cause irritation with tightness and lack of comfort, if the calculations are made correctly.

When choosing a kitchen table, pay attention to the design, material and color, and the height of the kitchen table is also an important point.

A person spends part of his life at the kitchen table, cooking, having breakfast, lunch or dinner, so it is important to choose a size that makes cooking and eating comfortable. For example, if the level is not high enough, then the person will have to bend over to the plate.

In order not to experience discomfort or inconvenience when sitting at a table, you should carefully approach the selection of the height of this piece of furniture.

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What norms and standards exist

The standard height of the kitchen table is regulated by GOST 13025.3-85 “Household furniture. Functional dimensions of tables. According to this document, the distance from the floor to the cover of the dining furniture should be 710-780 mm, and to the bottom edge of the countertop at least 610 mm. This is necessary for comfortable sitting: so that the knees do not rest against the bottom surface of the table. The average height is considered to be 750 mm.

The distance from the surface of the chair to the countertop in the kitchen according to the standard is 300-340 mm.

The recommended height of the table surface for comfortable work in the kitchen is 860-910 mm from the floor level. This figure is taken based on the position of the arm bent at the elbow, so as not to cause fatigue when cooking while standing, since most of the time the arms are in this position.

Relationship between human height and countertop height

The higher the person, the higher the surface of the working or dining area should be. This rule also works in the opposite direction: for people of short stature or children, the level of dining and working areas is lower than indicated in the standard. The parameters of a person determine the dimensions and dimensions of the furniture that he will have to use.

The height of the table in the kitchen is calculated based on the average height of adult family members. The relationship between a person’s height and the height of furniture in the kitchen is due to ergonomic considerations: if the size is large, then it will be inconvenient to use cutlery, and insufficient height will make you hunch over.

Dependence on the functionality of countertops

Purposes and functions of using kitchen countertops:

  • dining, intended for serving and eating;
  • workers who cook food;
  • countertops with a sink, for washing dishes;
  • for the location of kitchen equipment or light and small household appliances;
  • for decoration of the room, designer, decorative countertops.

The height of dining rooms depends on the sitting position of family members, as well as their convenience in using what is located on the table in a sitting position.

The location of the desktop surface should be calculated taking into account the growth of hostesses. The cutting surface for comfortable work in the kitchen should be located 10-20 cm below the elbow.

The height of the countertop for arranging equipment does not play a big role, it should be selected to match the level with the worker.

Decorative countertops give beauty and originality to the room, their height should not stand out from the style of the kitchen and kitchen set.

How to determine the size

You can decide on the right size in the store: sit down at the table and try to put your bent arm at the elbow on it, lean on it. Imagine sitting in this position for a long time. Rate how convenient it is. The elbows should not hang down, and the angle at the elbow joint should be 90° or slightly more.

You can choose the required size of the kitchen table by calculations. The calculation of the optimal height of the dining table is carried out according to the formula:

H \u003d R x hav / Rav,

where H is the desired value, showing how high the kitchen table should be;

R is the height of the person for whom the calculation is being made (you can take the average of all adult family members);

hav - average standard height, considered to be equal to 75 cm;

Rav is the average human height according to world standards, it is taken equal to 165 cm.

Calculation of parameters

Let's calculate the ideal table height for a man with a height of 178 cm. Substituting the values ​​into the calculation formula, we get: H \u003d 178 x 75 / 165 ≈ 81 cm.

To find out what height of the kitchen work area will be optimal, you need to divide the height in half.