Ventilation diagram in modern apartment buildings. Ventilation for multi-storey residential buildings. Natural ventilation of multi-storey buildings

Ventilation diagram in modern apartment buildings.  Ventilation for multi-storey residential buildings.  Natural ventilation of multi-storey buildings
Ventilation diagram in modern apartment buildings. Ventilation for multi-storey residential buildings. Natural ventilation of multi-storey buildings

The ventilation scheme in a multi-storey building is laid out at the time of construction. Its design consists of many stages. Ventilation apartment buildings– mandatory requirement sanitary standards.

A mandatory requirement of sanitary standards is the installation of a ventilation system in apartment buildings

Air in living rooms ah must circulate continuously - this is the key healthy microclimate and comfort and safety of all residents apartment building.

The importance of ventilation in a multi-storey building

A multi-storey building is a place where a large number of people, families with children and pets live all year round. It is not worth talking about what kind of thermal atmosphere is maintained in them. They build buildings from sealed materials, insulate them, install plastic windows. These factors interfere with natural air exchange.

In each apartment of a multi-storey building, they wash the dishes every day, take a hot shower, do wet cleaning, and comb their hair. Pets often live: cats, dogs, rodents or parrots. To get rid of moisture evaporation, unpleasant odors, and dust, exhaust ventilation of multi-story residential buildings is simply necessary.

Air exchange contributes to the formation of a normal microclimate, protects the ceiling and walls from mold, and metal products from rusting.

A ventilation shaft in a high-rise building is provided for by engineers during design. The greatest attention is paid to air exchange in residential areas with increased evaporation.

Properly functioning ventilation is a necessity apartment building!

Requirements for general house ventilation

The ventilation system in an apartment building is designed to ensure the outflow of polluted air masses and a constant influx of new ones. Often residents high floors they feel insufficient draft, odors accumulate in the kitchen, and dust accumulates in the corners of the rooms. These signs indicate problems with the ventilation.

The following requirements are put forward for the ventilation system in high-rise buildings:

  1. Air exchange in the kitchen should be carried out at a speed of 60 cubic meters. m of air per hour, in the bathroom 25 cubic meters. m per hour.
  2. The air exchange rate in other living rooms should be a multiple of 0.2 of the total volume of the room.
  3. Air circulation must be continuous.
  4. Ventilation should not lead to a decrease in air temperature in the apartment.

Each of the requirements is taken into account when drawing up a ventilation scheme for a building construction project. Houses now and decades ago were built quickly, so there are shortcomings in the operation of ventilation. Over time, they get worse and interfere with air circulation. The owners of the apartments have to fix the problems. It is impossible to retrofit ventilation in a multi-storey building.

It is prohibited to re-equip the ventilation system in a multi-storey building

The principle of operation of ventilation in an apartment building

Ventilation is carried out naturally or mechanically. These types of ventilation can be organized in multi-storey buildings residential buildings and separate apartments.

How is ventilation arranged in an apartment building? It is designed according to two standard schemes. Knowledge of the arrangement of the air duct system will help to understand and correct problems in its functioning.

The first scheme consists of several sealed boxes. They are combined into one shaft, which ends above the roof of the building. Air from each floor exits into a horizontal box, from there through a common shaft into the external environment. In the second scheme, ventilation ducts lead to the attic. The attic acts as an intermediate chamber, with one shaft leading outside. Many new buildings have this type of duct plan.

Disadvantages in ventilation

The disadvantage of the horizontal box scheme is the presence of reverse draft. It appears if the lid in a horizontal box is installed too low. Residents of the upper floor suffer from reverse draft. There are two ways to eliminate the deficiency:

  1. Increasing the diameter of the box by 2.5 times, installing inside the “cuts”.
  2. Arrangement of ventilation ducts on the upper floors separately from common system, bring them into the shaft above the box.

All work must be carried out by professionals. Some channels on the upper floors require insulation.

The second ventilation design scheme has disadvantages:

  • weak draft on the upper floor;
  • Ventilation does not work when the attic doors are open.

The lack of operation of the air duct in the entrance of an apartment building can be eliminated by lengthening the outlets of the ducts. Pipes 1-1.5 meters long are put on them. The joints must be treated with sealing material.

Supply and exhaust ventilation in apartments

The natural system of air supply and removal is important for each individual apartment in a multi-storey building.

Air movement in the apartment is achieved using several simple techniques:

  1. Exhaust ducts of the general natural ventilation system have exits in baths, toilets and kitchens.
  2. Clean air enters the rooms through open windows and windows.
  3. So that air can move freely from room to room, under interior doors leave gaps (1–2 cm).

This ventilation plan for a residential apartment is very simple, but not always effective. Over time, the air exchange system becomes clogged and ceases to fully perform its functions. Residents are prohibited from cleaning the ducts themselves; this is done by teams of specialists.

In old buildings, natural ventilation occurs through cracks in window frames and under baseboards.

Forced ventilation in the apartment

The driving force in the operation of natural ventilation is the difference in temperature and pressure. Mechanical air exchange is carried out by special devices. There are several methods of mechanical ventilation of a living space:

  • kitchen hoods;
  • fans;
  • supply valves.

The fans are connected to a common exhaust duct. Supply valves are installed in walls or near windows. Depending on the type, the hood can be connected to ventilation or work as a filter.

If natural ventilation in an apartment building for some reason does not fulfill its functions, you need to install a hood in the kitchen, and fans in the bathroom and toilet. Supply valves can be installed in any room.

Kitchen hoods

A kitchen hood above the stove helps clean the air from burning, unpleasant odors and fumes. It is an important element of mechanical ventilation and fashion accessory. The hoods operate from batteries or mains power. Hoods are divided according to the principle of operation:

  1. Active type. It draws out dirty air and discharges it directly into the street or into a general ventilation duct.
  2. Passive type. Installed above the stove without connecting to ventilation, they filter the air.

If the hood is connected to the general house air duct system, it is prohibited to block the grille in the kitchen. It is better to choose units of medium power; they do not interfere with the functioning of the ventilation channel of the house. If the cleaning requirements are high, you can install a powerful hood, but take it outside.

Exhaust fans

The number and power of exhaust fans for an apartment is selected depending on its square footage. The shape and size of the equipment depends on exhaust openings. Fans are powered by electricity, so it is important that the room has constant access to power.

The exhaust fan is powered by electricity, so constant access to power is important

Fans are installed instead of exhaust grilles. The movement of the blades draws air from the room into the ventilation duct.

The fan can be started independently by plugging it into the network. Today there is automatic devices, which start working if the humidity in the room rises, this is controlled by special sensors.

Supply valves

The lack of fresh air in insulated houses with sealed plastic windows is very noticeable. This is harmful to the health of its inhabitants. Inlet valves will help solve the problem.

There are two types of air supply channels:

  1. Wall. They most often have a tubular shape, are mounted in the wall, connecting the air space of the apartment with the street.
  2. Window. Mounted in the crack of a plastic window.

It is preferable to install wall valves. You can do this yourself. They supply air more efficiently. Window valves can only be installed by specially trained people. Their productivity is low; it is impossible to install filters for air purification.

Ventilation of the basement of a residential building

Ventilation of an apartment building begins in the basement. From there there are air ducts to which all apartments in the entrance are connected.

Cellars multi-storey buildings– premises with high humidity. It can cause destruction of the house and rusting of communications. Therefore, it is very important to organize mechanical ventilation in the basement of a residential building.

High power exhaust fans can be used. It is better to entrust the installation of ventilation in the basement of an apartment building to professionals.

Cleaning natural ventilation in a high-rise building

Residents of high-rise buildings are prohibited from cleaning the general building ventilation themselves. This unsafe activity is performed only by specially trained organizations. At the first stage, the team diagnoses the operation of the air exchange system. A video camera records the location of channel blockages. Dirt is removed with a special pneumatic brush. The mine is also being disinfected.

You can check how the ventilation system works in your apartment yourself. To do this, you need to bring a burning candle to the grate. If the flame tends towards the ventilation, the air duct is working, and the problem can be corrected by cleaning.

You can dismantle the ventilation grilles in your apartment with your own hands. The adjacent area of ​​the shaft is cleaned of debris and soot using a vacuum cleaner. Grates must be washed during wet cleaning.

Ventilation in a multi-storey building plays key role in ensuring the safety and comfort of residents. Each apartment must have full access to air ducts. If there are problems with the ventilation, they can be eliminated with the help of specialists. Additional ventilation in residential buildings you can equip it yourself.

The easiest way to ensure air exchange in rooms is natural ventilation. It does not require energy consumption and finds wide application both in private and multi-storey construction. The comfort of living in a house depends on the quality of ventilation.

Human life activity is connected with various processes, which release water vapor, carbon dioxide, unwanted odors, tobacco smoke and other pollutants. Due to lack of ventilation, humidity in living spaces becomes excessive, resulting in the formation of mold and an unhealthy atmosphere with stale air. Without ventilation, you cannot install gas heating appliances, a fireplace or a stove.

Natural ventilation works due to the pressure difference between indoors and outdoors. Polluted air exits through the ventilation duct, and instead fresh outside air enters through leaks in windows and doors.

In apartment buildings, natural ventilation is predominantly used. In buildings with less than 5 floors, each apartment has its own ventilation duct. Sometimes these channels can be common, but they connect apartments across floors. Such ventilation ducts have access to the roof.

IN multi-storey buildings, where there are more than 5 floors, there is simply not enough space to locate all the ventilation outlets from each apartment on the roof. Therefore, all individual ventilation ducts there are combined into one common one, which in turn goes out onto the roof. This system complies with fire safety regulations and is also more compact than a system of individual ducts.

Most often, ventilation ducts in the attic exit into a box made of gypsum slag boards, from where the exhaust air is released into the atmosphere. For efficient work natural ventilation, the attic must be warm enough, otherwise the air will cool and thicken, which will cause the so-called. circulation reversal.

In brick walls, ventilation ducts are made in the form of shafts specially left in the masonry. Their cross section is usually a multiple of half a brick. In this case, the minimum cross-section is considered to be 140×140 mm. Some projects do not allow for channels to be made in the internal walls, so it is necessary to build attached structures, the minimum cross-section of which is considered to be 100x150 mm.

In panel and block houses ventilation ducts are placed in a special ventilation panel with round or square holes inside. Channel diameter round section is 150 mm.

Each functional room (in apartments this is the kitchen, bathroom and toilet) must be equipped with a separate ventilation duct. It is not recommended to combine them with a common hood, because... the distribution of air flow will be disrupted. The beginning of the channel is formed by a ventilation grille, adjustable (with a valve and movable blinds) or non-adjustable.

One of the main advantages of natural ventilation is the lack of energy consumption during its operation. To maintain such a system, you only need to keep the channels clean. The disadvantage is the need for a relatively large cross-section of ventilation ducts compared to forced exhaust, as well as dependence on weather and wind. It is believed that the radius of natural ventilation is limited to 6-8 meters.

A condition for good draft in the ventilation duct is a lower outside temperature compared to the temperature in the ventilated room. When outside temperatures rise above +5°C, the ventilation intensity gradually begins to decrease and disappears at +25°C. A further increase in outside temperature can cause reverse draft, but in the warm season, when the windows are open, this is not dangerous - the main thing is that there is air exchange.

The draft in the ventilation duct is also affected by the air permeability of window and door sills, the height of the house, the floor of the apartment, the layout and connection with the staircase-elevator unit.

Natural ventilation works best in apartments oriented towards two opposite sides, provided that the system is installed without errors. Moreover, it will work most of the year, and not just the most cold period. And yet, in hot weather summer days Natural ventilation can only be provided strong wind. Otherwise everything kitchen smells you will have to ventilate through open windows. The disadvantage of ventilation is that odors can end up in living areas where they are undesirable.

Some multi-story houses equipped with a fan located in the technical floor. The motor of this fan is spring-loaded, and thanks to this it does not cause disturbance to residents of the upper floors. The presence of forced exhaust does not allow such ventilation to be called natural.

In developed countries, mechanical ventilation in multi-storey buildings is rather a rule rather than an exception. Such a system does not depend on weather conditions and time of year. But it requires the mandatory installation of supply air valves on window frames. In Russia there are also houses with roof fans. These are houses of the I-700A series. However, during operation they did not prove themselves to be the best side. Basically, the problem of air exchange is noted there due to non-working roof fans. But shortcomings in the design and installation of the system were also identified.

The problem of insufficient draft in natural ventilation channels can be solved by installing an axial fan in place of a conventional ventilation grille. However, such fans are not allowed to be used in rooms with gas water heaters and boilers with open camera combustion. Forced exhaust can cause backdraft in the chimney.

Ventilation system calculation

The dimensions and cross-section of ventilation ducts are calculated based on air exchange standards in residential and utility premises. Thus, the air speed in the channels during natural ventilation is no more than 1-2 m/s. This allows you to determine the required cross-section of the ventilation duct, knowing that according to the standards, 60 m³ (electric stove) and 90 m³ (gas stove) should be removed from the kitchen; 25 m³ per hour should be removed from the toilet and bathroom, and if the bathroom is combined, then at least 25 m³ per hour. However, if at least one of the ventilation ducts is equipped with a fan, then the operation of the system will be unbalanced. And although the regulations do not directly prohibit doing this, it is nevertheless better to consult with specialists when installing a hood.

Organization of air flow

Traditional wooden joinery, which is known to many from the Soviet past, was not airtight, due to which it released a sufficient amount of air necessary for normal air exchange. But after the massive replacement of old wooden windows Complaints about poor ventilation have become more frequent against plastic ones in housing offices and management companies. And this is not surprising, because natural ventilation cannot function without inflow. And plastic windows with double-glazed windows, in the absence of ventilators and participation from residents, practically do not allow air to pass in either direction.

The reason for this problem is that sealed double-glazed windows were originally developed for houses with mechanical ventilation. As a result, a very contradictory situation arises when we are first told that it is necessary to replace the windows with energy-saving ones, but in the end it turns out that their tightness becomes unnecessary. But there is a way out - you need to order windows with built-in aerators - special supply valves. These valves, working for inflow, make it possible to regulate the incoming air flow until it is blocked. Aerators should be embedded in the window frames of the kitchen and other rooms communicating through the doorway with hoods. There is no need to install them on glazed balconies, since the balcony block will interfere with the regulation of inflow.

The aerator is mounted at the top of the window so that the cold incoming air is directed to the ceiling and mixed with the warmest air. If you install supply valves at the bottom of the window, then cold air flows down the windowsill and forms a cold layer near the floor.

Air valves, as a rule, worsen the sound insulation of a window with a sealed double glazed unit. But there are special valves with increased sound insulation.

The need for room ventilation mainly arises when there is an excess of humidity. Therefore, in addition to conventional valves with manual adjustment Window companies are also ready to offer valves with automatic adjustment that respond to increased humidity. Such valves help save heat in the house, since they are covered when no one is home, and therefore no water vapor is released.

Number of valves. For a room with an area of ​​15-20 m², one supply valve is sufficient with a ceiling height of up to 3 m. With an increase in area, one more valve should be added for every 15 m².

Ventilation duct communication problem

Surely residents of Soviet-era apartment buildings are familiar with the situation when “neighborhood” odors enter the apartment. This is especially felt if people do not smoke, but tobacco smoke enters their apartment; or if they are not cooking, and the neighbors below are standing at the stove.

The reason for the penetration of odors lies in the presence of combined ventilation ducts and bad traction in them. If the draft is insufficient, and the neighbors below also have a kitchen hood inserted into the ventilation duct on, then, of course, you will have all the smells. In this case, you can turn off your own hood, but this is not the best option. In accordance with building regulations, it is impossible to combine the ventilation ducts of the last two floors, and the lower ones can only be combined through a floor. If this norm is not violated, but odors still occur, then the cause may be depressurization of the ventilation duct, as a result of which it began to communicate with the neighboring one. Under certain conditions, exhaust air can penetrate through the openings that appear between adjacent ventilation ducts, and from there into your home.

It is quite difficult to combat this phenomenon, but it is possible. It is best to contact specialists who will inspect the ventilation duct of your apartment using a Ridgid inspection camera. If damage to the walls is found in the canal, the designated areas are repaired. If the channels are in order, then the matter is most likely due to incorrect design of the ventilation system. To get rid of foreign odors in your apartment, along with which carbon monoxide can also penetrate, you will have to take drastic measures - install a separate ventilation duct or, at worst, combine the ventilation of the kitchen and bathroom.

Ventilation in an apartment building is planned, designed and developed during the construction phase of the house. All system parameters are calculated according to regulatory documents depending on the characteristics of the building (number of floors, noise level, degree of air pollution), room parameters. The main condition for designing a ventilation system is to provide the necessary comfortable stay people air exchange (inflow of fresh air and outflow of polluted air).

Ventilation of apartment buildings built in the 20th century was based on natural draft. Today, most residential apartment buildings have a forced air exchange system.


In the process of human activity into indoor air residential buildings steam, sweat, lint, wool, odors from cooked food and from the toilet are released. If ventilation in a multi-storey residential building is absent or works poorly, all these substances remain in the rooms, creating favorable conditions for mold formation and fungal growth. Such an environment is dangerous for people’s health; it is especially difficult for asthmatics, young children, and the elderly. Dampness and mold lead to property damage.

Problems that ventilation must solve:

  • Removing dirty air along with dust and other impurities.
  • Influx of clean fresh air.
  • Maintaining optimal humidity, preventing dampness.

As a rule, dirty air is removed from the bathroom and kitchen and supplied Fresh air to residential premises.
Signs of non-functioning (ineffective) ventilation:

  • When the kitchen window is open while cooking, odors penetrate into the living rooms.
  • The flame of a lit candle, match, or lighter brought to the ventilation grille is not drawn into the hole.
  • A piece of thin paper brought to the ventilation grille is not attracted, but falls (if the ventilation is working well, it should remain on the wall).

  • The windows in the apartment fog up.
  • From time to time there is an unpleasant odor in the rooms, kitchen, and bathroom.

Ventilation systems

The main elements of the ventilation system in an apartment building are:

  • Air ducts (channels).
  • Ventilation lines.
  • Air distributors (grills, diffusers).

There are three types of ventilation systems used in apartment buildings:

1. Natural. It works due to the difference in temperature, pressure inside and outside the room. Clean air penetrates into the apartment through cracks in the wall structure, open vents, windows, front door. The lighter, warm exhaust air rises and is forced out through the ventilation grilles into the ventilation shaft. In the attic, polluted air is collected and discharged outside through the roof.

This is the simplest, cheapest ventilation system, its maintenance is minimal, due to which the natural system is widespread. But recently, the use of natural ventilation often turns out to be ineffective. The reason is the installation of highly sealed windows and doors, which results in insufficient air flow. Briefly opening windows does not improve the situation much. Therefore, other ventilation systems are increasingly being used in modern homes.

2. Forced mechanical ventilation. Both air supply and removal are carried out using blowers (fans).

3. Combined system. There are two possible options for such a system:

3.1. The air inflow is natural, the outflow is mechanical.

3.2. Inflow using a built-in fan, outflow natural.

Parameters of ventilation system elements, materials from which they are made, air parameters in residential and non-residential premises(temperature, air mobility) are regulated by SNiP for ventilation of residential buildings. All parameters must be met construction organization at the stage of construction and commissioning of a residential building.

What to do if the ventilation does not work?

If there are signs of non-functioning ventilation in the apartment, it means that the system is clogged. In this case, you need to contact the service organization. Ventilation repairs in apartment buildings are carried out by specialists. All you can do yourself is remove the grate and clean the opened space with a broom or vacuum cleaner. In some cases this is enough.

Specialists check the operation of the system, identify areas of accumulation of dust and debris that impede normal air movement. By using special equipment the mine is being cleaned. You can improve ventilation in a separate apartment by using an exhaust fan and (or) supply valves in the windows.

Ventilation for Multistory Residential Buildings

N. A. Shonina, engineer, Senior Lecturer at Moscow Architecture Institute

Keywords: exhaust ventilation system with natural activation, hybrid ventilation system, air exchange, deflector, ejection system

Sustainable operation of the ventilation system has a substantial impact on achievement and maintenance of comfortable indoor air parameters. The article discusses methods for stabilization of exhaust ventilation systems’ operation in residential buildings that do not lead to significant increase in capital costs during their construction and require minimum operating costs.


The stable operation of the ventilation system has a significant impact on the creation and maintenance of comfortable parameters of indoor air. The article discusses ways to stabilize work exhaust system ventilation of residential buildings that do not lead to a significant increase in capital costs for their installation and require minimum costs during operation.

Ventilation for multi-storey residential buildings

N. A. Shonina, art.

teacher at Moscow Architectural Institute, otvet@site

The stable operation of the ventilation system has a significant impact on the creation and maintenance of comfortable parameters of indoor air. The article discusses ways to stabilize the operation of the exhaust ventilation system of residential buildings, which do not lead to a significant increase in capital costs during their installation and require minimal costs during operation. In multi-storey residential buildings in our country, the system is traditionally used exhaust ventilation with natural impulse, using gravitational pressure created by the difference in volumetric weights of heavier outside air and more lung internal . Moreover, through leaks or through special air passage devices for ventilation of the apartment, fresh outside air is supplied in a volume not less than the standard one, the heating of which is provided by the heating system. The air from the apartment is removed from “dirty” rooms, which include kitchens, toilets, bathrooms, laundry rooms, through vertical channels located in the internal partitions, with its independent release into the atmosphere in buildings of 5-6 floors or less.

In more tall buildings There was not enough space to accommodate individual ducts from each room, and exhaust ducts from individual rooms located above each other began to be combined into a prefabricated vertical duct. To prevent air from flowing through the collection channel between floors, the hood from each room was connected to the collection channel through a satellite channel one floor long. In the attic, prefabricated ducts and satellite ducts from the two upper floors were combined by horizontal boxes, which were connected to exhaust shafts, through which the exhaust air was discharged onto the roof. The exhaust shafts were equipped with umbrellas to prevent precipitation from entering the channels.

This was the optimal solution, the advantage of which was minimal investment costs, no need for system maintenance and the ability for residents to receive fresh outdoor air, not processed either in heat exchangers or electrostatic filters, which has recently become so valued by the population. But there were also disadvantages, namely the unstable operation of the hood in separate rooms, including the lower floors, and in the frequent overturning of the hood in the rooms of the upper floors, the available pressure for removing air from which is the smallest.

The reasons for these shortcomings were as follows:

  • an increase in the actual aerodynamic resistance of common sections of the network (exhaust shaft, horizontal ducts) compared to the available pressures;
  • leakage of ventilation ducts and connections to them (the presence of large unorganized air leaks that overload the collection ducts);
  • insufficient aerodynamic drag satellite channels (only 1.0–1.5 Pa at the calculated air flow).

All of the above, coupled with random household factors, such as ventilation by opening a window or, conversely, increasing the sealing of windows, if the apartment is insufficiently isolated from neighboring rooms, can cause disruptions in the operation of the exhaust ventilation system.

To eliminate these reasons in order to increase the available pressure, on the initiative of MNIITEP, they began to use technical solution“warm attic”: prefabricated horizontal ducts in the attic were abandoned and the latter was turned into a static pressure chamber; air from prefabricated vertical ducts is discharged directly into the attic room. The channels themselves are usually made from floor-to-floor industrial blocks, which simultaneously include floor-to-floor branches (satellite channels) with an inlet on which a ventilation grille or intake valve is fixed. Moreover, the release of air from the channel last floor is performed into the collection channel, which creates additional vacuum as a result of the ejection effect.

The available pressure was also increased by increasing the height of the exhaust shaft through which air is removed from warm attic.

Installing a single shaft per section made it possible to connect it to the elevator engine room protruding above the roof and, without disturbing the architectural appearance, raise the design height to 6 m (1.5–2.0 m above the roof). Umbrellas were removed from the exhaust shafts, which also reduced pressure losses in common sections of the network (to collect atmospheric precipitation, a 250 mm high tray is installed on the floor under the shaft). To increase the deflection properties of the shaft when exposed to wind, its cross-section should be close to square, and the head should be open. The air speed in the exhaust shaft should not exceed 1 m/s, in the collection ducts, depending on the number of floors, reach 2.5–3.5 m/s. When installing general sectional exhaust shafts, the warm attic room must also have sectional partitions, which also meets fire safety requirements. Installation of two exhaust shafts in one compartment of a warm attic is not allowed. These restrictions are due to the fact that

An increase in the available pressure made it possible to increase the aerodynamic resistance of the satellite channel at a design air flow rate of up to 6–9 Pa, which increased the hydraulic stability of the exhaust system as a whole, ensuring stable air exchange in apartments regardless of their vertical location. True, the implementation of this is quite difficult in apartments on the top two floors, where the available pressure is the smallest, so in exhaust ducts It is proposed to install ducted exhaust fans from these apartments.

Windows have a great influence on the operation of exhaust ventilation systems. Previously, the windows were not airtight, and during the cold period of the year there was a problem of excessive intake of outside air into apartments through leaks in window openings, which led to overcooling of the premises and excessive heat consumption for heating.

Currently, in residential buildings equipped with a natural exhaust ventilation system, windows with increased air permeability resistance are installed. This leads to the fact that even in the cold season, the apartments do not provide adequate air exchange. Insufficient air exchange leads to a significant deterioration of the microclimate in a residential building: the carbon dioxide content in the indoor air increases and humidity increases. Modern building materials and furniture are also a source of air pollution in the apartment with various chemical compounds. The use of air flow valves with a filter and a device for stabilizing air flow, regardless of changes in the available pressure difference across the valve (for example, under the influence of wind), requires an increase in its resistance, which is not sufficient to overcome the exhaust system with natural induction at outside temperatures above zero degrees. But the desire not to lose the ample gravitational pressure during the frosty period prompted the designers from Mosproekt-2 to propose a hybrid exhaust ventilation system with the preservation of a warm attic, in which an axial fan is additionally installed, which increases the available pressure when turned on. gravitational system

(Fig. 1).

A number of specialists involved in the design of ventilation systems for residential buildings believe that the solution to the problem is to use forced mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation with heat recovery from the exhaust air to heat the supply air. At the same time, German and French experts have a negative attitude towards the use of such systems in multi-storey residential buildings, since the use of two mechanical ventilation systems increases the cost of the project. It has also been found in practice that the efficiency of the exhaust air heat recovery system for heating the supply air decreases if residents begin to open windows and vents. In these countries, the following organization of the ventilation system has been used: natural air flow through high-resistance air valves and installation of exhaust centrifugal fans, one for each section of the house.

In Germany, as a rule, a centralized exhaust ventilation system is used with the possibility of a short-term increase in the exhaust volume due to of this premises and with automatic regulation fan rotation speed. Exhaust ventilation valves from the kitchen and bathroom (in Germany, even 4-room apartments are designed with one toilet per apartment, combined with a bathroom) are made with noise suppression, increased resistance and with small holes around the perimeter, designed to allow the passage of the necessary minimum flow air from a given room with the central valve flap closed.

The exhaust valve flap opens simultaneously with the light switching on in the bathroom, and an increased volume of air is removed from this room. When the room is not in use, removal continues through the exhaust valve. minimum quantity air.

In the kitchen, if necessary, the valve flap is opened with a special switch.

When the flaps in valves installed in several rooms are simultaneously opened, in order to avoid a drop in fan pressure and the resulting hydraulic misadjustment of the exhaust system, based on a signal from a vacuum sensor located at the lowest point of this system, the fan motor speed automatically increases and the fan pressure is restored with increased air supply.

There are several ways to stabilize the operation of the exhaust system of residential buildings, which do not lead to a significant increase in capital costs for their installation and require minimal operating costs:

  • use of wind stimulation of natural ventilation (deflectors);
  • using a combination of natural and mechanical propulsion (hybrid ventilation systems);
  • use of ventilation “on demand” (installation of hygroscopic exhaust devices in kitchens and bathrooms);
  • use of thermal stimulation in the warm season (heating the exhaust air using direct influence solar radiation).

Using wind-induced natural ventilation

Wind stimulation is the use of wind energy to eject exhaust air from ventilation ducts. To use this energy, deflectors are used. Deflector - an aerodynamic device installed above the ventilation duct; the wind flow creates a zone in the cylinder low blood pressure, acting as an exhaust system. The only drawback of deflectors is the dependence of their operation on the presence of wind.

Using a combination of natural and mechanical drive

A hybrid ventilation system is an exhaust system that, under favorable conditions, weather conditions works due to natural gravitational pressure (cold and transition periods, as well as cold periods and windy weather during the warm period). In unfavorable weather conditions for work natural system

exhaust ventilation, when the vacuum in the ventilation duct decreases below that permissible for its operation, the fan automatically turns on.

  • There are three types of hybrid systems that have a similar principle of operation, but differ from each other in design features:
  • static-dynamic deflectors;
  • ejection systems;

combination of a static deflector with an axial ejection fan.

When designing a hybrid ventilation system, to ensure its operability, it is necessary to select a structural device and channel cross-section in the same way as when designing a natural ventilation system.

Hybrid ventilation systems provide standard air exchange throughout the year in all weather conditions, are less energy-intensive, more reliable and simpler solution compared to mechanical system ventilation.

Statodynamic deflector is a static deflector equipped with a built-in two-speed fan. When the electric motor is turned off, it has technical characteristics static deflector of the same nominal diameter and creates a vacuum equal to the sum of gravitational and wind pressures.

The amount of electricity consumed by a static-dynamic deflector is insignificant. The fan electric motor is switched on only when necessary, no more than 20% of the time of the year.

Ejection system(Fig. 2) consists of a conventional traditional natural ventilation system, static deflectors, one high-pressure fan, an air duct system and ejector nozzles, which are installed inside the ventilation shafts at the places where the deflectors are attached. The air stream emerging from the nozzle rushes upward along the vertical axis of the ventilation duct at high speed and carries with it upward air from the lower part of the ventilation duct, and the total air flow in the ventilation duct increases several times.

The combination of a static deflector with an axial ejection fan (Fig. 3) was tested in Russia at two sites at once: a residential building consisting of six different-story sections in Moscow and a station waiting room in Naro-Fominsk.

Static deflectors (1) are installed at the heads of the ventilation ducts on the roof; under them, inside the ventilation duct, axial low-pressure axial fans (2) are mounted, activated by a pressure sensor (3). Round air ducts (5) and drainage (6) located above the false ceiling (7) are attached to a heat-insulated glass (4) made of galvanized steel.

Use of ventilation “on demand” A hygro-controlled ventilation system changes the flow area in the supply and exhaust devices due to a moisture-sensitive sensor or material that is connected to a damper that regulates air exchange. Exhaust devices

The higher the humidity level inside the room, the more the dampers open. The sensor is isolated from the air flow direction and measures the humidity level only indoors.

Such a system avoids excessive ventilation and significantly reduces the heat consumption in the building used to heat the supply air.

Using thermal stimulation during the warm season

In Europe, for zones with a temperate climate, in order to allow the ventilation system to operate during the warm season, an exhaust ventilation system design using solar radiation was developed. The end part of the exhaust shaft of the ventilation system is made of transparent material, on sunny days, the exhaust air in the mine heats up under the influence of the heat of solar radiation, and this allows the total difference to increase working pressure, which ensures more stable operation of the building ventilation system.

Ensuring fresh air flow

If there is a guaranteed operation of the exhaust ventilation system of residential buildings in the apartment, the supply of fresh air through the leaks of the window opening is ensured, provided that the window has the required degree of air permeability.

With old wooden and aluminum window frames, air permeability varied greatly, and in the same apartment during the cold season, you can observe an excess of supply air in one room, and a lack of it in another. Excessive air caused problems temperature regime in rooms and the occurrence of drafts, a deficiency will lead to stuffiness and increased humidity. Thus, it was not possible to provide comfortable conditions for the internal microclimate.

When installing modern plastic windows, excessive sealing of apartments in a residential building is possible.

The simplest solution is to install through holes in the walls under the ceiling of living rooms, covered with gratings and allowing fresh outside air to enter the apartment.

At the same time, it should be remembered that holes coming out of each room onto the wall surface spoil the facade. A more advanced device is a window sill device (Fig. 4). The air intake is carried out through a gap under the metal fender of the window opening, 2.5 cm high. The air passes over heating device warm air from the heating device, as a result of which the flow of air through leaks in window openings is significantly reduced. It is possible to regulate the amount of supply air by changing the width of the gap through which air enters the room.

The next solution is a device for a decentralized flow of outside air into the room with heating by a heating device. Air intake is also carried out under the metal window visor. Next, the air is directed downwards, where it mixes with the internal air of the room, rises up, in contact with the radiator, heats up and enters the room.

The degree of heating of the incoming air, if necessary, can be adjusted using a valve.

A window sill supply device is much simpler than a device for supplying air with heating using a heating device. The disadvantage of the latter is the narrow channel through which the air descends. Dampness may form in the channel; in addition, over time it will become clogged, and cleaning it is impossible. All considered options for decentralized inflow have common disadvantages. Firstly, in them supply air enters the premises without

necessary cleaning . Secondly, the uneven operation of the decentralized inflow is noted due to excess pressure or rarefaction arising under the influence of wind near the outer surface of the building. There are known design solutions that implement devices relatively simply

constant flow
  • air (Fig. 5). The first is a plate that rotates freely around a horizontal axis. Under the influence of a pressure difference, the plate deflects, changing the open cross-section for air passage. The greater the pressure drop, the greater the deflection of the plate and the smaller the cross-section of the channel for air passage. The pressure on the plate is balanced by gravity. The second device uses the elastic property of the plate. The pressure difference deflects the plate, causing it to elastically bend and change the cross-section of the channel. The third device uses an elastic reservoir that changes volume when the pressure drop changes.
  • Natural ventilation with stimulation // ABOK. – 2006. – No. 3.

    After all, both the temperature characteristics of air flows, as well as the cleanliness and humidity of the air in each apartment directly depend on the correct design of ventilation systems.

    Air exchange systems are generally divided into two main types:

    • with artificial air exchange (also called mechanical), ventilation of rooms is carried out forcibly;
    • natural air exchange assumes that fresh air enters the room through openings in window fittings, or through arbitrary slits.

    If the apartment has plastic windows, the only way to organize natural ventilation is ventilation.

    Among the advantages of natural air exchange are ease of maintenance and low cost. However, compared to artificial, it has a number of disadvantages - first of all, dependence on the condition environment and a very large cross-section of ventilation ducts.

    At artificial ventilation exhaust dirty air is naturally forced into ventilation shafts. They are usually provided in areas such as kitchens, bathrooms and toilets.

    Forced ventilation involves the use of any devices to organize air exchange.

    It comes in several types.

    1. Supply. In this case, the air supply is organized artificially. At the same time, its displacement occurs naturally.
    2. Exhaust. This type involves the removal of polluted air mechanically, and the intake of fresh air occurs naturally.
    3. Mixed ventilation involves completely artificial air exchange.

    Ventilation device in an apartment building

    The design and installation of ventilation systems in apartment buildings is a very complex, complex process consisting of a number of important activities. Therefore, they should only be carried out by specialists who have knowledge and experience in this field.

    Ventilation is organized according to a scheme that directly depends on several factors, including the number of floors in the house. With a small number of floors (up to four floors inclusive), they are usually equipped with several ventilation ducts, each of which has a separate exit to the roof of the building.

    This scheme is relatively simple, however, it has significant drawbacks. Among them is a large amount of space taken up.

    Houses with more floors (five floors and above) usually have the following ventilation design:

    • through a special vent, exhaust dirty air from the apartment enters the satellite channel;
    • several satellite channels converge into a single ventilation duct;
    • from a single channel, dirty air enters the collecting main channel;
    • protective gypsum slag boxes cover all ventilation shafts in the attic of the house;
    • the exhaust flow of dirty air is discharged into the atmosphere through a vertical exhaust duct.

    In an apartment building, air exchange works naturally. There are two main types of ventilation system solutions typical for such buildings.

    Depending on the education scheme, there are:

    • a system that involves air displacement;
    • a scheme involving air mixing.

    The second type is common in buildings made of reinforced concrete and brick (that is, in most existing multi-apartment buildings).

    What you need to know about canals and mines

    The main component that determines how well the ventilation system in a house works is the ventilation duct.

    Installation of structures of this type is carried out during the construction process. This is due to the fact that they need to be laid directly in the internal walls of the building under construction. Most of the channel is vertical. However, there are sections located horizontally - their length should be no more than 3 m.

    Popularity is growing today metal structures. Nevertheless, greatest distribution received ventilation ducts made of brick.

    Therefore, their features should be discussed in more detail. Such channels have a square cross-section with a side equal to half a brick.

    To lay a brick channel, you will need to reproduce the following sequence of actions.

    1. Applying preliminary markings using a special template.
    2. Construction of two or three initial rows of masonry.
    3. Buoys are placed along the plumb line. They are bricks that are laid across the ventilation duct. Buoys allow you to protect the canal from pollution during the construction process and help give its cross-section the correct square shape, and also increase the strength of the structure. The disadvantage of buoys is that they make cleaning the canal difficult.
    4. In the future, the buoys are rearranged every 5 - 7 rows.

    Sometimes, in apartment buildings, individual ventilation ducts are provided. In this case, a separate shaft leads from almost every room. This provides more stable draft and also prevents the entry of foreign odors from neighboring apartments.

    Another option is for each apartment to have a separate collector into which its ventilation ducts converge horizontally. The general collector is organized in the attic, and from there the air escapes into the atmosphere.

    Least good decision– from each apartment there are channels – satellites – converging higher into one large shaft. The only advantage of this solution is its low cost.

    How to check the condition of ventilation in the house

    To know for sure whether the ventilation system of a particular apartment is working well, it is enough to perform a simple check. To do this, you will need a candle or a thin napkin (a piece of toilet paper can replace the napkin).

    The check is carried out as follows.

    1. A lit candle should be brought to ventilation grille. If the flame is attracted to the grille, it means the ventilation is in working order.
    2. A piece of napkin is applied to the ventilation grille, which must be lightly pressed and then released. If the napkin remains on the grill, this indicates a well-functioning ventilation system.

    The microclimate in the apartment largely depends on the correct ventilation device. Therefore, it is important to keep its channels in proper condition.

    In addition, you should regularly clean the grilles on the hoods and check how the system works. This will ensure more active air circulation.