Growing and caring for pelargonium: tips and features. How to properly transplant geraniums into a new pot

Growing and caring for pelargonium: tips and features.  How to properly transplant geraniums into a new pot
Growing and caring for pelargonium: tips and features. How to properly transplant geraniums into a new pot

In this article we will tell you everything about indoor geranium (also called “kalachik”), namely: how to care for this plant, what soil to plant it in and how to choose the right pot.

Let’s not forget to tell you about the methods of propagating pelargonium.

Did you know? The Geranium family has about 800 species and is widely distributed in nature in southern Africa and Australia.

Features of growing geraniums at home

The word "geranium" comes from the Greek "geranion" or "geranios", and is translated as "crane" (the fruits of this plant actually resemble the beak of a crane).

The plant itself is a subshrub, the height of which can reach 60 cm. There are two types: beautifully flowering or fragrant. In the second case, when flowering, it may resemble the smell of apples, roses, or even nutmeg.

Homemade geranium is undemanding to care, so housewives everywhere take it into their homes and rejoice at it beautiful flower. Geranium takes root well in homes and you will have to try to make this flower start to hurt.

But, despite its unpretentiousness, there are several features of growing geraniums that are worth considering:

  1. Light. Geranium loves light very much, so it is often placed on window sills, and you need to take into account which window the geranium is placed on (the south side is best).
  2. Important!In the summer, you should not leave the flower under straight sun rays.

  3. Temperature. Geranium is not very capricious in terms of heat, but still winter time, the room should not be cold (not lower than +10 ˚С). If you want it to bloom all year round, then it is worth providing it with light (in winter - a lamp) and placing it in a warm place.
  4. Watering. You need to water frequently, but make sure that water does not stagnate in the flowerpot, as the roots of the plant will begin to rot and the geranium will die.

Important! Geranium cannot be sprayed. This flower does not need moist air, and such a procedure will only harm it.

Climatic conditions for geraniums

Since geraniums are native to South Africa, you should create a similar climate in your home. Of course, this does not mean at all that you need to constantly maintain the temperature in the room at 30 ° C and fill the geranium with water, as in tropical rain.

It is enough to keep the soil in the pot moist and provide sufficient illumination for your “ball”. Maximum comfortable temperature for a flower - from +10 to +30 degrees. The need for geraniums in good lighting is due to the fact that in its homeland there is the greatest number of sunny days a year.

Important! In case of shortage sunlight, a regular lamp that is installed next to the flower is perfect.

Don't skimp when choosing a pot for geraniums

When choosing a pot for geraniums, it is worth remembering the information that we discussed above, namely: “How to water a ball at home.” You already know what geranium needs frequent watering, although the water should not “stand” in the pot. Thus, when choosing a pot, it is worth considering this point.

If we compare plastic pots and baked clay products, then the latter will be a priority, since the soil dries out faster in them. The pot should not be very large, otherwise you risk growing a tree instead of a small flower. A pot with a diameter of 14-15 cm and a height of at least 10 cm is sufficient for one plant.

What soil is needed for geraniums, feeding and grafting of the plant

Now let's tell you about what kind of soil does geranium like?. In this matter, again, we will be helped by the knowledge that we gleaned from the previous paragraphs. There are 2 important points to remember:

  1. The soil should be loose and unused;
  2. The soil must have good drainage properties.
There are several soil options that are well suited for geraniums:
  1. We use ordinary chernozem, which is sold in flower shops, paired with expanded clay, which is placed on the bottom of the flowerpot;
  2. A mixture of chernozem with river sand and small crushed stone, which is placed at the bottom of the pot.
The composition of the soil “from the store” must necessarily include peat, which is required by the plant.

Important!Despite good drainage, the soil in the pot must be loosened periodically to avoid rotting of the roots.

Let's move on to choosing fertilizers for geraniums. Regular fertilizers from a flower shop are suitable, which contain phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen and trace elements. They are paid no more than 2 times a month.

It is best to feed the ball after sunset, or by moving the flowerpot into the shade. There is no need to use liquid fertilizer if the soil is dry. Pre-water the flower. It's important to remember that fresh organic fertilizers cannot be entered, otherwise the flower will dry out.

Now let's move on to consider how to vaccinate indoor flowers curls.

Geranium graftingThis is the transplantation of a piece of shoot from one plant to another. This is done in order to get flowers of different colors/smells on one bush, or to form a decorative crown.

Only strong plants at least 1 year old are grafted. This is done in the spring, when the balls grow at a faster rate. It is important to do everything correctly and exactly according to the instructions, which are outlined and shown below.

Important!You should not use a cutting that is larger in diameter than the rootstock.

How to water geraniums correctly

Indoor flowers, kalachiki, should be watered quite often, especially in the warm season, when geraniums bloom or grow rapidly.

During dormancy, in winter, the intensity of watering is reduced, leaving the soil slightly moist.

If you notice gray mold on the leaves or a characteristic putrid odor, this is an excess of moisture in the flowerpot. In this case, you should either wait until the soil dries and not water the flower, or transplant the geranium into a new dry substrate. It is worth remembering that too dry soil for a roll will not be as bad as an excess of moisture that stagnates in the soil. IN hot weather

Pelargonium is watered once a day. At average temperatures and little evaporation, watering is carried out every two days.

Features of pruning geraniums

Now we will look at how to trim the balls correctly. Geraniums need to be pruned, regardless of their size and age.

This is done so that the number of inflorescences can be increased. First stage of pruning

passes before winter. This procedure helps the curl retain more resources for a successful transition to a state of rest.

We start pruning only after the geranium has completely faded: we cut off half the length of the flower (this allows us to give more light to the basal flowers and reduce the chance of infection with fungi). If the sections begin to turn black over time, they need to be shortened. Re-pruning

produced in late February or early March. This is necessary if the pelargonium has become very stretched over the winter. Geraniums need pruning sharp blade

Fading flowers and dried shoots must be pruned. IN in this case, you don’t just make the bush more attractive and small, you help the plant cope with possible problems, and reduce the risk of fungus developing on wilted parts.

Geranium propagation methods

Now we have come to the final stage of the article - reproduction. Geranium can be propagated in two ways: seeds and cuttings. And now we will help you evaluate the pros and cons of each method.


So, you have geranium seeds and you need to get beautiful bushes from them. Let's start with what you need to know before you get started:

  • Seed planting time;
  • Soil option for planting;
  • Germination period;
  • Moments of transplantation.
Optimal time planting is the period when the plant is dormant (early winter - mid-spring).

Next, you will need the correct substrate for planting. In this case it will be perfect mix of turf+sand+peat (in a ratio of 2:1:1). Water will not stagnate in it, and the peat will provide a kind of nutrition for the sprouted plant.

After choosing the soil, you should prepare it yourself. seeds. To do this, they are treated with epin or zircon, and then soaked for 3 hours in water at room temperature.

The seeds and soil are ready - let’s move on to the actual landing. We spread the soil 0.5 centimeters thick, put the seeds on top and cover with glass. Place the box with seeds in bright room with a temperature of +20 degrees.

The plant will germinate within one and a half weeks after sowing. The growth rate depends on several factors: the variety of geranium, room temperature and shelf life.

Geranium rightfully occupies one of the places of honor on the list of favorite indoor plants. It is also successfully used to decorate balconies, terraces, garden plots and street flower beds. A variety of colors, unpretentiousness and ease of reproduction are the undoubted advantages of this plant.

The cutting method is one of the most common for propagating geraniums. It can be used all year round, but the best time to excellent result- spring. This method seems quite simple, but following a few rules will allow you to grow beautiful, spectacular plants.

Geraniums can be grown from seeds, root division and stem cuttings. To plant geraniums without roots, you need to correctly perform the pruning procedure. Tip cuttings are ideal for plant propagation. They should be cut under the bud so that the length is 7-8 cm and there are 3-5 leaves left on each of them. The cut should be oblique. The lower leaves are removed.

If after pruning the plant has long branches left, they can also be cut into cuttings of the same length with two to three pairs of leaves and used for rooting.

Finished cuttings should be left to air dry. After a couple of hours, the cut and places where the leaves are broken will be healed. thin film. The cuttings are ready, it’s time to choose a rooting method.

Rooting a cutting can be done in two ways, taking into account their advantages and disadvantages.

Root stem cuttings quite easy in water. To do this, you need to prepare containers filled with 5 cm of pre-settled water. It is better if the containers are made of dark glass. The cuttings are lowered into the water with the lower cut. The roots appear within a week.

The beauty of this method is that you can observe the rooting process in right moment plant the plant in the ground. Disadvantage - the edge of the cutting, not having time to release the roots, can rot. To prevent rotting, experienced gardeners recommended to add to water Activated carbon. The water should be changed once every two days.

The shoots with roots are planted in the ground. If you follow the rules of care, such cuttings will produce beautiful, beautiful geranium bushes.

You can root geranium cuttings directly in the ground. Containers or pots with holes to drain excess water are suitable for this purpose. Good drainagenecessary condition to get excellent results. Ready cuttings are planted in moist soil at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. The rooting process can last two to four weeks. The shoots are watered as the soil dries. To obtain lush bushes, the top bud is pinched.

The undoubted advantage of this method is that the plants take root better. The downside is when you think that the geranium has taken root and you start replanting it ahead of time, thereby losing some of the excellent planting material.

Conditions for growing geraniums

Good lighting, moderate watering and room temperature are the key to good rooting of cuttings. Old plants will also benefit from pruning. As a result, you will get a lot of luxurious geranium bushes.

Video about planting geraniums without roots

Pelargonium (geranium) is a fairly popular plant among many people. They decorate not only flower beds and garden plots, but also window sills in houses.

Growing it is not so difficult; it can be propagated not only by shoots, but also by seeds.

Propagation of geranium by seeds - simple process, this will require knowledge of some rules.

If you are going to sow pelargonium with seeds, then first of all you need to choose a quality one. planting material. Geranium has many varieties, differing in the color of the flowers, the shape of the bush and inflorescences. The seeds of this plant are sold in specialized flower shops and markets. You can also order online.

When purchasing material for propagating a flower, you need to know certain subtleties. Pelargonium seeds are sold in several types and you should know about this:

One of best views The ones that gardeners prefer to use to grow are the first two species. They have good germination and are more resistant to various diseases.

Despite the fact that seeds that have not been processed are cheaper, it is better to give preference to processed types, especially for beginners in this business who are going to grow a plant for the first time.

If you still have to plant unprocessed grains, it is recommended to either soak them in warm water for a while, or rub them a little sandpaper so that you can remove a little upper layer.

When to plant geraniums: the best time to plant

After purchasing the seeds, you can start planting and try to grow the first seedlings. Experienced flower growers They don’t talk about the best time to plant a plant and believe that it can be done at any time. Just keep in mind that if planting and propagation is done in winter, the sprouts will need additional lighting.

However, it is better to plant pelargonium from November to April. Gradually, as the plant grows, daylight hours will increase. When planting is done closer to February, seedlings appear as daylight hours increase and, accordingly, as they grow, additional lighting is no longer required, which greatly simplifies the whole process. In addition, when planting or propagating at the very beginning spring period, in summer you can already expect flowering from the bushes.

Having decided on the landing time, you need to think about the location. Good for this wooden boxes, which need to be filled with substrate. The substrate may consist of mixtures of several components. Good for geraniums:

  • sandy soil, turf, peat in a ratio of 1:2:1;
  • peat soil and perlite in a 1:1 ratio;
  • sandy soil and peat soil - also taken in a 1:1 ratio.

Pelargonium seeds are placed on the surface of the soil. In this case, a distance of approximately 5 cm should be maintained between each grain so that during germination the seedlings do not interfere with each other’s growth. The grains are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil on top and sprayed with pre-settled water from a spray bottle. After this procedure, a greenhouse effect should be created in the container, for which its surface is covered with film. Then you will need to monitor the soil from above, not letting it dry out, but also not flooding it.

During this period, it is better for the container to be in a bright place, but where the direct rays of the sun will not reach. The temperature should not be below 18 degrees and above 25. Subject to optimal conditions And good care Shoots should begin to appear in about two weeks.

What you need to know about picking geranium seedlings and how to grow them

One of the important stages in the process of growing geranium from seeds is picking. It is also mandatory during plant growth. Picking seedlings is transplanting them from a common container into separate containers (pots).

Geranium seedlings are planted approximately when the sprouts acquire at least two formed leaves. It is better to carry out picking directly into separate containers. For this purpose, one of the bushes is carefully taken and its roots are divided into several independent seedlings. The main thing is not to miss the right moment in the upcoming picking, otherwise it will be very difficult to untangle the horses of the plants.

The diameter of the container for the upcoming transplant must be at least twelve centimeters so that the pelargonium feels comfortable. It is better to water transplanted geraniums using a watering can that has a thin spout.

On days when it is raining and cloudy outside, it is better to install additional lighting above the seedlings when growing. If they don't get enough light, this will cause the leaves to begin to die. If affected leaves begin to appear, it is better to remove them immediately. As a result, this can be prevented various diseases and fungi.

After completing the picking stage, as the plant grows, a special substrate should be added to the container, which can be purchased at a specialty store.

When the seedlings already have 6-8 leaves, they will need to be pinched so that the plant does not grow too much.

How to properly care for geraniums: what they like and what they don’t

To grow pelargonium from seeds, you need to know some of the subtleties of flower care. It is necessary to properly care for it from the first days. Although the plant living at home is quite unpretentious, you should still be aware of some rules:

How to understand that the plant is being properly cared for? This is quite easy to do. There are several signs that help determine whether your pelargonium is receiving proper care at home. For example, if a flower has redness on its leaves, this may mean that the room is too low temperature and you should make it a little higher. If the leaves begin to turn yellow, you need to water the geranium a little more often, but if the leaves, on the contrary, darken, then you should water the plant less often. In the second case, it may be better to remove the bush immediately, because it may rot. Besides this, another sign overwatering- the appearance of mold on the leaves.

When the lower leaves fall off, this may mean that the plant does not have enough lighting at home. Thus, caring for geraniums at home is not so difficult and consists of moderate and timely watering, not too much frequent fertilization, removing diseased leaves, dry inflorescences or dry leaves. If you follow these simple rules care for the flower, the result will be good and the geranium will definitely please the grower with lush and long flowering.

How can you protect homemade geranium from diseases?

Unfortunately, in some cases the plant may become diseased. This happens for a number of reasons, not only when growing outdoors, but also at home. For example, various pests can cause flower disease. These could be ants, aphids or caterpillars. Geranium is very afraid of them.

Aspirin can be used to control such pests. He is universal remedy, which can be used for almost any type of pest. To kill pests with aspirin, you need to take one tablet and dilute it in one liter of water. This solution must be sprayed on the roots three times a week.

Another pest control product is Marathon, which is good at getting rid of aphids or whiteflies. It's quite easy to use. IN flower pot several granules of the drug are poured in and then the plant is watered with water.

To eliminate caterpillars, use Monterey. The product is prepared according to the instructions, after which the affected geranium bushes are sprayed.

However, it is better to prevent any disease than to treat it later, so experienced flower growers recommend prevention using the drug Messenger. It is able to increase the immunity of not only geraniums, but also other plants, and therefore protect them from all kinds of pests and diseases.

If you know how to plant geraniums as shoots, you can easily grow the most exquisite varieties and hybrids that are not grown from seeds. Rooting geranium is not difficult, you just need to know how to properly carry out cuttings and rooting.

Pelargonium can be grown at home for up to 10 years, but most often its trunk is bare, leaves grow only on the tops of the branches. This is why gardeners prefer to rejuvenate plants after a few years. With shoots and cuttings you can grow from 5 to 10 new plants from one mother plant, knowing how to cut and root them.

Is it possible to do this all year round? Yes, but the percentage of rooted cuttings is much higher in spring and summer. If mother plant is in a dormant state, then rooting will occur very slowly, and the geranium shoot may rot. The process occurs much faster at the beginning of the growing season, that is best time- from March to May and from July to early September, when geranium is already thin.

The apical shoot can most easily produce roots. You need to cut off a branch with 4-5 leaves using a sharp, disinfected tool. Each cutting 5-7 cm long must have several leaves or internodes. Before planting, lower leaves you need to remove the resulting buds too.

The cuttings are left to lie on outdoors several hours until a thin film forms on the cut. Then the cut with the film is processed charcoal

or any rooting agent (“Kornevin”, for example).

Methods for rooting a shoot Roots can form in water or soil; the choice of method depends on the type of plant, time of year and the desires of the grower. If we let the cutting sit in water for too long, it may rot. For example, royal geraniums form roots in 35-40 days, which means they this method

doesn't fit.

The cuttings are placed with a dried cut in water (at a level of 4 cm). It is better to take an opaque container and disinfect it before use. The water should be soft, clean, settled, at room temperature (+22...+24 °C), it should be changed after 1–2 days. Some gardeners argue that you cannot change the water when rooting cuttings - they say, it’s better to just top it up. To reduce the risk of stem rotting, you can add crushed activated carbon.

The dishes with the appendage are placed in a lighted place, avoiding direct sunlight. Daylight should last at least 16 hours, and at night the temperature should not drop sharply. With this method, it is convenient to observe the growing roots, and you can easily determine the moment of planting in the ground.

In the ground

The appearance of new leaves signals that the plants have taken root. This may happen after a week or even after 3 weeks. From now on they can be transplanted to permanent place growth.

Further care

Knowing how to plant geraniums without roots, gardeners often propagate varietal plants, purchased for high price. Plants rooted in water or soil are planted in pots or boxes with a mandatory drainage layer and nutritious loose soil. Caring for them includes creating comfortable conditions With required quantity light, suitable air temperature, with sufficient watering and regular fertilizing.

So, at home, young plants are most often placed on window sills. They can also be used to decorate balconies, galleries, and be planted in flower beds in the summer. The main thing is to provide the plants with at least 16 hours of daylight and protect them from direct sunlight, even when planted outside.

Geranium does not like moisture on its leaves; it must be protected from this by spraying neighboring plants, and it must be watered so that the stream of water is directed towards the walls of the pot. Young, recently rooted plants are often watered using the bottom method - placing them in a pan of water for 0.5 hours.

It is important to monitor the looseness of the soil, because pelargonium roots love to receive Fresh air constantly. Feeding is carried out with special complexes mineral fertilizers(for example, “Pelargovit”) no more than every 2-3 weeks, simultaneously with watering.

For plants to form lush bushes, they need to be pinched carefully clean hands or disinfected scissors, treating the cut areas with activated carbon.

Video “Propagation of pelargonium by cuttings”

From this video you will learn how to independently propagate pelargonium from cuttings.

Blooming geraniums on a windowsill were considered philistinism in Soviet times. Modern man rejects such ideas, so you can find pelargonium in almost every home. It blooms profusely and beautifully throughout almost the entire year, it is unpretentious, useful - what more could an owner wish for? The rules for caring for geraniums are simple, but they exist and must be followed. Experienced gardeners share their tricks for growing healthy pelargonium. For harmonious development, it is important to replant the plant on time and correctly.

Features of growing a flower at home

There is nothing particularly complicated about the rules for caring for geraniums. But it is necessary to highlight the basic requirements for the conditions of growth and flowering of the plant and comply with them. The main thing to remember is that geranium is a drought-loving plant. After all, pelargonium is a guest native to Africa. It copes better with a lack of moisture than with its excess.


You can water geranium every day, two or three times a week, sometimes one procedure is enough for 7–10 days. It all depends on the air temperature in the room in which pelargonium grows. How to determine what needs to be watered? The answer is simple: the top layer of soil in the pot has dried out. Clear signs of waterlogging: withered leaves, lack of flowering, the appearance of mold at the base of the stem and on the ground.

Geranium does not require spraying the leaves. It's bad for her. Protect her from such a test.

Air temperature

The ideal temperature varies from 18 o C to 25 o C. Geranium tolerates extreme heat well. 10 o C or slightly higher - optimal in winter period rest when the plant does not bloom.


Pelargonium loves a lot of sun. In the house, the flower should be placed on the south, southwest or southeast window. Geranium will survive in partial shade, but stormy and long flowering will not be.

Geranium loves loosening the soil. But this must be done carefully, to a depth of no more than five cm.

Top dressing

With the right soil, geranium at home needs feeding once a month. For flowering and a healthy appearance, it needs potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. The flower also needs nitrogen. Can be purchased special means for geraniums or use universal preparations for flowering indoor plants.

To prolong flowering, feed the geranium with iodine water once a week (a drop of iodine per liter).

Fertilizer is applied after the main watering, about half an hour later. The soil must be moist so as not to burn the roots. In summer, while feeding, it is recommended to remove the plant from the sun and then keep it in partial shade for another 2–3 hours.


In the spring, all shoots are pruned, leaving no more than 5 growth buds. If time is lost, the procedure can be carried out in early autumn.

Pruning the plant allows you to create a beautiful bush shape and stimulate the formation of more buds.

How to plant geraniums correctly: choosing a container, requirements for soil composition and other nuances

With proper care, geranium can grow and bloom for 10–12 years, maintaining its decorative appearance. How often does it need to be replanted? This depends on the rate of formation of green mass. Fast growth requires annual replanting of the plant, slower growth - once every two years. The usual schedule for updating a pelargonium pot is every 10 to 12 months.

Which pot to choose for geraniums

Geranium does not tolerate large space for the roots. If you plant pelargonium in a pot of significant volume, it may even die. It definitely won’t bloom until the roots “master” the entire soil. Therefore, it is better to plant the flower first in a small container, and after a year change it to a larger one. For one root, a pot with a diameter of 10–14 cm is suitable; its height should not exceed 15 cm (ideally 10–12 cm). When changing a container, its diameter is taken into account; the new pot should be 1.5–2 cm larger than the previous one.

The pot should have drainage holes. The appearance of pelargonium roots in them is a signal to transplant into a large container. A container made of unglazed ceramics is best suited. The bush feels good in it, grows and blooms. But there is one drawback: the soil dries out faster in clay dishes than in plastic ones. Therefore, more frequent watering is required.

Photo gallery: choosing the right pot

A pot for geraniums must have drainage holes for drainage excess water
For geraniums, it is important that the pot is not “to grow”; in a cramped container the plant blooms more profusely
Each new pot for geraniums should be 1.5–2 cm larger in diameter than the previous one.
Geranium grows better in ceramic pots - they allow air to pass through well, promoting soil aeration

Soil for pelargoniums

Geranium is not particularly demanding on soil quality. But for comfortable development of the bush, loose and well-drained soil is needed. The following compositions are optimal:

  • substrate for indoor flowers or universal soil mixed with the components necessary for geraniums: perlite, vermiculite, river sand(the first two substances can be replaced with peat and humus, taken in approximately equal proportions);
  • top layer of soil from the garden (it is better to take it from under bushes and trees);
  • turf soil, humus, coarse river sand (8:2:1).

When can geraniums be replanted?

Indoor flowers are usually picky when it comes to replanting. Plants tolerate such stress better and easier in the spring. Geranium in this sense does not make any special claims. Of course, spring transplantation is perceived by pelargonium as a natural process after winter holiday and stimulates it to intensively increase green mass and further flowering.

This period covers the end of February, all of March and the first ten days of April. After transplanting at this time, pelargonium will delight you with lush flowers until the onset of frost.

If the deadlines are missed, you can replant in the fall, in September-October. But if there are clear signals that the plant needs an appropriate procedure (roots sticking out of the drainage hole, mold on the ground, disease), it can be replanted at any time of the year. Still, it is very undesirable to disturb geraniums in winter and at the time of flowering.

Features of transplanting pelargonium after purchase

  1. Buying geraniums does not mean immediately replanting them from transport store soil. Over the past weeks, the plant has had to quickly adapt to changing temperatures and lighting several times, so we need to take pity on it and let it adapt to new living conditions. As a rule, it takes several weeks (from two to four) to get used to. Then they proceed according to the algorithm:
  2. We take a pot a little larger than the previous one.
  3. Prepare fresh earthen mixture.
  4. We transfer the plant into a new container, after moistening the soil a little.
  5. Add soil to the edges of the pot (do not compact it).

Water carefully. Before transplanting, carefully inspect root system plants. Healthy roots entwine the earthen lump completely. It is necessary to shake off the substrate and wash them only if rot, diseases or insects are detected. In other cases, the whole earthen lump is moved to new soil . Young roots will get everything they need from it.


Some amateur flower growers violate generally accepted rules for transplanting purchased geraniums. They immediately carry out the above-described procedures with it, believing that there is no need to wait and it is better to subject the plant to all the tests right away, rather than dragging them out for a month.

You can plant a sprig of geranium without roots. The ideal time is spring or early autumn. It's usually done like this:

  1. A geranium branch 5–7 centimeters long with two to five leaves is cut at a right angle.
  2. Warm, settled or boiled water is poured into a transparent glass.
  3. A geranium cutting is placed in water. It needs to be changed every 2-3 days. To speed up the rooting process, dissolve in liquid succinic acid(250 ml tablet) or add a little biostimulant - Epin, Zircon, Kornevin (2-3 ml per liter).

Keeping the future pelargonium bush in water for a long time can cause rotting of the part lowered there. To prevent this, you can put an activated carbon tablet in the container.

Most gardeners do not immerse the cuttings in water, but immediately root them in a prepared pot with an earthen mixture. After pruning, the cuttings are dried at room temperature about two hours. Then they are seated in transparent plastic cups, filled with universal soil for flowering indoor plants or peat chips. The type of geranium affects the method of rooting: zonal geranium produces roots faster in water, fragrant - in the ground, royal also prefers soil, but the process is slow.

The dishes with future bushes are placed in a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight. Ivy and zonal geraniums are ready to be transplanted into a pot in 10–15 days; royal geraniums will take a month. Transparent cups are good because the appearance of roots can be quickly noticed - they reach the walls of the dish in a few days. Another criterion that the procedure was successful is the appearance of a new leaf.

Is it possible to replant flowering geraniums?

During flowering, any plants spend a lot of energy on forming buds and ripening seeds. During such a period, it is better to take pity on the geranium, increase feeding, and not subject it to additional stress. Otherwise, first the flowers will fall off, then the leaves will turn yellow. The plant may even die. It is recommended to wait for the end of flowering and replant the pelargonium after 5–10 days.

If there is an urgent need to transplant the geranium into a new pot at the time of flowering (the plant was dropped or damaged, the bush became sick), then this can still be done. You need to try to transfer the pelargonium into a new container without damaging the roots or destroying the earthen lump. The flowers will, of course, fall off, but the geranium will survive.

Features of plant care after transplantation

Geranium transplanted into a new pot does not need feeding for the first two to three months. It will take all the nutrients from fresh soil. Therefore, the pelargonium bush requires only timely watering as the soil dries out. It is important to ensure optimal temperatures and correct lighting. After the appearance of new leaves and the growth of the rooted cuttings, pinch the pelargonium so that it does not stretch upward, but bushes.

Step-by-step instructions for planting and transplanting

Before starting work on transplanting or planting geraniums, you need to prepare everything you need: a pot, scissors, soil mixture, a watering can with warm water. If you decide not to use new dishes, and the one in which another flower grew should be soaked for a day in bleach for disinfection or boiled. Then rinse thoroughly in running water and dry. Further actions proceed according to the algorithm:

  1. Place at the bottom of the pot brick chips, pieces of polystyrene foam or expanded clay. You can use broken pieces of a bat ceramic tableware, crushed stone and gravel. The thickness of the drainage layer is about 1–2 cm.
  2. Water the geranium and wait for the water to be absorbed. Then we take out the plant along with a lump of earth. To do this, turn the pot upside down, holding the pelargonium by the trunk at the base. We grab the container with our other hand and pull out the plant. You can gently tap the bottom with your palm.
  3. We inspect the roots of the extracted plant. We cut off areas affected by rot and other damaged tissues with a sharp, disinfected knife or scissors.
  4. Carefully place the rhizomes in the prepared pot on the drainage layer. We fill the voids with soil and compact them slightly. You need to leave about two centimeters of empty space to the top of the container so that when watering the water does not overflow over the edge.
  5. Water the plant and put it in partial shade for about a week. After seven days, place the geranium in its permanent habitat.

Video: how to transplant geraniums into another pot

How to rejuvenate geraniums by transplanting

Geranium feels good in one pot for several years. But a three-year-old plant may already need updating. Rejuvenate the pelargonium bush better in spring, in March-April. To do this, geraniums are pruned, leaving about five growth points on each shoot. This procedure helps to give the bush a beautiful shape and increase the number of buds in the future.

The second way to rejuvenate geranium is to get seeds and grow a new plant from them. It is important to remember that if a pelargonium variety belongs to category F1 (breeding hybrid), then the desired result may not be achieved - the varietal characteristics of the mother plant will not be passed on to the descendants.

The third method is dividing the bush. To do this, water the pelargonium abundantly, after a day, take out a lump of earth from the pot and divide the roots into required quantity copies. Then proceed according to the instructions.

Possible problems associated with transplantation and solutions

Transplanted geranium is a big sissy. She is exposed to many dangers. All of them come from improper care of the “newborn” flower. Water the plant along the edge of the pot, and not at the root. The soil must be loosened especially carefully and shallowly. The first week after transplantation, active sun is dangerous for geraniums; they need light partial shade.

Sometimes pelargonium leaves change color and lose tone. Why does geranium turn yellow after transplantation? This is the plant’s reaction to the stress it has experienced. You need to pinch them off and remove the inflorescences. After two to three weeks, pelargonium will return to normal. For prevention, you can pour a solution of Kornevin, Heteroauxin. They stimulate the formation of roots.

Geranium is a favorite of many gardeners. Growing it is not an easy task. At proper care you can plant a whole garden of pelargoniums. They bloom beautifully and profusely, their aroma neutralizes microbes in the room and has a beneficial effect on human vital activity.