Hangers on the doorway by hand. Decorating the opening with curtains on the door. How to hang curtains on doors and open passages

Hangers on the doorway by hand.  Decorating the opening with curtains on the door.  How to hang curtains on doors and open passages
Hangers on the doorway by hand. Decorating the opening with curtains on the door. How to hang curtains on doors and open passages

Hangers on the door, or in the doorway, are also called curtains made of beads. They perform a decorative role, separating rooms, but at the same time leaving the passage free. Space, light, fresh air.

You can buy such a curtain or make it yourself - you just need to find nice two-meter long ropes, string anything on them that will cause aesthetic satisfaction, and attach it to the top of the doorway, to the box. Such pendants can be hung in an arch with any finish.

Advantages of door hangers

  • It’s beautiful, everything hangs, glitters, shimmers! And swings smoothly after someone passes;
  • More air, light, space! More style;
  • There is always the option to leave the door leaf. We need privacy - we close the door, we need space - we open it, leave the pendants, or hook them to something to the side.

Disadvantages of a beaded curtain

  • The main disadvantage of a beaded curtain is that it can get boring. Threads with shells get caught and irritate you when you are running from the room to the kitchen, in a hurry to get ready for the ball. Therefore, you need to remember to provide a nice hook on the side of the door, onto which you can hook such a curtain;
  • Your cat may like this decoration so much that she will take a part for herself under the closet and play with it in her free time;
  • Small parts are also contraindicated for small children.

Thread curtain options

  • Solid, from top to bottom, completely zoning the space;
  • In the form of an arch, it is convenient to walk through such pendants - even if you touch them, you do not get completely entangled.

Door hanging ideas

There are an endless number of bead curtain options; you can always look at different solutions before choosing what you like best:

Beads and beads - large and small, matte and shiny, they will add festiveness and brightness to an ordinary doorway. Transparent “diamonds” on thin threads look best.

Small wood cuts look stylish and were very common at one time.

Thread curtains - now you can find a lot of them, for every taste and color, if you hang them on windows and doors - it will be very beautiful. And if you want more classic and cozy window curtains, you can always make a combination of tulle and thread curtains.

You can also hang round multi-colored pompoms - more flights of fancy!

CDs, large and small, should be shiny on both sides.

Wine corks strung with colored beads look very elegant, and from a distance they look like wood.

Buttons look very elegant, especially translucent, multi-colored and different sizes.

Shells - what could be even more pleasantly reminiscent of the sea! And if you also cover them with pearlescent nail polish, it will be fabulous.

Curtains made from paper clips and rolled up postcards and calendars look original; from a distance you’ll never guess what’s hanging in the doorway.

Balls of multi-colored paper made using the origami technique will look good if they are carefully positioned relative to each other.

From beads on strings you can create a kind of mosaic - placed one after another, in a state of rest, a curtain made of beads will be a good decor that you can look at with pleasure.

Knots made using the macrame technique will look very unusual, especially in combination with shiny beads;

How to attach pendants over the door?

  • You can screw many hooks or screws into the door frame, according to the number of threads, and tie beads with it;
  • Another option is to glue the beads to tape and then stitch them for reliability - the resulting strip can be secured above the door even with the help of paper clips bent behind the door casing;
  • We make a simple cornice: take a small stick, a board, a block of the required length and attach threads to it.

How to attach pendants to a thread?

  • You can, of course, string everything without stopping: this method is suitable for wine corks. This is much simpler, but the curtain will look less impressive than a fishing line with sparse lenses;
  • We make knots - after each bead we tie a knot in the right place to secure it. This option is more suitable for threads than for fishing line
  • We alternate large beads with small beads - this will make the curtain more voluminous and interesting.

Hangers can be added to the door with lots of glass inserts to make it cozy and elegant.

A doorway without a door needs to be decorated with something. If you make curtains with your own hands, they will turn out to be more original than store-bought ones. The materials you can use are fabric, wood, beads, etc. How exactly to make decorative curtains for a doorway with your own hands? What to prefer, bamboo, threads or other materials? An interesting master class, examples in photos and a useful video for you.

Types of decorative curtains

Doorless doorways are not a temporary solution until your next paycheck. Most often, this is a conscious design of the interior with the aim of expanding the room or creating a fuzzy, conditional visual boundary. In this case, curtains are necessary to complete the interior of the room or to place accents.

Curtains can separate:

  • corridor from the kitchen;
  • kitchen from the hallway;
  • living room from the kitchen;
  • living room off the corridor;
  • zones of one room.

Manufacturing materials:

  • bamboo. Lightweight and durable, do not fade or accumulate static electricity. An environmentally friendly option for soft natural colors for country and oriental style;
  • threads Thread curtains can be combined with beads, shells, bugles, and feathers. They look original, but are not durable;
  • decorative elements. A type of thread curtains, in the manufacture of which small decorative elements are used: beads, pieces of wood, beads.
  • textile. All kinds of options suit different styles.

Types of curtains:

  • classic. Fabric, falling from top to bottom;
  • French. The folds along the length are dense;
  • Japanese. Curtains are similar to screens; the frame can be upholstered with material or fabric;
  • bishop's sleeve Tightened in the middle, at the bottom they look like a wide sleeve with a large slouch;
  • hourglass. Lightweight fabric gathers in folds in the middle;
  • lambrequins. Various configurations with folds and overlaps.

DIY thread curtains

Curtains made of thick threads can be bare or decorated with beads or other decorative elements. To create curtains you will need the following materials and tools:

  • various threads made of silk, twine, polyester, viscose;
  • decorative elements as desired;
  • scissors, tape measure, pencil.

Attention! There are many ways to secure threads. For example, the threads can be intertwined and a bead placed above each knot.

What to do:

  1. Measure the height and width of the doorway so that the curtain reaches the floor and extends beyond the doorway on the left and right.
  2. Calculate how many threads are needed, taking into account the distance from one thread to another and the allowance for tying knots at the top.
  3. Drill the required number of holes in the plank;
  4. Thread the threads through the holes, tying them with knots.
  5. Secure decorative elements to them using knots or special fasteners.
  6. Even if there are no beads along the entire length of the threads, it is advisable to make them at the very bottom. Weighting will help the threads hang vertically.
  7. Hang the bar over the doorway.

If you do not want to drill holes, you can glue the threads to the bar with a heat gun.

How to make curtains with pendants

For original decoration of the opening, colored pebbles, beads, beads, shells, glass beads, decorative knitted, glass or crystal elements are suitable. Colors can be neutral or, conversely, contrasting, depending on the style of the interior. In addition, you need to prepare:

  • beautiful and durable threads;
  • braid;
  • wooden strip or double-sided tape;
  • needle for threading beads.

On average, about 500 threads are needed for a standard doorway.

Guide to action:

  1. Cut the threads to the height of the doorway. You can use the idea with threads of different lengths.
  2. Cut the tape to a width slightly larger than the doorway.
  3. Carefully glue the threads along the entire width of the double-sided tape.
  4. Fold the tape twice so that the threads remain inside.
  5. Glue tape to the resulting strip in the color of the threads or wall decoration.
  6. Attach above the doorway.
  7. Using a needle, string beads onto each thread. It can be secured in different ways: with crepes, pliers, knots or thread threaded twice in different directions.

Advice. If you plan to “paint” a pattern or design with beads, it is better to do this before hanging the curtains. If you just want to put beads on threads, then it is more convenient to do this in a suspended state.

You can weave such beauty, shimmering in the rays of the sun, together with your children. In order to cope with the work, 2-3 days are enough.

Making a Bamboo Curtain

Bamboo curtains are a decoration for an ethnic interior. Previously, they were sold ready-made, with a design. Today, such curtains are more difficult to buy, but they can be created independently. The manufacturing technology will resemble the installation of wooden curtains.

You will need:

  • sticks made of wood or bamboo;
  • fishing line;
  • crimps – clips for decoration;
  • cornice with rings.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Measure the height of the doorway.
  2. Cut the fishing line to the required length with a small allowance.
  3. String the bamboo onto a fishing line, securing each element with crimps at the top and bottom.
  4. When ready, hang the fishing line on the curtain rings.
  5. Attach the cornice.

A bamboo or wooden curtain will be denser and stronger than a regular thread curtain.

Sewing an elegant fabric curtain

Fabric is the most common way to decorate a doorway. To make it also unusual, it is better not to purchase standard options, but to do everything yourself. Before work, you need to draw a sketch and take into account the number of frills and lambrequins. Based on this, calculate the required fabric footage. For example, drapery doubles the footage.

Attention! The width of the curtain is calculated by the formula: the width of the cornice multiplied by the gathering factor (from 1.8 to 3x depending on the type of fabric), plus seam allowances.


  • textile;
  • threads, needle;
  • sewing machine;
  • threads to match the material, braid.

Action steps:

  1. Prepare the fabric: wash and dry.
  2. Process or remove edge.
  3. Cut according to the sketch.
  4. Sew the curtain using a sewing machine according to the pattern.
  5. Fold and sew loops at the top.
  6. Place on the rings of the cornice.

To ensure that the curtain does not block the entrance to the room, you can install tiebacks and use them to hold the open curtains.

A product made of thread, bamboo or fabric will delight your family and surprise your friends, and it can serve for over 5 years.

DIY curtains for a doorway - video

Curtains for the doorway - photo

Often, during repairs or rearrangement of furniture, home owners decide to abandon the door leaf. Of course, you can leave the opening as is, but the best way out of the situation would be to attach such things to the door. You can make beautiful decorative door hangings with your own hands from scrap materials without investing any money. The methods for making such a decorative element will be discussed in this article.

MK for making door hangers with your own hands: thread curtains made of beads

The easiest and least time-consuming way to create a decoration for a doorway.

You will need:

1) Beads of different types and sizes;

2) Thick thread or fishing line;

3) Braid;

4) Needle;

5) Scissors;

6) Double-sided tape;

7) Wooden plank.

Manufacturing stages:

1) We prepare the mount for the future thread screen. To do this, take a small wooden plank and drill holes in it equal to the diameter of the selected thread. We secure the necessary fasteners, with the help of which the product will then be held on the doorway.

2) Then we cut dense threads according to the height of the doorway. And we begin to place the prepared beads in a chaotic order. Or according to a pre-selected pattern.

3) We close the bottom of the pendants using a knot or special rivets so that the beads do not slip and the decoration does not unravel. We thread the upper part into the holes drilled in the wooden plank, also securing it securely.

All that remains is to attach the thread screen to the doorway and admire the updated look of the room.

Curtains made from plastic bottles.

Designer Michelle Brand found an unexpected way to reuse plastic bottles, for which she was once awarded a huge number of awards from environmental communities. Who would have thought that from ordinary containers that are usually thrown away, you can make a stylish and original decorative element.

There are two ways to make pendants from plastic bottles. The first involves the use of bottoms, the second - the main part of the containers. Let's look at both.

You will need:

1) Small plastic bottles;

3) Scissors;

5) Strong fishing line or thick thread.

Method one. Step-by-step instruction:

1) Cut off the bottom part of all bottles using a knife. We trim the edges with scissors, forming the outline of a flower.

2) Then heat the sand in a frying pan. And immerse the workpiece in the heated mixture for a couple of seconds. This is necessary so that the sharp cut edges of the bottom are slightly scorched. Similarly, we make the required number of plastic flower blanks.

3) Now let's start creating pendants. There are several options here. You can simplify the task by threading a fishing line through the middle of each part, thereby obtaining individual decorated threads. The second method is to create a solid fabric, which is obtained by threading threads through several holes in each of the flowers. The joints of the parts can also be additionally decorated with beads or beads.

This is how beautiful the end result will be!

Method two. Step-by-step instruction:

1) The main parts of the bottles are cut into rings, the edges of which are then slightly melted using sand heated in a frying pan.

2) Then the elements are cut and connected to each other, intertwining by analogy with the paper garlands that each of us made in childhood. The incision sites are fastened again using a stapler or tape.

The result is garland pendants, as in the photo.

Master class on making paper pendants quickly and easily

Another interesting way to make hangings on the door. This decor will look similar to the threads with beads that have already been discussed above. However, in this case, the elements will be made of paper, or better yet, from old glossy magazines.

You will need:

1) Glossy magazines;

2) Ruler;

3) Pencil;

4) Scissors;

7) Needle.

Manufacturing stages:

1) Tear out a double page located in the middle from the magazine. We unfold it, place it on a flat surface and cut out the necessary parts from it, having previously applied markings.

2) Using a ruler, on one side of the magazine page we set aside segments equal to 3 - 4 cm. From the opposite end we make markings of 1.5 - 2 cm (half the length of the future bead). We connect the resulting points with lines.

3) Cut out the parts, getting long pointed triangles.

4) Now let's start making beads. To do this, we begin to tightly roll the workpiece, starting from the base. There should be a small hole inside the resulting tube through which the needle will pass freely. Glue the sharp tip to the part so that the bead does not unwind. Similarly, we form the required number of elements.

5) We decorate the pendants. We string the beads one by one onto a needle with a thread or fishing line inserted into it, which can also be alternated with multi-colored beads to make the finished product look even brighter.

6) To add shine, the resulting pendants can be coated with colorless varnish. All that remains is to attach the threads to a wooden plank and hang it above the doorway.

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Nowadays it is difficult to imagine a house in which curtains would not be used. However, in most cases this element is located in window openings. But despite such trends, curtains on doors are increasingly being added to the interior as a decorative element and to perform some protective functions.

Curtains can be used very effectively both for zoning space and creating a special style for a room, and as a barrier against drafts and small insects.

Types of door curtains

Like products used for windows, curtains on doors can have a fairly large range of shapes, colors, and design styles. Any of them look very advantageous both in the photo and in reality. Materials for manufacturing can be:

  • Plastic;
  • Glass;
  • Textile;
  • Tree;
  • Bamboo;
  • Sequins and beads;
  • Shells;
  • Rope type threads;
  • Metal.

The style used in door curtains can be absolutely anything: from strict classic to bright pop art and fashionable hi-tech. However, the following directions are most often used when decorating doors and openings:

  • Classic style, represented by heavy or light fabrics that fall evenly to the bottom;
  • French, in which the material is collected in transverse folds along its entire height;
  • Roman blinds are made of dense materials for high-quality protection from direct sunlight. Such curtains are placed on the door with glass inserts and assembled accordion side up;
  • Japanese style, presented in the form of screen-shaped curtains, fixed into a rigid frame.

In addition to these styles, the design of curtains on the door contains certain forms of curtain design. These include lambrequins, hourglasses and bishop sleeves. Lambrequins are considered multi-level products with a rather complex configuration in the form of multidirectional horizontal and vertical lines.

The “hourglass” refers to small-sized curtains placed on the door leaf itself and secured in the middle in folds. Most often, this design is used in a door structure with a glass insert on top of the leaf.

“Bishop sleeves” are considered to be curtains in the form of straight panels, gathered slightly below the middle and characterized by a massive overlap, reminiscent of a sleeve in shape.

Use as decoration

Decorative curtains placed on the entrance opening or door bring a certain amount of charm and originality to any room. In the photo, such rooms look very memorable. There are practically no restrictions when choosing fabric and style of execution. It is only important to take into account the overall design of the room and the desired final effect.

An excellent option to complement the classic style are products made from textiles with decorative elements. As decoration, you can use fringe, tassels, and also create folds in the form of waves and weaves. It is better if the fabrics used for curtains on windows and doors are identical or compatible with each other in color.

Asymmetrical design looks very beneficial for this style. The main thing is that hanging curtains, placed in the aisles or directly on the door, do not in any way interfere with freedom of movement. Otherwise, such beauty after a short period of time will only bring a feeling of constant irritation.

Such a decorative element will be an excellent design option for adherents of the oriental style and lovers of wildlife. By installing bamboo curtains on the door, made up of many small bamboo sticks connected to each other with threads, you can easily give the room a special atmosphere of comfort. In addition, such material will not become an obstacle when moving and at the same time will be a fairly effective means of protection from the heat.

In addition to using sticks of natural color, they can be combined with colored elements, as well as additions in the form of beads and feathers. Such a curtain will flutter very effectively with slight gusts of wind.

Material selection

The choice of material for making curtains on the door depends on the overall interior of the room, the degree of its load with various details, as well as the purpose of the curtain itself. Recently, lightweight mesh fabrics with sewn-in magnetic strips or solid magnets have been quite often used as curtains that prevent various insects from entering the house through the balcony door. In addition to being placed on the balcony door opening, such decorative curtains are hung in summer kitchens and country houses.

If the purpose of placing curtains on the door is precisely to protect against insects and fluff, it is advisable to use light mesh fabrics. To decorate the interior and give the room visual lightness, light transparent fabrics, chains and garlands are used. Products made from bamboo, small plates of metallic color, and beads of various sizes and shapes are also quite effective in achieving such effects.

For effective protection from the scorching rays of the sun, medium-density fabrics are used, which allow fresh air to pass into the room quite effectively. The use of dense, heavy fabrics is only advisable to maintain the classic style of the room. However, even with such an interior, it is recommended to choose a different fabric option. The reason for this is the property of dense fabric to retain heat inside the room without allowing fresh air to pass through. Thus, the room will have heavy dry air both in winter and in summer. Also, such products will accumulate large amounts of dust.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other decorative elements, door curtains have their pros and cons. Positive aspects of use include:

  • Aesthetic originality of room design;
  • Curtains on the door allow you to visually expand the rooms due to the lack of a clear division of space and look very impressive both in reality and in the photo;
  • Budget solution. In addition, this method of delimiting doorways does not require significant costs in comparison with installing a door leaf;
  • They allow you to radically change the interior of the room without much expense.

The main disadvantage of such products is the fact that there is no delimitation of rooms. Curtains, although they look fresh and original, do not provide proper sound insulation. Full thermal insulation is also not provided.

Making curtains with your own hands

The principle of creating such a decorative element as a door curtain is quite simple and is essentially no different from making window curtains. This design can easily be done by hand. The following set of tools is required for work:
Fabric or any other suitable material;

  • Chalk for marking;
  • Sewing kit in the form of threads, needles and scissors;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Suitable sized cornice.

A number of measurements are carried out as preparatory work. To sew, you need to know the width of the doorway, the length of the planned product, and the location of the cornice. If curtains are made from fabric, after selecting the required material and taking measurements, it is necessary to make allowances for seams. On each side you need to add 30 mm. For the upper part of the canvas, for mounting on the cornice, you should add from 50 to 100 mm.

Before sewing curtains on the door, the fabric must be washed; after drying, the material is ironed. Only after this is cutting done based on the measurements obtained. This procedure is due to the possible properties of some types of fabrics to shrink or stretch.

If desired, the edges of a piece of fabric can be covered with additional decorative elements. The last step is to place the canvas and drapery itself on a cornice already fixed above the doorway or on the door itself.

When using other types of materials, the technology for making curtains on the door with your own hands may differ slightly. When making decorative thread curtains with beads, drapery is not required. Fishing line is used as the base material. The elements are secured by installing small rivets-stoppers on the thread of the fishing line under the beads, or by tying knots. The same principle is used to create curtains from bamboo sticks.

When decorating the interior of a home, many people decide to remove the door panels. This frees up additional space, but the passage looks uncomfortable and bare. Decorative design comes to the rescue - placed pendants. They help to design the interior in a non-standard way and resolve the issue of room zoning. It’s easy to decorate them yourself using various materials: threads, beads, wood, bamboo.

Original options


In Soviet times, they were made independently, using paper clips and postcards. They are distinguished by their lightness and ability to transmit light and air. They were used instead of interior doors: they closed the opening, but the passage remained free for residents.

Nowadays there are many more materials available for making pendants. For example, from wooden dies connected in a chain. Such wood products are sold in stores.

Important! To preserve the texture, the wood is coated with colorless varnish.

Wooden decor option

Pendants are a method of decoration that carries an aesthetic meaning. In addition, it performs a number of other functions:

  1. Creating comfort.
  2. Interior addition.
  3. Giving a complete look.
  4. Limiting a room from other rooms.
  5. Concealment of construction defects.
  6. Zoning of space.
  7. Framing the opening.

The advantage is that they take up little space, and installation does not require additional structures or expensive fittings. The price is many times lower than installing doors. The resulting decor can be moved to another place at any time.

Curtain rod

Types of cornices

To create a curtain yourself, you will need material for work and a cornice where the product is attached. To perform the function of a cornice, take a tube or a wooden plank. It is decorated to match the tone of the wall or the interior of the room. If the size is correct, an old window cornice will do, or buy a new one.

Attention! The length of the cornice is longer than the width of the passage so that the decorative hangings completely cover the space and part of the walls. Be sure to add space for fastenings and plugs.

The cornice is installed on the fasteners that come with the purchased model, but it is permissible to use nails. When installing, the main condition is reliable fastening, otherwise you can get injured. To secure the curtains, curtain hooks and various devices are used. The main condition is that they should not be connected to each other.

What to make it from?

Pendants are made from scrap materials:

  • threads,
  • beads.
  • beads,
  • pendants,
  • wooden dies, planks;
  • CDs, their fragments;
  • metal elements (paper clips, coins);
  • pebbles, shells.

Beads and beads sold in handicraft stores are considered popular. It is important to correctly calculate the amount of material needed. In each specific case, the figure depends on the type of decor and the width of the door.

It is better to use large-sized beads and pendants, which will reduce labor intensity compared to curtains made of beads and add expressiveness to the product. Pendants come in different shapes: oval, square, triangle, circle.

They collect pendants of different colors and textures in any order, but, in addition to various types of pendants, you will also need a nylon thread (fishing line) on which beads, pebbles, and other materials are attached. In this case, fishing line is preferable because it is transparent and strong.

Stages of work

  • The main tool for creating a curtain is imagination. Initially, a design is come up with, it is advisable to translate the idea on paper. When a combination of materials is expected, they are laid out in advance in the required order.
  • During the design period, the length of the threads and the width of the opening are determined. The length of the stripes varies and depends on the purpose of the curtain. They create products in the form of a semi-arch, an arch, longer and shorter.
  • Next, a cornice is selected or a plank is made. If you make the plank yourself, you need to measure the opening, cut the plank to the required length, secure a wooden strip (plinth) to it with self-tapping screws, and, if necessary, decorate it with beads, shells, etc.
  • The main stage is the creation of pendant threads. Decorative elements are put on a fishing line, leaving 50 mm for fastening to the bar.
  • The last stage is assembling the product onto the rail.

Creation methods

Curtains made of beads are considered popular. Therefore, many people wonder how to make an original decoration from beads for an arch. After all, they look original, especially if you make a pattern of multi-colored elements.

Curtain made of beads

It is important to think through the pattern in advance and draw a diagram for ease of work. They take the pattern from the Internet or design their own. Bead weaving programs for working with fabrics called pattern generators help you create a design pattern.

Beads begin to be strung from the bottom, and they should be the heaviest. This is done so that the pendant straightens. Each fragment is fixed with knots. If the material is light, only the edges are secured. The finished elements are attached to the installed cornice. In addition to beads, other materials are used in which holes are drilled.

Wine corks

Holes are made in the corks with an awl, through which the reinforced thread is pulled. To prevent the elements from being placed closely, knots are made between them and beads are inserted.

The problem is to find the required number of plugs - it is unprofitable to buy due to the high cost


Excellent options for open openings are made from disks. They look smart, they just come together. Finding the required number of elements is easy: everyone has old, unused disks.

To make decorative threads, holes are drilled in the disk on both sides, through which fishing line and thread are passed. You can connect the elements using paper clips.

A crucial moment in the work is determining the drilling points. You will need to draw a line through the center and mark symmetrical points, otherwise the product will turn out crooked.

Paper clips

An easy way to make pendants is to use paper clips held together to form a long strip. They are attached to the door frame, to the strip. By putting multi-colored pieces of paper on paper clips, you get an interesting curtain.


A pendant made from buttons of different sizes and colors, which are attached to a strong thread or thick fishing line, looks original. The manufacturing process is simple.

Shells, pebbles

Shell products

Pendants made from large, small shells and pebbles collected on sea beaches look great. They are attached to a fishing line or reinforced thread. Curtains made from small shells look impressive. By combining size, shape, quantity, we achieve different options.

The manufacturing process is simple, but very painstaking; it is important not to forget about harmony. By following the recommendations and using some skill, the curtain will turn out as intended and will emphasize the sophistication of the interior.

Original curtain:

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