Vineyard care in June. Caring for grapes in summer: what to do in June, July and August. Mandatory care work in May

Vineyard care in June. Caring for grapes in summer: what to do in June, July and August. Mandatory care work in May

Grapes are a crop that is quite demanding to care for. Even in the winter season, when the plant is “hibernating”, it requires shelter and constant supervision. However, the main work begins in the summer. The future productivity and quality of fruits depend on them. Caring for grapes in June is the key to a rich, high-quality harvest. However, for beginning winegrowers, nuances are important, which will be discussed in this article.

Each grape variety requires a special approach. The more refined the look, the more careful and thorough care it needs. Summer grape care must include:

  1. Feeding. Complex mineral compositions with water-soluble components included in them should be used as fertilizers. Otherwise, the rhizome system will not be able to absorb all the necessary components, which will provoke poor development of the bush due to an insufficient amount of minerals.
  2. Daily visual inspection. This should be done in order to timely detect fungal diseases and various pests. If diseased parts of the bush are found, they must be pruned and then burned.

Caring for grapes in the first year

During the first year of a grape's life, it is important to properly care for it, since it determines the further growth of the plant, as well as the quality of the harvest. To do this you need:

  • pluck out all emerging stepsons;
  • get rid of antennae;
  • carry out prevention of fungal diseases.

Also, caring for grapes in the summer necessarily involves chasing, which is a procedure for removing the unripe top of the vine. As a result, a 15-cm shoot remains, which is tied to a peg. Watering should be done after the soil has completely dried. In this case, water should be taken in quantities not exceeding 10 liters.

"Green" procedures

As for already formed plants, their vines are first tied up and then subjected to repeated pruning. For beginning winegrowers, it is important to know that June is the month when weak and dry shoots break off to the ground. The vine, which is characterized by rapid growth, is tied up several times during the season. If this procedure is neglected, it may break under the weight of the bunches. The following activities are also important:

  • pinching, allowing sunlight to flow freely to the bunches;
  • normalization of inflorescences, promoting the formation of a high-quality and rich harvest.

The tops of shoots whose length exceeds 2.5 meters are shortened. In order to better ripen and fill the berries, well-ripened bunches must be thinned.

You can care for grapes in the summer season through the pinching procedure. The essence of the event is to shorten the secondary processes partially or completely. Duration: three summer months. The goal pursued is to reduce the number of sprouts appearing on the sides of the stem, in order to evenly distribute the beneficial components. The number of operations performed during the season may vary, depending on the grape variety. However, on average this amount is 2-3 times. Complete removal of branches is undesirable, since the remaining couple of shoots will contribute to better yield and quality characteristics of the fruit.

Care during the flowering period

At this stage, the grapes should be cared for by thinning and pinching branches that bear fruit. Such agricultural practices contribute to improved pollination and improved grape yields. Bisexual varieties are additionally subjected to pollination using the artificial method.

During the flowering period, it is undesirable to water the plant, since increased humidity resulting from irrigation has a negative effect on pollination. During the rainy season, dew and fog, artificial pollination should be avoided. If all recommendations are followed, you can achieve an increase in yield by 15-30%. Also, additional feeding with nutrients has a positive effect on good growth and ripening of rich bunches.

Feeding and watering

At the stage of cluster formation and fruit ripening, the grapes are sprayed. It is recommended to use wood ash infusion or potassium monophosphate as a spray composition. Such fertilizers also have a beneficial effect on the taste of berries. Since there is a high probability of drought in the summer season, it is advisable to regularly irrigate the plant. To retain water in the soil for a longer period, small grooves are made, which are then filled with loose soil.

Fighting fungal diseases

Caring for grapes in the summer includes preventing and ridding the plant of diseases caused by fungal pathogens. Healthy grape leaves have a smooth, greenish surface. If spots, plaque and bumps appear on them, you should be more careful about the crop being grown. First of all, such leaves should be cut off, and the remaining bushes should be treated. If they bear fruit, a soda or manganese solution is used. When young leaves are damaged or after harvesting, it is effective to use various chemicals with a powerful destructive effect.

Since grapes are a heat-loving plant, it is quite difficult to grow them in temperate latitudes. The capricious plant needs care all year round. Having a winegrower's calendar on hand for every day, you will know how to care for this crop throughout the entire summer season.

Calendar of work on the vineyard in the table, for 2019

Date of work

Signs of grape condition

The melting of the snow, the beginning of the "crying vine", the awakening of the buds

  • Remove the winter cover and open the bushes;
  • Dig up the heads of bushes buried for the winter;
  • Treat the planting with a solution of iron sulfate (0.25-0.5 kg per 10 liters of liquid);
  • Loosen the soil, form holes, and mulch them;
  • Pull up and tie up the sleeves.

The buds are starting to bloom

  • In the northern regions, the probability of return frosts is relevant until May 25;
  • It is necessary to protect the bushes with a temporary polyethylene greenhouse.

3-6 leaves appear, shoots begin to actively grow

  • Remove unnecessary shoots (those that do not have enough space);
  • The shoots are tied to the trellises as they develop;
  • They begin to fight diseases and pests by spraying the leaves: the drugs Ordan and Abiga Peak are used against Mildew; for Oidium: Topaz, Rayok, Difenoconazole; against rot: Horus; from aphids: Biotlin, Tanrek, Corado;
  • Watering is carried out combined with fertilizing: half a liter of chicken manure infusion per 50 liters of water, used for 1 bush.

The end of the period of return frosts

  • Start planting seedlings using a drill: it is recommended to pour a half-liter jar of wood ash into the hole;
  • Young plantings are shaded to avoid burns;
  • Water infrequently;
  • They fight beetles and larvae with the help of drugs: Terradox, Grom 2, Provotox, Pochin.

Flowering begins

  • It is not recommended to carry out any work in the vineyard;
  • During periods of heavy rain, it is necessary to protect the inflorescences with shelter.

The ovary is forming

  • Treatment against diseases using systemic fungicides: Strobi, Cabrio, Kvardis (1 year of plant life); Ridomil, Profit Gold, Fundazol (2 years and older);
  • Pest treatment: Karbofos, Cypermethrin.

“Pea” stage, active berry growth

  • We remove the antennae and stepsons;
  • We form the future harvest: for large-fruited table varieties, remove 2-3 clusters on each shoot (the number of clusters should be no more than 1/2 the number of eyes on the shoot);
  • We combine watering and fertilizing: 40 g of the drug Rost-1, with 2.5 g of Humate, with 20 g of Ammonium Nitrate with 15 g of Calimagnesia per 50 liters of liquid (use for watering 1 plant).

Berries slow down their growth

  • Disease control: spray the leaves from below with Bordeaux mixture from Mildew; for Oidium: Thiovit, Jet;
  • Extermination of pests: treated with Boric acid.

Softening the berries

  • The next watering with fertilizing: 20 g Rost-1, 2.5 g Humate and 35 g Kalimagnesia per 40-50 liters of liquid for 1 bush;
  • You can use organic matter as a top dressing: an infusion of chicken manure 0.25 liters per 20 liters of water, and an infusion of wood ash 1 liter per 20 liters of water. Do not mix infusions.

The grapes begin to ripen

  • Protect the bunches from wasps using special mesh bags;
  • Also, for protection, you can spray the grapes with a 10% soda solution;
  • Treat the plants with ash infusion - this will make the berries sweeter.

Crowns are straightened

  • The vine is minted and pinched;
  • Remove old lower leaves to reduce the load on the shoots (the plant will spend more energy on clusters);
  • Leaves that shade the clusters are removed. But if the air temperature reaches plus 33 degrees Celsius and above, it is better to leave the leaves.

The grapes are ripening

  • Harvesting;
  • Garter of young bushes at an angle;
  • Watering;
  • Treatment against diseases and insects.

Completion of harvest

  • Spraying the lower surface of the leaves: from Mildew (Abiga Peak, Ordan), from Oidium (Topaz, Skor, Rayok).

The vine begins to ripen

  • Watering combined with fertilizing: 40 g of Growth-1, with 5 g of potassium sulfate, with 2.5 g of Humate per 40-50 liters of liquid for 1 plant;
  • Or fertilizing with organic matter: infusion of bird droppings 0.5 liters per 20 liters of water, ash infusion 0.5 liters per 20 liters of water (do not mix infusions).

Period of the first frost

  • Remove the vine along with the sleeves from the trellis;
  • Carry out autumn pruning of grapes: remove all leaves, cut off gray areas of the vine;
  • Plant the crop for the next period: measure the diameter of the vine in mm at the base (near the sleeve), the number of eyes on the shoot should correspond to the number of millimeters, cut off the rest;
  • Leave no more than 3 eyes on replacement knots.

Completion of vine ripening

  • Water-charging winter watering is carried out: 5-6 buckets of water for 1 plant;
  • The vine is sprayed with a solution of iron sulfate (0.5 kg per 10 liters of liquid).

Work until the first snow

  • Prepare the vineyard for wintering: tie the vines into fascines, pin them to the ground with wooden or plastic pins, and sprinkle them with pine needles;
  • Dig the hole with soil along with the head of the bush;
  • Cover the vineyard with cardboard and film to protect it from frost.

Winegrower's calendar for spring 2019

At the beginning of spring, uncovered grape varieties should be checked for cuts, cracks and breaks; sap may be released in these places. It is important not to let the vine “cry”; prune it in the first week of the month.

In March, sap flow has not yet begun, so no active work is required. This is a period of preparation for the next season.

If you are planning to expand your planting, now is the time to purchase new grape varieties. Start preparing the site:

  • Choose a well-lit area.
  • Prepare the trellises.
  • Be sure to check old supports and stock up on materials for repair or replacement.
  • In March, you need to stock up on fertilizers for the next season.

When the threat of frost has passed in April, you can remove the winter shelter from the bushes. If you find traces of mold on the vine, do not worry, it will disappear within a few days after opening.

  • At the beginning of the month, it is recommended to spray to prevent diseases; use 0.3 kg of Nitrafen per 10 liters of water.
  • If in the middle of the month the temperature remains above zero, you can start planting seedlings.
  • Before the buds have time to swell, dry tie the grapes: the sleeves are secured at an angle and the arrows are secured horizontally.

In May, it is necessary to constantly remove excess shoots for the correct formation of the bush. It is necessary to leave the most developed arrows. All unnecessary side shoots are regularly broken off, stepsons and upper inflorescences are removed.

  • After the formation of five leaves on the sleeves, treatment with fungicides should be carried out (Impact, Mikal, Vectra, Abiga-Peak, Strobi).
  • Examine the bushes for the presence of mites, and if found, treat them with acaricides before flowering begins.
  • At the end of May, complete planting of seedlings.

Winegrower's calendar from A to Z for summer 2019

The first month of summer is the most important. In the first ten days of June, pinch out the shoots; this procedure will improve plant pollination.

  • Regularly trim as the bushes grow.
  • After flowering, it is necessary to apply foliar feeding with Plantafol.
  • Do not overload the bush, remove unnecessary clusters (the upper ones are small, or more damaged).
  • When the berries begin to actively fill, treat the bunches with Gold or Topaz fungicides.
  • Moisten the soil regularly.

In July, the grapevine becomes vulnerable to fungal diseases. Spraying must be done every 3 weeks.

  • During the period of filling the berries, the bushes are fed with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium additives, and the young seedlings are fed with any mineral fertilizers.
  • Continue regular pinching and tying.
  • By the end of July you can get the first harvest of early varieties.

In August, it is necessary to remove nitrogen from fertilizers. Feed young bushes with phosphorus and potassium.

  • During this period, generous watering is important. If the leaves wither during a hot day, it is necessary to increase watering.
  • At the end of August, the vines are minted (the tops of the shoots are removed at the level of 6-7 leaves from the top).
  • If you find brown spots or plaque on the leaves, spray against gray rot with potassium permanganate (5 g per 10-liter bucket of water).

Winegrower's calendar for autumn

In the first month of autumn it is necessary to continue the work of August. Monitor the load on the bushes: if necessary, remove some bunches.

  • If powdery mildew is suspected, the bushes should be treated with colloidal sulfur.
  • Continue foliar feeding with phosphorus and potassium.
  • By the end of September, the active harvest period begins.

In October, it is necessary to complete the harvest before the onset of frost.

  • The seedlings are dug up, soaked in water for 6-8 hours and stored.
  • 2 weeks after all the foliage has fallen, prune the vine.
  • All plant remains are burned, and the soil between the rows is dug up.

By the beginning of November, it is necessary to complete pruning of the vines of covering varieties and carry out the last watering. Before the soil has time to freeze, cover the bushes for the winter.

  • If peat or sawdust is used as a fur coat, the procedure can be postponed until light frosts (up to -10 degrees Celsius).
  • You can remove the garters from the trellises and remove the remaining vines.
  • Be sure to disinfect all tools after pruning.

Caring for grapes in winter

In December and January, it is necessary to monitor the cover of the bushes. In case of significant precipitation, sprinkle snow on the vineyard - this will improve plant protection.

Regularly check the condition of the seedlings: if there is excess moisture, ventilate the roots, if there is a lack, moisturize. In winter, it is recommended to check the condition of the trellises and garden tools. Buy everything you need in advance.

In February it is time to stock up on fertilizers for spring planting. In an apartment, you can start germinating cuttings to obtain seedlings. If possible, visit your summer cottage in February to prune uncovered grape varieties.

Continue to monitor the seedlings. During this period, it is worth stocking up on the necessary medications for the entire season:

  • Stroby and Flint (from powdery mildew, anthracnose);
  • Neoron and Thiovit (against ticks);
  • Fastak (from thrips);
  • Nitrafen and Dnok (universal).

Caring for grapes in the summer necessarily includes watering and fertilizing the plantings, but this process should be approached individually, depending on the grape variety, soil, and the climatic characteristics of the region in which it grows.

The main summer periods when it is mandatory are:

2 weeks before flowering (second half of May);

The period after the plant blooms, when the berries begin to set (the first half of June);

The phase of bunch growth and berry filling (second half of July).

It is not recommended to water the bushes during their flowering, as this will lead to shedding of flowers and poor ovary. Also, do not water the grapes during ripening and immediately before harvesting, since the period of final ripening of the crop is delayed, and the berries burst from excessive moisture.

In order for summer grape care to be effective, the plant must be periodically fed, and this is done in two ways - root and foliar.

Root feeding is carried out along with watering and the following fertilizers are applied:

At the beginning of flowering: an aqueous solution for watering 1 bush, consisting of 10 liters of water, 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of superphosphate and 5 g of potassium salt;

2 weeks before filling the berries: the same solution, but without ammonium nitrate;

After the grape harvest: potassium fertilizers to increase the resistance of the plant during wintering.

Foliar feeding includes spraying the leaf and is carried out regardless of fertilization of the root system. The spraying phases coincide with the periods of root feeding. For fertilizer, solutions containing microelements are used, as well as micro- and macrofertilizers, the range of which is quite large on sale.

In order for the solution of microelements to be better absorbed into the leaf, you can add 3 tablespoons to the fertilizer. sugar for 1 bucket.

Pinching grapes

In the third ten days of June, in order for the main nutrients to reach the bunch as much as possible, the fruiting vine is shortened by pinching it. To do this, count 5-6 leaves from the second bunch and pinch the crown of the branch after the tendril.

In order to properly care for grapes in the summer, it is necessary to pinch (pruning) the grapes annually. This is due to the fact that the average length of the vine is from 4 to 6 meters, and it must be provided with food. In order for the bush to fully develop a bunch, and not a shoot of such length, it is shortened, as a result of which nutrients are evenly distributed throughout the entire plant system, the berries become sweeter, and the harvest ripens earlier.

Seedling of grapes

In mid-June, intensive growth of second-order shoots - stepsons - is observed on the grape bush. Their growth requires a large amount of nutrients, and often additional shoots outstrip the main fruit-bearing vine in growth. As a result, there is a nutritional deficiency for the bunch, and the berries turn out to be small and unsweetened.

They provide proper summer care for grapes by removing shoots from the end of June to the end of August. With regular care of the bush, the stepsons are plucked out at the nascent stage. But if the additional shoot has already begun active growth, then it is cut off after the first leaf, with the only condition that the bushes are planted sparsely. Otherwise, in order to avoid thickening of the grapes, the stepsons are broken out completely.

Lightening the bunches

During the final ripening of the berries, when they acquire the characteristic color of the variety, the bunches should be lightened. For black grape varieties this is mid-August, pink grapes at the end of August, and late white varieties at the beginning of September. To do this, remove all the foliage that shades the bunches so that the sun's rays can easily reach the berries.

Timely care of grapes in the summer will allow you to get a positive result in the form of a bountiful harvest, as well as a healthy, mature bush, ready for wintering and bearing fruit next year.

A beginner should definitely learn how to properly care for grapes during the summer months. Find out what to do with grapes in June, and soon you will be able to wait for the first fruits. As a rule, summer grape care, both in the first year and in subsequent years, includes several basic procedures. This includes pruning, fertilizing the substrate, and spraying against pests. But in order for all these components to be carried out correctly, care for young grapes must be carried out step by step.

Proper care of grapes in summer will contribute to the active development of bushes and the rapid ripening of fruits. To understand where exactly it is recommended to start, consider the following requirements for plant care in June:

  • it is necessary to control the intensity and direction of growth of foliage and the bush as a whole;
  • a separate stage for grape care - protection from pests and diseases;
  • it is very important to create all favorable conditions for the growth of the bush;
  • It is also recommended to promptly remove weeds and pinch out shoots.

In order to care for grapes in June according to the rules, you should consider them in more detail.

Growing and proper care of grapes begins with timely tying up the bushes. To do this, after planting the vines, the plants must be tied to a trellis. This way the direction of growth will be set correctly. When to resort to this procedure largely depends on the climatic characteristics of the region. For example, in regions where, as a rule, there are no frosts in April, grapes can be tied up at this time. But in most central and northern regions of the country, it is better to start tying in June.

In order for the grapes to bear fruit in August, special attention must be paid to cutting off old, weak or too thick shoots. Firstly, you will free the bush from weak shoots on which bunches of grapes are unlikely to form and ripen properly. Secondly, you can “adjust” the loads on the branches of the bush. Remember: you can break off shoots if they have not yet reached 15–20 cm in length, otherwise you will only harm the plant.

Caring for grapes in August often includes grafting the plant. To do this, cuttings must be prepared in advance. They are used in their lignified form. The essence of pinching is to insert old cuttings into the bush. In this way, you can significantly rejuvenate a grape bush that no longer bears fruit as much as before. It is advisable that each branch have at least two eyes.

Growing home vineyards is a responsible occupation, so you need to learn to pay attention to various little things. For example, greenery often forms on a bush, which does not affect the intensity of fruiting in any way. Stepchildren, which you can find in the axils of the leaves, as well as whiskers, are recommended to be removed. Thus, all the energy of the bush will be directed to ripening the grapes.

Caring for grapes in July and early August also includes a procedure called chasing. It is recommended to cut off the tops of the shoots to the first full leaf (after about the 15th). This procedure is necessary because after it is carried out, the intensity of branch growth decreases, while more energy is spent on the bush to ensure that the fruits ripen faster.

Grape growers caring for young shrubs should also take into account the fact that from time to time it is necessary to remove excess inflorescences and leaves from the plant.

Let's say there are no more than three weeks left before harvest. This means it's time to start breaking off some leaves. First of all, tear off the leaf blades that have grown in the lower part of the bush. Then remove from it those leaves that shade the bunches of grapes.

The grapes grown on the site must also be fertilized promptly and correctly. The intensity of fruiting depends on this. Spraying grapes with liquid nutrient compounds is not the best way out. As a rule, at a distance of 50–80 cm from the rhizome of the bush, a small hole or trench is dug into which fertilizers will be poured. It is better to divide this whole process into three key stages:

  • in early spring, nitrogen mixtures and superphosphate should be added to the soil. For fertilizing to be effective, it is recommended to dilute fertilizers in water;
  • before the beginning of the flowering phase, superphosphate, potassium and nitrogen mixtures are added to the substrate;
  • When the berries on the bush ripen in July-August, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are applied to the soil.

Remember that it is necessary to water the bushes while the ovaries are appearing. When the flowering phase begins or harvest approaches, irrigation of the vineyard should be stopped.

What needs to be done with grapes so that they are not afraid of various diseases and pest invasions? To do this, you need to find out what to spray the grapes with. As a rule, most often the bush suffers from fungal diseases. Using store-bought medications will help you prevent their occurrence. Which formulations to purchase depends on your preferences and cost. The main thing is that the medicines contain colloidal sulfur and copper.

As a preventive measure, try to regularly inspect grape clusters. If the berries have turned black in places, cracked or begun to rot, it is recommended to remove the bunches from the bush, as they can cause serious diseases. Growing grapes in Chuvashia, as well as the Rostov region or Ukraine can be very effective if you follow basic recommendations for caring for them.

From this video you will learn how to plant and care for grapes.

With the arrival of spring, many novice gardeners are wondering how to care for the grapevine in order to achieve a harvest? How to avoid grape diseases that often plague young vines?

Due to a lack of experience, many winegrowers make mistakes that cause illness and sometimes lead to the death of the vine. Taking into account the practical experience of gardeners and winegrowers, many problems associated with grapes can be avoided.

Young grapes, care rules.

Gardeners should remember that quality grape care determines its survival rate, resistance to disease and future harvest. The main task is to form the correct root system.

The majority of grape roots in the first year of life are located in the planting hole area, so you should be extremely careful when fertilizing and loosening the plant.

In the summer it is necessary to carry out the catarification of grapes, usually it is carried out 2 times, in June and August, in the morning or in the evening; in no case should it be carried out in the scorching sun.

To carry out the procedure, you should carefully rake the ground about 0.2 meters and remove the young roots. Then the sections are dried and treated with a solution of copper sulfate; after the procedures, the hole is covered with earth.

Catarovka is carried out to strengthen the root system of grapes. Pruning the top roots allows for the development of the plant's deep roots.

If pruning is ignored, deep roots practically do not develop, and a weak root system is formed. This leads to the death of the plant, since it cannot withstand frost and overflow.

It should be remembered that after each rainfall, the soil must be loosened to allow oxygen to reach the root system. It is also necessary to clear the plant of weeds, preferably several times a season.

Watering grapes should be taken with full responsibility; in summer, plants should be watered once a week; one hole will require from 6 to 16 liters of water.

Young grape vines are tied to a support, so the shoots of the plant do not come into contact with the ground, this minimizes the development of various diseases. When the shoots reach a height of 1 meter, pinching should be done.

How to care for grapes?

High-quality grape care includes various operations that are aimed at the proper formation of shoots, productivity and strengthening the root system.

Grape staking, a necessary procedure for the formation of the vine. Plants are tied to supports and trellises. This is the main procedure in caring for the vine; it must be carried out in the summer.

Splintering is the removal of weak shoots, popularly called tops. It is carried out to normalize the load of the bush. It should be remembered that shoots that have reached a length of 15-20 cm should not be removed, as this can harm the plant.

Pinching is carried out 3-4 days before flowering, 5-6 leaves are left on the future vine, and the rest is removed. This procedure improves the pollination process.

Normalization of inflorescences is carried out to normalize the load on the grapevine. Experienced gardeners inspect the vine and remove unnecessary inflorescences. Usually one or two clusters are left on large-fruited grape varieties.

Embossing grapes involves removing all the tips of the shoots; 10-14 leaves should be left above the main cluster, and the rest should be removed with pruning shears. This procedure is carried out for better ripening of grape bunches; it is best done in mid-August.

Thinning the leaves is aimed at accelerating the ripening of bunches and to ventilate the vineyard. Two weeks before harvest, all old and dried leaves are removed from the clusters and under them.

How to care for flowering grapes?

During the flowering period, you should care for the plant more carefully.

It should be remembered that high humidity negatively affects pollination, so it is necessary to maintain moderate watering.

Also during flowering, grapes are fertilized to increase yield.

Feeding grapes correctly

Experienced winegrowers add nutrients, popularly top dressing, three times.

The first fertilizing is done in early spring. Nitrogen fertilizers are most often used; they should be diluted in water for better absorption by the plant.

The second feeding is carried out 10 days before flowering. During this period, nitrogen and potassium fertilizers are used. You can also use organic fertilizers such as chicken manure.

The third fertilizing is introduced when the berries ripen; phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are most often used, and ash is also used.

Photo examples of grape care