Do-it-yourself water supply in the country from pipes. Do-it-yourself summer water supply at the dacha. Option 1. Water supply from a well

Do-it-yourself water supply in the country from pipes.  Do-it-yourself summer water supply at the dacha.  Option 1.  Water supply from a well
Do-it-yourself water supply in the country from pipes. Do-it-yourself summer water supply at the dacha. Option 1. Water supply from a well

In a situation where a summer cottage serves as a vacation spot, it is impossible to do without organizing a reliable source of water supply. If you plan to grow crops at your dacha, regular water supply should be taken care of first.

A well can supply water supply in a country house

Based on specific conditions, the water source can be called:

  • well or well - require a submersible or other pump;
  • water supply network - needs to be cut into central water supply pipe for the home's irrigation and water supply system;
  • natural or artificial open reservoir - a pump and filter are required depending on the situation;
  • an autonomous container as a storage tank for a running but not permanent water supply system.

The container volume is sufficient, but an additional pump will be required

Possible options for arranging a water supply system

It is possible to use a central water supply or pump as a source of water on the site. In this case, an uninterrupted supply of liquid will be ensured by a storage tank or hydraulic accumulator. In a situation with a tank, a supply of moisture is maintained equal to the volume of the container, which can be of any size. It is placed at a height, due to which it is created slight pressure in the water supply.

Using a hydraulic accumulator is more convenient because it maintains stable high pressure in the water supply. By adding a pressure switch and a suitable pump to the accumulator, you can get an automatic pumping station. A hydraulic accumulator is a cylinder-shaped container divided into two volumes by a rubber membrane. In one half there is air under a pressure of about 2 atmospheres, in the other part water is supplied. The hydraulic accumulator has a limited volume, and this is a serious drawback.

When the tap is opened, water comes out of the accumulator, which reduces the pressure in the system, the value of which is controlled by a relay. When the lower threshold is reached, the pump automatically starts and pumps water until the upper pressure level is reached.

There are hydraulic accumulators different sizes

Types of water pipes

The market offers a large assortment pipes, installation elements and shut-off valves For independent organization plumbing system Location on. Its construction is a responsible undertaking, the success of which is determined by the optimality of the selected elements.

One of important tasks– selection of suitable water pipes. A worthy alternative The steel water pipes are lined with plastic pipes. Plastic is not subject to corrosion and works well in low temperatures, retains its functions for a long time. There are several types of plastic pipes, so you can choose suitable option, based on the specific situation.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes are inexpensive. They are connected using cold welding. As a result of welding, the connection can withstand pressure of up to 15 atmospheres, and the water supply system lasts more than 50 years. Temperature its operation – from -15 ºС to +45 ºС (maximum +65 ºС). Susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation medium, in cold weather the pipeline becomes brittle.

PVC pipes suitable for plumbing

Advantages of PVC pipes:

  • ease of installation;
  • do not support combustion;
  • smooth surface;
  • oxidation resistance;
  • possibility of bending.

Among negative qualities PVC water pipes show a loss of strength due to scratches. PVC pipes do not allow threaded connections. It is not advisable to use them for an open plumbing system. The water supply should be placed in a trench or sewer.

Polypropylene pipes (PPR) are often used for water distribution in the country. Note that PPR pipes for cold water marked with a stripe of blue color, for hot - red. The connection of water supply elements is made using special soldering irons, which heat up the plastic at the ends of the pipes being welded, which quickly bond and harden upon contact.

Polypropylene pipes in summer water supply

Polypropylene pipes do not bend, and additional angles and fittings are used when assembling the water supply system. The result is high reliability of the system, but with a large number of fittings, the cost of the entire water supply increases.

Low pressure polyethylene pipes

Polyethylene pipes low pressure(HDPE) are connected without glue and additional devices. Threaded HDPE water pipe fittings are easy to twist by hand. Other advantages of such products include:

  • operation down to -60 ºС is possible;
  • resistance to chemical attack, rotting;
  • assembly by welding or using threaded fittings is possible;
  • service over 50 years;
  • use for summer and winter water supply;
  • smooth internal surface, which eliminates pressure loss in the water supply and deposits on the walls;
  • When water in pipes freezes, they increase in size, and when they thaw, they return to their original state without destruction.

An insignificant drawback of such pipes for country water supply is the impossibility of operation under high temperature liquids. A more noticeable inconvenience is that you cannot step on such a water supply, unlike metal structures.

HDPE pipe as a pipeline for drip irrigation

We have already noted that HDPE pipes can be welded or joined using threaded fittings. notice, that threaded connection can withstand water pressure of up to 4 atmospheres, which is more than enough in a dacha environment.

When selecting HDPE pipes, you should purchase options with blue stripes (for cold water transfer). Version with lines yellow color cannot be used in the garden, as they are designed for gas media and contain toxic additives.

Based on the operating pressure, HDPE pipes are divided into several categories:

  • light - hold up to 2.5 atmospheres;
  • medium-light - up to 4 atmospheres;
  • average - up to 8 atmospheres.

Street water supply on the site is assembled from light and medium-light pipes (designated C and SL, respectively) with a diameter of 32 to 50 mm. You need to decide what density of pipes you need, it comes in three options: 63, 80, 100 (the numbers indicate the density). The higher the density, the higher the cost of the products.

Sometimes, despite more high price, for the dacha you should choose the option high density: the walls of such pipes are thinner, which ultimately reduces the weight of the structure. This can be a deciding factor when water is obtained from a well or borehole. Light weight simplifies pipe fixation.

Plumbing system assembly

Before you start installing a water supply system in your dacha with your own hands, it is important to determine which sides of the garden the wiring will go to and draw a layout diagram plastic pipeline. It is necessary to provide for the passage of water into country house, as well as to key areas of the site where regular watering is provided. A scale plan will allow you to determine the location of water intake points, the length of the irrigation system and the number of fittings.

Several water intake points should be provided so as not to carry heavy hoses and ensure simultaneous watering in different places. It is necessary to provide a tap at the entrance to the house and before the main branch.

Also required drain valve at the lowest point of the system. It will remove water from the pipes in winter time, prevent it from freezing. If the water supply is installed from HDPE, a drain tap is not necessary. It should be taken into account that the number of possible cycles of freezing and thawing of water in the system is not infinite, and even a polyethylene pipe may eventually collapse.

The irrigation scheme will help calculate the amount of materials

The procedure for preparing to assemble the water supply system is as follows:

  • drawing up a pipe layout;
  • calculation of the length of the system and the number of fittings;
  • decision on operating mode: winter or summer;
  • ditch preparation;
  • purchase of irrigation system components from the selected material.

Winter and summer mode The use of water pipes differs in the depth of installation polyethylene pipes. In the case when the dacha is visited all year round, it is advisable to choose an insulated water supply system or install a standard one, below the freezing zone. When installing watering pipes in a dacha, it is more profitable to use summer type water supply If you have a greenhouse, you can’t do without winter version styling The insulated pipeline that goes to the greenhouse should be laid in deep ditches or the pipe should be heated.

We consider the issue of bringing water into your dacha house with your own hands in a special article. Experts recommend using polypropylene for this purpose. welded pipes, which are resistant to temperature fluctuations and depressurization. The location of their installation is chosen taking into account the location of the rooms and ease of installation. Installation of filters is required. Expansion tank will be a good addition.

Scheme of water supply system with drip irrigation

Type of filters for garden house selected based on the composition of the water taken. When there is a lot of iron in it, a system of two filters is used. One of them is ion exchange, which removes iron. The other is carbon, for proper mechanical cleaning. Before using water for domestic purposes, it is important to have a sample analyzed. If the results are unsatisfactory, install an additional filter and be sure to boil the water before use.

Do-it-yourself autonomous water supply at your summer cottage

Irrigation system with automatic pump cannot work without electricity. Electricity supply to rural areas may be intermittent, so consideration should be given to reserve stock so as not to be left without water in the absence of electricity. A tank or other container can be installed in the attic or a special area and water can be pumped into it from a well or reservoir.

In the tank you can accumulate and rainwater However, in this case a filtration system should be provided. First, the water must undergo coarse purification, and then several stages of fine purification. A coarse filter should also be installed at the inlet of the suction pipeline coming from the pump and check valve. The filter will prevent damage to the sensitive dirty water equipment. The valve will protect against reverse water discharge after the pump is turned off.

An autonomous tank at the dacha promotes high-quality watering of plants. In the warm season, its contents quickly warm up. Plants that are watered warm water, grow faster and give a rich harvest. If it is necessary to create drip irrigation, a single pipeline should be assembled. Tees should be installed on the central pipe and drip irrigation tapes should be connected.

Many city residents enjoy spending time at their summer cottages, not only in the summer months, but also on winter weekends. To life in country house did not differ in comfort from the city one, it is necessary to equip your site with all possible communication systems. The most important thing for a dacha is an uninterrupted supply of water. After all, without this liquid it is impossible to grow plants, and living itself cannot be considered comfortable. This article will talk about how to organize water supply at your dacha with your own hands.

Selecting a water source

Before you start installing a water supply system, you should decide on the source of water. If the village has a central water supply, then the most the best option there will be a connection to it. But not all dacha cooperatives have such communications. Therefore, it is worth considering other options, namely:

  • well;
  • open source;
  • special tank;
  • well.

Each of them has its own positive and negative sides. The most traditional way water extraction in rural areas can be considered a well. In essence, it is a simple deep hole, the bottom of which reaches the aquifer. To get water from a well, it is enough to lower a bucket there or equip a pumping station (hose and pump).

But this method has its drawbacks. Firstly, if the well is summer cottage no, then it needs to be dug up. Such work is quite labor-intensive and costly. Secondly, the quality of water from the well is not always at the desired level. Of course, using such a source for watering the garden is quite acceptable, but it is not entirely suitable for drinking (it is necessary to additionally use purification and filtration systems).

Another source of water can be an open reservoir. If your dacha is located on the banks of a river or lake, then simply lower the hose there and connect it to pumping station. This source is great for watering, but it is not suitable for drinking and cooking. In addition, you must obtain permission to use water from a river or lake for irrigation.

You can place a tank on the site. It will collect water from drainage system or septic tank. This source is perfect for watering the garden and vegetable garden, but not for drinking. In addition, the collected water may not always be enough even for technical needs, so it is necessary to transport it by truck.

Note! The most optimal and convenient way Providing a summer cottage and a house with water is a well. This is the method most often found in country houses. The water from the well is quite clean, and if it is drilled correctly, there will be enough water for all needs.

Of course, this method is not without its drawbacks. The fact is that to organize water supply from a well you need quite high costs. Firstly, the help of specialist geologists is required. It is necessary to accurately determine the location and depth of the aquifer. Of course, costs can be reduced if your neighbors have already created such a system. You can simply find out all the parameters from them. Secondly, you are unlikely to be able to drill the well yourself. Here without special equipment it won't work out. In addition, the pipes for the well themselves can be quite expensive. But still, this method is considered the most reliable and popular.

Plumbing system for summer and winter

Many summer residents are familiar with such names as summer and winter water supply. Everyone knows very well that each season has its own water needs. IN summer period the need for liquid increases significantly, because plants need it.

Summer water supply can be made stationary or collapsible, it all depends on the wishes of the summer resident. In the first case, it is better to use metal-plastic or polypropylene pipes. With their help, a network of pipes is created at the dacha through which water flows into the right places. Such communications can be buried in shallow trenches so that the pipes do not interfere with movement around the site.

Note! If you don’t want to lay a large number of pipes, then you can create a collapsible summer water supply system. Ordinary hoses that are connected to water distribution points are perfect for these purposes. In this case, when the cold season sets in, the hoses are simply put away in the garage or shed.

If you live on a summer cottage in the winter (or visit your country house on weekends), then you need to equip a winter water supply. But such a system will require a lot of effort. First, you need to carefully consider the location of the pipes. It is worth considering the installation of access points to the water supply both in the house itself and on the site. Secondly, it is important to choose the right material and all equipment. In addition, you need to think about ways to insulate communications, otherwise the pipes will simply freeze.

Preparatory stage

If you decide to equip your country house or the entire site with a stationary water supply system, then the first thing you need to think about is the layout of communications. First, the owner must decide on the source of water. As noted above, a well can be considered the best option.

After that everything is thought out necessary equipment. If you only use the water supply for watering, then you will only need a pump. If you will use the system for domestic needs, then it is necessary to provide a water filtration and purification system, as well as devices for automatically turning on and off the pumping station.

Next, a drawing of the location of all devices and pipe laying is drawn up. The location of water supply points to the premises and on the site itself is thought through. Also, at the stage of drawing up the diagram, you need to clearly define the materials used and work out a plan for the upcoming work.

If we talk about materials, then, as a rule, polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes are used for laying water pipes. Their cross section will depend on individual characteristics water supply Here it is worth taking into account the pump power, water pressure, length of communications and other factors.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of pump. The choice will depend on the source of water and your financial capabilities. For example, if you take water from a well, you will need submersible pump. For a well, you need to choose a deep unit. The best, but also the most expensive option, is the purchase of a pumping station. This unit is already equipped with all necessary equipment automation and water purification.

Work on arranging a water supply system at the dacha

When the diagram is drawn up and everyone is prepared necessary materials and the device, you can begin the work itself on creating a water supply system. The first step is to mark the route of pipes and equipment installation locations.

Then trenches are dug for laying communications. It is important to maintain the depth correctly; it should be below the soil freezing level (if you are going to use the water supply in winter period).

Don't forget about a place to lay the armored cable from which the pump will be powered. It can be laid in the same trench with pipes or made as a separate line. If the water source is located near the house, then it is better to make an overhead line.

Note! Connection pumping equipment must be carried out using a separate machine, the power of which meets the requirements of the equipment operating instructions.

Next, the pump is installed and connected. Everything will depend on the selected water source. In each case, the installation of pumping equipment, and, accordingly, the order of its connection, will be different.

After installing the pumping equipment, the water supply pipes are connected. Then the tightness and performance of the entire system is checked. After this, you can fill the trenches.

About insulation

If you are going to use the water supply system in winter, then you should think about insulating communications and all equipment. Without such additional protection the water supply will not function.

In order to receive water during the winter period, the following rules must be observed during installation:

  • The depth of pipe laying should be below the soil freezing level. This indicator can be obtained from construction companies or obtain information in special reference books.
  • Insulate the pipes. For these purposes you can use various materials. The main thing is that they can easily withstand exposure to aggressive environments and do not rot. Quite often, mineral or glass wool is used as insulation. Recently appeared new way to protect pipes from freezing - this is a polystyrene foam shell. This material fits the pipes tightly, is easy to install and is not subject to rotting. You can also use heating cable, but this method will require additional operating costs.
  • In addition to pipes, it is imperative to insulate the equipment used, as well as the water source. If used as such wooden well, then additional thermal insulation is not needed. And here concrete structures must be insulated without fail. As a rule, a pit is dug around a water source to a depth below the freezing level of the soil. Then it is filled with thermal insulation material.

If the entire system is done correctly and insulation is done, then the water supply will work uninterruptedly. But, nevertheless, during abnormal cold weather it is better to take advice from specialists. During this period, it is better to leave the tap open. A small trickle of water will create movement in the pipes, which will prevent the water from freezing.

Watering is not an easy task, and running around the dacha with a bucket back and forth is tiring. That is why the best solution this issue on the plot will be the construction of a water supply system for the summer, and the best material– plastic pipes.

There are two types of country water supply:

  • collapsible;
  • stationary.

Construction of a collapsible pipeline and its advantages

Summer irrigation water supply is a system of polypropylene pipes, supplying water from a source to required places Location on.

The dismountable pipeline runs on the surface of the earth.

With its help, you can deliver water to garden beds, summer showers, bathhouses and for other purposes. When cold weather sets in, the pipeline is washed and disassembled into its component parts before the onset of warm weather. This is necessary in order to avoid rupture of the elements when water freezes in them.

A collapsible pipeline has a number of advantages. It can be quickly assembled and disassembled. If there is a leak, it is easy to detect and the affected area can be replaced. If necessary, the pipe wire can be lengthened or shortened. In addition, such a system has a low cost.

Collapsible water supply consists of polypropylene pipes connected to each other, connected in series to a source on the surface of the earth. However, this method there are disadvantages. Pipes lying on the surface interfere with free movement on the site. You need to constantly watch your step, and a soft hose is easily damaged by accidentally hitting it with a shovel or other sharp tool. There are cases of theft of water supply sections during the absence of the owners. However, all these disadvantages are covered by the low cost and simplicity of the design.

Currently, the construction of a collapsible summer water supply system does not present any difficulties. There are special kits in stores that include sets of connecting elements, a hose and polypropylene pipes. To assemble such a water supply you do not need to be a great specialist. This will take no more than half an hour. It is fixed to the ground with special pegs that hold it in one position.

Installation of stationary water supply and its advantages

Stationary water supply for irrigation involves underground pipe laying. Only the target water points remain above ground. The depth of installation varies depending on the location.

So, under the lawn the pipe is buried no more than 20 centimeters from the surface of the earth. At the same time, under the beds the line is laid at a depth of at least 40 centimeters.

When cold weather sets in, it is necessary to completely drain the water from the pipeline. Otherwise, the water in the pipes will freeze and burst.

For self-draining water without special devices, pipes must be installed at a slope.

A drain valve must be installed at the lowest point of the water supply.

What is the best material to use to make a water supply system at your dacha with your own hands? Is it possible to ensure a constant supply of water on the site if it is supplied by the garden cooperative on a schedule? How to avoid pipes from defrosting in winter?

Let's try to answer this list of questions.


First, let's formulate what we have to achieve.

  1. Water must be brought into the house and distributed around the area for watering it.

Advice: given its small area, it is more practical not to install stationary sprinklers for watering, but to connect a reinforced hose with a manual sprayer to a fitting located approximately in the middle of the area.

  1. For a constant supply of water, we have to install a storage tank. Because for watering and normal operation water taps need pressure, the container is placed in the attic of the house, at the top of a slope or simply on metal stand at least 2 meters high.
  2. In addition, we have to solve the problem of winterizing the water supply. Since in winter most climatic zones country, water is not supplied to gardening communities, and the air temperature drops much below its freezing point, it is advisable to provide for the possibility of completely draining the pipes.

Material selection

What material will we choose to build a country water supply system with our own hands?


Let’s immediately weed out steel pipes - what without anti-corrosion coating that are galvanized.


  • Black steel in wet soil will obviously not serve you happily ever after. Rust will eat the pipes in 5-7 years.
  • Galvanization is one and a half times more expensive than already expensive steel pipes. In addition, assembling a steel water pipe using welding or threading is an extremely labor-intensive process.

What remains?

Metal-plastic, polypropylene, PVC pressure pipes and polyethylene.

Our obvious choice is the last of the materials listed.

Do you need arguments in its favor?


  1. Polyethylene is flexible and elastic. A do-it-yourself water supply diagram for a dacha often includes curved sections; pave them flexible pipe won't be difficult.
  2. Equally important, elasticity is maintained when negative temperatures . If at the end of the season there is water left in some part of the water supply system, its freezing will not lead to ruptures in the pipe: the polyethylene will stretch, and after the ice melts it will return to its original size.


Polyethylene pipes are installed using butt welding, electrofusion and compression fittings. For us, the latter method is preferable.


  • Butt welding and connecting electric couplings require electricity, which is not available everywhere.

In response to possible objections: yes, buying or renting a diesel generator for a summer residence will solve this problem.
However, is it worth creating problems for yourself and then heroically solving them?
Isn't it easier to immediately opt for a more affordable solution?

  • The price of compression fittings is not much higher than that of butt welding fittings and noticeably lower than that of electrofusion fittings.
  • A compression fitting, unlike alternatives, makes the connection removable. Thus, it allows without extra effort clean the water supply section or change its configuration.


What diameter should you choose? There is enough water supply for a house with a good supply bandwidth pipes with internal diameters 12-15 mm. If you plan to simultaneously water the area with several stationary sprayers, the cross-section can be increased by a step - up to 20 mm: this will increase the throughput by 1.8 times.

If, in parallel with watering the area over the entire area, it is planned to use a washbasin or summer shower, the internal diameter increases another step - up to 25 mm. This way we will avoid loss of pressure.

When choosing a size, do not forget that pipes and fittings are marked not by the internal, but by the external diameter. The internal cross-section is tied to the wall thickness, which, in turn, is determined by the operating pressure. Let us present some values ​​of these parameters for a pipe made of PE 63 polyethylene.

Average outside diameter, mm Wall thickness, mm at operating pressure, MPa
0,25 0,4 0,6 1
16 2,0
20 2,0
25 2,0 2,3
32 2,0 3,0
40 2,0 2,3 3,7
50 2,0 2,9 4,6
63 2,0 2,5 3,6 5,8
75 2,0 2,9 4,3 6,8

How to use this table? The instructions are extremely simple: to obtain the internal diameter, you need to subtract twice the wall thickness for a given operating pressure from the external diameter.

Winter water discharge

Organizing the possibility of draining the water supply is more than simple. It is enough to find its lowest point and provide a relief valve there. If the water supply system has sections with a counter-slope, discharge outlets are located at the lowest point of each such section.

A caveat: if you simply open the vent, most of the water will hang in the pipes.
To reset, you will have to open all watering and water taps.

Storage capacity

The water supply schedule in gardening communities is far from comfortable - from twice a day to a couple of times a week. Storage capacity - the simplest way provide yourself with water around the clock.

What can act as a storage device? The optimal choice is plastic container for water. To be precise, it is made from polyethylene, which is already familiar to us: the combination of strength and elasticity is in demand not only for pipelines.


The containers are available in white (translucent), blue and black.

E Is there any difference between them in practical terms?

  • We immediately discard the translucent plastic. He misses Sun rays visible and ultraviolet spectrum; therefore, the water in storage tank will begin to bloom quickly.
  • Black color is preferred in regions with cool summers. He will be more active in collecting thermal radiation; even at an air temperature not much above zero, the water in the tank will heat up to a comfortable temperature for showering and washing dishes.
  • Blue the color will suit for any temperature condition.


How to calculate the volume of the tank? To calculate, you need to estimate the average daily water consumption. Sanitary standard per person is about 200 liters per day; the need for watering is completely determined by the climate, the moisture-loving nature of the plants and the area of ​​your dacha.

Let's give average consumption water for some consumers.

Installation and connection

As already mentioned, the method of installing the container is determined by the design of the country house and the topography of the site.

You should not install a large storage device on light wooden overlap
If country houses from block containers with a frame made of corrugated pipe or channel with a cross section of 100 mm can withstand a load of a ton or more, then wooden beams not strong enough for this.

How to organize the connection of the tank? In most cases, the water collection pipe is already present at the bottom of the tank. It is equipped with a ball valve in case of repair of shut-off valves in the internal water supply.

To collect water in a fully automatic mode, a fill valve from the toilet tank is mounted in the upper part. The hole for it is drilled with a regular wood drill and expanded with a roller cutter; A pair of rubber gaskets are used for sealing.

There are a couple of nuances associated with installing the fill valve.

  1. A filter should be installed in front of the valve. rough cleaning. It will prevent debris flying through the pipes from clogging the valve or jamming it in the open position.

  1. It is better to take the valve itself of a domestic type, brass, with a wire rocker arm. It is distinguished not only by durability, but also by its ability to work with water flow with minimal overpressure and even by gravity. For imported products, at least 3-5 meters of pressure are needed.
  2. 0

Water has been and remains the life-giving force of nature. And without her, it’s certainly impossible to imagine any modern house or a bathhouse.

The issue of water supply arises especially acutely when we are talking about a dacha plot: here, in addition to recreation, the lack of water can also affect the availability of crops (possibility of watering), condition personal plot and some work household appliances. Great option solutions to water supply problems suburban area- summer water supply.

1 Which one is better to choose and install water supply?

Summer water supply, as the name suggests, is used only during the warm period. It is needed for watering plants on the site, for various household needs and, of course, for supplying water to the house, for summer kitchen, as well as bath and filling artificial reservoir or a swimming pool.

There are two types of water pipelines of this type:

  1. Collapsible water supply.
  2. Constant.

The first option is a collapsible summer supply water supply. If this installation scheme is used, then all the hoses and pipes are not hidden in any way and simply lie on the ground. Such a water supply system is easily assembled, for example, from silicone hoses, which are connected using fittings (steel or plastic).


  • simple device and quick assembly;
  • it is easy to find damage to HDPE polypropylene pipes and replace the part;
  • Installing a collapsible water supply will cost less than installing a stationary one on site.


  • pipes and hoses may interfere with movement;
  • easy enough to steal;
  • the need to assemble and disassemble the device at the beginning and end of the season.

Another option is to use a permanent water supply. It is laid underground: In this case, plastic pipes and hoses are used. All communications are laid at an angle to the drain valve near the source of water supply. Before the cold weather sets in, it is better to completely pump the water out of the system.

This water supply scheme implies that the pipes will lie at a shallow depth, and only water taps will go to the surface.


  • the pipes are hidden underground: they do not interfere with walking or any work;
  • installation similar design only needs to be done once;
  • better protected from theft than a collapsible water supply system;
  • An easy procedure for preparing the water supply for the winter.


  • the device and, in fact, the equipment of such a system will cost more;
  • installation will require some effort: the need to dig trenches, as well as lay pipes at a certain slope;
  • difficulties with repairs due to the low availability of polypropylene pipe sections.

1.1 Possible sources of water that are better suited for summer water supply

There are several options for water sources: in addition to the usual well, it is possible to use a well, natural body of water, as well as a rainwater tank and, in fact, the application central water supply.

Summer water supply at the dacha using central water supply is the most practical and convenient option. To do this, you need to connect to the main pipe: it is better to use an overhead tee, which is secured with bolts. Then the installation takes place - the cranes are installed.

If you decide make a natural reservoir a source of water for summer water supply, you must remember that direct supply to a house or bathhouse is extremely undesirable. In such cases, a filter should be used.

Connecting the water supply to the well. Wells that can be used in in this case, there are two types:

  1. Artesian. This option will provide more clean water due to deep well drilling.
  2. Sandy. The water speed is approximately two cubic meters per hour, which is quite enough for use in a summer cottage and a small private country house. However, an additional filtration device is required.

The use of a well in this particular case is quite traditional. But at the same time, it has certain disadvantages: low water speed and the presence of impurities in it that are harmful to human health.

There is also the option of using it as a reservoir source for melt and rain water. In this case, drainage and drainage pipes are laid to the tank, barrel, pool or artificial reservoir.

2 What materials are used to create a water supply system with your own hands?

  • First of all, these are pipes. More often they choose metal-plastic or polyethylene (HDPE), but there is an option for using your own hands and well-known steel pipes - this durable material suitable if you have welding and plumbing skills;

HDPE pipes are one of the most good decisions, since this one modern material HDPE is quite cheap, has long term service, does not require cathodic protection and does not corrode. Therefore, more and more often HDPE pipes are used for summer water supply in a private house.

  • Instead of HDPE pipes, you can use a hose. Rubber samples that are reinforced with nylon fibers are one of the most durable and durable materials for these purposes;
  • fittings and adapters (tees). Laying HDPE pipes is impossible without adapters, with the help of which HDPE pipes are laid. The use of special HDPE fittings allows you to assemble HDPE summer stationary water supply in a country house or private house within one day with your own hands.

2.1 Do-it-yourself water supply diagram

The first thing you need to do in advance in a private house is to decide where the water should be supplied, where the water intake points will be located, and also how many connections are needed.

It is important that this plan in a private house be specific: it is necessary to take into account where the paths, house, bathhouse, any other buildings are located, or what “obstacles” there are to the water supply.

If you plan to have a stationary water supply in a private house, and there is a need watering the beds, there is a possibility of damage to the pipes, for example, with a shovel. This means that the depth of the trenches must be increased to 60-70 cm.

When you install a water supply system yourself in a private home, it is important to remember the number of points of consumption. It depends on the location of the house, garden beds, shower, and the presence or absence of a swimming pool and bathhouse. To avoid having to move the hose from place to place, it is wiser to exit the pipe at 5-10 points. And to the hydrants, in turn, connect sections of hose 4-5 meters long in order to ensure watering for each individual zone.

2.2 What about in winter?

As it turned out, a self-made summer water supply is not suitable for the cold period, but at the same time, the need for water in winter does not disappear.

How to deal with this problem yourself? To solve this problem, it is worth remembering a few basic rules in order to install a winter water supply system in the country.

  1. The water supply system in winter must be equipped with a conservation system. This is necessary to prevent water in the pipes from freezing. in a private home, in order to avoid failure of the entire system.
  2. Do-it-yourself pipe laying should be done lower than the freezing depth of the soil.
  3. To avoid freezing of the system, it is necessary to install a special water heating cable for the pipes.
  4. It is also important that when installing a winter water supply system, you should use only a sequential pipe routing method.

Main difference summer version Do-it-yourself winter water supply means the presence of a water heating cable. It is installed inside a section of pipe that runs through unheated areas. Even in severe frosts, this will allow the system to function normally.

Included with this cable are sleeves for sealing the cable and a gland.

2.3 DIY summer plumbing (video)