Choosing the best orthopedic pillow Choosing the best orthopedic pillows

Choosing the best orthopedic pillow  Choosing the best orthopedic pillows
Choosing the best orthopedic pillow Choosing the best orthopedic pillows

Quality sleep largely affects the mood in which a person wakes up, whether he will be cheerful and cheerful, ready to “turn mountains”, or drooping and depressed, and completely sleepy. Therefore, everyone is trying to seriously approach the choice. bed, considering whether to purchase a bed, sofa or couch.

But do not forget about bedding. With special care it is necessary to approach the choice of pillows. Most people, thinking about their health and quality rest, are increasingly buying orthopedic pillows. Such a product has recently become very popular and in demand among adults and children.

Buyers are wondering: how to choose an orthopedic pillow. Indeed, if this accessory is not selected in accordance with anthropometric indicators or without observing certain rules, then it will not be possible to achieve a healing effect.

Also Special attention it is worth paying attention to the filler, rigidity and shape of such a product.

Operating principle

Orthopedic pillow allows you to keep your head and neck in correct position when a person sleeps or rests, sitting on a sofa or bed. In this regard, the cervical muscles, as well as the arteries of the spine, which were clamped and did not properly nourish the brain, gradually become relaxed. Due to this, there is an improvement in the blood supply to the brain, less frequent headaches and dizziness, as well as tinnitus. A person sleeps better, and waking up in the morning, he feels well-rested and full of strength and energy.

The use of an orthopedic pillow from a young age will allow your child to form a correct posture and prevent the formation of scoliosis. Such an action is especially important for children who have an innate predisposition to such a disease.

Indications for use

An orthopedic pillow can be purchased as prescribed by a doctor in case of problems and difficulties with the musculoskeletal system, as well as for a preventive purpose, to prevent the occurrence of such diseases.

  • people with spinal injuries during a hernia or cervical region after an injury;
  • adults who suffer from insomnia, as well as sleep disorders;
  • patients who experience pain from osteochondrosis;
  • people with coccyx pathologies, problems and pain from the formation of hemorrhoids;
  • adults whose professional activity involves being constantly on your feet or, conversely, leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • people who experience headaches, dizziness or tinnitus.

In addition to this list, an orthopedic pillow is recommended to use:

  • patients with a variety of anatomical defects;
  • for sleeping place baby;
  • persons who like to sleep lying on their side;
  • people suffering from snoring;
  • people who have problems with the blood supply to the legs.

A similar accessory is also suitable for drivers if placed on the driver's seat, especially if a person suffers from hemorrhoids.

Such a product made of latex will also help prevent occupational foot disease.

Sleep accessory requirements

Orthopedic pillows have special requirements:

  • a similar accessory should be quite different modest size, as it is selected individually for one person;
  • the filler should be used, which has an acceptable and sufficient density;
  • the filler should also not cake and crumple under the pressure of the head;
  • the height and width of the orthopedic pad must be made in accordance with the size of your shoulders;
  • the accessory must contain at least one elastic roller.

Benefits of using

The main advantages of orthopedic pillows include:

  1. Convenience and comfort- such a product perfectly passes air, as it is made of special material with breathable properties. Thanks to this, the air does not stagnate, which means that the head will not sweat. After sleep, a person will wake up full of strength and energy.
  2. Hypoallergenic product- the basis of such products is hypoallergenic material that does not cause allergic reaction and other manifestations.
  3. Safety- in the filler used for the orthopedic pillow, dust mites and dangerous microorganisms do not multiply, mold does not form and fungus does not appear.
  4. Ergonomics- thanks to the therapeutic and prophylactic direction, which is designed to align the spine, a person has a great rest, as he occupies the correct position during sleep. The filler flexes under the weight of the head and neck as much as your spine needs. Therefore, the development of headaches, as well as pain in the neck and back, is prevented.


There are several types of orthopedic pillows:

  1. under the head- most often used for sleep. It has a special anatomical effect, which is provided due to a certain filler, the shape of the accessory, so this pillow allows the neck and head to take the correct position throughout the sleep. Some models also provide a cooling effect.
  2. For kids- this accessory is designed specifically for the youngest audience. Children's orthopedic pillow differs in shape and height, in addition, it should be purchased, focusing on the age of the child. Such products are used to prevent or treat torticollis, increased tone of the cervical muscles and other pathological changes in the cervical region.
  3. For travel- made in the form of a horseshoe and put on the neck of a person who is sitting. Due to the presence of silicone or metal springs, weight is retained, and therefore the filler does not collapse under load.
  4. For waist or back- such an orthopedic pillow should be used by people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, for example, drivers, employees in the office. The accessory is located between the back of the chair and the back of the person. Some models have straps and are attached to the seat.
  5. For legs- such a product helps to position the legs in a relaxed position. Thanks to the presence of additional inserts, its height can be changed. It is recommended to use persons who suffer from edema, varicose veins, joint diseases, fatigue.
  6. For pregnant and lactating women- thanks to the curved shape, orthopedic pads help a pregnant woman to sit comfortably on the sofa despite big belly. They are also used after childbirth, when the mother is breastfeeding.

Important features to choose

The quality of your sleep depends on the correct choice of an orthopedic pillow, so you need to carefully study the main characteristics of such a product, namely:

  • form;
  • the size;
  • rigidity.

The form

The form of such a product must be chosen, focusing on:

  • its structural features of the spine;
  • condition of blood vessels;
  • the presence of serious pathological changes in the body;
  • their usual sleeping positions.

There are several options for the forms inherent in orthopedic pillows:

  • roller;
  • oval;
  • trapezoid;
  • crescent - very convenient option for those who prefer to sleep on their back, its tips freely wrap around the neck, fixing it in the correct position;
  • rectangle - a positive result is observed, since a recess for the head is provided in the middle of the elastic filler;
  • a wave with two rollers is the most popular form, as it allows you to take any position during sleep;
  • with notch under the shoulder - perfect for complete man or for those who like to sleep on their side;
  • decorative option Or an anti-stress pillow.

The size

When purchasing an orthopedic pillow, you also need to pay attention to its dimensions:

  • Those with broad shoulders it is better to opt for an accessory with a length of 70 cm. For people with a fragile physique, a length of 60 cm is suitable. For children, such a product is often purchased 20 by 30 cm or 40 by 50 cm.
  • The height of the orthopedic pillow should be selected based on your favorite position, which you take when you sleep or rest. If you prefer to sleep on your left or right side, then the height of such a product should be at least 10 cm. It is better if a roller is present in such a model, it will help the head not to roll off the pillow.
  • If you love to sleep on your back, then opt for an accessory with a height of 6 cm or more with a notch in the middle. Also pay attention to the width of your shoulders, if they are wide, then the height should be greater.


You need to choose an orthopedic pillow for an adult according to its rigidity based on the usual position during your rest:

  • sleep on your side - a hard pillow will become for you ideal option;
  • rest on your back - choose a product of medium hardness;
  • favorite position on the stomach - buy the softest accessory.

Types of filler

Most often, the following fillers are used for the manufacture of orthopedic pillows:

  1. Latex- differs in springy properties. This type of filler is best purchased for people who sleep on their backs, as such a product relieves pain in the neck. It will not fall below the allotted mark and will quickly change shape, as soon as you roll over.
  2. Independent springs- Foamed polyurethane or latex is used as the basis for this accessory. The springs, which are located next to each other, help to better outline the head and neck during sleep. This filler responds well to movement. It changes shape without causing discomfort when you roll over on your side, back or stomach.
  3. memory material- made on the basis of latex and polyurethane. Distinctive feature of this filler - response to head weight and temperature human body. As soon as you lie on the pillow, you will notice that the product adapts to all the bulges and maintains the desired shape for a long time. As soon as you get up, the product will acquire its original appearance.
  4. Cooling gel - latest system changes the fluid that is inside, so such a product is able to adapt to the shape of the body, while at the same time providing a cooling effect. Besides given material performs a light massage. Please note that you will have to get used to such a pillow.
  5. natural filler- buckwheat husk - helps the air circulate better, removes migraine and pain in the cervical region and in general in the spine. The pad perfectly maintains its shape and does not change even under the influence of a high load. Such a product is perfect for patients suffering from osteochondrosis in the cervical or lumbar region, from scoliosis.
  6. Adjustable filler- this model has an internal zipper, which allows you to get or supplement the filler. With this feature, you can easily change the height and rigidity of the product.

In addition to everything else, some manufacturers of such products sell orthopedic pillows with a cover that is impregnated with aromatic oil with a calming effect.

Many people complain of constant pain in the neck, back and joints. common cause discomfort is considered an incorrectly selected pillow for sleeping. The accessory may be too soft or hard, high or, conversely, low. The posture in which a person is accustomed to rest also causes problems with the spine. An orthopedic pillow, which has therapeutic and prophylactic properties, will help to cope with the situation. The attribute must be selected taking into account individual characteristics person.

Positive features of an orthopedic pillow

  1. Comfort. Due to the breathable properties of the material, the pillow passes air well. It does not stagnate in the cavity of the fibers, as a result of which the head does not sweat. After a long rest, a person wakes up cheerful, and feels a surge of strength.
  2. Hypoallergenic. Almost all types of fillers do not cause individual intolerance. This is considered a definite plus for allergy sufferers. The exception is fluff or feathers, which are rarely stuffed with leisure accessories.
  3. Safety. Most pillows are made from materials that do not contribute to the development of the fungus. In products of an orthopedic orientation there is no mold, bed bugs and ticks, as well as other harmful microorganisms.
  4. Ergonomics. The main focus of therapeutic and prophylactic pillows is to align the spine. at the expense special filler a person sleeps in the right position all night. The pillow flexes under the weight of the head and neck just as much as the vertebrae require. This eliminates pain in the neck and back, migraines.

Choosing an orthopedic pillow: main characteristics

The product for rest is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of a person. Before buying, pay attention to your shoulder width, the rigidity of the existing mattress, your favorite sleeping position, and the price policy of the future pillow.

While in the store, analyze all the available characteristics of the product. These include the material of the filler and cover, as well as the stiffness, height, shape, width, size of the pillow.

To make you more specific about what we are talking about, let's consider the main characteristics in order.

Cushion size and height

  1. Leading manufacturers supply orthopedic pillows to store shelves rectangular shape. The dimensions of the products can be 40 * 60 cm, as well as 60 * 80 cm. The indicator should be proportional to the distance from shoulder to shoulder. In addition, you will find attributes in the form of a roller, crescent, circle, square.
  2. The set includes a pillowcase, which is often soaked essential oils calming action. However, you can dress up the pillow with a standard cover that you have at home.
  3. If we talk about the height of the accessory, the indicator ranges from 6-16 cm. An average person is suitable for a pillow with a height of about 10-14 cm.
  4. Experts advise choosing a height, taking into account your body features. Calculating the score is easy. Using a ruler, measure the distance from the edge of the shoulder to the beginning of the neck. Add 2 cm to the number (a standard mattress sags by this amount).

Pillow stiffness

  1. You got the approximate height of the pillow cushion. Now consider individual cases in which the indicator can vary in one direction or another.
  2. If you sleep throughout the night preferably on your back, buy a firmer and lower pillow, it will relieve snoring and eliminate back pain. Focus on the degree of compression of the mattress: the softer it is, the higher the product should be.
  3. For people who prefer to sleep on their stomach, a soft and relatively low pillow is suitable. It will reduce tension in the muscles and prevent pinching of the cervical vertebrae.
  4. For those who are used to resting on their side, it is advisable to choose an object for sleeping with a high degree of rigidity. Thus, the neck will not become numb, standing in line with the spine.

Pillow cost

  1. The pricing policy depends on the manufacturer (Russia, Italy, Germany, Korea, China, etc.), as well as the filler that forms the basis of the product.
  2. Accessories stuffed with latex and other impurities cost about 1500-2000 rubles. If speak about natural ingredients, the price can reach 5000 rubles.
  3. Of course, on the Internet or on the market you will find a pillow costing less than 1000 rubles, but its quality will be unsatisfactory. The price is also made up of accessories included in the kit (fragrant covers, pillowcases, etc.).

Pillow filler

  1. Feather, buckwheat husk. The listed types of fillers are natural. They are completely hypoallergenic, with the exception of individual intolerance. Such attributes are harmless due to the environmentally friendly composition. Buckwheat husk promotes accelerated air circulation, relieves migraine, fights pain in the neck and spine. The pillow perfectly holds its shape and does not deform under high load. Especially useful products are considered for people with cervical / lumbar osteochondrosis, as well as scoliosis.
  2. Foam rubber, polyester, synthetic winterizer. The materials listed are synthetic, but this list is incomplete. Pillows are often stuffed with holofiber, rubber, heat-treated silicone, polystyrene (many balls). The advantages of the listed fillers are considered to be hypoallergenic and price range. The disadvantages include the impossibility of wet cleaning (washing). However, the negative feature is compensated by the convenience of ventilation, 2 procedures per year are enough. Also, artificial fillers last more than 10 years and are considered very wear-resistant.
  3. Latex. Due to the fact that the material is made by thermal foaming, it perfectly retains and maintains its shape. The volcanic composition has springy properties. Pillows from such a filler should be chosen for people resting on their backs. Thanks to positive features latex, accessories based on it relieve neck pain. They do not fall below the mark and quickly change shape if you want to roll over. Latex is made on the basis of vulcanized and foamy hevea juice. The material contains more than 96% natural fibers.
  4. independent springs. The pillow is made on the basis of foamed polyurethane or latex, which perfectly retain their shape and maintain it throughout the sleep. The mini-springs are positioned next to each other to better define the head and neck during the rest period. The filler reacts to movements. It quickly changes its shape, without causing discomfort when turning over on its side, back, stomach.
  5. Memory material. Sleep accessories of this direction are made of latex or polyurethane. Main Feature products is considered a reaction to the mass of the head and body temperature of a person. When you lie down to rest, the material adjusts to all the bulges and retains its shape for a long time. After the cessation of exposure, the pillow gradually begins to take on its original form. Everything happens slowly. If you press the pillow with an open palm, you will replace that the filler literally envelops each finger. The cost of such accessories is average (about 2000-3000 rubles). The disadvantage is the impossibility of washing.
  6. Cooling gel. Technology doesn't stand still. Leading manufacturers of orthopedic pillows have developed a 3D gel for their products. innovative system deforms the liquid inside, due to this it adapts to the shape of the body and has a cooling effect. Due to the excellent load distribution, the material has massage properties. When buying, keep in mind that you will need time to adapt to such a pillow.
  7. Adjustable filler. Another novelty in the field of accessories for sleep and relaxation is a pillow with filler adjustment. The model has a hidden zipper, with which you can remove or report material. In this way, the owner has the opportunity to vary the degree of rigidity and the height of the pillow. Leading companies supply a pillow case soaked in soothing essential oils with the accessory.

Why an orthopedic pillow is not suitable

Having studied the listed parameters, you got acquainted with the required height, stiffness, size and filler of the pillow. However, for some reason you are uncomfortable sleeping on it? Review the criteria to look out for.

  1. If, after waking up in the morning, you experience shoulder numbness and pain in cervical vertebrae, such an outcome indicates excessive rigidity of the mattress and too low orthopedic pillow.
  2. In the case when during sleep you put your hand under the pillow, it means that its height is not enough. Buy another accessory with more rigidity. Measure again from the shoulder to the beginning of the neck to determine the desired height.
  3. If you do not get enough sleep, constantly tossing and turning and cannot take a comfortable position, the pillow is higher than it should be. Again, study the parameters, choose an accessory with a lower indicator.
  4. People who prefer to sleep on their side will benefit from the following information. If upon awakening you find that you woke up on your back, the selected orthopedic pillow is too low. During sleep, the head was not as high as required, so you subconsciously changed position.

  1. "Trelax". The Russian manufacturing company makes pillows no worse than their foreign counterparts. Products are designed for different categories of citizens: pregnant women, children, the elderly and young people. However, the main focus of the company is the production of pillows for babies. The designer allows you to distribute the load throughout the body, contributing to proper strengthening child's spine. All materials are environmentally friendly. Pricing policy starts from 1000 rubles.
  2. "Trives". The range of orthopedic pillows is wide, you will find a product for yourself, an elderly relative, an infant or a pregnant woman. The basis of the filler is latex, which adapts to the curves of the head and neck, remembering the position. Due to the massage of the collar zone, the muscles in this area relax, providing the person with comfortable sleep. If you have respiratory or allergic ailments, don't worry. Latex - environmentally friendly safe material. The cost of an accessory for sleep starts from 1500 rubles.
  3. "Consal". Products of the Konsal series are made from synthetic and natural materials. Many models have upper layer in the form of a gel that cools the scalp and makes a light massage of the collar area. This effect allows you to unload the intervertebral discs and relax the muscles. Due to the high ergonomics and diversity, each person will find an option, taking into account their physique. Pricing policy varies between 3000-5000 rubles.
  4. "Ormatek". The manufacturer produces products based on a breathable filler. This includes perforated volcanic latex, buckwheat hulls, cooling gel, hypoallergenic polyurethane. The pillow adapts to the human body, providing him with a comfortable sleep. As a result of air circulation, perspiration is regulated. The cooling gel pillow is suitable for people with elevated temperature body. Other fillers will reduce muscle tension and provide a massage to the collar area. Due to the “breathable” material, bacteria do not accumulate in the cavity of the pillow, which is considered especially valuable for allergy sufferers. The cost of products starts from 1200 rubles, it all depends on the size and specific filler.
  5. "Tempur". Pillow filling is sensitive to heat, so it conforms to the shape of the head short term. The material of this kind is sensitive to movements, you will comfortably sleep on your back, side or stomach. During the rest, the maximum support of the sewing vertebrae is provided, the muscles are unloaded. Pillows of this company can be rectangular, round, oval, in the form of a roller or crescent. The best option- rectangle. The cost fluctuates within 3500 rubles.
  6. Ascona. The manufacturer produces pillows and orthopedic mattresses. Today, the company occupies a leading position. Pillow filler is soft springs made of latex. They support the neck and head, retain their shape, promote accelerated air circulation. Ascona manufactures universal pillows, you can rest on your back, stomach or side without fear of discomfort. The cost of the accessory varies from 1000 to 5000 rubles.
  7. "Fosta". The lineup orthopedic pillows of this manufacturer is aimed at people with cervical osteochondrosis. In most cases, the filler is made from natural and artificial materials that adapt to human movements. The massage function unloads the intervertebral discs, thereby relaxing the muscles. Throughout the night there is a massive therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the problem area. In this way, excess stress is eliminated. The price of the product starts from 2500 rubles.
  8. Bedding Industries. Leading Italian company won Russian market. The product is based on high-quality hypoallergenic materials approved by healthcare. Thanks to the memory function, the pillow retains the shape of a person's head, providing a comfortable rest. Some models include a built-in player, allowing people to fall asleep to their favorite music. The cost of pillows is justifiably high, it fluctuates around 5000 rubles.

When choosing an orthopedic pillow, pay attention to the height of the product. It should be equal to the distance from the shoulder to the beginning of the neck. The optimal size is considered to be 40 * 60 cm, it can be smaller. Opt for accessories that hold their shape well and adapt to movement. It is desirable that the pillow provides a light massage during sleep.

Video: how to choose an orthopedic pillow

Should I buy an orthopedic pillow? What is its difference from the usual one and is it so great to use it? We will try to answer these questions below.

There are orthopedic pillows for sleeping and for everyday activities - for example, there is an orthopedic pillow under the back. It will be useful for those who work in the office or spend most of their time driving. But today we will talk about those pillows on which we sleep.

So, benefit. Unlike the usual one, the correct orthopedic pillow during sleep will allow you to:

At first, sleeping on an orthopedic pillow is unusual and uncomfortable for most people. Lovers of soft down pillows you may not like the completely non-soft fabric of an orthopedic product. However, after suffering only a few days, you will get used to it and appreciate all the advantages of using it. It seems impossible, but by purchasing a quality orthopedic pillow, you will get a healthy, restful sleep, forget about back and neck pain and headaches. Good dream- means a joyful morning, a productive day.

Have a good night and sweet dreams!

Healthy sleep is necessary for a person no less than good nutrition. Most residents of modern cities do not have the opportunity to relieve the tension of the muscular system during the working day. If during a night's sleep there is no effective relaxation of the body, then negative phenomena accumulate. Over time, for this reason, diseases of the spine can develop.

An affordable way out of the situation is to sleep on an orthopedic pillow. During this rest, effective support for the upper spine is provided. Blood circulation and tissue nutrition improves, metabolism is restored in full. In the morning, a person feels rested and full of energy.

If the decision to purchase bedding with orthopedic effect accepted, then the quality of the filler should be determined. Among the products of this group, two classes stand out: with natural and synthetic filling.

To first class relate:

  • bamboo fibers, wool, cotton,
  • buckwheat husk,
  • latex is the frozen juice of hevea.

Second class products are:

  • polyester fiber,
  • polyurethane foam,
  • gel fillers.

All of these materials have features, familiarity with which will help you make the right choice.

Synthetic fillers are used for a wide range of orthopedic products. Among them are innovative expensive materials, patented under trademarks world famous companies. There are also polyester fiber systems, which are of high quality and affordable.

  • Polyester fibers treated with silicone and twisted into microscopic spirals are optimal for filling bedding. Widely known materials of this composition are holofiber and comforel. Pillows from them - at the same time soft and elastic. The airy, elastic mass reliably supports the head, does not cause allergies and does not give shelter to dust mites. Washing does not harm polyester, products made from it are durable and economical. Pillowcase made of high quality cotton makes the pillow even more pleasant and comfortable.
  • Polyurethane foam is commonly known as foam rubber. In its usual form, it is not very good for pillows, as it is easily deformed and not hygienic. A new generation of foam materials has been created based on polyurethane. Shape memory foam - Memory Foam - was invented in the USA to protect astronauts from overloads. Memory Foam filler has become used in orthopedics, as it creates a surface under the influence of body heat. high degree comfort. The pillow does not offer counter resistance, ideally evenly distributing pressure from above. Perfect cushioning creates a weightless effect that promotes complete relaxation and deep sleep.
  • Pillow filling gel the last word in the production of orthopedic sleep accessories. The material is used in the form of an insert in the upper part of the pillow made of polyurethane foam and improves heat transfer in the skin of a sleeping person.

The price of a pillow cannot serve as the main selection criterion, as well as the naturalness of its filler. Synthetic materials have a healing effect, no less than natural. High price may be a consequence of the use of new production technologies, but this does not mean that you need to choose only expensive products. The decision should be made taking into account your own preferences and objective data. Help can be provided by the recommendations of people who already have experience in operating orthopedic pillows.

Alexandra Ivanovna, pensioner, Nizhny Novgorod:

“The pain in the neck did not let me sleep for a long time. On the advice of the local doctor, I bought a pillow with a ball filler and a thickened edge. It has become easier to fall asleep, and uninterrupted sleep now lasts several hours in a row, although before I woke up almost every hour. I advise everyone I know to buy such pillows.

Nikolai, taxi driver, Krasnodar:

“My work involves tension in the arms and neck. It was not possible to completely relax the muscles even during sleep. My wife gave me a memory foam pillow. At first it was unusual to sleep on it, the filler seemed hard. But I quickly noticed that now I rest much better and feel more cheerful in the morning. I want to give the same gift to my brother. He is a driver, just like me. Let him get enough sleep and become healthier.”

Natalya Valentinovna, mother of two daughters, Samara:

“My girls are 12 and 14 years old. A year ago, the doctor said they were at risk for scoliosis. I bought them branded orthopedic pillows from their latex. The purchase was expensive, but I did not regret it. The results of therapeutic sleep are already visible. The posture of the daughters has become more even, they sleep more calmly and wake up easier. I hope that my daughters will grow up slender and healthy.”

The modern orthopedic pillow has evolved from a simple sleeping accessory to a kind of exercise machine for the neck and upper back. The fillers support and relax the muscles and also have a massaging effect through the skin. Such prevention is preferable to the treatment of disease. Those wishing to buy wellness pillows can give a few tips.

  • The softness of the filling cannot serve as a basis for choosing one or another sample. The degree of stiffness is a healing factor that you can ask your doctor about.
  • Not a single orthopedic product has the same effect for everyone. You need to choose what suits a particular person. Therefore, consulting a specialist before buying will be useful.
  • Good sleep is important at any age - both in childhood and in old age. Medical accessories for relaxation are useful to absolutely everyone.

Responsible product selection in the store and a little patience to develop the habit of new conditions of night sleep - this is all that is needed to prevent serious diseases of the spine. good health deserves such an easy cost!

Healthy sleep is very important for the normal well-being of a person. It is important that the head is in the correct position during sleep. Not always the usual everyday pillow can provide such a position. It is also harmful to sleep without using a pillow at all. As a result, the spine is deformed in its cervical region, blood vessels and nerves are pinched, which worsens the blood supply to the brain and leads to pain. All this leads to the formation and progression of osteochondrosis. This sleep pattern is especially harmful for people who already have this disease. Therefore, for sleep, it is recommended to use an orthopedic pillow under the head.

Its use makes possible a healthy night's rest. Orthopedic sleep pillow can be called effective solution to prevent and prevent progression cervical osteochondrosis. If you know exactly how to choose the right orthopedic pillow for sleeping, the beneficial effect of its use will be maximum.

When indicated use

Before figuring out which orthopedic pillow is better to choose, it is recommended to decide on the indications for its use. Products in this category can be recommended for:

  • the presence of cervical osteochondrosis;
  • often disturbing pain in the neck area and recurrent headaches;
  • displacement of the vertebrae, injuries in the cervical region;
  • excessive tension in the muscles of the neck;
  • the presence of vertebrobasilar insufficiency;
  • pain of neuralgic etiology, myositis;
  • various types sleep disorders.

Sleeping on such a pillow is completely harmless to the body. The only contraindications are acute inflammation or skin lesions in the neck area, as well as the presence of an allergy to the material from which the product is made.

The basis of the beneficial effect is the maintenance of the upper spine during sleep in the correct position. Due to this, the load that affects the spine is reduced, muscle tone decreases, and blood circulation functions normally. As a result, pain is eliminated, normal healthy sleep, pathological processes leading to the development of osteochondrosis of the neck and many other diseases are eliminated. At the same time, it is extremely important to choose the right orthopedic pillow, because its main parameters should be fully suitable for a particular person.

Product varieties

You can choose the right orthopedic pillow provided that you determine the type of product that suits you. They are issued in various forms. The simplest is a rectangular pillow suitable for almost everyone. However, its effect is relatively small compared to more complex models. They may have one or two bolsters that provide convenient location neck. The pillow may have a special recess designed for the shoulder.

Separately, it should be said about special pillows designed for travel. They are placed during a trip in a car, bus, train, other transport. There are also orthopedic baby pillows, sleep on which contributes to proper formation child's spine.

What parameters you need to pay attention to when choosing

It is important to correctly determine which orthopedic pillow is better to buy. In order for the product to be optimally suited for a particular user, the following main characteristics must be taken into account:

  • dimensions (length of the product and its width);
  • height;
  • hardness level;
  • the form;
  • type of filler used.

The size

Buyers should have an idea of ​​how best to choose an orthopedic pillow in size. Do not get carried away with too large dimensions. It is enough that only the head of a sleeping person and his neck are located on the pillow. Do not forget to take into account that the posture changes many times during the night. It is recommended to select the optimal size of an orthopedic pillow so that the head constantly lies on it during sleep and does not roll down.

Each person has a unique physique. Therefore, ideally, the size of an orthopedic pillow for sleeping is selected individually. However, this possibility does not always exist. Therefore, depending on the physique, when choosing a product, you can follow the following universal recommendations:

  • children's pillows and teenage models should have a size from 20 × 30 cm to 40 × 50 cm;
  • for an average build - 40 × 60 cm;
  • for a large complexion - 50 × 70 cm.

Optimal product height

You need to understand how to choose the right optimal size orthopedic pillow in height. AT this case the defining moments are the sleeping posture and the complexion of the person.

When deciding on the moment how to choose the height of an orthopedic pillow, it must be taken into account that in any position the head should not be either lowered or raised. It should be in line with the body. If you prefer to sleep lying on your back, then for this pose optimal height pillow is 6-11 cm. If you prefer to sleep on your side, it is better to choose a model with a height of 9-13 cm.

If you need to know how best to choose the height of the orthopedic pillow according to the user's physique, then the size of 9-14 cm can be considered suitable for most people. For people with a large build and broad shoulders, it is better to use a pillow with a height of about 14-16 cm.

Rigidity and shape

Pillow of this type must be comfortable to use. At the same time, its rigidity also depends on the sleeping position. It is comfortable to lie on your back on a harder pillow, and on your stomach - on a soft one. Orthopedic pillows with medium firmness are more versatile. You can choose them if you prefer to sleep on your side.

The form of orthopedic pillows produced today can be very diverse. The most common are rectangular, round pillows, products in the form of single rollers. They may have special protrusions and recesses for more convenient use.

Types of fillers

According to the filler material used, the following main types of orthopedic pillows can be distinguished:

  • latex. Differ in long service, perfectly keep an initial form, have good elasticity. Latex is commonly used in soft to medium firmness pillows.
  • Polyurethane foam. This filling provides good support, optimal breathability and does not roll down.
  • with memory effect. A special filler is used that is sensitive to the heat of the human body. Thanks to this, he "remembers" his shape, which allows you to achieve great combination high orthopedic efficiency and comfort.
  • Polyester. Affordable, easy-care orthopedic pillows that allow you to independently adjust the height, make sleep comfortable and healthy.
  • Polystyrene. The filler is a lot of polystyrene balls, which are evenly distributed inside the cover. It provides effective support.

Having chosen the orthopedic pillow you like, it is recommended to lie down on it for a while before buying. In this case, you need to take the position in which you usually prefer to sleep every night. In this position, the spine must be straight. If even a slight discomfort is felt when lying on this pillow, it is better to refuse to buy it and choose another option.