Calculation of p. What is a square meter. Regularly shaped room area

Calculation of p. What is a square meter.  Regularly shaped room area
Calculation of p. What is a square meter. Regularly shaped room area

Purchase necessary materials renovating a room is a responsible undertaking. And sometimes the main thing is to decide on their quantity, and not just on quality and appearance. To purchase materials in exactly the quantities needed, you will have to carefully measure the room. How to count square meters gender? Everything is quite simple, just understand the principle and remember your school mathematics lessons.

Any renovation cannot begin without accurate knowledge of the size of the room. To count the number of wallpapers or panels, you need to know the dimensions and area of ​​the walls in order to purchase a sufficient amount ceiling tiles measurements are taken from the ceiling. Of course, for purchasing in the required quantities flooring you will also have to try and find out the area of ​​the entire floor space.

Every person who decides to start renovations on their own is faced with taking measurements of the premises and determining the area of ​​the base. If the owner of a residential property turns to specialists for help, then he will not have to delve into anything - the specialists will do everything themselves. However, many still decide to carry out repair work with your own hands. This allows you to significantly save money spent on repairs.

The main reasons for the need to determine the floor area are as follows:

  • repair or initial installation of flooring;
  • pouring fresh screed;
  • arrangement of a log system;
  • floor painting;
  • applying other building materials to the floor;
  • determining the size of living space when preparing documents or buying/selling an apartment or house;
  • determining the compliance of the premises with the room plan;
  • selection of furniture by size;
  • drawing up a room plan for further work;
  • assessment of the cost of specialist work and other costs.

Basically, knowledge of the floor area is required in order to calculate the amount of building materials needed for finishing that will be used during the work. For example, volume cement mixture for pouring screed, quantity of self-leveling floor or laminate packs, etc.

On a note! In order to calculate required amount materials, you need to know not only the area of ​​the room by floor, but also the area of ​​one part of the material you have chosen. For example, slats or tiles.

Room area in square meters

Do not confuse area with perimeter. Area is the size of the entire floor space limited by a certain perimeter of the walls. And the perimeter is the sum of the lengths of all sides of the room. Knowing the perimeter is also necessary, but this value is calculated in order to calculate how much skirting board will have to be purchased for finishing rooms.

What dimensions are needed for calculations?

So, what measurements will you need to take to determine the area of ​​the room? The answer is simple - everything that touches the perimeter of the room, and it doesn’t matter whether the room is geometrically flat or has a lot of niches and corners. Generally speaking, to calculate the area of ​​any room you will need its length and width.

What tools are used to calculate areas?

To calculate the area of ​​a room, you can use various computer programs, various mathematical formulas for calculations. But the dimensions of the sides of the geometric figure that the room corresponds to will have to be taken in any case.

Table. Tools for taking room dimensions.


Necessary for recording the readings obtained. If you don't write down the readings, you can quickly get confused. Also, paper and writing utensils will be useful for drawing up a floor plan.

With its help, all dimensions are directly determined. How bigger room, the longer the tape measure you will have to purchase. You should not use the soft fabric measuring tape that cutters use - it is quite short and soft, so taking measurements will be inconvenient and errors can be made.

Required to perform all mathematical operations. It is convenient because it will reduce the risk of errors.

A convenient device that will allow you to quickly and accurately take measurements of any room.

May be needed to measure angles indoors. It is worth remembering that even seemingly right angles are not always so. And sometimes you know Exact size angle is necessary.

Manual calculation on a piece of paper is convenient because all parameters can be immediately measured on the spot and the necessary adjustments can be made. But make a mistake when manual way The calculations are quite simple, so it’s better to recalculate all the indicators once again.

On a note! It is better to re-measure the room if you are unsure of the readings than to end up buying an insufficient amount of material or purchasing it in excess.

To automatically calculate the area of ​​a room, it is convenient to use various graphic editors. This could be AutoCAD, ArchiCAD or SketchUP. They create a figure according to the shape of the room, the dimensions of all its sides are indicated when creating the layout. The area of ​​the room will be given by the program automatically and with high accuracy(down to centimeters and millimeters). Everything will depend on the accuracy of the measurements taken. The use of these programs is especially recommended if it is necessary to calculate the area of ​​a room with complex geometry. The disadvantage of this method is the need for at least a superficial study of programs, as well as the use of computer equipment.

How to calculate floor area?

The main rule when measuring the parameters of premises is to take measurements along one line. For example, along the wall. However, the tape measure should be placed on the floor, since the walls may have some curvature. If the room is filled with bulky things, then measurements can be taken not along the wall, but slightly to the side of it. The main thing is to make sure that the tape measure lies flat and does not bend, otherwise there may be a large error.

Calculating the area of ​​a rectangular room

A room that does not have any, even small, protrusions and niches or, simply put, is rectangular is the easiest option for taking measurements and calculating area values. Here it is enough to recall the most simple formula from a mathematics course - how to calculate the area of ​​a figure such as a rectangle. To do this, you only need to measure the width (A) and length of the room (B). Thus, we get that S (area) will be equal to the value that will be obtained by multiplying two indicators A and B.

On a note! If the number is not a whole number, then it must be rounded up. For example, 4.357 is rounded to 4.5 m2.

The results of all measurements are indicated in meters. Centimeters are indicated after the decimal point. For example, the length of the wall turned out to be 376 cm, then it turns out (in 1 m - 100 cm) that the length of this wall will be equal to 3 m 76 cm.

Calculator for calculating the area of ​​a quadrangular room

Length of side "A 1" (in centimeters)

Length of side "A 2" (in centimeters)


Side length "B (h)" (in centimeters)

Number of niches or passages

Niche length "a" (in centimeters)

Niche width "b" (in centimeters)

Number of projections or columns

Protrusion length "a" (in centimeters)

Protrusion width "b" (in centimeters)

How to calculate the area of ​​a room that has niches and projections?

What to do if there are various niches or columns in the room that cannot be hidden or dismantled? In this case, you will have to tinker a little with the calculations, since from the values total area you will have to calculate the indicators of the areas occupied by these same columns and add the area of ​​each niche to the result.

In this case, it is most convenient to depict on paper the exact shape of the room, indicating all the projections, niches and columns. Next, measurements are taken of the long and straight sides of the room and written down in the appropriate place on a piece of paper. After this, the perimeter of each column is measured and the area of ​​each column is calculated using the above formula (S = A x B). Next, the parameters of the area of ​​each niche are calculated in separate blocks using the same principle.

Then everything is simple - the main area is calculated, i.e. the length and width of the longest walls are multiplied. The areas of the columns are subtracted from the resulting value, and then the niche areas are added to the result. We get the exact area of ​​the entire room.

In some cases (for example, a room is made in the shape of the letter “L”), you can visually divide the room into several even shapes (for example, rectangles), take measurements of each shape separately, then calculate the area of ​​​​each element and sum up all the obtained values.

Calculation of floor area in an irregularly shaped room

For rooms that have an irregular shape, calculating the area is much more difficult. Difficulties are added by elements such as arches, niches in the shape of a semicircle, sloping walls, etc. Essentially, the principle of calculation is the same - you need to divide the room into several even shapes and calculate the area of ​​each separately, and then sum it up. But the area of ​​a circle or triangle is calculated using different formulas.

For example, the area of ​​a triangle is calculated as follows: the length of the base is multiplied by the height of the triangle and divided by 2.

On a note! The easiest way is to divide the entire room into even shapes such as squares and triangles, and calculate their areas separately, and then add them up.

Calculating the area of ​​multi-level stripes is not as difficult as it seems. The areas of individual segments are simply calculated and summed up. If the steps need to be finished with the same flooring material, like the rest of the floor, then it is enough to measure the area of ​​the side of each step and add it to the total figure.

If a room has the formula of a trapezoid, then you can calculate its area without dividing the room into simple figures. The trapezoid formula is calculated as follows: the length of the upper border (shorter side - a) is summed with the length of the lower border (b), then multiplied by the height of the trapezoid (h) and the resulting result is divided by two. The area of ​​a quadrilateral with equal sides can be calculated using the formula: S = a (length of the long side) x h (height of the quadrilateral).

Floor area calculator

In order not to suffer from manual calculations on paper and not to master computer programs, you can use the help of online calculators. A lot of Internet resources provide this opportunity. In a special window, you just need to enter all the data, and after clicking the “calculate” button, the final calculated data will open in a new field or on a new page. Typically, all indicators are entered in meters, but you can specify other units of measurement if desired.

Advantages of online calculators:

  • no need to count manually;
  • you can easily obtain the area of ​​any figure;
  • the speed of calculations and their accuracy are high.

Calculator for calculating the area of ​​a triangular room

Length of side "a", (in centimeters)

Side length "b", (in centimeters)

Side length "c", (in centimeters)


Step-by-step calculation of room area

Step 1. The first step is to prepare everything measuring instruments, as well as a piece of paper and a pen. On paper, you can first draw a diagram of the room, trying to preserve the geometry as much as possible and display all the niches and details of the room. The tape measure used is as long as possible.

Step 2. The length of the room is measured. If it is so large that there is not enough tape measure, then measurements are taken in stages. To begin with, measurements are made on maximum length tape measure, a mark is made at the end point, from which the measurement is then made again to the end of the room.

Step 3. The width of the room is measured (along the wall with the shorter length). The tape measure is positioned at right angles to the previously measured wall of the room (length). The received data is recorded.

Step 4. The resulting indicators are multiplied among themselves. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a calculator. If necessary, the area value is rounded up.

Step 5. If you need to measure the area of ​​a geometrically complex room, then first the complex figure is divided into several simple ones - squares, triangles, rectangles. The object is depicted schematically on a piece of paper and divided schematically.

Step 6. Each figure is measured separately. For example, rectangles, triangles.

Step 7 The area of ​​each figure is calculated. Next, all the obtained values ​​are summed up and the total exact floor area of ​​the room is obtained.

Video - Calculating the floor area of ​​a room

Video - Calculating area in SketchUP

Counting the number of tiles

Knowing the area of ​​the room, calculating the amount of flooring will not be difficult. Let's figure out how to figure out how many tiles you will need for a particular room. To do this, you need to find out what the area of ​​​​one element is tile covering. Knowing this data, it is easy to produce necessary calculations. For example:

  • room area – 15 m2;
  • the size of one unit of tile is 0.20x0.30 m.

Thus, the area of ​​one tile will be 0.2x0.3 = 0.06 m2. Next, we divide the total area of ​​the room by the area of ​​one tile and get: 15/0.06 = 250 units. This is exactly how many tiles will be needed to cover the entire subfloor in this room. Exactly the same method is used to calculate the amount of laminate or parquet board, as well as other materials.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

In any room requires significant financial investments. You can reduce your costs by purchasing optimal quantity material. To do this, you need to know exactly the dimensions and features of a particular room. This will allow you to avoid a situation where, after finishing the work, there remains some or that is difficult to use when finishing another room. Not everyone knows how to calculate the area of ​​a room if its shape is different from the correct one. A sector, semicircle or trapezoid can create difficulties when calculating for those who have long graduated from school or have not mastered a mathematics course well. However, remembering the basic formulas, it will not be difficult to cope with the task.

Square footage of the room - important indicator for repair

How to calculate a square meter: nuances that you should definitely know

Most often, when indicating the square footage of packaging for a particular building material, the manufacturer gives square meters. The SI system has been adopted in many countries. How to calculate square meter? You can draw a square with a meter side. In this case, the surface outlined by this square will be equal to a square meter. Most measuring instruments allow you to obtain measurement results immediately in square meters.

In addition to square meters, other units of measurement can be used. Having an online calculator makes calculating square meters much easier. However, if desired, you can perform the translation yourself by multiplying the existing value by the appropriate coefficient, you can find the desired value. First you need to determine the new unit of measurement. If this:

  • Ft. We use a coefficient of 0.093. This ratio is typical for square units measurements. Having calculated the linear values ​​in feet and received the value in feet, we multiply the quadrature by 0.093 and get the new quadrature value, expressed in square meters. If the calculation is performed correctly, the numerical expression of the area should decrease. If the accuracy of calculations is subject to increased requirements, instead of the coefficient 0.093 it is better to use 0.092903;

  • Yards. The coefficient is 0.84. The conversion of cores to square meters is carried out according to the algorithm described above. For more accurate calculations you can use correction factor 0,83613;
  • Acres. When calculating the square footage of a room, such units of measurement are rarely used, since one acre is equal to 4050 square meters. However, if necessary, the translation can be made using the correction factor 4050 (4046.9 with a more accurate calculation).

Other units can also be used. When converting area, it is important to remember that we're talking about about squares, and therefore not the ratio of linear dimensions, but areas, is used.

Finding the correction factor in this case is quite simple. If it is known that the meter and the desired unit of measurement are correlated as a coefficient K, then the correction factor will be numerically equal to K². For your information!

Using online calculators, square meters can be easily converted to any other unit of measurement in a fraction of seconds, avoiding complex calculations.

How to calculate area: remember the basic formulas Many people are interested in how to find out the area of ​​a specific room, knowing it. At first glance, the calculation may seem too laborious. Many people prefer to seek help from specialists, believing that in this case they will be able to avoid mistakes. If you don’t want to pay money for work that you can easily do yourself, it’s worth remembering the basic formulas for calculating area. With their help it will be possible to calculate the square footage of any room.

Everyone can easily answer how to calculate the area of ​​a rectangular or square surface. Triangular, round or segment-shaped can cause certain difficulties. Having updated your knowledge, you can immediately begin calculating the area of ​​a simple-shaped room.

Knowing the procedure for calculating simple ones, it is not difficult to understand how to calculate the area of ​​a complex surface. Even the most intricate figure can be broken down into many simple ones, and then, after calculating each one, the total value can be found.

How to calculate the area of ​​a triangle: use proven formulas

A triangular room is rare. However, if the room has a non-standard layout, it is mentally divided into simple figures, one of which may be a triangle. How is the area of ​​a triangle calculated? Simple enough. All calculations can be performed independently or using an online calculator.

S = 1/2 × H × A , Where

A - side;

N – the height drawn to this height. Numerically equal to the length of the perpendicular drawn from the angle opposite to the given side.

The calculation using this formula is quite simple. However, if an error is made during the measurement process, for example due to incorrect height measurement, the resulting value may differ significantly from the true one. To avoid this, you can use more complex shape lu Heron, which allows you to find the quadrature of a triangle by the lengths of its three sides: A, B and C.

To calculate, you will need to find the semi-perimeter p, numerically equal to ½(A+B+C) . The area of ​​the triangle in this case will be equal to square root from the work p × (p - A) × (p - B) × (p - C) .

Online calculators offer the use of several calculation methods at once:

  • The base and the base connected to it;
  • Heron's formula;
  • Lengths adjacent sides and the corner between them.

Calculator for calculating the area of ​​a triangular room

How to find the area of ​​a rectangle: taking into account the nuances and features of the calculation

Most standard rooms have exactly rectangular shape. Especially in multi-storey buildings. To calculate the area of ​​a rectangle of regular geometric shape, you need to know the length A and width B of the room. Let's multiply them together:

S = A × B

The required parameter will be expressed in the corresponding square units.

Knowing how to calculate the area of ​​a rectangle, you can check your result using a calculator. In this case, the value you are looking for can be found in different ways using:

  • Height and length of the base;
  • Two sides and the angle between them;
  • Two diagonals and the angle between them.

All three methods will provide the same value, provided that the measurements were taken correctly. An online calculator can always be used to check the obtained value. Most often, using an online calculator to calculate the area of ​​a rectangle, enter the length and width of the sides, and then select the units of measurement. After clicking the “Calculate” button, you can see the desired value.

To be able to use these formulas and the rectangle, you need to check the correctness of the rectangle. For such a figure, opposite sides and diagonals should be equal, and adjacent ones should intersect at right angles. If it turns out that the opposite sides are equal, and the neighboring ones intersect at an angle of 85 degrees, then we are not talking about a rectangle, but about a parallelogram. The calculation procedure in this case will be slightly different.

Attention! Don't rely on builders. Measure the lengths of all sides, angles and diagonals to ensure that your calculations are correct.

If after measuring the diagonals you get different meanings, which means the room has the shape of a parallelogram, not a rectangle. To calculate the quadrature, you should additionally measure the height of the figure drawn to the larger side. For this:

  • Mark a point on the larger side. You can use the intersection point of adjacent sides;
  • We lower the perpendicular. It must cross the opposite side;
  • We measure the value of height H;
  • Calculate the area of ​​the room by multiplying H by the length larger side A.

Calculator for calculating the area of ​​a quadrangular room

How to calculate the area of ​​a trapezoid: the formula will help

Before you begin the calculations, you should remember which quadrilateral is called a trapezoid. This is a figure in which two opposite sides are parallel to each other (bases), and the other two (sides) are located in an arbitrary manner. The angles between the base and the sides may or may not be equal.

To calculate the area of ​​a trapezoid, the following parameters will be required;

  • Length of bases A and B;
  • The height of the trapezoid H is the distance between the bases. To find the value, measure the length of the segment perpendicular to both bases.
Attention! By measuring the height of the quadrilateral at various points, you can verify that the bases are parallel.

S = 1/2 (A + B) × H

The calculation sequence does not depend on the ratio of the lengths of the bases or the height value. The formula is applicable for equilateral and ordinary figures. Using an online calculator, you can obtain the quadrature of the floor based on the lengths of the bases and sides. However, in this case you also need to make sure that the room is trapezoidal in shape.

How to calculate the area of ​​a circle: basic formula

A round hall can become a real decoration for a private home or public building. It is important to understand how you can calculate the area of ​​a circle. To find the desired value, you need to know the radius r or diameter d of the circle. These parameters can be found by drawing a line through the center of the circle. Its diameter will be equal to the found value, and its radius will be half.

When starting to calculate the area of ​​a circle, it is important to consider what size you will have to use. If we are talking about radius, then the area of ​​the circle will be equal to:

S = π × r²

When using diameter:

S = π × D² / 4

Calculate the area of ​​a segment and sector

Round rooms are rare. But you can encounter rounded corners in a particular room quite often. To calculate the square footage of a room, you should use the formulas for the area of ​​a sector of a circle. There are only two of them. Which one is preferable will depend on the available initial data.

In the first case, to calculate the required parameter, you need to know the length of the arc l , limiting the sector, and the radius of the circle r . The area of ​​the sector in this case will be equal to:

S = 1/2 × l × r

Given the curvilinearity of the line, it can be difficult to find the exact value of the arc. In this case, you should use the angle value α , formed by radii bounding the sector. The area will be equal to:

S = π × r² × α / 360

According to this formula, the area of ​​the semicircle will be equal to S = ½ × π × r² , and quarter circles ¼ × π × r² .

Sometimes you may need to calculate the area of ​​a circle segment. To do this, first find the quadrature of the sector, from which the area of ​​the triangle is then subtracted.

Knowing the radius of the circle and the angle between the radii of the sector, you can find the area of ​​the segment as follows:

S = r² / 2 × (π × α / 180° - sin(α))

Attention! When performing calculations, the angle value should be entered in degrees.

If calculating the area of ​​a sector and segment causes certain difficulties, it is worth using online calculator. When entering initial data, please pay attention Special attention per unit of angle measurement. If you want to enter a value in radians, the degrees must be divided by the number p.

How to calculate the area of ​​a room: practical tips and tricks will help

Before you start calculating, you should prepare. Required:

  • Roulette;
  • Pencil;
  • Paper. It is better to use a notepad or notebook in which all measurements and calculations will be entered as necessary;
  • Square. It is advisable to have a product with long length sides, since in this case the measurement quality will be higher;
  • Ruler. No need to purchase specially measuring device. A long level is perfect for this purpose, with which you can also check the deviation from the vertical and horizontal.

Roulette can be:

  • Mechanical. An affordable measuring device that everyone can use. To obtain accurate values, it is better to take measurements together. The measurement error is standardized. The unit of measurement is the millimeter;

  • Electronic. The measurement process uses a beam of light. Most often a laser beam. By directing the beam to a certain point, you can get the distance between it and your location. The units of measurement are millimeters or centimeters. Some models allow you to immediately obtain the quadrature of the room without additional calculations. One person can handle the measurement. Electronic devices allow you to get exact values measured quantity in a short period of time.

Helpful advice! The same parameter should be measured at least three times at different points. In subsequent calculations, use the arithmetic average.

To calculate the floor area, you need to decide which simple geometric shapes it consists. If we are talking about a standard room in panel house, then the floor will most likely be rectangular. Such buildings are built from standard elements, the shape and dimensions of which are standardized.

In brick apartment buildings The shape of the floor may be different. The surface should be conditionally divided into simple figures, find the area of ​​each, and then add the resulting values.

In order not to get confused later when converting the calculated area from one unit of measurement to another, it is worth knowing in advance how the square meters of a room are calculated. To do this, it is enough to immediately convert all measured linear dimensions into meters. For example, if the length of one side of 500 cm is equal to 5 m, that is, to convert centimeters to meters, the value should be divided by 100.

The area of ​​a rectangular floor can be obtained by multiplying the length of the room by its width. If the configuration of the room differs from the standard: there are rectangular niches, the calculation procedure will depend on their location:

  • Outside the premises. This situation arises if, for example, the wall between the room and the balcony is removed. You can calculate the total area by mentally dividing the room into two rectangles of area S1 and S. By measuring the sides of each of them, you can calculate the quadrature of the figures. The total area will be equal to:

S=S 1 + S2

  • Indoors. The calculation of the quadrature of each square is similar to the first option. To find the total value, subtract the smaller from the larger, that is:

S=S 1 - S2

  • Indoors and outdoors. This option is rare. To perform the calculation, the room should be divided into several rectangles. The square of those that add area should be added, and those that decrease should be subtracted.

The walls in the room are usually rectangular. Sometimes a trapezoid is found, for example, in the attic of a private house. Many people try to effectively manage all available space, and the characteristic trapezoidal shape gives the room a special charm. To calculate the entire quadrature of the walls at once, you should multiply the height of the wall H by the perimeter of the room p.

  • We measure the lengths of all walls in the room: A, B, C, D;
  • We add the resulting values ​​together: p = A + B + C + D .

Taking this into account, the total area of ​​the walls will be equal to: S = N × p = N × (A + B + C + D) .

Attention! When determining the height value, do not take measurements on the wall. If there is curvilinearity, the obtained values ​​will be inaccurate.

When calculating the square footage of walls, it is important to remember that not all of the area is useful. From the resulting total area, subtract the total area of ​​all existing openings: walls and doors. The same material is sometimes used to decorate doors as for walls. In this case, there is no need to subtract the square footage of the doorway. However, this is very rare.

To determine the square footage of a door or window opening, you should take measurements on the outside of the frame or frame. The calculation is performed taking into account the configuration of the window or door. If it has a complex shape, then we divide it into simple shapes, for example, a rectangle and a semicircle

When using a calculator, calculating the area of ​​the walls of a room is greatly simplified. The main thing is to take the measurements correctly and enter the values ​​in the appropriate cells, selecting the desired unit of measurement.

Video: how to calculate wall area

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When starting a renovation, the first thing you need to do is determine the required amount of building materials. The calculations can be carried out by the specialists who will perform the work. But they often make calculations with a large error in their favor. Let's look at how to independently calculate the area of ​​the walls.

For calculations you will need:

  • construction level;
  • tape measure with limiter;
  • long ruler and square;
  • pencil and paper;
  • calculator.

To draw dimensions, draw a diagram of the rooms. Let's designate doors, windows, niches, ledges. We will plot the measurement results on the drawing.

How to calculate the area of ​​rectangular walls

We measure height (h), length (a), width (b).

Area: S = P × h

Perimeter: P = (a + b) × 2

We measure the length and width of the rooms along the baseboard.

Height - by vertical angle.

P = (5 + 4) × 2 = 18 m;

S = 18 × 3 = 54 m².

How to correctly calculate the area of ​​walls with a complex surface

Not all rooms have a strict rectangular shape. Buildings often contain intricate architectural elements, complicating the calculation.

How to calculate the square footage of walls minus openings

When determining the exact scope of work, subtract the dimensions of windows and doors from total number square meters of room walls. To do this, measure the width and height of the window along the edge of the frame, and the dimensions of the door along the edge of the frame.

By multiplying the length and width of the openings, we get the size that needs to be subtracted.

We proceed in the same way if we need to exclude stoves, fireplaces, and radiators from the calculated square footage of a room.

The room has a window 2.5 m × 1.5 m and a door 0.9 m × 2.1 m.

S window is equal to 2.5 × 1.5 = 3.75 m².

Door S is equal to 0.9 × 2.1 = 1.89 m².

S walls minus openings is 54 − 3.75 − 1.89 = 48.36 m².

Determining the area of ​​irregularly shaped rooms

To determine the perimeter of buildings of any configuration, we add the lengths of all walls, including projections and niches.

Figure 1. Element with a protrusion.

Do not take measurements of premises correct form possible by dividing the surface into several simple shapes.

If you have a room with a rectangular projection, you have two figures whose squaring is easy to calculate, then add.

If an element contains a semicircle, to calculate it you need to divide it into a semicircle and a rectangle.

Figure 2. Element with a semicircle.

How to count square meters of walls with round elements

There are round and semicircular residential buildings or structures with elements of windows or doors in the form of an arch.

Their perimeter can be determined by multiplying the diameter by the number π (Pi) = 3.14.

We determine the square footage of the vertical surfaces by multiplying the resulting value by the height from floor to ceiling.

S of a circle is equal to the square of the radius multiplied by the number π; semicircle - half this value.

If it is necessary to subtract the area of ​​round columns or semicircular protruding elements from the square footage of a room, if it is impossible to measure the diameter or radius, measure the circumference (P) and apply the formula: S = P² / 4π.

How to calculate square meters of structures in the form of a triangle

If there is a room with triangular elements, we can apply several formulas, depending on the type of shapes:

Figure 3. Formulas for determining the area of ​​triangles.

Where a, b, c are the lengths of the sides of the triangle; p - perimeter.

Room volume

Calculating the area of ​​the walls of a house using a calculator

Will make calculations much easier special programs, which includes construction calculator in the online version.

To see how many square meters the walls are minus the openings, just select geometric shape premises and enter the indicators:

  • width;
  • length;
  • height;
  • number of openings;
  • sizes of windows and doors.

The construction calculator will calculate the amount of finishing materials needed for your renovation.

It must be remembered that geometric parameters buildings can rarely be perfect. Therefore, to determine exact values, it is better to take measurements in several places and then derive the arithmetic average. For example, when calculating the area of ​​a room based on the walls, it is better to measure the length along the ceiling, baseboard and in the middle vertical plane. Height - in the corners and the middle of the wall along a plumb line.

To calculate the perimeter when there are many projections and niches different forms, you need to lay a cord along all the elements, then measure it with a tape measure.

Having calculated the exact parameters, you can go to the store for building materials. It is better to show diagrams with dimensions to the sales consultant. A specialist will help you calculate the consumption of materials, taking into account overlaps, selection of wallpaper patterns or losses when cutting tiles.

If you don’t know where to find trouble, start plastering the walls of the house. This activity requires precision in approach to calculations and correct measurement surfaces for finishing. Therefore, before you start leveling and finishing the walls, figure out how to calculate the square footage of the walls for plaster. Knowing the vertical surface area for finishing will help you avoid unnecessary waste on consumables.

Correct calculations are the secret to quality repairs

Having made the correct calculation of the walls for plastering, consider that half the battle is done. Main question questions that are asked during construction: how to calculate the square footage of the walls in a room, taking into account window and door openings?

If plastering the walls construction crew, then the wizard will carry out the calculations independently. Even without doing this, but when planning construction, it is better to obtain knowledge of how to calculate the area of ​​walls. As a result, you will know the exact quadrature for self-finishing and be able to check the accuracy of the data of working masters.

What will be useful during the calculation

The quadrature is calculated using a tool such as:

  • construction tape (from 5 m);
  • pen or pencil;
  • calculator;
  • building level;
  • stepladder or stool;
  • a notepad or sheet of paper for notes and formulas.

Prepare the tools necessary to measure the walls and get ready to get to work.

Where to start calculating

Before calculating the square footage of the walls, move the furniture aside so you can move around unhindered. This important aspect, since the initial indicators obtained as a result of calculating measurements will reflect the volume of the room, the square footage of the floor and ceiling covering.

How to measure surface areas

To measure the surface, draw a straight line 4-5 cm above the level of the baseboard, using a level or other level rod to check.

Then, applying a tape measure to the line, measure the length of the walls and write down the figure on paper.

In the next step, get ready to calculate the height of the walls from ceiling to floor, following the same diagram. Having received required values, it remains to figure out how to calculate the quadrature of the walls using the formula.

Calculation rules

To obtain the area of ​​the walls in a rectangular room, the width is multiplied by the length. Let's look at an example.

Wall length 6 m, width - 4. S = 6 * 4 = 24 m 2. Similarly, calculate the area of ​​other surfaces and add them up. Length of two walls in rectangular room 8 m, the other two - 6 m each. As a result of folding: 8 * 2 = 16, 6 * 2 = 12, 16 + 12 = 28 m - the sum of the lengths of the surfaces of the walls of the room. S = 28 * 4 = 112 m2. This is the area of ​​all the walls in the room

Calculation of the area of ​​window and door openings

When figuring out how to calculate the square footage of walls correctly, it is worth considering that window and door openings are also measured to calculate the surface to be treated. Measurements are taken only from the slopes of openings. This stage is important when calculating the surface area to be finished. Thus, the area of ​​a rectangular window with a width of 1 and a height of 1.2 m is equal to 1.2 m2 (1.00 * 1.20 = 1.2). If there is more than one window in the room, then their sizes are measured separately. And the areas are summed up to obtain the final result.

Doorways are measured in the same way. Here it is important to take parameters not along the canvas, but along the slopes. As a result of the measurements, it becomes clear that the area window slopes 1.20 m2, and the doorway, for example, 4.80 m2. Then the dimensions are added into one number: 1.20 + 4.80 = 6 m2, and subtracted from the area of ​​the room: 112 - 6 = 106 m2.

Now you know how to calculate the square footage of walls and what formulas to use to get the exact final value. Such knowledge is useful and practical. After all, the owner of an apartment or house will not have to spend extra money on Decoration Materials, which will ultimately remain in excess. Knowing how much coating is needed, you can dramatically reduce the amount of waste and save on your renovation budget by spending money on decorating the interior of the room.