Harvest cherry. Winter varieties of cherries Bryansk pink cherry

Harvest cherry. Winter varieties of cherries Bryansk pink cherry

Cherry Early ripening.

Fruit weight is 8 grams, the fruit color is dark red, brown, the fruit pulp is dark red, juicy, the taste is wine-sweet, very good, ripens in early June, the first days of the fruit, the fruit is wet, the yield is 60 kg. from a tree. Winter hardiness and disease resistance are good, fruiting lasts 4 years.

Fruit weight is 9 grams, the fruit color is dark red, almost black, the fruit pulp is red, juicy, the taste is sweet, very good, ripens in mid-June, the fruit is dry, the yield is 30 kg. from a tree. Winter hardiness and disease resistance are good, fruiting lasts 4 years.

Fruit weight is 5 grams, sometimes 8 grams, the color of the fruit is yellow, the fruit pulp is tender, juicy, the taste is sweet, dessert, ripens in mid-June, the fruit detachment is dry, the yield is 50 kg. from a tree. Winter hardiness and disease resistance are good, fruiting lasts 4 years.

Cherry Ovstuzhenka

Fruit weight is up to 7 grams, the color of the fruit is dark red, almost dark, the fruit pulp is red, juicy, medium density, the taste is sweet, very good, ripens in mid-June, fruit detachment is dry, yield is 30 kg. from a tree. Winter hardiness and disease resistance are good, fruiting lasts 3-4 years.

Cherry Leningradskaya Black NEW!

Its main difference is its high frost resistance. The tree of this variety is of medium height with a wide spreading crown. The number of leaves is not very large. Leningradskaya black cherry is a very productive variety, 40 kilograms. Each one weighs 5 g. The skin color is dark cherry, almost black when ripe. The pulp is also dark, fibrous, juicy, sweet, slightly sour, with a slight bitterness, which is inherent in almost all cherries. Leningradskaya black cherry begins to bear fruit in the third or fourth year after planting. The fruits ripen at the end of June. The berries do not fall off, hang on the tree until September, without changing their taste. Cherries are self-sterile. Good pollinators for it will be Fatezh, Cheremashnaya, etc.

Mid-ripening cherries.

Fruit weight up to 7 grams, fruit color red-yellow, fruit pulp red, dense, juicy, taste sweet and sour, dessert, very good, ripens in early July, fruit detachment is dry, yield 50 kg. from a tree. Winter hardiness and disease resistance are good, fruiting lasts 4 years.

Late ripening cherries.

Bryansk pink cherry

Fruit weight is 5 grams, the color of the fruit is red-pink, the flesh of the fruit is red, dense, juicy, the taste is sweet and sour, good, ripens in mid-July, fruit detachment is dry, yield is 30 kg. from a tree. Winter hardiness and disease resistance are good, fruiting lasts for 5 years. The variety is self-fertile.

Fruit weight is 5 grams, the fruit color is dark red, almost black, the fruit pulp is red, dense, juicy, the taste is sweet, excellent, ripens in mid-July, the fruit is dry, the yield is 30 kg. from a tree. Winter hardiness and disease resistance are good, fruiting lasts for 5 years.

Cherry Pink Pearl

Fruit weight is 7 grams, fruit color is orange-pink, with a red side, fruit pulp is pink, tender, juicy, sweet and sour taste, excellent, 4.8 points, ripens in mid-July, fruit release is dry, yield 20 kg. from a tree. Winter hardiness and disease resistance are good, fruiting lasts 4 years.

Cherry Michurinka NEW!

A late-ripening, universal cherry variety.

The tree is medium-sized. The crown is round-oval, raised, of medium density.

The fruits are above average size, weighing 5.5 g, round-oval in shape. The skin is dark red. The pulp is red, medium density, tender, juicy. The taste is sweet and sour, good.

The winter hardiness of the cherry variety is above average. Relatively resistant to disease.

The productivity of the Michurinka cherry variety is high.

Variety value: winter-hardy, late-ripening variety. Disadvantages: relative resistance to fungal diseases.

Cherries along with strawberries opens the fruit season and is therefore in particular demand among the population. And its fruits, juicy and tasty, contain 12-24% soluble solids, 8-17% sugars, of which glucose and fructose predominate (there is almost no sucrose at all), 0.27-0.90% acids and 5-23 mg of vitamin C. Cherry fruits are a good source of hematogenous substances - iron and folic acid. The high content of easily digestible forms of sugars in the fruits, low acidity and hematogenous substances make cherries an indispensable food product. The fruits are well suited for all types of processing and freezing.

In addition to what we said about the benefits of cherries, there is another reason for the growing popularity of this crop. Here's the thing. In recent years, almost all varieties of cherries have become so severe that already in mid-summer the trees completely shed their leaves. The disease progresses over the years and shifts to earlier dates. Plants weaken and die. Unlike cherries Cherries are less affected by coccomycosis and preserves the leaves well until natural leaf fall, which means it accumulates the nutrients necessary for the tree to overwinter and bear fruit normally. That’s why testing and introducing cherries into new, non-traditional gardening zones for this crop is so relevant. But cherries are a southern crop, and their advancement to the north is limited by the winter hardiness of the varieties.

In the middle zone Southern cherry varieties often freeze to the level of the snow cover and do not bear fruit. As a result of breeding work carried out to the north of its industrial cultivation, winter-hardy cherry varieties with good quality fruits have been created. Many amateur gardeners are already growing them.

For more than 20 years, the fruit growing department of the Bryansk Research Institute studied about 100 varieties and elite forms of cherries selected by F. Teterev, E. Syubarova, A. Venyaminov, L. Taranenko, the author of the article and other breeders.

Cherry plantations were twice subjected to extreme wintering conditions, when the air temperature dropped to minus 34-37°. This made it possible to strictly cull varieties based on winter hardiness. The most winter-hardy varieties were Bryanskaya rozovaya, Revna, Iput 7-1Za. If the last two varieties are the same as the winter hardiness of trees, then the first two - Bryanskaya Rozovaya and Revna - are superior to them in winter hardiness. Trees of other varieties froze more severely. Plants of the Zolotaya Loshitskaya variety were especially badly damaged, which led to the death of 60% of the trees. Flower buds of most varieties of cherries are as winter-hardy as cherries such as Oktava, Turgenevka, Zhukovskaya. The flower buds of the Compact Venyaminova varieties and especially the Zolotaya Loshitskaya variety are severely frozen.

As already said, Cherries are more resistant to coccomycosis than cherry. Over the years of observation, the damage to the cherry disease was on average 3.5, and in the years of epiphytotics - even 5 points, and in the cherry the damage was on average 1, with a maximum of 2.8 points. The most stable are again Bryansk pink, Iput, Revna.

Sweet cherries are more productive than sour cherries. Thus, the yield of cherry varieties on average over six years of fruiting was almost 70% higher than the yield of cherries. The varieties Bryanskaya rozovaya, Iput and Revna showed themselves to be the most productive, the yield of which exceeds even the most productive cherry variety - local Shpanka. The remaining varieties, although inferior in yield to the local Shpanka, are significantly superior to other zoned cherry varieties in this indicator.

The cherry fruits of the described varieties are of high quality. They are especially large in the varieties Iput, Revna, 3-36, 13-36, Compact Venyaminova. Their average weight is 5, the maximum is 8 g. The varieties are not inferior in taste to the southern ones, the best among them is Compact Venyaminova.

The varieties with dense fruit pulp are of the greatest value - they are better stored and suitable for long-term transportation. These are Bryansk pink, Iput, Revna, 3-36, Red dense.

Varieties vary significantly in terms of harvest ripening and have a long consumption season - from mid-June to early August.

Thus, as a result of selection work, winter-hardy cherry varieties, resistant to coccomycosis, with a yield not lower than the zoned cherry varieties. The best of them: Bryansk pink, Iput, Revna selection of the author (Bryansk), 7-1 Za, 3-36, 13-36, 9-42a, 2-48a, Symphony, Compact Venyaminova (Voronezh).

M. Kamynina, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

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Last winter the weather was very unfavorable for stone fruits: above-zero temperatures lasted until the second decade of January, and then it became sharply colder. Such temperature changes in our area affected the apricot harvest.
Pears, cherries, and Ideal walnuts survived the winter well; grapes of various varieties were produced, but cherries produced an unprecedented harvest.
On my site, the cherries withstood frosts of -37°C. Most varieties also tolerate spring (May) frosts down to -2°C. They happen almost every year, but do not cause significant damage: the cherry blossoms and produces full harvests.
Every year, cherries and strawberries open the fruit season and therefore enjoy special love among us. Its fruits are juicy and large (5-8 g) and very sweet.
The most resistant varieties of cherries that grow on my site, without being damaged by pests or diseases, and produce excellent fruits, are Revna, Iput, Ovstuzhanka, Tyutchevka and numbered varieties. Also on the site there are trees grown from seeds - they are more adapted to our conditions, and their berries are also sweet.
I’ll briefly tell you about some varieties of cherries that grow on my site.
Bryansk pink is a tree with restrained growth, a strong crown of medium density, high winter hardiness, the trunk and base of the branches are resistant to sunburn and frost damage. Berries weighing 4.0-5.7 g are pink in color with thick skin. The pulp is juicy, dense, sweet. The variety is early-bearing, fruiting and yield are stable. Fruit ripening time is mid-July. In wet years, the pulp does not crack and is not affected by rot.
Iput is an early ripening variety, a fast-growing and productive variety, it bears fruit regularly and abundantly. The fruits are large, dark red, almost black when fully ripe, the flesh is dense and sweet. The winter hardiness of the tree and flower buds is high. The variety is resistant to coccomycosis.
Revna is a medium-sized tree with high winter hardiness of flower buds. The stem and bases of skeletal branches are resistant to sunburn and frost damage. The variety is resistant to coccomycosis and clusterosporosis, early fruiting, and bears fruit regularly and abundantly. The fruits are of medium late ripening, flat-round, almost black in color, the flesh is dense, juicy, excellent dessert taste, weight - 4.7-7.7 g. In wet years, the fruits do not crack. Tasting score - 4.9 points.
Tyutchevka is a medium-sized tree with high winter hardiness. The variety is early-bearing, has a medium ripening period, bears fruit regularly and abundantly, and is resistant to coccomycosis. The fruits are large, dark red in color with dense and sweet pulp. Tasting score - 4.9 points.
3-36 - the variety has large sweet berries of very high taste.
I would like to warn gardeners that cherry varieties are self-sterile and for good pollination and fruiting there must be at least three or four different varieties of trees on the site.

"GO." The variety was bred at the All-Russian Lupine Research Institute. Early flowering and ripening. It begins to bear fruit in 4-5 years. The average yield is 73 c/g, the maximum is 146 c/g. Winter hardiness is good. Resistance to fungal diseases is high. Self-sterile. The best pollinators: Revna, Tyutchevka, Raditsa, Bryansk pink, Ovstuzhenka. Regular yield. A medium-sized tree with a wide-pyramidal, well-leafed crown. The fruits are beautiful, juicy, sweet, come off the stem well, partially crack in wet years, average weight 5.3 g, maximum 9.7 g, obtuse heart-shaped, dark red color, almost black when fully ripe, pulp and juice dark red, medium firm flesh. The stone is small, separated from the pulp medium. Advantages of the variety:regular yield, high winter hardiness of flower buds, resistance to fungal diseases, early ripening, dense fruit pulp.

"REVNA." Bryansk pink seedling. Flowering is medium, ripening is late. It begins to bear fruit in the 5th year. When self-pollinating, it sets up to 5% of fruits. The best pollinators are Ovstuzhenka, Iput, Tyutchevka, Raditsa, Compact, Venyaminova. The winter hardiness of the tree and flower buds is high, the trunk and bases of skeletal branches are resistant to sunburn and frost damage. Highly resistant to fungal diseases. The average yield is 73 c/ha, the maximum is 112 c/ha. The tree is medium-sized, fast-growing, of medium density, the crown is pyramidal, the branches extend at a large angle. Fruit: average size 4.7 g, maximum 7.7 g, height 19 mm, width 20 mm, thickness 19 mm, wide-round shape, wide funnel, round apex, with a white dot, dark red, almost black fruits, pulp and The juice is dark red, the pulp is dense, the stalk is of medium length and thickness. The stone is oval, weight 0.29 g, 5.2% of the fruit weight, light brown, rounded apex, wide-rounded base, easily separated from the pulp. The fruits are beautiful, juicy, sweet, taste 4.9 points, detachment from the stem is dry, high transportability. Universal purpose.Advantagesvarieties: high winter hardiness and resistance to fungal diseases, high quality fruits.

"HOUSEHOLD YELLOW".Early flowering and ripening variety. The resistance of the tree, shoots and generative buds to winter frosts is high, flower buds are resistant to spring frosts. It begins bearing fruit in the 6th year. The variety is self-fertile, productive, with high resistance to diseases and pests.Treelarge, fast-growing, with a spherical crown of medium density with a tiered branching pattern.Fruitlarge (5.5 g), height 2.0 cm, diameter 2.1 cm, round shape, wide funnel, base of the fruit without a depression, ventral suture of medium depth, long stalk, easily separated from the branch. The main color of the fruit is yellow, the outer color is yellow, there are no subcutaneous spots.Skin fruit is naked. Pulpyellow, juicy, gristly. The juice is colorless. The taste is sweet and sour.Advantages of the variety: self-fertile, annual, good yield. The fruits have an attractive appearance and do not crack in rainy weather.

"FATEZH". Mid-early winter-hardy variety. Self-sterile. Productivity is high - up to 50 kg per tree or 33 t/ha. Winter hardiness is above average (at the level of Vladimir cherry), resistant to the most dangerous fungal diseases - moniliosis and coccomycosis. Trees medium-sized - about 5 m tall, the crown is spherical, spreading, drooping, of medium density. Fruit with an average weight of 4-6 g, one-dimensional, round, red-yellow. Taste sweet and sour, dessert, flesh is dense, gristly, juicy, light pink, medium-sized stone, oval, easily separated from the pulp.

"BRYANSK PINK". Nutmeg black seedling. Tree with restrained growth, a strong crown of medium density, the crown is broadly pyramidal, raised. Fruit average size 4 g, maximum 5.5 g, fruit height 20 mm, width 21 mm, thickness 18 mm. Fruit round, medium funnel, rounded top, pink color, yellow pulp, uncolored juice, dense fruits. The peduncle is of medium length and thickness. The stone is ovoid, weight 0.27 g (7.3% of the weight of the fruit), light brown, the top and base are round, medium separated from the pulp. Fruit beautiful, pink, sweet, juicy, taste 4.1 points, resistant to cracking, dry tear-off, universal use. Flowering and ripening later. It begins to bear fruit in the 5th year. Self-sterile. The best pollinators are Iput, Revna, Tyutchevka, Ovstuzhenka. The average yield is 55 c/ha, maximum 103 c/ha. The winter hardiness of the tree and flower buds is good. Resistance to coccomycosis, clasterosporiosis, and moniliosis is high. Advantages varieties: moderate growth, high winter hardiness, resistance to fungal diseases, mild rot damage to fruits, resistance to cracking, transportability.

"OVSTUZHENKA". Obtained from crossing the Compact Venyaminova x Leningradskaya Chernaya cherry varieties.Treesmall, fast-growing, spherical, slightly raised, dense crown.Fetus:average weight 4.2 g, maximum 6.7 g, height 19 mm, width 19 mm, thickness 16 mm. The fruits are round, dark red, the pulp and juice are dark red, the stalk is of medium length and thickness, and is easily separated from the fruit. The stone is ovoid, weight 0.27 g, 6.4% of the fruit weight, light brown, pointed apex, wide-rounded base, easily separated from the pulp. The fruits are beautiful, juicy, sweet. Early flowering and ripening. It begins to bear fruit in 4-5 years. The best pollinators are Iput, Bryansk pink, Revna, Tyutchevka, Raditsa. The average yield is 102 c/ha, maximum -206 c/ha. Winter hardiness is good. Resistance to coccomycosis and moniliosis is high, and clasterosporiasis is average.Advantagesvarieties:low trees, and resistance of flowers to spring frosts, annual, abundant fruiting, early ripening of fruits.

"LENA". The variety was selected according to marker characteristics among the Bryansk rose seedlings.Treemedium height. The crown is round-oval, raised, of medium density.Fruitlarge, average weight 6 g, maximum - up to 8 g, blunt-heart-shaped, with a wide funnel and a slightly pointed apex. The color of the fruit is black and red. The top color is dark red. The pulp is dense. The peduncle is long (50-51 mm), of medium thickness. The stone is medium (0.31 g), brown, pointed, with a rounded base, easily separated from the pulp. Late ripening. It begins to bear fruit 4 years after planting. The best pollinators are the varieties Revna, Tyutchevka, Iput, Ovstuzhenka. The average yield over 7 years of fruiting is 80 c/ha, the maximum is 121 c/ha. Universal. Resistance to coccomycosis is good; it is not affected by moniliosis and clasterosporiasis.Advantagesvarieties:high yield, winter hardiness, large-fruited.

"TYUTCHEVKA".The variety was obtained by crossing sweet cherries 3-36 with Red dense.Treemedium size, with a spherical semi-spreading sparse crown.Fruit -average weight 5.3 g, maximum 7.4 g, height 22 mm, width 23 mm, thickness 20 mm, wide-rounded, medium funnel, rounded apex, dark red, cover color dark red with specks.Pulpred, dense, light red juice. The peduncle is medium long, thick. Boneoval, weight 0.31 g, 6% of the weight of the fruit, light brown, pointed apex, rounded base, medium separated from the pulp. The fruits are beautiful, juicy, sweet. Flowering mid-late, ripening late. The best pollinators are Iput, Revna, Ovstuzhenka, Raditsa. The average yield is 97 c/ha, maximum 275 c/ha. Resistance to moniliosis is high, resistance to coccomycosis and clasterosporiasis is average. The winter hardiness of the tree and flower buds is good.Advantagesvarieties: high productivity, large, dense, transportable fruits, excellent taste.

"ITALIAN". The variety was obtained by crossing the sweet cherry Slava Zhukov with Bigarro.Treecharacterized by medium growth vigor with a pyramidal crown.Fruitearly ripening, large (up to 6.0 g), dark red in color. The pulp has a dense consistency and a pleasant dessert taste (tasting score 4.5 points). The peduncle is medium long, thick, easily separated from the branch, and the fruits do not fall off when ripe.Boneseparates well from the pulp. Fruits of universal use. The fruiting season begins 4-5 years after planting in the garden.Advantagesvarieties:high annual yield, attractive, large fruits, dark in color, dessert taste, the variety is resistant to coccomycosis.

"ASTAKHOV'S FAVORITE". Late ripening. Tree medium-sized, fast-growing with a spreading round-oval crown of medium density. Fetus: average weight 4.2 g, maximum 6.7 g, Fruit round, dark red. Pulp and juice dark red, beautiful, juicy, sweet. The taste is sweet. The stone is free, brown. The variety is partially self-fertile. Fruits regularly and abundantly. The best pollinators are Iput, Bryansk pink, Revna, Tyutchevka. A variety for universal use.Advantages of the variety:good winter hardiness, disease resistance.

"LENINGRAD BLACK". Medium ripening period. The main feature of the variety is its high frost resistance. Tree medium-sized, maximum height does not reach 4 meters. round, heart-shaped. Mass of each fetus average: from 3.4 to 5 g.. Color peel dark cherry, almost black when ripe. Hence the name. The pulp is also dark, fibrous, juicy, sweet, slightly sour, with a slight bitterness, which is inherent in almost all cherries. Experts rate its taste at 4.0-4.2 points. The fruit is easily separated from the petiole. Cherries begin to bear fruit in the third or fourth year after planting. The fruits of this variety boast a wide range of uses - they make excellent juices, jams and compotes, and can also be used for long-term freezing and making wine. Advantages of the variety: the trees begin to bear fruit early and immediately produce an excellent harvest; the variety has a high level of resistance to diseases and pests. The berries do not fall off, hang on the tree until September, without changing their taste. Has high frost resistance.

"ADELINA." The variety was obtained from crossing the varieties Slava Zhukova x Valery Chkalov. Tree medium-sized, up to 3.5 m high. The crown is pyramidal, spreading, raised, of medium density. Fruit weighing 5.5-6.0 g, heart-shaped, height 23 mm, width 23 mm, thickness 24 mm. The fruit funnel is wide, shallow, the apex is moderately elongated. The fruits are dark red. Pulp dark red, medium density, gristly, red juice. The length of the stalk is 46.0 mm, thickness 0.8 mm. The stone is round, weighing 0.2 g, which is 3.6% of the weight of the fruit, light yellow in color. Tasting score of fresh fruits: 4.7 points. The separation of the fruit from the stalk is good. Dessert variety. Flowering in the middle period (May 10-15). Fruit ripening in the middle period (July 15). It begins to bear fruit in the 4th year. The variety is self-sterile; medium-ripening cherry varieties are good pollinators. The average yield is 79.1 c/ha, maximum 142 c/ha. The tree is distinguished by its high winter hardiness; the winter hardiness of flower buds is average. It is relatively resistant to coccomycosis and moniliosis. Advantages of the variety: good yield, high taste and marketability of fruits.

"CHOCOLATE GIRL". The variety was obtained from crossing varieties (late mutant Shirpotreb Chernaya x Lyubskaya). Tree 2-2.5 m high with a reverse pyramidal compact raised crown of medium density. Fruit weighing 3.5 g, wide-round shape, height 16.9 mm, width 18.9 mm, thickness 16.9 mm. The fetal funnel is medium, the apex is slightly depressed. The fruits are almost black. The pulp is dark red, medium density, the juice is dark red. The bone separates from the pulp well. Flowering in the middle period (May 15-18). Fruit ripening is average (July 8-15). It begins to bear fruit in the 4th year. The variety is self-fertile. The average yield is 77.9 c/ha, the maximum is 96.6 c/ha. The winter hardiness of wood and buds is good. The variety is drought-resistant. Advantages: winter hardiness, productivity, self-fertility.

"VASILISA". New large-fruited, mid-season variety. Tree of medium vigor. It bears fruit from the age of 4-5 years on bouquet branches and last year's growths. The fruits are very large (weighing 12-14 g), round, intense red, densely fleshy, aromatic, with good dessert taste (4.25-4.5 points). The taste is pleasant, refreshing, sweet. Advantages of the variety: early fruiting, high, stable yield, increased winter hardiness.

"CHECK MARK". Mid-early variety. Fruits weighing from 8 to 10 grams, dark red in color. The pulp is medium density, the taste is dessert, sweet. The stone is easily separated from the pulp. Advantages of the variety: high, stable yield, increased winter hardiness, high marketability and transportability.

Cherry "Large-fruited".
An adult and fruit-bearing tree of the “Large-fruited” cherry variety is medium in size. The tree grows very rapidly; if you plant it on a plot together with other varieties of cherries, by the 4th year it will be significantly ahead of its neighbors in size. The crown shape of this tree is mainly spherical (unless the gardener wishes to form another). The main branches, which are of the skeletal type, are represented in small numbers, but they are very strong and coarse. The crown is thickened to a medium degree.
In addition to large-sized fruits, the variety also boasts an early onset of fruiting. It can produce the first harvests already in the 4th year after planting the seedling in a permanent place of growth.

The tree of this variety brings harvests every year without interruption, and their volumes are noted as quite highOn average, about 44-56 kilograms of berries are harvested from one tree that bears fruit for 10 years.The average weight of the fruits of this variety ranges from 10.4 to 12 grams. The maximum weight is 18 grams. This indicator is quite rare among other varieties of cherries. The shape of the berries is wide-round, very attractive, which allows them to be used for sale. Cherries are dark red in color.Also, the skin can be easily separated from the pulp, and its surface is very smooth. The pulp is the same color as the skin. The juice is also dark red. The structure of the pulp is dense and juicy, distinguished by cartilage. The taste of the fruit is very good. The taste is characterized as sweet and sour, the rating of professional tasters is 4.6 out of 5. The fruit seed is also quite large, but almost perfectly capable of being separated from the fruit. The fruits of this cherry variety ripen in the middle period, approximately in the second half of June. They can be used in different ways.

Cherry variety Tyutchevka.
Tyutchevka is a late ripening cherry. Bred at the All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine through crossing varieties 3-36 and Red dense. Authorship belongs to M.V. Kanshina. This cherry is perfect for growing in central Russia.
Trees of medium size, with fast growth rates. The crown is sparse, spherical, spreading or semi-spreading.
Tyutchevka cherry fruits are large in size (average weight - 5.3 g, maximum - 7.4 g; height - 2.2 cm, thickness - 2 cm, width - 2.3 cm), wide-round shape, with a rounded top, medium funnel . The skin is dark red, the outer color is dark red with speckles. The stalks are thick and of medium length. Seeds weighing up to 0.31 g (up to 6% of the total weight of the berry), oval in shape, with a pointed top and rounded base, light brown in color. Separability of the stone from the pulp is average. Severing the berry from the stem is dry.

The pulp is red in color, dense structure, cartilaginous consistency, tastes juicy and sweet. The juice is light red in color. The tasting assessment of the variety’s taste qualities is 4.9 points out of 5 maximum. According to the chemical composition, the fruits contain: dry matter (18.4 - 20.5%), total sugars (11.1 - 13.1%), acids (0.4 - 0.41%), ascorbic acid (13 - 13.6 mg/100 g).

Cherry variety “Golden”.

Golden cherry seedlings are late varieties. The tree is vigorous, healthy, and forms a dense, oval crown. The leaves are elongated, large, green in color. The fruit is large, golden in color, oval in shape with a rounded top, the seam is small. The pulp is medium density, creamy, slightly gristly, sweet. The seed is large and difficult to separate from the pulp. The large size of the Golden cherry begins to bear fruit 5 years after planting and needs pollinators. The advantages of the variety are: large fruit, excellent taste characteristics of the berries, transportability.

Cherry variety: Michurinka.

The variety was obtained at the All-Russian Research Institute of Horticulture named after. I.V. Michurina T.V. Morozova. The tree is medium-sized. The crown is round-oval, raised, of medium density. The fruits are above average, weighing 5.5 g, round-oval in shape. The skin is dark red. The pulp is red, medium density, tender, juicy. The taste is sweet and sour, good. A variety for universal use. Productivity is high. Winter hardiness is above average. Relatively resistant to disease. Advantages of the variety: winter-hardy variety with late ripening period.


The tree is medium-sized, fast-growing, with a round-oval, raised crown. Fruiting occurs mainly on bouquet branches and partly on annual growths. Flowering period is average. Medium ripening fruits. Harvesting maturity occurs in the first ten days of July. Fruiting begins in 5-6 years. The fruits are above average or large (weight 5.5-6.5 g), round, with a rounded top, with a depression at the base. There is no ventral suture. The fruits are orange-pink with a red tan. The fruit pulp is orange-pink, the juice is light red. The color of the cavity is one-color, pink, medium density, delicate, juicy. The variety is self-sterile. The variety is winter-hardy, drought-resistant, highly resistant to coccomycosis and other fungal diseases. Reproduction by budding on seedlings of cultivated cherry varieties and clonal rootstocks of Vladimirskaya.

Cherry variety "Rossoshanskaya black".

Late ripening variety. The tree is relatively winter-hardy, drought-resistant, and heat-tolerant. The crown is pyramidal, of medium density. Partially self-fertile. Pollinator varieties are needed. It bears fruit mainly on bouquet branches of various ages in the 4th-5th year. The average yield is 100 c/ha. Removable fruit maturity occurs in late June - early July. The fruits are large (weight 6.7 g), rounded oval, flattened on the sides, dark burgundy. The color of the pulp is dark red, the taste is sweet and sour, pleasant. Transportability is good. Universal purpose. Fruit separation from the Rossoshanskaya black dry variety. Separability of the stalk from the branch and fruit is good

CHERRIES Bryansk pink

The tree is vigorous and productive.The fruits weigh 3-4 g on average, are round, yellow with a fiery red blush.The pulp is creamy, dense, crispy, moderately sweet with weak acid and slight bitterness.


Bred by the All-Russian Research Institute of Bryansk.

Tree of medium vigor, good yield.The fruits weigh 4-5 g on average, are round, dark red in color.The pulp is dense, crispy, sweet with slight sourness and a pleasant taste.The fruits ripen late.


The tree is large, having with age a spreading, medium-density, well-leafed crown. The stem is thick, with gray-brown, rough bark.The fruits are large, weighing 6-8 g, broad-hearted, with a blunt apex, dark red, almost black-red, the juice is intensely dark red. The pulp is dark red, with pink veins, semi-cartilaginous, juicy.Advantages: large fruits of early ripening.


The tree is small, fast-growing, the crown is spherical, slightly raised, dense.Advantages of the variety: low trees, resistance of flowers to spring frosts, annual, abundant fruiting, early ripening of fruits.Fruit: average weight 4.2 g, maximum 6.7 g, height 19 mm, width 19 mm, thickness 16 mm. The fruits are round, dark red, the pulp and juice are dark red, the stalk is of medium length and thickness, and is easily separated from the fruit.


Trees grafted on antipka begin to bear fruit 4-5 years after planting in the garden; the early fruiting rate is low and the increase in yield is slow. But in adulthood the yield is high.Advantages of the variety: high winter hardiness of the tree and flower buds, dense, transportable fruits of good taste.


The fruit weighs an average of 5.3 g, a maximum of 9.7 g, the color is dark red, almost black when fully ripe, the pulp and juice are dark red, the pulp is of medium density. The fruits are beautiful, juicy, sweet, taste 4.5 points, come off the stem well, partially crack in wet years, universal purpose, contain 16.6% dry matter, 11% sugars, 0.5% acids, 11.5 mg/ 100g ascorbic acid. Early flowering and ripening. It begins to bear fruit in 4-5 years. The average yield is 73 c/g, the maximum is 146 c/ha. Self-sterile. Resistance to fungal diseases is high. Advantages of the variety: regular yield, high winter hardiness of flower buds, resistance to fungal diseases, early ripening, dense fruit pulp.

Variety Leningradskaya black

The Leningradskaya Black cherry variety was developed at the Pavlovsk Experimental Station at the end of the last century. Its main difference is its high frost resistance. The tree of this variety is of medium height with a wide spreading crown. The number of leaves is not very large. Leningradskaya black cherry is a very productive variety. The number of fruits largely depends on the age of the tree, care and weather conditions. But usually Leningradskaya black cherries produce 30 to 40 kilograms. The fruits are round and heart-shaped. The weight of each is average: from 3.4 to 5. The color of the skin is dark cherry, almost black when ripe. Hence the name. The pulp is also dark, fibrous, juicy, sweet, slightly sour, with a slight bitterness, which is inherent in almost all cherries. Experts rate its taste at 4.0-4.2 points. The fruit is easily separated from the petiole.

Cherry Fatezh

Fatezh has proven itself well among gardeners not only in the middle zone and Moscow region, but also in the north-west of the country.
Cherry Fatezh has a compact and drooping spherical crown. The height of the tree is up to 3 m. Therefore, it is easy to care for and harvest. The main branches are brownish-brown in color and are located on the trunk of young trees at an angle of 90°. Adult specimens have a “weeping” shape. Fatezh begins bearing fruit in the 4-5th year of life. The average weight of the berry is 4.5 g. The fruits are round in shape, pink in color with yellow “splashes”, quite elastic, easily transported and stored, and have a universal purpose. The medium-sized seed is easily separated from the fruit. The yield from one mature tree (10 years or more) reaches 50 kg. The berries begin to ripen in late June - early July. Sweet, slightly sour fruits have a very pleasant taste, so they received a high tasting score - 4.7 out of 5.