What is the best time to trade on Binomo? Main trading sessions. Selecting specific days of the week to work

What is the best time to trade on Binomo?  Main trading sessions.  Selecting specific days of the week to work
What is the best time to trade on Binomo? Main trading sessions. Selecting specific days of the week to work

All brokers allow you to work with options around the clock, some give you the opportunity to trade even on weekends. But the effectiveness of trading is highly dependent on time, and today we will study this issue in more detail.

Opening hours of world exchanges

If you look at the chart of any currency pair, you will see that activity during the day is distributed extremely unevenly. The main movement occurs precisely during the daytime, and at night the price moves in a horizontal channel, there are no major players in the market, there is simply no one to move it.

So best time for trading binary options – operating hours of the main financial centers peace. At 09:00 London comes into play and this is clearly visible on the chart. Areas where the operating hours of several exchanges overlap are characterized by increased volatility.

For example, the stock exchanges of New York and Chicago come into action when Europe has not yet closed. A second wave may begin in the same direction that was set at the opening of Europe.

Much depends on which currency pair you are working with. If only for majors and major crosses, then the proposed mode of operation will be suitable. You can trade from morning until the closing of American exchanges. During the Asian session, volatility drops sharply.

Everything written above concerned intraday trading. But market activity is also unevenly distributed by day of the week.

The period from Tuesday to Thursday is ideal for trading; in most cases, these are the days when the main weekly movement occurs. Monday and Friday form candlestick shadows on the weekly timeframe. On Monday the market had not yet decided, and on Friday many people took profits before the weekend, hence the slight pullback.

As for the best time to trade binary options, Monday and Friday do not have to be ignored. Just reduce the size of your usual bet these days and be especially careful when choosing signals.

Should you trade on weekends and at night?

Some binary options brokers, for example, Binomo, allow you to trade on weekends. Usually, work can only be done using Bitcoin.

It just doesn't make any sense. At this time, there are no strong movements, which means you can try trading strategies for a quiet market, for example, trading on the rebound from the boundaries of the horizontal channel. To be on the safe side, brokers simply cut interest rates these days.

As a result, instead of payments at the level of 70-85%, the trader will receive at best 40-50%, and maybe less. That is, the percentage of profitable trades must be higher than usual in order to operate profitably.

With regard to night trading, the problem is the same, only the percentage of payouts for options in the money will be even lower. Profit can be reduced by up to 10-30% depending on the asset and its volatility. As a result, the ratio of profitable trades to unprofitable ones at night should be at the level of 1/7-1/10 in order to stay in the black. In addition, if at night the chart moves in the range of 20-30 points, then making a forecast becomes much more difficult; the result of the transaction is highly dependent on random price fluctuations.

Do not forget that a trader needs rest. Working on weekends and at night does not help this.


As for when is the best time to trade on binary options, That the best option– trading from Tuesday to Thursday during the opening hours of European and American exchanges. In the case of binary options, it does not matter how long the price will move in the desired direction, but the main movement occurs precisely during this period of time and it will be easier to predict the price behavior. You will be less dependent on random price fluctuations.

Binary options - unique instrument, which provides the trader wide choose opportunities that make his activities as comfortable as possible, taking into account all individual characteristics and requests. When forming his trading system, a trader relies on various components. This includes the amount of the deposit, which will not be a blow to his financial condition, and the time that he can devote to trading, and psychological characteristics character.

One of them is that they can be traded 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Choice best period trading depends on the strategy that is preferable for the trader and which will help him consistently earn money in this market. The day and evening sessions, when the European and American stock exchanges are open, are the most volatile. Particularly sharp price movements are observed during the opening of exchange trading and the first few hours; then in the last hours of the sessions.

The Pacific and Asian sessions are less active, except during the release of important news in this region. Many traders prefer to make their transactions at night, when price movements are calmer and more predictable. During this period, markets are predominantly flat, so channel strategies are most often chosen. Bollinger Bands and the Keltner Channel are most suitable for night strategies.

An important factor determining the timing of transactions is the choice of the underlying asset. For example, during the Asian session it is better to trade assets that include the Japanese yen and Asian indices. In the Pacific - choose instruments with Australian and New Zealand currencies. During the European and American sessions, most assets are traded - these are currency pairs, stocks, commodities, and indices traded in the euro and the American currency. exchanges.

For traders who, despite the increased risk, the timing of transactions depends on. The release of statistics on unemployment, inflation, and key rates provokes explosive activity in markets, especially those related to news publications. Almost all brokers post calendars on their websites, and traders can determine in advance what news they will try to make money on. Some of them select the most significant events that cause a multiple increase in market volatility. Others trade on less significant ones, but whose influence on the behavior of the underlying asset can be traced and its further movement can be predicted for a certain future.

One of the factors that greatly influences the profitability of binary options transactions is the timing of the contracts. The right timing will help ensure a series of successful trades, and the wrong timing, in turn, can disrupt the flow of a carefully worked out trading plan. Surprisingly, most novice traders do not even ask the question of when is the best time to trade binary options. More precisely, beginners do not take into account the influence of events that different time have a strong impact on the financial instruments that are the underlying assets of option contracts.

For strategies and basics of trading, watch my video:

Price dynamics in the options market

Often, binary options brokers, in an effort to ensure the highest possible audience coverage potential clients declare the possibility of round-the-clock trading on their own resources. Theoretically, this is quite possible to implement, but you should be aware that the current price of the option, which, in turn, depends on the price of financial instruments (indices, stocks, commodity positions), changes only if the price of the instruments themselves changes . Jumps in the price chart are caused by the activity of traders on the exchange platforms on which these assets are traded, as well as events that are directly related to these assets (releases of stock profitability reports, news releases about a decrease in oil production rates, etc.).

Changes whose causes are known in advance

So, if it is the height of the working day on the New York Nasdaq Exchange, then the price of binary options on shares is subject to continuous, sometimes quite sharp changes. And if unemployment report data in the US has just been published (such reports are published on certain days, strictly in time), then concluding an options contract on currencies is extremely risky, the price can change very quickly. Novice traders are very surprised that the price, which had been moving quite smoothly and unidirectionally over the past two hours, made a sharp breakthrough, while this could have been predicted simply by having in front of oneself schedules and news release graphs, but also not Knowledge of the basic rules of binary options trading will be superfluous.

In turn, working with options while the exchange on which a particular instrument is quoted is closed due to the end of the working day (exchanges work strictly according to schedule), presupposes relative calm in terms of price changes. By the way, on weekends, which are Saturday, Sunday and some days that are considered holidays, all exchanges are closed and price activity on the binary market is minimal. However, price spikes and sudden changes can still occur.

Trading session schedule

So, the main time factor influencing asset prices is the opening and closing time of exchanges. At these moments, price movement can be very lively, and the opening of the exchange after a weekend very often causes a very sharp drop in the price chart.

The awakening of financial activity begins in the East; the Asian trading session begins at approximately 2 a.m. (Moscow time) and ends when noon arrives in the Russian capital. The Asian session overlaps in time with the European one (London), which starts at 9 a.m. (Moscow time) and ends at 6 p.m. If price volatility during the Asian session is quite difficult to predict, then the European session is somewhat different in this sense, since it has peak periods of activity - from 9 to 12 hours and from 13 to 15 hours Moscow time.

When it is already evening in the capital of the Russian Federation, the American session begins (from 18 to 22 Moscow time), this session can be characterized by significant trading volumes, which is reflected not so much in the dynamics of price changes, but in the number of points passed on the price chart.

Thus, the intersection of sessions determines 24/7 work binary options market, traders can plan contracts and enter into transactions when it is most convenient in time or when this is implied by the terms of personal trading strategy. If sudden changes are needed to implement the strategy, one time of day is selected, and if a smooth movement is necessary, the moment is selected when activity on trading floors is minimal.

It is advisable to have a schedule of trading sessions at hand; this schedule can be easily found on the resources of brokers who actually offer a little more useful information than novice traders can see. Having such tools in your arsenal, you can decide for yourself what time is best to trade binary options.

Choosing the timing of trading by assets (financial instruments)

In addition to the session schedule, it is necessary to take into account the operating schedule of the exchanges on which the product underlying the contact is traded. Since options are based on underlying assets such as currencies, securities, commodity items, as well as indices, then you should have at hand the work schedule of the world's leading exchanges where assets belonging to the listed categories are traded.

So, if a trader works with gold options, he is primarily interested in working hours trading platforms in European countries, since this is where the largest transactions in precious metals take place. A trader who works with stock indices, in turn, will track the start and end times of those exchanges whose indices are offered by the broker.

Dependence of price dynamics on the time of news release

News has a huge impact on the financial instruments market as a whole and on individual positions. News is messages about certain changes in the market situation that already have or will have an impact on prices, volumes and other parameters. Financial news is of interest not only to traders, but also to everyone involved in business processes, since in the world of money almost all events are, one way or another, interconnected. For novice traders, the information contained in the news is not so important as information about the exact time of release (publication) of this news, since some news is perceived by market participants in a very ambiguous manner, which causes the usual commotion in the markets.

Regular news schedule

There are news that are published regularly - these are publications economic indicators different countries, publication of industry indicators, etc. If a trader regularly works with option contacts for shares of a certain company, he will be very interested in knowing the date and time of the release of regular financial reports on the state of affairs in this company. Not so much in order to analyze the received information, but in order to expect the reaction of market participants, changes in price activity and trading dynamics.

As a rule, a schedule of all significant financial news that should be published in the near future (and even in the somewhat distant future) is included among the materials offered by binary options brokers.

Global financial news, published regularly, has a very great importance for markets, these are, first of all, reports from various government institutions on the situation in certain industries. Thus, a report on the construction of new houses, published by the US department, may contain information about a reduction in construction volumes, which will affect, for example, the dollar exchange rate due to cheaper mortgage loans (since most of the new housing is purchased with a mortgage). By monitoring such news, it is easier for a trader to choose the right time to trade binary options.

However, analyze the meaning and possible consequences changes reflected in such news are extremely difficult because there are so many variables. A novice binary options trader is not recommended to delve into detailed analysis, since such analysis requires a long and very quality training. But you should definitely know the time when this news should be published, since at the time such news is released there is a very high probability of a sharp change in prices or a change in trading dynamics.

Current news

Changes in price dynamics associated with the release of regular news are quite easy to predict, but events often arise in the financial world that relatively few could predict. These are persons who were directly involved in certain processes, as well as those who are in some way connected with direct participants in the events.

So, preparing a merger deal large companies, as a rule, is not advertised, but information about this event has a powerful impact not only on the stock prices of these companies, but also on the entire stock market, on the exchange indices where these shares are listed, as well as on the macroeconomic indicators of the countries where the companies operate . In the same way, planning for military operations is carried out without unnecessary publicity, and the outbreak of military operations (almost anywhere in the world) causes serious fluctuations in the markets.

As a rule, important current financial news is published during trading sessions, most often the European and American sessions. It is almost impossible to predict the moment when such news will be released; the only thing a binary options trader can do is plan his actions, taking into account the possibility of sudden release of significant news.


Within the framework of this article, we examined the dependence of the success of transactions with binary options on the correct choice of time for making trading operations. The success of a transaction directly depends on how well the price behavior corresponds to the trader’s forecasts, and taking into account the time factor greatly contributes to increasing predictability.

Knowledge and understanding of events that will occur at a certain time can significantly increase the accuracy of forecasts and eliminate interference in the form of unpredictable changes in trading dynamics. Having the appropriate schedules at hand allows you to move the planned transaction in such a way as not to be influenced by events whose outcome is difficult to predict.

Finally, I would like to recommend to a novice trader that you not only need to have a list of all events at hand, but also carefully adjust the time depending on time zones and seasonal changes of hands in different parts of the globe.

Dear traders, today I decided to write an article on a very important topic. « Favorable time for trading Binary Options."

If you are an ordinary investor who is interested in financial markets, then you should not ignore the new financial instrument. With a greater degree of probability, we can say that we are now observing time optimal for binary options. In the midst of the global financial economic crisis When currencies make new highs and lows, when the market is hot, we see huge asset volatility and trading activity around the world. Undoubtedly, this is the best time in world markets for trading binary options.

If you read this article carefully, you will definitely find the answer to the question. what time to trade binary options. After all, once you find binary options trading hours, suitable trading hours for each asset, you will be one step closer to successful trading.

This article will be based on my personal observations and my experience.

I have already received more than one letter from traders with questions:

- "Tell best binary options time

- “Which trading sessions have the most impact on the market?”

- “Why sometimes the exchange rate turns sharply in the other direction and is difficult to predict?”

- “Is it possible to trade on weekends?”

All this is connected with certain factors that I will tell you about today.

1. Trade during the week.

The most difficult days for trading are considered Monday and Friday. Monday is the opening of trading on all world exchanges. Therefore, markets are no longer predictable, volatile, sharp jumps and reversals to lows and highs are possible. The same applies to Friday, this is the day the markets close. That's why most favorable days Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are considered. Naturally, follow the release of news on the economic calendar, do not miss the release of the main news, and you will be able to reduce all unfavorable moments to a minimum. It is on these days that I open greatest number transactions.

2. Intraday trading or trading during the day.

Trading binary options for quite a decent time and having great experience, I have developed certain rules for myself that I can recommend to you. I start trading at 5 o'clock Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The Asian session is in full swing at this time, the European session will open only in 2 hours. At this time, volatility is not so strong, the market is more or less calm. At this time, you can find a good trend and trade on it.

Then the European session opens at 7 o'clock Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Currency pair EUR/USD becomes the most volatile, and at this time I trade it less often. Sharp jumps in the pair are possible, the exchange rate becomes unstable, news of the economic calendar for the Eurozone begins to come out. At this time, I trade the EUR/USD pair mainly based on news from the economic calendar. During the European session, I like to trade on currency pairs EUR/GBP, GBP/USD, GBP/CHF, AUD/USD, USD/CHF, NZD/USD and others.

The American session begins at 13:00 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). At this time, there is great volatility in all currency pairs, the market becomes more unpredictable, there are many nuances that need to be taken into account, it will be difficult for a beginner. At this time, trading is going well based on news from the USA, Canada and the Eurozone.

3. Weekend trading.

I have a separate article devoted to this topic, where I give my advice and recommendations, which I recommend you read, Weekend trading >>>. Many brokers completely close trading on weekends as the exchanges close, but some brokers such as IQ option and Binomo offer weekend trading (OTS).

4. Events of a fundamental nature.

The time is not calm, we heard on the news that there was a terrorist attack or some kind of natural disaster somewhere, the imposition of sanctions on certain countries, news related to energy resources (oil, gas) - get ready for the market to rage. On days like these technical analysis completely refuses to work for trading on the market. But fundamental analysis strategies will work perfectly.

5. Holidays.

Follow national holidays such as Christmas, New Year, Easter. If you want to avoid unpleasant surprises, do not trade on these days. Some exchanges may not be open these days. You can find information about holidays in the economic news calendar, and the broker usually warns traders in his newsletter.

6. First Friday of the month, non-farm (NFP).

One of the factors that a successful trader must consider is time. Knowledge about time zones should lead the deposit owner to believe that the world's stock exchanges open at approximately the same time. But still, everyone has their own. If you observe the surges in activity, they can be associated with the entry of foreign traders into the market.

The ability to make a series of successful trades within one hour is not a myth, but a reality. On the other hand, it is precisely the binding of one’s transactions to an unsuccessful time interval that can threaten a trader with a financial fiasco.

Best time to trade

Until relatively recently, trading was not available in the evening. Every owner of Gazprom shares knew very well that the end of the price change was approximately 18.30 Moscow time. Increasing the interval to increase the activity of traders, unfortunately, is nothing more than the desire of brokers to involve more participants with a deposit in trading.

Well, if we consider the question of what is the best time to trade binary options, we need to look at the market results. If a person has a desire to work at night, it is advisable to test this with a small investment. After this, you can look at the state of your deposit after a series of transactions. Right choice the frequency of trade is nothing more than the establishment of a personal work schedule.

Everyone must determine for themselves what time to trade binary options, and what time it would be better to focus on currency pairs.

If we consider the possibility of round-the-clock participation in trading processes, then this is only possible in theory. The history of stock markets is rich in cases in which severe disruptions were observed on large exchanges. The result of such events is known - the overwhelming majority of broker clients lost part of their deposits due to canceled rates.

Increased load on servers stock exchanges explained big amount admitted to trading and the fact that data between sites is subject to synchronization. This is the meaning of quotes. Therefore, round-the-clock operation is most likely “provided” by the brokers themselves.

In any case, you obviously shouldn’t count on the true cost of the instrument in the middle of the night. Here it is best to remember one of the tips for a trader: you need to rest, and rest fully. At least to avoid mental exhaustion.


Trading sessions around the world open at their own strictly defined times. And such events are truly significant for every participant who is committed to active work. The timing of the launch and opening of exchanges around the world has a direct impact on the value of assets.

It is at these moments that there is particular volatility in financial instruments. By the way, many participants use it successfully. The market is particularly active during the opening of sites after the weekend. This is the result of enlightenment, the emergence of new solutions in the rested heads of traders.

Trading sessions on binary options (Moscow time, GMT +3)

The working timing of traders can be tied to standard sessions of world stock exchanges. When choosing the operating time of binary options, you need to remember the parameters of the main four platforms:

1. They were the first to start trading in the east. The Pacific trading session opens at 2 a.m. Moscow time and lasts 9 hours. During this time, shares of companies registered in Oceania and Australia are volatile. At the same time, you can earn extra money using the Australian dollar.

2. Next in time is the Asian trading session, which opens at 4 am Moscow time. Participation in this trading zone is 9 hours. During this period, news is actively received on the Japanese yen, as well as on well-known Asian stocks. This is considered to be the best time to trade binary options.

3. The opening of European platforms occurs at a time familiar to Russian traders. Nine o'clock in the morning Moscow time is usually associated with high volatility. This better time to complete transactions. The instruments traded during this period are shares large corporations Europe, Swiss franc and British pound.

4. The American session opens later than everyone else; you can participate in it starting at six in the evening Moscow time. It lasts only 6 hours, during which time traders can hunt for tasty directions for growth of the American and Canadian dollar in relation to weakening currencies.

If we talk about inclusion in the round-the-clock operating mode, it is necessary to take into account that this possibility is provided by overlapping trading sessions. It is believed that this time is the best time for making transactions, as players are especially active:

  • Moscow time 11-12 hours. During this period, auctions take place in Japan and the UK. Instruments that you can make good money on forecasting are pairs that include the yen, pound and euro;
  • Moscow time 16-19. During this period, London is still active, but the Americans are already actively entering the game. Now is the time to make transactions with pairs involving the dollar and euro;
  • For those who prefer to hit the jackpot at night Moscow time, from 3 to 9 o'clock, it is best to focus on pairs involving the yen and the Australian dollar.

Days for trading

Of course, the stock exchange is directly dependent on many factors. Factors that influence non-trading processes have been studied for decades. Based on many years of observations, standard instructions for market participants were drawn up. Let's look at the best days to trade binary options:

Thus, Monday is considered the most unlucky day for making large transactions. At the beginning of the week, participants set the so-called build-up. There are no significant breakthroughs on this day; the market is preparing for Tuesday.

The second day of the week is usually characterized by high dynamics, participants are active, instruments are volatile. It is believed that during this period they perform best. Wednesday is recognized as the same day.

Two whole days of active trading require a break to comprehend the events that have taken place. Thursday is an inactive period for the stock market. Friday can remind participants that it makes sense to connect to trading processes.

However, it is not recommended to make trades at the very end. At this time, the calculation of trading results on world platforms begins; at these moments, fluctuations in the price value of instruments are explained solely by the collection of data, but do not depend on the trading volume.

The strongest factor that directly influences the work of the global market is news. Of course, it is quite difficult for beginners to navigate the sea of ​​events, but for yourself you can understand the periods when the most important information. It is significant events that can give a predictable trend reversal. No less important are regular news, which other market participants look forward to.