Concrete sidewalk construction. Construction of concrete paths. Layout of expansion joints in a sidewalk covering made of small-sized shaped elements

Concrete sidewalk construction. Construction of concrete paths. Layout of expansion joints in a sidewalk covering made of small-sized shaped elements
  • Construction of concrete paths
    • Construction of continuous paths
    • Construction of paths from individual concrete stones

It is impossible to imagine any garden plot, cottage or country house without a well-planned site. The site planning is carried out first on paper. Marking the house and outbuildings and the location of the garden on the site plan; mark the location of the tracks. If the paths from home to outbuildings They plan to make them straight, but in the garden they can be winding.

Concrete garden path durable, able to serve long years and has an attractive appearance.

The dimensions of the garden paths are planned to be such a width that you can not only walk along them, but also freely carry a load on a garden cart.

Optimal width they are 70-100 cm.

Equipment: hammer, cord, trowel, shovel.

Construction of simple garden paths

Stages of concreting a path: 1 - digging a trench; 2 - drive in wooden pegs; 3 - prepare the formwork; 4 - add a layer of crushed stone; 5 - we make expansion joints; 6 - lay concrete in the formwork; 7 - compact concrete; 8 - we continue to concrete.

The technology of their construction is quite simple. The width of the tracks is removed upper layer soil approximately 15 cm deep, the resulting trench is filled with some porous material mixed with crushed stone or gravel and sand. Slag, house construction waste, wood chips, brushwood and weeded plants are suitable for backfilling. Mix everything, lay it in a 10 cm layer, water it with water and compact it. Then a 10 cm thick layer of sand with sifted slag is poured on top and again moistened and compacted. This layer should protrude 5 cm above the soil level and have a humped profile. Its composition is 1:1 (sand:slag).

Once a season it needs to be raked and freshly added. Gravel or crushed stone paths are also installed in a ground trench, which is filled with sand. A layer of crushed stone or gravel is placed on the moistened sand and watered with a liquid solution of composition 1:20 (cement: sand) and then compacted. The first two days the concrete is watered from a watering can (in hot weather). To obtain tracks of the same profile along the entire length, you need to make a wooden template with a cutout.

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Last stages concreting the path: 9 - designing the surface; 10 - concrete hardens; 11 - we finish work.

They are characterized by increased strength. The cost of their construction is not high, especially if you do without hiring additional labor. For the manufacture of concrete and the construction of paths, cement is necessarily used, which differs by name (ordinary Portland cement, slag-Portland cement, etc.) and grades: 100, 200, 300 to 600. The grade of cement means the amount of pressure in kilograms per 1 sq. . cm of surface at which the hardened cement stone is destroyed 1:3 (1 part by weight of cement to 3 parts by weight of sand) The higher the grade of cement, the less of it must be taken to obtain a mortar, and the stronger the hardened mortar is obtained.

Unlike the rest binding materials, cement gains strength in a humid environment, and once hardened, it is not afraid of soaking. It begins to set 45 minutes after mixing with water. This must be taken into account in order to use up the entire prepared portion of mortar or concrete, otherwise the remaining part will begin to harden and will be unusable. It is believed that after 7 days the solution acquires sufficient strength, and after 28 days - final strength.

If the paths on the site will be used not only for walking, but also for economic purposes (transporting humus on a cart), then it is better to make them continuous.

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Scheme of a concrete road: 1 - monolithic concrete covering; 2 - base (button); 3 - jointing under natural stone; 4 - border (lawn).

To plan the construction of garden paths on the ground, you will need a hammer, stakes, and cord. Having determined the direction, stakes are driven into the ground along the laid cord on both sides of the future path. They dig a trench, for which they remove the soil to a depth of 20-25 cm. The soil can be used for other landscaping work. Fill the trench with sand to a height of no more than 10 cm and compact it. Sprinkle it well with water so that there are no voids left. The formwork is made from lumber. Reinforcement is placed on the bricks and the trench is filled with crushed stone (or a mixture of crushed stone and gravel). Cooking cement mortar: one part by weight of cement, 3 parts by weight of sand and 1 part by weight of water. After mixing cement with sand, add water to it and mix thoroughly so that there is no air in the solution. Fill the trench with it in an even layer to level the surface. If you make a concrete path without reinforcement, it may slide (the soil will settle).

The next day, remove the formwork and fill free space soil, you can add a little gravel and use a trowel to make small grooves in the concrete, which are filled with cement mortar with a small content of colored pigment or marble chips. This will give the track a certain originality. The technology for constructing such paths is quite simple and the owner himself can do it on his own site, without involving hired workers.

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You can, of course, complicate your work by making holes for each stone made of concrete. The construction of such paths is done in places intended for recreation, and not in garden plots. And the strength of concrete may be lower, that is, you can use cement grade M 25.

The technology for building such a path is also not complicated. The device begins by determining the direction of the tracks and marking their location using a cord. Dig a trench no more than 30 cm deep. Fill it with sand to a height of approximately 10 cm. Compact it and water well. This must be done so that the sand lies in an even layer, and in the future there will be no problems with subsidence of the paths.

Determine the distance between the locations of future stones made of concrete. Next, formwork is made from lumber, which is laid out along the width of the trench. The gaps can be filled with soil or backfilled with gravel. Pour crushed stone and fill with cement mortar. The solution must be viscous enough so that water does not flow into the bed of sand, crushed stone or gravel, thereby reducing its quality. It is necessary to press a cut rod of reinforcement into the solution, increasing the rigidity of the stone made of concrete. Smooth the surface of the paths. After the mortar has set, you can draw a pattern on the surface of the stone with a trowel, and by combining the liquid cement mortar with pigment or marble chips or other filler, fill the grooves made.

You can simply leave these grooves and the path will look as if it were made of individual bricks. After the solution has completely hardened, remove the formwork and fill the free space with soil. Builders recommend watering concrete surfaces until they harden completely. This increases their strength. If desired, you can give the stones rounded shape, cutting off its edges. This must be done before the cement has hardened. In places located between the concrete stones made, plant lawn grass.

Arrangement of paths

  • Making concrete slabs for making paths in the garden
  • Construction of monolithic concrete paths
  • Necessary tool

Garden paths - convenient, practical and stylish. The first thing that comes to the mind of garden owners is the construction of concrete paths. This is due affordable price and the ability to do it yourself. And such paths in the garden can be very diverse. They differ in shape, color and texture, which means that using this option for arranging paths in the country, it is easy to make the landscape design of the site unique.

Concrete paths are the end landscape design, which will give the summer cottage individuality and originality.

Some dacha owners make paths from various combinations building materials, combining concrete with brick, cobblestone or natural stone. So, how to fill the paths at the dacha correctly, beautifully and efficiently? Let's find out.

Construction of paths made of concrete slabs

Track arrangement diagram.

Before you start laying concrete slabs on the future path, you need to prepare the base for it. For this you will need sand. Its layer must be carefully leveled and compacted, and only then can you begin laying the slabs.

  1. In order to avoid displacement when moving along the path, when laying, they are deepened with a hammer using a board.
  2. As for the sand layer, its thickness corresponds to 3 cm; this option is suitable for sandy soil. If your site has clay or loamy soil, then the first layer will be gravel (10 cm), the next layer will be slag, and only then a sand layer (5 cm).
  3. If your site provides for the placement of single slabs, then a foundation is not required for them.

There are also other methods suitable for laying concrete slabs, for example, with mortar. The solution is not applied over the entire surface of the slab, but only in the corners and in the center. Once you press down on the tile, the solution will be evenly distributed over the surface.

Now let's take a look possible options placement of slabs in the garden. It depends on the purpose for which the path or site is intended.

  1. If you are making a path leading from the street to the house, then the slabs are laid next to each other.
  2. If the path is not used for its intended purpose very often, then gaps can be created between the slabs, which are filled with earth or planted with grass (flowers).
  3. At direct location paths made of single slabs, the distance between its parts along the entire length should be the same, it is advisable to comply with the size of the average step. On other types of paths, the distance between elements may differ.

The version of the path made of slabs with different shapes or using a connection using clinker or stone.

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Besides ready-made version To create paths in your dacha, you can use slabs made by yourself.

Path construction diagram.

For these purposes you will need wooden molds or templates (made of metal or wood).

The advantage of making concrete slabs yourself is the ability to comply with a single design idea, which will correspond to both the shape of the slabs and the pattern of the laid path. Tiles are made for country paths of various shapes.

  1. It can be a rectangle, triangle, hexagon, trapezoid, or even any irregular shape. You can also choose the color that suits you best, for example brick.
  2. IN surface layer tiles sometimes add marble or stone chips, multi-colored glass, ceramic fragments, metal particles, and so on. You can also apply an interesting relief pattern to the surface of slabs made by yourself.

Scheme of reinforcement of a concrete path.

For self-made slabs are made from wood. They can be made from boards and timber. Bars with grooves are well suited for these purposes; when they are connected, the result is strong, but collapsible structures.

  1. Standard sizes slabs - 40X60, 50X60, and their thickness usually varies from 5 to 8 cm. A steel rod (diameter from 5 to 8 mm) is used as reinforcement elements, placed in the form of a cage.
  2. Do not forget that before pouring concrete, the form is treated with drying oil or another technical oil solution.

To make round slabs, you can use part of a pipe (metal) or an old bucket that has no bottom.

The reinforcement components are laid after you have filled the selected form halfway, after which you can continue pouring the form with concrete. Do not forget to thoroughly compact the concrete solution and level its surface. And one more important point: Make sure that the reinforcement does not protrude from the mortar.

You can paint the slabs as you wish. To give any shade to the mixture you need to add coloring matter mineral origin, or maybe in the top layer concrete mixture(from the front side) immerse multi-colored pebbles (pebbles).

For achievement yellow tint ocher is added to the solution in a ratio of 0.5:1:1, where the first value is ocher, the second is cement, and the third is white sand. For Brown you can use umber (the proportions are the same as in the first example). The green color is achieved by using glauconite green, all components in this case are used in equal proportions.

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Their advantages include good strength, lack of deformation and long term services. This type of path is usually made near the garage, gates, sheds and where work is being carried out. construction works, as they can easily withstand significant loads.

But this does not mean that you cannot arrange them in another place (for example, in the garden). The decoration of such paths is carried out various methods, which allows you to achieve high level aesthetics. Basically, everything that is suitable for decorating concrete slabs can also be used when constructing monolithic paths (in the garden, near the house, etc.).

Setting up these paths in your dacha with your own hands will not give you big problems.

  1. The first thing you need to do is markup. After this, the base is prepared; for this you need to remove the fertile soil layer about 15 cm deep. Do not forget to thoroughly compact the prepared base (bottom).
  2. The next stage involves the installation of formwork into which the concrete mixture will be poured. The boards used for it should be 2 to 2.5 cm thick. The interval for installing transverse formwork is approximately 2 m.
  3. Next, you need to fill the formwork space with a sand layer, then a crushed stone layer (10 cm).
  4. After this, the laid layers are thoroughly compacted and only then can concrete be poured, up to the top level of the formwork.
  5. Further actions(after pouring concrete) include rolling out concrete, leveling it and smoothing it using a trowel (plasterer). On initial stage Once the concrete has dried, but while maintaining its wet state, you need to level it using a thick brush.

As a result, a surface with roughness is formed. Now you need to cover the finished path with plastic wrap. This will allow it to dry out gradually and protect it from various types of natural influences.

Your own home is a complete composition if it is not just a house and local area with him, and the totality original ideas designer and modern technologies. Such a union will help turn a garden plot with a house into a well-groomed and cozy natural corner. Garden paths are the main design element, which, in addition to the aesthetic component, also carries a functional load.

The comfort of the owners of the site will depend on the correctness of the initial layout of the paths.

Garden paths should be sufficient durable and should be a decoration of the site. For experienced designer It is no secret that short paths divide the entire area into small fragments, thereby visually reducing the size of the garden. At the same time, long paths create the feeling of a spacious area.

On initial stage planning, the homeowner needs to decide on functional purpose paths and their sizes. For example, the path leading to the front of the house must be at least 2 meters wide so that two people can easily pass on it. For tracks technological purposes 90 cm will be quite enough. The paths along which the car will move must be no less than the width of the car itself, made of durable materials and have a rough surface to prevent slipping in winter time.

The modern building materials market is ready to offer buyers a fairly large list of materials for paving paths on the site. This can be tiles, natural or decorative stone, crushed stone, etc. One of these materials that has optimal ratio the price of the material and the quality of the completed paths on the territory of the garden plot is concrete.

Advantages and disadvantages of concrete paths

Sand-concrete mixture is one of the most popular materials for creating paths. TO benefits This material and garden paths made from it include the following:

  • good strength qualities of the material, its durability;
  • ease of creating concrete structures, including garden paths;
  • low cost of material;
  • resistance to adverse weather conditions (moisture and frost resistance);
  • resistance to mechanical loads;
  • the ability to make a path of any configuration (the main thing is to make a suitable formwork);
  • possibility of installation on one's own, without the involvement of specialists;
  • ample opportunities for decorating paths (during the preparation of the solution, you can add pigments of any color, or use tiled mosaic, natural or fake diamond and so on.; The main thing here is to plant the design elements and decorations in the solution a few hours after pouring).

TO shortcomings Garden paths made of concrete include the following factors:

  • when the ground moves during the off-season, the concrete path may crack;
  • a concrete path is a permanent structure; subsequently it will be hardly possible to change its direction. Therefore, when planning the location of paths, you must simultaneously plan the area around them;
  • will require significant investment of time and effort preparatory work and installation.

Technology for creating concrete paths

Actually, the entire technical process is independent installation Concrete garden paths are quite simple and consist of the following steps:

  • marking the soil surface for garden paths;
  • preliminary soil preparation;
  • installation of formwork;
  • pillow formation;
  • installation of reinforcing elements and pouring concrete.

In order for a concrete garden path to please its owners for many years, you need to carefully consider each stage separately.

  1. Marking surface of the soil under garden paths - this is the quickest and easiest step. The owners need to decide on the location of the paths on their site and their size (as previously mentioned, they will depend on the expected functional loads). Marking is done using ordinary pegs, which are driven into the ground at equal intervals from each other, and a rope is pulled between them. At this point, the first stage can be considered completed and move on to the next.
  2. Preliminary Preparation soil. The essence of this stage is to select the top layer of turf to a depth of ≈ 5 - 7 cm. This is necessary in order to remove the roots of all plants along the path of paving the path. If this is not done, the plants under the path will gradually rot, and water will get into the resulting voids and freeze there in winter. Freezing water will increase in volume and put pressure on the lying path. This process can ultimately lead to cracking of the concrete pavement.

In addition, it will be convenient both for people and for using lawn mowers in the summer if the garden path is located on one level with soil.

Installation of formwork

Formwork It is mounted from boards and is needed for pouring concrete. In order to create any smooth curves of the path, it is quite possible to use plywood or any other bendable materials to make the formwork. You can make formwork along the entire length of the path at once, but since the solution must be poured in parts (this is necessary, because it is necessary to provide seams to compensate for the expansion and contraction of concrete under the influence of temperature), then the formwork can also be made in parts, which will reduce the consumption of material for its production .

Shaping the pillow

Pillow under the concrete path serves two purposes.

  1. Uniform distribution of the weight load of the concrete path.
  2. Drainage.

A cushion or base for the path is made from a layer of compacted crushed stone and a layer of sand. Sand does not hold water, and in winter the soil under the path will not freeze and expand. However, sand is a fine-grained material, which tends to disappear into crushed stone or soil over time. If sand will be laid directly on crushed stone, then after a few years it will go into the ground along with water. To prevent this process, any materials for waterproofing. It can be roofing felt, geotextile or agrofibre. The last two materials are most preferable, as they are not subject to rotting and allow water to pass through perfectly. After the crushed stone has been laid and the sand has been poured, it must be compact well. If the sand is dry, you need to wet it, then it will compact more tightly and there will be no voids in it. In addition, the sand cushion must be leveled so that subsequently the thickness of the concrete layer is uniform.

To make a pillow, instead of sand, you can make thin concrete screed or use flat stones, but you need to deepen the trench under the path to the thickness of the stone or screed.

Reinforcement and filling

The next step is installation reinforcing elements and pouring concrete. Before laying reinforcing mesh or reinforcement, plastic or any other film must be placed on the sand bed. This must be done for the following reason: the concrete must not dry out, but harden. Hardening is chemical reaction with the direct participation of the so-called cement laitance, which gives concrete excellent strength characteristics. To prevent this component from going into the sand, a film is needed. Next, you can lay reinforcing elements: standard reinforcement, reinforcing mesh, screed mesh or any other materials.

Now you can start mixing solution. It can be made from sand and cement (1:3), or you can buy ready-made dry mixtures that are diluted with water. If the path will only be walked on, then the thickness of the pad and concrete layer should not be less than 5 cm. If the covering will experience heavier loads, then the additional and concrete layers should not be less than 7.5 cm.

As the solution is poured, it must be level. After the entire finished portion of the mortar has been poured, it must be further leveled using a rule and compacted as much as possible until cement laitance appears. When the solution has set slightly, you can level it with a spatula. At the same time, you can plant decorative elements in the solution (if this was previously intended to be done). In order for the concrete to harden and not dry out, the path can either be covered with a film, or the surface of the path can be periodically moistened with water. After a couple of days you can clean it up formwork, and after a few more days, “pedestrians” can use the path.

Having decided to make tracks on garden plot made of concrete, you can independently and with minimal financial costs give your land ownership a finished image and an elegant appearance.


Status: active

Designation: TR 158-04

Date of introduction: 2005-03-09

Designed in: State Unitary Enterprise "NIIMosstroy" 119192, Moscow, Vinnitskaya st., 8

Approved in: Department of Scientific and Technical Policy in construction industry (27.12.2004)

Area and conditions of application: These recommendations apply to the construction of environmentally friendly sidewalks, pedestrian and garden paths, pedestrian streets, parking lots, entrances to residential and public buildings, coverings in social and cultural areas (hospitals, clinics, schools, kindergartens, nurseries), at gas stations and sites for various purposes from prefabricated coverings.
For the installation of prefabricated pavements, slabs and small-sized shaped paving elements are used, made of heavy and sandy concrete, as well as concrete using products from the processing of various industrial wastes, reinforced with metal and basalt fibers.

Replaces: VSN 15-95 “Instructions for the installation of sidewalks made of concrete slabs”

Table of contents: General provisions
2. Preparing the subgrade and installing shallow drainages
3. Construction of a sandy underlying layer
4. Installation of side stone
5. Base structure
6. Construction of coverings from slabs and small-sized elements
7. Quality control of work
8. Safety requirements
9. Environmental protection
10. Operation of sidewalks
Appendix 1. Characteristics of small-sized elements
Appendix 2. Characteristics of lattice slabs made of small-sized concrete
Appendix 3. Nomenclature of curved side stones for sidewalks, pedestrian streets, paths
Appendix 4. Layout diagrams for rectangular slabs
Appendix 5. View of fragments of a covering made of square slabs with a decorative surface
Appendix 6. View of coating fragments from small-sized elements
Appendix 7. View of fragments of coating and seams with filling of holes with lawn grass mixture
Appendix 8. Layout of expansion joints in the pavement covering made of small-sized shaped elements
Appendix 9. General view of the Optima slab laying machine
Appendix 10. Vibrating plates for compaction and planting of prefabricated pavements, equipped with a frame on rollers (a) and without it (b)

Text of document TR 158-04

Asphalt concrete is most often used to cover sidewalks and garden paths in cities. Asphalt concrete coverings on sidewalks and pedestrian paths are installed on various bases: brick and crushed limestone; metallurgical slag; soil treated with cement; from ordinary cement concrete and lean concrete.
In table 80 given Various types bases for sidewalks with coverings made of sandy (3-5 cm thick) and cast (2.5-3 cm thick) asphalt concrete and their thickness.

The thickness of the sandy underlying layer for sidewalks with asphalt concrete pavement is taken depending on the group of underlying soils in accordance with Table. 81.

Technological process of constructing sidewalks and pedestrian paths includes the following operations: leveling and rolling the subgrade; delivery of sand for the construction of the underlying layer; distribution and compaction of sand; delivery of materials for foundation construction; distribution of base materials; base compaction; delivery and laying of asphalt concrete mixture in the top layer of the pavement.
The leveling of the subgrade on sidewalks is usually done using motor graders using shuttle passes. The roadbed is rolled using motor rollers with smooth rollers weighing 6 tons.
During the process of leveling and rolling, check the evenness of the subgrade using wooden slats, and the necessary slopes - using geodetic tools.
Sand and other materials are delivered to the finished subgrade by dump trucks. Sand and other bulk materials are usually distributed by motor graders, and in cramped conditions, sometimes by hand. Compact the sandy underlying layer and bases made of crushed stone, slag and other bulk materials light motor rollers with smooth rollers.
Cement-concrete bases on sidewalks and paths are installed using small equipment. The concrete mixture is leveled using special equipment mounted on the boom of the Belarus tractor. Compact concrete base special vibratory slats or area vibrators. Concrete care is carried out according to general rules Conducting concrete work.
Asphalt concrete pavement is laid on wide sidewalks using a DS-1 (D-150B) asphalt paver or a lightweight D-464 paver, and compaction is performed with rollers weighing 1.5-6 tons. On narrow sidewalks and paths, as well as in cramped conditions, asphalt concrete the coating (mainly from cast mixtures) is arranged by laying out the mixture manually and rolling it with hand rollers.
For covering sidewalks and pedestrian paths, colored plastic concrete is also used, which is prepared in mixing plants at asphalt concrete plants. It consists of crushed stone, sand, mineral powder, pigment and binder. The quality requirements for sand, crushed stone and mineral powder are the same as for asphalt concrete mixtures. Iron oxide pigments are used, which have sufficient light, weather and heat resistance. Coumarone-indene resins with a softening point of 80-90° C are used as a binder. Table. 82 shows the approximate composition of colored plastic concrete.

A coating of colored plastic concrete 3 cm thick is laid on various bases using a DS-1 asphalt paver. The length of the laying strip when installing a covering made of cold plastic concrete is not limited. The mixture is compacted with two motor rollers weighing up to 6 tons each. If there are longitudinal mating strips, rolling begins along the mating line in such a way that the freshly laid strip is also rolled to a width of 15-20 cm. To compact the layer of plastic concrete, the number of passes of the roller along one track should be 20-25. The evenness of the coating is checked with a three-layer strip, the clearance under which should not exceed 3 mm. In Moscow, sidewalks are made of colored plastic concrete of blue color built near the choreographic school on 2nd Frunzenskaya Street, the red one - near the monument to Karl Marx, in the parks on Sverdlov Square, etc.
For the construction of sidewalks and pedestrian paths, monolithic cement concrete can be used, which is indispensable for the construction of curved platforms and free-form paths, which are widely used abroad in landscape architecture recent years. Such coverings are made of concrete no lower than M300. The concrete mixture is prepared at cement-concrete plants. Hydrophobic Portland cement of at least M400 with the addition of granulated blast furnace slag up to 7% is used as a binder. When using non-hydrophobic cement, to improve the basic properties of concrete, surface-active additives are introduced into the mixture: plasticizing additives - concentrates of sulfite-yeast mash and its derivatives, hydrophobizing additives - various technical soaps: abietates (vinsol soaps), soap naft, etc.
Sand is used natural (mountain, river) in pure form or with additives. Artificial sands, stone fines and seedings are used as additives. The sand fineness modulus must be at least 2. Crushed stone for concrete pavements is used only clean, obtained by crushing durable frost-resistant rocks. The compressive strength in a water-saturated state of igneous rocks must be at least 1000 kgf/cm2 (100 MPa), sedimentary rocks rocks- 800 kgf/cm2 (80 MPa). The loss in mass during abrasion in the shelf drum of igneous rocks is 25%, of sedimentary rocks - 30%. Crushed stone is used in two fractions: 3-10 and 10-20 mm. Approximate composition of the concrete mixture: cement M400 - 430 kg, crushed stone - 1380; sand - 500 kg; water - 160 l. The mixture is delivered to the site by ZIL-555, MAE-503 dump trucks or concrete mixer trucks.
For the construction of sidewalks and walkways, colored concrete is becoming increasingly common. It is obtained by using special colored cement as a binder or by introducing coloring pigments into a dry concrete mixture during the preparation of the concrete mixture. White and colored cements must be hydrophobic and comply with GOST 10178-62. The grade of cement must be at least 400 in terms of compression when tested in compacted solutions, tensile strength - not less than 55 kgf/cm2 (5.5 MPa). The beginning of setting is no earlier than after 2 hours.
Pigments produced by the domestic industry are of two types: mineral, including synthetic and. natural, obtained by fine grinding of paint ores, and organic. Pigments are fine powders, insoluble in water, oil and other solvents, capable of imparting color to materials when mixed with them. The higher the dispersion of pigments, the higher the coloring ability of pigments.
For the production of colored concrete, pigments are suitable that have a specific gravity close to the specific gravity of cement to ensure high homogeneity of the mixture; great coloring power; resistance to alkalis; sunlight And atmospheric influences; the absence of harmful impurities soluble in water, which, when mixing cement with water, negatively affect the setting time, the hardening process and the strength of the cement stone; the absence of easily soluble salts that can form efflorescences; clean, bright color and low cost.
When constructing pavements and walkways, colored concrete can be laid to the full thickness or in the top layer of the coating with a thickness of 4-6 cm. The installation of a two-layer coating with colored concrete in the top layer is carried out in two ways: 1) installation of the bottom (from ordinary concrete) and the top (decorative) layers of the coating are carried out without a break in time, which allows compaction of two layers at the same time; 2) the installation of the lower and upper layers is carried out separately and is divided into two stages - laying concrete in the lower layer, compacting and maintaining it; laying colored concrete in the top layer no earlier than 7 days after installing the bottom layer.
To ensure good adhesion of the layers, the surface of the concrete of the lower layer is treated with a 30% solution of hydrochloric acid with immediate rinsing with water, and then apply a 3-5 mm thick layer of activated cement-sand mortar with a composition of 1:1, after which the top layer of concrete is laid. Caring for colored concrete, like regular concrete, is carried out by covering it with plastic film, glassine, kraft paper, etc., followed by filling it with sand, which is periodically moistened.
Expansion joints are installed using the same type and method as for conventional cement-concrete pavements. When laying concrete in two layers, the seams made in the bottom layer must also be in the top layer.
To the ready concrete pavement When putting it into operation, a number of requirements are presented. The coating must be carried out in accordance with the project and current regulatory and technical documents. Upon acceptance, you should check the thickness of the base according to the acts on hidden work, the grade of concrete laid according to laboratory tests, the evenness of the surface of the coating with a double lath at least after 20 m. Permissible deviations from the design in thickness - no more than ±5 mm, in terms of evenness - the clearance under the double lath should be no more than 3 mm, on the coating there should be no shells or cracks; covering width - no more than 5 cm; along the transverse slope - no more than 5%; according to the difference in the level of seams - no more than 3 mm; in terms of concrete strength at 28 days of age when tested in bending - no more than 5%, when tested in compression - no more than 10%.
Coverings of sidewalks and pedestrian paths are also made from small stone blocks (mosaics), clinker bricks, asphalt concrete, silicate, ceramic, cement-concrete and stone slabs. Coverings of a wide variety of patterns are made from stone blocks - in transverse and diagonal rows, along arcs of a circle, etc. Clinker bricks laid in transverse and diagonal rows, as well as in a longitudinal and transverse tree. Stone slabs are made mainly in square shape with sides measuring up to 75 cm or rectangular shape with size larger side up to 1 m with an aspect ratio of 1:1.5. Such slabs are laid without bandaging or with bandaging of the seams. Asphalt concrete plates perform in size 20X20X3; 25X25X4; 30X30X4 cm.
One of the promising types of prefabricated pavements and walkways are coatings made of small-sized concrete slabs. The production of slabs using the industrial method makes it possible to make this type of coating cheaper and more widespread. In turn, mass production will contribute to further reduction in cost and progress in the development of prefabricated coverings. With this manufacturing method, concrete slabs are more durable and hygienic and can replace natural stone. Front surface In addition to painting, slabs can be treated with various special matrices. Concrete slabs are extremely varied in shape: square, rectangular, hexagonal, round, and trapezoidal, triangular and all kinds irregular shape. Prefabricated pavement and walkway slabs are laid on various grounds, the thickness of which (in cm) is given below.

Sand is used as the underlying layer, the layer thickness of which is assumed to be up to 25 cm. The slabs, depending on the accepted width of the sidewalk, garden or park path, are laid with or without bandaging the seams, as well as diagonally.
Laying the slabs should be done using the “pull” method. To maintain the slope and evenness of the surface when laying the slabs, it is recommended to begin work with the installation of a milestone course, laid along the side stone or edge of the lawn or across the sidewalk; laying should be done in one or both directions of the milestone course and towards the slope.
For the installation of coverings from slabs measuring 50X50 cm, a vacuum gripper of a round shape d = 400 mm, weighing 7 kg, is used, which can lift a load of up to 100 kg. To ensure complete adherence of the slabs to the base, the final landing of the slabs to the design mark is carried out using a special vibrator weighing 44 kg.
The width of the seam between the plates must be at least 5 mm. The width of the seams is controlled using templates. The excess of the edges of adjacent slabs should not be more than 2 mm. The joints between the slabs are filled various materials according to the project. The evenness of the coating is checked with a three-point lath at least every 20 m; The clearance under the rail should not exceed 3 mm.
To mechanize the work of laying small-sized paving slabs, we can recommend a replaceable vacuum gripping device mounted on an E-153 forklift or excavator. The traverse is a frame on which 1-4 vacuum grippers are attached. The distance between the centers of the vacuum grippers on the traverse should vary depending on the size of the plates used. Using this device, up to 400 slabs can be laid per shift.
Laying of paving slabs with a side size of more than 75 cm is carried out using truck cranes using the technology used in the construction of road surfaces from prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs.

NIImosstroy has developed a machine for laying paving slabs. The layer forms the base of a given profile, compacts it and at the same time lays the slabs. This ensures the combination of three operations, which significantly increases labor productivity. In Fig. 114 shows a diagram of a machine for laying paving slabs. The equipment of the machine consists of an inclined guide 6 with calibrating ribs 15 and a support plate 5 and a vibrating plate 3 connected to the guide by rods 4. In the upper part of the guide there is a receiving device 9, which serves to place a container 10 with a package of slabs 11. Feeding slabs from the receiving device the guide is carried out by a device consisting of pushers 12 with a hydraulic cylinder 13, which is controlled automatically using a lever with a roller 8 and a hydraulic distributor 7. Vibrators 1 of the paver working element are installed on the vibrating plate 3. The vibrators are driven from a hydraulic motor through a V-belt transmission 2. The equipment is installed on the base machine using a hinged coupling device 16, providing adaptability base plate to the surface of the base being laid due to the longitudinal and transverse hinges of the coupling device. The guide is installed in the transport position using a hydraulic cylinder 14 and ties connecting the guide to the screed plate.
The vibrating plate is transported in a trailer to the stacker using a trolley. In this case, the working body of the paver is suspended through the walls to a guide, which in turn rests on the vibrating plate. This reduces the cantilever load on the drive wheels of the tractor. The container is welded structure, consisting of a beam with ribs and side panels. Shoes are attached to the ribs, ensuring the inclined position of the slabs in the container. In the center of the beam, eyes are welded for the hook of the lifting mechanism, which feeds the container with slabs into the receiving device.
The equipment works as follows. While moving, the paver uses its working body to form a base from the required material, for example a cement-sand mixture. At the same time, slabs are supplied to the base formed by the stacker with a guide in a continuous flow, which move under the influence of gravity and the mass of the overlying slabs. The vibrating plate makes the slabs settle. The plates are fed onto the guide from the receiving device by pushers controlled automatic device. This device is acted upon by plates located on the guide.
The equipment ensures the laying of paving slabs measuring 25X25-50X50 cm, for which the calibrating ribs have the ability to move along a guide with their fixation in a given position. The drive of the working parts of the equipment is carried out from the operator’s cabin of the base machine. The proposed machines and devices make it possible to reduce labor costs when installing sidewalk surfaces. However, to further increase labor productivity when constructing prefabricated pavements, work should be carried out to create light, high-speed machines.



State Unitary Enterprise "NIIMosstroy"

on the construction of sidewalks
made of concrete slabs

TR 158-04

Moscow - 2005

Technical recommendations were developed based on the results of research and experimental production work carried out by the laboratory road construction State Unitary Enterprise "NIIMosstroy", development and production work of CJSC "SBM Zapchast-Service", CJSC "SDM Gidroprivod", as well as based on an analysis of domestic and foreign construction experience.

The following people took part in the work on the document: Ph.D. L.V. Gorodetsky, Ph.D. R.I. Bega, V.F. Demin (SUE “NIIMosstroy”), S.M. Arakelyants, Ph.D. I.I. Davitnidze (ZAO SBM Zapchast-Service), V.N. Arakelyants (CJSC "SDM Gidroprivod").


1.1. These recommendations apply to the construction in summer and winter in Moscow of environmentally friendly sidewalks, pedestrian and garden paths, pedestrian streets, parking lots, entrances to residential and public buildings, coverings in social and cultural areas (hospitals, clinics, schools, kindergartens , nurseries), at gas stations and sites for various purposes from prefabricated coverings.

For the installation of prefabricated pavements, slabs and small-sized shaped paving elements are used, made of heavy and sandy concrete, as well as concrete using products from the processing of various industrial wastes, reinforced with metal and basalt fibers.

Paving slabs are products with a ratio of their length l to thickness h more than 4, for smaller values l/h£ 4 - small-sized elements.

1.2. In winter The time of year between the date of onset of zero average daily stable temperature in the fall and the date of onset of the same temperature in the spring is considered.

1.3. To solve aesthetic, architectural and functional problems in modern urban construction, concrete slabs and small paving elements can have various shapes and dimensions that are not always multiples of the pedestrian traffic lane width (0.75 cm) adopted in GOST 17608-91*.

1.4. To expand the range of products, NIIMosstroy has developed designs for lattice slabs. The holes in the slabs can be filled with small-sized elements, which can also be used independently (Appendices 1, 2, 3). Holes in grid slabs can be filled stone materials(crushed stone, gravel, crushed stone seeding, sand, etc.), as well as soil with lawn grass seeds.

1.5. Slabs and paving elements for constructing prefabricated pavements (including those with decorative and colored surfaces) can be manufactured according to various technologies, providing physical and mechanical properties that meet the requirements of GOST 17608-91*.

1.6. The thickness of paving slabs and small-sized elements is selected in accordance with the project. Approximate thickness of prefabricated products for various designs can be adopted as follows: in areas where only pedestrian traffic is expected - 4 - 6 cm; if movement is allowed passenger cars- ³ 6 - 8 cm; if check-in is possible trucks- ³ 8 - 10 cm.

1.7. Structural elements sidewalks include: sand base, sand base, sand-cement mixture, crushed stone and low-cement concrete; concrete covering, incl. modified products. The technological sequence of work on the construction of prefabricated pavements includes the following stages: digging and compacting an earthen trough; arrangement of the underlying layer; installation of side stone; installation of a base and covering from slabs or small-sized paving elements with subsequent filling of the joints. Depending on the hydrological characteristics of the territory and the requirements of the project, it is possible to use film and geotextile materials in the structural layers of sidewalks, platforms, etc.

1.8. Main options for prefabricated structures concrete products are presented in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Structures made of paving slabs and small-sized elements

1 - plates; 2 - loose sand or sand-cement mixture; 3 - bases made of sand-cement mixture, B7.5 concrete, sand, crushed stone, bitumen-mineral mixture; 4 - sandy frost-protective layer; 5 - small-sized paving elements; 6, 7 - polyethylene film or geotextiles such as dornite; 8 - basalt mesh.