Do-it-yourself veranda for a child made of wood. Construction of a veranda to the house with your own hands. Time frame for constructing a veranda on your own

Do-it-yourself veranda for a child made of wood. Construction of a veranda to the house with your own hands. Time frame for constructing a veranda on your own

With the arrival of spring, the busy time begins for arranging the territory at the dacha, near a country house or a quiet city courtyard. Reasonable parents do not wait for the city authorities to remember the promises of a playground, but begin to independently build a children’s sandbox. There are a lot of good ideas - from simple wooden boxes and bald tires with sand for children to real masterpieces in landscape design.

Sandbox in the form of a ship with an awning

The sandbox is the main attribute of children's games in the warm season.

Main advantages:

  • children are passionate about play and require less attention;
  • It’s convenient for parents to watch their kids while going about their daily duties;
  • playing together develops children's communication skills and camaraderie;
  • playing with sand develops children's motor skills and helps them develop an understanding of three-dimensional shapes;
  • A fun activity for a long stay outdoors.

Sandbox frame

Attention parents! The main conditions for long-term children's play under the summer sun are an awning or canopy, children wearing light hats. The sandbox should be located in an open area so that the kids do not fall out of sight, but where there are no drafts.

What you need to know about sand for children's games?

Not every filler is suitable for a children's sandbox. Ideally, coarse-grained quartz or river sand, free of inclusions. No matter how clean it may look, the sand is first sifted to remove shards of glass and fragments of the valves of river mollusks, and the remains of rotting organic matter.

Square wooden sandbox

Suitable sand is clean and free-flowing when dry, wet, and molds well. This filler warms up well in the sun and is unsuitable for the development of small animals. Quarry sand with a large inclusion of soil or clay is less suitable for these purposes.

Sandbox in the shape of a boat with sun protection

Over time, the wind carries street dust, construction debris, fallen leaves with insects, and soil particles from gardens and orchards sprayed with chemicals into the sandboxes. The volume of filler in the sandbox also decreases; usually the sand is carried by children beyond the sides. Therefore, it is advisable to change it when it gets dirty and replenish it periodically, and the old one can be sprinkled on garden paths.

DIY sandbox in the shape of a truck

Advice. When the children are away from the dacha, make a sand slide and cover it with a tarpaulin or thick film, securing it in the corners with something heavy.

Children's sandbox with roof

Should I buy a ready-made sandbox or build it myself?

A common yard is not a place for bright, expensive objects that can be carried away by freebie lovers. A city playground is usually equipped with a simple sandbox of a square or rectangular shape made of wood with sides painted with oil paint.

Children's sandbox

In the private sector, at the dacha or in any protected area, you can equip an entire children’s playground and afford expensive decor. If there is no one in the family to build even the simplest box for sand, then they buy a suitable container in a children’s supermarket or order it online.

Sandbox in the form of a truck

Some construction companies engaged in the construction of objects from rounded timber will, at the request of the owners, make not only a house. You can order an original sandbox, a pirate town, or a whole children's play complex with slides and houses. Or you can make children’s sandboxes with your own hands – photos and ideas will help bring an interesting project to life.

Square red sandbox

A homemade play area has the following advantages:

  • it is a source of pride for the head of the family in front of friends and neighbors;
  • the remains of timber, wooden boards, plywood, plastic bottles, bald tires and other material suitable for this undertaking were added to the work;
  • the most economical option;
  • the ability to choose the appropriate type of sandbox.

Children's sandbox in the shape of a boat

A bright plastic container for sand from the store is, one might say, a forced purchase, for example, when there are no men’s hands in the house.

The construction of a wooden rectangle is accessible even to a novice craftsman who does not have woodworking machines and tools. It is recommended to order parts for a homemade children's sandbox from the nearest carpentry shop and assemble them at the dacha using a screwdriver or a multi-tool. Finally, sand and paint with non-toxic paint.

Sandbox with sun protection

Another simplest way is to dig vertically in a circle wooden posts from neatly sawn trunks of dry trees.

If the structure is made from stumps of different heights, children will happily use them to run around the sandbox.

Sandbox in the form of a house

It is much less common to make a sandbox from solid logs connected around the perimeter. This is a good option for resting a piece of dry fallen wood. Children will be much more comfortable if comfortable seats are attached on top of the logs.

Tires that have become unusable are also widely used as a container for sand. Rubber from a large diameter wheel is an ideal option for a summer house if the container is intended for one child to play in the sand. From scraps of several tires in the shape of a flower or a polygon, make a sandbox for 2-3 kids with your own hands. Only it must be painted so that the rubber heated in the sun does not evaporate the unpleasant odor.

Wooden sandbox in the yard

Where to install the sandbox

The choice of place for children's activities is determined by several factors.

Folding sandbox

The best ideas for building a children's sandbox with photos

The design of the play area with bulk material is often equipped not just in the shape of a circle or square with triangular benches in the corners. If you apply a little imagination and skill, spend a little more time and building materials, the courtyard will be decorated with an original, recognizable object.

Construction of a children's sandbox with an awning

Boys really like sandboxes in the form of cars. The box with sand is made into a rectangular shape, like the body of a truck. It is advisable to bury unnecessary tires on the sides. The cabin is attached to the end side of the tank, preferably on the south side - it also serves as protection from the sun.

Small sandbox made of wood with an awning

Inside the plywood cabin there is a “dashboard” with a steering wheel and comfortable seats made of plastic or wood. The outside is painted as your imagination dictates, not forgetting about the headlights. Whether to make doors or not is at the discretion of the parents.

No less popular are “yachts” and “ships” with sand for children’s games.

The options are varied:

  • a real boat (it could be an old, leaky punt) as a container for loose play material;
  • a pentagonal elongated sandbox, where the “bow of the yacht” is lined with boards, where it will be convenient to sit down and lay out sand “cakes”;
  • a multi-level structure in the shape of a pirate ship with sails, ropes, slides and a steering wheel;
  • a simple children's sandbox with the bow of a ship and a “cabin” behind, where children can play like in a house.

Children's sandbox

Teremok is one of the most popular ideas, and everyone embodies it in their own way, depending on the skill and the building materials at hand.

A miracle island with a palm tree and sides made of plastic bottles - such a sandbox should be in the shade, since the “palm tree” itself is not enough.

Construction of a children's sandbox made of wood

A fungus in the form of a canopy over a sandbox is a “classic” form, but its shadow usually falls outside the container.

A multi-level labyrinth made of wooden chocks combining several separate reservoirs with sand is a convenient option for a family with several children. This will minimize the “possessive” ambitions of children.

Sandboxes of any arbitrary shape are also suitable for children's games if they are equipped with:

  • tent;
  • visor;
  • canopy

What is important to know about paint

Paints and impregnations for wood processing are selected that are non-toxic and quick-drying. It is advisable to construct wooden sides from pre-prepared timber. Painting is also done at least a week before the baby and his mother move to the dacha, so that the varnish or paint has time to dry by this time and does not stick to the child’s hands.

Small sandbox with canopy

Ideally, use eco-paint based on natural resins. Facade paint and other suspensions for exterior work resist rain and temperature changes well, but they are toxic, especially the first days after treatment. Nitroenamel is toxic, but dries quickly. Oil and acrylic paints are most often used to decorate a children's sandbox.

The sides can be colored or plain, but you can paint funny scenes on the seats. It could be a fun zoo or little hands, little people, or a road for toy cars carrying sand to a construction site among the forest and houses.

Small sandbox with sand protection and awning

The simplest options for building a sandbox with your own hands

For any configuration of the playing area for sand, you need to prepare the bottom and remove the turf layer. Once upon a time, no one was involved in arranging the lower level of the sandbox, but today sanitary standards dictate their conditions. In addition, earthworms crawl from the upper layers of soil into wet sand after a rainstorm. Various microorganisms and helminth eggs can get into the loose substrate.

Sandbox in the form of a boat with an awning

Therefore, it is advisable to make an intermediate layer around the perimeter of the bottom according to the following principle:

  • stretch agrofibre, plastic film or old tarpaulin, make holes in the corners for the drainage of rain, filling the sides to the brim;
  • lay out a layer of broken porous bricks or remnants of paving slabs;
  • The base of the sandbox is strengthened in the corners, where “legs” should be attached for digging into the ground.

Small sandbox with sand protection

Common ways to make a sandbox with your own hands.

  1. The sides for bulk children's "construction" material are made from inverted plastic bottles, the containers are filled with soil, sand or clay, they are dug into the ground in a circle or in the shape of a rectangle, the containers are braided with thick wire to ensure the integrity of the structure.
    Although this is a good alternative to wooden sides, children need wooden benches for laying out the sand figures and for sitting.
  2. Tires from heavy trucks, adapted for a children's sandbox, are another simple way to arrange a playground. Using large slate nails, the lower edge of the rubber is secured to a compacted area, the upper edge is carefully cut off, leaving enough space for a seat, the outer surface of the tires is painted in a bright color, a tarpaulin or film is placed on the bottom and covered with sifted sand, it is advisable to place a table and a bench next to it, and stretch awning
  3. A rectangular sandbox made of wood with your own hands is a classic option. You will need 4 identical pieces of board approximately 1.5 m each and up to 25 cm wide, 4 wedge-shaped bars of 40 cm each, 4 triangular pieces of wood. A children's sandbox can be made from prepared pieces of wood in 2-3 hours. Connect the boards for the sides at right angles with wedge-shaped bars using a screwdriver so that the flat edge of the bars is flush with the board, and the pointed one protrudes, connect all 4 corners and securely fasten the bars; when turned upside down, it should look like a low table with short legs. Then you need to prepare the site (remove the turf layer, lay brick or stretch agrofibre), dig small recesses for the pegs of the sides, put the sandbox in its place and dig in the base, nail the seats in the corners. Now you need to sand all the wooden surfaces well so that children do not get splinters while playing, paint the sandbox, and fill it with sand after drying. The last step is to attach a beach umbrella or awning next to the sandbox. If you have skills in working with wood, then it is better to make a canopy in the shape of a fungus. The height should be such that adults can easily enter under it.

Wooden sandbox with backrests

Additional equipment for the children's play area - benches or a table with a bench, wooden figurines or garden decor, a box for children's equipment and molds. The site can be improved by adding new elements. As the child grows up, some things will have to be removed and new elements and accessories added.

Video: How to make a children's sandbox yourself

50 photos of DIY children's sandbox ideas:

For active recreation and physical development of children, the presence of a children's sandbox is a very important point. This type of construction is found in almost all playgrounds, parks, and private areas. The stores offer a huge assortment of different models of children's sandboxes, made in various ideas. In addition, you don’t have to buy a sandbox; you can make it yourself. What is needed for this? Read the recommendations listed below.

Varieties of children's sandboxes with your own hands

A good sandbox will not go unnoticed by little playful people, especially if it is colorful and multifunctional. Plastic, wood or metal can be used as a material for the manufacture of this type of structure; based on the choice, types of children's sandboxes are also distinguished.

This is not the only principle for dividing children's sandboxes into types. The criteria for dividing this equipment include:

  • mobility;
  • shape;
  • design;
  • integrity;
  • presence of bottom, etc.

1 - According to the first criterion, stationary and portable sandboxes are distinguished. The second type is most often used by private owners. The structures are removed for storage in the winter.

2 - In shape, places for playing with sand can be round, rectangular, square, with the use of individual additions (benches, tables, etc.).

3 - The design of the sandbox can be open or closed (presence of a canopy). The second option is more popular and more practical, as it protects children from direct sunlight, and sand from the effects of precipitation of various types.

4 - Monolithic and collapsible children's sandboxes are known. In terms of practicality, the second option is still better. Typically, collapsible structures consist of several component elements that are quite simply connected to each other.

5 - According to this criterion, children's sandboxes are either equipped with a bottom or not. Designs with a bottom are distinguished by their relatively small size and can be transported. The advantage of the second type is the possibility of increasing in volume, however, such sandboxes cannot be transported.

How to make a sandbox drawing with your own hands

Pediatricians and psychologists write a lot about how playing with sand has a beneficial effect not only on the physical development and motor skills of children, but also calms and balances mental health. Therefore, having a children's sandbox in the yard is mandatory and useful. Having decided on the shape and design of the future gaming installation, at the initial stage it is best to make a drawing of the sandbox. Some craftsmen note that in addition to drawings, they also create models of future buildings. It is worth remembering that a correctly drawn up drawing can neutralize the appearance of many inconsistencies. Also at this point in the work, it is worth paying attention to the ease of use, safety and hygiene of the sandbox. Experts give practical advice to inexperienced craftsmen: start with the simplest, standard design, which will require an earthen area of ​​2 * 2 meters.

When creating a drawing of a future workpiece, it is worth considering the presence of a canopy or fungus in the sandbox, as well as the location of its installation.

Basic materials for sandboxes

We have already mentioned the main materials that are used to make children's sandboxes above, but there are still some points that require attention. Of course, each owner chooses the material for a children’s installation based on its availability, financial capabilities, and the actual idea of ​​the project. In addition to wooden, plastic and metal sandboxes, there are structures made from car tires, lined with plastic bottles, etc. Any design one way or another has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, having chosen wood as the main material, you need to take maximum care of its polishing and processing, so children can easily drive away a splinter.

Other wood materials require treatment with antifungal agents during operation, as well as the use of various types of glue, etc., which, when exposed to the sun, can emit both an unpleasant odor and other harmful fumes. Wooden sandboxes are considered the safest for children.

Plastic and metal buildings, which are characterized by ease of use and low cost of purchased materials, have become no less practical. However, the choice remains up to the personal preferences of the owners.

The advantage of using plastic is that it does not require regular painting and other improvement processes. Having purchased a ready-made installation, you do not need to call specialists for installation, since plastic sandboxes are simple and practical to use. The disadvantages of plastic include the fact that in the open air, due to the influence of the sun and precipitation, this material quickly changes color and is considered short-lived.

As for metal structures for playing with sand, they are considered less safe, since the metal heats up very quickly and quite strongly in the sun, and can lead to burns on the body of children. When exposed to moisture, metal is prone to rust and requires regular painting. The advantage of metal is its ability to last for a long time.

In this article we will focus on wooden installations for sand games. Unlike metal installations, wooden ones do not heat up in the sun and are considered absolutely safe for the health of children. In addition, with proper care, wooden sandboxes can last for quite a long period of time.

As a working tool you will need:

  • wooden boards;
  • saw;
  • roulette;
  • agrofibre;
  • hammer and stapler;
  • drill;
  • varnish for wood processing, etc.

How to make a roof for a sandbox with your own hands

Sandboxes containing so-called fungus are considered practical and safe, especially on hot summer days. How to properly think through it and build it with your own hands will be discussed in more detail below. So, the canopy over the sandbox can be made in various shapes, the main thing is that it matches the dimensions of the planned frame and the selected sandbox model.

Option 1.

Most often there are mounted mushrooms, which are made step by step.

Step 1. To install the leg, i.e. the supports of our canopy will need to dig a hole at least one meter deep. This will allow the structure to be buried securely and motionlessly, creating safety for children. We use timber as material for the legs, which is best treated with an antiseptic solution during the work process.

Step 2. The prepared boards are connected to each other in the shape of a triangle, which are additionally sheathed with either plywood or plastic. At this stage you will need nails, screws, a drill, and a hammer.

Step 3. The finished leg and cap of the sandbox are connected to each other and secured in the hole. Experts recommend using the method of wedging the legs using additional stones. Some craftsmen resort to using concrete mortar, while the leg itself is initially installed on a base of crushed stone or gravel.

Option 2.

The roof for the sandbox can also be hipped. This type of canopy will require more time and materials to produce.

To install such a structure, it is necessary to dig not one, but four holes, so we will have 4 end elements. To make the hinged part, it is better to use an edged board, which is poured onto the cranial bars, with a cross-section of 50*50 mm.

Considering the overall dimensions of the sandbox, it is better to mount the hinged part 20-25 centimeters larger. This will prevent moisture from penetrating into the structure.

How to make a frame for a sandbox correctly

Of course, the frame for the sandbox can be made in various shapes and sizes, but we will consider the simplest and most uncomplicated option, which will allow us to consider the main stages of this process and on the basis of which more complex models can be made. So, the construction of any sandbox begins with preparing the site, and then manufacturing and installing the frame. It is very important that the place chosen for the playground with sand is:

  • safe;
  • clearly visible;
  • easily accessible;
  • with no drafts;
  • away from the roadway, etc.

When the above nuances are taken into account, you can proceed to preparing the earthen area, which must be cleared, sized to fit the dimensions of the sand installation, leveled, compacted and arranged for strength with agrofibre or geotextile.

To assemble a square or rectangular frame, you can use both wide and narrow boards. To avoid the proliferation of bacteria and harmful fungi, the tree must be treated with a special product.

All wooden structural elements must first be cleaned with a grinding machine or sandpaper, since for the benefit of children, the wood should be as smooth and safe as possible.

For future reliable installation, special legs are additionally made to the finished wooden frame, which are driven into the ground using a large hammer, thus fixing the base.

For a more aesthetic appearance, as well as to protect the material, it is customary to open the frame with wood varnish, or you can paint it with multi-colored paints, embodying various children's ideas.

According to the advice of experts in making sandboxes with their own hands, the dimensions of the structure should be designed for at least three children.

To create the most hygienic conditions, it is better to install sandboxes away from trees. This aspect also implies the presence of a removable cover, which is installed when not in use. It is recommended to use the idea of ​​a country cover with a sponsor, which easily turns into benches and allows children to sit comfortably in a play area.

When creating even the simplest design, try to combine shapes, materials, colors and ideas, then your children will simply be delighted with the sandbox made for them with their own hands.

Sandbox installation and permanent installation

The above processes for making a sandbox with your own hands can be supplemented with a few more installation and installation points. Definitely require attention: the presence of beekeepers in the sandbox and the manufacture of the bottom of the installation.

To protect against moisture in sandboxes, a sand cushion is used, on top of which, as a bottom, it is recommended to lay either plywood or polyethylene; even paving slabs are used.

As for the sides on the sandbox, they block the filler from pouring out of the structure, thus performing an economical function. To make beads for a classic sandbox, you need to prepare wooden boards and bars. With the right layout, children will also find it comfortable to sit on them.

Having installed sandboxes, you should not forget about regular maintenance:

  • repaint annually;
  • monitor the condition of toys;
  • close the lid in a timely manner;
  • control the penetration of animals and insects into the sandbox.

For more detailed information on this material, watch the video:

A children's sandbox is a useful element in the country house. While the parents are busy with the garden, the child has fun making Easter cakes and building castles. Even an amateur craftsman can make a sandbox at the dacha with his own hands.

Types of sandboxes

By type of material: wood and plastic

Photo example of a classic wooden sandbox for children

Traditional wooden sandboxes familiar to us since childhood. Making such a stationary structure in the form of a square box is not difficult. It is a little more difficult to build a collapsible sandbox, the installation of which is carried out like a designer due to cuts of equal height and width. Other models of wooden sandboxes contain elements such as:
  • cover to protect from debris and rain. It could be a simple cap that needs to be removed and then put on each time.
  • a lid that transforms into a bench or shelf. Such a cover will become a very functional and convenient element.
  • polyethylene cover in the form of an umbrella or roof. The main thing here is to make it safe for the child.
    Wooden sandboxes are very convenient and environmentally friendly. However, the craftsman should carefully sand the boards, round the corners and edges, treat them with an antiseptic and varnish the surface. It is important to take all measures to prevent children from getting hurt.
  • Plastic sandboxes- a more modern trend. These are more complex and can be purchased ready-made. Plastic sandboxes are safe if they are made of high quality, harmless plastic.
  • Sometimes other materials are used to make a sandbox, for example, natural stone or brick. A significant disadvantage of this design is the high probability of injury.

    By type of placement: recessed and raised structures

    The first option is deepened into the ground to strengthen the foundation. In this case, be sure to make a drainage (15 cm) from pebbles and stones. This is necessary to ensure that moisture does not accumulate in the structure after rain. The drainage layer is covered with agrofibre or dense polyethylene, in which holes are made every 10 cm. Such a foundation will serve as an obstacle to the penetration of various insects from the ground and the germination of grass.

    Raised structures require low sides (380-400 mm), which will allow the baby to climb into the sandbox himself. Half of the sides are filled with sand.

    Sandbox planning and placement: basic requirements

    When planning a sandbox, a key principle to consider is the safety of the structure. However, other points are also important:

    • Sandbox location. Choose a place so that the child is always within sight of adults. The best place is opposite the kitchen windows. Do not build a structure next to trees. Firstly, there will always be garbage in it (dry branches, leaves, bird droppings); secondly, because of the shade, the sand will take a long time to dry after rain. If the place you choose is located in the sun, then you should include the installation of a canopy in the project.
    • Sand quality. It is best to purchase white river sand at a hardware store. Ordinary construction sand can ruin a baby's clothes and hands. In addition, it should be sifted to remove foreign materials: stone, glass, construction waste.
    • Type, form of construction. Of course, the safest design is one that does not have sharp corners. However, even if the structure is rectangular in shape, you can round the corners or decorate them with soft material, for example, foam rubber. The structure with a canopy must be firmly strengthened so that the wind or a child does not knock it over.


    The location has been selected - you can mark the future sandbox. Wooden stakes and lacing are used for this. You should designate a square or rectangle, which will soon be transformed into a sand entertainment area.

    The size of the sandbox depends on the number of children playing in it at the same time. If there are 1-2 children, then the side of the square will be from 2 to 3 meters. This territory is quite enough for the free movement of children.

    When the construction site has already been marked, soil excavation can begin. It is important to do this so that the sand does not mix with the soil. Don’t go too deep: 15 cm is enough.

    Preparing the base

    In place of the selected soil, a sand cushion is poured with a layer of no more than 5 cm. It must be thoroughly compacted with a roller or a manual wooden tamper.

    The sand cushion is covered with geotextiles so that the sand itself does not mix with the cushion and soil. Thus, the sand will always be clean, without soil impurities. Interestingly, it can be placed nearby, which is suitable for both small children and older children.

    Construction of sides

    To build the sides you will need four bars measuring 45*5*5, four boards measuring 150*30*2.5 and the same number of boards for horizontal sides. They need to be placed on top along the perimeter of the structure. Boards and beams should be thoroughly sanded and coated with drying oil or other antiseptic solution (for example, bitumen) in 2-3 layers. This is required to protect the wood from rotting.

    The bars are deepened by 15-20 cm, boards are nailed to them, then horizontal seat covers are attached. Here children will relax or exhibit their “works”.


    River or quartz sand is poured up to half the height of the sides. If you use regular construction sand (which is not recommended), sift it and clear it of stones and other debris. Quartz sand often already contains substances that repel various bugs.

    When purchasing river sand, pay attention to the quality certificate. The sand must be dust-free so that after moistening it does not turn into dirt and is well shaped. If you cannot find such sand, be sure to wash any material you purchase.


    It is important that the wood is smooth, without knots or chips, so you need to sand it with a special attachment on an electric drill. The wood must be carefully processed. It is better to fasten the frame of the structure not with nails, so that children do not get hurt by them. The most important thing is to remember that this structure is being built for children, so everything needs to be done competently and thoroughly.

    Additional items

    A homemade sandbox can be equipped with additional functional elements.


    The lid will serve as an excellent protection for the playing material - sand - from debris and various insects getting into it. Thus, pets will not have access to the sandbox with a lid. Possible options are:

    • simple, which can be removed and put back in place at any time;
    • awning cover, which is stretched over the structure;
    • hinged lid, made of two shields. Wooden panels must be equipped with handles and special hinges. When extended, they can serve as benches with backs;
    • -transformer, which turns into a shelf or bench. It is convenient, practical, but will require a little more physical effort.


    Sun protection can be provided in the sandbox.

    A canopy in a children's sandbox is needed to protect the child from the scorching rays of the sun and sudden precipitation. A wooden canopy can be made in the form of an umbrella, a mushroom or a roof. To do this, install a leg - a beam 100*100 mm wide and 3 m long. A cap, umbrella or fungus is mounted on it. Often a table is installed nearby, which serves as a “working” surface for the child’s sand creations.

    The canopy can be made not only from boards, but also from plastic, polyethylene, straw or reed. But still, wooden canopies are the most reliable and safe.


    The design with a house and a slide is suitable for older children.

    Sandbox with a house - full-fledged. The house can be located next to the sandbox or above it. In the second case, you will need a ladder along which the children will climb to it. On the other hand, it is necessary to provide a slide along which you can go down straight into the sand. Of course, such constructions with a house are intended for older children. They will be unsafe for small babies.


    The role of benches can be played by the sides of the sandbox or a sliding lid that transforms into benches with backs. The last option is convenient and multifunctional.


    A children's sandbox can be built in the shape of a sailboat

    Everything that your imagination suggests can be brought into reality, armed with bright colors and brushes. You can draw on the walls, sides and lid of the sandbox not only flowers and trees, but also numbers, letters and geometric figures. It will not only be colorful, but also educational for children. will change a lot.

    The sandbox itself can be made in the form of a sailboat or boat, a spaceship or flying saucer, a turtle or any cartoon character. An interesting, truly boyish sandbox will be a structure made of wooden posts in the form of a labyrinth.


    Watch a video on how to make a wooden sandbox with a roof from scrap materials:

    So, building a sandbox at the dacha with your own hands is not an easy task, but an interesting one. You can choose any design model, take into account your child’s wishes, and most importantly, you can involve him in the activity. Working on the project and design of the sandbox will help bring the family together. Such a common cause will be remembered by everyone for a long time.