Aquarius in the year of the dragon reviews. Secrets of the Chinese horoscope: Aquarius woman, born in the year of the Dragon

Aquarius in the year of the dragon reviews.  Secrets of the Chinese horoscope: Aquarius woman, born in the year of the Dragon
Aquarius in the year of the dragon reviews. Secrets of the Chinese horoscope: Aquarius woman, born in the year of the Dragon

This is a difficult combination of signs for life in the understanding of the layman. To understand the Aquarius Dragon, you need to get off the ground a little or learn to look into the future. The horoscope of Aquarius, born in the year of the Dragon, is distinguished by brighter colors of perception of the world. The dragon, as it were, adds fire to the air element of Aquarius and it rushes in this wonderful whirlwind, observing what is happening, evaluating and constantly opening a new page in life. It's fine!

Aquarius Dragon Personality

However, all of us, to one degree or another, have to deal with everyday household chores, and here the Dragon-Aquarius may show active resistance. Reality - the one that the Aquarius Dragon sees with his own eyes may not suit him. This is how the background for depressions and breakdowns is formed. What happens next - it is better not to continue, so as not to spoil the impression of the article.

I would like to draw attention to the way to solve this problem. Of course, we are all very different and this is really great. We all walk the earth and cannot ignore earthly laws - we have no right! You just need to learn to separate your daily worries from work and hobbies; learn to respect yourself and strive to do everything with pleasure, then inner peace comes. And on the basis of the state of peace, you can bring your wildest fantasies to life and everything will work out!!!

It is difficult to achieve inner harmony when you constantly “carry”, but this disease is treatable. Given the restlessness of the nature of the Dragon-Aquarius, which is almost always in search of himself, his love life is as rich as any other area of ​​\u200b\u200bits life of this person. Most often, he is cool about family ties, and this is also quite understandable. In general, there is something to work on if you want to change something in your life.

Aquarius Dragon Man

This combination of signs gives a man great scope in choosing not only a profession, lifestyle, but also self-realization in love life. If internally the Dragon-Aquarius man is usually more or less prudent, pragmatic and rarely lives with his heart, then outwardly he looks enthusiastic and extremely interested, demonstrates activity and diligence, the ability for good self-organization and responsibility.

His external energy, care and attention of many can be misleading, especially when it comes to personal life. Here he gives free rein to his Aquarius in full. No doubt, Aquarians are very sociable, peaceful, they love people in general, they are ready to help them in every possible way. But, in close relationships and love affairs, not everything is so simple. And, according to this, the level of spiritual development of the Dragon-Aquarius man will play a decisive role here.

The more developed and well-educated a man is, the more intellectual his needs and vital interests are, and in fact, the more balanced he is, the more likely it is to build long-term adequate and desirable relationships with him, which will grow into a strong family.

Aquarius Dragon Woman

This woman is a poet's dream! It has everything you can dream of: charm, intrigue, vital energy that bubbles up, and intelligence. You can add an amazing capacity for work and the ability not only to set goals, but also to achieve them - most often by hard work, and good artistic data. But, and the list of positive qualities of the Dragon-Aquarius woman, of course, does not end there.

She will never turn off the intended path. Perhaps she lacks flexibility and adaptability to changing conditions, but the Dragon-Aquarius woman is always in demand both in the profession and in personal contacts, because you can rely on her.

What is left for love life and family? The Dragon-Aquarius woman is a caring wife and mother, she manages to do everything that is required of her both at home and at work. But, she needs a man who will inspire her, awaken her imagination, lead her, and finding such a man is not easy.

Therefore, most often, the Dragon-Aquarius woman either twists novels right and left, remaining “in the girls” for a long time, or finds an “average” man, in general - mundane, but able to smooth out the sharp corners of her unbalanced character, all-forgiving, all-understanding - with a calm, peaceful disposition.

Both the sign of the zodiac and the year of birth are able to form distinctive features in the character of people, manifested in their relations with others. This article will highlight the characteristics of the personality of a representative of a combination of signs, called personality testifies to this), born under this combination of signs, is a very interesting person.

General characteristics of personality

The representative of the combination of signs Aquarius-Dragon is endowed with sociability and a good character. Sometimes he gets upset if he notices obstacles on the way to the intended goal, but having increased intuition helps a person overcome any difficulties.

Aquarius-Dragon is a cold-blooded and freedom-loving man, and in most cases he does not respond to criticism in his own address, he is never lost in the most confusing moments of life. He has an original imagination and amazing taste. This person is able to suggest to the people around him an interesting solution to any issues.

These men are always ready to offer their help to people, but they themselves do not know how to ask for it. In order to make friends with them, you should try to gain confidence in them. A male representative who was born under this combination of signs is able to be a devoted friend and a sensitive lover.

Aquarius (Dragon) is a man who loves to live in a world of dreams. A large number of his grandiose projects fall apart due to the fact that they do not have a stable foundation. This person is difficult to knock off the chosen path, and sometimes he manages to realize even a pipe dream.

Areas of activity

Career and money do not play a significant role in the life of a man born under the combination of Aquarius and Dragon signs. The greatest value for him are friendships and team work.

These men can become teachers, organizers of various associations, writers and travelers. Aquarius-Dragons may strive to realize themselves in creativity. For these people, it is often original, so the creative talents of the Aquarius-Dragon cannot always be properly appreciated by contemporaries.

Representatives of the stronger sex, born under this combination of signs, are endowed with the talent of a lecturer. If they fail to build a career in this field, they can choose relatives and friends to be listeners.

These men will not be able to work without inspiration and genuine interest in the field of activity. Monotonous work does not attract them - Aquarius-Dragon prefer diversity.

Aquarius Dragon Man in Love

The male representative, who was born under the combination of the Dragon-Aquarius signs, needs vivid emotions, so he is in no hurry to lose his freedom. He is amorous, endowed with the ability to flirt.

Aquarius-Dragon is a man who can arouse admiration among ladies. He often turns his gaze to wayward and spectacular women. He is burdened by boredom and problems in love relationships.

A marriage union for this man is possible only if he meets a woman who is able to understand and arouse the Aquarius-Dragon's sincere interest in his own person. The second half of this representative of the stronger sex should be so filled with emotions and impressions that this supply is enough for two. She should forget about jealousy and completely trust her beloved man.

Aquarius-Dragon (male): compatibility with other signs

The Aquarius-Dragon in love is at the mercy of his feelings. He is ready to perform feats for the sake of his beloved, to show tenderness and care towards her.

Aquarius-Dragon (a man who knows how to love with all his heart), realizing that he wants to be with a woman all the time, is able to immediately propose to her.

Female representatives born in the year of the Monkey, Rat or Dragon have a great chance to make a couple of representatives of this combination of signs. But the ladies who were born in the Horse or Dog have little chance of winning this man.

Representatives of the strong half of humanity, who were born under this combination of signs, need to realize that they are earthly people and they should pay more attention to ordinary worries and troubles. They should learn to separate their spiritual interests from ordinary human needs.

Aquarius-Dragon is a man (a characteristic of his character proves this fact), who does not hurt to learn how to control his feelings and emotions, to do things with a positive mood. He should pay more attention to family relationships, as well as overcome the fear of losing his independence.

Aquarius-Dragon refers to men of a unique character warehouse. He is able to change his fate and significantly affect the lives of people he knows.

Compatibility horoscope: year of the dragon zodiac sign Aquarius man - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Both the sign of the Zodiac and the eastern sign of the year of birth of a person have individual properties, qualities and conditions, which are mainly manifested in the characteristics of a person and his relations in society.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the Zodiac and the eastern years are formed from twelve parallel vertical levels, on the basis of which people show certain methods of behavior and react to individual conditions in circumstances in the form of the attitude of interacting people towards them.

The sign of the Zodiac forms tactical abilities in a person's character and represents one of the twelve levels of behavioral methodology.

The eastern sign of the year of birth forms the conditions and laws of the external environment for a person, his relations with people around him, in which he uses his own method of behavior assigned by the sign of the Zodiac. The year of birth forms for a person one of the twelve levels of his self-realization. The Eastern sign is called a strategy, since it forms a field of activity for a person, and in this field the Eastern sign manifests the laws and principles of the attitude of people around to a person.

Aquarius is the twelfth sign of the Zodiac in the natural hierarchy of society. People of this zodiac sign are logical, pragmatic, prudently strong-willed globalists by the nature of their birth.

The specialty of the Aquarius zodiac sign is " president, representative of public associations". A person of this zodiac sign is able to generalize masses of information, compressing it into a few words or sentences. Aquarius lives by the principle: " Show people their face". Will can show interacting people their positive or negative qualities of character in behavior or general politics. Aquarius apparently manipulates people and work processes. He effectively and stably self-controls, controls close and interacting people. Aquarius sticks to his own interests, he is inclined to risk his safety. Aquarius communicates with people on the basis of benefit, benefit for themselves and interacting. Aquarius defeats competitors with absolute rejection or sudden dictatorship, cruelty and insensitive actions. Aquarius severely punishes interacting people for their mistakes. This person doubts everyone, almost without exception. Aquarius simplifies his self-realization by applying the recommendations of authoritative sources. In life, he strives to use the best of the known and possible.

Eastern sign Year of the Dragon – 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036, 2048, 2060.

The Year of the Dragon forms a natural strategy, a field for relationships on the twelfth level of circumstance. People born in the year of the Dragon are surrounded by relationships with people who are prudent because of their experience, business maximalists striving for power. Regardless of the sign of the Zodiac, a person born in the year of the Dragon has to participate in work processes in which interacting people mainly occupy the positions of " presidents and heads of public associations". Interacting people show interest in a person born in the year of the Dragon in order to use his authority in their plans or take advantage of his resources. Surrounding people, regardless of their zodiac signs and eastern years, in relations with a person born in the year of the Dragon, show increased logic, pragmatism and perseverance. Interacting people with this person have relationships according to the principle of the zodiac sign Aquarius: “ Show people their face ».

Aquarius horoscope, born in a year Dragon.

This combination of signs is manifested by highly active behavior and the desire for leadership in a person who has relationships with people who show dictatorship and "dry" logic. Aquarius affects the mood of the people around him with his specifically expressed positions. He is able to apply in relations with people high speed of behavior, cruelty and "dry" logic based on information from past events. The Year of the Dragon creates arrogant conditions with interacting people who have strategic views on life events and cruel, sadistic, inhuman attitudes towards people in work and interpersonal processes. Zodiac sign Aquarius, born in the year of the Dragon, overcomes the frequent dictatorship shown to him by the people around him. At the same time, Aquarius is able to involve the surrounding masses of people in solving their own and common problems. Interacting people tend to obey this person because of his connections in society, relations with people in power, his dictatorship and tyranny. Aquarius has the ability to easily use other people's results and opportunities in circumstances. The Year of the Dragon promotes relationships with people who demand much more than they give. Aquarius is fond of various pleasures, due to his stinginess, in many ways infringes on close and interacting people, with threats he can immediately resort to violence. A person of this zodiac sign is arrogant, prone to atheism, does not believe in ideas. For their own gain, Aquarius can use someone else's responsibility. He is able to end relationships due to a threat to personal safety or loss of benefits in a relationship. The policy of Aquarius is disharmonious, it is based on the positions: "I doubt it, prove it." The Year of the Dragon imbues this person with high-speed relationships and the global scope of affairs. Interacting people provoke the zodiac sign Aquarius to maximalism. Achieving what they want in a relationship, interacting people tend to behave as if Aquarius owes them.

You can get much more detailed characteristics by the signs of the Zodiac and the year of birth in the programs " Individual Scanner" and " crown of education". In these programs, the terminology of horoscopes, the Zodiac or the Eastern years is excluded. The programs use the terminology of psychology, theology and physics. This combination forms a new scientific approach to the information structure of a person, which is called " psychonomy ».

Aquarius Dragon Man

The combination of signs according to the Chinese and zodiac horoscope determines not only the character of a person, but also his compatibility in love with a representative of the opposite sex.

Characteristics of Aquarius man - Dragon

The Aquarius-Dragon man is a unique person. He can change his destiny on his own. He also has a great influence on the lives of the people around him.

The character of a man of this zodiac sign is very bold and decisive. They are not afraid of sharp turns of fate, because. sure that only man determines his own life. No one and nothing, in their opinion, can influence this. They are the masters of their own destiny. And very often they actually manage to cope with the problem that has arisen.

Aquarius man - Dragon needs adrenaline. He specifically gets into extreme situations. He is looking for something new and unusual. Without it, he simply cannot imagine his life.

In society, such a guy always strives for leadership. They have a full range of qualities to manage any team. The representative of this sign is easy to communicate with. He can easily meet someone and quickly strike up a friendship. At first glance, such people leave only the most pleasant impression of themselves. But after a long conversation, their friends and acquaintances understand how complex the character of the Aquarius man is the Dragon. He does not know how to yield to anyone in anything. They always have their own point of view on everything. They never back down from it.

The Aquarius-Dragon man tends to dream. This character trait often prevents a sober look at what is happening.

The vital energy that this guy is filled with makes it possible to be realized in different areas of human life. Of course, professional growth is no exception. This man always correctly determines the direction in which he needs to develop, and achieves the goal.

Only excessive fussiness prevents you from growing professionally. This guy can't sit still. He lacks adrenaline. Such fussiness makes him quit what he started and go in search of new adventures.

Compatibility in love men Aquarius - Dragon

Aquarius man - Dragon is like a match, it quickly flares up and quickly burns out. His fussiness does not allow him to stop and think about his personal life. He is constantly running somewhere, changing one partner for another.

On dates, the guys of this sign surrender to the will of emotions and feelings. They are always ready for exploits in the name of their beloved. Their dreaminess pulls them out of the framework of reality and gray everyday life.

Aquarius man - Dragon, if he fell in love, he will be extremely gentle and caring with his beloved. This guy knows how to love with all his heart.

In terms of attitude to the family, then the Dragon-Aquarius men have their own attitude towards it. This is their main purpose of life. If a man felt that his beloved should be with him forever, then without hesitation he immediately makes her an offer of marriage.

In the family, the representative of this sign is a tyrant and the main leader. Using fantasy, he always achieves what he wants from the people around him. If the team does not obey, then this is already a reason for disagreements and quarrels.

Astrologers advise the Aquarius-Dragon man to be softer towards his loved ones. Patience will help to establish contact with children.

Ladies born in the year of the Dragon, Monkey and Rat can try to pair up with a guy of this zodiac sign. But with women, the Dog, Tiger and Horse are not even worth trying.

What is the character of Aquarius, born in the year of the Dragon? What can change in Aquarius in character?

Dragon-Aquarius - clairvoyant Dragon

Aquarius, among other signs of the Western horoscope, is distinguished by a particularly vivid perception of the world. Someone believes in miracles, someone is looking for them, someone knows exactly how the world “works”, and there are no miracles for them in it. And Aquarius somehow manages to combine all this: he has long disassembled each miracle into its components, put them “on the shelves” and figured out how “it works”, but he has not lost faith in miracles. Moreover, he is actively looking for them and, what is most surprising, he finds them!

In general, this is the same eccentric, without whom the world would be black and white and boring. A charming personality that everyone likes like a new fifty kopeck piece. Although he will not let anyone into himself and does not differ in frivolity (despite the external “appearance”). Leader (but not obvious), revolutionary and rebel (but cute!). With equal success - the most terrible villain or the savior of the world (depending on how it turns out).

The dragon is the only fantastic creature in the eastern horoscope. Wise and strong, but ... fabulous, and this affects: he always soars somewhere in the clouds and is actively interested in everything unusual, unconventional, mystical. He often rushes into flight to a completely illusory goal, in principle, promising considerable benefits, but often unrealistic.

The guardian of rivers and waters, the owner of all the treasures of the world - the Dragon - in life is usually lucky and rich.

What happens when you combine these traits? Bright fireworks, a sparkling whirlwind, which nevertheless stands firmly on its feet.

Aquarius, with its completely analytical attitude to the world, gives the Dragon stability, clarity, calmness and the ability to self-criticism (which Dragons usually do not have). Such a person is inventive and successful in the implementation of his inventions and solutions.

The interests of the Dragon, in turn, direct Aquarius towards the supernatural and endow him with foresight, amazing intuition and absolutely fantastic imagination. This person is artistic and emotional, with non-standard thinking. And most importantly, resourceful and lucky.

Other character traits that are equally inherent in both Dragons and Aquarius, in combination, simply "bloom with lush color."

Aquarius Dragons are surprisingly charming and sociable. They are not necessarily noteworthy jokers and do not always become the soul of any company, but they will definitely attract attention.

They love to help others (and, as a rule, absolutely disinterestedly), but they themselves are very proud and will not ask for help. Getting their friendship (despite the obvious friendliness) is not easy, because they incredibly value loyalty and commitment. If Aquarius-Dragon becomes someone's friend or lover, then there is simply no more faithful and loyal like-minded person. By the way, given the restlessness and tendency to know everything and try everything, lovers are simply fantastic!

But to family ties, Aquarius-Dragons are cooler. Much more they value independence and freedom. However, having entered into marriage, they will become reliable and devoted partners to their soul mate and, slightly strange, but wonderful parents.

Aquarius-Dragon (male): personality characteristic

Both the sign of the zodiac and the year of birth are able to form distinctive features in the character of people, manifested in their relations with others. This article will highlight the characteristics of the personality of a representative of a combination of signs called Aquarius-Dragon. A man (a personality characteristic testifies to this), born under this combination of signs, is a very interesting person.

The representative of the combination of signs Aquarius-Dragon is endowed with sociability and a good character. Sometimes he gets upset if he notices obstacles on the way to the intended goal, but having increased intuition helps a person overcome any difficulties.

Aquarius-Dragon is a cold-blooded and freedom-loving man, and in most cases he does not respond to criticism in his own address, he is never lost in the most confusing moments of life. He has an original imagination and amazing taste. This person is able to suggest to the people around him an interesting solution to any issues.

These men are always ready to offer their help to people, but they themselves do not know how to ask for it. In order to make friends with them, you should try to gain confidence in them. A male representative who was born under this combination of signs is able to be a devoted friend and a sensitive lover.

Aquarius (Dragon) is a man who loves to live in a world of dreams. A large number of his grandiose projects fall apart due to the fact that they do not have a stable foundation. This person is difficult to knock off the chosen path, and sometimes he manages to realize even a pipe dream.

Areas of activity

Career and money do not play a significant role in the life of a man born under the combination of Aquarius and Dragon signs. The greatest value for him are friendships and team work.

These men can become teachers, organizers of various associations, writers and travelers. Aquarius-Dragons may strive to realize themselves in creativity. For these people, it is often original, so the creative talents of the Aquarius-Dragon cannot always be properly appreciated by contemporaries.

Representatives of the stronger sex, born under this combination of signs, are endowed with the talent of a lecturer. If they fail to build a career in this field, they can choose relatives and friends to be listeners.

These men will not be able to work without inspiration and genuine interest in the field of activity. Monotonous work does not attract them - Aquarius-Dragon prefer diversity.

Aquarius Dragon Man in Love

The male representative, who was born under the combination of the Dragon-Aquarius signs, needs vivid emotions, so he is in no hurry to lose his freedom. He is amorous, endowed with the ability to flirt.

Aquarius-Dragon is a man who can arouse admiration among ladies. He often turns his gaze to wayward and spectacular women. He is burdened by boredom and problems in love relationships.

A marriage union for this man is possible only if he meets a woman who is able to understand and arouse the Aquarius-Dragon's sincere interest in his own person. The second half of this representative of the stronger sex should be so filled with emotions and impressions that this supply is enough for two. She should forget about jealousy and completely trust her beloved man.

Aquarius-Dragon (male): compatibility with other signs

The Aquarius-Dragon in love is at the mercy of his feelings. He is ready to perform feats for the sake of his beloved, to show tenderness and care towards her.

Aquarius-Dragon (a man who knows how to love with all his heart), realizing that he wants to be with a woman all the time, is able to immediately propose to her.

Female representatives born in the year of the Monkey, Rat or Dragon have a great chance to make a couple of representatives of this combination of signs. But the ladies who were born in the year of the Tiger, Horse or Dog have little chance of winning this man.

Representatives of the strong half of humanity, who were born under this combination of signs, need to realize that they are earthly people and they should pay more attention to ordinary worries and troubles. They should learn to separate their spiritual interests from ordinary human needs.

Aquarius-Dragon is a man (a characteristic of his character proves this fact), who does not hurt to learn how to control his feelings and emotions, to do things with a positive mood. He should pay more attention to family relationships, as well as overcome the fear of losing his independence.

Aquarius-Dragon refers to men of a unique character warehouse. He is able to change his fate and significantly affect the lives of people he knows.

Aquarius Dragon - Horoscope Alignment: Chinese & Zodiac

Aquarius gives the Dragon calmness, clarity and the ability to self-criticism, which is usually not characteristic of Dragons. Such a person is inventive, friendly, independent. Aquarius Dragons are usually charming and sociable, but at heart they can be pessimists. They may find it difficult to relax. Sometimes they are overly eccentric. According to ancient astrological thinking, people born in the year of the Dragon have a huge amount of luck and wealth.

The Aquarius-Dragon combination gives these people the gift of a heightened sense of resourcefulness. These bright personalities often have great foresight and intuition. The Aquarius Dragon may seem to be often in its own little world of thought. When you need a person with unconventional thinking, you will not find a better combination than this. One of the main features of this sign is that they have a fantastically creative imagination.

These people fly in the clouds more often than other Dragons. Under the influence of the Chinese sign, these people have mystical powers and a sixth sense that materializes in the world in the form of art or musical talent. If such an Aquarius makes full use of his potential, he can count on great success. These people love to help others, but when it comes to themselves, a sense of pride forbids them to ask for help. These individuals need comrades who understand them, who will support their dreams and intuition.

However, getting the friendship of such a person is not easy, their trust takes time. If you manage to get him as a friend or lover, he will become the most loyal comrade and like-minded person. With all this intelligence and amazing foreboding talent, the representatives of this sign still lack self-confidence. This can make him feel bad mood attacks, but this can be avoided, because these people most often prefer to communicate with those who encourage Draconian intuition, and not those who discredit it.

The Aquarius dragon is free-spirited, artistic and emotional. However, he is far from always being a joker and the soul of the company. He is characterized by frequent mood swings - from euphoria to depression and depression. Aquarius dragon more often than other signs "soars in the clouds." The goals that he sets for himself are often so illusory that their achievement is hardly possible in real life. But the dragon of Aquarius is not categorically satisfied with this. He is forced not to stop even at what has not yet been achieved. The strangest thing is that this does not mean that he is wrong.

The Aquarius dragon man spends most of his life searching, and this brings him more pleasure than anything else. Such a person is not too interested in family, relatives and relatives. And even an Aquarius dragon woman does not strive for a home. For these people, their “castles in the air” and “windmills” are much more important than ordinary earthly life.

Dragon Combination

Aquarius - Dragon: Characteristics

Aquarius Man - Dragon

He is very open, positive and extraordinary, as a person and as a creative person. He loves creativity and wants to find a job just for himself, in which he can fully realize his abilities, even creative ones. Positions, especially leadership, are boring for him, although there may be exceptions.

In family life, he is constant and strives for peaceful and comfortable relationships in life with his wife. It is for this reason that he often gets married several times in order to find the one with whom he will be interested and comfortable.

Aquarius Woman - Dragon

A gifted creative person with a rich imagination, who can be embodied in anything: from writing to doing rhythmic gymnastics. It is for this reason that she often works hard and hard to the detriment of her family.

For her, comfort and self-realization are more important than for other Aquarians. Family life can scare her very much, although she is capable of simply crazy acts for the sake of her lover.

Horoscope Aquarius-Dragon

Aquarius-Dragon according to the horoscope, the personality is balanced and freedom-loving. Such people easily perceive criticism in their address. They love to learn everything new and are happy to create original projects.

Aquarius-Dragon loves to soar in the clouds. His many grandiose plans are collapsing due to the fact that they do not have a solid foundation under them. He needs to dream less and live more in real life.

Such a person is difficult to convince of anything. If Aquarius-Dragon has set a goal for himself, then he will achieve its realization by any means. By the way, he most often manages to realize what is obviously doomed to failure.

Aquarius-Dragons do not like to be content with what they have. They are in perpetual search. In the background they looms - home, family and love. After all, Aquarius-Dragons do not gravitate too much towards marriage. Such people tend to live in illusions, not earthly concerns.

Aquarius combination horoscope with other eastern signs:

Horoscope of combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

Aquarius is the original sign of the Zodiac, which favorably distinguishes both young ladies and strong men from the crowd. The Dragon woman took the best from her zodiac symbol, and in society she is always on top, she is very popular with men.

The Aquarius-Dragon woman from early childhood has an analytical mindset that she hones throughout her life. This feature is not characteristic of the fairer sex, so it's hard not to pay attention to this witty charmer.

Secrets of character

A woman with such a radical combination has a bright and emotional character, but she makes all decisions only with a cold heart and a sober head. She is sociable, but does not let everyone close to her heart. The circle of friends is limited, while the list of acquaintances simply has no boundaries. This is quite enough for her, since the number of people who can break her heart and disappoint is minimal.

Representatives of this combination see the world with their own eyes, so they often compete with everyday reality. It is easier for them to live in "rose-colored glasses", because the world around them in its gray colors does not suit and does not even inspire. These are extraordinary individuals who not only have their own vision and perception of everything around them, but they also have a core in character, an inability to compromise, to put up with general injustice.

Such emotional natures are used to living from one extreme to another, that is, they do not have a "golden mean", a sense of proportion. In all their undertakings, these women go to the end, even if they understand that they are not in the most advantageous position. They are used to getting their own way, but such adherence to principles is sometimes incomprehensible even to their closest associates.

The Aquarius woman, born in the year of the Dragon, is always looking for adventure, because she hates life and family routine. She just needs new impressions, positive emotions and a charge of vivacity for every day, otherwise existence in the universe seems meaningless. The absence of such a "trash" can lead her into a state of depression, provoke apathy and blues, and the people around her suffer from such radical changes.

Family and marriage for such charmers is a source of inspiration, since it is the married Aquarius woman who flourishes, is in high demand among men and just looks great, making her life partner noticeably nervous and jealous.

Attitude to life

The representative of this combination is an optimistic nature, which in any event seeks to look for positive and positive emotions. She succeeds perfectly if there is a caring and loving man nearby. Despite her outward independence, she is fragile and vulnerable, so she rarely refuses friendly support.

But he is not particularly in a hurry to start a romantic relationship, because for a long time he cannot find a worthy man. He considers masculinity, chivalry, the ability to defend himself and his companion as the main character traits. Unfortunately, there are not so many such contenders for the hand and heart today. If a romantic relationship does not work out, it does not matter, because the ex-boyfriend always remains in warm friendly relations.

All Aquarians marry only out of great love, and they are ready to carry this bright feeling through the years. They always respect their partner, idolize and strive to promote all his creative plans and undertakings. A man should appreciate this help, otherwise Aquarius, especially the Dragon, will not tolerate such black gratitude in his life.

family relationships

A woman born under the Aquarius zodiac sign is prone to stability of feelings, but the Dragon hidden in her mind always strives for exploits and experiments. Such a contradictory attitude towards family life may not end well, and one fine day the charmer will acquire the status of an "old maid".

To prevent this from happening, you need to moderate your difficult temper, listen to your chosen lover more often, not go too far in communication and, moreover, persistently not impose your opinion. Even the calmest man one fine day will not withstand such increased pressure in his address, but will go to a more inactive person. So in the lyrical relationship of the Aquarius-Dragon woman, one must always feel the conditional line that separates personal happiness from complete loneliness.

The Aquarius-Dragon woman, even in love, strives for complete independence, so not all signs are suitable for her to create a harmonious union. Marriage with the Monkey, Rabbit, Rooster and Cat will be ideal, and it is best not to mess with the Dragon, the Ox.

It is very interesting to communicate and be friends with this special person in life, but it is not always possible to build romantic relationships. So you should think before offering your hand and heart to Aquarius, who was born in the year of the fire-breathing Dragon.

Clairvoyant Dragon. Prone to self-criticism.

Eastern horoscope: year of the dragon
Zodiac horoscope: Aquarius sign

Aquarius gives the Dragon calmness, clarity and the ability to self-criticism, which is usually not characteristic of Dragons. Such a person is inventive, friendly, independent. Aquarius Dragons are usually charming and sociable, but at heart they can be pessimists. They may find it difficult to relax. Sometimes they are overly eccentric.

According to ancient astrological thinking, people born in the year of the Dragon have a huge amount of luck and wealth.

The Aquarius-Dragon combination gives these people the gift of a heightened sense of resourcefulness.
These bright personalities often have great foresight and intuition.

The Aquarius Dragon may seem to be often in its own little world of thought. When you need a person with unconventional thinking, you will not find a better combination than this. One of the main features of this sign is that they have a fantastically creative imagination.

These people fly in the clouds more often than other Dragons. Under the influence of the Chinese sign, these people have mystical powers and a sixth sense that materializes in the world in the form of art or musical talent. If such an Aquarius makes full use of his potential, he can count on great success.

These people love to help others, but when it comes to themselves, a sense of pride forbids them to ask for help. These individuals need comrades who understand them, who will support their dreams and intuition.

However, getting the friendship of such a person is not easy, their trust takes time. If you manage to get him as a friend or lover, he will become the most loyal comrade and like-minded person.

With all this intelligence and amazing foreboding talent, the representatives of this sign still lack self-confidence. This can make him feel bad mood attacks, but this can be avoided, because these people most often prefer to communicate with those who encourage Draconian intuition, and not those who discredit it.

The Aquarius dragon is free-spirited, artistic and emotional. However, he is far from always being a joker and the soul of the company. He is characterized by frequent mood swings - from euphoria to depression and depression.

Aquarius dragon more often than other signs "soars in the clouds." The goals that he sets for himself are often so illusory that their achievement is hardly possible in real life. But this does not suit the Aquarius dragon categorically. He is forced not to stop even on what has not yet been achieved. The strangest thing is that this does not mean that he is wrong.

The Aquarius dragon man spends most of his life searching, and this brings him more pleasure than anything else. Such a person is not too interested in family, relatives and relatives. And even an Aquarius dragon woman does not strive for a home. For these people, their “castles in the air” and “windmills” are much more important than ordinary earthly life.