The second higher education is parallel to the first university. Parallel education is a contribution to the future. Specialty to your liking

The second higher education is parallel to the first university.  Parallel education is a contribution to the future.  Specialty to your liking
The second higher education is parallel to the first university. Parallel education is a contribution to the future. Specialty to your liking

According to Russian legislation, citizens of our country have the right to receive higher education once at the expense of budgetary allocations. On a paid basis, the number of higher education obtained is not limited. Therefore, if you decide to get two higher educations at the same time, know that one of them can be provided to you for free. For the second you will have to pay - calculate your financial capabilities

Option 1: After receiving the results of the Unified State Exam, enroll full-time in two faculties at once, both in one university and in different ones. But there are difficulties here. Firstly, it is unlikely that you will be able to attend all classes and, most likely, you will have problems passing the session. Secondly, you will graduate in one year. Writing one thesis is a difficult task for many, but here there are two at once. Therefore, it is better to use option two.

Option 2: enroll simultaneously full-time and part-time. This way you will practically eliminate difficulties with attendance. You will definitely finish your studies in more than one year, because... Bachelors study by correspondence for a year longer. And in principle, the load will not be so strong.

Option 3: As a rule, the first year of study at a university is seriously stressful for students. We have to get used to the new environment and rules. Therefore, some students advise completing their first year at one faculty, adapting to student life, and enrolling in another major the following year.

After finishing the first year, I decided to somehow use my numerous results and enrolled in a management correspondence course; the points were enough for the budget. There were no problems with arrival. Since my certificate is at the university, I simply made a certified copy of it and took it to the admissions office. I don't regret it. The correspondence session takes place during the semester at the main place of study, and students have to take a fair amount of time off work for 2-3 weeks. However, general subjects such as philosophy, life sciences and foreign languages ​​can be re-credited if they have already been passed. Because of this, the volume of the session can be greatly reduced,” says UrFU student Pavel Karpov.

Option 4: You can ask if the university has dual degree programs. For example, UrFU offers to receive two bachelor's degrees in economics after four years of study - UrFU and the National Research University Higher School of Economics. First, the student studies for three years at UrFU, and the last year at the Higher School of Economics.

Recently, the number of applicants in various fields with several higher educations has been rapidly increasing. This is not surprising, since many reputable companies prefer to cooperate with multidisciplinary specialists. In addition, a second degree helps you successfully reach the top of your career and deepen your knowledge in your chosen profession. However, many people are guided by personal goals and do not intend to stop studying after receiving one diploma.

It is generally accepted that it provides for the student to master higher education programs on the basis of existing or incomplete higher education. As a rule, a significant proportion of applicants have diplomas confirming receipt of higher professional education.

But is it possible to get a second higher education at the same time? This question remains relevant for applicants. Quite often, higher education institutions provide their students with such an opportunity. However, the main difference from obtaining a first higher education is training on a commercial basis. In this case, students are considered listeners and can study only by correspondence. It is important to emphasize that this status is equal to the status of full-time students.

As for the timing of obtaining a diploma, they are directly influenced by the first diploma and the form of study specified by the applicant. During the enrollment process, disciplines matching the programs are re-credited. Thus, students who chose a related specialty will have the shortest duration of study. The similarity of curricula will guarantee a significant percentage of subject overlap. On average, a person will have to spend from two to three and a half years to obtain additional higher education.

From what course can you get a second degree?

Students of both primary and advanced courses are capable of obtaining another education at the same time. But most of them prefer to start receiving another diploma, having completed the third year in their main specialty. This step will avoid re-taking exams in subjects that are common to the curriculum. A person must decide from which course he can obtain a second higher education independently, based on his own capabilities and goals. Statistics show that students studying in their third to fifth year choose to receive a second diploma at the same time as their first.

To begin training for an additional specialty, a student must pass certification tests, represented by a written test of a profile focus. The admissions committee is required to provide not only the usual package of documents, but also an academic certificate issued by the main place of study.

After completing parallel training, graduates, unlike their classmates, receive two state diplomas confirming receipt of higher professional education. It should be noted that only universities that have a license for educational activities and state accreditation in a certain specialty can do this. Modern students should definitely remember this feature when considering the possibility of parallel studies at different institutes or universities.

Nowhere today. Few people decide to receive two higher educations at the same time. First you need to determine the goal - why it is needed. It is important to think about what other specialty is needed in order to understand whether it is possible to apply the knowledge and see the future.

Also for this it is important to monitor, study the labor market and assess your strengths. Will there be enough psychological and material resources to obtain two higher educations at the same time? Are you ready to spend twice as much time studying?

First you need to understand why you need two higher

Studying in two directions at the same time is suitable if:

  1. I enrolled in one, completed my studies to the 2-3rd year and was disappointed because the chosen education was not suitable.
  2. I would like to receive additional education to the main one, which will be beneficial.
  3. It is necessary to improve knowledge and skills.

However, to obtain two higher educations at the same time you need:

  1. Seriousness and readiness for a double academic load. It’s worth thinking about whether you’ll be able to keep up everywhere and completely change the rhythm of your life.
  2. Good studies. Getting a second diploma just like that is stupid. If you don’t need knowledge and skills in another field, you shouldn’t even try.
  3. Time, patience, supply of nerve cells.
  4. Procedure.

You can study in two directions in parallel, one course at a time. Or get a second education after the first/second/third year. In the second option, it is easier to study, since the easier subjects and the diploma do not need to be written at the same time. In the first case, it is more difficult to study, since there are two sessions in a row, the diploma is written year after year.

If you enroll immediately as a first-year student in two different areas, you must provide your Unified State Exam results to the admissions committee. And when enrolling after the second or third year, you can take entrance tests or send the results of the Unified State Exam (at the discretion of the university).

It is beneficial to receive two higher educations at the same time. The training time is reduced, and you can become a specialist in various fields.

In Russia you can receive two higher educations at the same time. But according to the laws, you can only study for free once. You can get two educations at the same time, either in one or in different ones. You can get two educations for free only by studying simultaneously at a college/technical school/school and a university.

You can study at one university or at different ones. In order to enroll in a second specialty, you must submit a copy of your certificate and Unified State Examination results to the university/pass the entrance examination within the university.

What forms of training can be combined

You can study in two specialties at once in different ways:

Of all the offered forms of training, the most popular is the combination of full-time and correspondence forms. However, at the same time, the best and most convenient form is a combination of full-time and remote forms.

Pros and cons of such training

People with multiple degrees are more competitive

The advantages of two higher educations obtained simultaneously are:

  1. Having two diplomas after graduation.
  2. Competition. The level of competitiveness in the labor market is increasing. More employment opportunities.
  3. Expanding the scope of employment.
  4. get the desired specialty immediately, and not in a few years.
  5. Saving money, since obtaining a second higher education after completing the first costs several times more than simultaneous training in two specialties.
  6. A variety of study options: in one university in different faculties or in completely different universities, which may be located in different cities, evening courses combined with full-time or part-time with full-time.
  7. The opportunity to move up the career ladder faster than with just a diploma in hand.
  8. Saving “future” time. After your first education, you don’t need to spend another 4-5 years again, take time off from work for the period of the session, etc.

You will also have to be doubly tired

The disadvantages of two higher educations obtained simultaneously are:

  1. Two sessions per semester at the same time, if studying in parallel. There is a risk of not having time to attend two exams at once.
  2. Psychological and moral tension, stress. The exam may take place on one day, and the workload can be very heavy both in the first and second years of education.
  3. It takes a lot. You will have to study twice as much. Evenings are spent doing laboratory tests, tests, coursework, and computational and graphic work, multiplied by two. Sometimes you can't count on weekends.
  4. Tuition payment. The second education, even if received simultaneously with the first, must be paid every semester. The correspondence course does not cost as much as the full-time course.
  5. Physical fatigue.

But still, the advantages of a second higher education significantly outweigh the disadvantages, which you should go through without fear of difficulties. As a rule, a second higher education pays off.

Students' opinions on this matter

Many guys do not welcome two higher educations at the same time. This is motivated by:

  • there is no point in getting a second “tower” by repeating after others. You need to understand yourself and determine your own motivation. If you are satisfied with working in a clothing store, then you should not even get your first higher education;
  • if you want to become a real pro, you don’t have to get a second one. You can successfully develop in the field of your first education. Enroll in master's, postgraduate, and qualifying courses. Highly qualified specialists do not always have two diplomas;
  • Obtaining higher education in itself is associated with certain pressures. In combination with work or a second education it will be even more difficult. The university requirements for all students are the same. You need to be prepared for such difficulties.

But there are also a lot of guys who are in favor:

  • It’s better to immediately get a second higher education than, after working in one place for 10-15 years, to understand that you should do something else. It’s never too late to think about getting a second education, but the sooner the better;
  • The peculiarities of the modern labor market are that new industries are emerging every day and highly qualified specialists with knowledge and skills in the required field are required. It is not necessary to enroll in another specialty at the university in the first year. Having realized your motivation and the needs of the labor market, you can choose a university and specialty while studying in your second/third/fourth year;
  • great employment opportunities. Looking for work in two specialties at once provides a greater chance of finding a job.

How to act in a given situation is up to you to decide for yourself. The main thing is to correctly assess your strengths, think through plans for the future and study your needs.

In this video you will learn how to get two degrees abroad:

10.28.2010 Archive (2010)

Many young people, having entered a university, become disillusioned with their choice over time, but still do not dare to leave their studies. Today, you don’t have to wait until five years have passed to get the opportunity to enroll again in another university, in another specialty. The way out is parallel education.

First, let’s be clear: we should distinguish between the concepts of “parallel education” and “second higher education.” The second is when a person has a diploma in hand and wants to get another specialty. Parallel education- an excellent additional study opportunity for a full-time senior student. In this case, the student receives the second higher education in absentia, and at the same time he is immediately enrolled in the second year.

So, what is needed to obtain a second higher parallel correspondence education?

  • First, you need serious intentions. You must decide exactly: do you want to get, so to speak, two professions wholesale or not? After all, you have a big load ahead of you...
  • Secondly, you should study well. How else? According to the current rules, only those students who do not have a single grade lower than seven points in their record book have the right to receive parallel education.
  • Thirdly, it will take time and patience to collect the necessary certificates and permits.

Then, when the next campaign for admitting students to higher education institutions begins, you will need to provide the admissions committee, in addition to the usual set of documents, with an academic certificate from your university, as well as the appropriate permission from the dean or rector from your main place of study.

One more nuance: usually up to five places are allocated annually for parallel education in each specialty, and if there are more applicants, a competition will be formed. In this case, the admissions committee is guided by the average score of the academic transcript. This is another reason to study as well as possible from the very first year of the basic faculty...

Parallel education is, of course, stressful. If you are accepted, you will be required to pass the academic difference between the curricula of the two majors by the end of October. In my case, the academic difference consisted of two coursework and four exams. And this is just the beginning. If a regular student has two sessions a year, then you will have four. Chronic lack of time and physical fatigue are guaranteed.

However, parallel education has its advantages.

  • Firstly, you are a student of two faculties. This means you have more friends and acquaintances.
  • Secondly, undoubtedly, with conscientious study, you are doubly enriched intellectually, and the knowledge acquired in one department will probably help in another.
  • Thirdly, learn to manage time wisely, and this quality will be very useful in life.
  • Fourthly, you... will save this very time. For example, if after the third year you want to receive parallel education, then in total it will take you seven years to obtain two diplomas. But if you decide to get a second higher education after receiving your first diploma, you will spend, at best, eight years.
  • Fifthly, with parallel education, the cost of training is much lower than when obtaining a second higher education.
  • And finally, sixthly, imagine: you have two diplomas! And this fact of your biography will not only surprise others, but will also make them take you seriously.


Students of 3-6 years of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus who have received grades of no lower than “seven” (on a ten-point scale) in the disciplines studied during the entire period of study are accepted for parallel training in all specialties and forms of study.

Is it possible to enroll in parallel education from college?

Tell me, did you study at the 2nd Faculty by correspondence, or did you study full-time?

Why not, if my transcript is not lower than 7...if I agree to pay for parallel education, then why not give me this chance??? I’m a 3rd year student at a medical university, there are several 6s in my transcript... I’m studying I don’t like it at all, but I don’t want to quit either: a lot of my efforts and my parents’ money have been invested!!! According to the law, I have to study for all 6 years, and only then I can enroll!!! What nonsense and injustice!!!
y'all forgive me... I'm just complaining...

thanks for the interesting article :)
I also wanted to clarify. if a discipline was studied for several semesters (let’s say 2), in the first one you received, for example, 5, and in the second - 9. In theory, the last grade goes into the diploma. If I want to get a parallel education, is this 5 considered as a grade below 7 or not?
thanks in advance for your answer)

Question: if I am currently studying part-time and have been admitted to another university for part-time study, what document can I leave at the first university instead of a certificate (I give the certificate to a second university)?


Very strange. I have a friend who, having grades below 7, entered a parallel course. How can this fact be explained?

clarification about the “regular set of documents”: is it necessary to write CT or not?


Dmitry, May 19, 2012
Exactly, all the same documents that you submit for admission to your first higher education.

I entered the second parallel higher education at BSU. Since I was not knowledgeable enough, I barely managed to submit the documents on time. In general, collecting and analyzing information, collecting and submitting documents took me 10 days. I can offer you my algorithm for achieving success)

1. Write an application addressed to the rector of your university with a text like “I ask you to allow me to study parallel education at (university), PLEASE GIVE ME AN ACADEMIC CERTIFICATES”, usually the average grade point is also indicated in the application. You get a visa from your dean, take it to the rector, usually he signs it without any problems. They gave me this certificate for about a week, but in reality it was about 3 days, it’s just that everyone was already on vacation.
2. Indicate your intention to receive an education from the dean of the future university. It is advisable to take the phone number, it really helped me. There they will give you, or tell you to download and print a document like “PRISONED
about the development of educational plans
(for parallel navuchannya)"
Dadatak 2 (Appendix 2)
3. Take a medical certificate stating that you can study in this specialty. PS. If you have a second degree, then all consultations with doctors will be paid for.
4. When your academic certificate is ready, write an application addressed to the rector, with the text “I, full name, am a student (further indicate everything: faculty, course, specialty, full-time/part-time, budget/paid form of study) request permission to study at (indicate University, faculty, specialty and form of study)". Take it with your academic certificate first to the dean of your faculty, then to the rector. Your application may not be signed if your academic performance is not high enough. When the rector signs for you, put the seal of the university (official seal) in the university office, it is usually placed. This is the permission of the head of your educational institution.
5. the simplest point - 6 photos 3x4 :)

You will have the following set of documents in your hands: academic certificate, permission from the head of the university, medical certificate specified in the second paragraph of Appendix 2, and 6 photographs. You take all this to your future university and go through the usual procedures for applicants. When you register at the dean's office, give everything and wait.

Well, I can say a few more words, maybe it will help someone.
- you can enroll immediately after you have passed the summer session of the second year (that is, you have actually entered the third year)
- be prepared that you will not be enrolled in the first year in any case, at least in the second, even if the curricula are completely inconsistent. When I applied, I was told that the first year is accepted only with CT certificates, and since you won’t have them, then at least the second (maybe the third and fourth, etc.). In my case, I was enrolled in the second year, the academic difference was 2 credits and 1 exam (I haven’t passed it yet: D)
- BE SURE to make several copies of your academic certificate, at least one for the dean’s office, and one for yourself. The original will be stored in the archive, and you can use a copy to re-credit any discipline in the further learning process.
- regarding grades of at least 7 in the record book. I had one 4, the others 9, 10. When I brought it to the rector for signature, I told him to show me the academic certificate/record, he signed without any problems (either he didn’t notice, or he didn’t pay any attention to it). So if you are generally a great student, you can take risks.
- you will have to order and buy a student ID and grade book (that is, not for free) separately; each university has a special department, so be prepared.
- psychological advice: if you still have a problem in your studies (BUT IN OVERALL EVERYTHING IS EXCELLENT, otherwise you will waste your time), and you are interested in someone and they ask you IF THERE IS BELOW 7, then answer that there is no, because they won’t talk to you any further :) you are required to show your academic certificate only to the rector of your university when signing the permit. The future university is not particularly worried about this, but they may ask (but not on the day when you have already brought the document to submit)
- it doesn’t matter, you will have paid/budgetary, full-time/correspondence education (the main thing is that it is parallel), the submission of documents ends with full-time state employees (that is, until July 25 somewhere)

Well, that seems to be all, good luck to you :)

What kind of discrimination!? I want to get an education, I’m ready to pay money for it! But if I don’t study for only sevens, I now have to wait 5 years until I finish one thing, and then start another. So it’s like studying until you’re 30 years old. What kind of conditions are these?

Please tell me! I’m studying at a medical university, I want to enroll in a parallel law degree (by the way, is this possible?), I have 2 grades below 7 in my record book, but I’m ready to retake them. Do I have a chance??

Dmitry, how do you like studying at BSU?

Dmitry thank you

Tell me, is it necessary that the education and subjects studied are, in principle, from the same field (for example, philosophy/sociology) or is it possible (for example, a lawyer/designer)?


Hello! Please tell me which legal regulations need to be studied in order to be sure of your awareness of this issue?) I haven’t read the Code yet, is it worth it? Or will this be covered in more detail in the laws? Thank you in advance:)

How to apply for a parallel course at BGAI? there are also creative exams...

Is it possible to enroll in a parallel program at the Institute of Culture for pop singing if I am studying at BSTU to become a real estate manager?

And, by the way, if I enroll in a parallel course after the second year and study in a parallel course for 4 years, just like in the main course, what should I do with the distribution? It turns out that after the 1st semester I will be assigned somewhere, but I will have to complete another 2 years of parallel studies!

Please tell me, I have the following story: I am currently studying part-time in my 2nd year. Now it's a session, I'm passing it and transferring to the third year. So, can I enroll in parallel education, or should I wait for a diploma and then only enroll in a second higher education?

Please tell me, can parallel higher education be obtained only on a paid basis, or is it included in a general competition, where there is a chance to pass for free based on points? And also, if my studies at the main faculty end a year earlier than at the parallel one, how will the distribution situation emerge? Thank you.

I graduated from a university and am working in a targeted area (targeted for 5 years), I want to enter a university as a full-time student. What to do with the target? Will his employer terminate his employment? Then, after receiving the 2nd education, I don’t need to work, but I will already be assigned to the 2nd education?

Chopik Alexey

What about practice? How do they complete an internship after graduating from two universities at the same time (training on a budgetary basis)?

Popkova Victoria Sergeevna

Hello, if you enroll in commercial activities at a college through a paid correspondence course, is it possible to study at the same time at a university via correspondence? That is, I want to study in this specialty for a year, and next year I want to apply to the university for correspondence courses (for a fee).

School graduates, due to youthful maximalism, make grandiose plans for the future. Most applicants set ambitious goals for themselves. They are confident that they will be able to earn a lot of money and become full members of society. Some plan to open their own business and run a large company. All this cannot be achieved without quality education.

Yes, many are sure that to achieve success in life it is not necessary to graduate from college. One could agree with this if it were not for the deplorable statistics: only 4% of young people get a good job without a diploma. The remaining 96% are late, but still realize the importance of higher education, and apply to a university, or occupy not the most prestigious positions. In the second case, you need to immediately come to terms with the fact that you will have to work for a pittance salary all your life. Such people rarely set goals for themselves and achieve nothing in life. Yes, history knows several cases when a person who barely completed 2-3 grades of school became very successful. But, as you know, exceptions only confirm the rule.

Therefore, in order for your future life to be filled with great opportunities and prosperity, you need to lay a reliable foundation in the form of higher education for future success. One of the options for obtaining higher education is parallel education for correspondence students, which we will talk about today.

Parallel learning - what is it?

Let us immediately note that obtaining a second higher education and parallel training are not the same thing. A student who is receiving a second higher education already has a diploma and has re-applied for a different specialty. In turn, parallel training implies simultaneous study at two universities. It is worth noting that this opportunity is available only to correspondence students.

It is difficult to imagine a situation where a full-time student submits documents for another specialty and again chooses a full-time student. Firstly, studying full-time at two universities at the same time is physically impossible. Secondly, it is prohibited by law.

An option is possible when a student is studying full-time and submits documents for a part-time course in another specialty. The most popular is distance learning. In the next paragraph we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of parallel learning.

If an applicant chooses parallel studies, it is advisable for him to apply for related disciplines. For example, if “Management” is chosen as the main direction, then “Human Resources Management” can become an additional one. Employers give preference to those specialists who have two or more higher education diplomas. Firstly, this is very rare. Secondly, this speaks of the candidate’s high professionalism and self-discipline.

Parallel training allows you to obtain two full-fledged higher education diplomas at once in a relatively short period of time. In addition, parallel training has a number of other advantages:

  1. The student gets the opportunity to gain practical skills and professional development. Constant self-improvement is mandatory for a person who sets maximum goals for himself. Mastering two specialties at once allows you to quickly fill your knowledge bank and achieve high moral and material standards.
  2. Parallel learning is very convenient. In some educational institutions, a student who is studying for two related specialties has the opportunity to take the general exam only once. But this privilege is not available to all students.
  3. By studying simultaneously at two universities, the student gets the opportunity to master the basic principles of planning his time. The acquired skills will definitely be needed in the future. Proper time management can become one of the foundations for future career growth.
  4. Students who earn two degrees at once have a much better chance of landing a high-paying position. Employers often pay attention to the versatility of a candidate and give preference to those who can combine several positions at once.
  5. Parallel training does not always mean six years of continuous study. If a student already has a higher education diploma, then he can receive the next one after three years of study.

Let's sum it up

We have examined the main advantages of parallel training, and now we can conclude that this option opens up wide opportunities for applicants. A student who has two degrees at once has a better chance of getting a well-paid job. In addition, such employees are highly valued by management and can count on rapid career growth.