The influence of emotions on the functional characteristics of the human body from the point of view of Ayurveda and Oriental medicine. The influence of thoughts on human health The influence of emotions on health

The influence of emotions on the functional characteristics of the human body from the point of view of Ayurveda and Oriental medicine.  The influence of thoughts on human health The influence of emotions on health
The influence of emotions on the functional characteristics of the human body from the point of view of Ayurveda and Oriental medicine. The influence of thoughts on human health The influence of emotions on health

In recent years, a behavioral strategy called “defensive pessimism” has become widespread.

It is closest to realism. Although books on “defensive pessimism” began to appear only at the beginning of the 21st century, this strategy was used in antiquity. It is known, for example, that Seneca left home from time to time, dressed in rags and lived on the street. He did all this in order to soberly assess the importance of his values.

We do not suggest that you dress in rags and live on the street. The main thing in the technique of “defensive pessimism” is thinking through the details of the worst-case scenario. The Stoics called this “deliberate evil.”

The technique of “defensive pessimism” can be an effective way to relieve anxiety about the future.

According to psychologist Julia Norem, today about one-third of Americans instinctively use this strategy. Positive thinking, in her opinion, on the contrary, is an attempt to convince oneself that everything will be wonderful, but this can strengthen the belief that everything will be absolutely terrible if good things do not happen.

Research by Sarah Saraswati, an associate professor of business administration at the University of Virginia, has proven that learning to adapt to feelings of uncertainty is not only the key to a more balanced life, but also often the key to thriving. Saraswati interviewed 45 successful entrepreneurs, all of whom had taken at least one business public. Almost none of them wrote a comprehensive business plan or conducted extensive market research.

They practiced what Professor Saraswati calls “effectuation.” Instead of choosing a goal and then making a plan to achieve it, they put together the means and materials at their disposal, imagining a possible end.

Realization also includes what Saraswati called the “principle of acceptable loss.” Instead of focusing on the possible and exciting rewards of the business, it is better to ask how big the loss will be if the business doesn't take off? If the potential losses seem bearable, you can take the next step.

Recently, scientists have increasingly come to the conclusion that emotions and health people are inextricably linked. Experiments have shown that positive emotions contribute to the restoration of physiological processes in the body. Negative emotions worsen well-being and provoke the development of diseases. interconnected.

American doctors have come to a clear conclusion: the more violent emotions in our lives, the more health problems we will experience.

How do emotions affect health?

Every day of our life brings us many emotions. All emotions can be divided into two groups: positive and negative.

Since childhood, we have been taught that negative emotions must be restrained and extinguished. But is it? What trace do negative emotions leave on a person’s physical body? How do negative emotions affect health?

Any emotion is energy. If negative emotions are allowed to remain in our body, over time such emotions, accumulating, turn into clots of negative energy, creating obstacles, “blocks” for the free flow of energy flows.

The energy of positive emotions can be compared to a river, while negative energy is more like a swamp. In the body of a person who often experiences negative emotions, the energy flow is disrupted; the cells and tissues of the body receive insufficient energy and building material to function properly.

Negative energy can accumulate in certain areas of the body, destroying the physical body and causing illness in that area.

Emotions such as despondency, sadness, grief, despair leave their negative energy clot in the chest and heart. This is where the Anahata energy chakra is located - or, in other words, the heart chakra.

The negative energy of negative emotions, concentrating in the area of ​​the heart chakra, leads to disruption of the cardiovascular system, provoking diseases of the heart and other organs located in the area of ​​this chakra.

Anger, malice, jealousy, envy, greed disrupt the functioning of the solar plexus chakra - Manipura, causing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and neighboring organs.

On the contrary, positive emotions and health are also interconnected. Emotions of joy, gratitude, and love have a beneficial effect on our health, improving the functioning of the cardiovascular and other body systems.

How to get rid of the influence of negative emotions?

Our health depends on what thoughts and emotions visit us. Therefore, it is very important to control your thoughts and emotions.

In addition, a person who knows how to control his thoughts and his emotions can always find the most optimal solution in any life situation.

How to prevent the destructive influence of negative emotions?

Negative emotions are created by negative thoughts. Therefore, if you feel the presence of a negative emotion in yourself, stop and ask yourself, what are you thinking about now?

And try to get rid of negative thoughts by replacing them with positive ones. Of course, when we are angry, angry at someone or something, it is not easy to change our attitude towards this person or situation.

But we can simply shift our attention to the good things in our lives, experiencing a feeling of appreciation and gratitude. Thus, negative emotions gradually disappear, giving way to calmness and balance.

By the way, the feeling of gratitude is one of the most creative emotions. By experiencing gratitude, we “attract” to ourselves the positive, creative energy of the Universe, which has a beneficial effect on our life and health.

Thus, by mastering the skills of “switching” emotions, you can significantly reduce the risk that the energy of negative emotions will penetrate the body.

Well, if a negative emotion with all the ensuing consequences has already taken place, you need to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

For this, there are various methods and techniques of emotional and mental cleansing.

These are simple techniques that anyone can easily use during the day if they are experiencing negative emotions. Techniques instantly remove the energy of negative emotions from our internal energy space and protect the physical body from destruction.

It can and should be controlled.

The whole world is filled with energies. And you and I also have our own energy field. In science it is usually called the energy-information field. The soul, consciousness, and body of a person are filled with energy and represent the energy-informational essence of a person. However, in addition to positive energies, there are also negative, aggressive energies in the Universe.

All humanity inherently lives in an aggressive environment. And every person, in one way or another, is constantly subjected to energy attacks - even if he does not notice it and knows nothing about it. An unprepared person most often notices only the consequences of these influences, which are illnesses, failures, and his own inappropriate behavior.

At the same time, each person can learn to recognize whether there has been a negative impact on him from the outside, whether the person’s energy has suffered from such an impact. Changing times and the opening of access to information allow everyone to learn what to do with the consequences of such uninvited intrusions, how to get rid of them and how to bring oneself back to normal after energy-informational defeats.

Negative energy impact - this is an unconscious (accidental) or intentional (special) negative (negative) introduction into a person’s bioenergy of an energetically destructive change (constructions, breakdowns), damaging this energy and changing the life, health, thoughts, character, mood and essence of a person from positive to negative.

In other words, this is either the introduction into a person’s energy of negative energy clots in the form of damage, programming (popularly called zombies, slander, hassles), curses, or energy breakdowns in the form of the evil eye or vampirism. Let's look at each of these types of negative impact.

Evil eye
- a breakdown in the energy of a person’s etheric body, leading to loss of energy. Can be accidental or intentional. The evil eye often accompanies envy: An envious person always has an evil eye. Therefore, stories about witches and the evil black eye are far from fairy tales. What is popularly called the evil eye is actually the ability to have powerful energetic effects on other people’s etheric bodies.

During the evil eye, a breakdown forms in the upper part of a person’s energy body, through which the energy of the descending cosmic flow is lost (as a rule, the “leakage” occurs in the upper half of the body). You can see this breakdown in the form of energy holes in the energy system above a person’s shoulders.

Vampirism - energy suckers in the etheric, energetic body of a person, through which energy leaks to another person. Vampirism, just like the evil eye, can be unconscious and intentional. Children, sick and old people can unknowingly receive energy from other people, since they do not have enough energy of their own and need additional energy replenishment. This is done deliberately, as a rule, by ordinary people who do not have their own energy, they do not know how to generate it and do not try to learn how to receive it from other sources.

During vampirism, the energy donor experiences deterioration in health, weakness, loss of strength, drowsiness, and over time, his health also deteriorates. With constant loss of energy, a person may die over time. The outflow of energy in this case occurs in the solar plexus or lower abdomen (third and second chakras). You can see vampire suckers in the form of energy cords and ropes connected to the human energy in these parts of the body, leading to the vampire himself. Or they may look like funnels through which energy flows to another person.

- this is the introduction into a person’s energy field of destructive structures and programs that are not characteristic of him, changing a person’s thoughts, behavior, mood, and actions. Programming can be done both consciously and unconsciously - for the victim there is no difference, it is equally difficult for her in any case. This impact disrupts the balance of the main energy flows, gives rise to subconscious discomfort and inappropriate behavior, but it is difficult to detect this from direct sensations in the body, since programming does not cause clear shifts in well-being.

Programming can also be detected by this sign: thoughts suddenly begin to flow in a completely different direction, and the mood changes for no apparent reason. A person can feel programming if he begins to do something that he did not want to do, with the feeling that it is as if someone is forcing him to carry out certain actions. Also, with such exposure, a person may feel headaches and heaviness in the head. In the human energy field, programming appears as zigzag breaks in the head area.

Damage - deliberate introduction of alien pathological energy-informational structures into the human etheric body. Damage is always the result of someone’s malicious influence, formalized into a complete desire for harm to another. This does not mean that only black magicians and sorcerers can cause damage. Every day, many ordinary people spoil each other, who simply do not know what they are doing, because they do not know that their actions are called damage.

Damage can destroy health or bring failure in certain areas of relationships with other people. However, as a contagious disease, in certain cases it can spread to others. It is quite difficult to feel damage in yourself. After all, she is invisible to her victim and she does not have any clear and specific symptoms. It can manifest itself differently in each individual case. You just need to keep in mind that it always causes a change in the previous state. The problem here is that these changes are very similar to natural ones.

In human energy, damage appears in the form of a dark or light energy clot (certain colors are also possible), embedded in a specific place on the human body, depending on his goals and programs that this clot must fulfill. For example, if this is a love spell, then in this case there may be two damage structures: in the lower abdomen (in the area of ​​the second chakra) and in the area of ​​the heart. If the purpose of the damage was to damage health, then such a clot will be located exactly in the place of the person’s energy body where this health has deteriorated.

A curse
- this is a powerful connection to any energy-informational structure or entity, leading to an ongoing loss of energy, dangerous not only to health, but also to life. Such an impact, as a rule, drives luck out of life and has a heavy impact on fate, the karmic vessel of not only the person himself, but also the entire family: a curse can often haunt people for several generations. A strong curse can extend both to the person on whom it is cast, and to his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The curse is invisible and imperceptible to the victim itself. One can suspect the existence of a curse only due to special circumstances. This could be an extraordinary streak of failures, a chain of misfortunes among family and friends, or an unexpected serious illness. However, from the outside it can be seen, since it blocks the flow of cosmic energy into human energy. Such a negative effect appears in the form of a large energy clot or ball above a person’s head, or in the form of a haze leaving the aura in the area of ​​the person’s head in the direction of the one who cast this curse.

All these negative effects can be seen with ordinary human vision. And anyone can learn this, since every person from birth has such abilities, but over time they lose them and forget about it.

There are ways to cleanse yourself from the negative influences discussed above and restore your own energy after this. However, not all types of influences are easily removed from a person. Therefore, there are many different methods and techniques for getting rid of them. With some of the simplest ways to cleanse yourself of negativity, you can...

In addition, various training options are now available with the goal of discovering, developing or restoring the ability to see human energy and cleanse it from extraneous influences. In this case, you will not need to turn to someone for help, you will be able to independently help yourself and your loved ones.

My skype: natalyjatchekhun

More than one generation of people has grown up under the slogan: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” However, modern science has proven that the health of body and mind are interdependent.

The famous English neurophysiologist Charles Sherrington, Nobel Prize laureate, established a pattern:

The first to arise is an emotional experience, followed by vegetative and somatic changes in the body.

That is, a person’s emotions form the way he thinks, on which his physical condition and health depend.

Humanity has long known that emotions have a direct impact on health, as evidenced by the sayings: “All diseases come from nerves”, “You can’t buy health - the mind gives it”, “Joy makes you young, grief makes you old”, “Rust eats iron, and sadness - heart".


The word “emotions” translated from Latin means “shaking the wave.”

Emotions are the subjective reactions of humans and higher animals to any external and internal stimuli; they

  • Accompany all vital processes of the body.
  • Can be caused by situations or events that exist only in our imagination.
  • Transmitted between people or animals.
  • They can be either negative (safety) or positive. Moreover, the safety emotions are several times more positive.
  • They are necessarily accompanied by a specific physiological reaction.
  • The stronger the emotion, the more active the physiological reaction of the body.
  • Prolonged exposure to strong emotions, both positive and negative, on the body causes and is fraught with health problems.

Affordable and safe methods help relieve nervous tension, anxiety, improve sleep and improve health.

Emotions and spiritual interaction between people

Have you noticed that we feel and behave differently around other people? “The mood has changed,” we say. In fact Not only the mood changes, but also the physiology of our body, which reacts instantly.

People unconsciously perceive each other's body language, facial expressions, and voices with all their senses.

Empathy, imitation, copying are inherent in us at the genetic level.

We cannot control these abilities selectively: to empathize or imitate only when we want it and as much as we need it.

We are all, like communicating and overflowing vessels, conveying our moods, experiences, and nervous relationships.

Agree that feelings such as anger, fear, and indignation are very... Just like laughing and smiling.

Imitation is especially pronounced in children. They are like sponges, absorbing the mood of the people around them.


Gymnastics of emotions

Physical gymnastics we do, knowing that she is training our body. Some people perform physical exercise consciously and regularly, while others do it while working: lifting weights, bending over, moving a lot, etc.

Spiritual gymnastics we do involuntarily and chaotically every day: we scroll through familiar thoughts in our heads, empathize with everything around us - sounds from the TV, tape recorder, radio, beautiful views of nature, etc.

If with physical gymnastics everything is simple, we know what movements train certain muscle groups, then with spiritual training everything is much more complicated.

Spiritual gymnastics causes corresponding physiological changes. By remembering this or that event from our life, we evoke and consolidate in the body the physiology and neural connections corresponding to that event.

If the recalled event was joyful and accompanied by pleasant sensations, then this is beneficial.

And if we turn to unpleasant memories and re-experience negative emotions, then the stress reaction is consolidated in the body on the physical and spiritual plane. This kind of training is undesirable.

By the way, negative emotions are one of the causes of night eating syndrome, in which people wake up at night from hunger and are unable to fall asleep without a snack.

Human behavioral programs

Humans are genetically endowed with two main behavioral programs: protective and creative.

CREATIVE states: kindness, joy, trust, revelation, love, etc.

Aimed at developing and ensuring the proper functioning of all organs and systems, as well as recovery from stressful situations.

PROTECTIVE states: anger, fear, greed, hostility, envy, arrogance, dissatisfaction, contempt, anger, irritation, hatred, indignation, indignation, cunning, aggressiveness.

They are necessary for a person to survive in a critical situation, must be activated only for a short time, and must be replaced by creative states.

If protective processes go beyond the point of necessity, they can cause great harm to a person.

Emotions and health of modern man

In modern society, there is an accumulation and feeding of protective states; an exaggerated desire to protect oneself and assert oneself violates human nature and the correct flow of primary life processes.

Tibetan doctors say that

defensive emotions (greed, anger, fear, hostility, etc.) are the source of any, even infectious, diseases.

The role of the media in the accumulation of negative emotions by a person is colossal! From TV screens we are bombarded with a wave of violence, cruelty, information about disasters, about the imminent end of the world, etc. and so on.

In addition to information, on a subconscious level we empathize with the announcer, journalist, artist or singer, tune into his “wave”, absorb his mood and attitude.

Thus, The media arouses strong emotions in a person, which cannot but affect the health of each of us and society as a whole.

Science has proven that Strong emotions tire the body and put it into a stressful state:

if you influence the hypothalamic centers responsible for negative emotions every day for one hour, this leads to sudden disturbances in the functioning of the heart and other serious physiological disorders.

The same thing happens when influencing the centers responsible for positive reactions, although to a lesser extent.

Famous pathologist Davydovsky I.V. I thought that The individual measure of a person’s health largely depends on emotional and physical balance.

Heart is a sensitive barometer of this balance.

The words of Heinrich Heine, “The crack of the world passes through the heart of the poet,” is a vivid reflection of our reality. Even in the last century, damage to the heart vessels was considered as a medical curiosity.

Nowadays, in highly developed countries, heart disease is the cause of death in more than half of cases. Moreover, there is a rejuvenation of this disease.

As medical statistics have shown, The risk group consists of people living with a heightened sense of lack of time, experiencing constant mental stress, expansive, fixated.

Negative emotions can trigger the occurrence of malignant tumors:

Observations by scientists and doctors have shown that often a cancer patient, before falling ill, suffers a severe mental shock.

Anyone can get cancer, but the process of active division of malignant cells occurs in those who have had protective emotions for a long time.

English scientists K. Benson and Pierce proved that Cancer is a psychosomatic disease.


Psychosomatic disease is a painful condition that appears as a result of the interaction of physiological and mental factors.

It is a mental disorder that manifests itself at the physiological level, or a physiological disorder that manifests itself at the mental level, or a physiological pathology that develops under the influence of psychogenic factors. (Wikipedia).

To put it simply: the cause of illness in the body is the soul. And vice versa.

This is confirmed by numerous examples of self-healing from cancer without chemotherapy, but with the help of a sharp shift in the positive direction of the emotional background: an optimistic mood, fundamental changes in lifestyle and thoughts, new vivid love experiences, etc.


As we can see, emotions play a vital role in our health.

The main condition for health from Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences K.V. Sudakov:

any strong emotions should be short-lived and episodic in nature so that the body has the opportunity to restore self-regulation mechanisms to normal levels. In this case, even the most severe stress will not harm us.

Psychologists advise watching less TV and not taking bad news to heart.

I really like the words of Sigmund Freud:

“Every morning we wake up, it’s as if we are born again.”

Start a new day with a smile to yourself and the new day, expect only good events and emotions from this day.

Instead of the usual alarm ringing, set a beautiful melody and don’t rush to jump up, but devote a few minutes to a pleasant awakening ritual: stretching, stroking and massaging your ears.

You can hang a poster with a positive picture by your bed. This will set you up for a successful day and help maintain spiritual harmony.

Sources: A.Yu. Katkov and N.A. Agadzhanyan “Reserves of our body”,, Dmitruk M. “Know how to be happy. Nature and man."

Elena Valve for the project Sleepy Cantata.

This you need to know:

  • can be a consequence of both psycho-emotional stress and a syndrome of a life-threatening disease.

In the modern world, we often encounter many people whose energy can be negative. Everyone can protect themselves from negative impacts, but to do this it is important to follow some rules.

The human biofield most often copes with negative influences. However, natural protection does not always work. There can be many reasons - from banal fatigue to damage and the evil eye - which means it is important to constantly “keep your eyes open” and learn to identify negative people, as well as strengthen your own defense. The site’s experts know that constant negative influence is fraught not only with a bad mood, but also with very real illnesses, so they advise everyone not to neglect their own protection.

Why are people with negative energy dangerous?

It is important to identify people with bad energy in a timely manner, before interaction with them brings you harm. The most obvious signs:

  • headaches and all kinds of ailments;
  • tingling sensation in different parts of the body;
  • attacks of aggression or loneliness, as well as a depressive mood;
  • Negative thoughts that arise after communication and refusal to live an active life;
  • frequent nightmares;
  • loss of appetite;
  • pressure in the chest area.

Among people with bad energy there are energy vampires. The negative impact of such a person can cause failures at work, financial problems, family discord and all sorts of troubles that happen out of the blue.

How to protect yourself from people with bad energy

Not all people react to negativity, but knowing how to protect yourself is important for inner harmony and health. Resistance to the influence of negative people can be developed if you adhere to the rules listed below.

If there is a person next to you from whom negativity comes, try to abstract yourself from him. Imagine that you are in a place where you feel comfortable and safe. Such a psychological block will allow you to build a mental wall and protect yourself from any evil.

Try to smile more often and get out of conflict situations, rather than aggravate them. A positive attitude creates an excellent barrier against negative energy and prevents it from harming your health and mood.

If a conflict arises, try to keep your emotions under control and under no circumstances succumb to provocations. People who provoke such situations seek a response from you by “feeding” on your energy. It is important to communicate with such people kindly, confusing them with polite answers or compliments. In this case, they simply will not be able to get an outburst of emotions from you, which means they will not get what they are seeking.

For those who constantly complain about life and burden you with their problems, it is important to get rid of the negativity by directing it towards you. In this case, you can refuse to listen to the “whining” or, on the contrary, encourage your interlocutor. However, you should not feel sorry for him: he will sense your weakness and quickly turn you into a personal “vest”. Never transfer other people's problems onto yourself so that negativity does not harm you.

It is better not to have heart-to-heart conversations with people you don’t know, not to share information about your family, work, dreams and plans. For this there are trusted friends and close relatives.

Be sure to use amulets that protect against evil eyes and damage so that negativity cannot harm you. In this case, you will protect yourself and avoid unpleasant effects.

Practice creating a protective barrier, especially if you are in a crowded place. Imagine that there is a shield around you that successfully reflects bad energy, preventing the words and thoughts of negative people from causing you trouble. Such practices will help you protect yourself in any situation and not fall under the influence of manipulators, energy vampires and envious people.

Everyone chooses their own environment, but often people who are pleasant at first glance turn out to be energy vampires. Take a closer look at the people who surround you. Among them may be those with negative energy who can bring a lot of problems into your life. To protect yourself, communication with them should be kept to a minimum. Good luck and health to you, and don’t forget to press the buttons and

06.09.2018 01:22

Every person can be influenced by evil people who emanate negative energy. To avoid this...