Russian language lesson "spelling of particles not and neither". Plan-outline of the lesson in the Russian language (grade 8) on the topic: Plan-outline of the lesson. Spelling non- and none- with different parts of speech

Russian language lesson
Russian language lesson "spelling of particles not and neither". Plan-outline of the lesson in the Russian language (grade 8) on the topic: Plan-outline of the lesson. Spelling non- and none- with different parts of speech

Russian language lesson in 7th grade


Particle spelling NOT and NI

Lesson topic: Spelling particles NOT and NOR

Lesson Objectives : expand students' knowledge of the spelling of particlesnot andneither; practice the skill of distinguishing particlesnot andnor ; byelist cases where a sentence with two particles does not getpositive meaning; develop writing skillsnot with differentnew parts of speech;

Teaching methods: practical, verbal, visual methods

Ι. Organizing time.

- Good afternoon guys. Let's get ready for a good job.

ΙΙ.check homework

Who made the dictation for separate and hyphenated spelling of particles.

ΙΙΙ. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. game "The fourth extra" (slide 2)

(The degree of assimilation of the spelling of continuous-separate spelling is checked not with nouns, adjectives, verbs and pronouns)

2. Teacher's word: (slide 3)

Explain the meaning of set expressions:

Don't put your finger in your mouth (savvy, cunning person, from whom you can expect everything),the mosquito will not undermine the nose (something done well, carefully, nothing to complain about),don't leave stone unturned (completely destroy, annihilate)

no more, no less (that's how much), neither alive nor dead (very scared)neither light nor dawn (very early), break a leg (joking wish for success, good luck).

What particle is written in these expressions?

Is there a comma in expressions?

What is a particle

What categories are particles divided into?

What types of particles did we study in previous lessons

- We just remembered the spelling of the particlenot and neither. For what purpose do you think

State the topic of today's lesson. (slide 4-5)

Based on the topic, what are the goals of today's lesson

Let us consider the functions of these particles in more detail.

1. observation "Particle is not" (recording of reference information) (slide 6-7)

1. The wind did not subside. (negation)

2.Where he just has not been!(generalizing - affirmative meaning)

3. Comrade could not help but understand me. (statement)

Let's compare our observations with a textbook paragraph.

Is there something in our observations that is not in educational material

2. explanatory dictation (slide 8)

N... can n... help.

He didn't…wait for anyone.

I n… could n… know about it.

Who doesn't…know Russian ballet!

3. reading the paragraph “Ni particle” (recording of reference information) (slide 9-12)

4. ex. 432 (1-5)

IV .Fixing

1. Explain the choice of this or that particle (slide 13)

You will never see this village or these people.

Wherever the wanderer went, he was greeted cordially everywhere.

* He returned at dawn.

* Unbearable heat made it impossible to think or act.

* Didn't believe a single line.

* Whoever looks at the sea, it is always beautiful.

*After the hunt, I can't help but fall asleep.

2.Remember : not once - not once; not one - not one


no one elseHow…

nothing but…

no one else...

nothing else...

Make sentences orally with these words.

4. Check yourself (slide 14-15)

Determine when the particle is writtenNO

Yegor (1) did not know how to draw and (2) never in his life (3) saw (4) a single picture.

Determine in which cases the particle NOT is written (slide 16-17)

(1) Neither the muses, (2) nor labors, (3) nor the joys of leisure (4) can replace my friend.

5. .Digital dictation

Write down the numbers of sentences, dividing them into two groups: NOT and NOR.

1. Whoever took part in the reader's conference, everyone was satisfied.

2. Those who did not take part in the competition were very sorry about it.

3. No matter how much you read Pushkin's poems, you always discover something new for yourself.

4. How much I have not yet read the works of Russian classics.

5. No matter how much you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest.

6. There is not a soul in the field.

7. I couldn't help but smile while reading the letter.

Let's check! (slide 18)

NOT: 2,4,7

NI: 1,3,5,6

V .Reflection stage . ( slide 19)

What did we talk about in class today?

Tell me, in what cases are NOT and NI spelled together with the words?

And when NOT and NI are written with words separately?

Did you like the lesson? How are you going to change?

V I . Homework . (slide 20)

P.71, exercise 430, 434 or Compose a dictionary dictation “Spellingnot and nor »

7th grade

Not and nor in negative adverbs

Lesson Objectives:

Introduce students to spelling not and nor in negative adverbs;

Strengthen the skill of spelling adverbs;

Repeat the spelling of negative pronouns;

Raise students' interest in learning the Russian language.

Lesson type: lesson explaining new material.


1) cards with individual assignments;

2) presentation materials made in PowerPoint.

Intersubject communications: connection with computer science, history, literature.

Lesson topic: "Love and know the Russian language."


I. The message of the topic, the purpose of the lesson.

1. Lexical warm-up.

Exercise. Write the correct noun that must start with not-.

1) The state of the earthly body, which is outside the forces of attraction, is (weightlessness).

2) Fiction, a false message is (fabulous).

3) Ignorance, ignorance is (ignorance).

4) An ill-mannered, rude person is (ignorant).

5) Poorly educated, as well as ignorant of something - this is (ignoramus).

6) Innocence, naivety is (innocence).

7) A person who is hostile to someone is (ill-wisher).

8) Weakness, illness - (infirmity).

2. Problematic issue.

Exercise. What particle ( not or nor) we can replace the particle even and union and?

Answer. particle neither.

3. Adverbs or pronouns?

Exercise. Please read these offers carefully. What part of speech are the underlined words - an adverb or a pronoun?

1) Nowhere no housing in sight. (Adverb.)

2) nothing do not measure the expanse of fields. (Pronoun.)

3) No way could not overcome this peak. (Adverb.)

4) no one replace you. (Pronoun.)

II. Explanation of new material.

1. Not and nor in negative terms. (Working with textbook material or presentation material made in PowerPoint.)

Not and nor in negative adverbs they are prefixes and are always written together:

not "where - nor where", not" when - nor when".

Written under stress not, in an unstressed position - neither:

some - nor how many.

2. Problematic issue.

What part of speech, other than the adverb, uses this rule? Choose the correct answer etc.

1) Pronoun.

2) The name is an adjective.

3) Noun.

Answer: pronoun.

III. Consolidation of new material.

Exercise 1. Choose the correct letter in the words: e or and?

N_no one knows, approach n_noticeably, n_sincerely sigh, behave n_forcedly, act n_thoughtfully, n_slowly take action, nowhere n_ visible, nothing_to measure, n_when n_ assumed, n_what n_understand, n_ agree with, n_how n_ managed to get over, n_where .

Answer. No one knows, approach imperceptibly, sigh insincerely, act at ease, act thoughtlessly, immediately take action, nowhere to be seen, nothing to measure, never assumed, I will not understand anything, I will not agree with anything, I could not manage to overcome, there is nowhere to take .

Task 2. Familiarize yourself with two groups of negative adverbs and make sentences with each of these adverbs. Which adverbs do not have opposite pairs?

Nowhere - nowhere.

Nowhere - nowhere.

Nowhere - nowhere.

Once - never.

Needless -…

… - no way.

... - not at all.

Task 3. We write a vocabulary dictation. What is the rule to remember?

Involuntarily, I had to leave, it’s fresh in the street in spring, speak French, go abroad, run around tirelessly, play plenty, the wind blows through, somehow move around, act in my own way, memorize firmly, firmly, quarrel rashly, according to still be friends, smile embarrassed.

IV. Training exercises.

1. Remember the rule.

Exercise. Complete the sentences.

1) In negative and indefinite pronouns, in negative adverbs, the prefix is ​​written under stress ... (not).

2) In negative pronouns, in negative adverbs in an unstressed position, the prefix is ​​\u200b\u200bwritten ... (neither).

2.Not With different parts speech.

Exercise. Insert the missing letters ( e or and), open parenthesis.

(N_) what (n_) I take.

(N_) what (n_) I want.

(N_) a little (n_) I'm afraid.

(N_) how much (n_) is scary.

(H_) something to worry about.

(H_) where to play.

(H_) with whom to be friends.

(N_) who (n_) had.

(N_) how (n_) I understand.

(H_) where to get.

3. Not or nor?

Exercise. Not or nor need to write in words? Choose the correct answer.

1) (No, no) no housing is visible anywhere.

2) (No, no) nothing to measure the expanse of fields.

3) (Not, never) when I did not assume that (not, neither) I would be afraid of anything (not, nor) I would not agree with anything.

4) (Not, not) how (not, not) managed to move away.

5) There was (not, nor) where to wait for letters.

V. Creative task.

Exercise. Restore text. Fill in the missing negative adverbs.

1) The mind is a garment that (never) does not wear out, knowledge is a spring that (never) you won't run out.

2) With a tongue both here and there, but not good for deeds (nowhere).

3) You have to spin if (nowhere) get away.

4) Foliage rustled all around, birds sang, and it was waiting for salvation (nowhere).

5) But (no way) I did not expect that I would be interested in him.

6) She (no way) didn't look like her sister.

7. Here the father ran out into the clearing, which (once) cut it myself.

VI. A task of increased difficulty.

Not with different parts of speech.

Exercise. Open the brackets, fill in the missing letters. What parts of speech are missing letters? List these parts of speech.

1) (N_) where (n_) breathes as easily as in the homeland.

2) In a foreign land, you feel like a traveler who (n_) has somewhere to lay his head.

3) (N_) where to expect consolation, (n_) where (n_) pulls.

4) (H_) how (n_) to overcome fatigue.

5) (N_) a little (n_) I want to leave.

VII. Entertaining material for the lesson.

Task 1. Make two words from a set of letters.


Task 2. What is the word in "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" by A.S. Pushkin has other grammatical features than in modern Russian? Why? Match the words with the same root to the underlined word.

Swan sent us to you
And punished
Your glorious city to keep
And watch bypass.

Answer. Swan at Pushkin female (sent). This is due to the fact that she is an enchanted princess. Watch - review, shame, horizons, spyglass, look, look, vision etc.

VIII. Summing up the lesson, homework.


Lesson Objectives:

Educational :



Know: the condition for choosing particles NOT - NI.

Passing repetition: punctuation marks in SP.



"Distinguishing Particles Not and Neither"(1 slide)

Lesson type: combined

Lesson Objectives:


Create conditions for the formation of students' ability to distinguish particles not and neither; practice spelling skills improve oral expression skills.


To promote the development of thinking, attention, memory, oral and written speech of students, skills independent work with text.


Raise interest in the subject, by the way, in the traditions of Russian culture.

Know: the condition for choosing particles NOT - NI.

Passing repetition:punctuation marks in SP.

Equipment: a fragment of the table, individual cards, a computer with a presentation of educational material.


1 . Determining the topic of the lesson.

Hello. Listen to a humorous poem and try to guess the topic of the lesson.

NOT and NOR we have particles,
We need to respect them.
And don't be lazy
And don't waste time.

So what is the topic of the lesson? (Distinguishing between negative particles NOT and NI)

2. Repetition

1). You should already know how to use not and neither . Tell:

  1. In what cases is it written not ?
  2. When to use nor ?

2). Let's check how you learned these rules. To do this, run a test.


  1. Find the sentences that the particle not gives a positive meaning.

A. The wind did not stop.

B. I could not help answering this letter.

V. Where has he not been!

G. Where he has not been, it is in the Caucasus.

2. In what sentences is the particle nor serves to express a statement?

A. Wherever you look, rye is earing everywhere.

B. No matter how you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest.

B. The rain did not stop for an hour.

D. There is no sound or movement in the air.

3. In what sentences not a particle?

A. Grass is (un)mowed.

B. It was a letter (not) read by me.

B. I (not) (from) where to call on the phone.

D. The diary was (not) filled out.

4. Find sentences in which the particle not serves to negate.

A. The comrade could not help but help me.

B. When I don't visit him, he gets worried and calls.

Q. I couldn't figure out where the noise was coming from.

G. What Russian does not like to drive fast!

Let's see how you did on the test. (2 slide).

3). Listen to the comic poem again, find stable combinations with NOT and NOR and write them out.

The sun shone above
Neither pale nor bright.
And the result was me
Neither cold nor hot.

I went to the board to answer
I stood in front of the class.
Neither give nor take, neither sit nor stand,
Neither fish nor meat.

What set phrases have you found? With what particle did you write?

Check (Slide 3)

Name other stable combinations with not and neither that you know (neither get up nor sit down, neither to the village nor to the city, neither more nor less, neither light nor dawn ...)

Let's think in what situation, in what style are these combinations used?

Of course. Conversational style. The people come up with traditions, rituals and words that can be used to designate them. One of these traditions is the celebration of Maslenitsa.

What do you know about this holiday?

four). Consider the color insert of textbook No. 15. (Slide 4) Come up with a sentence describing this illustration, and try to use the particle in it not or neither .

Analysis of proposals at the board:

Not frost, not Maslenitsa is famous for snowstorms, and delicious pancakes, games and fun that came to us from ancient times, and unexpected miracles.

Miracles are everywhere in the world, yes not everyone noticed them everywhere.

3. Physical education: we rest, but do not relax - we count the particles:

Are you tired today?

Sit, get up, sit, get up!

Are you itchy in class?

So put your hands on your hips!

Turn back and forth!

Do your sides hurt?

Don't move, don't!

We need to relax our hands!

Never be afraid of yourself

You bounce with pops!

Not a word, not a gesture, not a look!

We breathe in - we breathe out!

How many particles were found? 8: 5 no, 3 none.

4. Working with text.

Take a card. Read the text.

Vocabulary work: mask (5 slide)

Determine the topic, main idea, come up with a title.

Which sustainable combination did you meet?

What does it mean?

5. Implementation of a practical task. Everyone has a hint table on their desk.

Purpose: the formation of the ability to distinguish and correctly write NON-NOR (using differentiated learning). Repeat punctuation marks in a complex sentence.

Distinguishing NOT and NOR

In stable expressions

(uncomfortable, out of sorts, etc.)

In stable expressions (neither light nor dawn, nor fluff nor feathers, etc.)

To complete the work, select a card in accordance with the level of assimilation of the topic.

(differentiated learning)

Card number 5 for thosewho believes that they have mastered the topic well enough and remembers punctuation in a complex sentence.

Card number 4 contains a hint: place punctuation marks, focusing on the underlined predicates.

For whom the topic turned out to be difficult, you can usehint card.

Card number 5

Fill in the missing letters, put the missing punctuation marks in complex sentences.

Sometimes people want to be (n...) recognized by (n...) neighbors, (n. .) strangers. Earlier in the Czech Republic, there was a custom according to which, on the day of Maslenitsa, the townspeople, getting up (n ...) at light (n ...) dawn, went to the woodworker for carnival masks.

Who only (n...) wanted to try on a beautiful wooden hood! Who (n ...) came to the master's house that day, everyone received a wonderful vestment. But how (n...) this modest worker tried (n...) one of his works (n...) survived until the next holiday because, according to custom, everything was burned in a huge fire. (N...) once the master was offended by this tradition, but (n. .) never complained to anyone (n...) because he gave people joy.

MASK - French masgue goes back to Arabic mashara - “joke, mockery”.

Card number 4

Insert the missing letters using the table block, place the missing punctuation marks in complex sentences, focusing on the underlined predicates.

Sometimes people don't want to be recognized. (n ...) neighbors, (n. .) strangers. Formerly in the Czech Republic existed the custom according to which on the day of Maslenitsa the townspeople, having risen (n ...) light (n ...) dawn, went to the woodworker for carnival masks.

Who only (n...) wanted to try on a beautiful wooden hood! Who (n…) came on this day in the house to the master of every was getting wonderful attire. But how (n...) tried this humble worker (n...) one of his works (n...) survived until the next holiday because, according to custom, everything burned down in a huge fire. (N…) times offended master of this tradition but (n. .) never to anyone (n ...) complained because he gave people joy.

Card number 3

Insert the missing letters using the table block and hints.

Sometimes people want to be (n...) recognized (if we omit the particle, the meaning will change to the opposite) (n ...) neighbors, (n. .) strangers (particle can be omitted).Previously, there was a custom in the Czech Republic, according to which, on the day of Maslenitsa, the townspeople, having risen (n ...) light (n ...) dawn ( phraseological unit) , went to the woodworker for carnival masks.

Who only (n...) wanted to try on a beautiful wooden hood! (simple exclamatory sentence)Who (n ...) came to the master's house that day, everyone received a wonderful vestment. (the sentence is complex, the particle can be omitted).But how (n ...) tried (the sentence is complex, the particle can be omitted)this humble worker, (n ...) alone (- nothing) of his works (n ...) survived (If we omit the particle, the meaning will change to the opposite) until the next holiday, because, according to custom, everything was burned in a huge fire. (N…) times (= many times) the master was offended by this tradition, but (n. .) once (= never) no one (n ...) complained (if we omit the particle, the meaning will change to the opposite)because he made people happy.

Checking independent work in groups.

7. Summing up the lesson

So, let's sum up the lesson. Today we not only trained in distinguishing between NE and NI particles, but also visited the Maslenitsa celebration, looked into the workshop of a Czech master, and learned about the origin of the word “mask”.


Homework: make a two-question test to distinguish between “not” and “neither” particles. (6 slide)

Reflection: analyze your knowledge: if there are any questions left, something is not clear, leave a signal in the form of “?” at the board for me, if everything is clear to you now, leave “!”. (7 slide)

Spelling NOT and NOR with different parts of speech NENY Negative = NO The weather did NOT go bad (Got bad? - No.) Negative = AND O didn't say a word. (Didn't say AND words) Statement = YES. No matter how fast I was, I was still late. (In a hurry? - Yes.) The NOT particle cannot be omitted: the meaning will change The NI particle can be omitted from the sentence without violating the meaning Double negation in affirmative proposals. I couldn't help but say (said). I could not help but come (came). NI is written separately with all parts of speech, except for negative adverbs and pronouns without a preposition. Nowhere, no one.

stable phrases. Neither this nor that Neither alive nor dead Neither fish nor meat Neither ours nor yours Neither answer nor hello Neither fluff nor feather Neither light nor dawn Neither hearing nor spirit Neither to the village nor to the city For no reason at all Neither back nor forth Neither for no matter what

Nouns, adjectives, adverbs. Together Separately Without NOT, the word is not used. Slob Rainy Ridiculous There is opposition. Not good, but bad Not true, but a lie Not close, but distant. Forms a new word that can be replaced by a word with a similar meaning without NOT. False (false) Not close (distant) Not bad (good) There are dependent words (far, at all, completely ...). Not an easy hike at all. Not interesting at all. Explanatory words indicate the degree of quality. (very, very, extremely, in the highest degree, absolutely, almost, etc.) Absolutely not close way There is a dependent word expressed by a negative pronoun or adverb. Not far at all.

Verbs and participles. Together Separately Without NOT, the word is not used. hate In other cases. I didn't want to see it. Pay attention! Verbs with the particle NOT should be distinguished from verbs with the prefix NEDO-. In these cases, you need to rely on the meaning that the particle and the prefix give to the verb. The prefix NEDO- gives the verb the meaning of incompleteness, insufficiency in comparison with the norm. And the verb with the particle NOT means an unfinished, unfinished action. I didn't eat enough I didn't finish my lunch.

Communions. Together Separately Without NOT, the word is not used. Indignant. FROM short participles. Not resolved. There is no dependent word and opposition. Unsolved problem. There is an opposition. Not solved, but written off problem. There is a dependent word. Problem not solved at home.

MBOU "Apastovskaya secondary comprehensive school with in-depth study of individual subjects "Apastovsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

The use of NOT and NI particles

(Methodical development Russian language lesson for grade 6)


teacher of Russian language and literature

higher qualification category

Zagrutdinova Ruzalia Rafailovna

Apastovo, 2013

Explanatory note

The methodological development of a Russian language lesson for grade 6 on the topic “The use of particles NOT and NOR” provides for the generalization of knowledge on this topic, the development of speech, the improvement of literacy skills, enrichment vocabulary, education of love and interest in the language, traditions and customs different peoples, healthy lifestyle life.

The lesson is planned taking into account the knowledge gained by students in the previous hours in the "Particles" section. Generalization on the topic is based on traditional pattern: questioning and checking homework, consolidating knowledge, homework. At each stage of the lesson, much attention is paid to the repetition of spelling norms. Work on the text, building sentences with stable turns increases attention to the semantic aspect of syntax. In fixing-training exercises, tasks are given according to the degree of increase in difficulties - first, consolidation is carried out at the level of observation of linguistic phenomenon, then at the level of self-recognition and application. For quick and effective control, a test check is used, which allows you to significantly increase the amount of controlled material, increase the information content about the objectivity of learning outcomes. Used throughout the lesson interactive whiteboard: presentation, texts, tests.

Lesson topic: The use of particles NOT and NI. (6th grade).

Target: generalization of knowledge on the distinction between NE and NI particles;

formation of skills to distinguish and correctly write NOT and NOR;

improving the skills of spelling vigilance;

development of speech and literacy;

enrichment of students' vocabulary;

education of love and interest in the language, folk traditions and customs to

healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: cards for independent work, texts for work,

Cards - hints, tests.

During the classes

I. Update

    Orthoepic warm-up(words are displayed)


Which of the following words has the stress on the first syllable?

    Down, turned on, lied

    Beets, handrails, taken

    Despot, portfolio, expert

    Understood, calls, took away

Which of the following words has the stress on the second syllable?

    Cleaned up, alphabet, anonymous

    Apostrophe, lend, come to life

    Sent, aches, lecho

    Repeat, dialogue, dispensary

    Checking homework with a dictation. It includes phrases from the completed exercise, as well as a number of words from the student's dictionary.

By all means, as if nothing had happened, I have been there more than once, I have never asked, neither fish nor meat, nor light nor dawn, saw no one, nothing to help, did not ask about anything, did not look at anything, showed distrust, did not risk anything, shortly before the meeting, there was no one to ask, he did not answer for anything, there was nothing to rejoice at, not disguised by anyone.

(Words are displayed on the screen and checked by students).

3. Frontal survey

What is the NOT particle for? Particle NI?

Remember the conditions for using the particle NOT with different parts of speech.

When is NI a negative particle?

When is the negative particle NOT written, and when - NI?

II. Formation of skills and abilities

    Listen to the poem, write out stable combinations with NOT and NO

The sun shone above

Neither pale nor dim

And the result was me

Neither cold nor hot.

I went to the board to answer

I stood in front of the class.

Neither give nor take, neither sit nor stand,

Neither fish nor meat.

Make oral sentences with set expressions: neither give nor take, neither sit nor stand, neither fish nor meat

    Text work(Text is displayed on the screen)

Sometimes people want to be (n...) recognized by (n...) neighbors, (n...) strangers. Previously, there was a custom in the Czech Republic, according to which, on the day of Maslenitsa, the townspeople, having risen (n ...) light (n ...) dawn, went to the woodworker for carnival masks. Who only (n...) wanted to try on a beautiful wooden hood! Who (n ...) came to the master's house that day, everyone received a wonderful vestment. But how (n...) this modest worker tried, (n...) one of his works (n...) survived until the next holiday, because, according to custom, everything was burned in a huge fire. (N…) once the master was offended by this tradition, but (n…) once he (n…) complained to anyone, because he gave people joy.

Determine the topic, main idea, come up with a title.

Which word or combination of words is the subject of one of the sentences?

1) day (#2)

2) hood (3)

3) hard worker (No. 5)

4) joy (#6)

Which sentence has a derivative preposition?

What stable combination did you meet? What does it mean?

Answer: No light, no dawn - very early.

What spelling did you remember while reading this text?

Answer: spelling of unstressed vowels, personal endings of verbs, use of prepositions, spelling NOT with verbs, unpronounceable consonants, case endings nouns and adjectives.

3.Independent work on cards

To complete the work, select a card in accordance with the level of mastering the topic (differentiated learning).

Card #1 for those who are fairly familiar with the topic.

Card #2 for those who find the topic difficult. You can use a hint card.

Card #1

1) The breadth of his interests n ... could n ... amaze (?) me. 2) Interlocutor

n ... could n ... agree (?) Xia with my opinion. 3) With whom tol (?) n ... our athletes competed! 4) Who n ... knows Pushkin's poems! 5) And what kind of Russian n ... likes to drive fast?

Card #2

Wherever our athletes have been! In what latitudes did the Anthem of our Motherland sound! But no matter how much we ... learn new names, the name of the repeated world and European champion Irina Rodnina makes us feel respect and admiration. We can't ... believe that we will soon find out the new champions of figure skating.

Students exchange work, check and mark each other with a pencil.

3. Conversation about the upcoming "Universiade - 2013" in the city of Kazan.

How is our Republic preparing for the meeting of athletes?

What are the new sport complexes built in the city of Kazan today?

What transformations have taken place in our Republic in connection with the upcoming Universiade?

    creative work by options(The task is displayed on the board)

Exercise: open brackets, insert missing letters, place commas, insert the appropriate word into the sentence.

I - option

III - Consolidation of knowledgetest execution