The apartment was infested with wood bugs. How to get rid of tree stink bugs? Interesting Facts. did you know that

The apartment was infested with wood bugs.  How to get rid of tree stink bugs?  Interesting Facts.  did you know that
The apartment was infested with wood bugs. How to get rid of tree stink bugs? Interesting Facts. did you know that

Popularly known as the stink bug, the wood stink bug has an unpleasant, distinct odor.

IN summer period, when these insects begin their breeding season, they can be found not only in the forest, but also in own apartment where they can fly.

External distinctive features of the green shield bug

Squad arboreal stink bugs has one remarkable feature that makes it possible to unmistakably distinguish them from other bugs - the front part of the body has a sharp corner view tip, and the body itself in the thoracic region is represented by a special angular shape.

With their entire appearance, they resemble folded wings and form exactly that special shield shape for which these insects get their name, and the dark brown membrane of the wings themselves can be seen precisely in the lower part of the back of the insect.

The wood bug is inherently special green resembles spring foliage, which gradually begins to turn yellow in the abdominal area, and in the fall the back of the bug begins to become covered with specks of dark brown color and by the first frost the insect completely becomes brown, which gives it the opportunity to reliably hide in the surrounding space.

The tree shield bug has rather short wings of small span. The head is decorated with somewhat long antennae, consisting of four segments each, with the second and third being of equal length.

Bedbug eggs look like balls with a lid, painted in light green tones. During the molting period, it is common for larvae to change their color shade: initial stage marked by features light brown, subsequently it changes to black and even black-green, the final period is marked by a rather beautiful light green color.

One difference that separates the light green nymph from the adult bug is the complete absence of wings.

Features of the bedbug's lifestyle

Tree bugs winter period spend in hibernation, somewhat reminiscent of suspended animation, for this they search in advance for reliable rookeries in the form of fallen leaves in the forest, rotten stumps or trees, burrows or holes between stones.

IN spring period(approximately April-May) tree bugs scatter to places that have plants suitable for feeding. Based on the fact that the nutritional base for bedbugs consists mostly of plant juices and their fruits, bedbugs can most often be found on fruit-bearing trees and shrubs - raspberry, cherry, elderberry. But besides this, bedbugs may well exist in ordinary grass and trees hardwood.

Since the hard bark of trees is too tough for the bug, it finds its food on foliage, grass, and less often on flowers and the buds of young shoots. It happens that a wood bug can cause damage to crops cereal crops. But this phenomenon is extremely rare. It is also characteristic that even in case of danger, the tree shield bug does not bite a person.

Wood bug

This insect is also called the forest insect. It feeds on plant juice, berries, some plants and the remains of other insects. The shell of this insect is quite durable, it is it that protects against external environment. It is necessary to fight the stink bug only when it causes damage to agricultural estates. It is not difficult to get rid of it, only if not the entire swarm has arrived. For humans, stinkers are not dangerous, but on the contrary, they are useful. Since ancient times they have been used to treat alcoholism. Where does the wood bug live, you ask. It is occupied in forests and near water bodies.

Red wood bug

Do tree bugs bite?

What to do if bitten by a wood bug

Their bites are not dangerous to living creatures. Redness may appear; surgical assistance is not needed; it is enough to treat the area with alcohol.

Wood bugs for alcoholism

How to get rid of wood bugs in an apartment, house and balcony

Wood bugs in the apartment: how to get rid of them

You can remove the population manually by collecting and crushing them. There will be a smell, but not that strong. You can still fight with universal remedy from insects. Regular Reid aerosol will do. This insect will leave the unusual environment on its own and will not leave eggs in the apartment. Therefore, there is no need to call the SES.

Anti-wood bug remedy

The following tools will help you fight uninvited guests:
1. Xulat Micro
2. Delta zone
3. Get
4. Clean House
5. Dichlorvos
When you don’t know how to kill wood bugs, we advise you to choose not very toxic drugs, because these pests are very vulnerable to chemicals. It is easy to fight them using folk methods.

This species of the shield family does not pose a threat to humans and cannot significantly affect the amount of harvest, such as. The only problem is that the wood bug gives off a terrible odor and has a scary appearance. Although it should be clarified that with a large population they can affect the amount of harvest in the garden.

Find out what woody looks like green bug how to get rid of it if it gets into the house and on personal plot. It’s so unpleasant to put a currant or raspberry in your mouth, and along with it a “fragrant” bug.

What does a wood bug look like?

Let's get acquainted with the green wood bug, the second name is the wood bug (in Latin Palomena prasina). It has a fairly impressive size of 12-15 mm adult. The photo below shows a typical representative of the green wood bug.

The insect's body is covered with a durable chitinous shell. Because of this strong shell, the green stink bug is never numerous. The fact is that in order to become an adult, a bug goes through five stages of molting. Each molt is a real test for the insect due to its hard shell. Most of the nymphs die during this period. 20 percent of the population survive to adulthood.

There are wings on the back, but the stink bug uses them extremely rarely; the mass and volume of the insect does not allow it to fly long distances.

On the underside of the abdomen there are special glands that produce an odorous secretion. In case of danger, the bug releases this smell and scares away other insects and even birds.

Their interesting feature is the ability to change color depending on the time of year. From spring to late autumn it has a basic green color with dark small dots on the body. In autumn, the color of the beetle becomes red or red-brown, but after wintering it turns green again.

This feature makes the bug unnoticeable. So in the summer he hides in green foliage and is practically invisible, but in autumn time the wood bug becomes the same color as the leaves around it.

How do they reproduce?

Palomena prasina for her life cycle produces only one generation of insects. Mating most often occurs in May and June. This can also happen in July.

The female attaches eggs to plants containing up to 28 eggs. At the end of July and beginning of August, new generations of beetles appear. Small bugs (nymphs) go through five molting stages to become adults. They go to winter as adults.

Nymphs are very similar in appearance to adult insects, only smaller in size and lacking wings. Wings appear after the fifth molt.

How do they winter?

The wood bug hides under dry fallen leaves until spring. Some of them also manage to sneak into houses and spend the winter there.

What do green shield bugs eat?

Beetles are polyphagous. This means that it can feed on both plants and small insects. But he prefers to live on deciduous trees, such as alder and linden, on raspberry bushes, cotoneaster and some herbaceous plants. It is a minor pest garden crops– apple trees, pears, etc.

What does the wood bug eat? Nymphs (not adult bugs) suck young shoots of plants. Adults prefer fruits and seeds. Also, if the green shield bug comes across a dead ant or other bug, it will happily feast on it.

Most often the shield bug eats next trees and plants:

  1. Apple tree;
  2. Pear;
  3. Apricot;
  4. Raspberries;
  5. Currant;
  6. Hazelnut;
  7. Gooseberry, etc.

The photo shows a leaf after a wood bug has feasted on it.

At the same time, characteristic brown spots, the leaf dries out due to the lack of nutrients in it.

How long does the green wood bug live?

The stink bug is green on average at favorable conditions lives 2 years. Young nymphs often die before reaching adulthood. Since during molting, not everyone is able to shed the old shell and the insects do not survive.

Green wood bug in the house: why is it dangerous?

The house is not a place for the green shield to live, since there is no food for it. But in the fall, when cold weather sets in, a beetle can enter a house through cracks or fly into a window and safely spend the winter there.

More often we're talking about about single insects. But there are situations when the house can literally be flooded with them. This happens extremely rarely and the main reason is abnormal changes weather conditions. It became very hot, or vice versa, a sharp cold snap. A fire or flood can also cause bedbugs to rush into your home.

He does not pose a danger to the owners of the house. The only thing is that if you crush an insect, you will feel an unpleasant, irritating odor.

Do green bugs bite?

The wood bug is not capable of biting a person. Since the oral apparatus does not allow piercing human skin. When the Internet is full of headlines about stink bug bites, it is most often confused with other species of the bedbug family, whose mouthparts can actually pierce the skin.

Danger is possible if there is a large concentration of insects in the house. Since they will exude horrible smell. People with allergies and young children may have reactions to this substance.

Where do they come from in the house?

If your windows don't have screens and you keep front door open, it is likely that the insect will fly into your house.

Also in the fall the bug looks for comfortable spot for wintering. They can become cracks in your home.

How to deal with tree stink bug in the house?

The best solution would be to throw the beetle out the window.

If there is a real horde of green shield bugs in your house, follow these recommendations:

  1. Find their wintering place. These can be cracks and holes, under baseboards, in mounds of old newspapers and magazines.
  2. Try to lure the green bug out of its hiding place. To do this, make it too warm in their hiding place (install a heater) and point a direct light source at them.
  3. Once you get them, don't kill them (the smell is disgusting). It is better to collect them in an airtight container and burn them.

How to poison an insect?

The question immediately arises: why complicate everything so much, to lure them out. If you can take an available insecticide, for example Dichlorvos, and poison the bugs. That's how it is, but you forget that you will never be able to get these insects out of their hiding places. This means that the smell from them will continue to bother you for a long time.

Also, the remains of insects are an attraction for new, similar shield insects.

How to get rid of it on the balcony?

For many, the balcony is a place where old books, newspapers and magazines are stored. And this is just a good place wintering grounds for the green wood bug. Therefore, it is recommended to remove everything unnecessary from the balcony. And also, if possible, glaze it, and then not a single insect will remain with you for the winter.

Basic rules to avoid getting stink bugs into your home

  1. Seal all cracks and chips in the house;
  2. Remove unnecessary things from the balcony, and put everything that needs to be left in sealed packaging;
  3. Close the windows or place a special mosquito net on them;
  4. If a beetle does sneak into your house, do not crush it, but throw it outside.

What to do with green stink bug in the garden?

As a rule, this type of insect does not cause much trouble for gardeners. Because its population is not large. But if it happens that a beetle spoils your harvest, treat trees and bushes with the following insecticides:

  • Aktara is a drug from the group of neonicotinoids. Known to most gardeners thanks to affordable price, ease of use and effectiveness. The drug can be either sprayed on the plant or poured at the root.
  • Confidor Extra;
  • Tanrek;
  • Karate Zeon;
  • Talstar.

Most often, a single treatment is enough to get rid of the insect for the whole summer. But do not forget that other useful bugs may die along with the shield bug.

Bedbugs are represented by a large family. Depending on the species, they can have completely different appearances. Some are classified as pests, others as useful creatures. Globally, bedbugs belong to the family of hemiptera insects. The name comes from the special structure of their wings. The hind wings are transparent membranes with indistinct veins, and the front elytra are covered with chitin, which makes them tough.

What does a bedbug, the most hated member of this family by people, look like? The reddish insect with a complete absence of wings comes to life at night. Bites a person and drinks his blood. The body is flat, which makes it difficult to kill, and has six legs. Unlike its brothers, it has clearly defined body segments.

The tree bug looks different. People also call it stinky. Almost everyone who picked berries met him. An inconspicuous green bug. Once you crush it, a disgusting smell appears in the air. And those individuals who like to eat unwashed berries and fruits can also taste it. The stink bug prefers rose hips and raspberries, but does not disdain other plants.

Features of transformation

Where did the name "wood bug" come from? With the onset of autumn, the green bug turns brown. This is necessary for camouflage among fallen leaves. During the summer, insects lay eggs twice, attaching them to back side foliage. It is noteworthy that the eggs have small caps through which the larvae leave the shell.

Life cycle

True shield bugs go through several stages of development during their lives. First, larvae emerge from the laid eggs. They white and actively feed, so the female first lays eggs on the leaves so that the children have something to eat. Then the larva transforms into a nymph. This is almost an adult. Its difference is the absence of wings. During molting, the nymph is freed from its chitinous shell. At this stage, most of the masonry dies. In total, a tree bug lives five molts in its life. As a result, the individual reaches a size of 1.5 cm.

Bed bugs endure winter easily, falling into torpor and hiding under leaves. There they safely remain until warm spring days. Initially the bug is brown, then black and green. At the last stage of development there is a green bug of a beautiful color.

Is there any danger?

When a person discovers that his property has been invaded by a stink bug, how to deal with it is the first question. In fact, this group of insects cannot be uniquely classified as agricultural pests. The problem becomes when their number reaches a critical level. Since they feed on plant juices, they can cause serious damage to cereal fields and raspberry fields. Therefore, if guests are found on the site, it is better to take care of their destruction.

Ways to fight

Wood bug in large quantities easy to assemble by hand. IN severe cases You can also try traditional methods struggle. For example, brew an infusion of onion peels. To do this, take a liter warm water, add a few handfuls of dry onion peel to it and let it brew. Spray all plants with the resulting solution. You can also use mustard or other bitters instead of onion peels.

Since fruits and grains are intended to be used for food, it is not advisable to use chemicals, - Green woody stink bug can be easily eliminated on your own. It is necessary to use toxic substances only when there are a lot of insects.

Why does it stink so much?

Many people don't know why bedbugs smell so strong. Everything is extremely simple: on the back of his cephalothorax you can find special glands. Their task is to create a special secret, the basis of which is cyamic acid. This is what gives it the smell. In fact, its main task is poisonous, and this makes the bug dangerous to other insects. Acid is completely harmless to humans.

Scientists have several versions of the purpose of the specific smell of bedbugs:

  • scaring off an opponent;
  • attracting a female;
  • defense mechanism.

Despite their general harmlessness to humans, their smell can spoil raspberries, since the secretion affects the taste and aroma of the fruit.

Bedbugs at home

Homes are mostly inhabited by bedbugs. Their habitat is cushioned furniture and clothes. But sometimes the shield bug settles in the house. They rarely attack en masse. Completely harmless to humans. They settle in a number of unfavorable conditions:

  • Insects seek warm shelter as a result of the cold snap.
  • Flood or fire, bedbugs are simply looking for shelter.
  • Insects are carried in by strong winds.

Having discovered uninvited guests, do not try to deal with them using the same methods as with bed bugs. It's ineffective and useless. Shield bugs do not survive in home conditions, as a result of which they die or leave on their own. Therefore, you can simply collect them manually and take them outside. To prevent their occurrence, place mosquito nets on the windows.

Protecting the area from guests

Every person knows that instead of removing insects, it is easier to prevent their appearance. Wood bugs do not like strong odors. Therefore, it is useful to plant plants such as wormwood, tansy, and mustard along the perimeter of the site. Cohosh works most effectively. Cover all windows with special nets.

Think carefully about your planting scheme. For example, it is better not to plant raspberry bushes near the house, especially under the windows. Otherwise, residents risk frequently discovering uninvited guests. Therefore, it is better to plant raspberries along the fence. And it doesn’t hurt to coat windows and doors with a solution of water and onion peels, as the pungent smell will repel bedbugs.

You can also plant spices, such as basil or oregano.

Are bites really that dangerous?

The closest relatives of the stink bug are linen bugs. Their main drawback is their bites. But is the wood bug really that dangerous in this regard? No. To begin with, it is worth understanding that they bite extremely rarely. The fact is that their jaw is not adapted for this. All they have is a proboscis. It is with this that the leaf or stem of the plant is pierced. The linen bug has powerful chewing jaws, it eats spiders and can bite a person.

The stink bug attacks only when there is a threat to life. As a rule, they are harmless to humans. The bite site should be treated with an antiseptic or ointment. It’s another matter if the bite fell on the mucous membrane. Then swelling, redness and itching are likely to appear. In this case, you should consult a doctor to prevent an inflammatory process.

Chemical control agents

If there is an excessive number of wood bugs, it is advisable to use chemical extermination agents. But their use is associated with certain difficulties, since pesticides affect fruits and soil, also poisoning them. Nevertheless, drugs such as Karbofos or Chlorofos are effective against bedbugs. When using them, be sure to wear personal protection such as gloves and a respirator. Read the instructions for use carefully.

Mechanical means of control

In small numbers, wood bugs are easily collected by hand. All that is required is to take a large jar with a narrow neck and a tight lid. The bugs must be carefully picked up with your hands and placed in a container, then closed with a lid. Catching them is not difficult, as they are slow. Caught insects should be released outside the site.

Biological control agents

Folk remedies advise mixing water with plants that have a pungent odor. For example, with wormwood or onion peels. All plants are treated with the resulting aqueous solution. It would be a good idea to wipe the door and window jambs with it.

In any case, remember that any insects are part of nature, and in small numbers they perform their tasks. Therefore, do not try to completely destroy them. Also before use chemicals think about how they affect the soil and fruit quality. First, try to cope with the means at hand.

The green bug does not often bother those who live in an apartment. But owners of private houses still have to face this problem.

Such insects can greatly frighten those who do not have the slightest idea about bedbugs.

But in fact, these representatives of the fauna, which are also called shield bugs, are harmless and can even be useful to humans.

A little about the green bug

And yet, when meeting a green insect that buzzes very loudly when it flies, many begin to get nervous and may simply swat the harmless creature of nature.

This should not be done not only because stink bugs do not harm humans, but also because of their special protective function, which is expressed in the form of an unpleasant odor.

For this reason, these insects got their nickname - stink bugs.

You can only find such a guest at home in the summer. These insects are not awake in winter time and do not tolerate heat very well, so stink bugs can only be found during limited periods of time. With the arrival of warmer weather, wood bugs multiply very quickly. Therefore, they can easily, but by mistake, enter a living space.

In fact, shield bugs do not need anything in human habitation.

There is no food for them here, and an apartment or house is not the most suitable area for reproduction and life. Therefore, if a person notices a stink bug in his room, it is better to simply carefully put it in a jar and throw it outside. It is advisable to be careful when doing this. If the shield bug gets scared, its protective reflex will work, after which a not very pleasant smell will be felt in the house for some time.

Appearance of a wood bug

It is difficult to confuse the shield insect with another insect. It is distinguished from other bugs primarily by its unusual angular body.

The front part of the body is decorated with tips, which are folded in such a way that the back of the insect becomes like a shield.

This was the reason for giving the little bugs such a name. Bottom part the back, as a rule, is uneven, since folded wings peek out here.

The insect got its name because of its appearance - its back looks like a shield

Stink bugs come in different colors. Most often you can find green individuals on tree branches. Sometimes there are also tree bugs with a yellowish abdomen. The color of an insect depends entirely on factors such as the time of year. If young stink bugs are, as a rule, completely green, then over time they begin to turn yellow, the first spots appear on the back, and in the fall the insect becomes completely brown. That is, the coloring of the shield bug is its salvation from enemies. Thus, the insect can easily get lost in the trees - in the green in the spring, and on the brown branches in the fall.

Shieldbills can fly. They have well-developed wings, but their span is small. There are small antennae on the head.

Wood bugs reproduce using eggs. They are small and, as a rule, have a greenish color. The eggs hatch into larvae that will initially be brown, then black-green, and then turn bright green. Thus, before turning into an adult, the larva becomes as similar as possible to a real shield insect, but it lacks wings. For more information about the insect, watch this video:

Bedbugs fly well, but they cannot travel long distances in this way. If an insect accidentally ends up in an apartment or house, don’t worry. It is not dangerous to humans, although it will be somewhat unpleasant for those who do not like beetles. Still, you shouldn’t kill the bug, but rather carefully throw it out the window.

Why do stink bugs stink?

Those who have encountered stink bugs are well aware of why they got their nickname. This is due to the fact that these types of insects can emit a very unpleasant odor, which is protective function.

The liquid secreted by the bug is very difficult to wash off and is designed to scare away enemies

It is not the green wood bug itself that smells, but its liquid, which leaves the body and remains on a person’s hands and any other surface. This secret eats into the skin very strongly, so it is difficult to wash off the unpleasant aroma.

It is worth noting that the odorous liquid is not only a protective function, but also allows insects to communicate with each other.

Wood bugs perfectly recognize each other's smells. The glands that secrete a special secretion are located in the front of the body. In case of danger, the tree shield bug necessarily uses this mechanism, but it can also work in other situations, for example, to attract similar individuals.

The smell is not harmful to the insect itself. However, for some other creatures of nature, the odorous secretion can be deadly. Thus, those varieties of bedbugs that feed on insects rather than plants can poison their victims. But most often, stink bugs use scent to find partners. The persistent smell not only attracts females, but also eliminates rivals from a certain territory.

If you try to compare the smell of the liquid secreted by a bug with something, you can take low-quality rotten cognac as an example.

This aroma accompanies not only tree stink bugs, but also bed bugs. If there are only a few of them in the house, no smell will be felt. But if there is a large concentration of insects in the room, the unpleasant cognac aroma will be clearly audible.

Among all the variety of bedbugs, it is the arboreal ones that are considered the most unpleasant and strongly smelling. They have very powerful glands, so you should not pick up a green shield bug.

The wood bug has the strongest odor, so do not pick it up

Types of stink bugs

Shield insects, which a person can meet in his home, are divided into several types. Green individuals are most often found, but by late summer and fall they turn brown. This is the same species, but different stages own life.

Found effective method get rid of bedbugs forever - Housewife Irina Goncharova says: I just turn on.....

There are several other options that differ in their lifestyle and appearance. Depending on the type of bedbug, it will emit a more or less pungent odor. The woody green shield, which is called the green palomena, differs in that it changes color depending on the time of year.

Green and brown bedbugs are the same species

It can most often be found in houses and apartments where green spaces grow in front of the windows. Green stink bugs live in trees, so they can easily get lost and accidentally enter a living space through an open window.

The largest representative of bedbugs is the red-legged stink bug. Its dimensions can reach one and a half centimeters. This type of bug has a large bronze body and can be accidentally found in a residential building. But you shouldn't be afraid of him. Despite its size, this insect is absolutely safe for humans.

One of the few carnivorous stink bugs is the two-toothed bug. But this option is not dangerous for humans, since it only eats caterpillars, which is of great benefit to farmers. Two-toothed shields should not be destroyed, as they perform a very important role.

Berry bugs typically feed on henbane, wolf berries and other plants that are not only useless for humans, but also dangerous. However, it is worth driving them away from your site, since the berry stink bug is not against tasting raspberries and currants.

If the owner does not want to share his harvest with insects, measures must be taken to protect the plants from berry bugs.

Northern cruciferous stink bugs are also rarely seen. They are not dangerous, although they look intimidating, as they have a pattern on their backs that resembles an African mask.

Lifestyle of the wood bug

Shield insects are not active in winter, as they hibernate. During frost periods, insects of this type are in a state similar to suspended animation.

In order to wait out the winter, bedbugs choose reliable shelters. Fallen leaves, holes, hollows and old stumps are best suited for this.

As soon as the first warmth arrives, the shield bugs begin to wake up. Initially, they need to gain strength to recover from winter and lay eggs. To do this, they look for plants or other insects. In order not to have to walk for a long time in search of food, bedbugs try to immediately spend the winter where tasty greenery will appear in the spring, that is, near raspberries and cherries. In addition, they often live on ordinary deciduous trees and just on grass.

When a bug wakes up in the spring, the first thing the bug does is look for warmth and tasty berries.

All types of shield bugs have wings. But they cannot fly long distances. Moreover, bedbugs rarely use the opportunity to fly from place to place. The reason why the shield bug takes flight may be either fear or a search for food. Fleeing from potential danger, the forest bug will try to escape.

If the enemy turns out to be too strong and dexterous, the insect uses its wings.

You can meet stink bugs on trees, grass, or any other surface where an insect might accidentally land out of fear. There is no need to be afraid of a bug. Even those individuals that feed on caterpillars, that is, are considered carnivores, never attack humans. The only way they can harm is to stain your hands with a fetid aroma. For more information about the life of a wood bug, watch this video:

OUR READERS RECOMMEND! In the fight against bedbugs, our readers recommend the Pest-Reject repeller. Electromagnetic and ultrasonic technology copes with bedbugs and other insects with 100% efficiency. Absolutely safe, environmentally friendly product for humans and pets.

One of important stages The vital activity for the shield bug is reproduction. Preparation for this process begins as soon as the bug settles in a new place. Up to 50 new individuals can appear in one clutch. The eggs mature over a couple of weeks, after which the larvae emerge.

Before the green bug reaches the adult stage of life, it will change color 4 times, which indicates the passage of a certain development cycle.

Some species of tree bugs care for their offspring. They bring fruits and leaves to the larvae for food.

Are stink bugs harmful?

Shield insects reproduce very quickly and actively. And their harm is associated with this. The forest green bug does not directly pose any danger to humans, since it cannot bite or poison them.

However for Agriculture insects of this type are not always beneficial.

Some species of stink bugs are capable of eating caterpillars, which are one of the main pests for crops. However, the bedbug larvae themselves also feed on berries and plants, and therefore are considered unwelcome guests in gardens and vegetable gardens.

The stink bug can significantly spoil the harvest of fruits and berries

If there are many stink bugs on one tree or bush, the larvae that hatch from hundreds of eggs will spoil the harvest. For example, there are times when bugs attack a tree and it simply stops bearing fruit. If this happens often, you need to check your area for the presence of stink bugs. If there are too many of them, measures must be taken to control the number. But it is not recommended to completely destroy wood bugs, as they can eat other pests.

The presence of bedbugs in an area can be determined not only by the presence of adults, but also by eggs. Clutches are usually located on the leaves of bushes and trees. The eggs have a greenish tint, so they can be difficult to see the first time.

Tree stink bugs cannot be called the most dangerous garden pests. But they need to be removed if there are too many bedbugs. This can be difficult to do, as insects of this type quickly get used to poisons used by humans. But insecticide manufacturers understand this and are constantly improving their products. For more information about the dangers of bedbugs in the garden, watch this video:

With the increase in the number of genetically modified products, the number of tree bugs has decreased. The goal of the specialists was to develop varieties of agricultural plants that shield insects cannot eat. In addition, special pesticides are always used to control the number of bedbugs.

How to deal with tree bugs?

If on garden plot shield bugs will be seen in large numbers, it is imperative to act. Otherwise, bugs can spoil the harvest.

They do this with poison, which they spray when they bite through the greens.

This causes the leaves to wither, and then the whole plant suffers. Have a good harvest If you are hit by a shield bug, you should not wait. Moreover, those fruits and greens that have been bitten by the stink bug usually have a very unpleasant odor.

Therefore, in order not to lose the harvest, it is imperative to combat these insects. If there are few bedbugs on the site, you can control their numbers mechanically. To do this, insects are collected in a container and closed. It must be remembered that shield shields can exude unpleasant odors, so it is advisable to use gloves and protective clothing.