Everything you need to know about ventilation in the kitchen. Ventilation, properly arranged in the kitchen, means a healthy microclimate throughout the house Double hood in the kitchen

Everything you need to know about ventilation in the kitchen.  Ventilation, properly arranged in the kitchen, means a healthy microclimate throughout the house Double hood in the kitchen
Everything you need to know about ventilation in the kitchen. Ventilation, properly arranged in the kitchen, means a healthy microclimate throughout the house Double hood in the kitchen

In the terminology of sanitary norms and rules, ventilation of residential premises can be mechanical and natural. To ensure the ventilation process, it is necessary to create an air exchange process. Air exchange consists of a balanced flow of air and its exhaust from the room.

Designing kitchen ventilation is not a complex type of design, as we would say in production. They use special AutoCAD Mechanical solutions for industrial mechanical engineering design. It’s better to read about them on the website.

However, you need to know the features of kitchen ventilation, especially when buying a kitchen hood.

Three types of kitchen ventilation

Not taking into account corridor-type residential premises, as well as dorms and rooms without natural light, three types of kitchen ventilation can be distinguished:

Natural ventilation through vents, transoms and other elements of window structures used for ventilation, as well as cracks and gaps in window structures. According to the physical laws of air movement, such ventilation will be forced ventilation.

Mechanical or forced ventilation. Mandatory mechanical ventilation of apartments includes exhaust ventilation through kitchen exhaust ventilation ducts. The ducts of the kitchen, bathroom and toilet sometimes lead into the general building ventilation duct.

Additional forced ventilation. Additional kitchen ventilation includes a local hood installed above the kitchen stove. Installed according to the air exhaust pattern, the hood performs the task of additional exhaust ventilation for the kitchen.

It is this diagram of air exhaust from the kitchen that raises a lot of questions that need to be paid attention to.

What to look for when choosing a hood

Firstly, general house ventilation is designed to take in 150-200 cubic meters of air per hour. If you connect a hood with a capacity of 300 cubic meters per hour to it, you will not get the desired effects from such a connection. In addition, it is possible to pump air to your neighbors through the air duct, which is not at all good.

Here you can argue and say that the hood will work like an exhaust ventilation. But it doesn’t always work, and most of the time it just acts as a decorative element.

The problem of blocking ventilation with an exhaust hood is easily solved. The exhaust vent in the kitchen is divided into two. One is used to exhaust the hood, and the second remains for the air in the kitchen itself. This needs to be taken into account.

Due to the widespread installation of metal-plastic windows in kitchens, natural air circulation is disrupted. At the same time, high-quality ventilation in the kitchen is very important, but its arrangement must be done with skill, so that instead of exhaust from the air vent, there is no influx of odors from neighboring apartments or the bathroom.

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    Need for ventilation

    Many apartments have gas stoves. During its combustion, carbon dioxide is released, the toxic properties of which are more pronounced given the increase in its content in the air. The only correct solution to this problem is in the kitchen in the apartment.

    A properly designed ventilation system in the kitchen is required, even if the gas oven is working perfectly. The need for this increases with errors during equipment setup, which can cause the formation of carbon monoxide. In addition, the gas sometimes does not burn completely, accumulating in the air.

    How to properly connect a kitchen hood \ How to mount extractor hood correctly

    In other words, when starting work with a gas stove, you must immediately turn on the forced fan of the exhaust equipment. But electric stoves do not reduce the importance of effective ventilation.

    Burning of food begins to be accompanied by the formation of harmful substances that appear as a result of pyrolysis of organic elements. People who prefer to cook food by steaming know that evaporation leads to an increase in humidity, and this also needs to be reduced. That is, ventilation in the kitchen with a hood is a vital necessity.

    Types of exhaust systems

    Various consumer needs force manufacturers of ventilation systems to create products that could best suit the needs of any customer, so the range on the modern household appliances market is quite large. It is necessary to understand such diversity.

    Air purification methods

    You can purify the air using different ventilation methods. Depending on which one is used in a particular product, hoods are divided into 2 types:

    Circulation systems can be combined with standard ventilation ducts in the kitchen. The disadvantages include the high price and expensive maintenance, since filters need to be replaced regularly.

    The difference between an evacuation exhaust system is that it can additionally remove excess heat that constantly appears during cooking. Circulation devices do not have this function.

    Construction type

    In addition to the main function, consumers pay attention to other features of various products. It is necessary that the exhaust equipment fits harmoniously into the design of the room and is convenient to use. It should also be possible to mount on one's own.

    Modern devices differ in both performance and installation method, production material, design, and other functions.

    According to their design, hoods are divided into two types:

    1. 1. Dome. The product got its name due to the shape of the air intake, which resembles a dome. An air duct emerges from the top of the hole, removing air through the ventilation duct.
    2. 2. Built-in. Such models can be hidden from prying eyes by hiding the hood in the kitchen unit. Often built-in hoods have a retractable panel. This makes it possible to economically distribute space and provide convenient control of the device.

    Before ordering a set and choosing an exhaust device, you need to plan the room so that kitchen furniture and appliances do not interfere with each other and are easy to use.

    At the installation location

    The hood is installed taking into account various factors - the area of ​​the kitchen, the location of the stove and the furniture.

    Depending on the installation, exhaust structures are:

    1. 1. Angular. Installing the stove in the corner saves space and makes the cooking surface accessible. The structure itself has the shape of a dome.
    2. 2. Wall-mounted. In this case, one part of the hood is adjacent to the wall, and the other is located above the stove.
    3. 3. Island. This hood is installed above the stove, which is located in the center of the kitchen.

    Before installing the hood with your own hands, you must carefully read the instructions. There are installation specifics for any model, but certain general rules apply to all products. This is the height of the location relative to the level of the furnaces. For gas stoves it should be at least 80 cm, and for electric stoves - at least 70 cm.


    Operational safety

    The hood kit certainly includes a fan, which means that the equipment must be connected to an outlet. If the renovation of the apartment has just begun, then a separate one is needed. Using it with only one device will make it possible to disguise it behind elements of kitchen furniture. But at the same time, it is necessary to provide convenient access to it. There is one more rule: the socket must be no closer than 50 cm from the sink and hob.

    The kitchen is a room that can be both humid and hot at the same time. Excessive moisture and grease from cooking accumulates on the fan grill, creating the potential for an electrical short. That is why the device must be connected to the mains using a three-core cable.

    The electrical wiring must contain phase, neutral and ground. The ground wire has yellow insulation and a longitudinal green stripe. New buildings are already equipped with Euro sockets with grounding, so you just need to connect the grounding cable to the terminal on the plug. It is very easy to identify by the icon in the form of three lines of different sizes.

    Old buildings do not have grounding. In this case, you need to organize your own protection. In the event of an electrical breakdown, grounding will turn off the machine on the panel. In addition, it is required to balance the potentials.

    Grounding organization

    To organize grounding, you do not need to dig a trench and drive metal rods into the ground. It is prohibited to ground the hood to the gas pipeline, heating plant and water supply pipes.

    To organize grounding in the house, you need to find a neutral and connect to it, for which you need to open the common panel in the entrance. The wires contained in it are enclosed in a pipe immured in the wall. There should be a threaded pin on it - this is the neutral, which means the pipe is reliably grounded.

    Afterwards, you need to take a multi-core cable with a cross-section of at least 2.6 mm², connect it to the neutral and lead it to the required socket. The hood must be connected to the mains using a 6.4 A circuit breaker.

    Ventilation in the kitchen. Nuances.

    Possible problems during arrangement

    During installation of equipment, it is sometimes possible to violate the standard operating conditions. An attempt to correct this problem may be to punch a hole (specifically for the exhaust device) outwards or into the . But the desired result cannot be achieved using this method, because the cross-sectional area of ​​the ventilation channel does not increase while making another hole in it.

    If the outcome is favorable, only a little more than half of the odors from the kitchen will escape into the channel, and the rest will remain in the room. If there is wind outside or draft from neighboring floors appears, then all the polluted air will return back into the room or pass to the neighbors.

    As for venting air to the street using a hole in the wall, in this case the supporting structure is damaged. This work must be coordinated with the relevant authorities and a preliminary development of the draft of the upcoming changes must be provided. In addition, such a solution can create the risk of condensation forming both in the air outlet and on the fan motor, so a short circuit is almost inevitable. As a solution to this situation, it is better to use an additional section of the ventilation duct equipped with a flapper valve.

    The damper is usually made of aluminum sheet 0.6 mm thick or fiberglass or fluoroplastic. It is best to make an aluminum product, since both the thickness and rigidity, as well as the lightness of the damper, are important. The firecracker fires more efficiently when the specific gravity of the manufacturing material is low.

    The damper is equipped with a thin spring. Its main task is as follows: if the damper is raised up and the impact on it is completed, then it should smoothly return to its original position. Wire for making a spring is needed with a diameter of 0.25−0.4 mm. With a size of 130-140 mm, the diameter of the spring itself is 4-6 mm.

    Getting rid of odors

    Kitchen hoods often have odor neutralizers. On the domestic market you can find several types:

    1. 1. Chemical. Such neutralizers must be replaced regularly, as a greasy film quickly appears on them, and they stop working without fully using up their service life. In addition, chemical neutralizers themselves begin to produce compounds that can cause harm to health.
    2. 2. Electroionization. This equipment works on the principle of an ionizer, but in any room of the house toxic substances are found in much smaller quantities than in the kitchen. To get rid of them, you will need a powerful discharge, which can also harm a housewife standing near the stove.
    3. 3. Ultraviolet. When using these neutralizers, in some cases it is necessary to wipe the light bulbs from plaque and replace them approximately every 2 years, but good ones are expensive. But this neutralizer is not dangerous for people. In addition, the lamps not only emit ultraviolet light, but are also used as additional lighting.

    Air duct installation

    The exhaust system kit does not include an air duct. It must be purchased separately. There is an opinion that a rectangular metal box looks much more attractive in contrast to aluminum corrugation, but the latter option also has its advantages:

    It is quite possible to organize a ventilation system in the kitchen on your own. But before starting work, you need to find out what types of exhaust equipment the modern market can offer today, what kind of schemes and rules for arranging a hood exist. Providing ventilation is a responsible matter, so it must be approached very carefully.

Natural ventilation is the simplest, and at the same time ingenious solution for creating air exchange in residential areas. Despite its simplicity, this system operates according to strictly defined rules, and violating them can lead to quite serious troubles.

  • Rule one: to effectively remove exhaust air, new, fresh air must enter the room.

Currently, this rule is violated everywhere by “clogging” their homes with sealed plastic windows. But it was through the wooden windows that the influx of air masses entered our apartments.

  • The second rule is that any independent intervention in the ventilation system can not only reduce the effect of air exhaust, but also turn the air flow in the opposite direction. As a result: instead of a hood in your kitchen there will be an influx of air, only from other apartments, or even worse - from the toilet. To prevent this from happening, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with.

Very often this phenomenon occurs in the summer and in the kitchen, because every respectable housewife considers it obligatory to install an exhaust hood in her kitchen. We do not want to say that problems arise precisely because of him. Problems arise due to the fact that many people use this hood to replace natural ventilation. We will talk about this and some common misconceptions in this article.

How natural ventilation works

Natural ventilation in our apartments is designed in such a way that air flows can freely flow from one room to another, moving from an area of ​​high pressure to an area of ​​lower pressure, i.e. from warm to cold. One air comes out, and another comes in its place. This is physics or the law of nature, and we are powerless against it.

With the advent of beautiful and sealed plastic windows in our homes, as well as metal doors with high-quality seals, fresh air cannot enter the apartments and natural air movement or air exchange stops. There is no more fresh air in the homes, the apartment is stuffy and high humidity. And then our man comes up with an additional problem for himself - this.

Air exchange and kitchen hood

Each apartment has two separate exhaust ducts: One in the bathroom and the second in the kitchen. Imagine a sealed apartment, with very high-quality plastic windows and the same doors, in which the owner turned on the hood in the kitchen. To be fair, it should be clarified that her hood is branded, high-quality and very powerful, and the exhaust ventilation in the kitchen is old, made according to all standards and norms, but for wooden windows.

By turning on such a hood in a sealed apartment, in which the entire volume of air is 130 m3 - 150 m3, an exhaust “umbrella” with a capacity of 500 -1000 m3 will drive all the air through itself in a few minutes. As a result: in the kitchen, the hood will create a vacuum, and without natural air flow, it will inevitably pull the missing cubic meters of air masses from the second ventilation hole in the apartment - from the toilet. And since the ventilation shafts in the attic are combined, the smell can come not only from your bathroom, but also from your neighbors’. In this small example we showed you the interaction and ventilation.

How to properly organize a hood in a kitchen with a gas stove

Today, almost all kitchens in private houses and apartments are equipped with a hood, and this is a problem. The problem is not with the hood itself, but with the fact that the ventilation ducts are not always designed for its use. Standard air ducts in our homes have a cross-section of 130x130mm, and their maximum capacity is 180m3/h. But modern “umbrellas” have a power that exceeds the throughput by several times, and this has an extremely negative effect on the work, as well as the ventilation of your own apartment.

In order to properly organize the ventilation of a kitchen with a gas stove, you need to make it mixed, i.e. correctly combine the work of the exhaust “umbrella” and natural ventilation. This can be done in two ways.

  1. Connect the kitchen hood air duct to the air outlet duct, above the grille of the natural ventilation system. Moreover, the air duct should be directed into the shaft with an upward turn.

    With this installation, the exhaust duct should occupy no more than half the cross-section of the ventilation shaft to ensure natural ventilation.

  2. The second method involves connecting the kitchen hood air duct above the natural ventilation hole, without tucking it into the shaft. But at the same time, the ventilation grille must be equipped with a check valve so that it closes the grille when the exhaust “umbrella” is operating.

Natural air exchange in the kitchen of a private house

The kitchen of a private house experiences the same difficulties as in an apartment, and maybe even greater, since a lot of mistakes are made, starting with the design process. It seems that there is a ventilation system in the house, but upon closer examination it simply does not work. Next, we will look at the main mistakes in the design and installation of a cottage ventilation system.
  • Location of ventilation grilles. According to all rules, they must be at least 10cm. from the ceiling, since warm, exhaust air must exit through them, displaced by colder, supply air. But in practice, things are not so rosy: In many kitchens, the exhaust grilles are located much lower, and as a result, a stagnation zone is formed, which is located above the grille.
  • To save money, in a private house, neighboring rooms are often equipped with one ventilation shaft. That is why air, and with it odors, can move from the kitchen to the room, and not through the ventilation shaft. From the point of view of sanitary and hygienic standards, this is wrong.
  • Another common mistake in designing the natural ventilation of a private house is the insufficient height of the ventilation pipes. Due to the small pressure difference, such ventilation may not work.
  • , but in practice, most developers do not consider this necessary and install only forced ventilation that depends on electricity. There is no electricity, and the fans do not work; exhaust air masses are not removed.
  • Very often it is the fireplace that causes the ventilation system to work incorrectly. When fuel burns, it burns oxygen and pumps air out of the ventilation ducts.

These are just the main mistakes that are made when designing the natural ventilation of a private house. But how can you make kitchen ventilation more efficient?

Effective DIY ventilation

If the ventilation in your house does not work or works poorly, then with some simple knowledge or following our advice, even an amateur can resuscitate it. To do this, you need to know the principles of air flow and a few basic rules.

  1. The kitchen is a room with intense air exchange. According to the standards, the air exchange in this room should be no less than 90m3/hour. Translated into a more understandable language, this means that in one hour 90 cubic meters of waste air masses should be removed from your kitchen. But according to the balance equation ∑ Lpr. = ∑ Lout, for sufficient air exchange an inflow of 90 m3/hour is needed.
  2. Armed with knowledge, now to restore ventilation in the kitchen, you need to install an exhaust fan in the ventilation duct with a capacity of at least 90 m3/hour. But we remind you that this is only if the natural exhaust of air from this room does not work.
  3. Now you need to take care of the supply air. You can keep the kitchen windows open all year round, but we think this is not an option. which faces the street. As a rule, they are mounted behind a heating radiator and the incoming cold air masses are immediately heated. The main thing is to maintain a balance between the volume of supply and exhaust air.

The ventilation system of your home, carried out according to all the rules, will provide you with fresh and clean air, and will delight you with the absence of foreign odors and high energy efficiency.

Effective ventilation in the kitchen is one of the most important conditions for comfort. Odors, heat, and moisture released during cooking can easily penetrate rooms if ventilation is not working.

Types of ventilation

There are two main types of ventilation in an apartment in the kitchen:

Natural. The simplest and most effective way to create good air exchange in the kitchen is natural ventilation. For it to work, two basic conditions must be met:

  • In order for dirty air to easily escape into the mine, you need a supply of fresh, clean air. This condition ceased to be fulfilled properly when the widespread replacement of wooden windows with plastic, sealed, energy-saving ones began. Such windows are effective in retaining heat, but significantly reduce the effectiveness of natural ventilation.
  • The ventilation system of a house is developed and calculated during the construction stage of the house and takes into account the area of ​​the premises and other factors. Intervention or change in areas of the ventilation system can significantly reduce the exhaust force or change the direction of air flow. Because of this, not clean air from the windows will enter the kitchen, but polluted air from neighboring apartments or from the toilet.

To improve the outflow of polluted air, special hoods are often installed in kitchens, which are designed to capture dirty air above the stove. The most common mistake when installing ventilation in a kitchen with a hood is that they try to replace natural ventilation with a hood. There is practically no supply of clean air. A powerful hood removes polluted air quite quickly and creates rarefied air in the apartment. If there is no supply air from the street through the windows, then the missing volume is drawn out of the toilet, where the second ventilation hole is located.

Proper organization of ventilation using a hood

Most ventilation ducts in houses built last century are not designed for the use of modern hoods. Air ducts usually have a cross-section of 13x13 cm and pass air with a maximum volume of 180 cubic meters per hour. The power of the hoods is several times higher than this value. When operating such a hood, the functioning of the ventilation of your own apartment and the entire house is disrupted.

Exhaust ventilation in the kitchen can work effectively if you combine the operation of a forced system (hood) and a natural one. To do this, the air duct from the hood must be connected to the ventilation system above the grille.

When the hood is turned off, ventilation occurs naturally; air flows out through the grille. Air flow should be ensured through slightly open windows.

When organizing ventilation in a kitchen with a hood, you need to consider a number of points:

When installing a hood, you need to choose the correct distance from the surface of the stove to the hood hood. This distance is indicated in the documents for the hood. A shorter distance provides better traction, but may cause damage to plastic parts from hot air.

To remove air from the hood above the stove to the ventilation channel, special boxes and pipes made of aluminum and plastic are used. Smooth air ducts have less resistance to passing air than corrugated ones. The fewer bends and turns the box has, the better the traction.

When installing ventilation in the kitchen with your own hands, you can place the air duct in two ways:

  • Fits on top cabinets.

  • It is hidden using finishing elements: behind plasterboard linings, behind a suspended ceiling. In this case, before sewing the pipe, you need to carefully check the operation of the hood. Once the wall or ceiling is covered, it will be much more difficult to fix the problems. Kinks in the pipe or duct reduce the cross-sectional area and reduce the performance of the hood.

Features of ventilation of a private house

Kitchen ventilation in a private house is based on the same principles as in an apartment. The most common mistakes when installing ventilation in the kitchen at home are:

  • Incorrect location of the ventilation grille. The grille should be located at a distance of up to 10 cm from the ceiling.
  • One shaft for all rooms of the house. According to sanitary and hygienic standards, a separate shaft must be provided for the kitchen, this will prevent dirty air from entering the room through the shaft from the kitchen.
  • Low height of ventilation pipes, which does not create the required pressure difference.
  • Lack of natural ventilation. When the electricity supplying the forced ventilation system is turned off, dirty air is not removed.

Ventilation in the kitchen, arranged in accordance with all norms and rules, will ensure the absence of odors and fresh air.

As a rule, this issue can be resolved by cleaning the ventilation shaft or sorting out errors when installing such a system, but if you still cannot find the right solution, pay attention to forced hoods.

High-quality ventilation will help remove carbon dioxide and other fumes from the apartment or house.

In modern rooms equipped with plastic windows, it will be difficult to ensure sufficient air flow. Let's figure out how to make forced exhaust, and through what mechanisms such designs allow you to clean the air in the room.

Pros and cons of forced exhaust

Forced exhaust system involves installing one or more fans in the room instead of standard grilles. During operation, they contribute to the flow of clean air from the air duct and remove unpleasant odors, harmful substances, moisture and dust from the room.

The mechanical system allows you to purify the air in the room with greater efficiency. Many fans of this type can be adjusted by independently changing the power and rotation speed.

The advantages of installing forced exhaust include:

  • possibility of faster air purification in the room;
  • long service life and high-quality functioning regardless of weather conditions or the condition of ventilation pipes;
  • opportunity independent regulation of air outflow and inflow.

Because the This type of fan operates automatically, when the power in the house is turned off, you will not be able to ensure proper ventilation of the room. In addition, forced-type fans can be quite expensive, taking into account the need to set up equipment and connect to the network.

Periodically, parts of such a system, as well as filters, will have to be replaced with new ones, and it is not always possible to notice problems in time.

There are several variations of forced ventilation of houses and apartments, so before deciding on a purchase, study in detail the features of their operation.

Do not forget that forced exhaust in an apartment will work properly only if the basic installation rules are followed: it is better to entrust this matter to specialists if you do not fully understand the features of these processes.

Features of forced ventilation systems

Today, it is possible to ensure the flow of purified air into rooms through several mechanisms. Ventilation in the house can be supply and exhaust(these are single installations that do not require additional equipment), typesetting supply, exhaust, and also be carried out due to the operation of a ducted air conditioner.

If the room has metal-plastic windows that block the access of fresh air, ventilation must be ensured by installing special valves in the window profile.

According to the recommendations of experts, It is supply and exhaust systems that can provide the best ventilation of home spaces. This design is a system consisting of a fan (a noise-insulated housing reduces the volume of its operation), an automation module, as well as special filters and sensors that affect the quality of operation.

When such a system is turned off, cold air does not enter the room, since a special damper in the housing prevents its further spread.

Thanks to the operation of supply and exhaust systems, it is possible to provide comprehensive air purification in the room. Some varieties of such structures allow you to warm the air if necessary.

Attention! The cost of fans of this type will directly depend on their performance. For small rooms, fans of 150 cubic meters per hour are suitable. The maximum power of forced hoods of this type is about 750 cubic meters per hour

A standard forced air hood includes one fan, so it is ineffective in rooms with large parameters. However, in small rooms it can easily cope with the processes of air purification and removal of harmful substances.

The stacked supply ventilation includes similar elements, but they are not mounted in a common housing. Usually, the fan, filters and other components of such systems are placed separately.

The average capacity of such a ventilation system can vary significantly, from 80 to 7 thousand cubic meters per hour.

Another method of ventilation is duct type air conditioners– do not have high performance indicators. On average, they will help purify about 20% of the air in the room. Additional filters, as well as heating blocks, will help solve some of the difficulties associated with their operation.

You can increase the efficiency of forced ventilation systems by constructing an attractive structure directly in the window area. Supply valves are mounted in the window profile, and fans and humidity sensors are installed in the shafts. As humidity levels increase, the built-in fans will automatically turn on and the air in the room will be purified. Through valves installed in the windows, fresh air will enter your home.

Important! The only negative property of such systems is the lack of ability to regulate the temperature of the air coming from the street during the hot and cold seasons.

There are no clear criteria determining which type of forced exhaust hood is best placed in a house or apartment.

But if you want to get an effective result, follow these recommendations:

  • for 1- and 2-room premises, hoods with a capacity of 200-300 cubic meters per hour are sufficient;
  • in apartments with a large number of rooms, the productivity of such a hood should be about 350-500 cubic meters per hour;
  • static pressure indicators for apartments with 2-3 rooms should exceed 400 Pa.

It is worth noting that Features of installation and operation of such hoods may differ depending on their purpose.

Let's talk about how to connect a forced ventilation system in rooms where this approach is considered the most common - in the bathroom and kitchen.

Connection in the apartment

When installing a forced hood in the kitchen think about how to supply power into such a system. There are two effective ways: in the first case, the connection is made directly to the power box, in the second – the system is powered via an outlet.

If you chose the first option, plan the main work in advance. Only after the necessary communications have been carried out can you begin to secure the system and select exhaust mechanisms.

Important! Consider how the processed air will exit the room. The design can discharge air into a ventilation shaft or directly to the street through an open space.

Installing the equipment will not cause you any particular difficulties: fans of this type are quite compact, like all the accompanying elements, and if necessary, you can learn more about the features of their fastening from consultants. As a rule, the fan grille is fixed to the wall with screws.

Advice: If there is a gas water heater in the kitchen, the need for powerful ventilation of the room increases. To solve this problem, you can purchase a ready-made column with forced exhaust: high-quality and safe equipment of this type is produced by Bosch and others.

To install a forced exhaust hood in the bathroom, you need to install a grille with a fan in the exhaust vent. It is already in the room, so there is no need to make additional holes in the wall. It is necessary to provide power supply to the fan installation area. Most fans have standard sizes, but in any case, make sure that the area of ​​the hole in the wall does not have to be adjusted to the parameters of such a design.

Since ventilation equipment designed for the bathroom must work effectively even in high humidity conditions, carefully select the appropriate model. Fans with the special IPx4 marking are suitable for you. Experts recommend choosing equipment with check valves so that polluted air or unpleasant odors from the kitchen and other areas do not enter the bathroom.

Regulation of draft in the chimney

Forced exhaust can also be used to regulate draft in the chimney. More often This problem occurs in private homes: The traction power is affected by the cross-sectional size of the pipe.

The smaller the diameter of the pipe, the less draft is provided in such a channel, and when the critical minimum cross-section of the chimney is reached, accumulation of combustion products is possible both inside the structure and in the room itself.

If the cross-section of the pipe increases, cold air may enter the room through the chimney, which will prevent the free exit of combustion products to the outside. This suggests that independent traction control may not always be effective. There are other reasons that influence the increase or decrease in draft in such rooms, and forced draft for the chimney can help.

The design intended for the chimney is practically no different from the exhaust fans described above. Smoke fan too works on the basis of electricity and automatically removes smoke from the duct, increasing the traction in the room.

Attention! For full operation of such equipment, it is necessary to connect a separate power supply line with a voltage of 220 V.

You have seen that in many cases, connecting a forced exhaust can be almost the only way out of the problem of air purification in an isolated room. Such designs can be used in both private and apartment buildings.

Since the purchase and professional installation of forced exhaust systems can be expensive, you can study their features yourself: we suggest watching a video that will inform you about some aspects of such work.