Vitamins and calories in watermelon. Watermelon calories, useful properties. Nutritional and energy value

Vitamins and calories in watermelon.  Watermelon calories, useful properties.  Nutritional and energy value
Vitamins and calories in watermelon. Watermelon calories, useful properties. Nutritional and energy value

Eating deliciously and losing weight is a gourmet's dream, inspired by the fact that the calorie content of watermelon per 100 grams of sweet pulp eaten does not exceed 38 kilocalories. A diet in which the only product is watermelon attracts the attention of any woman who wants to get rid of extra pounds. The method allows you to lose weight without exhausting yourself with cereals on the water, calculating the content of BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) in each serving of food, studying tables with calorie content per 100 grams of weight of foods chosen for weight loss.

The benefits of the watermelon diet lie in its beneficial qualities, known since the times of Ancient Rome and Egypt. Medical recipes already used the diuretic, anti-inflammatory and choleretic properties of watermelon. Later it was found that the water-salt balance of watermelon pulp has a beneficial effect on the processes of hematopoiesis and digestion, fiber removes cholesterol, and vitamin C and folic acid fight atherosclerosis.

Calculation of the watermelon diet

The main task is to determine the number of fruits that will become the only food for 5 days. First of all, they find out how many calories are in 100 g of watermelon, according to the food calorie tables. For calculations, they take 40 kcal, rounding the table value 38 for simplicity.

It is known that the minimum calorie intake that does not cause weight gain is:

  • 2400 kcal for active women
  • 2000 kcal for women with a sedentary lifestyle.

The minimum allowable amount of food intake to meet all the physiological needs of the body is 1300 kcal per day. Eating the amount of calories in a watermelon in a safe range (1300-2000), you will notice how the weight will decrease the faster the closer the daily diet is to the minimum value of 1300 kcal.

To go to the diet menu, you need to divide the daily kilocalories by 40 (calorie content of watermelon in 100 grams of pulp). It turns out that from 3.5 kg to 5.5 kg of tender watermelon pulp will be eaten per day, and taking into account the peel - up to 7 kg of fruit. Dividing into 5-6 meals a day, we get a one-time amount of food from 700 g to 1 kg of watermelon pulp. If the last piece of a tasty diet is before bedtime, then nightly trips to the toilet will add a fly in the ointment to the menu, but the joy of losing weight will overshadow this temporary inconvenience.

Calories in watermelon determine carbohydrates in the form of glucose and fructose, which turn into sucrose during long-term storage. The monotony of the diet during weight loss can be diluted only with carbohydrates. At the same time, it must be taken into account that how many carbohydrates will be eaten per day is determined not only by watermelon, but also by a small addition to the menu in the form of rye bread (no more than 100 g per day). This diet option can last up to 10 days, although the rate of weight loss is slightly less than without bread.

During the dietary period, you should avoid large physical exertion in the form of outdoor activities, carrying heavy loads, long trips. Moderate gymnastic exercises, walking contribute to the beneficial effects of a monotonous carbohydrate diet.

The Hidden Dangers of Dieting

Any diet based on one type of food without taking into account BJU (the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates) upsets the balance in nutrition and cannot be long-term, so the watermelon diet is designed for 5-10 days. The benefits of it, expressed in weight loss, may be short-lived if, after its completion, excessive food consumption begins.

Advice from nutritionist Irina Shilina
Healthy eating is incompatible with strict dietary restrictions, malnutrition and prolonged fasting. There is no need to strive for abnormal thinness, depriving yourself of food that brings pleasure. Check out the latest weight loss techniques.

Diabetes is a contraindication for a carbohydrate diet. Watermelon for diabetics is allowed to eat under the strict control of a glucometer. In case of exceeding the norms of glucose content in the blood, this carbohydrate weight loss diet is completely excluded, regardless of how many calories are in the watermelon.

The property of watermelon to accumulate nitrates can cause nausea and vomiting, as in case of poisoning. In this case, you should immediately stop continuing the diet. Plentiful drink and crackers are prescribed for the rapid withdrawal of nitrates.

The diuretic properties of watermelon remove sand from the kidneys in urolithiasis, but can cause stone movement and acute inflammation. It is necessary to consult a doctor about the state of the genitourinary system before prescribing a diet, so as not to harm your own body.

With arterial hypertension, a watermelon diet is prescribed with caution. It doesn't matter how many calories are in a watermelon, as an increase in blood pressure from excess water can cause a hypertensive crisis. Diseases of the kidneys and blood vessels are also contraindications. Individual intolerance to watermelon pulp in large quantities is rare and manifests itself on the first day in the form of nausea and abdominal pain, which is a signal to immediately stop the diet.

Results and exit from the diet

For 5-10 days of one of the options for the watermelon diet, 5-7 kg is lost in weight.

In addition, the body is cleansed of excess salt and water, the skin is rejuvenated, and the work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.

The transition from a carbohydrate diet to a balanced diet should be carried out by gradually increasing the caloric content of food consumed. Fatty meat, spicy dishes should not be introduced into the menu immediately after the dietary period. The most suitable food is low-fat dairy products, vegetables and fruits.

The duration of the exit from the watermelon diet is 2 weeks.

Who hasn't heard of the watermelon diet? Every summer, many of us use this method of losing weight. To lose a few extra pounds, the best way to think of!

We will help make this process as efficient as possible by talking about the calorie content of watermelon and how much you can eat per day while losing weight of this incredibly tasty and healthy product.

The mineral composition of the fruit

Many useful properties of watermelon pulp are due to its composition - more precisely, the vitamins and microelements contained in it.

Watermelons are rich in:

  • vitamins of group B, which strengthen the nervous system and have a beneficial effect on the skin;
  • vitamin C, which strengthens the defenses of the human body;
  • vitamin PP, necessary for good health and the fight against insomnia;
  • folic acid, which is needed by the body of every pregnant woman and nursing mother.
  • In addition to vitamins, watermelons contain an impressive set of macronutrients, trace elements and minerals:
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • fluorine.

All of them are guarding our health.

The benefits and harms of watermelon

There is no person who has not heard about the benefits of watermelon. It must be admitted that popular rumor, in most cases quite freely interpreting information from the Internet and the media, this time did not sin against the truth.

Properly selected, grown in environmentally friendly conditions, watermelon can bring tremendous health benefits, because its pulp contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body. In other words, watermelon is not only a delicious refreshing dessert, but also a real storehouse of nutrients.

Why is this culture so useful?

First of all, taste. This sweet fruit is the best remedy for depression. Is it possible to be sad while enjoying such a divine delicacy?!

Also, watermelon pulp contributes to:

  • improve vision and strengthen the immune system.
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • increased peristalsis.

The presence of watermelon pulp in the diet reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and anemia.

However, this product is especially valued as a diuretic, choleretic and decongestant.

However, watermelon can seriously harm the body. It is undesirable to use it for various diseases:

  • kidneys;
  • pancreas;
  • prostate;
  • diabetes.

It is dangerous to eat watermelons for those diagnosed with nephrolithiasis, because due to the pronounced diuretic effect of watermelon juice, stones often begin to move, which, outside of clinical conditions, can lead to an unpredictable result.

But this is not as dangerous as human intervention in the process of natural maturation of the fetus. In order for watermelons to gain mass faster, many unscrupulous producers use nitrates. Once in the digestive tract, they are converted into nitrites - elements that can cause cancer.

Video: How many calories are in watermelon

How many calories in 100 grams of watermelon

The low calorie content of watermelon pulp - 26 kilocalories per 100 grams of the product peeled from seeds and peel - is due to the high water content in its composition: about 90%. The same serving of canned pulp or freshly squeezed watermelon juice contains over 36 kilocalories.

Nutritional value of watermelon pulp:

  1. proteins - 1.2 grams;
  2. fats - 0.7 grams;
  3. carbohydrates - 8.2 grams.

As you can see, the calorie content of watermelon is low, which means that it can be successfully used in dietary nutrition.

How much can you eat per day

According to nutritionists, a healthy adult can consume up to two kilograms of watermelon pulp per day, and not every day. The best option is twice a week, one of which may fall on a fasting day.

If you regularly arrange fasting days for yourself, you will surely like the watermelon option. Just a day on a delicious diet - and your weight is guaranteed to decrease by 1-1.5 kilograms!

There are the following options for watermelon fasting days:

  1. first - divide the daily portion of watermelon pulp (the above 2 kilograms) into five or six portions and eat during the day, be sure to drink clean water or herbal tea;
  2. the second - in addition to the pulp of watermelon, you can eat two slices of dried rye bread (do not forget about water - you need to drink a lot, at least two liters).

Try not to exceed the recommended dose of watermelon pulp on either normal or fasting days. It's too much of a burden on the kidneys. In order to avoid the appearance of puffiness and a general deterioration in well-being, adhere to the norm - no more than two kilograms.

Many are concerned about the question: is it possible to eat watermelons in the evening, before going to bed? Experts say that the use of watermelon pulp in the evening is especially useful, as it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

At night, toxins are removed from the human body. Lack of fluid greatly complicates this process. And since the pulp of watermelon saturates the body with moisture, its use in the evening hours is fully justified.

So that the quality of sleep does not suffer due to frequent urination, it is recommended to consume watermelon 1-1.5 hours before falling asleep. Don't eat too much! One or two slices are enough, otherwise in the morning you will get swelling and a headache.

watermelon while breastfeeding

The use of watermelon pulp will be of great benefit to mothers of infants. This product helps to cope with anemia, often developing after childbirth, stimulates the production of breast milk.

Breastfeeding mothers can consume the pulp of watermelon starting from the third month of breastfeeding. You should not rush, as some substances, having entered the baby's body along with mother's milk, can adversely affect his digestion.

For the first time after a long break, introducing watermelon pulp into your diet, limit yourself to just one slice of a small size. Observe how the baby's body reacts to the new product. If everything went well, you can continue to eat watermelons without fear, only in reasonable quantities.

An important point: include new foods in your diet gradually, one every 5-7 days, so that the baby's body has time to adapt to them.

Video: Watermelon diet. Watermelon Diet Menu

watermelon for weight loss

Watermelon diet, according to nutritionists, is considered one of the most effective. In this case, a rapid decrease in body weight is achieved due to the diuretic and cleansing properties of watermelon pulp. Despite its sweet taste, it does not have a high calorie content, so it can be used as the basis for a diet.

The chemical composition of watermelon is rich in dietary fiber and organic acids, which help to improve metabolism, combat slagging in the body and overweight.

Watermelon pulp contains a lot of vitamins, especially such a natural immunomodulator as vitamin C. It also contains B vitamins, which are necessary for energy metabolism and the normal functioning of the nervous system, due to which weight is also reduced.

There are also components such as vitamins E, PP and beta-carotene in the pulp of watermelon, but in limited quantities.

Weight loss on a watermelon diet is achieved by:

  • mild laxative action;
  • mild diuretic effect;
  • choleretic action.

After eating a couple of slices of watermelon, a person is quickly satiated, so even on a rather rigid diet, he does not feel hungry. However, no matter how easy and pleasant the watermelon diet is, you should not get too carried away with it. This is too serious a load on the body - in particular, on the kidneys. It is more expedient to arrange fasting days from time to time, then the process of losing weight will not cause you discomfort.


Losing excess weight on a watermelon diet is quite simple. But you need to do this under the supervision of a doctor. With the help of an experienced nutritionist, you can not only cope with excess weight, but also improve your body. Easy weight loss for you!


Elizabeth, Yalta

“When I fed my first child, I sat (on the advice of a pediatrician) only on buckwheat with chicken. As a result, my son literally fell asleep from everything, we still cannot cope with allergies. I decided not to bother with the second one: I ate everything, including all red fruits and vegetables, and definitely watermelons - I love them! The youngest son has been eating strawberries with plates since the year, tomatoes are our everything, I generally keep quiet about watermelons. The conclusion is obvious: if you want your child to be healthy, accustom him to any food from the first days of life.

Alice, Cherepovets

“Having heard that watermelons clean the kidneys well, I decided to “cleanse” myself too: during the day I ate a large, 6 kilograms, watermelon, did an exercise to massage the internal organs before going to bed, and woke up at night from terrible pain. The stone went ... I met in the morning in the hospital. I don’t remember how I got there (as it turned out later, the neighbors called me). Thank God, everything worked out, but now I’m even scared to imagine what would have happened if my neighbor hadn’t come to me ... ”

Lydia, Armavir

“I definitely go on a watermelon diet twice a season. For a whole week I eat watermelons with rye bread and water. I lose a total of 4.5 kilograms. Not much, but it's exactly what I need. After such a diet, you feel as if washed from the inside: light, fresh, transparent as crystal. The whole body seems to be renewed. Indescribable feelings!"

Juicy and tasty watermelon is loved by many. This southern berry is rich in beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on the entire body. The low calorie content of watermelon does not contribute to obesity, so it can be consumed while observing various diets. The benefits of watermelon have been repeatedly proven by scientists - the berry stimulates the kidneys, cleanses the intestines of toxins.

What is the fruit of watermelon called?

Are watermelons berries or fruits or vegetables? According to botanists, this fruit is not quite a berry. Its skin is thick, and the seeds are not eaten. Some experts prefer to attribute the culture to pumpkin plants and classify it as a false berry. Since fruits grow on trees, and watermelon is cultivated on earthen soil, it is not directly related to this category. Watermelon is a berry. Many experts have come to this general conclusion.

Why is watermelon called a berry? Multi-seeded fruits have juicy dense pulp. Thick hard skin is a distinctive feature of the product. The fruit has the same juicy pulp as the berries. They cultivate culture in the Ural lands, in the Volga region, in the Astrakhan region. The product has a green color with light stripes. Pumpkin berry grows on melon. Collect it in the warm summer period.

Calorie content of fresh watermelon per 100 grams and 1 kg

The calorie content of watermelon per 100 grams is 28-38 calories. If you follow a healthy diet, you must keep track of the calorie content of watermelon in kg. The berry usually weighs more than 2 kilograms. In a daily dose of an ordinary fetus there will be 760 kcal. A large one contains 3,000 calories. Calorie content in 100 grams is identical to green. The norm of calories for weight loss is no more than 1000 per day. This aspect must be taken into account when dieting. When drawing up a nutrition plan, it is best to seek the help of a nutritionist. The specialist will certainly include melons in the diet.

Mineral composition

The giant berry contains phosphorus, iodine, fluorine, cobalt, magnesium, potassium and a lot of different vitamins. All these substances are necessary for the body for full healthy functioning. What vitamins are in watermelon the most? Fruit pulp is rich in retinol, thiamine, pectin. The fruit also contains a rare vitamin B9, folic acid.

Nutritional composition:

  • 0.7 g proteins
  • 0.1 g fat
  • 7 g carbohydrates
  • 90 g water
  • 0.5 g fiber.

The berry has a different amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. The chemical composition of watermelon determines the beneficial properties of the fruit. A large percentage of carbohydrates provides a person with the necessary energy. Carbohydrates are needed by the body for heat exchange and blood circulation.

The benefits of watermelon for the human body

The berry has many benefits. It replenishes the deficiency of iron, magnesium and other minerals in the body. Contains a lot of fluid, therefore improves the quality and flow of milk during lactation. It is necessary for every woman to take into account the benefits of watermelon for the body during pregnancy. Fruit pulp relieves swelling and helps to remove excess fluid.

The benefits of watermelon for the intestines are based on the normalization of the body. The berry cleanses the cavity of toxins, toxins, improves the nutrition of the mucous tissue. Long-term use of the product helps to improve the organic structures of the gastrointestinal tract in gastritis and ulcers.

The product is useful in diabetes mellitus, its components stabilize glucose in the bloodstream. Also, the berry removes harmful cholesterol along with urine. Natural antioxidant prevents aging, rejuvenates the body. The berry helps to survive the psycho-emotional stress and eliminate stress.

Properties and uses of watermelon

There are many phenylalanine substances in gourds, which prevent the development of Parkinson's disease. It is enough to regularly consume fruits during the seasonal period to saturate the body with useful elements.

Berry pulp helps to cope with frequent nosebleeds, anemia, poor blood formation. It improves the properties and composition of the blood, increases hemoglobin. The berry strengthens the immune system, increases defenses, helps to cope with colds.

The product is useful for male potency. It affects male functions and is a natural aphrodisiac. A giant berry is also necessary for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Fruits prevent the development of a stroke, have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and heart function. But the main property of the fruit is the removal of excess water, sand and stones from the body.

The fruit promotes weight loss. It is useful to use it regularly for obesity. If you want to lose a lot of extra pounds, the berry will be an effective assistant in this process. Treatment of any stage of obesity (disease) - weight loss, diets, folk remedies and medications. The energy value of the product allows you to use it for fasting days.

In folk medicine

Seeds and peel of the product are widely used in folk medicine.

A decoction of the peel helps to cope with migraines. Lotions from watermelon peels are an effective folk remedy for restoring blood pressure and eliminating headaches. To prepare decoctions and infusions, the peels are dried, brewed and infused. A piece of clean cloth is moistened in a decoction of watermelon peels and applied to the temples, the back of the head, and the forehead. Such a compress helps to quickly get rid of a headache.

It is useful to use watermelon for urolithiasis. The berry is necessary to remove excess fluid. A little fresh pulp is required to be eaten three to four times a day. The delicacy has medicinal properties, removes sand from the ureters. In case of illness, a decoction of watermelon peels is prepared and taken three times a day. Crusts are harvested for future use and are used even in winter. Berry seeds also have a diuretic effect. With edema, the fetus actively removes fluid and regulates metabolism.

Given the health benefits of watermelon, the fruit should be consumed regularly. The berry helps well in the treatment of nephritis and kidney failure. For medicinal purposes, eat one large slice before breakfast. The berry helps in the treatment of hepatitis, colitis, sunburn. With diarrhea, it is recommended to grind dry watermelon peels - the powder is taken in a teaspoon, washed down with water.

The juice of the peels is used to eliminate boils from the skin. They lubricate the affected areas several times a day. Helps the product to quickly get rid of acne. Vitamins in watermelon nourish the skin, improve its condition and make it healthy.

In cosmetology

The extract of the plant, its pulp and peel are actively used in cosmetology. The pulp of a delicious berry is used in homemade masks. However, large cosmetic companies have long been interested in the usefulness of watermelon. In hair and skin care, the fruit brings many benefits. The components of the pulp penetrate deeply into all layers of the dermis, actively nourish it, rejuvenate and inhibit wilting. After applying the product, the skin becomes velvety, soft, tender, like a baby's. Watermelon mask gives her a gentle pleasant healthy shade.

Melons and gourds eliminate bags under the eyes, smooth out "crow's feet" around the eyes, and tighten the skin frame. This is a great product for skin rejuvenation. A decoction of watermelon peels should be rinsed regularly with hair. The product helps to strengthen the hair follicles, the appearance of silkiness, easy combing.

With age, the skin of any person becomes flabby. Wrinkles and age spots appear on it. The pulp helps prevent aging, reduce skin folds and improve complexion.

In cooking

The taste of the product allows it to be widely used in cooking. The product can not only be consumed fresh. Fruit:

  • canned
  • make jam out of them
  • salt
  • preparing candied fruit.

Delicious healthy drinks are prepared from watermelon. Lemon and zest are added to the juice and a delicious, tonic fresh juice is obtained. Very nutritious watermelon jam has a delicate pleasant taste. Also, marshmallows are prepared from the product, and even alcoholic beverages.

This is the optimal product for a large table. It is able to saturate all households and will be an appropriate dessert after breakfast or lunch. The properties of watermelon will help the whole family become healthier.

Watermelon harm

How harmful the fruit is depends on the variety and growing conditions. The main harm of watermelon lies in a large amount of nitrates. If melons grew in an unfavorable environment, they can be poisoned. Nitrates fill the fruits for their speedy ripening. You need to refrain from buying watermelons in the early summer. It is better to wait until they begin to appear on the markets and in stores in large quantities, their season will begin.

To exclude poisoning with toxic substances, it is possible to conduct a study of watermelon pulp for the content of nitrates in the sanitary and epidemiological station. The analysis will determine whether there are harmful substances in the fruit pulp.

You can not eat fruits for patients who suffer from high acidity of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis and ulcers. Green-striped fruits are contraindicated in diseases of the pancreas. The use of the product in such situations can aggravate the course of the disease and cause a relapse. In any case, you need to be careful with watermelon. It is required to take into account the number of slices eaten, the quality of the product, and your chronic ailments.

Watermelon has been known since ancient Egypt, because the cultivation of culture was in full swing. The gourd culture was used not only as food, but also as a cosmetic product. To this day, it remains a mystery what it is - the fruit of the pumpkin family or a giant berry, the weight of which reaches several kg. Scientists say that watermelons were left in the tombs of the pharaohs so that they would eat them while in the afterlife. Watermelon appeared in South Africa, where to this day it is found growing in the wild.

Europeans tasted the delicacy during the time of the Crusades; for Russia, this plant was a rare occurrence on the tables until the 19th century.

An important question - is it possible to eat watermelon with a diet for weight loss? Oh sure!

Useful properties of a member of the pumpkin family, or false berries, as is commonly believed, lie in the wealth of trace elements, vitamins and other useful substances. Among them, lycopene is a substance belonging to the group of antioxidants.

  • Due to the content of lycopene, watermelon helps in the fight against male infertility.

The product is also good for weight loss - the calorie content of watermelon helps not to gain excess body weight, but to enjoy the taste with benefits for the body. high, but at the same time, the plant has a useful composition. Nature endowed it with choleretic and diuretic properties, which helps to gently cleanse the body.

Taking watermelon juice, absorbing the pulp is useful for those who need it. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, anemia, is being carried out, thanks to the fiber that the fetus contains. Cleansing the kidneys and liver of toxins allows the body to improve performance, and also has a beneficial effect on other organs.

How much can you eat per day?

To remove sand from the kidneys, you should consume 2 kg of pulp and juice on an empty stomach for five days, preferably in two doses. Helps juice and pulp with weight loss. The glycemic index contributes to the use not only for breakfast, but also for dinner. However, we must not forget about the measure, because if it is increased, a negative reaction will occur.

Patients suffering from gout and anemia have the opportunity to consume watermelon regularly without fear for their health.

Watermelon juice helps to cope with the following diseases:

  • Jade;
  • Urolithiasis;
  • cystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • In case of poisoning;
  • cirrhosis;
  • jaundice;
  • Kidney diseases.

In addition, hypertensive patients and people experiencing joint pain, and those who want to get rid of excess fluid in the body, cleanse the gallbladder, can take watermelon juice in between meals. Doctors do not give dosage recommendations, because the energy value of watermelon is small, it does not cause harm, except for personal intolerance to the product, and the benefits are great.

Watermelon does not harm the body, but at the same time we must not forget, even despite the 95% composition of the liquid, the glycemic index is high and equal to 95 - this means that a feeling of hunger will soon appear.

The glycemic index, useful composition, low calorie content of watermelon make it possible to use fasting days, each of which has a 1.5-2 kilogram fruit, green tea and mineral water without gases. The properties of the product will provide a competent approach to improving well-being.

When breastfeeding

The fruit is useful for nursing mothers, helps to get rid of anemia without harm to health, to produce milk for the baby. Use is possible only from the 3rd month of breastfeeding, because. it has properties that can not be the best way to affect the digestion of the baby. The first day, which includes eating watermelon by a young mother, is limited only to this innovation; other foods unfamiliar to the child should be temporarily forgotten for five days in order to identify possible negative consequences in time.

The harm to the product, like other crops belonging to the melon family, lies in the possibility of accumulating chemicals that unscrupulous farmers use. It is better to give preference to those sellers who do not use "chemistry", and are also known for a long time.

Tip: to identify harmful substances, you should cut and look at the pulp. The yellow color of the threads or seals indicate the presence of nitrates, which means that there may be unpleasant consequences:

  • Nausea;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Vomit;
  • Diarrhea.

The safe period for purchasing watermelon is mid-August.


The plant harms the body of those who have diabetes or problems with the spleen. Cellulose, digested in the body over a long period of time, is harmful to people with typhoid. For them, it is preferable to drink juice rather than consume the pulp, because the properties worsen the work of a weak digestive organ.

Calories per 100 grams

How many calories per 100 grams of watermelon is not exactly known, because. the exact number depends on the volume of the fetus, but on average it is 25-35 kcal per 100 grams of product. It is important to know not only how high-calorie watermelon is, but also the composition of BJU:

  • How many proteins? 0.6 grams.
  • How many carbs? 8 grams;
  • How much fat? 0.2 grams;
  • How much cholesterol? 0 grams;

Diet and watermelon

There is an opinion that watermelon is suitable for a diet, but this is not entirely true. Despite the willpower when eating only one watermelon during the day, as well as the strong feeling of hunger that the product causes, insulin will begin to be produced, which will lower the glucose level. The feeling of hunger will increase, therefore, it will not be easy to cope with such a diet, because the glycemic index is high, and the composition of the fruit is simple, but not high in calories.

Watermelon can be used for weight loss, but there may be slight difficulties associated with a sense of proportion. On average, 1.5-2 kg per day is acceptable for the average person.


The valuable properties of watermelon are manifested in a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, heart and blood vessels. Delicate dietary fiber, which is part of (0.5%), removes cholesterol and toxins. Losing weight people calculate bzhu (the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates based on a certain body weight) and be sure to include watermelon in the diet.

Despite the glycemic index, the abundance of the following components makes the composition of watermelon unique and useful:

  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • folic acid;
  • Carotene;

The combination of salty foods and watermelon puts an additional burden on a weakened heart, and also causes swelling, because a large amount of fluid is retained due to salt in the body. Doctors do not recommend the simultaneous consumption of nuts, crackers, salted fish and other things with watermelon.

Selection rules

Buying a watermelon is a very important aspect, since it depends on it whether it will be harmful or whether the product will be beneficial. Rules for choosing a good watermelon:

  1. A slice of watermelon is immersed in water. In the presence of nitrates, the liquid will turn pink or red. In the absence, it will only stir it up;
  2. The fruit must be harvested. No crackle, but does it look mature? Evidence of chemical additives;
  3. The watermelon in the cut does not have a perfectly smooth surface, there are sugar grains on the pulp, whitish-pinkish thin veins.

Permissible norm of nitrates: 60 mg per 1 kg of fetus. Accumulation occurs unevenly, and in order to avoid possible ingestion of toxins, it is not recommended to take very large fruits. The average fruit weight does not exceed 8 kg, although it depends on the variety.

It is desirable for children to give only the core, it is healthier and tastier.


Fruit jelly in watermelon peels

  • Fruit and berry powdered jelly - packaging;
  • Dark chocolate - 100 grams;
  • Watermelon (a couple of kg).

Take a small fruit, cut in half, remove the pulp. You can use the method of making jelly from the juice and pulp of watermelon and gelatin. Jelly is poured in stages into empty crusts, chocolate chips are poured between the layers. When filling the crust after each layer, clean it in a cold place, when the half is full - the dessert is ready. Divided into slices, served at the table. The taste and benefits of dessert will delight guests and loved ones.

watermelon bunch

  • Half a glass of water;
  • Starch - 50 grams;
  • Wheat flour - 50 grams;
  • Two egg whites;
  • One watermelon;
  • Powdered sugar for decoration.

Cut the watermelon, cut balls of any size with a special knife for vegetables. Dilute the starch in water, beat the proteins in a separate form, combine with starch. Dip each ball in flour, and then in the mixture. Fry in deep fat, generously decorate with powdered sugar. Lay out like a bunch of grapes.

Let's start by refuting the stereotype that any sweet product will gladly give you a couple ...

Let's start by refuting the stereotype that any sweet product will gladly give you a couple of extra kilos because of its harmfulness, and healthy food cannot be tasty. If you find out how many calories in 100 grams of watermelon or a ripe melon, you will understand: these gourds belong to the category of both healthy and tasty! 3 months a year.

But nature compensated for this temporary disadvantage with the unique beneficial properties of these fruits:

  • A striped and pot-bellied watermelon has concentrated an amazing vitamin and mineral complex - vitamins: A, B, C, PP, minerals: iron, magnesium, pectins, potassium. Plus - the absence of fats and cholesterol!
  • The “stuffing” of melon does not lag behind its melon counterpart, and even surpasses it in terms of the content of trace elements. Nutritionists recognize its "capricious nature" and urge to eat it on an empty stomach, or at least not to combine with drinks and other food!

If you are told that melon is high in calories, do not believe it. These are the speculations of those who stuffed themselves with fragrant fruit and received heaviness in the stomach as a “reward”.

Reference: the calorie content in a watermelon is exactly 36 kcal / 100 g, in a melon - 39 kcal / 100 g!

Two summer-autumn melon gifts can become a real royal unloading. Do you want to burn fat, get rid of toxins and at the same time enjoy a sweet and not at all bland taste? Find out how...

How many calories are in a large watermelon? How to build your fasting day?

We have calculated for you how many calories in watermelon- in its various portions. All indicators in the table refer to a fresh product that is not stuffed with nitrates.

The pulp of scarlet color will quickly quench a strong thirst. The choleretic and diuretic property of the fetus is designed to remove toxins, stone-forming salts from the human body. Watermelon gives a gentle laxative effect.

Important! Modern nutrition primarily consists of an acidic diet, which provokes acidosis, such acidification leads to various diseases. Watermelon is rich in alkaline potential (few foods have this characteristic). He effectively fights with the "acid" attack.

All this makes watermelon slices a favorite delicacy of athletes and girls who stand up for the ideal proportions of the figure. If nutritionists do not recommend mono-diets on watermelon, then fasting days they bring to the category of extremely fruitful ways to lose weight. Moreover, it is rarely possible to lose extra centimeters and kilograms so “deliciously”!

Delicious unloading for the sweet tooth

“Unloads, cleans, briskly removes toxins” - this is how you can safely say about the watermelon weight loss method. For many women, it is popular - a huge berry is in the lead in the "race" of dietary products, overtaking boring rice, oatmeal, apple competitors. But is watermelon pulp properly used for such good purposes?

If you plan to mindlessly and immensely saturate with it on a watermelon fasting day, then look for information: how many calories in watermelon 10 kg, stop! Nobody canceled the rules of a healthy diet.

Weight daily parameters are priority for any diet (vegetable, drinking, cereal). So how much exactly to hang the pulp? Make the calculation according to the formula: every 10 kg of your own body weight is multiplied by 1 kg of the product.

  • Example: your scale shows 76 kg, you need to eat 7.6 kg of watermelon. A lot of? Of course.
  • Yes, and this option is undesirable for athletes, since a watermelon mass exceeding 2.5 kg per day will save them from the muscles they have gained by their labor.
  • We recommend limiting yourself to the last indicator and sticking to a one-day mono-diet (there should be nothing else in the diet)!

If you are a “conservative” and do not want to radically change your menu, then:

  • Leave the lunch meal and breakfast as usual (slightly reducing the number of servings);
  • Devote an evening dinner to a watermelon dish - no more than 500-600 g;
  • So 10 days - and minus 3-5 kg ​​of weight!

Attention - there are still contraindications!

The disadvantages of watermelon unloading are contraindications. Some kidney problems put this method of losing weight under a ban - consult your doctor so as not to exacerbate the existing problem.

Mono-diets lasting more than one day urgently require the permission of a nephrologist, since the load on the same kidneys is great. Arrange one fasting day, watch your well-being. If you notice:

  • Discomfort during urination or a dark shade of urine;
  • Cramps or severe colic in the abdomen;
  • Temperature jump above 38 degrees;

Contact the "ambulance", as a last resort - go to the doctor in the morning! Most likely, the “cleansing” actively began to influence the stones, bringing them out. It blocked the ducts.

Faced with a choice: stay on a watermelon diet with the inclusion of black, coarsely ground bread, or arrange a mono-unloading for one day? Experts will advise the latter.

There is a lot of relevant information about watermelon in the vastness of our website, all the facts cited by experts have been carefully checked. We will not give you bad advice. Health is the most precious thing!

How many calories in watermelon and melon, we found out. More about melon...

Knowing how many calories in watermelon and melon, we can state that these sweet gourds can only in extreme cases provoke weight gain - you need to try very hard! But the reduction of hated kilograms is quite real. We will return to the watermelon a little later, for now we will consider the yellow "beauty" ...

A light melon diet is ideal when summer meets autumn.

Since August, large and juicy "torpedoes", sweet "collective farmers" will sing (the latter are slightly lower in calorie content - by 3-4 units). A two-week diet with a predominance of melon in the diet will give an excellent effect - you will lose 3-4 kg of body fat. This will only require:

  • Do not fill the refrigerator with tempting cakes and fatty milk, refuse flour products.
  • Buy olive oil and herbs for seasoning, fish and chicken, vegetables and fruits.

The main feature of a quality melon is that it is available exclusively in August-September. These months can guarantee you a supply of naturally ripened fruits that have not been "driven" by chemicals and nitrates by dishonest farmers.

Unloading on a melon is considered by most nutritionists to be even more effective than watermelon one-day diets. In its bowels there is more content of trace elements, fiber, vitamins (look for a complete one). It does not cause an irresistible feeling of hunger, like a watermelon "brother". If you know how to sensitively listen to your body, then feel free to consume the white-yellow pulp in any quantity, but taking into account the nuances described at the beginning of the article.

Back to watermelon - additions...

We want to start the complementary speech about watermelon pulp with a folk riddle that perfectly reflects its benefits: “You can get drunk and eat and wash yourself at the same time.” agree with these facts:

  • Thirst quenching is a must!
  • Great saturation for a couple of hours - yes!
  • Moisturizing and care for cosmetic purposes - no doubt!

The only pity is that the season of ripe fruits that do not contain nitrates is too short. But inquisitive and inquisitive people overcame this shortcoming:

  • Watermelon rinds lend themselves well to drying. Use this opportunity in the winter, brewing tea, using a decoction for diuretic purposes, rejuvenate and restore skin elasticity through compresses.
  • Rub the scarlet pulp on a grater (in a meat grinder), strain and evaporate. Chic syrup in the fridge will be your sweetener on frosty or spring days.

Instead of output

Realizing how many calories in watermelon (1 kg= 380 kcal), you no longer doubt its fat-burning properties? Well, because this is a really effective method for losing weight or gradual unloading of the body, recovery.

Consider medical contraindications, choose high-quality green-striped berries and go towards a slender figure!