Yield varieties of cabbage for open ground. What varieties of cabbage are ideal for open ground? How to choose white cabbage varieties

Yield varieties of cabbage for open ground.  What varieties of cabbage are ideal for open ground?  How to choose white cabbage varieties
Yield varieties of cabbage for open ground. What varieties of cabbage are ideal for open ground? How to choose white cabbage varieties

Cabbage is grown on almost all continents. If you consider the amount of space allocated for it, this vegetable is number one among garden crops. The most common among all types of cabbage is white cabbage. This is explained by its valuable properties: good taste and nutritional characteristics, resistance to low temperatures, high yield.

White cabbage is one of the most important vegetable crops also because, due to different ripening periods, it is eaten in fresh throughout the year. All its varieties (early, mid-ripening, late) have independent value. Anyone who is going to cultivate cabbage in their garden needs to know what types of cabbage there are. the best varieties for open ground .

Used in salads, soups. Not suitable for fermentation. Among them, the most highly productive varieties are: Iyunskaya, Malakhit, Gribovskaya, Zolotoy Hektar, Nakhodka, Yaroslavna, Rosava, Zora; hybrids: Transfer, Aladdin, Express, Pharaoh.

It is possible to harvest early cabbage from the beginning of June. A good and high-quality vegetable is obtained if you correctly: select varieties, a site for crops, prepare seeds for sowing (sizing, pelleting, dressing), grow seedlings, harden them in a timely manner and plant them in open ground, use fertilizers and plant protection products.

Typically, early cabbage seeds are sown in closed ground in early February at a rate of 8-10 g/m2, the width between rows is 4-5 cm, the depth of the hole is up to one centimeter. Plants at the stage of the first true leaf are planted in seed boxes or in a greenhouse in a container with peat with a diameter of 6x6 cm. Hardened seedlings (55-60 days old, with 5-6 leaves) are planted in open ground. The best time for this is late March-early April.

To obtain a harvest in more early dates plants are planted under film. This speeds up the ripening of the heads by approximately 15 days. Seedlings are planted in wide rows, 45-65 cm between them, 35-40 cm between plants in a row, to a depth of the first true leaf. Care must be taken not to damage the core of the sprout.

They further care for the plants, feeding them in a timely manner with organic fertilizers (manure diluted with water 1:5, bird droppings - 1:10) or ammonium nitrate(per 10 liters of water 25-30 g) - start five to six days after planting. Approximately 0.5-0.9 liters of working solution is used per plant. Every 7-10 days, fluff the rows to a depth of 8 cm, water if necessary, and then fight pests and diseases, and also destroy weeds.

Feed once or twice, depending on how enriched the soil is with nutritional components, water 1-7 times (depending on the weather): in the first growing season per 1 square meter. – 25-30 liters of water, in the second – 35-40 liters. The plants are hilled before the cabbage heads begin to form - thanks to this, additional root system, their durability increases. Harvest selectively when the cabbage reaches approximately one kilogram in weight. Cut off the hard heads with 2-3 cover sheets.

Mid-season varieties

Mid-season cabbage is harvested in late July-early September. These varieties are used mainly fresh and after cooking; they are suitable for pickling. The best mid-season varieties: Podarok, Stolichnaya, Slava 1305, Braunshveitskaya, Belorusskaya 455; hybrids: Hermes, Haniball, Megaton. Seedlings from open ground are planted on permanent place immediately after harvesting early cabbage and at the same time as late cabbage (May 15-June 20, depends on the region).

Some of the seedlings of these varieties are usually grown in closed ground, and the other - in the open, in special nurseries. Plants of a mid-season variety (50 days old) are planted in a permanent place according to the scheme 65-70 cm x 45-50 cm, to a depth of the first true leaf, in the afternoon, if necessary, watered (per plant up to 0.5 liters of water ). After 5-7 days they check whether they have taken root. To provide the soil with a sufficient amount of moisture, the filled holes after watering are sprinkled with dry soil, peat, etc. In the future, mid-season cabbage is cared for in the same way as early cabbage. Mid-season cabbage is harvested when the dense heads weigh an average of 3-5 kg, always with two or three cover leaves. Immediately remove plant debris from the garden bed, using it to feed animals or compost.

Video “Growing cabbage”

Late varieties

The group of late cabbage varieties is one of the most widespread and occupies up to 80% of the area allocated for this crop. It is late cabbage that provides the population with fresh and processed products in the autumn-winter and spring periods.

The highest-yielding varieties are: Moskovskaya Pozdnyaya, Vyuga, Geneva, Sugarloaf, Kamenka, Belosnezhka, Khalif, Turyuza plus; hybrids: Extra, Aros, Amager, Bartolo.

Late cabbage is grown by seedlings and sowing seeds. Important in increasing the productivity and shelf life of vegetables right choice varieties, timing of sowing or planting seedlings in the ground. If seeds are sown or seedlings are planted too early, the cabbage heads may crack at the end of the growing season, which impairs their storage and marketability. Delay in planting plants leads to the formation of small and loose heads, which means the harvest is partially lost.

The best time for planting seedlings is the last ten days of May - the first half of June (in the southern regions - the second ten days of June), and for sowing seeds - the end of April. Seedlings that are 40-45 days old (5-6 true leaves) are planted in a permanent place with a row spacing of 55-90 cm and a distance between plants in a row of 45-60 cm. To a depth of 6-7 cm (to the first leaf). If necessary, water. Overgrown and damaged seedlings should not be used.

During the growing season, cabbage is fed with nitrogen fertilizers up to two times; organic fertilizers(and part of phosphorus-potassium x, the rest mineral fertilizers– in spring for cultivation). You should not apply a lot of nitrogen fertilizers to cabbage that is going to be stored, otherwise the heads will rot.

Late varieties are grown by sowing seeds on weed-free soils. Before this, the soil is fluffed up and its surface is leveled. Sow according to the seedling planting scheme. 4-6 seeds are placed in a nest at a depth of 1-2 cm. Humus or peat is sprinkled on top, which promotes good germination. Emerging seedlings are treated with pesticides. A day or two late in processing can lead to the death of plants. At the stage of 2-3 true leaves, the plants are thinned out - the best ones (up to 4) are left in the nest. In the phase of 6 true leaves, they are thinned out again, leaving the strongest. They care for them in the same way as for seedlings. At the beginning of the growing season, plants are watered at the rate of 300-400 liters of water per 10 square meters. area, and during the period of active growth - 500 liters per 10 sq. m.

Late cabbage tolerates temperatures down to minus five to six degrees. However, heads intended for storage must be assembled before freezing, preferably in one go. Watering is stopped 15-20 days before this - this prevents cracking of the heads and improves storage of the vegetable. If you are late in harvesting, the heads may freeze and will not be stored well. Intact dense heads of cabbage are selected for storage, leaving up to five outer leaves on them and an outer head up to three centimeters long. Cabbage, torn from the soil by the roots, is well stored.

Late varieties are stored in trenches, special storage facilities at -1+1 degrees and relative humidity 90-95%. There must be ventilation in the room. Selection of the best varieties white cabbage, optimal time planting seedlings or sowing seeds, proper care of plants ensures conveyor delivery of vegetables to the table.

Video “Timing and features of planting Chinese cabbage”

Variety data – the best way suitable for cultivation in Russia. Find out how to choose the best type from the video.

Most gardeners grow cabbage in the ground. From choice suitable variety It depends on what kind of harvest will be obtained and how much effort will have to be spent on growing the crop. This article will help you choose best seeds for open ground for cabbage. In it we will look at the characteristics of varieties - their advantages and disadvantages.

The best seeds for soil

Gribovsky 147

A common variety that is chosen by most gardeners. Its distinctive feature is the average density of heads of cabbage. Cabbage heads reach a weight of 1 to 3 kilograms, they are colored pale green. It is recommended to sow this variety in the second ten days of April, and plant it in the ground in mid-May. The speed of ripening of heads of cabbage is 90-120 days, depending on external conditions. The culture is afraid of frost, which is why it is planted late. In general, this culture is unpretentious, but it is worth paying attention Special attention soil acidity and lighting. It is important to prevent insect infestations and disease development. The yield of this variety with proper agricultural technology reaches 7 kilograms per square meter.

Early ripening species No. 1 polar K-206

This variety was bred specifically for growing in northern regions, it belongs to the early ripening ones. Ideal for preparing salads and pickling. The advantage of the variety is resistance to cracking and compactness of heads of cabbage. Their size, on average, reaches 15-25 centimeters, they have correct form. The average weight of each head of cabbage is about 2-plus kilos.

This variety is especially rich in potassium and contains large amounts of vitamin C, which sets it apart from other cabbage varieties. Perhaps these are the best white cabbage seeds.


A hybrid variety, characterized by high early maturity (about 50 days) and resistance to cracking. Heads of cabbage not very good big size, their average weight is up to one and a half kilograms, sometimes a little more. The surface leaves are colored light green, but the inside is predominantly white. The leaves are tender. Transfer cabbage is most often used for fresh consumption, but many people prepare aromatic cabbage soup, cabbage rolls and other dishes from it.

The disadvantage of this variety is its susceptibility to red flea beetle. Knowledgeable gardeners who have chosen these cabbage seeds for growing immediately stock up on preparations for of this pest. Cabbage Transfer has a negative attitude towards transplants, and therefore it is sown in peat pots, which are then simply transferred to open ground.

F Sprint

This variety has many advantages. Firstly, the heads of cabbage are quite dense, which means they have more weight. Secondly, they ripen quickly (in 55 days), thirdly, they are not afraid of frost. Sprint can be sown in April, and already at the beginning of summer you can get the first edible heads of cabbage. The culture is not afraid of frost. Another advantage is that due to its density, this cabbage is perfectly stored. When ripe it does not crack. For many gardeners, this is a favorite.

F Rinda

Cabbage of this variety is distinguished by large heads of cabbage - their average weight can reach 6 kilograms. Distinctive features hers are:

1. The crop dies due to lack of moisture.
2. Not afraid of frost.
3. Has medium density.
4. Ideal for preparing salad compositions.
5. Stores perfectly.
6. Does not crack.
7. Tastes good.
8. Rarely affected by pests.
9. Productive.

Golden hectare

A good cabbage variety that is not afraid of pests. It has a longer ripening period, up to 100-120 days. The average weight of the fruit reaches three kilos. The yield is not bad - if you follow the rules of agricultural technology, you can remove from 5 to 9 kg per square meter. The variety is resistant to most diseases, unpretentious, suitable for preparing borscht, cabbage soup, and salads.

The best varieties of cauliflower seeds

Growing cauliflower is a more troublesome process, so you should approach the choice of seeds even more responsibly. Let's consider popular varieties seeds of this cabbage species:

1. Amerigo F1.
2. White kvarsavitsa.
3. Warranty.
4. Cortes F1.
5. Movir 74 F1.
6. Snow globe.
7. Regent.
8. Express.

The best varieties of white cabbage

The favorite cabbage varieties of gardeners for open ground were discussed above. Now we will list the types of white cabbage that can be grown in a greenhouse:

1. Malachite.
2. Taurus F1 (early).
3. Dobrovolskaya.
4. Gift.
5. Geneva.
6. Moscow late.
7. Caliber.
8. Taras.
9. Foreman F1.
10. July (early).
11. Dawn (early).

Reference. When choosing suitable seeds, it is worth taking into account the characteristics of the local climate.

When gardening, it is important to choose the best varieties of cauliflower and white cabbage seeds for yourself, because the characteristics of the future harvest will depend on your choice. Your choice should be based on the climate you live in and how you will use and store the crop.

In our latitude, cabbage is a common and sought-after vegetable. Every gardener and gardener grows it in their garden. The juicy leaves add freshness to summer dishes and are also suitable for pickling. Fresh heads of cabbage can be stored in a cellar or basement for quite a long time - all winter until the next harvest. There are various varieties of white cabbage and cauliflower. Their number is small, since most often they do not differ in taste. The main criteria for creating different varieties are the ripening time of the vegetable, as well as the optimal weather for his growth. Cauliflower varieties are somewhat more difficult to grow than white cabbage, as they require more careful care. But otherwise the process is quite simple and even a novice gardener can do it if he decides to grow a decent harvest of this vegetable.

Various varieties of white cabbage

How did the idea of ​​selection come about? different types cabbage? This necessity was derived practically. Not all parts of our huge country have the same climatic conditions.

On average, this vegetable requires about 200 days of heat in order to go through the entire ripening cycle.
But not everywhere such an opportunity is provided by weather conditions. For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region, the warm season lasts on average 135 days, in southern regions up to 200 days, and in the northern regions sometimes even less than 100. Breeders have developed new types of cabbage for open ground, which ripen quickly and at the same time receive everything necessary for full growth and the formation of a head of cabbage. This aspect applies not only to varieties of white cabbage, but also cauliflower.

All types of cabbage for open ground are divided into three groups. Each of the groups has its own advantages and disadvantages, and only the gardener can decide, based on his own preferences and climatic conditions, which species and from which group to grow in his own garden:

  • Early ripening varieties. The number of such varieties of white cabbage is small. They are grown in the northern regions - where the number of warm days is sharply limited, or they are practiced by those gardeners who want to get fresh, juicy vegetables from their garden in a short time. But the speed of ripening has its drawbacks: the head of early cabbage grows small, the leaves inside it do not fit tightly to each other, and the head of cabbage seems “loose” to the touch. The harvest of early species is small, and if the head of cabbage is overripe, it is easily susceptible to cracking. Early species vegetables are not suitable for long-term storage, pickling or pickling. But early varieties have high taste and are ideal for fresh consumption, as well as for preparing side dishes or borscht. In most cases, any early ripening cabbage variety is a hybrid bred artificially using partitioning. The best varieties of early ripening cabbage: “Iyunskaya”, “Zarya”, etc.;
  • Mid-season varieties. Any variety of cabbage that belongs to this group can be called the best for growing. They are suitable for most climatic zones of our country, as they require a relatively small number of warm days for full ripening. Growing seedlings and transplanting into open ground are processes that do not require special effort or knowledge. Often, the yield of middle varieties of white cabbage is much higher than that of early varieties. Cabbage heads are denser, do not crack, and their weight can reach 15-20 kg.
    The mid-season cabbage variety is suitable for fresh consumption, pickling, pickling, and long-term storage.
    The best varieties of mid-late cabbage: “Podarok”, “Slava - 1305” - the most popular, sought-after and versatile variety of cabbage;
  • Late varieties of cabbage for open ground. This category, according to most gardeners, includes the best varieties of cabbage. This category has the highest yield, and taste is at 100% percent. Although any late variety of cabbage will ripen maximum term, the vegetables have the densest heads of cabbage, and their weight can exceed 20 kg. Late species vegetables are suitable for any manipulation, and are also stored fresh much longer than mid-season ones. The best varieties of late cabbage, which are planted in open ground: “Moskovskaya late”, “Kolobok”. The latter is a hybrid that gives maximum yield on open ground with a ripening period of 150 days;
  • Early ripening varieties of cabbage for open ground can be grown in any climatic zone, as they require a minimum of heat and ripen in record time short time. But besides the timing, you need to know exactly what conditions a two-year-old cabbage plant needs, and choose the most suitable one. suitable look based on these needs. Late varieties of white cabbage are considered the most profitable in terms of yield. Any variety of cabbage in this group is natural and not bred through selection. Heads of biennial vegetable are resistant to various weather conditions, cracking and nitrates. Mid-season varieties are " golden mean"between the previous two. Which one to choose for open ground - the decision depends entirely on you.

Cauliflower varieties

Cauliflower is known for its unique taste and vitamin content. Beneficial features make this vegetable popular and in demand. In addition, heads of colored vegetables can be various colors, which also makes it somewhat unusual and interesting. Growing and planting seedlings in open ground requires compliance with certain rules. But before you start growing seedlings, you need to choose the type of vegetable most suitable for your climatic conditions.

Just as in the case of white vegetables, cauliflower has three groups:

  • Early. This group is characterized by fast ripening times - from 85 to 100 warm days. This two-year-old is the first to mature and is perfect for various options preparation, but very little is stored fresh. This group contains a large number of hybrids that give high yields. Every year the number of early ripening varieties of colored vegetables increases;
  • Mid-season. The process of full ripening of a mid-season cauliflower variety takes from 110 to 130 warm days. The heads of mid-season varieties are denser and can weigh up to 1.5 kg. When fresh, colored vegetables of mid-season varieties are stored much longer than in the case of early varieties. The yield of mid-season varieties is quite high, which is why they enjoy such a high level of popularity;
  • Late. Such varieties are grown exclusively in the southern regions of the country, as they require the maximum large quantity warm days – 130 or more. These deadlines must be observed without fail, otherwise the cauliflower heads will not have time to ripen and will die or deteriorate under the influence of the first frost. Late varieties of colored vegetables are characterized by a high level of productivity and maximum weight.

Features of growing vegetables in open ground

Growing cabbage, regardless of the type, begins with planting seeds to germinate seedlings. To do this, you will need a separate container in which the seeds are planted. They begin to germinate already at a temperature of +4°C, but they germinate most quickly and efficiently at temperatures from 18 to 200°C. When the seedlings have grown significantly and become stronger, they can be planted in open ground. Determine the timing based on weather conditions. The maximum permissible frost should already be established, which the seedlings can easily survive -30C. Ideal temperature regime to grow this vegetable from seedlings on open area for both white and cauliflower varieties it ranges from 13 to 200C.

The peculiarities of cultivation include the fact that cabbage of any variety and type is a light-loving vegetable that needs high level humidity. Therefore, plant seedlings in an open area, preferably on the south side, and also do not forget to water them abundantly, especially during the dry summer months. Watering should be plentiful, but should not lead to stagnation of water. This can cause the seedlings to rot and the already formed cabbage heads to crack. Growing best view Growing vegetables in open ground requires care and responsibility. Open soil has specific conditions that must be taken into account.

It is not always possible to sow cabbage seedlings according to various reasons. But don’t despair, you can plant the seeds directly in the ground, in a permanent place. In this situation there is important rule, seed placement should occur no deeper than 1.5–3 cm, so the holes are made small. As soon as the cabbage sprouts, it is thinned out so that there is 40 cm between the bushes. To grow cabbage in open ground, you need to take into account climatic conditions.

Important: When planting cabbage without seedlings, the growing season can be significantly reduced, since the seedlings do not need time to rehabilitate in a new place.

By climate

It's worth remembering that cabbage is sown directly into the ground very early so that the first seedlings appear before summer heat . The sun can have a detrimental effect on young, immature plants, since during this period cabbage requires a lot of moisture and cool conditions. Approximate time planting seeds in open ground - early April, do not be afraid of frosts, they will not harm the cabbage.

According to the purpose of cultivation

This is also an important factor, since the sowing time will directly depend on what the cabbage is needed for:

  • If for salads in summer period, then cabbage is sown, the growing season of which does not exceed 70–90 days. In this case, you can get two harvests over the summer, sowing in early spring and in the second half of July.
  • For salads and sourdough, mid-season hybrids can be planted; the time for sowing in the ground will be in late April, early May, and the harvest can be harvested on the 120th day. Mid-season varieties give a good harvest, have good taste and are well stored, up to 3 months.
  • Mid-late varieties are also planted. These hybrids have a shelf life and allow you to enjoy fresh cabbage salads until the next harvest. But before planting late cabbage, you need to understand that its ripening period is 170–190 days.

Difference from domestic species

For getting good harvest cabbage when planted in open ground planting material you need to choose frost-resistant hybrids, which will not be afraid of spring and autumn frosts. If you decide to sow seeds in the ground in the middle zone, then you can use such a trick as covering material. After the seeds are planted in the ground, the area is covered with film or mulched - this will protect the crops from frost.

Most Popular

There are several best varieties of cabbage that are ideal for planting in open ground.


An early ripening variety that germinates well in open ground, the growing season is 110 days. The heads of cabbage are round, with good taste and medium density. The weight of one head reaches up to 2.5 kg, with a diameter of 20 cm. This variety tolerates frosts down to -5, so it can be planted in open ground, even in central Russia.

Watch a video about the features of late cabbage “Iyunskaya”:

Dumas F1

Early ripening, salad variety, zoning period 110 days. The head of cabbage is small, round, weighing only one and a half kilograms. Tolerates thickened planting well. It grows in open ground, tolerates frost, and can be harvested at the end of August.


An early variety that produces a harvest on the 123rd day from planting. Cabbage is only suitable for making salads, as the heads of cabbage are loose weighing up to 1.7 kg.


A variety with an average ripening period of 135 days can begin harvesting. Heads of cabbage can grow up to 4.5 kg each. It is worth noting that this variety feels very good when planted in open ground, as it is adapted to different climatic conditions. It is not afraid of frost, tolerates lack of moisture well and practically does not get sick.


- the most popular and often planted variety in open ground in our country. The growing season is 130 days, the heads of cabbage are round, dense, weighing up to 5 kg, and have excellent keeping quality. A variety with a long shelf life, universal, with excellent taste..

SB-3 F1

Mid-season hybrid, ripens in 135 days. The weight of a dense, round head of cabbage can reach 5 kg. In addition to the fact that the hybrid tolerates frost, it is high-yielding, undemanding to care and resistant to disease. You can store fresh heads of cabbage until the end of January.

Kolobok F1

This is a late hybrid that will mature in 150 days. One head of cabbage reaches 5 kg in weight, while having excellent taste and increased density. The variety grows well when planted directly in the ground, but it is worth taking into account weather conditions so that it can ripen well. The harvest can be stored until the end of May, provided it is harvested at the end of October.

Watch the video about the features:

Moscow late

Large-fruited, late-ripening variety with a head weight of up to 15 kg and growing season in 160 days. Due to its frost resistance, it grows well in open ground; only young seedlings need to be covered with film to protect them from severe frosts. The variety is perfectly stored until the next harvest, and has an excellent taste when fermented.

Attention: It is wrong to say that one variety is better than another, since everything depends on the region of planting. Some late-ripening varieties may not ripen in the Siberian climate.


White cabbage has excellent taste, that’s why the people of our country fell in love with it. At proper care and choosing the time of planting, it can be grown by sowing directly into the ground and get excellent harvest, which will be stored all winter.

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Using my experience in 2018 and reviews from gardeners on the forum, I will describe here the best varieties of cabbage. Moreover, these varieties are suitable for the Urals, and for Siberia, as well as for middle zone Russia.

Cabbage varieties with photos and descriptions, reviews

June cabbage, characteristics

An early ripening variety of cabbage, intended for fresh consumption, that is, straight to the table. The heads of cabbage of this variety are round, weighing up to 2.5 kg. The color of the head of cabbage is pale green with a slight waxy coating. Density is average.

The variety is resistant to cracking. “June” cabbage is harvested 60-70 days after planting the seedlings. An important quality of this variety for the regions of the Urals and Siberia is that it tolerates frosts down to -5 degrees.

Yield of June cabbage: 6 kg/m. sq.m (subject to the agricultural practices of the given crop).

White cabbage Zarya, description

Best early variety cabbage, resistant to cracking. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 118 days. This is a very good indicator.

Heads of cabbage are round, small, medium density, weighing up to 2 kg. Variety for fresh use.

Variety Zarya gives high yields even with low use of nitrogen fertilizers.

High yield, rapid ripening and high commercial quality of fruits are the undeniable advantages of this wonderful variety.

Zarya cabbage yield: 3.4 - 10 kg per 1 sq.m.

Cabbage Express F1, description, photo

Early maturing hybrid of white cabbage of domestic selection. The period from full germination to the beginning of technical ripeness is 60-95 days.
The rosette of leaves is raised. The leaf is small, light green with a slight waxy coating, flat.

The head is round, of medium density, uncovered, of medium density, whitish when cut. The outer and inner stumps are short. The average head weight is 0.9-1.3 kg. The taste qualities are high.

Cabbage Yield Express: up to 3.8 kg per 1 sq. m.

Advantages of the hybrid: high yield of marketable products, excellent taste, friendly formation of early products.

The cabbage hybrid Express F1 is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for the Central and Central Black Earth regions.

Cabbage Gift, characteristics with photo

One of the best mid-late varieties of white cabbage for pickling and pickling. From the moment of planting seedlings to harvesting, 110-120 days pass.

Light green, dense heads of cabbage of round or flat-round shape seem to be covered with a waxy coating. Typically their weight is from 2.5 to 4.5 kg.

The variety has excellent taste and is recommended for fresh consumption and for pickling.

It is advisable to plant seedlings according to the following scheme: 60 cm x 50 cm. This variety is recommended for cultivation in the Urals and Siberia, as well as in other regions of Russia.

Cabbage yield Gift: up to 10 kg per 1 square meter of planting (subject to the agricultural practices of this crop).

Cabbage Aggressor F1, description

A popular mid-late ripening (from germination to fruiting 115-120 days) hybrid of Dutch selection, with high growth rates, stable yields under any conditions and the ability for short-term storage (up to 5 months).

The head of cabbage is flat-round in shape, medium in size, leveled, dense, weighing 3-5 kg. Resistant to cracking. Does not require special care. Excellent for risky farming areas (Siberia and the Urals). Tolerates lack of nitrogen nutrition and adverse weather conditions well.

The high yield of marketable products and excellent taste make Aggressor cabbage ideal for fresh consumption, pickling and pickling. The hybrid is particularly resistant to damage by thrips and Fusarium wilt.

Aggressor cabbage yield: 4.3-6.5 kg per 1 sq.m (subject to agricultural practices).

Cabbage Slava-1305, description

A classic cabbage variety, most adapted to a wide variety of climatic conditions. Ripening time is 85-100 days.

The heads of cabbage are round, weighing from 2.5 to 4.5 kg, dense.

This variety is considered one of the most productive middle varieties of white cabbage. In addition, it is lightweight, cold-resistant, and transportable. In addition, it has good taste. The dense, round heads of cabbage are light green on top and white on the inside.

Slava is the best variety of cabbage for pickling and pickling.

Slava cabbage yield:up to 12 kg per 1 sq.m.

Cabbage Amager 611

A late-ripening variety of cabbage, ripening occurs 115-120 days after full germination. The heads of cabbage are round-flat, dense, weighing 3-3.5 kg.

Amager is the best variety of late cabbage; it is perfect for pickling. The taste only improves during storage.

Yield of cabbage Amager 611: 5 - 6 kg per 1 sq.m.

Late Moscow cabbage

One of the most productive large-fruited cabbage varieties.

The weight of one head of cabbage is usually 7-8 kg, the limit is 15 kg. The heads of cabbage are round and green.

This is one of the best varieties of cabbage for pickling.

Productivity of late Moscow cabbage: 10 - 12 kg per 1 sq.m.

Cabbage Megaton F1, description

High-yielding, medium-late (102 days from germination to fruiting) hybrid of Dutch selection.

The head of cabbage is flat-round in shape, dense, weighing up to 15 kg. Megaton cabbage is the No. 1 hybrid for pickling, with high taste. Also suitable for processing and fresh consumption.

This is the most productive hybrid medium sized white cabbage. It is highly resistant to fusarium. It is demanding on soil moisture and needs high doses of fertilizers.

Cabbage yield Megaton: 5.86 - 9.34 kg per 1 sq. m.

Cabbage Rinda F1

An excellent mid-early (95-105 days from germination to fruiting) hybrid of Dutch selection.

The heads of cabbage are large, round, with a dense and thin internal structure, weighing 5-8 kg, white when cut. The stalk is small. Intended for fresh consumption, fermentation and short-term storage (from 2 to 4 months).

White cabbage Rinda f1 is distinguished by its even heads and high yield in various climatic conditions, the ability to remain on the root for a long time.

Yield of Rinda cabbage high.

Cabbage Nadezhda

Mid-season (from germination to ripening 115-135 days), productive variety cabbage

The head is flat-round, pale green, weighing up to 5 kg. Resistant to cracking. The taste is high. Recommended for fresh consumption, pickling and short-term storage (up to 3 months).

The transportability of the variety is good.

Nadezhda cabbage yield- up to 13 kg/m².

Cabbage Kolobok

High-yielding late-ripening hybrid variety cabbage, ripening only 150 days after emergence.

The heads of cabbage are dense, round, weighing up to 5 kg, resistant to cracking. The inner stalk is short. The heads of cabbage are green on top and white in cross section.

The variety is resistant to cabbage bacteriosis, as well as fusarium leaf wilt, white and gray rot. Kolobok cabbage is ideal for storing it for the winter, as well as for pickling. IN good conditions heads of cabbage of this variety can be stored until May next year.

Kolobok cabbage yield: 7 - 12 kg/sq. m.

These are cabbage varieties and hybrids for open ground.