Notification for social scholarship etc. How to receive a social scholarship for students from the state. Who is allowed to process social benefits for university students?

Notification for social scholarship etc.  How to receive a social scholarship for students from the state.  Who is allowed to process social benefits for university students?
Notification for social scholarship etc. How to receive a social scholarship for students from the state. Who is allowed to process social benefits for university students?

The ESM development process consists of two main stages: preparatory and layout.

At the first stage (preparatory) the following is carried out:

  • selection of sources and formation of main content;
  • structuring the material and developing a table of contents or script;
  • processing of the text and formation of main sections;
  • selection, creation and processing of material for multimedia implementation (videos, sound, graphic images).

At the second stage, all selected and developed parts of the electronic educational resources (information, training, control) are assembled (assembled into a single whole) for presentation to students in accordance with the scenario conceived by the author.

IN general view The ESM development process is illustrated by the diagram presented in Fig. 3.1.

Rice. 3.1.

The content of electronic educational resources must correspond to the level of education being received. Currently, the development of electronic educational resources should be focused on obtaining the competencies specified by the discipline program. On preparatory stage selection or development is underway starting materials for electronic educational resources (texts, graphic illustrations, animations, audio and video fragments, etc.), including the development or acquisition, if necessary, of educational application packages. At this stage it is usually used software general purpose: text and graphic editors, animators, audio/video digitization programs, programming tools, etc.

In the structure of the electronic educational resources, it is customary to distinguish the introduction and the main part, which consists of sections, chapters, and topics. Introduction is important element EER, since it substantiates the relevance of this EER and determines the level of education and audience for which this resource is intended. When forming the content, it is recommended to divide it into two parts: the main part, which is mandatory for study, and the additional part, which is variable, for in-depth study of the material, broadening your horizons, and increasing motivation. Mandatory sections are: glossary, bibliography and Internet sources.

In accordance with the IPC structure of the ESM, defined in Section 1, when forming the resource text into modules, it is assumed that a module is understood as any of the modules of the IPC structure.

When developing the structure and content of the ESM, it is necessary to take into account the following principles and technological features:

  1. Priority principle pedagogical approach: implemented through setting educational goals and developing content educational activities based on one or a combination of several didactic approaches: systemic, synergetic, problem-based, algorithmic, programmed, project-based, heuristic, competency-based, etc. Systems approach means that it is advisable to develop comprehensive manuals, including both lecture material, seminars, and combined lessons (for example, practices for the humanities and general specialties).
  2. The principle of the module: breaking down the material into sections consisting of modules that are minimal in volume but closed in content.
  3. Principle of completeness: each module must have the following components: theoretical core, Control questions on theory and examples. Sometimes it is useful to provide historical commentary or a chronological picture of the development of a particular movement.
  4. The principle of visibility. Each module should be provided with illustrative material as much as possible. When selecting and preparing illustrations, you should choose those that perform not an advertising or entertainment role, but an educational function.
  5. You should strive to make maximum use of illustrations in places that are difficult to understand educational material; for generalizations and systematization of thematic semantic blocks; for the general revitalization of all educational material and text dispersed throughout the entire field, both printed and electronic (hypertext).

At the second stage, the arrangement of electronic materials in the EER can be done by directly programming the training script in any algorithmic language: BASIC, Pascal, SI, Java, etc. In this case, the role of the navigator in the learning process is played by the script, while when using only HTML, this role, as in traditional textbooks, is performed by the table of contents. The use of programming allows you to implement almost any didactic techniques author and developers. However, this approach also has significant shortcomings, such as:

  • high labor intensity of the ESM development process;
  • the need to attract professional programmers;
  • impossibility of making changes without involving programmers;
  • significant dependence of the didactic quality of the teaching scenario on pedagogical qualifications developers.

An alternative way to compose educational material for electronic educational resources is to use instrumental software systems, which can be divided into two groups - software general or special purpose. The first group includes PowerPoint programs, Adobe Acrobat and a number of others. However, the capabilities of general-purpose software packages are limited from the point of view of creating functionally complete ESM. For example, in PowerPoint it is only a presentation (presentation) of educational material with predominantly linear navigation. There is no way to provide arbitrary navigation through the educational material and the ability to prepare interactive exercises for self-control and training. These capabilities are provided, as a rule, in special software tools called authoring systems.

Software tools for creating ESM are the so-called authoring systems (from the English Authoring System), which are defined as a set of tool programs designed for creating and operating ESM. In Russia, the term “Instrumental shell” or simply a shell for creating an ESM is also in circulation.

Modern authoring systems allow you to develop electronic educational resources from various multimedia components: hypertexts, static and animated images, video and audio clips, ready-made software modules. Moreover, some authoring systems have their own built-in text and graphic editors, animators, and tools for preparing simulation and mathematical models. But the main difference between authoring systems and general-purpose software tools is the presence of standard templates that implement various types of academic work, in particular scenarios of computer training and control. Such systems do not require knowledge of programming languages ​​to prepare electronic educational resources, which allows ordinary teachers to work with them. Some of them have their own built-in language, which narrows the circle of potential users, although it gives ESM developers more scope for implementing various didactic ideas.

  • Who will use the ESM?
  • In what disciplines is it planned to use ESM?
  • Who will develop the ESM?
  • What characteristics of an authoring system are needed?
  • How will the system be supported?
  • How much will it cost to purchase and operate?

Who will use the ESM? What is the age of the students? This is a very important factor that must be taken into account from the first stage of ESM development. Junior children school age usually do not have sufficiently significant motivation to complete independent educational work. For them, templates for educational work scenarios of the author's system must contain game components using, for example, standard pedagogical agents - Teacher and Student, and also have an attractive graphic design. For high school students, university students, and students of advanced training and retraining courses, the strict, academic style of electronic educational resources is more suitable.

Nowadays, every designer and programmer is faced with the construction of various kinds of diagrams and flowcharts. When information technology did not yet occupy such an important part of our lives, drawing these structures had to be done on a sheet of paper. Fortunately, all these actions are now performed using automated software installed on the user's computer.

On the Internet it is quite easy to find a huge number of editors that provide the ability to create, edit and export algorithmic and business graphics. However, it is not always easy to figure out which application is needed in a particular case.

Due to its versatility, the product from Microsoft can be useful both to professionals who have been building various structures for many years, and to ordinary users who need to draw a simple diagram.

Like any other program in the series Microsoft Office, Visio has all the tools necessary for comfortable work: creating, editing, connecting and changing additional properties figures. A special analysis of the already built system was also implemented.


In second place in this list, quite rightly, is Dia, which contains all the functions necessary for a modern user for constructing circuits. In addition, the editor is distributed free of charge, which simplifies its use for educational purposes.

A huge standard library of forms and connections, as well as unique capabilities not offered by modern analogues - this awaits the user when accessing Dia.

Flying Logic

If you are looking for software with which you can quickly and easily build the necessary diagram, then Flying Logic is exactly what you need. There is no cumbersome complex interface and a huge number of visual chart settings. One click - adding a new object, the second - creating a union with other blocks. You can also combine schema elements into groups.

Unlike its analogues, this editor does not have big amount various forms and connections. Plus, it is possible to display additional information on blocks, which is described in detail in the review on our website.

BreezeTree Software FlowBreeze

FlowBreeze is not a separate program, but a plug-in standalone module that greatly facilitates the development of diagrams, flowcharts and other infographics.

Of course, FlowBreeze is software mostly intended for professional designers and the like, who understand all the intricacies of the functionality and understand what they are paying money for. It will be extremely difficult for average users to understand the editor, especially considering the interface is in English.

Edraw MAX

Like the previous editor, Edraw MAX is a product for advanced users who are professionally involved in such activities. However, unlike FlowBreeze, it is a standalone software with countless features.

In terms of interface style and operation, Edraw is very similar to . It’s not for nothing that it is called the latter’s main competitor.

AFCE Algorithm Flowcharts Editor

This editor is one of the least common among those presented in this article. This is due to the fact that its developer - an ordinary teacher from Russia - completely abandoned the development. But his product is still in some demand today, since it is perfect for any schoolchild or student who is learning the basics of programming.

In addition to this, the program is completely free, and its interface is made exclusively in Russian.


The concept of the FCEditor program is radically different from others presented in this article. Firstly, the work occurs exclusively with algorithmic flowcharts, which are actively used in programming.

Secondly, FSEditor independently, automatically builds all structures. All the user needs is to import the finished source code in one of the available programming languages, and then export the code converted into a schema.


The BlockShem program, unfortunately, presents a lot fewer features and convenience for users. There is no automation of the process in any form. In Flowchart, the user must manually draw the shapes and then combine them. This editor is more of a graphical editor than an object editor intended for creating diagrams.

Unfortunately, the library of figures in this program is extremely poor.

As you can see, there is big choice software designed for constructing block diagrams. Moreover, applications differ not only in the number of functions - some of them imply a fundamentally different operating principle, distinguishable from analogues. Therefore, it is difficult to advise which editor to use - everyone can choose exactly the product that they need.


1 Theoretical foundations for the development and use of electronic educational resources …………………………

1.1 Electronic educational resources: concepts and varieties ……………………………………………………...

1.2 Software tools for creating electronic educational resources …………………………


Bibliography ………………………………………………...



Currently, in the field of informatization of education, the main attention is focused on the problems of creating effective electronic educational resources (EER).

The relevance of the development of electronic educational resources is associated with the lack or absence of full-fledged materials on newly introduced disciplines, the introduction of distance learning methods into the educational process, the systematization and generalization of teachers’ materials, the need to adapt materials for curricula and the contingent of students studying at this educational institution. It is also important to be able to constantly develop and improve existing teaching materials and make them as accessible as possible to students. Electronic textbooks, of course, are not a copy of paper ones; they should include means of navigating the educational material, a thesaurus, search tools, questions and tasks for self-testing of the mastery of educational material, as well as means of attracting students' attention, including animation sequences and active content.

Purpose of the work: To develop an electronic educational resource for use in lessons and as a methodological toolkit for teachers;

    Explore methodological literature and Internet sources;

    Study modern software tools for creating electronic educational resources and websites.

    Determine the structure and content of the electronic educational resource “Profile training in computer science.”

    Develop an educational educational program “Profile training in computer science.”

Research methods

1 Theoretical foundations for the development and use of electronic educational resources

      Electronic educational resources: concepts and varieties

Currently, the rapid informatization of the education sector continues, in particular, the development of electronic learning tools. In this regard, educational institutions are faced with the task of creating sets of electronic educational resources (EER) that complement textbooks: electronic lecture courses, electronic teaching aids, test materials with a gradual transition to the creation of complete electronic modules and electronic educational and methodological complexes in disciplines that support Conducting all types of classes to obtain competencies corresponding to the specialty.

In accordance with global experience, text-based electronic products are being replaced by highly interactive, multimedia-rich ESM. The requirements for interactivity and multimedia richness are especially important for educational products used in general education. It is obvious that we can expect increased efficiency and quality of education from informatization only if new educational products have some innovative qualities.

Electronic educational resources are educational materials that are reproduced using electronic devices.

In the most general case, EER includes educational videos and sound recordings, for playback of which a household tape recorder or CD player is sufficient.

The most modern and effective electronic educational resources for education are reproduced on a computer. It is on such resources that we will focus our attention.

Sometimes, in order to highlight this subset of EER, they are called digital educational resources (DER), meaning that the computer uses digital recording/playback methods. However, audio/video compact discs (CDs) also contain recordings in digital formats, so introducing a separate term and abbreviation DOR does not provide any significant benefit. Therefore, following the interstate standard GOST 7.23-2001, it is better to use the general term “electronic” and the abbreviation EOR.

EORs are different, and it is very convenient to classify them according to the degree of difference from traditional printed textbooks.

The simplest ESM are textographic. They differ from books mainly in the basis for the presentation of texts and illustrations - the material is presented on a computer screen, and not on paper. Although it is very easy to print, i.e. transfer to paper.

EORs of the next group are also textographic, but have significant differences in text navigation.

We read the pages of a book sequentially, thus performing so-called linear navigation. At the same time, quite often in educational texts there are terms or references to another section of the same text. In such cases, the book is not very convenient: you need to look for explanations somewhere else, leafing through many pages.

In ESM, this can be done much more conveniently: specify an unfamiliar term and immediately receive its definition in a small additional window, or instantly change the contents of the screen when specifying a so-called keyword (or phrase). Essentially, the key phrase is an analogue of a line in the familiar book table of contents, but this line is not placed on a separate page (table of contents), but is embedded in the main text.

In this case, navigation through the text is nonlinear (you view fragments of text in an arbitrary order, determined by logical coherence and your own desire). This textographic product is called hypertext.

The third level of ESM is resources consisting entirely of a visual or sound fragment. The formal differences from the book are obvious here: neither cinema, nor animation (cartoon), nor sound are possible for a printed publication.

But, on the other hand, it is worth noting that such EORs are essentially no different from audio/video products played on a household CD player.

The most significant, fundamental differences from the book are found in the so-called multimedia electronic educational resources. These are the most powerful and interesting products for education, and they deserve separate consideration.

The English word multimedia means “many ways”. In our case, this is the representation of learning objects in many different ways, i.e. using graphics, photos, videos, animations and sound. In other words, everything that a person is able to perceive with the help of sight and hearing is used.

Today the term “multimedia” is used quite widely, so it is important to understand what exactly it refers to. For example, a well-known multimedia player is called multimedia because it can play photographs, videos, sound recordings, and text in turn. But at the same time, each reproduced in this moment the product is “single-media” (“dual-media” can only be called a voice-over video).

The same can be said about a “multimedia collection”: as a whole, the collection is multimedia, but each individual element used is not multimedia.

When we talk about ESM multimedia, we mean the possibility of simultaneous reproduction on a computer screen and in sound of a certain set of objects presented in various ways. Of course we're talking about not about meaningless confusion, all represented objects are logically connected, subordinated to a certain didactic idea, and a change in one of them causes corresponding changes in the others. Such a coherent collection of objects can rightly be called a “scene.” The use of the theatrical term is quite justified, since most often fragments of real or imaginary reality are presented in ESM multimedia.

The degree of adequacy of the representation of a fragment of the real world determines the quality of the multimedia product. The highest expression is “virtual reality,” which uses multimedia components of the highest quality for human perception: three-dimensional visuals and stereo sound.

Is interactivity the ability to interact?

Absolutely right, the translation of English interactive is interaction.

Let us note that it is interaction (by consent or opposition) with the surrounding natural and social environment that is the basis of intelligent existence. Therefore, in educational process The role of interaction can hardly be overestimated.

The phrase “interactive operating mode” is used quite often. However, as with the definition of “multimedia,” you need to understand what exactly interactivity is.

Generally speaking, working with a computer is in itself interactive in nature: using the keyboard and mouse, the user produces some results, in particular, searches for a certain piece of text information. But from an educational point of view, in this version, it interactively solves educational problems in computer science. The found text fragment, of course, can be devoted to another subject area, but reading the text, firstly, is not interactive, and secondly, it is not effective if the same information is available in a school textbook.

The dominant feature of the introduction of computers into education is the sharp expansion of the sector of independent educational work, and this applies, of course, to all academic subjects. The fundamental innovation introduced by the computer into the educational process is interactivity, which allows the development of active forms of learning. It is this new quality that allows us to hope for a real possibility of expanding the functionality of independent educational work - useful from the point of view of educational goals and effective from the point of view of time expenditure.

Therefore, instead of a text fragment with information on a particular academic subject, interactive electronic content is needed. In other words, the content of the subject area, represented by educational objects that can be manipulated and processes that can be interfered with.

Thus, interactivity is the main pedagogical tool of electronic educational resources, but there are other new pedagogical tools that create an environment for its (interactive) use.

What new pedagogical tools are used in EER?

There are five of them in total:






We have already talked about interactivity and multimedia. If we add modeling to them - simulation modeling with audiovisual reflection of changes in the essence, appearance, qualities of objects and processes, then the electronic educational resource, instead of describing it in symbolic abstractions, will be able to provide an adequate representation of a fragment of the real or imaginary world.

Multimedia will provide a realistic representation of objects and processes, interactivity will provide the opportunity to influence and receive responses, and modeling implements reactions characteristic of the objects and processes under study.

The fourth tool – communication – is the possibility of direct communication, prompt presentation of information, and remote control of the process status. From the point of view of electronic educational resources, this is, first of all, the possibility of quick access to educational resources located on a remote server, as well as the possibility of on-line communications between remote users when performing a collective educational task.

Finally, the fifth new one pedagogical tool– user performance. Thanks to the automation of non-creative, routine operations of searching for the necessary information, the creative component and, accordingly, the effectiveness of educational activities increase sharply.

EERs of the new generation are open educational modular multimedia systems (OMS).

In the simplest terms, these are electronic educational products that have made it possible to solve three main problems of modern electronic educational resources.

The first problem was that ESM distributed on the Internet were predominantly textographic. Obviously, an electronic copy of a textbook will not be of any use to a student, and working with many information sources is not typical for a school, unlike a university.

Moreover, at any level of education, the educational process is far from being exhausted by obtaining information; it is also necessary to provide practical classes and certification (best on a subject basis).

It is clear that solving these problems requires ESM with interactive multimedia content, but the distribution of such products on the global network has encountered serious technical difficulties.

In the new generation ESM, the problem of network access to highly interactive, multimedia-rich content has been solved. In other words, all five new pedagogical tools can be used in these products.

The second technological problem is closely related to the solution to the first. Until now, interactive multimedia products have been released on CDs, with each manufacturer using its own software solutions, loading methods, user interfaces. This often meant that learning disk techniques required almost as much effort and time as the course content.

New generation ESM (ESM NP) – network products produced by different manufacturers in different time and in different places. Therefore, the architecture, playback software, user interface were unified. As a result, the problem of independence of methods of storing, searching and using a resource from the manufacturing company, time and place of production was solved for ESM NP.

For students and teachers, this means that today and in the future, using any ESM NP requires one set of client software, and in all ESM NPs the content-independent part of the graphical user interface is the same.

The third problem is specific to education. It has been declared for many years that the computer will provide student-centered learning. The concept of individual educational trajectories of students has long been used in pedagogical practice.

Indeed, the need to approach teaching different students differently is obvious, but in a classroom-lesson system it is practically impossible. However, even in the current binary system “teacher - class”, teachers are still different, each of them wants to teach in their own way. Accordingly, electronic educational resources should allow the creation of proprietary training courses.

In traditional conditions, the teacher is quite free to use a variety of information sources (textbooks from various publishers, teaching materials, scientific publications...) and has limited freedom in terms of practical classes (for example, elective laboratory complexes are, unfortunately, a utopia). Therefore, when the first serious educational products on CD-ROM appeared, their disadvantages were immediately attributed to the rigidity training course. The teacher would like to change something, but many different specialists are involved in creating interactive multimedia content, which, of course, are not at school.

In the new generation EER, the problem of a teacher creating an original curriculum and individual educational trajectories for students has also been solved.

It is obvious that we can expect increased efficiency and quality of education from informatization only if new educational products have some innovative qualities.

The main innovative qualities of ESM include:

1. Providing all components of the educational process:

    receiving the information;

    practical lessons;

    certification (control of educational achievements).

Please note that the book only provides information.

2. Interactivity, which provides a dramatic expansion of opportunities for independent educational work through the use of active forms of learning.

What do EER give to a teacher?

It is worth citing the teacher's opinion here. On the website E.I. Begeneva from the Voronezh region formulates the answer as follows:

      do not write notes;

    you don’t need to carry bags with notebooks for checking, while we have a frontal survey every day, and there is no problem with the objectivity of the assessments - you can’t argue with the computer;

    we save “throat” efforts, get rid of the routine part of the lesson, and in return we get well-prepared children for the “dessert” - creativity;

    the problem of discipline in the classroom has been solved: students either stare at the screens or participate in a general discussion that is interesting for everyone, since everyone is prepared for it;

Indeed, perhaps the main thing is that it is much more interesting and effective to work with a prepared student.

However, not all so simple. The progressive teacher modestly keeps silent about the fact that he uses elements of new pedagogical technologies that must first be understood and then begun to be applied, following the difficult path of trial and error.

This refers to flat LCD monitors, the operating time of which is not limited to the tens of minutes allotted by the outdated SanPiN for cathode ray tubes.

Electronic textbooks (ET) are the main electronic learning tools. Such textbooks are created at a high scientific and methodological level and must fully comply with the discipline components of the educational standard of specialties and areas, determined by the didactic units of the standard and the program. In addition, educational institutions must ensure the continuity and completeness of the didactic cycle of the learning process, subject to the implementation of interactive feedback. One of the main properties of an ES is that its reduction to a “paper” version (printing out the contents of an ES) always leads to the loss of the specific didactic properties inherent in an ES.

It is advisable to correlate the classification of electronic educational resources with the types of educational activities. The most well-known type is educational work, which is regulated by State Educational Standards (SES), educational programs and is organized in various forms: full-time, correspondence (distance), etc. Educational work also includes a segment of self-education, characteristic of advanced training.

A significant place in the educational activities of the widest segments of the population is determined by activity aimed at satisfying cultural and social needs, diversified personal development and the formation of a social position.

Educational activities also include obtaining reference information necessary in work, study, and personal life.

Accordingly, electronic educational resources are divided into three large groups: educational, sociocultural, information and reference - Figure 1.

Figure 1 – ESM classification

Within the framework of the modern educational paradigm, which combines three main components of learning: obtaining information, practical training and certification, it is advisable to divide educational products into three corresponding types.

ESM can also be classified according to technological characteristics, delivery methods and other criteria. It is important for us to separate textographic ESM (illustrated text), audiovisual (consisting of one media element) and interactive multimedia ESM.

Based on the method of delivery to the user, ESM are divided into products for global computer networks, also called Internet resources, and ESM on local media (most often on optical CDs).

ESM classification system that allows:

1) promptly determine the type of ESM within the proposed system;

2) choose an adequate technology for developing a new or improving a previously developed electronic educational resource, ensuring its educational effectiveness;

3) optimize the process of analyzing the needs of university education in specific types of electronic educational resources (faculties and departments) in accordance with the competency model of a specialist (graduate of the department, university).

When developing the EER classification system, we focused on innovative transformations in the field of higher professional education and, above all, on the approval of competency-based, project-based and personality-oriented activity approaches in modern higher education.

The following principles became the conceptual basis for the development of an operational ESM classification system:

    determination of the target (functional) orientation of the developed electronic educational resources in accordance with:

    with the logic of the educational and cognitive process unfolding in a specific academic discipline

    with the department’s requests and expected educational results in the form of specific professional competencies or their structural elements;

    with the need to ensure the declared level of development of competencies for specific specialties;

    determining the compliance of the educational content of electronic educational resources with new models (technologies) of organizing university education (providing required level interactivity of organizing educational content of electronic educational resources);

    using the achievements of new information technologies in the development of electronic educational resources;

    provision of all components of the educational process for the formation of the necessary competencies in the specialty (at the relevant departments of UrFU).

These principles formed the basis for the selection of criteria for our classification system, according to which the entire variety of electronic educational resources created at the university can be combined into the following groups:

    EORs that differ in terms of functional purpose, namely:

    information electronic educational resources (auxiliary and reference sources of information: reference books, dictionaries, electronic encyclopedias, bibliography (basic and additional literature), siteography, etc.);

    educational electronic educational resources (video lectures, electronic teaching materials, electronic textbooks, electronic practical training system, virtual laboratory work, etc.);

    control and diagnostic EOR.

    EERs that differ in the level of interactivity (according to the form of user interaction with the EER content - Osin):

    Electronic educational resources that involve the user working with an unchanged type of content (conditionally passive form of interactivity);

    ESM that ensure interaction with content at the level of elementary operations with its elements (conditionally active form of interactivity);

    ESM, suggesting independent choice the user of a methodologically justified sequence of actions leading to a given learning result (active form of interactivity);

    ESM, providing arbitrary manipulation of objects and processes presented or generated in the process of interaction with content (research form of interactivity).

3. ESM, differing in the way the user interacts with the resource:

    by using personal computer(from local media, via the Internet);

    accompanying electronic educational resources (used by the teacher in a multimedia classroom, in a computer class, for a web seminar);

    work using mobile devices;

    integration into the learning management system (LMS);

    using an electronic book (Elnk).

4. ESM, differing in presentation format:

    text documents (MS Word, Adobe PDF, HTML, CHM);

    texts with automated verification;

    video and audio files;

    interactive multimedia resources (Adobe Flash);

    presentations (Power Point);

    software products (virtual workshops);

    with integration of video, audio and flash components;

    SCORM - packages.

5. EORs, differing in manufacturing technology:

    electronic textbook in SCORM format;

    video resource;

    HTML + Flash (mediatransformater);

    Flash resource.

The developed classification of electronic educational resources in accordance with the specifics of educational activities in departments and faculties will contribute to the adequacy of the choice of electronic educational resources and increase the effectiveness of training based on them.

In order to ensure uniform terminology, the following classification of ESM is introduced:

    Regulatory and methodological electronic educational resources ( educational plans, work programs of disciplines).

Educational basic teaching aids, the main source of scientific and disciplinary knowledge;

  • according to functional characteristics (meaning and place in the educational process) they are divided into: information and educational (textbooks: network, multimedia, electronic text; teaching aids; electronic educational publications

    ; lectures (lecture texts (full, short), lecture notes, video and audio lectures (their courses and fragments); ( informational and auxiliary (reference books, dictionaries/glossaries, electronic encyclopedias, collections of documents and materials, indexes of scientific and educational literature bibliography – , scientific publications of teachers, conference materials, articles by specialists, primary sources, fragments from paper textbooks, fragments of chat classes, transcripts of previously held chat discussions on the topic being studied, original works of students on the topic being studied or their significant fragments, expert reviews of students’ work, presentations accompanying lectures/practical/laboratory work, anthologies);

    practice-oriented (tasks for independent work students, workshops, collections of problems and exercises , virtual laboratory and practical work, seminars, etc.);

    control and diagnostic (tasks for self-control).

Having considered training and metodology complex Using the example of an educational institution, the question arises: How to create an electronic educational resource and what is it? EER refers to educational materials for the reproduction of which are used electronic devices. In the most general case, EER includes educational videos and sound recordings, for playback of which a household tape recorder or CD player is sufficient. The most modern and effective ones for the education of electronic educational resources are reproduced on a computer. It is on such resources that we will focus our attention.

In order for us to understand this issue, it is necessary to get acquainted with the structure, content, requirements and principles of operation of the ESM.

According to the form of content of lecture material, EER can be divided into several types:

Electronic textbook - software package with educational materials and tests on a specific subject (I.G. Zakharova). For example: an electronic copy of a printed publication without the use of multimedia and hyperlinks (I.M. Ibragimov) or a textbook entered into a computer, but organized according to the hypertext principle (G.M. Kodzhaspirova, K.V. Petrov).

Internet - textbook - multimedia hypertext electronic textbook, used on the Internet as a constantly developing and reference system (I.M. Ibragimov). For example, the dictionary of Ozhegov S.I. in electronic version.

A multimedia electronic textbook is a hypertext and multimedia translation of a printed textbook onto a computer; in comparison with printed materials, the necessary changes can be quickly made to such a textbook; it has great graphical clarity and a convenient user interface (I.M. Ibragimov).

A teaching program is a set of elementary portions of educational material in a given discipline, presented to the student on a computer screen in an interactive mode, depending on his actions with the automated teaching system (I.V. Robert).

Automated training system - a PC software system designed for the development and creation of training programs, management of the educational process in an interactive mode, collection and processing of training results (G.M. Kodzhaspirova, K.V. Petrov).

Computer training system - software tool, which reflects a certain subject area, implements the technology of its study to one degree or another, and provides conditions for the implementation various types educational activities (I.V. Robert).

It is the type of ESM that will determine its content. The first part of the electronic educational resource should include:

title page;

annotation to?EER;

ESM program;

list of abbreviations;

list of illustrations;

texts of topics (chapters) No. 1, 2, 3, etc.;

list of cited literature;

appendices (list of various regulations, decrees, resolutions).

The second part assumes the presence of:

a list of questions and tasks for self-testing of the studied material for each section and throughout the entire resource and tasks for computer training in a multimedia environment;

a list of questions and tasks to monitor the level of knowledge for each topic, chapter, section and the entire resource;

suggested topics coursework and/or abstracts;

an approximate list of exam questions and/or test questions;

various indexes (chronological, subject, name index);

dictionary of terms;


EOR may contain:

Methodological material. Includes a text form of knowledge presentation. For example: electronic textbook, tables, etc.

Didactic material. Represents a visualization. For example: photos, videos, presentations, games. Didactic material is content for interactive learning - this is the interaction of people who take part in the educational process: interaction between teacher and student, between the students themselves. . In Tomsk state university kit developed educational materials for teachers, where didactic models of conducting lessons using information technology are presented. It is based on video lessons presenting various models organizing lessons based on information technology.

Test material. Gives an idea of ​​the knowledge acquired. For example: tests, surveys, etc.

Also, when compiling an electronic educational material, it is necessary to comply with didactic requirements that reflect the necessary conditions and patterns of the learning process. Let us briefly consider the traditional didactic requirements for educational educational resources.

The requirement for scientific teaching means the need to take into account the latest scientific achievements, as well as to ensure sufficient depth, correctness and scientific reliability of the presentation of the content of educational material provided by educational resources.

The requirement for accessibility of learning carried out through educational resources means the need to determine the degree of theoretical complexity and depth of study of educational material in accordance with age and individual characteristics students, it is necessary to take into account the specifics basic education and the complex nature of the problems being studied.

The requirement to ensure problem-based learning is due to the very essence and nature of educational and cognitive activity. When a student is faced with a learning problem situation that requires resolution, his mental activity increases. It should be noted that the level of fulfillment of this didactic requirement with the help of electronic educational resources can be significantly higher than when using traditional textbooks and manuals.

The requirement to ensure the visibility of learning means the need to take into account the sensory perception of the objects being studied, their layouts or models, that is, personal observation of students. In the case of electronic educational resources, this didactic requirement is implemented at a higher level, ensuring multisensory learning with the inclusion in the educational and cognitive process of almost all channels of human perception of information.

The requirement to ensure the consciousness of learning involves the provision of educational resources independent actions students to extract information with a clear understanding of the ultimate goals and objectives of educational and cognitive activity.

The requirement for systematic and consistent training by users of an educational resource means ensuring the consistent assimilation of a certain system of knowledge in the subject area being studied. It is necessary that knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies are formed in a certain system, in a strictly logical order and find application in practical life. In this case, not only the logic of studying the discipline, but, first of all, the logic of activity is of significant importance. To do this you need:

present educational material in a systematic and structured manner;

take into account both retrospectives and prospects of the knowledge, skills and abilities being formed when organizing each portion educational information;

consider interdisciplinary connections the material being studied, corresponding to the characteristics of the type of activity;

carefully consider the sequence of presentation of educational material and teaching influences, justify each step in relation to the student;

build the process of acquiring knowledge in a sequence determined by the logic of learning, in turn determined by the logic of the student’s future (current) professional activity;

ensure the connection of the information presented by the educational resource with practice by linking the content and teaching methods with personal experience, selecting examples, creating meaningful game moments, presenting practical tasks, experiments, models real processes and phenomena.

Requirement for the strength of knowledge assimilation: for the sound assimilation of educational material highest value has a deep understanding of this material.

The requirement of adaptability implies the adaptability of electronic educational resources to the individual capabilities of students, that is, adaptation of the learning process to the level of their knowledge and skills, psychological characteristics. There are three levels of ESM adaptation:

The first level of adaptation is considered to be the student’s ability to choose the most appropriate individual pace for studying the material.

The second level of adaptation involves diagnosing the student’s condition, based on the results of which content and teaching methods are proposed.

The third level of adaptation is based on an approach that does not involve classification of possible users and consists in the fact that the authors of the ESM strive to develop as much as possible more options use for the widest possible contingent of possible students.

The requirement for interactive learning means that in the learning process there must be interaction between the student and the electronic educational resource. Electronic educational resources should provide interactive dialogue and suggestive feedback. An important component of the dialogue organization is the response of the ESM to user actions. Suggestive feedback allows you to monitor and correct the student’s actions, give recommendations on further work, provide constant access to reference and explanatory information. When monitoring with the diagnosis of errors based on the results of educational work, suggestive feedback provides the results of an analysis of work with recommendations for increasing the level of knowledge.

The requirement to implement the capabilities of computer visualization of educational information required by electronic educational resources. The requirement involves an analysis of capabilities modern means information display ( technical capabilities information display means - computers, multimedia projectors, virtual reality and the capabilities of modern software) compared with the quality of presentation of educational information in electronic educational resources.

The requirement to develop a student’s intellectual potential when working with electronic educational resources presupposes the formation of various styles of thinking (algorithmic, visual-figurative, reflective, theoretical), the ability to make rational or variable decisions in complex situations, information processing skills (based on the use of data processing systems, information retrieval systems, databases, etc.).

The requirement to ensure completeness (integrity) and continuity of the didactic learning cycle means that electronic educational resources must provide the opportunity to perform all links of the didactic process within one session of working with information and communication technologies (which is implemented by electronic educational resources that comprehensively support several didactic functions at once).

Each program needs methodological recommendations, which are not always indicated by the developers. Sometimes it’s very difficult to figure it out on your own. The following questions arise: where to start? What needs to be done to make it start moving? After all, with the help of EER we will be able to compile high-quality educational material for distance education schoolchildren.

In order to start creating an electronic educational resource, you need to follow some recommendations:

Think carefully about the ESM, what it will be needed for and what it will serve.

Break difficult work into easier steps.

It is better not to try to randomly implement all sorts of solution options, but first think and choose the most understandable and simple one.

Move from simple to complex, step by step approaching a solution to the problem.

Creative design will play an important role; it also needs to be well thought out.

Among the practical prerequisites for solving the problem of creating electronic educational resources is the increase in the number of teachers using electronic resources in their educational activities. EOR is not replaceable when distance learning, helps create conditions for the best interaction between student and teacher, and also improves the quality of educational content. This means that with the correct creation of electronic educational resources, it is possible to create high-quality educational and methodological support for preschool students.

Schemethis is an abstraction of a process or system that clearly displays the most significant parts. Schemes are widely used from ancient times to the present day - drawings of ancient pyramids, maps of lands, fundamental electrical circuits. Obviously, the ancient sailors wanted to exchange maps and therefore developed a unified system of notations and rules for their implementation. Similar agreements have been developed for depicting algorithmic diagrams and are enshrined in GOST and international standards.

In the territory Russian Federation valid one system program documentation (ESPD), of which it is a part State standardGOST 19.701-90 “Algorithm diagrams for programs, data and systems”. Despite the fact that the notations described in the standard can be used to depict system resource diagrams, program interaction diagrams, etc., this article only describes the development of program algorithm diagrams.

The GOST under consideration almost fully complies international standard ISO 5807:1985.

Algorithm flowchart elements

A block diagram is a set of symbols corresponding to the stages of the algorithm and the lines connecting them. Dotted line used to connect a symbol with a comment. solid line reflects control dependencies between symbols and can be provided with an arrow. The arrow may not be indicated when the arc is directed from left to right and from top to bottom. According to clause 4.2.4, the lines should approach the symbol from the left, or from above, and come from below, or from the right.

There are other types of lines used, for example, to depict block diagrams of parallel algorithms, but they, as well as a number of specific symbols, are not considered in the current article. Only basic symbols are considered, which are always sufficient for students.

Terminator for the start and end of a function

Every function begins and ends with a terminator. The type of the function's return value and arguments is usually specified in the comments of the terminator block.

Data input and output operations

GOST defines many input/output symbols, for example output to magnetic tapes, displays, etc. If the data source is not critical, the parallelogram symbol is usually used. I/O details can be specified in the comments.

Performing operations on data

An operations block usually contains one or more (GOST does not prohibit) assignment operations that do not require calling external functions.

Block illustrating the branching of the algorithm

The diamond-shaped block has one input and several signed outputs. If a block has 2 outputs (corresponds to a branching operator), the result of the comparison is signed to them - “yes/no”. If more lines come out of the block (selection operator), the name of the variable is written inside it, and the values ​​of this variable are written on the outgoing arcs.

Calling an external procedure

Calls to external procedures and functions are placed in a rectangle with additional vertical lines.

Start and end of the cycle

The start and end symbols for a loop contain a name and a condition. The condition may not be present in one of the symbols of the pair. The location of the condition determines the type of operator corresponding to the symbols in the language high level— an operator with a precondition (while) or postcondition (do ... while).

Data preparation

The "data preparation" symbol in free form(there are no explanations or examples in GOST), specifies input values. Typically used to define counter cycles.


If the flowchart does not fit on a sheet, a connector symbol is used to reflect the transition of control flow between sheets. The symbol can be used on one sheet if for some reason it is not convenient to draw a line.

A comment

A comment can be connected to either one block or a group. A group of blocks is highlighted on the diagram with a dotted line.

Block diagram examples

As examples, block diagrams of very simple sorting algorithms are constructed, with emphasis placed on various loop implementations, because students do greatest number errors in this part.

Insertion sort

Array in algorithm insertion sort divided into sorted and not yet processed parts. Initially, the sorted part consists of one element, and gradually increases.

At each step of the algorithm, the first element of the raw part of the array is selected and inserted into the sorted part so that the required order of elements is preserved. The insertion can be performed either at the end of the array or in the middle. When inserting into the middle, you must move all elements located “to the right” of the insertion position one element to the right. The algorithm uses two loops - in the first, elements of the raw part are selected, and in the second, insertion is carried out.

Flowchart of Insertion Sort Algorithm

The block diagram below uses a branch symbol to organize the loop. In the main loop (i< n) Iterates through the elements of the raw part of the array. If all elements are processed, the algorithm terminates; otherwise, a position for insertion is searched i-that element. The searched position will be stored in the variable j as a result of executing an inner loop that shifts elements until an element is found whose value is less i-that.

On block diagram shows how the jump symbol can be used - it can be used not only to connect parts of circuits located on different sheets, but also to reduce the number of lines. In some cases, this allows you to avoid crossing lines and makes the algorithm easier to understand.

Bubble sort

Bubble sort, like insertion sort, uses two loops. In a nested loop, a pairwise comparison of elements is performed and, if their order is violated, a rearrangement is performed. As a result of executing one iteration of the inner loop, the maximum element is guaranteed to be shifted to the end of the array. The outer loop runs until the entire array is sorted.

Bubble Sort Algorithm Flowchart

The block diagram shows the use of the start and end loop symbols. The outer loop condition (A) is checked at the end ( with postcondition), it works as long as the variable hasSwapped has the meaning true. The inner loop uses precondition to iterate through pairs of compared elements. If the elements are in the wrong order, they are rearranged by calling external procedure (swap). In order to understand the purpose of the external procedure and the order of its arguments, it is necessary to write comments. If the function returns a value, a comment can be written to the end terminator character.

Sorting by selection

IN selection sort the array is divided into sorted and raw parts. Initially, the sorted part is empty, but gradually it increases. The algorithm searches for the minimum element of the unprocessed part and swaps it with the first element of the same part, after which it is considered that the first element has been processed (the sorted part is increased).

Selection sort flowchart

The block diagram shows an example of using the “preparation” block, and also shows that in some cases it is possible to describe the algorithm in a more “enlarged” way (without going into details). Implementation details are not relevant to selection sort. finding the index of the minimum array element, so they can be described by an external procedure call symbol. If there is no block diagram of the external procedure algorithm, it would not hurt to write a comment to the call symbol; an exception may be functions with meaningful names like swap, sort, … .