Introductory word in contrast to. In contrast or unlike

Introductory word in contrast to. In contrast or unlike

How to write correctly: in contrast or in difference, or in difference?

    We immediately discard the third option as incorrect, but we’ll deal with the first two.

    Unlike This is a noun difference with the preposition c.

    For example:

    The main idea of ​​the work lies in the difference between the world of the past and the world of the present.

    In contrast it's an excuse.

    For example:

    I, unlike many present here, do not agree with this.

    We reject the third option right away; it will never be useful to us, because it will never be correct and correct.

    Let's think about the first two.

    There is a word difference. No one will argue? And when we talk, for example, about the difference between something, we add the preposition in and we get in contrast.

    And in difference - this is a difference in the prepositional case. Example: The point was the difference between these two signs.

    In the Russian language there is a difference in nouns, which, when declensed, has the following forms:

    I.p. difference

    r.p. differences

    d.p. difference

    v.p. difference

    etc. honors

    p.p. about difference, in difference

    And from this noun it is formed compound preposition unlike, for example:

    Unlike you, I hesitate to call him.

    I always write in difference, and I think that's right. By the way. If you decline the word difference, then in the prepositional case it looks like difference, that is, it has the ending и. Accordingly, it is written correctly in difference.

    Words are different ae does not exist and there is no need to write it anywhere.

    For other spellings of these words, see the examples:

    • excellent no from you, I can write correctly :);
    • excellent II our opinions are the whole point.
  • You cannot write differently. And the two remaining options will be correct. But both are used only where they are supposed to.

    In contrast.

    This is a phrase in the function of a preposition or a highlighted substantive phrase and sounds like in contrast to. It most often has dependent words and is separated (along with them) by commas. This turnover can be replaced by similar ones: in contrast, in contrast

    For example:

    I, unlike you, always write in contrast, and not in difference.


    This is a common object: a noun with a preposition, in the Prepositional case. It's not used very often, but it happens.

    For example:

    I see a lot of meaning in the difference (that is, in the difference) between poetry and prose.

    Both options will be correct. You can write both in difference and in contrast, only each in a certain context.

    For example: Unlike Vasya, Kolya completed all his homework.

    IN in this case We write e at the end, since we have a contrast. Here, unlike is a preposition, not an independent word.

    Another example of writing: It was all about the difference in their characters.

    In this version there are two and at the end, since the difference here acts as a noun with the preposition v. You can put a word between them. For example, the whole point was a slight difference in their characters.

    So, if there is a contrast (especially with the preposition from), then we write at the end with e, and if there is nothing to compare with, or no one, then we write and.

    Possible correct spellings in difference and in contrast.

    Now let's figure it out. There is a noun difference that ends in -ie. And such nouns ending in -i in the prepositional case are written with a letter and at the end. That's why Unlike- This noun e in the form of a sentence. pad. For example: The difference between these features is what makes the difference.

    Unlike- it's composite pretext. Therefore, you just need to remember it in its entirety in order to write correctly.

    For example: Stayers, unlike sprinters, must have greater endurance.

    Correctly writing in differences can be proven using the simplest example: no one writes find 10 differences, or find 10 differences. Well, as a last resort you can replace in difference with in contrast to something/someone)

    In difference You can never write. This would be a gross and incorrect mistake.

    Unlike This spelling is acceptable, but it does not occur very often. It is used when comparing 2 objects.

    In contrast correct and most common spelling.

    In difference, since the difference ends in -i and is in the prepositional case, and as the rule says, in such cases the ending -i is written.



The adverbial phrases “in contrast to + noun” can be distinguished by punctuation marks (commas, less often dashes). For more information about the factors influencing the placement of punctuation marks, see Appendix 1. ()

In contrast from his older brothers he was sickly and loud. L. Ulitskaya, Bronka. Just press your finger on the eyeball, and all real objects– unlike hallucinations – they will split into two. A. and B. Strugatsky, Monday begins on Saturday. “This is a fragment of the lunar surface,” said the flight director. – As you know, Omon, our space science mainly studies reverse side Moon, in contrast from Americans landing on the day side." V. Pelevin, Omon Ra.

@ Most reference books recommend not isolating phrases with the preposition “unlike.” However, writing practice shows that in many cases, highlighting with commas (or dashes) is appropriate. Therefore, it can be argued that the isolation of the phrase with the preposition “unlike” is optional; in controversial cases, the decision on the placement of punctuation marks is made by the author of the text.

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .

See what “unlike” is in other dictionaries:

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The words “unlike” and “in contrast” are spelled differently because they refer to different parts speech. The correctness of their spelling should be checked in the context in which “in contrast” manifests itself as a derivative preposition, and “in difference” is a combination simple pretext with a noun.

Derivative preposition " in contrast» formed by combining a simple preposition V and noun difference, used in the nominative case.

The preposition “in contrast” is used to indicate a specific object, phenomenon or person when comparing it with something or someone. In speech constructions, the preposition “unlike” is used with the preposition “from”:

Unlike other citrus fruits, grapefruit has a bitter taste;

Unlike rain, snow fell here infrequently;

Unlike her sister, she was serious beyond her years.

Combinations with the preposition “in contrast” can be isolated members of a sentence if the intonation of isolation is present:

With Petrov , unlike Sidorov, had to be reckoned with.

Weather, unlike the forecast, it turned out to be calm and clear.

The preposition “in contrast” is not an independent member of the sentence.

Combined with a simple preposition V noun difference used in the prepositional case. You can put a question with a preposition to a noun V:

It's all about Unlike parts of speech. ( what's the matter?)

The essence of the dispute emerged Unlike opponents' opinions. ( manifested itself in what?)

You can insert a definition between a preposition and a noun:

Unlike The colors of the rainbow are difficult to find a sharp transition. ( in slight difference)

In a sentence, a noun with the preposition in acts as an object:

Problem (in what?) in contrast to our positions.

Conclusions website

  1. “In contrast” is a derived preposition and is not an independent member of a sentence.
    “In difference” is a combination of the simple preposition “in” with the noun “difference” in the instrumental case, which acts as an object in the sentence.
  2. The preposition “in contrast” is an indivisible whole. A definition can be inserted between the preposition “in” and the case form “difference.”

A large number of people do not understand when to write "Unlike", and in which "in contrast". In order to solve this problem, you need to remember the parts of speech of the Russian language. The word “difference” can manifest itself in various cases different parts speech and, starting from this, change your ending.

“Unlike” is used as a preposition. The preposition “in contrast to” is used when there is an indication of a phenomenon, object or person that is different in comparison with another phenomenon, object or person. This means that an object or person is not the same as another, compared to another.


Unlike his friends, Victor acted boldly.

The son seemed frail, in contrast to his healthy father.

Winter tires looked safer, unlike summer wheels.

Thus, in order for the ending “-e” to appear, there must be a certain object with which another object can be compared. “In contrast” is a derived preposition indicating some object of comparison.

When a sentence contains a combination of a preposition and a noun, then it is written “in difference.” Here is the noun “difference”, which is put in the prepositional case.


It is in the difference of your opinion that the main difficulty lies.

There is no doubt about the differences between these three cars: they are completely consistent with each other.

In such situations, objects are not compared; they are simply given some characteristic or some state.

The phrase “unlike” with a noun is often separated by commas, sometimes by a dash. Despite the fact that most reference books recommend not separating this phrase, in practice this punctuation is quite acceptable. The decision on the need for punctuation marks is chosen personally by the author. The phrase “unlike” is not separated if it is at the beginning of a sentence.

The phrase “in difference” is never separated by commas.


“In contrast to” is used as a derivative preposition. “In difference” is used as a noun.

The phrase “in contrast” indicates a certain phenomenon or object that is different from another phenomenon or object. This object is the inverse of another. The expression “in difference” is not the opposite of anything. It is just a noun and a preposition that is in the prepositional case.

The phrase “unlike” with a noun following it can be separated by commas, less often by a dash, or maybe not separated at all. Punctuation decisions are made by the author. When the phrase “in difference” is used, punctuation marks should never be placed anywhere.