Types of wool for insulating houses. The main types of insulation for home and garden. Classification of existing insulating materials

Types of wool for insulating houses.  The main types of insulation for home and garden.  Classification of existing insulating materials
Types of wool for insulating houses. The main types of insulation for home and garden. Classification of existing insulating materials

On the modern construction market you can find a huge variety of materials that can be used as insulation. Even professional builders are sometimes unable to understand and make the right choice in so many options. Next, various types of insulation and their characteristics will be considered so that everyone can purchase exactly the product that will create high-quality insulation of the building.

Basic properties of materials

These properties include:

The ability to retain heat or conduct heat. The lower the thermal conductivity coefficient of a material, the better it will be able to retain heat in your home. Materials with a minimum indicator of this characteristic can minimize or completely eliminate heat loss.

This coefficient may be different for different types of insulation, but one pattern has been identified: the lower the value of this indicator, the thinner the insulating layer you will need to create.

Moisture resistance or moisture resistance. All thermal insulation properties of any material are directly related to how strongly it is able to resist moisture, or how quickly this material gets wet.

The ability to pass steam, or steam conductivity. One of the main properties of any insulating material is the ability to remove excess moisture from rooms, so this indicator is extremely important.

Strength or ability to maintain its size and shape. If the material does not deform or shrink during operation, this means that the insulating system will retain its characteristics for a long time and prevents the formation of cold bridges at the joints of the material.

Non-flammability. This property is of great importance for the fire safety of the building. Those who are concerned about their safety and the safety of their home should give preference to non-combustible materials.

Ecological cleanliness. Laying a layer of insulation during the construction of houses involves using this material for the entire service life of the building, therefore it is very important for future residents that the selected insulation remains safe both at the time of its installation and throughout its entire service life.

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Classification of existing insulating materials

The entire huge range of modern materials of this type can be safely divided into four main groups:

  1. Cotton ones. The role of such products can be glass wool, known to everyone since ancient times, or its more modern version, mineral wool, or mineral wool-type blocks and slabs that exist today.
  2. Leafy. Products of this kind include children's favorite polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam, etc.
  3. Foam. Such materials are applied directly by spraying onto the very surface of the structure that needs insulation. Installation of these insulation materials is carried out using specialized equipment.
  4. Rest. This group includes materials that are used quite rarely. These are such exotic options as insulation with cellulose, reeds, flax, etc.

There is another classification that divides insulation into groups based on the type of raw materials used for production. These are groups such as:

  • organic;
  • inorganic;
  • mixed.

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Cotton wool as insulation

Glass wool and mineral wool, which are very similar in their fibrous structure, are widely used in the construction of residential and industrial facilities, and in the shipbuilding industry. They are also used as heat and noise insulation, and also as a layer that resists the spread of fire. The advantages include:

  • excellent vapor permeability, allowing you to absorb excess moisture;
  • dielectric characteristics;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • increased fire resistance;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • resistance to natural processes such as decay, aging and the activity of microorganisms and insects.

All types of cotton wool have their own disadvantages:

  1. Inability to maintain shape, and as a result, low strength and susceptibility to deformation.
  2. Hygroscopicity, or the ability to absorb moisture, but modern manufacturers hydrophobize the fibers, which changes this property of the material.

Based on the characteristics of glass and mineral wool described above, it can be understood that this material is most suitable for carrying out insulation work indoors.

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Expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam: characteristics

Granules of this type of insulation are mixed and sintered by exposing them to high temperature. The result of this process is a material consisting of a huge number of small balls that form fairly homogeneous slabs.

It is this cellular structure that gives foam plastic the properties and characteristics that make it popular among the types of materials for insulating houses. These properties include:

  • increased indicators of impermeability to water and non-conductivity of heat;
  • resistance to mechanical impacts;
  • the property of being environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic is important for the owners of the building;
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • ease of working with the material.

Despite all the positive qualities, polystyrene foam is not without its disadvantages:

  • this material is not non-flammable, but quite the contrary, during the combustion process it will release dangerous toxic substances;
  • it is also impervious to steam, which has led to a ban on its use for insulating wooden structures.

Expanded polystyrene is a material with which any owner can insulate his home with his own hands. Professionals recommend its use in places where there is a high probability of mechanical loads: floors, flat roofs, basements, etc.

Thermal insulation of house structures in varying quantities is needed at all temperature conditions from the equator to northern latitudes. Today there are so many materials that retain heat in rooms that when choosing among them you can get confused and choose the wrong thing. Next, we will look at the most popular and effective types of insulation, compare their characteristics and determine the scope of application of each of them.


Thermal insulating materials can be divided into groups according to different characteristics. For example, according to the composition:

  • Organic insulation materials made on the basis of natural components (fiberboard, cork);
  • Synthetic materials created by chemical reactions (all polyethylene, polyurethane materials);
  • Mineral wool.

Types of home insulation can also be divided according to their resistance to external precipitation and other influences. This will determine the scope of use of the material:

  • For internal use;
  • For external thermal insulation.

It should be noted that only those materials that do not absorb water in any way are suitable for external use. Their fibers must repel moisture, and the pores in the insulation must be closed. These include all types of polyurethane foam, polyethylene foam, polystyrene foam.

Types of insulation for walls inside must, first of all, allow steam to pass through so that it does not linger in the room. Otherwise, moisture accumulates in the rooms, condensation forms, and pockets of mold colonies spread. The material must be safe for others (odorless, toxic fumes, and, if possible, with a high ignition threshold). We include in the group:

  • Mineral wool;
  • Insulation materials based on cement and organic components;
  • Ecowool;
  • Cork.

There are much more types of insulation for internal walls than for external walls, because some slabs that can be used to cover a facade are also suitable for internal insulation.

There are other, narrower classifications, for example, division by type of pores:

  • Closed cell (PPU, polystyrene foam);
  • With open pores (cork, foam block).

Now we will consider each type of thermal insulation material and determine its main parameters for ease of selection.

Polymer thermal insulation materials

Synthetic thermal insulators are a large family of components for maintaining heat in the home.

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam has not yet received widespread use, since finishing surfaces with this material is a relatively expensive process. And yet, polyurethane foam is considered one of the most effective heat insulators for several reasons:

  • Light weight, only 40…60 kg/m3;
  • Low degree of thermal conductivity no more than 0.025 W/m*C;
  • Easy installation - spraying;
  • Absence of cold bridges when the surface is properly coated;
  • Low vapor permeability;
  • Cheap raw materials.

The disadvantages include:

  • The need for special spray equipment;
  • High cost of the work itself.

To reduce the cost of finishing, you can rent an installation unit and make the thermal insulation coating yourself, but if handled improperly, the quality of the work cannot be guaranteed.

When sprayed, polyurethane foam is applied in a certain layer (depending on the calculated thickness), and after polymerization and hardening it turns into a porous coating that is not afraid of moisture and rodents.

You can use polyurethane foam to insulate walls, ceilings of rooms and attics.

Extruded polystyrene foam

This is a material similar in properties to conventional polyurethane foam in the form of shaped slabs. It’s easier to work with - you just need to lay the blocks over the area of ​​the insulated coating and you don’t need to dry anything. Extruded polystyrene foam is sometimes called foam rubber.

PPU slabs are almost no different from their “relative” in terms of characteristics:

  • Thermal conductivity is only 0.3 W/(m*C);
  • Density up to 45 kg/m3;
  • Vapor permeability is even lower - only 0.015 mg/(m*h*Pa).

Advantages of the material:

  • Low price compared to the total cost of polyurethane foam;
  • Simple installation that you can do yourself;
  • Lightness of the material.


  • There are bridges of cold;
  • Sealing of joints between slabs is required;
  • Insufficient data on material safety. Like polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam is tested for safety only in factory conditions.

This type of insulation for walls outside and inside is equally suitable.


A relative of the group of foamed thermal insulation materials made from synthetic polyester. One of the most affordable materials that help retain heat in the house. It consists of balls pressed together with voids, thanks to which heated air does not penetrate outside the room.

Advantages of polystyrene foam:

  • Sufficient efficiency - thermal conductivity is only 0.05 W/m*C;
  • Weight can vary between 40-125 kg depending on the composition and density of the material;
  • Low price for slabs;
  • Easy installation.


  • According to many sellers, polystyrene foam is a completely safe insulation material that is not afraid of fire and does not flare up when sparks occur. This is a deep misconception: if you try to set fire to the stove in the middle, holding it strictly along the horizon, then only the light from the candle will remain on the surface. If you start ignition from the edge, the material will instantly begin to melt and smoke heavily. The gas released is very dangerous to human life.
  • Insufficient environmental friendliness: polystyrene foam does not breathe, it does not contain natural ingredients;
  • Low vapor permeability contributes to the accumulation of moist air in the room. To solve the situation, it is necessary to install a ventilation system.
  • A considerable degree of absorption can fail in a frosty winter: water accumulates in channels, where it can expand when it hardens and turns into ice.

Styrofoam should be used for outdoor use, but it can work well indoors if needed.


Another name is urea foam. This is the same sprayed polymer material as polyurethane foam, but less expensive.

  • Penoizol is capable of absorbing water up to 1/5 of its volume, but then easily releases the liquid, while maintaining its shape. This allows the heat insulator to be used even in damp rooms.
  • Penoizol lasts up to 60 years without changing its initial characteristics.
  • Low shrinkage amount up to 5% of the total volume.


  • When using low-quality raw materials, you can get a result that is far from expected. For example, when drying, the foam will smell unpleasant or shrink significantly;
  • Like polyurethane foam, penoizol requires special equipment for spraying.

The material is suitable for indoor use.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is a natural insulation material that is obtained by processing natural raw materials.

Glass wool

It is based on recycled glass fibers, stretched to the state of thin threads. You can find glass wool on sale in slabs or rolls; their characteristics are the same.

Glass fiber is a safe material, and also effective:

  • The thermal conductivity of the slab is only 0.056 W/m*C;
  • Density up to 100 kg/m3;
  • But the vapor permeability failed - only 0.53 mg/(m*h*Pa). In other words, glass fiber easily absorbs moisture and then difficultly releases it.

What you should prepare for in advance:

  • Glass threads are fragile, so it is necessary to take the slab correctly and move it from place to place at least once;
  • Shrinkage of the material occurs relatively quickly; after 10 years, the insulation becomes unusable and requires replacement.

Glass wool is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, but subject to mandatory hydro- and vapor barrier.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool comes in two types:

  • 1) Slag;
  • 2) Stone.

Both types are produced from the remains of the stone industry. To bind the components, urea or phenol is used, which gives the slab a waterproof effect.

Average technical characteristics of mineral wool:

  • Thermal conductivity - 0.047…0.12 W/m*S;
  • Density depending on origin 35...150kg/m3;
  • The ability to transmit steam is high - 0.51 mg/(m*h*Pa).

Like glass, stone wool can be used both indoors and outdoors. However, it is not recommended to cover living rooms with this material: the blocks can emit phenol vapors.


This is a special type of insulation material based on cellulose and additives. Ecowool is sprayed like polyurethane foam. It lies evenly on the surface of the wall or ceiling, after which it is necessary to allow the material to dry completely. Unfortunately, during drying, cellulose can settle significantly, as a result of which you have to carefully work out each joint and seam, correctly distribute the solution and apply it.

Advantages of ecowool:

  • Low thermal conductivity up to 0.041 W/m*C;
  • Excellent sound insulation: a layer up to 1.5 cm thick can absorb sounds up to 9 dB;
  • There are no cold bridges at the joints of the supporting frame and the main parts of the building.


  • The thermal efficiency parameter is constantly decreasing due to rapid shrinkage;
  • Due to the above reason, after a few years the upper section of the wall becomes exposed.

Ecowool is not suitable for insulating facades from the outside.


A combined material based on foamed polyethylene, covered on both sides with aluminum foil. As you know, metal is an excellent conductor of heat, but not in our case: the shiny layer reflects heat in the opposite direction. It turns out that the insulation will be effective only if it is correctly installed in a shiny layer to the room.

Izolon is a completely safe material. They do not burn and do not support combustion; with a minimum thickness of the sheet, a heat transfer effect is achieved as is the case with conventional insulation, and does not require special installation skills.

As a rule, Izolon is used indoors, including cast floors.


Fibrolite is a combined material that includes:

  • Wood shavings;
  • A solution of cement and water;
  • Liquid glass.

Insulation is produced in the form of slabs, which are laid in the usual way.

The material absorbs little water and has a low thermal conductivity coefficient.

Despite the fact that fiberboard almost does not absorb water, the liquid that does get on the fibers evaporates for a long time, and mold grows in the coating.

Fiberboard is used for assembling internal and external walls and partitions, for covering the roof, attic, floor, etc.


Cork tree is a unique representative of the flora, which supplies humans with thermal insulation material of natural origin. The removed bark is prepared carefully:

  • 1) Grind in a special machine;
  • 2) Add natural glue suberin;
  • 3) Plates and rolls of different thicknesses and densities are formed.

The result is an excellent thermal insulation material for covering floors and walls indoors. Cork is an extremely safe and environmentally friendly product that can be used to decorate children's rooms.

The appearance of the coating allows it to be used as a floor covering and insulation at the same time.

Systematizing information

The types of insulation and their characteristics that we examined are presented in the table, where you can compare them and choose the option that suits you:

The modern market offers a huge variety of insulation materials of organic, mineral and synthetic origin. We looked at the basic products that are most often used to preserve heat in residential and office spaces.

An important element of construction is the insulation of the house. In Russia, most of the year is winter. You've probably heard this expression - drown or swamp, but it's still cold!

Houses are insulated using building materials such as insulation materials. Do you know what types of insulation exist and which one is better to choose. Today you will learn about several of the most popular insulation materials today.

After all, it’s easy to make a mistake when choosing insulation, but replacing it will be quite expensive and difficult. If during the cold season the heat in your home does not last long, and gas or firewood bills are rising, you should think about insulating your home.

The first thing that comes to mind is to insulate the windows, walls, floors, doors and roof. As for the walls, it’s quite simple; large heat loss can be corrected by insulating it from the outside and from the inside.

So, let's move on to the types of insulation. The simplest and cheapest insulation material is straw. It is used in the form of straw blocks or in the construction of adobe (clay + straw) houses.

Of course, rarely anyone builds adobe these days. This means we move on to more modern insulation materials. Of the modern ones, three main and popular types can be distinguished - glass wool, stone wool and polystyrene foam.

Glass wool

In Soviet times, this was the most common, and probably the only type. Glass wool has a very huge disadvantage that prevents the use of glass wool as the main material.

It absorbs moisture too well, which leads to shrinkage. If there is a small gap, at least 1 centimeter, heat will quickly escape from the room and heating costs will increase.

It is rational to use glass wool for sound insulation in partitions. And as an auxiliary layer, insulating the attic or floor.

Basalt wool

The second type is stone slabs based on basalt or wool. Basalt slab is made from several types of mineral stones. It does not burn and has good thermal insulation properties.

For insulation, it is better to choose basalt slabs 50 mm thick; 100 mm slabs are laid faster, but in this case it is more difficult to cover all the joints (and these are cold bridges) and it is not much more difficult to cut a thick slab.

Basalt insulation has several degrees of hardness. In terms of thermal insulation properties, they are the same, but more rigid ones can be used as facade slabs under plaster.

Rigid slabs are more expensive, so it is better to use a slab with low rigidity inside the frame. Basalt insulation can be easily cut with an ordinary sharp knife.

Insulation materials made from basalt and glass wool are produced both in the form of rolls and slabs. and roofs are much easier to produce with slabs. And the rolls are easier to roll out at lofts.


The next type is polystyrene foam or simply polystyrene foam. The thermal insulation properties of polystyrene foam are much higher than, for example, basalt wool; accordingly, the layer thickness can be smaller.

Expanded polystyrene has 3 significant disadvantages:

  1. This is a flammable material. When burning and melting, harmful substances are released.
  2. For some reason, mice are not indifferent to polystyrene foam (they really love to chew it).
  3. If there is one small hole, heat will escape from the room.

It breaks and crumbles easily, so installation should be done as carefully as possible, and it is a little difficult to use for floor insulation. Extruded polystyrene foam suffers the least from such disadvantages.

Of course, such insulation costs somewhat more than ordinary polystyrene foam and much more than basalt wool. But the extruded one is denser than the ordinary one, so it’s easier to install, and you don’t have to worry about breaking or crumbling it.

It is probably the best material for insulating floors, especially under screed for heated floors. The list of types of insulation is constantly updated, but it takes time to test new insulation.


Not very long ago, such a variety as ecowool appeared.

Ecowool is split paper (cellulose) with the addition of fire-fighting and antiseptic substances. Ecowool is poured in bulk or sprayed onto vertical surfaces with a hose. Absorbs moisture too well; if the vapor barrier is damaged, this insulation will be wet like after rain.

There are several types of insulation from the inside:

  • wallpaper or cork insulation plates;
  • wallpaper made of polystyrene foam with heat-insulating properties;
  • heat-insulating polystyrene foam plaster;
  • polyethylene foam (polyfom) - a special wallpaper insulation.

That is, if you have a wooden floor, it is advisable to insulate it with mineral wool, and if the floor is a concrete screed, then polystyrene foam is used. Polystyrene foam is vapor-proof.

“...doesn’t last long, but the bills...”

“...all the joints (and these are cold bridges) and not much more difficult...”

“...mice are not indifferent to polystyrene foam...”

Please check your spelling - it's impossible to read...

Hello, Alexander.
I'm sorry, but what's wrong with the spelling? Of course, I didn’t graduate from college, but it seems to me that everything is written correctly. Perhaps you mean punctuation? Here I agree with you, I have a problem with commas. I apologize for this.

Very useful video, thank you! At one time I was looking for environmentally friendly insulation and I was also not happy with the fact that insulation made from natural fibers is treated with all sorts of rubbish, organic insulation also contains poison, but I still found Arctic insulation for myself - it wasn’t treated with any rubbish, which means it’s definitely environmentally friendly clean. I insulated both the walls and the roof, everything is fine.

That's right! Warmth is only warm when you know that you are not breathing phenol vapors or other chemicals. Therefore, the choice fell on an eco-shelter and I am very pleased, because it is warm and without chemicals

An unheated hangar for storing vegetables was insulated with mats made using FORA technology. Aesthetic appearance and practicality in everything

And for reinforced concrete walls, grade M300, verified, can you use insulation whose vapor permeability of reinforced concrete is 0.03 is very low? PIR-board insulation, produced on the basis of polyisocyanurate foam, is a heat-insulating material with a very low thermal conductivity coefficient λ25=0.023 W/m °C. PIR-boards PIRRO have a very low coefficient of vapor permeability µ=0.0015 mg/m h Pa.

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At any temperature, thermal insulation will not hurt. If implemented correctly, the rooms will become noticeably warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Insulating walls allows you to create a comfortable microclimate, which applies not only to residential apartments and houses, but also to work spaces. By visiting the store, you can see that modern manufacturers offer a wide range of thermal insulation for sale. It comes in the form of strands, rolls, granules, powders, and perlite sand. In addition, thermal insulation can be represented by slabs, blocks, bricks and cylinders.

If you understand the characteristics, you can choose the insulation option that is necessary. The main property of thermal insulation is its thermal conductivity; it indicates how much heat passes through a given material. Today, two types of thermal insulation are known:

  • reflective;
  • preventing.

The first type allows you to reduce heat consumption, which is ensured by a decrease in infrared radiation. Preventative thermal insulation is used in most cases and involves the use of insulation with low thermal conductivity. The following materials can be used in this capacity:

  • mixed;
  • organic;
  • inorganic.

Organic based thermal insulation

When considering the types of insulation, you should pay attention to those that are made on an organic basis. They are widely represented on the modern market, and for their production natural raw materials are used, such as waste from wood processing and agricultural industries. The composition of such insulation includes cement and plastic.

The material is highly resistant to fire, it does not react to biological influences and does not get wet. It is used where the surface does not heat above 150 °C. Organic insulation is used as an inner layer in the construction of multilayer structures. This includes plastered facades or triple panels.

Characteristics of arbolite insulation

Organic-based thermal insulation is precisely arbolite insulation, which is a new building material made from:

  • shavings;
  • sawdust;
  • chopped straw;
  • reeds

The base contains chemical elements and cement. The additives are:

  • soluble glass;
  • alumina sulfate;
  • calcium chloride.

At the final stage of manufacturing arbolite thermal insulation, the material is treated with a mineralizer. This type of insulation has a density ranging from 500 to 700 kg/m3. The compressive strength reaches 3.5 MPa. The thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.12 W/(m K) maximum. It is also important to know the bending strength, it reaches 1 MPa.

Purpose and use of wood concrete

When considering the type of insulation described above, you should become more familiar with its purpose. It is used for the construction of partitions and walls in private low-rise construction. Products can be presented:

  • floor slabs;
  • panels;
  • blocks.

The former are used to insulate floors and roofs. As for the floor slabs, they are reinforced with reinforced concrete structures. For monolithic construction, wood concrete mortar is used. Today, another type of this insulation is known - bone concrete, the filler of which is hemp fire.

Arbolite blocks for thermal insulation are laid after applying a layer of the mixture for installation. Next, the block is installed, which should first be moistened with water. The product is pressed against the previous one, its position can be adjusted relative to the main masonry using a hammer with a rubber attachment. Excess mixture will need to be removed with a trowel. Work can only be carried out at an air temperature of at least +6 °C. The solution should be quite thick, because if its consistency turns out to be liquid, the material will shrink.

Characteristics of chipboard insulation

When considering the types of insulation, it is worth paying attention to thermal insulation made from chipboard, which is based on small shavings. It makes up 9/10 of the volume of the material, but the rest is an antiseptic substance, synthetic resins, a water repellent and antiprene. The density of this material is 1000 kg/m3 maximum. The minimum value is 500.

You may also be interested in humidity; for this thermal insulation it varies from 5 to 12%. The tensile strength reaches 0.5 MPa. Material absorption reaches 30% of the volume. The minimum value is 5%. You may also be interested in the tensile strength, it reaches 0.5 MPa.

Characteristics of polyurethane foam

Before choosing one solution or another, you should consider the types and characteristics of insulation. Among other options, polyurethane foam thermal insulation, which is based on polyester, should be highlighted. The ingredients are added:

  • diisocyanate;
  • emulsifiers;
  • water.

The components, under the influence of the catalyst, enter into a chemical reaction, and a new substance appears. It has a high level of noise absorption, is not afraid of moisture and is chemically inert. Polyurethane foam thermal insulation is an excellent insulation material, because it is applied by spraying, so the craftsman has the opportunity to process ceilings and walls with complex configurations. Cold bridges are excluded.

This sprayed insulation has a density that reaches 80 kg/m3. When this figure reaches 50 kg/m3, polyurethane foam becomes moisture resistant. You may also be interested in the thermal conductivity coefficient, it reaches 0.028 W/(m K). This parameter is the best among modern thermal insulation materials.

Purpose of polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam has unique properties, thanks to which it is widely used in various fields of human activity. This thermal insulation is used for insulation of internal and external walls, window openings, etc. This material can be found on construction sites of permanent residential buildings, cottages, individual houses, warehouse hangars, potato storages and vegetable storages.

This sprayed insulation has quite important advantages, which are expressed in load-bearing and heat-insulating abilities. Efficiency increases when polyurethane foam forms the basis of sandwich panels used in the construction of prefabricated civil structures. The latter may also have industrial purposes. The cold resistance of the material is quite high, as is its waterproofing ability.

Characteristics of fiberboard

When choosing insulation for your home, you should pay attention to fiberboard, which is thin and narrow wood shavings called wood wool. Cement or a magnesite component is added to them, which ultimately makes it possible to obtain fiberboard. It is offered for sale in the form of slabs.

The material is resistant to biological and chemical influences, provides excellent noise protection and can be used in wet conditions, such as swimming pools. This home insulation has a density reaching 500 kg/m3. The fire resistance of thermal insulation is quite high. The thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.1 W/(m K).

Purpose and use of fiberboard

Fiberboard is used for thermal insulation of coatings and walls, and structural - for frame walls, partitions and ceilings, but only in dry conditions. Today, the main use of fiberboard is in the installation of permanent formwork during construction.

The slabs are not removed, according to the principle of some other types of formwork, they perform a constructive function and become a component of the wall or ceiling. As for the features of use, the slabs are installed parallel at a certain distance, which will determine the thickness of the wall. After fastening, the foundation is filled with mortar, most often concrete. Then the system of liquid mixture and formwork is left until it hardens.

Characteristics of ecowool

Ecowool is made from waste from paper and cardboard production. If you use waste paper for this, the material will not be of such high quality. It will become dirty faster, and will also be heterogeneous. Among other important characteristics, sound insulation should be highlighted, which in this case is very high. A layer 1.5 cm thick will absorb 9 dB of extraneous noise.

The thermal insulation ability is also impressive, but the downside is that it decreases during operation. Over time, ecowool loses up to 1/5 of its volume. It absorbs moisture well, this parameter can reach 15% of the volume. When laying using the continuous spraying method, there are no seams, which is a definite advantage.

Purpose and use of ecowool

The coating is widely used for sound and thermal insulation of various premises, which can have industrial, residential and public purposes. The material can be used for thermal insulation of facades, insulation of walls, roofs and attics. Mostly the work is carried out using the dry blowing method, but the material can be applied over existing insulation.

This roof insulation provides a seamless coating that solves the problem of icicles. Blowing involves the use of a special installation in which the cotton wool is loosened in a hopper and then fed through a hose with a nozzle. This method of application allows the material to penetrate into hard-to-reach areas, closing all cracks and gaps.

Cellulose roof insulation can be used during repair work of existing facilities and during the construction of new ones. Open blowing is used to insulate horizontal and inclined surfaces, among them the following should be highlighted:

  • floors;
  • attics;
  • interfloor ceilings;
  • ground floor.

Inorganic heat insulators: mineral wool

Mineral wool can be stone or slag. To produce the latter, slags formed during the casting of non-ferrous and ferrous metals are used. Stone wool is based on rocks, and a component based on phenol or urea is used to bind them. The first one is most suitable, because mineral wool in this case is less afraid of water than the one containing urea. The flammability of this material is zero.

It is able to resist the spread of fire, so it can be used as a means of fire protection. Chemical passivity is high, but hygroscopicity is low. The material is characterized by excellent sound absorption, so mineral wool is used very often as a sound insulator.

Some characteristics and purpose of insulation from the manufacturer "Rockwool"

When choosing Rockwool insulation, you will need to understand its varieties. Among others, LIGHT BUTTS SCANDIC should be highlighted. This material represents the best product in its class. It has a new level of quality and is used for private housing construction.

The price per square meter ranges from 81.59 to 244.72 rubles. The cost varies depending on the size of the slabs. In the first case, the product parameters are 800 x 600 x 50 mm, while in the second they are 1200 x 600 x 150 mm. Basalt insulation is lightweight hydrophobized stone wool slabs based on basalt rocks.

The product is unique, and its compression reaches 70%. Rockwool insulation has excellent recoverability. It retains its original characteristics in all respects. Another advantage of basalt insulation is the use of a unique technology, which provides for the ability of the slabs to be compressed on one side, providing springiness. Thanks to this, it is much easier to install the material on a metal or wooden frame.

Thermal insulation with foil coating: purpose and application

Foil insulation can be based on different materials. The use of this insulation depends on the properties of the place where the work will be carried out; The characteristics of the material itself also matter. When laying such a layer on the floor, it is possible to increase heat transfer from radiators and insulate air ducts and pipelines. An excellent effect can be achieved if you install foil insulation on entrance doors, balconies, verandas and in the entryway. Before installing such material, you should prepare small nails, a nail puller, a hammer and a construction stapler. Among other things, you will also need foil construction tape. The foil should be located inside. It is a reflector and will return thermal radiation inside. Sometimes thermal insulation is laid on the other side, but this effect can no longer be achieved.

Purpose of insulation brand "Izover"

Izover insulation is a material made of mineral wool. It is sold in slabs and rolls, and is also made from high-quality stone fiber. Thermal insulation is made from natural materials, including:

  • soda;
  • sand;
  • rocks;
  • limestone.

Using Izover insulation, you can achieve excellent thermal and sound insulation of buildings. This solution is used to insulate house facades, roofs and walls, and also acts as excellent thermal insulation for floors. Insulation with roll insulation allows you to obtain a low coefficient of thermal conductivity of the surface. The material has a special fiber structure, which provides excellent acoustic properties and reduces noise levels.

Thermal insulation for pipes

Many materials are used for pipes today, among which foamed polyethylene should be highlighted. This solution is highly resistant to aggressive environments and has impressive strength. This type of insulation for pipes is produced in the form of tubes of different diameters. The pores have a closed structure, which ensures that there is no absorption of moisture from the external environment.

Some brands of such insulation are foil-coated and are used to minimize heat loss. Insulation for pipes can also be represented by foamed polyurethane foam. This insulation is one of the most common today and is installed by spraying onto the surface, which ensures a tight fit to the surface. Polyurethane foam can withstand extremely high and low temperatures, while the properties are not reduced, and each cell remains sealed.

Thermal insulation from the manufacturer Technonikol

TechnoNIKOL insulation is represented by a material based on rocks of the gabbro-basalt group. By purchasing this thermal insulation, you are buying stone wool, which is a non-flammable material, and the fibers melt only at a temperature of 1000 °C and above. This thermal insulation provides sound-absorbing and acoustic properties of surfaces. Mineral thermal insulation includes:

  • glass wool;
  • stone wool;
  • slag wool

This TechnoNIKOL insulation in different types differs in the raw materials that are used in the production process.

The use of siding with thermal insulation

Siding with a layer of thermal insulation is installed in several stages. First, it is necessary to strengthen corner and side planks to the surface. Before starting this work, you need to make markings, draw lines that you will be guided by during the work process. After this, you can begin installing siding with insulation.

To do this, you need to use self-tapping screws that will be located around the entire perimeter of window and door openings. As for the latter, they are framed with planks so that installation of the cladding is not accompanied by difficulties. Afterwards you can start attaching the panels. You need to start from the bottom corner of the load-bearing wall.

Thermal insulation under plaster

Under plaster, you can use many different materials to insulate walls. Mineral wool, which has been popular for many years, is suitable for this. Foam plastic also acts as insulation for walls under plaster. However, it has a number of restrictions on use. This is expressed in low resistance to high temperatures. This applies even to the most modern types of foam, which contain special fire retardants.


On the modern market of building materials for thermal insulation of various surfaces, a huge variety of solutions are presented. Before making a choice, you must evaluate several factors, among others and the most important, you need to highlight the technical characteristics. The purpose and operating features of thermal insulation depend on them. If you do not comply with the requirements for the external environment when installing insulation, you may encounter low efficiency and the need to replace the thermal insulation layer.

Thermal insulation is an important and responsible process with which you can make your home warm and save on heating costs. Walls, roofs, and pipes can be insulated. But for each case there is its own option, the technological features of which must be taken into account when choosing them.

For external walls

External walls are an important element of every home, because they are entrusted with a load-bearing function and protection of the house from the negative influence of the environment.

Mineral wool

This material is considered one of the most popular for insulating walls both outside and inside. It's connected with . Installation of wool is carried out without a preliminary layer of vapor barrier between plasterboard slabs.

In the photo - mineral wool for insulation

For external walls it is worth using mineral wool in roll format. And although the material is low cost, it is very effective in terms of heat retention, durability and strength. The disadvantage of mineral wool is its ability to “breathe”. does not carry any harm and is completely safe.

Expanded polystyrene

This material is not inferior in popularity to mineral wool and is actively used for external thermal insulation. The popularity of this material lies in its high thermal and performance data. You can read more about it in our article.

In the photo - polystyrene foam for wall insulation

The advantages of insulation include:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • low steam and moisture throughput;
  • ease of installation;
  • light weight.

Polyurethane foam

This material for external insulation can be classified as universal. This is due to the fact that polyurethane foam has a cellular structure. The material can be used to insulate internal and external walls. The insulation has a thermal conductivity of 0.0125 W/mK. Polyurethane cells contain air or inert gas. They are hermetically sealed, due to which the material has excellent waterproofing capabilities.

The photo shows polyurethane foam for wall insulation

Foamed foil polyethylene

But what is the best insulation for facades under siding and how to choose it is described in this article:

But what kind of insulation for facade plaster is the most popular and how it is used will help you understand the information

Liquid ceramics

And although this insulation option is considered modern today, many developers are wary of it. Although the characteristics of the liquid heat insulator look impressive. Thermal conductivity is 0.01 W, and when the material dries, a single layer is formed that does not contain joints or crevices.

The photo shows liquid ceramics for insulating walls from the inside

The main advantage of liquid ceramics is that after its application there is no need to apply a finish. The resulting surface looks beautiful, thin and at the same time performs all the functions assigned to insulation. The only disadvantage of the material is that it has a high price. And you can read about which ones are used in the article.

For roofing

When erecting a roof, it is imperative to provide a layer of insulation. But now we’ll determine which one is most suitable.

Expanded polystyrene

This material has excellent thermal insulation and sound insulation qualities. But it cannot be used if there is a flat or soft roof.

In the photo - polystyrene foam for roofing

This is due to the fact that the material is vapor permeable and flammable. By using polystyrene foam, you can create excellent roof ventilation. But the information from this article will help you understand how to use it.

Polyurethane foam

The main advantage of this material is that it perfectly protects the roof from the penetration of cold. In addition, it is not affected by fire. Polyurethane foam can be applied to the roof in the most inaccessible places.

The photo shows polyurethane foam for roofing

In addition, with the help of this roofing insulation you can forget about joints and gaps. But what a shell for polyurethane foam pipes is, in detail with a photo, is described in this

Foam glass

This material is considered unique, because glass production waste is used in combination with carbon for its production.

The photo shows foam glass for roof insulation

The main advantages of insulation include:

  • non-flammability,
  • not afraid of steam and water,
  • not affected by rodents and microorganisms,
  • long service life;
  • excellent thermal insulation qualities,
  • resistance to deformation.

Which one is better to use for a wooden house?

Today on the modern market there are many thermal insulation materials that can be used to insulate a wooden house. When choosing, you need to take into account that the wooden surface can “breathe”. Otherwise, it will lead to the development of mold and mildew.

The following materials can be used to insulate wood:

  1. Jute.
  2. Tape tow.
  3. Expanded polystyrene.
  4. Mineral wool.
  5. Styrofoam.

A large selection of mineral wool makes you wonder which one is better: glass wool, stone wool or others.

Non-flammable types

If you need to choose a material that is not subject to combustion, but will still perform all the functions of a heat insulator, then you should pay attention to the following types:

  1. Glass wool. This material is characterized by high strength and elasticity. It is actively used when insulating heating pipelines. Glass wool is not negatively affected by UV rays.

    In the photo there is non-flammable glass wool:

  2. Expanded clay. The heat insulator is obtained by firing clay. It can be used when insulating complex or hard-to-reach surfaces. Has excellent thermal insulation properties. But which one is described in great detail in this article.

    In the photo, non-flammable expanded clay:

  3. Foam glass. This material belongs to inorganic insulation. It has a structure that resembles soap foam. In the production of heat insulators, coal and glass are used. Thanks to this, foam glass is able to withstand high temperatures. But what is the GOST for expanded clay concrete wall panels, information from

    In the photo, non-flammable foam glass material:

Foil types

Today you can purchase the following insulation with a foil layer:

  1. Minvata. This material is excellent for insulating surfaces that are constantly heated to high temperatures. Mineral wool is often used when laying pipes. But what technical characteristics of mineral wool currently exist and where it is used are described in this

    In the photo there is foil mineral wool:

  2. Foamed polyurethane foam. On one side it has a layer of aluminum. The material has excellent thermal insulation properties, despite the thin layer. It is much more effective than mineral wool.

    For photo-foiled polyurethane foam:

  3. Foil insulator. On one side it has a foil layer, and on the other there is a self-adhesive surface. The material is used as a vapor and waterproofing agent.

    For photo-foil insulation for insulation:

Basalt species

Basalt insulation- This is stone wool. Stands out good. The material is environmentally friendly and practical. It can be used when insulating the following surfaces:

Basalt insulation is classified based on density and form of release. Each of them has its own pros and cons. Basalt is produced in the form of a roll, mat or scattering.