Bathhouse interior design: arrangement options. Do-it-yourself bathhouse: interior decoration Beautiful design of the bathhouse inside

Bathhouse interior design: arrangement options.  Do-it-yourself bathhouse: interior decoration Beautiful design of the bathhouse inside
Bathhouse interior design: arrangement options. Do-it-yourself bathhouse: interior decoration Beautiful design of the bathhouse inside

If there are specific conditions in a room, repairs to the walls in it must be carried out taking this fact into account. For example, baths are characterized by high levels of humidity and sudden temperature changes. Let's talk further about what the decoration of a bathhouse can look like inside, photos of finished interiors from the inside and just advice from experienced designers further in the selection.

To create a unique interior inside a bathhouse made of brick, aerated concrete, polystyrene foam blocks or other material, finishing materials with different operational parameters, external aesthetics and installation specifics can be used. However, we must remember that the finishing of the bathhouse inside must certainly be durable, practical, and resistant to the aggressive environment of this room. Therefore, it is not worth doing it with low-quality materials, especially in a steam room where there are high temperatures.

Pre-study the features of the most popular options today to avoid mistakes. Next, we present a photo and a brief description of modern finishing materials that should be used for these purposes.


Often, lining is used to decorate the interior of a Russian bathhouse made of blocks and aerated concrete, as well as the adjacent steam room and washing room. The wood used to produce such cladding may have different characteristics, which determines the subsequent performance parameters of the planks.

Many options are suitable for internal cladding of the walls of a bathhouse made of foam blocks, aerated concrete, timber boards, however, you should not choose lining made of coniferous wood, since such wood can release resin under the influence of hot steam.

Finishing a bathhouse with clapboard has a number of advantages, which is appreciated by experienced builders and ordinary buyers:

  • environmental cleanliness and safety, absence of toxic components and radioactive particles in the material;
  • the lining allows the aerated concrete base to “breathe”, regulating the level of humidity inside the dressing room, steam room, and wash room. This helps prevent the risk of condensation, mold, and mildew;
  • Installation of the material on a wooden sheathing is carried out quickly, without any difficulties. The planks are inserted into one another using a tongue-and-groove mechanism, so repairs with this material are carried out quickly and without problems;
  • the affordable price makes the lining stand out from alternative options. Almost every one of our compatriots will be able to afford such repairs at a cost, because its implementation will not require huge financial investments.

The finishing of a bathhouse with clapboard is shown in the following photo: this is a practical, inexpensive and attractive interior option that you can implement with your own hands.

The main advice that experienced builders give to beginners in such matters is to abandon the “rabbet” and “quarter” options. Preference should be given exclusively to lining with tongue and groove profiles, because it does not move during operation, violating the tightness and density of the joints.

The block house has excellent characteristics, which is very important for a bathhouse made of aerated concrete. This is a decent thickness, which contributes to additional insulation of the walls of the building, environmental friendliness, naturalness, high resistance to fungus and mold when treated with an antiseptic.

Do-it-yourself block house finishing has an incredibly attractive aesthetic, as evidenced by the following photo. But the renovation of such a room should be carried out only with certain classes of such material, since not all of the existing options are suitable.

And especially for a steam room, which is characterized by high air temperatures.

The material is attached over a wooden sheathing, treated with an antiseptic, and in places adjacent to the heating equipment it is insulated with simple mineral wool.

Imitation of timber

External and internal finishing of a bathhouse with your own hands can be done by imitation of timber, as was done in the interior in the following photo. It seems that the walls are lined with ordinary boards, but imitation timber is much more practical to use.

Before installing the dressing room in the interior, it must be removed from the packaging and left for several days in the room where it will be installed. Then the walls for cladding are cleaned of dust, primed, covered with lathing and imitation timber itself. We also note that repairs with such material make it possible to insulate and waterproof walls indoors. To increase the resistance of the bathhouse to aggressive environments, its finishing should be varnished.


The interior decoration of a bathhouse with your own hands using tiles is presented to the reader in the following photo. This is a highly practical option, characterized by a long service life, absolute resistance to high humidity, and easy maintenance.

The main thing is to choose the right type of tile from a large number of alternatives that is most relevant for the conditions of the steam room. Experts recommend choosing the glazed version, which demonstrates high resistance to sudden temperature changes. But non-enamelled tiles do not tolerate such conditions well and quickly lose their original appearance. It is worth making sure that the tiles for the floor and walls of the washroom have a rough surface so that the room is as safe as possible.

It is worth refusing in a steam room made of foam blocks from tiles with a porous structure that can absorb moisture. But the shape of such material can be classic (square, rectangle) or non-standard (hexagon, rhombus).

Bamboo or wicker weaving

Weaving made of bamboo or wicker is often used for the dressing room. This original cladding for the walls of the bathhouse from the inside is shown in the interior in the following photo. In addition to the unusual aesthetics of this design, experts note its durability and resistance to wear. Although such a design will not be cheap, it can surprise and lift your spirits. But it is better not to use it in a steam room made of aerated concrete.

Options for finishing the bath inside

The bathhouse is a complex structure consisting of several rooms with different conditions and specifics:

  • the dressing room is intended for undressing, so it should be warm and comfortable;
  • The steam room is used for rest, relaxation, and enjoying the steam. All materials used here must be environmentally friendly and safe;
  • The washing machine must be practical, resistant to water and moisture.

Let's determine which materials are most relevant in the described bathhouse premises.

Waiting room

Selecting a material for the design of a dressing room is not so easy, because it is exposed to prolonged exposure to high levels of humidity, but at the same time it must be warm. For example, tiles are completely unsuitable for a dressing room due to the feeling of coolness. But wood heats up quickly and retains heat for a long time, which is important for a dressing room. In addition, it is attractive in appearance, environmentally friendly, and has a natural scent that has a calming effect on humans. You can also repair the dressing room using clapboard, imitation timber or bamboo weaving. These options have natural aesthetics and are practical to use. Look at the photo below, which shows an interior with this finish.

Also, the walls of the dressing room must be insulated with special materials so that it is as warm as possible.

Steam room

Successful decoration of the relaxation room in the bathhouse as it was done in the interior in the photo. Experts note that the interior of the dressing room can be decorated in any design style. But the steam room room is difficult, since it is often small in size. The steam room should be decorated stylishly, inexpensively, simply, and allocate enough space for the free circulation of hot steam.

The most relevant materials for the walls, floor, and ceiling of the steam room are natural wood and lining. Such materials are environmentally friendly, attractive in appearance, and allow for thermal insulation of the base. Opt for linden, which does not overheat and retains its original aesthetics for a long time. The combination of wood and brick in a single steam room space looks stylish, but at the same time simple.

In no case should you use coniferous wood due to the presence of resin in their composition, which releases gluten under the influence of high temperatures in the steam room. Also, you should not repair the steam room with wood boards, linoleum, fiberboard, chipboard. These materials are capable of releasing toxic components into the air, are susceptible to rotting and swelling when exposed to moisture, and are a fire hazard. The interior of the steam room should be supplemented with strong furniture: shelves, sun loungers, round-shaped benches. The ceiling surface is decorated with spot light.

The finishing of the stove in the bathhouse must certainly be done with materials resistant to high temperatures. The best option is considered to be natural stone or its analogue on an artificial basis. The simple use of brick is no less important, but it has a less attractive appearance. To give the material high aesthetics, it can be faced with decorative bricks.


Washing room decor can be done in different ways. For example, it can be combined with a steam room and completely decorated with wood, because mold dies under the influence of high temperatures. This option is shown in the photo below.

Also, repairs to the washing room may involve separating the washing room, but then it needs to ensure optimal air circulation. Then coniferous wood species that can withstand significant levels of humidity will be relevant for the washing room. But synthetic options should be abandoned in the washroom due to their toxicity.

In order to ensure easy cleaning, it is better to decorate the walls with durable, practical, wear-resistant tiles. It is no less relevant for finishing washroom floors, but rough, non-slip options should be preferred. The tile looks very beautiful, expensive, but at the same time simple. Note that tiles combine well with many other types of finishes. The photo below shows the interior of the washroom, where tiles and wooden slats are successfully combined. The main thing is to ensure that the slats in the washroom have a tight fit. Furniture in the washing room made of aerated concrete should have benches and deck chairs.

Insulation and waterproofing

If you start the construction and interior design of a bathhouse with the selection of high-quality materials, the finishing of the bathhouse outside and inside will be as attractive as possible, durable, wear-resistant and practical. But in addition, experts recommend insulating and waterproofing the walls of such buildings from the inside. This will make the bathhouse warmer, because high-quality thermal insulation and waterproofing can prevent the rapid penetration of hot air and steam through the walls to the outside.

The specifics of the work are determined by the type of building material from which the building is constructed. The brick walls have no cracks, but an uninsulated brick bathhouse takes a long time to heat up. Therefore, a brick building is insulated, waterproofed and covered with finishing. The optimal insulation for brick is mineral wool with high strength, thermal insulation characteristics, and resistance to high temperatures. And as waterproofing, isospan is used for bricks, which provides mineral wool with reliable protection from moisture. When insulating a brick bath, experts recommend drilling metal brackets into the walls in increments equal to the width of the insulation. Mineral wool is laid between them, and the joints are insulated with construction tape. Isospan is stretched over the mineral wool, and brick wall finishing is installed on top of it.

Wall insulation scheme in a bathhouse

Expanded polystyrene blocks have a porous surface; the material can absorb moisture, so a structure made from such blocks must be insulated and protected from moisture. The insulation of a bathhouse made from such blocks is carried out with mineral wool, and both the block walls and the insulation are subject to waterproofing. Isopan or membrane film or isospan are used as waterproofing. We also note that for a bathhouse made of blocks, it is necessary to organize a ventilation gap between the insulation and the finishing lining to prevent the material from rotting and the formation of condensation. A wooden sheathing is mounted on the walls made of blocks, a layer of membrane film, mineral wool, a layer of isospan are placed on it, and on top there is a decorative lining of the bathhouse made of blocks.

Insulation of bath walls from the inside

The insulation and waterproofing of aerated concrete buildings are similar in their specificity to foam block baths, because walls made of aerated concrete are porous, which means they can absorb moisture. Therefore, aerated concrete masonry is treated with an antiseptic, covered with lathing, insulation (mineral wool) and waterproofing material (isospan), and only then - with decorative cladding.

The bathhouse is the main component of Russian culture. Bath procedures served hygienic purposes. Various diseases were treated in the steam room. To this day, hot steam helps to cope with various ailments, balances the nervous system, and restores strength. Long frosty winters taught our ancestors to keep warm indoors: high thresholds, small windows, low doors.

Bathhouses were built outside the yard, preferably on the shore of a reservoir, so that a steamed person could plunge into the water, because there was no running water in those days. They washed on certain days, sometimes the whole street used one bathhouse. Today, knowing the benefits of this procedure, many build personal baths on their plots or set up a sauna in a city apartment. Having your own bathhouse has become a symbol of a healthy lifestyle; this type of construction has become almost mandatory on the site.


A traditional village bathhouse consists of three rooms:

  • dressing room;
  • washing room;
  • steam room

They are usually arranged in the same order. First, the visitor enters the dressing room - a dry, warm room for changing clothes and resting between bath procedures. Then he enters the washing compartment, from where, after rinsing and getting used to the elevated temperature, he moves to the steam room.

The steam room is the main compartment of the bathhouse, for which it is being built. The temperature here reaches 60-70 degrees, with high humidity up to 90 percent, this heat penetrates into the deep layers of muscles, relaxes and warms up all organs. Using a broom made of birch, oak, or juniper acts as a massage. After the steam room, you need a procedure of rinsing or dousing with cold water, then rest. The design features of the bathhouse provide for the comfortable implementation of all the listed procedures.

Modern bathhouses are not located outside the boundaries of a private plot; small comfortable log cabins or two-story brick structures are erected in the yard for frequent and convenient use. The set of premises includes an open terrace or second floor balcony. Here you can lie in the fresh air or drink a cup of tea after a steam bath. The wash room is equipped with a regular or massage shower. For those who like to soak in the bathroom, the necessary equipment is installed.

The dressing room receives additional space and is furnished with a sofa, armchairs, and a table with a samovar. This room is often used for temporary accommodation of guests, so great importance is attached to the design of the rest room: it is equipped with appliances for a comfortable pastime - a TV, a refrigerator. The owners create many decorative and household items for their own bathhouse with their own hands. Inside or outside, the walls are lovingly decorated with hunting trophies or carved decorations.

In addition to the traditional Russian steam room with wet steam, a sauna with dry hot air is popular among many northern peoples. Manufacturers produce a whole line of equipment for country or apartment saunas. Saunas can have a large area, or can fit into the size of a shower stall. Heating units of various modifications effectively create the required temperature and air humidity in rooms of any size.

The bathhouse complex can be arranged in the attic. To do this, take measures to insulate the roof and install a comfortable staircase with railings. This detail is necessary, since the effect of hot temperatures on a person causes a loss of attention and concentration; the steps should be as comfortable and non-slip as possible. If the bathhouse has sloped ceilings, then shelves for storing bath accessories and woodpiles are installed in the low parts so that unused blind areas do not form in the low parts of the room. To avoid bruises, the active zone for steaming and washing is located in the highest part; its height should not be less than 2.3 meters.

Sauna stoves come in various modifications. Solid fuel units have proven themselves well: firewood, pellets, coal. The latest ergonomic long-burning models with a water circuit allow you to heat adjacent rooms and another floor. The temperature regime is maintained during the entire combustion time. If the bathhouse is connected to the main gas pipeline, cheap gas is used to operate the stove. Electric analogues are less convenient due to the high cost of electricity. When choosing the volume of the firebox, you need to calculate the volume of the steam room and adjacent rooms and select a stove of the required power.

Compliance with fire safety regulations is important. Continuous use of the firebox for many hours can cause ignition of surrounding structures. All heating parts of the stove and chimney must be reliably insulated from wooden parts. The chimney at the junction with the ceiling and roof is made of “sandwich” pipes and is additionally protected with a layer of expanded clay. According to the requirements for safe operation, the height of the chimney is taken to be no lower than 50 centimeters above the level of the roof ridge.

The walls around the stove are finished with plasterboard, porcelain tiles, mineralite, stainless steel with a layer of mineral wool or brick and natural stone. Superizol can withstand heating up to 1000 degrees, is lightweight and non-flammable - a new insulating material for high-temperature furnace units. The height of the insulating layer should be 15-20 centimeters higher than the level of the stove and the same amount wider. When finishing the internal walls and structures of the steam room, non-flammable and environmentally friendly materials are used that do not emit harmful substances when heated. They try to keep the design in the same style.

Finishing materials

A microclimate with high temperature and high humidity dictates the use of natural materials. A bathhouse built from solid linden, aspen, and cedar logs does not require additional wall cladding. When heated, these materials lighten the air by releasing healing oils. This material has plasticity when changing temperature and humidity conditions, and is durable. Beautiful weaves of wood fibers create a pleasant video sequence.

The steam room, lined with brick or artificial stone blocks, is lined with clapboard from the inside from the same wood species. It is undesirable to use pine; due to the high temperature in the room, it can release resin, which creates unaesthetic streaks on the surface. Pine is not resistant to moisture and is greatly deformed by dampness. Although this is an accessible and inexpensive material with good decorative qualities, it can be used to decorate a recreation room and entrance area.

The lining has various cutting profiles, rectangular or cylindrical, which imitates a log house. For cladding, you can use a sanded edged board. It is better to take a thickness of 2-4 centimeters. This will allow the wood to resist deformation longer and retain heat well. The cladding made from unedged boards looks original. This gives a rustic touch to the interior.

The interior looks beautiful, completely decorated both on the walls and on the ceiling with the same material of the same type of wood. It is better to choose light wood tones. A small steam room will look more spacious. Treat wood paneling with oil or wax in natural tones. Varnish or paint is not used in the steam room.

In a brick or block building, the wall is sheathed with lath and insulated with a vapor barrier material. Then another slatted frame is made, onto which the front trim is applied. The ceiling is finished in the same way. The floor in the steam room is also covered with wooden edged boards. A layer of waterproofing is laid between the cement screed and the finished floor.

For the stove body, the best choice would be refractory brick; it gives a beautiful, slender pattern and has good performance qualities. Gives the interior warmth and comfort. Heated brick retains heat for a long time and helps maintain optimal temperature in the room for a long time. Cast iron or steel models are convenient to use and easy to install. Boxes are specially designed for natural stone: basalt, jadeite, quartzite. These stones heat up quickly, do not crack due to high temperatures, and do not contain harmful emissions.

The washing compartment is traditionally tiled. For the floor, use porcelain stoneware or tongue and groove boards. The main requirement is a non-slip surface. The ceiling is covered with the same clapboard as in the steam room. In some cases, plastic ceiling panels are installed to match the color of the tiles or lining.

Doors in bathhouses are made of solid construction, with good thermal insulation properties. Natural wood has these qualities. The door leaf is decorated with carved panels or glass inserts to visually expand the space. Modern door designs can be made entirely of special glass. These models are equipped with insulating gaskets.

Decoration inside

A huge selection of finishing material options and modern bath equipment allows you to create stylish modern interiors. A sauna in an apartment in a multi-storey building becomes a valuable component of comfort. Manufacturers offer a complete turnkey set of different sizes and modifications of the steam room. Externally, these steam rooms look like an ordinary room, but the interior decoration with a block house or clapboard immerses you in the atmosphere of a real steam room.

The size of the home sauna varies from traditional sizes to miniature ones, the size of a shower stall. But all the details of the traditional steam room are executed at a high level. The shelves have standard sizes and are conveniently configured to accommodate two or more people. The shelf of the upper tier is made wider and installed at a height of no higher than 1.5 meters from the ceiling. The door design involves a glass component. Glass does not enclose a small space, but serves as a unifying element for loft-style interiors.

The sauna is installed in the bathroom, or a special room is allocated for it. In studio apartments, saunas included in the interior of the room have become fashionable. Full glass partitions create the illusion of a single space. Colorful LED lighting gives a feeling of peace and relaxation. A functional shower completes the full cycle of the bath procedure. Smooth surfaces, lack of details, monochrome composition of minimalism provide an opportunity to relax in the fast pace of modern life.

Older generations remember the times when baths were built on the banks of a reservoir. Today it is not always appropriate to dive into a pond after a steam room, or not everyone is lucky enough to have one on their property. Owners of their own baths can equip them with swimming pools. The pool can be located outdoors next to the entrance to the bathhouse. Another option involves building a swimming pool in the wash room.

The pool occupies the central part of the shower room. Beautifully designed sides and floors around the pool will create an additional decorative effect. The unusual shape will also become a design element. It is better to lay the bottom and walls with blue or colored tiles so that the color of the water has a pleasant color. The small steam room is separated by a glass partition for aesthetic purposes.

The interior of a bathhouse with an outdoor pool can be decorated in a fashionable single space. A swimming pool is a way of dividing into a steam room area and a relaxation area, while simultaneously separating an enclosed steam room and an open-air gazebo. Combined terrace designs create a barrier from prying eyes. The original glazing of the roof will allow you to admire the starry sky during bath procedures.

A two-story bathhouse expands the possibilities for arranging additional rooms. Such a structure can combine both the functions of a bathhouse and the functions of a living space. The first floor is reserved for the steam room, wash room, locker room and kitchen. The second one is used for rest rooms, a living room or bedroom, rooms for massage or a gym complex.

Decorating a steam room in Turkish style can be an elegant interior solution. A traditional oriental bathhouse - hammam - is heated by a stone bed located in the center of the room. The hammam is often complemented by a stylized waterfall on one of the walls, in which you can rinse off after hot treatments. The air in a Turkish bath is not scalding, but has a comfortable temperature. This design heating device is perfect for spa treatments and massages. The room is decorated with mosaics or tiles with oriental patterns. Neon lighting and hamam benches combine Eastern and European cultures.

Adherents of Japanese philosophy will certainly enjoy decorating a bathhouse in a Japanese style. To do this, it is enough to equip the washing compartment with a round wooden font. This furaco font is divided into two parts: in one there is a bench for sitting, in the other there is a heating element. An excellent relaxation procedure takes place outdoors in the fresh air. Another option is ofuro - human-sized rectangular containers with heated cedar or linden sawdust. Immersion in them for 20-30 minutes cleanses the body of toxins. This beautiful equipment can be placed in a city apartment.

The traditional dressing room has turned from an ordinary locker room into a full-fledged living room or relaxation room. This room is finished in the appropriate style, furnished with sets of wooden furniture that match the style of the entire complex. The fireplace stove is often brought into this front room; here people communicate with friends or family members gather for tea on the veranda. Unexpected guests can spend the night in the recreation room; for this purpose, there are one or two beds. It is better to choose furniture stylized according to the Russian style.

Interior of a Russian bathhouse

The classic Russian bathhouse is an unsurpassed and favorite option for decorating a bathhouse in the village. Living fire, the crackling of burning logs, heat and moist steam are the best cleansing procedure for residents of the cold regions of our country. The steam room is often combined with a wash room into one room. In summer, swimming in an ice hole is replaced by a wooden bucket of cold water, which is suspended from the ceiling. The interior is decorated with fairy-tale characters from Russian epics.

Finishing with unedged boards is the best choice for such a bath. Comic statements on the topic of bath procedures are carved into panels that decorate the walls. Carved wooden furniture and small windows with platbands in a log house are decorated with flowered curtains. Rural charm does not prevent you from equipping such a bathhouse with modern stove equipment.

A stone stove is an indispensable attribute of a Russian bath. It can be faced with tiles, which will add noble antiquity. You can make such a bathhouse yourself. The main condition: good insulation to retain heat. The height of the room is visually reduced by lowering the window openings. The logs and decoration are made deliberately rough to preserve the Russian style.

The main rule when laying the coating is to ensure the outflow of water from the bathhouse. Modern builders prefer wood or tiles. The work is not difficult; you can do it yourself. You can use several tips from professionals:

  • Before laying, the wood must be treated with an antiseptic, which will protect against the formation of mold and mildew;
  • when installing tiles, choose a grout with moisture-resistant properties;
  • Wooden grates can be laid on the floor, which should be dried after bath procedures. This will prevent slipping on wet surfaces.

Methods for installing heated floors in a bathhouse

Modern construction requires maximum comfort for people, including when constructing bath complexes. After all, this is not only an opportunity to take a steam bath, but also to relax. The need for the device arose when they began to be made of concrete, due to the fact that the service life is 3 times higher than that of wooden ones.

You can install both water and. Water ones require preliminary connection to heating equipment. This is not always possible. Therefore, more often the choice is made in favor of the second system.

Electric floors are safe in the bath complex. The system is mounted in a screed. The concrete base must first be prepared. It is important to avoid mistakes during installation that will later be impossible to correct. Therefore, the work needs to be transferred to specialists.

You can do it yourself by laying additional thermal insulation from the following materials:

  • mineral wool;
  • expanded clay;
  • felt;
  • polystyrene foam

To do this, you will need to pour 2 layers of concrete, between which thermal insulation should be laid.

Insulation and waterproofing of walls in a bathhouse

Steam rooms are a must. This will help retain useful heat. You can use mineral wool, which is laid on the sheathing. But this is not recommended for stone or concrete walls, since an additional device will be required. The insulation needs to be cut with an allowance of about 5 mm. After installation, the joints must be secured with mounting tape. Aluminum foil or polyethylene film is used.

The video below shows the process of interior finishing of the bathhouse.

The nuances of interior decoration with your own hands, clapboard baths

Lining is a favorite and often used material for the interior decoration of baths. Many people love the pine smell in a steam room, but the use of such species is not recommended. The maximum that is possible is to finish the dressing room with pine.

The following tree species are also suitable for lining:

  • cedar;
  • larch;
  • aspen;
  • Linden.

You can lay the boards vertically, horizontally, or make patterns from slats. It is important to lay a foil layer of vapor barrier before work. If desired, the interior decoration of the bathhouse with clapboard can be done with your own hands using a herringbone pattern or, similar to parquet, using clamps. The gaps at the joints are covered with plinths.

Advice! For a steam room, you cannot use material with knots. Their density is higher than that of the array. When exposed to high temperatures they will fall out.

Interior and interior decoration of the bathhouse: photo gallery

Modern baths are a whole complex, the layout of which includes not only a steam room and a dressing room with a wash room, but also a font, a swimming pool, a relaxation room with a billiard room, and sleeping places. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the owners and personal preferences. Each of them is subject to special conditions when choosing finishing and filling with furniture:

  • The dressing room is intended for changing clothes, so keeping warm in it is especially important. In addition, the conditions should be comfortable; for this purpose, furniture and clothes hangers should be considered;
  • The steam room is a place for relaxation and enjoyment. The main requirement for materials is environmental friendliness and safety;
  • For finishing the washing area, choose practical materials that are resistant to high humidity.

Let's take a closer look at their selection with a photo selection of the interior decoration of each bathhouse room.

Design of a steam room in a bathhouse

The steam room is the main room of the bathhouse. As a rule, it is small in size, which causes certain difficulties in design. The filling should be stylish, inexpensive and simple, leaving an area for steam to circulate.

For walls and floors, it is optimal to use linings as finishing materials. These are the most environmentally friendly materials; in addition, they have natural thermal insulation. The ideal option is linden; it is not exposed to high temperatures and retains its pristine purity for a long time. You can combine stone finishing with wood or. The ideal option for finishing the stove is natural or artificial stone or brick.

Advice! Coniferous species are not suitable for a steam room due to their increased resin content. You cannot use chipboard, fiberboard, or linoleum as they are toxic when exposed to high temperatures.

Furniture for the steam room should be strong and well polished. Spot lighting should be installed on the ceiling. We invite you to look at beautiful photos of the interior decoration of the sauna.

Interior of a washroom in a bathhouse

The wash room can be a separate room in the house or combined with a steam room. In this case, wood finishing is acceptable. High temperatures kill mold. If the washing room is located in a separate room, you should consider an exhaust system. With good air circulation, you can choose coniferous species for finishing that are resistant to high humidity.

Advice! Synthetic materials that emit toxic substances should not be used for washing.

Tile is an excellent material for finishing in conditions of high humidity. It is durable, practical, easy to care for. In addition, a wide variety of textures and patterns allows you to choose interesting solutions. In the washing room it is necessary to provide for the installation of shelves, benches or sun loungers. You can put a wooden grate on the floor.

Construction of a bathhouse is a complex, expensive and long-term process. Interior decoration requires a special approach. Most of this work can be done with your own hands. It is necessary to carefully select finishing materials; the comfort of bath procedures depends on this. We will give tips on finishing, photos of the steam room, washing room and other rooms of the bathhouse inside.

The steam room is considered the most complex and demanding in terms of material selection. This is where the highest temperature and humidity will be. Taking this into account, it is necessary to choose finishing materials only from natural raw materials.

Plastic is definitely excluded from the list of possible options. In a steam room, it can cause serious harm to health. Tiles cannot be used for this room either. When heated, it can crack; touching a very hot ceramic surface can cause serious burns.

Steam room finishing

The most widely used material for finishing a steam room is wood. It is preferable to use only hardwood lining. Because boards made from coniferous trees release resin when heated. Contact with it is very dangerous due to burns. For a steam room, it is better to choose one of the following types of wood:

  • Linden;
  • ash;
  • birch;
  • alder;
  • maple;
  • aspen.

Advice. Although larch is a coniferous tree, it is excellent for cladding a steam room.

These tree species differ somewhat in properties, complexity of processing and appearance. Their cost, finishing board manufacturing technology and other parameters also vary. But they are united by a number of important characteristics for a bath, such as:

  1. Resistant to hot steam and humidity.
  2. Uniform, moderate heating without the risk of burns.
  3. Hygiene.
  4. Practicality.
  5. Durability.
  6. Healing properties.
  7. Hypoallergenic.
  8. Durability.
  9. Decorative.

Never use synthetic materials for the steam room.

The quality of the steam room lining must be of the highest quality. It is advisable to select material without knots, defects and other natural defects. The treatment of the board is also very important. Since the operating conditions of the room are characterized by serious loads, the lining should not swell at high humidity and not dry out when the bathhouse is not heated.

Do-it-yourself finishing of the washing room

The finishing requirements for a washing room are slightly less stringent than for the arrangement of a steam room. But although such high temperatures do not occur in this room, the humidity is always very high. Thus, finishing materials may not differ in heating characteristics without burns, but moisture resistance is a mandatory criterion. Experienced bath attendants advise to give preference to natural, environmentally friendly, breathable materials here too. Wood, such as good quality lining, can boast of these properties. But other materials are also often used, for example:

  • stone;
  • tile;
  • plastic.

Tiles in the washing room

Plastic finishing materials must be approached with extreme caution. They must be only of the highest quality, preferably certified. Because in a bathhouse, heated plastic can emit a far from pleasant odor, or even release toxins.

The choice of wood for finishing a washing room is much wider than for a steam room. Coniferous species can also be used here. The temperature in this room is no longer so high as to provoke the release of resin. Pine is one of the most affordable materials among its analogues. It has many advantages. For example, such wood contains phytoncides, which are very beneficial for health. The pine smell has a healing effect on the nervous system, heart, and lungs. But with intensive use of the bathhouse, pine lining may lose its decorative effect. Its pleasant color can darken.

What is the best way to decorate a relaxation room in a bathhouse?

When choosing the type of decoration for a given room, you can pay more attention to the design side than the practical side. Although, of course, the material must meet a number of requirements:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • aesthetics;
  • durability.

Rest room in the bathhouse

The floors in this room must be very well fitted so that they are pleasant to walk on barefoot. Russian tradition also involves the use of wood in the decoration of recreation rooms. But this is not a prerequisite. You just need to remember that high air humidity remains in all rooms of the bathhouse, even in the rest room. Along with wood, you can give preference to the following materials:

  • porcelain stoneware;
  • decorative plaster;
  • natural stone;
  • glass wallpaper.

It is advisable to take care of powerful ventilation even at the stage of designing and building a bathhouse. The rest room area should also have healthy air circulation. The very atmosphere of the room is designed in such a way that everything in it is conducive to relaxation and rest.

Advice. It is better not to use linoleum in the bathhouse. Despite its practicality, this synthetic material is capable of releasing harmful substances and quickly deteriorating at high temperatures and humidity.

Much attention should be paid not only to the decoration of the walls, but also to the ceiling. Be sure to use high-quality vapor barrier. The ceiling next to the stove is additionally insulated with a metal sheet.

When using wood as a finishing material, it is important to bring it into the room in advance. Preferably two days before the start of work. This simple technique will allow the lining not to swell so much at high humidity and not to crack when drying. While the material is curing, you can begin installing the sheathing. Most often it is made from 50 x 50 timber. But you can also use a metal profile. The standard pitch of the sheathing posts is 70 cm. It may vary depending on the finish used.

Installation of interior decoration in a bathhouse

An important stage is thermal insulation. For a bathhouse, good insulation should never be neglected. A layer of waterproofing is also necessary. The direction of the lining can be either vertical or horizontal. The location of the sheathing should be perpendicular to the sheathing boards. It is recommended not to use regular nails for fastening. They can quickly rust and thereby ruin the appearance of the finish. It is better to purchase copper or brass nails.

Floors can be wooden, concrete, or less often tiles are laid. If any materials other than wood are used, gratings must be made to prevent burns and slipping. If you decide to use tiles, it is better to choose a glazed bath type that has a rough surface.

Advice. It is better not to make the floor of the bathhouse from oak boards. Although it is a very durable wood, it slips when wet. And under constant exposure to steam, it can become somewhat distorted.

Decorating a bathhouse with your own hands will save you significant money. And besides, you can be absolutely sure that everything is done with high quality, to your own taste and all the little details are taken into account. Fastening the lining usually does not cause any particular difficulties and does not require special knowledge and skills. This board has locks and fits tightly to each other.

Interior decoration of the bath: video

For a Russian person, a bathhouse is more than a room for performing hygiene procedures. It's a kind of philosophy. Every trip to the bathhouse is a holiday. Here you can meet friends and spend time with benefits for your physical and psychological well-being. The bathhouse cures all diseases - this is what our ancestors believed. And now people go to the bathhouse to cleanse the body, bring blood pressure back to normal, and relax and unwind. Therefore, the bathhouse should not only be functional, but also beautifully decorated.

Beautiful steam room Source

Choosing a bath design

A bathhouse today is not a modest dressing room and steam room, but quite a spacious room with a relaxation room, a steam room and a shower. If there is room for a font, great. Some don’t stop there and build two-story baths with a bedroom on the second floor - the room can be used as a guest house.

Steam room decorated in a minimalist design Source

When choosing a bathhouse design, preference should be given to a single style - this way the premises will look organic and holistic. In addition to an attractive appearance, the interior of the bathhouse should be safe and comfortable. Traditionally, the interior of the bathhouse is lined with natural wood - clapboard. In this case, those rocks are selected that, when heated, do not release resin and do not overheat. The surface of the finishing material on the floor and wall should not be slippery.

Mirror in the steam room Source

The functionality of the premises depends on the well-organized storage of bath paraphernalia and hygiene products, which also create a special atmosphere in the interior of the bath. Brooms, hats, slippers, soap, aromatherapy oils and other things should be at hand, and at the same time not create chaos.

Sauna accessories Source

Correctly selected lighting plays an important role. In the steam room, choose dim, dim light - this allows you to create a relaxing atmosphere. You can use built-in spotlights on a false ceiling or LED lighting. The light spectrum should be soft yellow. It should be taken into account that special requirements are imposed on lamps in the bathhouse - lampshades must be made of heat-resistant and moisture-resistant material. In the rest room, sconce lamps can be placed on the walls.

Gabion firebox Source

Styles and photos of the best solutions

The design of the bath should not be bright and pretentious; the emphasis is on a calm and even peaceful atmosphere. First of all, to create comfort, the psychological aspect is taken into account: the steam room room, and the bathhouse in general, does not have a large area, so it can have an emotionally overwhelming effect. To prevent this from happening, the design of the premises should be as simple and neutral as possible.

Steam room with natural light Source

A little brightness can be added to the interior of a modern bathhouse with the help of well-organized lighting and functional decor:

  • Hours.
  • Thermometer on the wall.
  • Pictures.
  • Mirrors.
  • Venikov.
  • Buckets and scoops.
  • Textiles.

The design of a sauna and bathhouse differs from the design of residential premises. It doesn’t matter what design style is chosen, the main thing is to ensure functionality and safety. Excessive decor and furnishings are of no use here.

Room for relaxing with guests Source

Here are some design options:

  • Traditional Russian style involves the use of natural wood finishes. The steam room is equipped with a stove, and in the dressing room they use carved decor and colorful rugs on the floor. In the rest room, the table will be decorated with a tablecloth and a samovar, wicker baskets and boxes. The furniture is very simple - a table and benches with embroidered rugs. It is important that the color of wooden furniture, walls and floors do not match.

Bathhouse design in Russian style Source

Beautiful relaxation room Source

  • The chalet style is more restrained. If country and Russian style allow for carved decor, here the emphasis is on the feminine or masculine energy of the interior. In the first case, edged weapons on the walls, guns, trophies, and forged decor are used as decor for the rest room, as if hinting that this bathhouse belongs to a hunter. If the hostess is a woman, then the interior is decorated with paintings depicting landscapes, a ceramic tea set, embroidered tablecloths and napkins, wreaths of fragrant herbs and bouquets of dried flowers.
  • A bathhouse in a modern style looks simple and elegant. Wood for its finishing should have a smooth surface without emphasis on natural patterns. The equipment is modern. You can install a multifunctional cubicle in the shower. Decorative emphasis is placed on lighting and backlighting. Minimum decor and maximum functionality is the motto of the modern design style.

Antique Russian bathhouse design Source

We offer a photo gallery of original solutions for a bath.

Modern steam room Source

Steam room decorated in high-tech style Source

Stone for wall cladding Source

Shelf lighting Source

Modern solution for a bath Source

Special lamps for baths Source

Marble wall Source

Bright warm lighting in yellow tones Source

Wooden panels Source

How to design a dressing room

The dressing room in a bathhouse is the same as the hallway in a house. From the moment you enter, the room should invite you to have a pleasant time and fill you with a positive mood. It is often combined with a rest room. As in other rooms of the bathhouse, there is high humidity here, so the room should be warm and comfortable. This depends on the correctly selected finishing material.

Transition between the locker room and guest room Source

Wood should heat up quickly and release heat slowly. When covering the walls with clapboard (and you can also use coniferous wood in the dressing room), you can inhale an amazing and incomparable woody aroma. It not only disinfects indoor air, but also has a beneficial effect on human health.

Male type of design of a guest room in a bathhouse Source

Wooden cladding will be appropriate not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling. Using lining you can create a suspended or false ceiling. The advantage of the material is the ability to install built-in lighting.

If you want to finish it in the Russian style, you can use decorative panels that imitate rounded logs. The block house creates an original relief on the surface of the wall and the feeling of a real wooden log house.

Decorating a relaxation room Source

To decorate the walls in the dressing room, you can use other types of wooden paneling - imitation timber or plank. With their help you can create a more modern look for the room. And in order for the finish to last as long as possible, it is coated with special protective compounds - oil, wax.

Female type of bath design Source

The floor in the dressing room, as in other rooms of the bathhouse, should not slip. A rug would be appropriate in the wardrobe (hanger) area. A place for changing clothes should be equipped with a spacious hanger, a bench and a mirror.

Materials in the interior of the bath

Option for a beautiful steam room design Source

In addition to natural wood, the following can be used in bath decoration:

  • Ceramic tiles.
  • A natural stone.
  • Glass.
  • Brick.

In the steam room, part of the wall can be lined with salt blocks - this is not only beautiful, but also very useful. When heated, minerals release a huge amount of useful substances.

Black and beige in the bath Source

The most popular material for covering walls and ceilings is lining. Material of the “Extra” and “Premium” classes is suitable - such lamellas are distinguished by clear geometric parameters, proper drying, absence of defects and a smooth surface.

Woodpiles as a decorative attribute Source

Note! The wood used in the steam room is not subjected to additional processing, otherwise it will lose its healing properties and natural aroma.

Ceramic tiles are also used in the bathhouse. This material looks cold, so it is best suited for decorating a small shower space. You can choose warm shades or imitation wood. You can make the room elegant with the help of mosaics in the shower and pool areas. To make the floor around the pool non-slip, it can be made from natural decking - boards with a special anti-slip effect on the front surface.

Interior in beige tones with lighting Source

Woodpiles built into the wall Source

Furniture in the steam room is a separate topic for conversation. It must be made of high-quality material - the tree must easily withstand repeated wetting and drying without losing its shape stability. The seat of the shelves should not overheat - their surface should always be comfortable for the skin. Abash wood has proven itself to be excellent for these purposes.

Lighting under the shelves Source

Modern design of a relaxation room in a bathhouse Source


Therefore, when choosing a bathhouse design, you should not focus only on the beauty of the premises. It is important to take into account the safety of the material, the quality of lighting and the functionality of each bathhouse room.