Cherry slimy sawfly how to fight. Methods of combating the cherry slimy sawfly. Pest control measures

Cherry slimy sawfly how to fight. Methods of combating the cherry slimy sawfly. Pest control measures

real sawflies- a family of sessile hymenopteran insects from the sawfly group, which includes about 400 genera and more than 5000 species. Many sawfly species are pests of forest land and crops. Representatives of the family are distributed throughout the world, but there are more of them in countries with a temperate and cold climate: for example, in Finland there are more than 700 species, and in Russia - more than 2000. And very few species live in Australia and South America.

Pest sawfly - description

The sawfly beetle, depending on the species, can be from 2 to 32 mm long. The head of sawflies is not separated from the body, like that of a wasp or a bee, for which they are called sessile belly. The heads of sawflies are large, mobile, equipped with well-developed jaws, two large eyes and three simple ones located in front. Whiskers have bristle or filiform whiskers, they have two pairs of transparent, non-folding wings. In the abdomen of females, a sawtooth ovipositor is hidden, with which they damage plants. In males, the place where the female has an opening for the exit of the ovipositor is closed with a plate.

In early spring, sawflies mate, after which the females lay eggs, making an incision in the tissue of one or another part of the plant for each, after which the female seals the pocket with the egg with secretions that protect both the egg and part of the plant from decay.

The sawfly larva, barely emerging from the egg, starts eating, causing significant damage to plants. In the larval stage, sawfly insects are similar to butterfly caterpillars, however, caterpillars have no more than 5 pairs of legs and six eyes, and sawfly larvae have 6 or 8 pairs of legs and only 2 eyes, therefore beetle larvae are called false caterpillars. Having eaten enough, the sawfly caterpillars descend from the tree at the beginning of summer and build cocoons in the ground from their own excrement, dust and saliva for pupation. In the middle of summer, the second generation of pests appears from cocoons, and in one season the sawfly can give up to 4 generations that eat foliage from spring to autumn.

All sawflies are herbivores. Each species lives on a specific wild or cultivated plant, damaging it and feeding on its tissues.

Sawfly control measures

Means from the sawfly (drugs)

In the fight against the sawfly, chemicals are used - insecticides. The best insecticides for sawflies are:

  • Karbofos is a broad-spectrum contact insecticide-acaricide, which is part of many preparations;
  • Benzophosphate - organophosphorus insecticide, acaricide of intestinal contact action;
  • Metaphos is a contact insecticide with broad-spectrum acaricidal properties. The active substance of the drug is parathion-methide;
  • Chlorophos is a contact-intestinal pesticide and insecticide widely used to control plant pests;
  • Phosphamide is an insect-acaricide of contact and systemic action, non-toxic for warm-blooded animals;
  • Arrivo is a broad-spectrum contact-intestinal insecticide, the active ingredient of which is cypermethrin;
  • Virin-Diprion - a viral drug that destroys pests on trees and other plants;
  • Aktara is an insecticide of the neonicotinoids group, effective against many pests;
  • Karate is a pyrethroid insect-acaricide of intestinal-contact action, effective even at low consumption of the drug. The active substance is lambda-cyhalothrin;
  • Confidor is a systemic contact-intestinal insecticide against sucking and gnawing pests, the active ingredient of which is imidacloprid;
  • Mospilan - a systemic insecticide of contact-intestinal action;
  • Kinmiks is a highly effective broad-spectrum pyrethroid insecticide;
  • Decis is a garden insecticide with contact-intestinal action that blocks the digestive system of pests. The active ingredient is deltamethrin.

In addition to these drugs, others are also used to kill sawflies.

Sawfly: prevention

As a preventive measure against sawflies, it is necessary to dig up and loosen the soil in the trunk circles of trees and shrubs - this leads to the death of a significant part of the sawfly pupae and larvae. Do not leave diseased and dried trees on the site, which the pupated sawflies use for wintering. The ovaries damaged by the sawfly must be cut off and burned or buried to a depth of at least 50 cm. In early spring, trapping belts can be put on tree trunks. Effective against sawflies and pheromone traps.

Fighting the sawfly with folk remedies

To treat plants against sawflies at an early stage of development, you can use an infusion of 1 kg of aconite grass, collected during the flowering period, in 10 liters of water, to which 30 ml of alkali is added and kept for two days. Before use for its intended purpose, 40-50 g of liquid soap is added to the infusion.

Also, against sawfly larvae, an infusion of 1 kg of finely chopped flowers and leaves of chamomile, collected during flowering, in 10 liters of water heated to a temperature of 60-70 ºC is used. Chamomile is infused for 12 hours, after which the infusion is filtered, diluted with the same amount of water and 80 g of soap is added (40 g for every 10 l).

1200 g of dried wormwood herb is infused for three days in 10 liters of water, after which it is filtered and 50-100 g of baking soda are added to the infusion.

2 kg of needles are poured with a bucket of water and, stirring daily, insist for a week in a dark place, after which they are filtered. Before use, the resulting coniferous concentrate is diluted with water 1:3 or even 1:5.

70 g of soda ash and 20 g of liquid soap are dissolved in 10 liters of water and the plants are treated with this solution.

3 kg of sifted ash is poured into 10 liters of hot water, insisted for two days, filtered through gauze or a fine sieve and 40 g of liquid soap are added.

1 kg of fresh tansy is poured into 10 liters of water, boiled for 2 hours, allowed to cool, filtered and 40 g of soap are added.

However, it should be noted that it was possible to cope with the sawfly with folk remedies only in those cases when there were few of them. Basically, herbal decoctions and infusions are used as a prophylactic.

Sawfly species

Since there are a lot of species of sawflies that damage cultivated plants, we will only talk about those that are more common than others.

Sawfly on roses

  • openly living on the bushes and feeding on foliage, which include roseweed, changeable rose, slimy rose, common rose, black and cherry slimy sawflies;
  • secretly living and feeding on shoots from the inside: rose ascending and descending rose sawflies, causing great harm to roses.

If the number of sawflies is not very high, their larvae are collected by hand and destroyed. It is better to do this in the morning, when the larvae are clearly visible on the leaves. But if there are a lot of openly living sawflies, you will have to resort to insecticides: Decis, Confidor, Aktara, Fastak or Karate. It will help to reduce the number of sawfly cocoons by digging the soil around the bushes. Measures to combat the rose sawfly living hidden consist in the use of systemic insecticides: Mospilan, Aktara or Enzhio, and the bushes must be treated at least 2 times with an interval of 20 days, and damaged shoots must be cut and burned.

pine sawfly

The pine sawfly pest lives wherever coniferous trees grow, because it feeds on needles. Russia, the Caucasian and Asian countries, Japan suffer from this type of pest, and it has also been introduced to North America. It is not found only in the Arctic.

There are two species in the pine sawfly population, the common pine sawfly and the rufous pine sawfly, with the rufous sawfly being much rarer than the common pine sawfly. In early spring, sawflies eat old needles, and then move on to young shoots and damage not only needles, but also branches. Scotch pine and Banks pine are most commonly affected by sawflies. Pine sawflies are especially voracious in dry, warm weather.

In addition to these pests, the pine star sawfly-weaver, common in Europe, Siberia and Kazakhstan, also damages pine. The sawfly is stellate in length from 10 to 16 mm, it has a black head and chest, covered with yellow and white strokes, and transparent wings. Olive-green with four brown stripes, the 18-26 mm long larva of this species moves with three pairs of thoracic legs, but it has no abdominal legs. This sawfly is called a weaver due to the fact that its larvae form a hiding place in the form of a tube of cobwebs. The star sawfly feeds on young needles, and during its massive colonization, the tops of the branches suffer, and sometimes entire trees die.

Destroy pine sawflies with glue belts and insecticides. If a large area of ​​forest land is affected by a pest, then aviation services are used to process trees.

spruce sawfly

Spruce sawfly damages spruce needles by eating young needles of the current year. The peak of its destructive activity falls at the end of May and the beginning of June, and outbreaks of its fertility occur after a warm winter: the pest produces a huge number of caterpillars for another 5-7 years. Detecting the presence of a spruce sawfly is easy: as soon as you notice a lot of eaten or damaged needles on the spruces, know that this is the work of sawfly larvae.

They destroy the pest in different ways: they collect it manually, attract birds, ants, rodents to the planting, install adhesive plates on spruce trees, dig up the soil under the trees to get rid of pupae, collect and burn fallen needles and treat trees during the appearance of caterpillars with Kinmiks or Karbofos.

plum sawfly

Each of the sawfly larvae damages up to 6 fruits, and if there are a lot of pests on your plum, you can say goodbye to the crop. The fight against the plum sawfly begins before the plum blossoms: the tree is sprayed with Chlorophos, Rogor, Karbofos, Cyanox or Cidial. After flowering, the treatment of the tree with insecticides is repeated.

In early spring, to scare off sawflies, you can spray the plum before the beetles fly out of the cocoons with an infusion of wormwood or a diluted infusion of coniferous concentrate. Before flowering, choosing a cloudy day, adults are shaken off on a litter, and then they must be burned. The larvae wintering in the soil are destroyed during the autumn digging of the soil in the near-trunk circle of the tree.

Rape sawfly

Cruciferous crops are damaged by the rapeseed sawfly, which is widespread in areas with a temperate and cool climate. The greenish-gray larva of the rapeseed sawfly, covered with small warts and moving with the help of 11 pairs of cylindrical legs, grows up to 20-25 mm, but in the process of pupation its length is reduced to 6-11 mm. An adult is only 6-8 mm in size with a black lacquered head and diamond-shaped spots on the back, colored yellow-orange.

Despite its small size, the rapeseed sawfly has a high threshold of harmfulness: 2-3 larvae per 1 m² can cause serious damage. It is especially dangerous in the forest-steppe zones of Moldova, Ukraine and the European part of Russia. The rapeseed sawfly feeds on shoots and leaves of cabbage, radish, turnip, rapeseed, mustard, swede, daikon, turnip or radish. The main diet of the pest is buds, leaf pulp and young pods. As a result of sawfly damage, plants do not form fruit, which can lead to crop losses of 80-95% for crops such as turnips and rapeseed.

To combat the rapeseed sawfly, when 10 percent or more of the shoots are infected, the treatment of plants with insecticides is used. As preventive measures, deep loosening of the soil, removal of weeds, destruction of plant residues after harvesting, compliance with crop rotation and the formation of bait crops with subsequent destruction of pests are carried out.

Not only we claim the cherry harvest, but also about a dozen pests, among which is the cherry slimy sawfly. The larvae of this insect do not damage the berries themselves, they feed exclusively on the tissue of the leaves, but with a strong infestation they noticeably weaken the plant, which affects the yield. In order to effectively protect the garden, it is necessary to recognize the pest in time, determine the degree of damage to the trees, and apply proportionate control methods.

Insect development cycle

The cherry slimy sawfly belongs to the hymenoptera insects, the main harm is caused by larvae that look like miniature black slugs. The same thickened head with a thoracic segment, only without horns, a body covered with dark mucus. Remotely, they also resemble leeches. Favorite delicacy - leaves of stone fruits - cherries, sweet cherries, shadberry, hawthorn, sometimes it can move to mountain ash, quince, cotoneaster.

Like all insects, the sawfly develops cyclically. Gives 2 generations of offspring per year.

adult (adult)

The form of the insect common in our gardens is parthenogenetic, when only females are obtained from the egg. Its length reaches 5–6 mm, the body and legs are black, the wings are transparent, slightly darkened, and the span is 7–9 mm.

The flight of insects that pupated in autumn (the first generation) begins in May-June, the second generation, more numerous, flies out by the end of July.

Note! The period of life of a female cherry sawfly from emergence from the pupa to death is 7–8 days. During this time, she manages to lay 50-70 eggs. The insect itself is harmless, as it does not feed additionally.


The period of embryonic development of the insect lasts 1–2 weeks, after which the larvae hatch from the eggs. At first they are brownish-red in color, then covered with black mucus, as they grow, they molt up to 8 times, reach a length of 9–11 cm. The larval stage lasts from 15 to 25 days. The larvae hatched in August feed longer than the June generation.

Pests firmly attach to the leaf and begin to methodically gnaw out the top layer of pulp. The leaf plate is covered with characteristic spots with a translucent texture. The cherry sawfly, which infects the tree by the end of summer, eats away the tissue so much that only the skeleton of the leaf from the veins remains.


The larvae pupate in the ground at a depth of 7–15 cm. The offspring of the first generation go to winter already pupated, it is they who fly out at the turn of spring-summer. Younger larvae fall into diapause, pupae are formed in spring, and adult insects begin to fly in the second half of summer.

Distribution and harmfulness

The insect is common in the temperate climatic zone of the Eurasian continent; its biological forms are found in southern Africa, Australia, and South America.

It is believed that the cherry sawfly causes little economic harm, therefore, it is controlled with chemical means only if 25% of the leaves are affected. The characteristic, as if burned, appearance of the foliage testifies to the mass defeat of the tree. In this case, there is a violation of biological processes - the transformation of organic substances (photosynthesis), gas exchange, and moisture evaporation slow down. Accordingly, the plant becomes weaker, its immunity decreases, and the yield deteriorates.

Advice! You can find out whether the threshold of harmfulness of the sawfly has been reached using a simple visual inspection. It's time to sound the alarm if every fifth of the randomly selected leaves for the test is damaged.

Effective ways to fight

To protect the garden from the cherry slimy sawfly, both agrotechnical and biochemical control measures are used. With a small number of pests, you can get by with preventive and folk remedies. Consider the most effective.

  1. Deep digging of tree trunks in late autumn. This agricultural technique allows you to destroy most of the pupae and caterpillars that are at rest (diapause). When turning over layers of soil, they will fall to the surface and be destroyed by birds or freeze.
  2. Mechanical collection of larvae. The technique is used when growing a small number of low-growing varieties of fruit crops, so that it is possible to inspect each tree. It is clear that this method is effective if there are single specimens of the cherry sawfly.
  3. Chemical treatment of affected plantings. Any insecticides designed to control pests of fruit crops are suitable - Confidor, Mospilan, Aktara, Inta-Vir, Calypso. It is also recommended to use pyrethroid preparations for spraying, the action of which is similar to natural pyrethrins. They are contained in large quantities, for example, chamomile flowers.

    Advice! The first generation of insects, which coincides with the fruiting period of the cherry, can be poisoned with chamomile infusion. 400 g of dry flowers are placed on a bucket of hot water, they insist for a day. The solution is filtered so that it sticks to the leaves, 30 g of dissolved tar soap are added.

  4. The use of biological drugs. These are bacterial insecticides based on toxic bacteria. Once in the body of the larvae, they cause paralysis of the intestinal tract, damage to internal organs, and finally, the death of the pest. They differ from chemicals in that they are harmless to humans and pets.
  5. Attracting entomophagous insects to the site. This is the name of predatory insects that feed on their own kind, eat eggs, larvae. The danger for the cherry mucous sawfly is represented by lacewings, blood-red soft beetles, trichograms that feed on eggs. To attract them to the garden, grow flowers on the site, fragrant plants - dill, mint, calendula, marigolds, coriander. The sawfly does not like bright nasturtium. If the trunk circle is planted with flowers, this will scare away many pests.
  6. Pollination with wood ash. The folk method gives the result with a small infection of the trees. Immediately after the rain, while the leaves are wet, they are pollinated with ashes. When the larva comes into contact with it, it gets burned, its appetite is significantly worsened. After repeated use, most of the pests crumble.

Do not give the cherry sawfly a chance - destroy the harmful insect by any available means, otherwise only skeletonized leaves will remain from your cherry. If it was not possible to defeat the pest in the early stages, spray the trees with pesticides after harvesting.

How to deal with the cherry sawfly:

The cherry slimy sawfly is distributed throughout the non-chernozem zone. It damages cherries, sweet cherries, less often plums, pears, mountain ash, bird cherry, hawthorn. An adult insect (5 - 6 mm) is black in color, with two pairs of transparent, slightly darkened wings.

Larvae are greenish yellow(9-11 mm long), covered with sticky black mucus. They look like small leeches with a thickened front part of the body ( tab. 48).

The larvae overwinter in the soil at a depth of 2-3 cm., under the crown of a tree, at a distance of about 1 m from the stem. In June, the larvae pupate in cocoons, and in July, adult insects fly out.

The female makes an incision with the ovipositor from the underside of the leaf and lays an egg in it. A swelling is formed at the place of egg laying, and a brown tubercle is visible on the upper side of the leaf.

Tab. 48. Cherry Slimy Sawfly:

1 - an adult insect;
2 - egg;
3 - a cocoon with a chrysalis inside;
4 - caterpillars, skeletonizing leaves;
5 - caterpillar

After 1-2 weeks the larvae hatch., which skeletonize small areas of leaves on the upper side. In this case, the soft parts of the leaf are eaten away and the veins remain intact. Damaged leaves turn brown and from a distance give the impression of burnt fire.

In September the larvae go into the soil to a depth of 2-15 cm. In the conditions of the non-chernozem zone, the sawfly develops in one generation.

As a result of damage by larvae, the leaves dry out. and fall off. With a strong overeating of foliage, the trees are weakened, the laying of flower buds for the next year's harvest decreases.

Damage to young trees leads to a decrease in shoot growth. Sawflies are most dangerous for young seedlings.

How to deal with the cherry sawfly

1) loosening and digging tree trunks in autumn and spring to kill wintering larvae;
2) spraying with infusions of tobacco, shag, wormwood, soda ash (70 g per 10 l of water) or 50% trichlormetaphos-3 (10-20 g per 10 l of water), 10% or 30% karbofos (75 - 100 or 25 - 30 g per 10 liters of water) with the mass appearance of larvae, which usually occurs after harvesting cherries.

Insects of the family of true sawflies of the Hymenoptera order, pests of fruit and berry crops. The most harmful are the slimy and pale-footed V. p., found on all continents; in the USSR harm almost everywhere. Mucous V. p. ... ...

cherry fly

The common name of three families of the suborder of sessile hymenopteran insects: true P. (Tenthredinidae), P. weavers (Pamphiliidae), and stem P. (Cephidae). Over 5 thousand species; in the USSR there are about 1500 species distributed ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Animals that damage crop plants or cause their death. The damage caused by plant pests and diseases is great: according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, global losses annually amount to ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Harmful organisms (in plant protection) in the Russian Federation are divided into quarantine, especially dangerous and dangerous harmful organisms. In addition to plant pests (vertebrates and invertebrates), pathogens of plants and weeds, ... ... Wikipedia

Table 29- Pests of fruit and berry crops: 1 common hawthorn (a butterfly, b caterpillar); 2 gypsy moth (a female, b male, c caterpillar); 3 ringed silkworm (a butterfly, b caterpillar); 4 apple ermine moth (a butterfly, b caterpillar); 5… … Agricultural Encyclopedic Dictionary

american white butterfly- Table 29. Pests of fruit and berry crops: 1 common hawthorn (a butterfly, b caterpillar); 2 gypsy moth (a female, b male, c caterpillar); 3 ringed silkworm (a ... ... Agriculture. Big encyclopedic dictionary

hawthorn- Table 29. Pests of fruit and berry crops: 1 common hawthorn (a butterfly, b caterpillar); 2 gypsy moth (a female, b male, c caterpillar); 3 ringed silkworm (a ... ... Agriculture. Big encyclopedic dictionary

codling moth- Table 29. Pests of fruit and berry crops: 1 common hawthorn (a butterfly, b caterpillar); 2 gypsy moth (a female, b male, c caterpillar); 3 ringed silkworm (a ... ... Agriculture. Big encyclopedic dictionary

goose- Table 29. Pests of fruit and berry crops: 1 common hawthorn (a butterfly, b caterpillar); 2 gypsy moth (a female, b male, c caterpillar); 3 ringed silkworm (a ... ... Agriculture. Big encyclopedic dictionary

Description of the pest

Cherry slimy sawfly (Caliroa limacina) - a small insect that belongs to the family True sawflies (Tenthredinidae), lives in all CIS countries, in many parts of America, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan and causes significant damage to cherries, cherries, pears , as well as plum, quince and apple.

The length of the female slimy sawfly is 5-6 mm, in the wingspan - up to 9. The male is usually a little smaller: in the wingspan it reaches a size of no more than 7 mm. The body of the pest is shiny, black. The legs and antennae are also black. The wings are transparent, with dark veins.

Sawfly larvae overwinter in the surface layer of soil under trees. Around the end of May, the larvae pupate, and after 10 days, adult insects emerge. Usually, after 3 days, the female lays about 70 oval greenish-transparent eggs on the underside of the leaf - one for each leaf. At the same time, a brownish tubercle is visible on the upper side of the leaf. However, often about 20 eggs can be found on the same leaf, which indicates that they were laid by different females.

After about 1-2 weeks, larvae (up to 11 mm in length) emerge from the eggs, green-yellow in color, with a dark head and 10 pairs of legs. Soon they move to the upper side of the leaf, become covered there with dark mucous secretions that do not allow the pest to dry out, and become like small leeches or slugs. For 20 days, sawfly larvae feed on the soft tissues of the leaf blade, often eating it completely except for the vein, and thereby cause serious damage to plants. A damaged tree does not bear fruit well and sheds its foliage prematurely. At the last stage of development, the larvae acquire a yellow color and fall into the soil, burrowing to a depth of 10 cm; there, some of them pupate, the rest fall into diapause until spring, and in especially dry years (when the average daily temperature in July is 27-30 ° C) they can remain in the ground for up to three years. The pupa has a white color and is located in an oval earthen cocoon. In August, the second generation of the cherry slimy sawfly appears, and it is more numerous and harmful. Until the end of September, the leaves of fruit crops are mercilessly eaten by the pest. In the southern regions, the third generation of the sawfly sometimes appears, however, in cool regions, the larvae of even the second generation do not have time to develop completely and die in the fall.

Pest control measures

If the number of individuals of the cherry slimy sawfly is quite large, the trees should be sprayed according to the instructions with karbofos, chlorophos, kemiphos, rogor, fufanon or other insecticide. Opponents of pesticides can try to win the fight against the pest with the help of biological products (gaupsin, bitoxibacillin, lepitocide, entobacterin, infusions of tobacco or bitter wormwood).

With a slight settlement of plants by the sawfly (less than 10 percent of the leaves), as well as for prevention in spring and summer, it is necessary to loosen the soil in the near-stem circle and collect and burn fallen leaves in a timely manner. During these processes, a certain number of pupae and larvae die. Autumn autumn plowing gives a good effect.