All feelings and emotions. Functions and types of emotions. What causes feelings and emotions

All feelings and emotions.  Functions and types of emotions.  What causes feelings and emotions
All feelings and emotions. Functions and types of emotions. What causes feelings and emotions

Soul binding 11.02.2016

Dear readers, in our Everyday life we often encounter negativity. What to do about it? After all, you won’t get away from him anywhere. And do you know what I noticed personally myself? A lot of rethinking has come to me and is coming lately. And what else is surprising? I began to look at many things completely differently thanks to our new section.

For those who visited the blog for the first time, I will say that the section has been open for such a long time, but the good news is that we see your response, your interest in it. The presenter of the column is Elena Khutornaya, a blogger, writer, web designer, assistant editor-in-chief of the “Aromas of Happiness” magazine and simply a sincere person. And so, reading Lena’s thoughts, I myself began to look differently at many moments. I learn a lot from her, including my attitude towards everything that happens in life.

Today Lena will share with us her thoughts about negative emotions, what causes them, and how to see them quickly best solution problems, there will be talk about indignation. I won’t rush things, I’ll just give the floor to Lena.

What causes negative emotions

There are situations when it would seem impossible not to experience negative emotions and not be indignant. Lateness, profanity, far from social norms behavior, and even things that are not so obviously outrageous, but no less outrageous for non-compliance - they didn’t congratulate you on your birthday and March 8th, they didn’t praise your not-so-good dress, they didn’t give you a ride, although along the way, they didn’t warn you about something important or interesting , although it cost nothing to do it, they walked across a clean floor in dirty shoes - all these are reasons for a storm of indignation and righteous indignation to rise in the soul: “Well, how can this be!”, “What kind of people!”, “Well, really? it was difficult!..”

Indignation, indignation, anger are very strong emotions. But what do they give? We keep them to ourselves, choke, become poisoned by them, or try to somehow speak out, convey our indignation to the one who caused it. For a long time, briefly, in one succinct expression or a long tirade, we explain to the person how wrong he is and that he immediately needs to reconsider his behavior and correct it for the better.

But what usually comes out of this? It happens, of course, that you manage to put pressure on someone and turn the situation in your direction, but in most cases, no one of their own free will will say, I’m sorry, you opened my eyes to my behavior, I’ll never do that again will. Instead, we receive in response, perhaps, the same succinct and unambiguous phrase or lengthy explanations that come down entirely to justifications, and in the end for us it all ends with another wave of indignation in the spirit of how is this possible and what kind of people are they... And everyone remains to their own .

Response to outrage

Indignation even in the most calm and dignified people is not caused by a desire to listen, but by the same indignation, because a person reacts not to the meaning of what is said, but to the tone with which he is addressed. So the whole meaning that we put into our angry tirades remains unheard, moreover, the person will do everything not to hear it, because he will resist with all his might the negative emotions with which we are trying to put pressure on him.

And what does indignation give us? If we figure it out, it doesn’t give anything other than the sweet feeling of being a victim. This may bring some small dividends, but as a result we will pay for everything with our health and the complete absence of any joy in life. Moreover, by being indignant, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to find the best solution to the situation that would suit us most.

How to quickly see the best solution to a problem

Surely everyone has noticed more than once how, overwhelmed by indignation, we may not see a solution to a problem that has arisen, but as soon as we calm down, this solution appears before us so obvious and so successful, moreover, that one can only wonder how we could not notice it earlier. It's just that indignation is an emotion that overrides everything - all the abilities to think and see sensibly best opportunities. As long as we are consumed by a passionate desire to expose someone's guilt or wrong, we will not be able to do anything good for ourselves or others, because all our energy, contrary to our expectations, will be spent just on denunciation and accusation. And no one has ever gotten better from this.

No need to be indignant

We need to stop being indignant. Realizing that there is no point in these negative emotions, transfer energy to another channel, in a different direction. If we can change something, then change it. If we can’t, then just accept it as it is. Yes, there are people who act this way and behave this way. There are ridiculous situations, ill-considered actions, there are bureaucratic trials that make you want to howl, but if we cannot influence them, then what is the point of bubbling inside ourselves, leading to neuroses, strokes and nervous tics?

What's the point of being angry at relatives who will never change? Yes, we don’t understand them, they drive us crazy, but that’s precisely why everything happens this way, because we can’t accept them calmly, and the more indignant we are, the more reasons they will give us for this.

Be kinder and wiser

Of course, true, deep peace is not so easy to achieve. However, we can always soften our reaction a little. Catch yourself by the tail in time and don’t go too far in your emotions. To be a little kinder, a little more patient, to be able to look at everything a little more broadly than usual. And remember that there will always be something in the world that outrages us - people, orders, circumstances - and our negative emotions and indignation by themselves will never change this. But we can approach everything more calmly, constructively and thereby bring more peace and clarity to life. But this is exactly what the world can truly become a better place from.

gifts for the soul are here

Lenochka, thank you for the topic. I think that it will be very, very important for each of us to read. I just now noticed an interesting fact; of course, I knew everything before, but somehow I felt it. How important is inner peace? As soon as this state comes, life is simply transformed. And the negativity becomes so much less. This calmness is both in your internal state and in your REACTION to something that may offend you, that may not go according to your thoughts and scenarios. And this is all about working on yourself, including your thoughts.

And now we talk so much about this very topic with our daughters. They often begin to condemn something very much, because everyone always has enough problems. And I also always say that you need to start with yourself and tune yourself to positive thoughts. It’s not easy, but we are working in this direction.

I wish all of us just such full-fledged work, rethinking, perhaps, the simplest things. And even when something happens, do not give yourself the opportunity to develop all the negativity further.

Remember that everyone has a CHOICE in life, a choice of space of options. This applies to everything. We can choose Health for ourselves, or we can plunge into illness, we can choose Joy and happy life, but we can... I think everything is clear further. It’s the same in our reaction with emotions. I am for us to choose calmness and positive thoughts instead of negative emotions, which is what I wish for all of us.

And for the soul we will listen today I thank Fate for everything . A very beautiful video with music by Igor Krutoy.

see also


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    A huge number of different myths are concentrated around human emotions and feelings. This is due to the fact that people have a poor understanding of their diversity and importance. To learn to understand each other correctly, you need to understand what types of emotions exist and find out their characteristics. In addition, you need to learn to distinguish genuine feelings from mere window dressing.

    What are emotions and feelings?

    The emotional sphere of a person is a complex intricacy of elements that together make it possible to experience everything that happens to him and around him. It consists of four main components:

    • Emotional tone is a response in the form of an experience that sets the state of the body. It is this that informs the body about how satisfied its current needs are and how comfortable it is now. If you listen to yourself, you can evaluate your emotional tone.
    • Emotions are subjective experiences relating to situations and events that are important to a person.
    • A feeling is a person’s stable emotional attitude towards some object. They are always subjective and appear in the process of interaction with others.
    • An emotional state differs from a feeling by its weak focus on an object, and from an emotion by its greater duration and stability. It is always triggered by certain feelings and emotions, but at the same time as if on its own. A person may be in a state of euphoria, anger, depression, melancholy, etc.

    Video: Psychology. Emotions and feelings

    Functions and types of emotions

    Emotions, to a greater or lesser extent, regulate the lives of each of us. Usually they have four main functions:

    • Motivational-regulatory, designed to encourage action, guide and regulate. Often emotions completely suppress thinking in regulating human behavior.
    • Communication is responsible for mutual understanding. It is emotions that tell us about a person’s mental and physical state and help us choose the right line of behavior when communicating with him. Thanks to emotions, we can understand each other even without knowing the language.
    • Signaling allows you to communicate your needs to others using emotionally expressive movements, gestures, facial expressions, etc.
    • Protective is expressed in the fact that a person’s instant emotional reaction can, in some cases, save him from danger.

    Scientists have already proven that the more complex a living being is organized, the richer and more varied the range of emotions that it is capable of experiencing.

    Emotions and feelings

    In addition, all emotions can be divided into several types. The nature of the experience (pleasant or unpleasant) determines the sign of the emotion - positive or negative. Emotions are also divided into types depending on the impact on human activity - sthenic and asthenic. The former encourage a person to act, while the latter, on the contrary, lead to stiffness and passivity. But the same emotion can affect people or the same person differently in different situations. For example, severe grief plunges one person into despondency and inaction, while the other person seeks solace in work.

    Not only people have emotions, but also animals. For example, when experiencing severe stress, they may change their behavior - become calmer or nervous, refuse food, or stop reacting to the world around them.

    Also, the type of emotions determines their modality. According to modality, three basic emotions are distinguished: fear, anger and joy, and the rest are only their peculiar expression. For example, fear, worry, anxiety and horror are different manifestations of fear.

    The main human emotions

    As we have already said, emotions are usually associated with the current moment and are a person’s reaction to changes in his current state. Among them, several main ones stand out:

    • joy is an intense feeling of satisfaction with one’s condition and situation;
    • fear is the body’s defensive reaction in the event of a threat to its health and well-being;
    • excitement - increased excitability caused by both positive and negative experiences, takes part in the formation of a person’s readiness for important event and activates his nervous system;
    • interest is an innate emotion that spurs the cognitive aspect of the emotional sphere;
    • surprise is an experience reflecting the contradiction between existing experience and new one;
    • resentment is an experience associated with the manifestation of injustice towards a person;
    • anger, anger, rage are negatively colored affects directed against perceived injustice;
    • embarrassment - worry about the impression made on others;
    • pity is a surge of emotions that occurs when the suffering of another person is perceived as one’s own.

    Most of us easily distinguish the emotions of another by external manifestations.

    Types of human feelings

    Human feelings are often confused with emotions, but they have many differences. Feelings take time to arise; they are more persistent and less likely to change. They are all divided into three categories:

    • Moral (moral or emotional) feelings arise in relation to the behavior of others or oneself. Their development occurs in the course of any activity and is usually associated with socially accepted moral standards. Depending on how well what is happening corresponds internal installations a person, he develops a feeling of indignation or, conversely, satisfaction. This category also includes all attachments, likes and dislikes, love and hatred.
    • Intellectual feelings are experienced by a person in the course of mental activity. These include inspiration, joy from success and stress from failure.
    • A person experiences aesthetic feelings when creating or appreciating something beautiful. This can apply to both objects of art and natural phenomena.
    • Practical feelings give rise to human activity, its results, success or failure.

    It is impossible to single out more or less important feelings. Different people They strive for different feelings and they are all equally important for a person’s normal emotional life.

    Often it is emotional sphere regulates human life, and our state is formed from emotions and feelings. But emotions are short-term sensations relating to certain things or situations, and feelings are much longer lasting, but they are formed from emotions. Their different types have different effects on our lives and our decisions.

    In life, concepts such as emotions and feelings are often confused, but these phenomena are different and reflect different meanings.

    Emotions are not always realized

    Sometimes a person cannot quite clearly formulate what emotions he is experiencing, for example, people say “everything is boiling inside me,” what does this mean? What emotions? Anger? Fear? Despair? Anxiety? Annoyance?. A person cannot always identify a momentary emotion, but a person is almost always aware of a feeling: friendship, love, envy, hostility, happiness, pride.

    Experts make a distinction between the concept of “ emotion" and the concepts " feeling», « affect», « mood" And " experience».

    Unlike feelings, emotions do not have an object connection: they arise not in relation to someone or something, but in relation to the situation as a whole. " I'm scared"is an emotion, and " I'm afraid of this man" - this feeling.

    The feelings and emotions listed here do not exhaust the entire palette, the entire variety of human emotional states. A comparison with the colors of the solar spectrum is appropriate here. There are 7 basic tones, but how many more do we know? intermediate colors and how many shades can be obtained by mixing them!


    1. Pleasure
    2. Joy.
    3. Rejoicing.
    4. Delight.
    5. Pride.
    6. Confidence.
    7. Trust.
    8. Sympathy.
    9. Admiration.
    10. Love (sexual).
    11. Love (affection).
    12. Respect.
    13. Tenderness.
    14. Gratitude (appreciation).
    15. Tenderness.
    16. Complacency.
    17. Bliss
    18. Schadenfreude.
    19. Feeling of satisfied revenge.
    20. Peace of mind.
    21. Feeling of relief.
    22. Feeling satisfied with yourself.
    23. Feeling of security.
    24. Anticipation.


    25. Curiosity.
    26. Surprise.
    27. Amazement.
    28. Indifference.
    29. Calm and contemplative mood.


    30. Displeasure.
    31. Grief (sorrow).
    32. Longing.
    33. Sadness (sadness).
    34. Despair.
    35. Chagrin.
    36. Anxiety.
    37. Resentment.
    38. Fear.
    39. Fright.
    40. Fear.
    41. Pity.
    42. Sympathy (compassion).
    43. Regret.
    44. Annoyance.
    45. Anger.
    46. ​​Feeling insulted.
    47. Indignation (indignation).
    48. Hatred.
    49. Dislike.
    50. Envy.
    51. Anger.
    52. Anger.
    53. Dejection.
    54. Boredom.
    55. Jealousy.
    56. Horror.
    57. Uncertainty (doubt).
    58. Mistrust.
    59. Shame.
    60. Confusion.
    61. Rage.
    62. Contempt.
    63. Disgust.
    64. Disappointment.
    65. Disgust.
    66. Dissatisfaction with oneself.
    67. Repentance.
    68. Remorse.
    69. Impatience.
    70. Bitterness.

    It is difficult to say how many different emotional states there may be - but, in any case, there are immeasurably more than 70. Emotional states are highly specific, even if, with modern crude assessment methods, they have the same name. There seem to be many shades of anger, joy, sadness and other feelings.

    Love for an older brother and love for a younger sister are similar, but far from identical feelings. The first is colored with admiration, pride, and sometimes envy; the second is a sense of self-superiority, a desire to provide patronage, sometimes pity and tenderness. A completely different feeling is love for parents, love for children. But to designate all these feelings we use one name.

    The division of feelings into positive and negative is not done on ethical grounds, but solely on the basis of the pleasure or displeasure delivered. Therefore, gloating ended up in the column of positive feelings, and sympathy - in the negative feelings column. There are, as you can see, much more negative ones than positive ones. Why? Several explanations can be offered.

    Sometimes the idea is expressed that there are simply many more words in the language that express unpleasant feelings, because in a good mood a person is generally less inclined to introspection. This explanation seems unsatisfactory to us.

    Initial biological role emotions - signal, like “pleasant - unpleasant”, “safe - dangerous”. Apparently, the signaling “dangerous” and “unpleasant” is more significant for the animal; it is vitally important, more relevant, because it directs its behavior in critical situations.

    It is clear that such information in the process of evolution should receive priority over information signaling “comfort”.

    But what has developed historically can change historically. When a person masters the laws social development, then this will change his emotional life, moving the center of gravity towards positive, pleasant feelings.

    Let's return to the list of feelings. If you carefully read all 70 titles, you will notice that some of the listed feelings coincide in content and differ only in intensity. For example, surprise and amazement differ only in strength, that is, in degree of expression. The same is anger and rage, pleasure and bliss, etc. Therefore, some clarifications need to be made to the list.

    Typically, feelings come in five main forms:

    The definition of feeling was given above.

    Affect- this is a very strong short-term feeling associated with a motor reaction (or with complete immobility - numbness. But numbness is also a motor reaction).

    Passion called a strong and lasting feeling.

    Mood- the resultant of many feelings. This state is distinguished by a certain duration, stability and serves as the background against which all other elements of mental activity take place.

    Under experiences however, they usually understand exclusively the subjective mental side of emotional processes, without including physiological components.

    Thus, if we consider surprise a feeling, then amazement is the same feeling in content, but brought to the level of affect (remember the final silent scene of “The Inspector General”).

    Similarly, we call anger brought to the level of passion by rage, bliss is the affect of pleasure, delight is the affect of joy, despair is the affect of grief, horror is the affect of fear, adoration is love that has become passion in duration and strength, etc.

    Displays of emotions

    Emotional reactions are associated with nervous processes; they also manifest themselves in external movements, called `` expressive movements." Expressive movements are an important component of emotions, external form their existence. Expressions of emotions are universal, similar for all people, sets of expressive signs that reflect certain emotional states.

    Towards expressive forms of emotions include the following:

    Gestures (hand movements),

    Facial expressions (movements of facial muscles),

    Pantomime (movements of the whole body) - see,

    Emotional components of speech (strength and timbre, voice intonation),

    Autonomic changes (redness, paleness, sweating).

    You can read more about how emotions are expressed

    The human face has the greatest ability to express various emotional shades (see). And, of course, the mirror of emotions is often the eyes (see)

    Emotions and feelings are unique mental states that leave an imprint on a person’s life, activities, actions and behavior. If emotional states are determined mainly outside behavior and mental activity, then feelings influence the content and inner essence of experiences caused by the spiritual needs of a person.
    Based on materials from

    "To write good book“You just need to take a pen, dip it in ink and put your soul on paper.”
    K. Berne

    Very often, beginning Authors pay insufficient attention to such moments in their works as the description of the character, his feelings, the nature of his emotions, the environment. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the author himself wants to get to the point, the immediate action, and the main thing in the story - the plot. But it is the quality of the descriptions, the quality of the hero’s emotions that give life to one plot, while giving nothing to another, and then readers note great idea story, but they write that the topic is not disclosed, the hero is incomprehensible. That is, the reader is emotional level he didn’t feel your work, he didn’t see it before his eyes, he didn’t feel what the hero feels. In this article I would like to raise precisely this complex topic of emotions, the character’s feelings in relation to both the world and his environment, and to himself. Let's imagine that you have already created your character, thought through him and his type of activity, noticed personal characteristics, identified habits and little quirks. This character has lived in your head, you have seen it, and now you need to show it to the reader.

    Often, authors start from this very moment: literally just starting to tell their story, they immediately strive to show their character by describing his appearance, and sometimes we come across descriptions like this.


    I headed to school, there was a Golden autumn, and the sun was still shining. On such a beautiful day, I absolutely don’t want to sit at a desk in a stuffy classroom, but, unfortunately, summer is over, and hard school days await me. Oh, yes, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Semyon, I’m sixteen years old, my height is 1.70, I have light green eyes, and blond, shoulder-length hair. My physique, of course, has let me down, I’m very thin, and no matter how hard I try to build up muscles, it’s all in vain. I haven’t liked school since Vadim appeared there, and that was in the seventh grade, almost everyone hated me, no one knows why. Vadim is a tall guy, about 1.90, he is dark-haired, with long bangs falling over his eyes, his blue eyes always laugh at me as soon as our glances intersect. No matter how much I tried to understand why his negativity towards me suddenly came from, which was later adopted by the whole class, I could not understand.

    In such cases of description, the author does not leave readers any room for imagination; readers, in fact, do not see this hero. Main mistake: everything is too simple, the criteria for measuring the hero are too obvious, only the exact weight is not enough, although individuals describe this too. What is written here should remain in your notebook or blank about the hero, but should not go into the descriptions. Let the reader see the hero gradually, it’s okay if only on the tenth page a clear image of him appears, which, importantly, the reader will form himself from the grains that you gave him.

    Directly regarding the description: pay attention to the little things, they are the ones that show your character; if you write from a third person, then the possibilities in this regard are not limited. Notice the character's gait, for example, with a tilt to one side. Pay attention to dirty nails if you are describing a negative and unpleasant character. Notice the tilt of the imaginary person's head when he is listening particularly carefully. Remember how, perhaps, a friend sometimes wrings his fingers until they crunch, at what moments does he do this? Perhaps out of boredom, or when nervous. All these features show your hero from the side that is close to your readers. Readers will always be close to what is close to them: what is found in their own character or the character of people close to him, and, even if the hero is an alien, he, too, may have those feelings and habits by which only he can be recognized. Now about the emotional component of the characters.

    Your hero is alive, which means he experiences a kaleidoscope of emotions every minute: his mood changes depending on the situation, and his behavior can be different each time, as well as his reaction to various external and internal stimuli.
    So, a person has six basic emotions: fear, anger, joy, sadness, surprise, disgust. It is not difficult to find out what these emotions look like in any book on psychology; there is also a lot of information and pictures on the Internet about these main types of emotions, so I will not describe the mechanism of the facial muscles when experiencing different emotions. However, this information is useful for the author, so I recommend that you read it. We don't care external manifestation, and internally, what does a person feel at a moment of fear? His heart skips a beat, he breaks out in a cold sweat, and his hair stands on end.


    A lonely lamp burned in the room, illuminating a piece of space around it with yellow light. Alain, swallowing and wet his dry mouth, took a step forward. A crunch sounded under his foot, and his heart skipped a beat for a second. He immediately looked down and saw only a crushed plastic rose that Grandma Tina had once kept in a crystal vase in the kitchen. Involuntarily shrugging his shoulders, the young man moved on.

    It is not openly written anywhere that the hero is scared; no, the reader will understand this from minor details.

    Alain’s eyes widened at what he saw, he didn’t have time to think, didn’t have time to comprehend. Invisible blinders* fell over his eyes, narrowing the world to the monster standing opposite. It looked the same as a person: wide and open. The monster stood, breathing heavily, spitting saliva. His long crooked fingers clenched into a fist, slowly, barely restraining the tension that was tearing every muscle, it moved towards Alain.

    IN in this case, in addition to fear, there is surprise and the monster’s desire to tear Alen apart. Again, these moments are not shown directly. Fear - widened eyes - outwardly, slightly open mouth. Internal cold sweat, like a frozen heart for a second. When fear is not a surprise, but has been present for some time, the person’s heart beats much faster, adrenaline is produced, but the face does not become red. Blood flows from the head to the legs - this is an ancient reaction inherent in nature. The person must have time to escape. This knowledge is important when describing a hero; if the author, taking into account the physiological characteristics of an emotion, describes it, then this will always make the reader feel the work more strongly and be fully imbued with it.

    Anger is external: the wings of the nostrils widen, the lips are pursed into a thin thread, the chin is slightly raised. Internally, the heart also beats faster than usual, and the same adrenaline is produced. A person may begin to shake from anger; sometimes at such moments emotions cloud the mind.
    Anger and fear are physiologically very close.

    Sadness and joy are emotions of a different nature, and both emotions are the result of a very strong experience. Sadness is frustration, disappointment. You should pay attention to it in the description. At this moment, something breaks inside, a person may grab his hair, and may fall into deep depression because of this, if the emotion is prolonged. But, as a rule, in one day in life we ​​experience almost all of the listed emotions, but they do not manifest themselves as acutely as in the description here. However, in the literature it is worth paying attention Special attention and changes in these emotions. Let me remind you again: everyone has the same emotions, even if you are describing a thick-skinned person who seems to have the emotional spectrum of a bus stop. Remember that a person is not able to completely not experience these emotions - he can learn to show them much more restrained than others, he can very quickly be able to switch from one emotion to another and thus simplify his life. His emotions can - due to temperament/experience, etc. - be less acute, but remember: emotions will be there in any case.

    Gender factor:

    In fact, I would not take it into account in this case at all, for one simple reason: the manifestation of emotions depends on temperament, but not on gender. The expression of feelings depends on gender. And about them a little lower.


    It is no secret that a child, unable to restrain his emotions, is always very open and frank with people. A teenager, as a rule, experiences a lot of stress associated with the formation of the inner self, environment, and search for life path. It follows that it is difficult for him to cope with his emotions, plus his growing body and unstable, due to physiological neoplasms, nervous system. Bottom line: changes in emotions occur very often; controlling the manifestations of emotions is incredibly difficult for all types of temperament. An adult shows emotions in accordance with his type of temperament. An old person is restrained in showing emotions due to his experience.


    I think it’s no secret to anyone what it is, and it’s unlikely to be a discovery that temperament appears at the moment of birth and is completely independent of upbringing, just like a person’s inclinations (talents). From this we can conclude that a character, even if both parents are calm and balanced, can have an explosive temperament, and vice versa.
    Here, perhaps, it is worth separately noting the hero’s upbringing: if your hero is initially melancholic, then you need to take into account the environment in which he grew up. For example, with an authoritarian upbringing, a melancholic person is able to refuse school, any choice, etc. - These are often mama's boys.
    The authoritarian style of raising a choleric person, on the contrary, is useful and instills in him discipline and determination.
    Why do you need to know all this? In order for this not to happen: a quiet family raised a maniac-pervert.

    These examples apply in specific situations and actions. What about feelings?

    Feelings are different from emotions: a feeling is long-lasting, while an emotion is instantaneous. Feelings come gradually, they are deep and live in every person: sadness, envy, love, etc. Each of them has a basis. The type of emotions is somewhat different in this regard: all people’s emotions are the same and go the same way as everyone else’s; everyone’s feelings manifest themselves differently and directly depend on the character’s character and the society in which he is located. For example, if we take a future world in which love is prohibited, then the manifestation of this feeling will be completely different. And the emotion experienced by the character - for example, the same fear - cannot be otherwise, that is, the person will always feel his heart sinking into his heels, no matter what world you put him in.

    The feeling has the color of character, although there is a concept of how love is manifested in healthy individuals, but it is the character of a person that determines the manifestation of this feeling. In an authoritarian person, the manifestation of love will be different from the manifestation of the same feeling in a democratic person. With different temperaments, we also have different manifestations: in a choleric person this feeling in behavior is always clearly expressed in relation to his soul mate, in a phlegmatic person it is carefully hidden, both from the object of sighing and from himself. I think these simple truths were already known and clear to you, but I decided to remind you of them for the reason that it is in works that authors forget about the manifestations of these character traits when describing their feelings.

    A writer is always an actor and director rolled into one. Having created the world, written down the idea and plot, invented the characters, live them, take on their guise, and, believe me, you will begin to feel what your hero feels; you can see the world through his eyes. Even if the character is completely opposite to you, “enter” him and let him in, and that’s when the reader will see it, and perhaps even the negative character will be able to develop feelings for him, understand his nature of emotions, especially if he can recognize himself in these emotions.

    Human emotions– this is the evaluative attitude of the individual to emerging phenomena. Human emotions have not been studied well enough, so they often occur various definitions of this phenomenon by different authors. But we can express a general statement according to which emotions are regulators of activity that reflect the meaning of an existing or possible situation in the life of an individual. Based on this, a person’s emotions give rise to experiences of joy, fear, pleasure and other feelings. Human emotions, by themselves, may not give rise to experience, but they the main task- This is the internal regulation of activity.

    Emotions have undergone a long evolution; they have developed from simple innate instinctive processes (organic and motor changes) into more complex processes that have lost their instinctive basis, but are tied to a specific situation. That is, complex emotional processes began to express an individual evaluative attitude towards circumstances and their direct participation in them.

    They determine vital primary emotions that ensure a person’s survival. These include pain, rage, and others similar.

    Emotions in a person’s life have an indescribable meaning. So, thanks to interest, surprise, sadness, joy, fear, people transmit information. Their expression is accompanied by bodily manifestations - gestures, facial expressions, changes in skin color (redness, paleness).

    Emotions in human life are regulators social activity and its guides. A person without emotions becomes empty and uninteresting. He stops seeing the meaning in everything he does, so he becomes apathetic and detached. Sometimes such an apathetic state takes over a person, but returns over time good mood, which moves him forward.

    Emotions in a person’s life act as signals. With their help, the current state of the body is displayed. If positive emotions are observed, it means that he is happy with everything, negative ones indicate dissatisfaction of some needs.

    Emotions protect the body from overload and preserve internal energy. Every emotional state signals something. So, when experiencing stress, a person’s activity decreases, thereby leaving energy for doing something more important.

    The influence of emotions on a person is very diverse. They affect. A person experiencing positive emotions, such as joy, views the world from an optimistic point of view. Those who experience suffering or see evil intentions and negativity in everything.

    Emotions have an impact on mental processes. Thus, a person under stress cannot remember events appearance people, he mixes up all the facts and does not understand what is true and what he could have made up.

    The influence of emotions on a person is reflected in his studies and work. If he takes up work with interest, then he will act quickly and without getting tired.

    The emotional state influences. A person's strong emotions make him uncontrollable; he may not even understand what he is doing. For example, in a state (of an extremely strong emotional state) a person is capable of murder, he can do something completely unusual for him.

    Types of human emotions

    The role of any emotion in a person’s life cannot be overestimated. People may be from different cultures, brought up differently, live in different parts of the world, differ in appearance, speak different languages, but they all have the same emotions and express the same person’s attitude towards a certain situation or object. Even animals understand some human emotions. For example, when a person is happy and laughs, the dog also begins to show his joy by dancing around the person and wagging his tail. If a person is sad, the dog calmly lies down next to him. These processes have not been properly studied, but it is a fact.

    There are many types of human emotions and they can change each other very quickly. For example, a person is in one state and suddenly a certain stimulus acts on him, and he critically changes his attitude to the situation. A person can in an instant, being in a cheerful mood, switch to a gloomy one, or, conversely, under the influence of an event that has occurred, switch from a sad state to a joyful one.

    A person is capable of experiencing opposing feelings regarding one individual, and at the same time. The emotions that excite a person are instantly reflected on his face, so it is very difficult to hide them. People may try to hide their true feelings, their facial expressions, but there are other factors through which one can determine what a person is experiencing - this is posture, facial expressions, gait, gestures and others.

    All emotions are divided into positive emotions of people, neutral and negative emotions person.

    Positive emotions of people are joy, delight, confidence, satisfaction, tenderness, trust, admiration, sympathy, love, gratitude, tenderness, relief, bliss.

    Negative emotions a person is sadness, despair, anxiety, displeasure, melancholy, grief, resentment, fear, annoyance, regret, indignation, hostility, anger, insult, uncertainty, mistrust, rage, disgust, contempt, disappointment, impatience.

    Neutral ones include indifference, amazement, and curiosity.

    Each human emotion creates a certain resonance, and everything that is around the individual begins to absorb this state. To a greater extent, this refers to people, but thanks to some research, it has become known that animals and plants are also able to respond to different types emotional states.

    All people can experience basic emotions, but not everyone can experience a wider range of them. Such people are called “thick-skinned” in everyday life. They are not very sensitive and cannot fully appreciate their feelings, they find it difficult to identify them.

    Eat separate species emotions, called affect. Affect is a strong emotional state during which rational thinking is switched off and at that moment a person begins to act stereotypically. It is expressed in numbness, flight.

    Emotions prepare a person for certain actions. For example, when a person finds himself in critical stressful circumstances, he develops certain emotional and physiological reactions. Thus, in a state of fear, a person’s body may become numb, but it may also prepare to flee.

    If a person is sad, then he has a sluggish gait, drooping shoulders and corners of his mouth. In a state of aggression, a person takes a defensive position, the body becomes a shield, the back straightens, the whole body tenses. In an extreme situation, when there is a threat to life, the blood in the body thickens and in case of injury, severe blood loss can be avoided. When a person experiences joy, he produces hormones that can protect the body and strengthen overall tone.

    Various emotional states affect the cardiovascular system. Long-term stress can disrupt normal work heart, and lead to hypertension. Blood circulation also depends on the general condition.

    People's positive emotions affect blood flow to the skin and breathing rhythm. If a person experiences prolonged stress, he may experience breathing problems.

    A person’s negative emotions have a very negative effect on him and provoke various diseases.

    People's positive emotions have a positive effect on deep sleep, improving general state. An optimistic lifestyle has a positive effect on health, so you need to think positively in any case.

    Another group of emotional states is represented by affects. Affects are strong human emotions, accompanied by active actions to resolve acute, extreme, conflict or stressful situation. Affect occurs suddenly and is expressed in temporary disorganization (narrowing) of consciousness and acute activation of impulse reactions. They can appear in various forms.

    Fear is a form of affect, it is a reflex reaction that serves as a biological defense mechanism psyche. The main manifestations of fear are running, screaming, grimacing, decreased or strongly increased muscle tone, body trembling, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, dry mouth, intestinal disorders, etc.

    A person's anger can also lead to a state of passion. Anger is manifested in a raised tone of voice, reaching the point of screaming, an attacking posture and threatening facial expressions.

    The state of disappointment is less emotionally charged to lead to affect, but sometimes it does happen.

    Human feelings and emotions

    Human feelings and emotions are strongly connected with internal personal qualities. They reflect everything that a person lives by, what happens inside him. A person is often afraid to express his own emotions or denies them, and may confuse them with feelings. Some are not aware of them at all; it is difficult for them to say something in response to the question of what they are experiencing. But this does not mean that these people are insensitive. This means that we need to figure out what is the reason for this state, why a person is not able to determine how he feels about a person, how he feels about a certain event or phenomenon. A person who cannot identify his emotions and feelings is not capable of solving life's problems.

    For many people, what they are experiencing or feeling remains unknown, but they are more concerned about the reasons for their feelings. The causes of many conditions and feelings are social. Due to the active development of society, new emotions appear or are given new meaning. For example, a person is not able to feel some feelings after birth, but can learn later from his immediate environment. From early childhood, parents and friends teach the child to express their emotions, encourage them to show their feelings, tell them what emotions and in what situations can be expressed, and when it is better to restrain oneself. When a person is unable, for some reason, to experience the range of feelings that capture everyone except him, then he is considered selfish and insensitive.

    Emotions and feelings can express the same thing, for example, a person can feel an emotion and a feeling of joy. Emotions appear when a need arises and end immediately after this need is satisfied; feelings are objective in nature. Satisfying thirst, hunger and other needs is associated with the emotion of joy. The feeling of satisfaction is directly related to one irreplaceable object, for example, a person wants to drink coffee, but there is only tea, but it will not replace coffee, it will not provide the satisfaction that a person expects from coffee. Feelings manifest themselves exclusively towards some object; if it is absent, then they do not arise.

    Feelings can be nurtured and developed. There are levels of human feelings - from practical ones, such as satisfaction or property, to sublime feelings that stand out along with spiritual ideals and values.

    Feelings developed historically, and in different eras one phenomenon could evoke different attitudes in people. Also, feelings are influenced by culture and religion. Therefore, to the same object in people different nations opposite feelings arise. For example, in European countries a woman can walk quite freely in shorts, a short skirt and a T-shirt; this is considered the norm. If a woman in this form walks near Muslim believers, this will cause indignation and contempt in them, since their religion and culture do not allow a woman’s body to be open.

    In a person’s life, practical feelings are formed that are directly related to his activities. In theoretical activity, intellectual feelings are formed that are associated with cognitive activity(curiosity, interest, surprise). In relation to the development of figurative-selective activity, aesthetic ones arose, such as a sense of harmony and beauty, admiration.

    Moral feelings include conscience, the experience of guilt, duty, solidarity, justice, nobility. Thanks to moral feelings, a person expresses his feelings and attitude towards others. They also distinguish spiritual feelings, which include feelings of holiness, enlightenment, reverence, and mysticism.

    The diversity of an individual’s feelings reflects his system of values, needs and the essence of personality. Regarding the outside world, a person wants to act in such a way as to be positively disposed towards it. Therefore, feelings, unlike emotions, can be independently regulated.

    When a person experiences a strong, sustained, positive feeling about something that arises from an unsatisfied need, he feels passion. Passion is strong emotional state, which is poorly controlled by a person, and not every person can cope with it.

    Emotional states vary in their sign (positive or negative), intensity, depth, duration of influence and significance of the reflection in reality (deep and shallow).

    Feelings and emotions can be sthenic or asthenic, depending on the impact on activity. Stenic ones activate a person, encourage activity, mobilize resources and strength, these include joy, interest, and inspiration. Asthenic relaxes and fetters forces, for example, a person’s negative emotions, humiliation, guilt, and depression.

    The emotional tone of a sensation shows a person’s attitude to the quality of feelings. That is, a certain phenomenon or stimulus is responsible for a person’s condition. For example, the sound of the sea, the sound of a log cracking in a fire, the sight of a sunset, and the like. Some irritants can cause idiosyncrasy in a person - a painful aversion to certain individually intolerable sounds, smells, tastes.

    Emotional response is a quick reaction to changes in external environment. For example, a person saw beautiful flower- I was amazed, I heard loud thunder - I was scared. An emotional response expresses a person's emotional excitability. There is a type of emotional response known as syntony; it manifests itself in a person’s ability to be responsive to other people and respond to phenomena and changes in phenomena in the world around them. Syntony is expressed through a state of harmony between a person and nature, in the ability to understand and accept the experiences and feelings of others.

    Emotional stability is manifested in the stability of a person’s behavior in a variety of situations, in resistance to various life difficulties, and in the manifestation of tolerance towards other people. The predominance of positive or negative emotions in a person’s experience forms a corresponding stable mood in a person.

    There is also a connection between emotions, feelings and... Emotions can cause certain behavioral acts, like motivation, and accompany the motivation itself, while experiencing certain feelings. For example, food is not only motivation, but also a source of satisfaction, and the very process in which a person eats is accompanied by the emotion of joy. Motivation is “turned on” with the help of internal processes of the body and is focused on suppressing internal imbalance. Unlike motivation, emotion is a response to external processes and is directed to the source of information from the outside.

    In nature there is such a phenomenon as. A person with alexithymia is said to be a person without emotions. Such people cross out both emotions and feelings from their lives. Instead, they engage in reflection. Alexithymics believe that it is important to understand, and not live it, wasting time on unnecessary experiences. They never feel anything, or at least they say so, it is difficult for them to understand themselves and identify their sensations.

    If a person is healthy, then he experiences feelings and experiences emotions. Because the external world affects a person, which means he must respond to these influences in some way, therefore all actions and thoughts of a person have emotional coloring, which is a sign of a mentally healthy person.

    Alexithymia is formed mainly in childhood, when adults, in the process of raising their children, themselves act in ways that cause this disorder. They interfere with the full formation of emotions and feelings in children, since they themselves have problems expressing them. While other parents encourage their children to express their feelings, alexithymics are unable to teach this to their own children, as they themselves have difficulty recognizing and expressing their feelings. In most cases, alexithymia occurs in men. Since they are taught from childhood that they are not obliged to cry or reveal their true feelings, but to keep everything to themselves or not even allow themselves any feelings.

    Alexithymia can develop not only in childhood, but also in adulthood. This occurs due to stressful experiences accompanied by strong emotions. If a person is unable to realize and experience his emotions, a certain barrier appears to them; he does not allow them to reach his consciousness, blocks and ignores them. It turns out that a person guards himself from internal experiences due to the inability to share them with someone or properly work through them.

    There are people who quite consciously turn off their emotions. They explain this by saying that it is easier and much more profitable to live this way. So, for example, these people can freely “go over their heads”, despite the fact that this makes other people feel bad. They do not feel pity for people if they have hurt them, they simply insensitively use them for personal gain. They organize their lives to the fullest, do what is important to them first and foremost. But over time, a certain understanding comes that it was necessary to live differently. This happens when a person realizes all the pain that he caused to others, when his loved ones leave him, and he cannot do anything about it. It is very important to understand all this in time and stop being an insensitive person.