Inhale helium from balloons. Laughing balls are deadly about the dangers of nitrous oxide to human health. Helium - negative effects on the body

Inhale helium from balloons. Laughing balls are deadly about the dangers of nitrous oxide to human health. Helium - negative effects on the body

Very often, when having fun, people inhale helium from balloons. As you know, this gas can compress the vocal cords and the voice changes for a while, and the person begins to talk funny in the high-pitched voice of a cartoon character.

So is it safe to inhale helium from a balloon? Let's find out! Helium is a non-toxic gas that is present in the atmosphere of our planet , however, if a person finds himself in a space filled with helium, he will quickly suffocate.
As you know, to breathe we need oxygen, which is contained in any respiratory mixture in an amount of at least 16%, and best of all 21%. As for “flying” balloons: they contain 99.8% technical helium and if you breathe only it, you can also suffocate! And yet: usually they don’t breathe helium from balloons for a long time, but only take small breaths and, moreover, it has time to mix with the air. Is it harmful to inhale helium in this case?

As we found out, inhaling pure helium deprives the body of oxygen. We can say that approximately the same processes occur as when holding your breath, but we know that an organism deprived of oxygen dies within a couple of minutes. You may object: no one has ever died simply by holding their breath! Yes, this is true, but if we hold our breath, we deprive ourselves of such an important process as inhalation, and our brain immediately reacts, signaling us to fill our lungs. We can consciously suppress this reflex (for example, when we dive under water), but still there comes a moment when the instinct of self-preservation, which is not subject to consciousness, forces us to take a deep breath. In airless space and under water, this leads to death.

In the case of helium, the situation is different. There is inhalation, and the lungs fill. The brain “has no formal reason” to turn on the self-preservation mechanism. In fact, we are deceiving him by “slipping” another gas instead of oxygen.

But oxygen must be taken from somewhere, so with each breath, when helium fills the lungs, the body intensively consumes the oxygen accumulated in the blood and tissues. Thus, the overall oxygen level in the body decreases in a matter of seconds.

If we summarize all the side effects of inhaling helium, we get the following picture:

- some people may show all the signs of oxygen starvation - headache, dizziness, nausea, difficulty breathing, change in skin color, change in lip color;

- as already mentioned, most people inhale helium to change the tone of their voice. Vocal cords in helium vibrate at a higher frequency, which causes a similar effect, but as a result of this they can be damaged, and the process is almost irreversible;

— frequent and deep breaths of helium can provoke the appearance of helium bubbles in the blood, which, when they reach the brain, can cause a stroke and even, sadly, lead to death;

— simple oversaturation of the lungs with helium may also be unsafe, when the oxygen content in the body is significantly reduced.

These are, as it turned out, there are dangers of inhaling helium, and in addition to what has been said, we can add that dabbling with inert gas especially dangerous for pregnant women and not only for the expectant mother herself, but also for her child. Therefore, it is better to just admire the light balls, but not try to inhale the gas they contain.

Our advice: If you decide to try “laughing gas” on yourself, do not inhale a large amount of helium at one time - it’s better to take a few breaths and after the effect of the gas wears off, try again, after all, our health and life are the most important thing!

Check out the competitive prices for our balloons:

Entrepreneurial businessmen promise unbridled fun literally in one breath to thrill-seekers. The anesthetic drug nitrous oxide is sold as a surefire cure for bad moods. They are sold in fashion clubs and on the Internet. Distributors of so-called oxygen balloons claim that they are harmless. But doctors are sure otherwise. Gas euphoria can cost a person his life.

A picture of complete serenity on the Sparrow Hills during the day. The newlyweds release balloons into the sky. But as soon as it gets dark, other balls appear here and a completely different mood. In inconspicuous cars, cylinders stick out right from the trunks, and balls sway invitingly in the wind. The viewing area is fully gasified.

All these people are not from the children’s party at all, and they react very nervously to the camera. The patrol from the car with flashing lights does not pay any attention to what is happening - there are more worries with the racers. Although those who know laughing gas also know firsthand.

“There is, as I say, the 99th with nitrous oxide. It has a thousand horsepower when the button is pressed,” the organizer of racing races, Konstantin Ivanov, reacts to the usual phrase.

Special cylinders are installed in the trunk to spin the engine to fantastic speeds. But the same can be done with your own body, if you put the same gas not into the engine, but directly into the lungs. It’s no longer a thousand horsepower, it’s much more serious.

The very center of Moscow. The concentration of fashionable places per square meter is off the charts, and so is the concentration of fashionable entertainment. Balloons are sold in fashionable clubs, and all the sidewalks are strewn with them - as if a troop of Octobrists were having fun here.

“I can even drive. Look, now I’ll pout, sit down and go to Maryino,” promises one of the nitrous connoisseurs.

Nothing illegal seems to be happening here - not a single law prohibits selling or using it, including while driving. The doctors are horrified - the seemingly tamed genie begins to break out of the cylinders more and more confidently.

“An overdose is possible because in medicine we do not use pure nitrous oxide, but always mix it with oxygen so that there are no side effects or toxic effects. But here the gas is pure, right? Pure nitrous oxide with a slight overdose can cause hypoxia, which can be fatal “,” Arkady Sergeev, head of the department of anesthesiology and resuscitation of the Military Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, returns to reality.

In 1844, dentist Horace Wells conducted the first public experiment in a university auditorium. But he miscalculated something - and the gas went to the people. The students laughed until they cried. And the dentist soon died. Today, all these entertainments, even with home delivery, can be bought completely legally and with a cash receipt. The site guarantees safety and fun, but warns that reactions may vary.

Special sets for 1,200 rubles contain ten servings - for ten breaths. According to the descriptions, the feeling is as if you find yourself on Elbrus, because your lungs and brain do not have enough oxygen, and you are about to lose consciousness. Doctors are categorical: this can only happen for pain relief purposes and in the presence of an anesthesiologist who controls the percentage of the mixture. Pure gas can lead to death - such cases are known.

Text: "News. Moscow"

Is helium dangerous for humans and how does it affect the human body? Let's try to deal with this issue once and for all, because too many false myths are appearing around it.

Helium completely safe for children and adults, non-toxic and can be inhaled several times without harm to health. This gas is even used by divers when diving to deep depths, doctors to treat asthma and larynx diseases to relieve suffocation, and many jokers to change their voices. Even some additives in products, such as E939, contain helium particles.

Notwithstanding the above, manufacturers of helium cylinders It is not recommended to inhale gas into yourself, read the article - instructions for the portable cylinder with helium. Still, those who package helium for retail in cans are more competent in this matter and know better about the dangers of helium for humans, and maybe they want to reduce their liability with such advice in their instructions.

Often entertaining the company, they inhale helium in order to speak in the voice of a cartoon character. The contrast between the tall, big dad and his new helium thin voice, like Jerry the mouse from the famous cartoon, is especially funny for children. The voice changes due to a decrease in the vocal cords and an increase in the timbre of a person’s voice for several seconds. Nobody said that a small amount of helium is harmful to health, but you cannot breathe helium alone, because... it does not contain the oxygen necessary for normal breathing. In any case, you should not abuse laughing gas, because its high concentration in the human body can cause oxygen starvation, which will lead to dizziness and nausea.

At least once in their life, everyone has wondered whether inhaling helium from a balloon is harmful. At any children's party, helium balloons become a special decoration.

Clowns in the circus or comedians from TV screens begin to talk funny when inhaling helium - the voice becomes so thin and “cartoon-like” that it makes the audience laugh even more and adds zest to the performance.

What is helium?

Helium is an inert gas, that is, it has neither color nor odor. Such gas is very common in the Universe, although on Earth it is much less common, mainly as a result of the breakdown of heavy chemical compounds.

It is classified as toxicity class four. The gas does not react with other chemical elements and does not ignite. Even though helium is a non-toxic gas present in the atmosphere, a person entering a space completely filled with it will quickly suffocate.

When a person breathes helium from balloons, his vocal cords become thinner, which leads to a change in the timbre of his voice.

The gas spectrum has several gray lines. When gas fills a colorless pipe and then electricity is passed through it, it turns yellow, pink and green.

To breathe normally, you need oxygen contained within 16-21% of the respiratory mixture. In “flying” balloons, the helium concentration reaches 99.8%. Therefore, gas inhaled over a long period of time can lead to death - a person will suffocate.

If you breathe in helium little by little, its effect will be similar to anesthesia, but under the condition of high atmospheric pressure.

Gas in small concentrations is unable to lead to serious health problems.

Helium - negative effects on the body

High concentrations of inhaled gas can have a negative effect on the human body.

When inhaling helium, the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system are affected.

To confirm whether inhaling helium is harmful, you need to study the characteristic signs of gas poisoning.

Such signs of the toxic effect of gas on the body are:

  • development of migraine;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • vomit.

Because helium is colorless and odorless, a person can inhale too much and not think about intoxication. Large concentrations of gas lead to fainting. You can lose consciousness if you inhale sharply from a helium balloon.

Helium is also harmful to human health because when it enters the respiratory tract and lungs in large quantities, it blocks (partially or completely) the access to oxygen.

Taking deep, frequent breaths of inert gas causes helium bubbles to appear in the bloodstream. If they reach the brain, a stroke can occur.

Doctors categorically prohibit patients with chronic diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, especially patients with bronchial asthma, from breathing helium. This is dangerous because it can lead to the development of:

  1. tremor in the lower and upper extremities;
  2. decreased concentration, stupor;
  3. fatigue and drowsiness;
  4. deterioration in the functioning of sensory organs (hearing, smell, vision, tactile perception).

Scientists say helium kills brain cells. People may develop shortness of breath and cough.

Everyone reacts differently to this, but some may experience panic due to fear of lack of oxygen.

Voice restoration after helium

Despite the warnings, many people still have fun inhaling helium from balloons. Knowing how harmful this gas is, you can avoid unpleasant moments.

An interesting fact is that helium does not necessarily change a person's voice. People with a high timbre, predominantly female, do not observe changes in their voice.

  1. After inhaling helium, it is necessary to ensure maximum access of O2 to the lungs. To do this, take a deep breath a couple of times.
  2. If you feel dizzy, you should immediately stop breathing helium and leave the room. Fresh air will help you recover.
  3. If you do not feel better within 15 minutes, you should seek emergency medical help.

Safe gas can cause a lot of trouble. But in low levels it is not capable of causing serious changes in the body of a child or adult.

If the desire to inhale the “fun” balloon is greater than the fear, try it. First you need to take a few shallow breaths and exhalations, and then check how you feel. If everything is fine, you can still have fun, and asthmatics will have to forget about such fun.