Lesson on the world around us "Why do people eat. Composition of food." I’m giving you soup: what should the first course be? A message on the topic of why a person needs food

Lesson on the world around us
Lesson on the world around us "Why do people eat. Composition of food." I’m giving you soup: what should the first course be? A message on the topic of why a person needs food

The main task of eating food is not aesthetic purposes and satisfaction of taste preferences, but the need to maintain physical fitness. If you have any diseases, first of all change your diet to improve your overall well-being. This is due to the fact that the diet and selected diet are the key to successful recovery.

Food consumption includes the process of metabolism and energy (for movement, breathing, thinking, sleep). The more energy a person spends during the day, the higher the calorie content of meals eaten daily should be. Food is “fuel” for the human body. Energy expenditure also depends on a person’s age.

It should be noted that the amount of food consumed must correspond to physical characteristics (age, gender, weight category, health status, etc.). Lack of food leads to exhaustion of the body, and overeating negatively affects the functioning of internal organs, the digestion process is disrupted, the load on the cardiovascular system increases, and body weight increases.

It is very important for a person to chew food thoroughly, otherwise an insufficient amount of saliva will be produced. This leads to increased stress on the stomach, deterioration of the digestion process and possible overeating. It is advisable to chew food slowly so that a gradual feeling of fullness occurs. Better digestion is facilitated by drinking liquid, which softens food and allows it to pass through the digestive tract with ease.

It is also very important to eat at the same time, since the body, as a rule, focuses on rhythmic work. Eating at different times forces him to readjust and constantly adapt to the new regime.

Tip 2: Eating healthy is not as difficult as you think

Many people want or plan to start eating healthy, but few of us actually do it. If you want to develop healthy eating habits, learn as much as you can about nutrition - here are some tips to get you started in a positive way.

There is a sneaky but successful way to improve your nutrition. You can add a variety of nutrient-rich foods to your meals. If you have children who are picky eaters, you can do this secretly without their knowledge. For example, add 1/2 cup white beans to bake cookies. Your whole family will eat healthy and won't notice the difference.

  • Do you like meat, but want to reduce the amount you consume? Then just eat meat in very small portions. You can use red meat to add texture and flavor to cereal or vegetable dishes. Chinese and Mediterranean cultures have been doing this for a long time and have lower chances of experiencing heart disease.
  • Are you a chocolate lover? And you can't refuse it? Then this advice is for you. Choose dark chocolate instead of white or milk chocolate. Dark chocolate has been proven to help lower blood pressure. Buy chocolate that has at least 70% cocoa. But do not overuse chocolate, as it also contains a lot of calories.
  • A cocktail is a drink that is also easy to prepare. Let's look at the ingredients that will add nutrients to the smoothie. Try mixing ingredients like omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids or cocoa powder to get a good measure of antioxidants. These two components will give the cocktail a good taste and provide more nutrients, the presence of which is beneficial for the immune system.

There are many healthy recipes out there just waiting to be tried. With some creativity and experimentation, you can make protein bars, jerky, dried fruit, and other healthy snacks. You can also make delicious, healthy oat pancakes quickly and easily.

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum"

Open lesson on the world around us on the topic:

“Why does a person eat? Composition of food"

(4th grade)

Teacher: Vyaginen M.G.

Subject: « Why does a person eat? Composition of food"

Goals: a) form an idea of ​​the importance of nutrition in human life, introduce children to the composition of food; organic and mineral substances; give an idea about vitamins and their importance in human life;

b) develop the skills to compare, generalize, classify, and draw conclusions. Develop practical skills in working with books and the Internet. Develop logical thinking, memory, imagination, broaden your horizons;

c) cultivate a feeling of love and care for one’s own body, cultivate the ability to monitor one’s health, the desire to work together, and participate in the search for something new.

Equipment: tables “Organic substances”, “Vitamins”;

book exhibition;

vitamin packs;


basket with apples.

During the classes

    Organizing time

    Communicating the topic and purpose of the lesson

The words are written on the board:

Bun, stomach, liver, apple, sausage, teeth, heart, intestines, milk.

What groups can these words be divided into? (stomach, liver, intestines are the digestive organs, and a bun, apple, sausage, milk are food)

    Which word is missing?

    So what are we going to talk about in class today?

    Lesson topic: “Why do people eat? Composition of food."

    Why do you think a person eats? (students' answers)

    You have correctly identified why a person eats. A person cannot live long without food; a person needs food throughout his life.

    Work on the topic of the lesson

    Working with a proverb.

An Azerbaijani proverb says: “A tree is supported by its roots, and a person is supported by food.”

    How do you understand the meaning of this proverb?

    What kind of food do you think primitive people might have eaten?

    What food does modern man eat?

    Reading the text on page 71 (first paragraph)

    Read the definition of why a person needs food.

    If a person does not eat for a long time, his body begins to consume substances that are in the form of reserves in the body. A man is losing weight. It can live without food for about a month, without water - three to four days.

    How long does it take for you to feel hungry?

    How many times a day do you eat?

    Menu creation

    Create a lunch menu (work in groups).

    Read out what menu you have compiled.

    Look at the recorded dishes. What products do they consist of?

    What two groups can they be divided into? (Plant and animal origin).

    How many days can you eat monotonous food, such as semolina porridge?

    Why does a person need a variety of food?

    Food composition

    One day such a thing happened. In the mountains, a snowfall cut off the road to the lodge. The watchman had various products, only the salt had run out. When rescuers reached the hut three months later, the watchman lay unconscious. The fault was the lack of a mineral substance - ordinary table salt, which is very important for humans.

    Tell us what the significance of table salt is for humans (the first group tells).

    In addition to minerals, any living organism needs organic substances. Which? (proteins fats carbohydrates).

Organic matter




    Tell us about these substances, what products contain them, and why do the body need them? (second, third, fourth groups).

    (A table appears on the board).

Organic matter




In products of animal and plant origin

In meat


in oil plants

In cereals



    So why do you need to diversify your food? Answer the question based on your new knowledge.

    What sources of information helped you gain this knowledge?

    Work in notebooks

Page 30, no. 64.

    You've done your research. How much protein, fat and carbohydrates did you get from breakfast? (answers by group)

    Draw a conclusion from your research.

Conclusion : food should be varied so that it includes proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

    Physical education minute

And now, guys, stand up.

They quickly raised their hands up.

To the sides. Forward. Back.

Turned to the right. To the left.

They sat down quietly. Back to business again.

    Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson


In previous lessons, we met travelers who discovered new lands and talked about how, during long journeys, sailors fell ill with scurvy and died, although food supplies were sufficient. But the famous English captain James Cook's crew did not get scurvy. What's the matter? It turns out that at each port Cook was loaded with fruit, and they saved the crew.

    Why do you think?

    What are vitamins? (read on page 72)

    So what are vitamins for?

It turned out that all plants and animal products contain them. The only difference is in their quantity and variety. About 30 vitamins are now known.

    Tell us about the most common vitamins (which foods contain them, which organs and their functions are affected, what diseases can be caused by the absence of a vitamin?).

    Messages by group:

1 – vitamin A;

2 – vitamin C;

3 - vitamin D;

4 – vitamin B 1.


( renitol )

IN 1


(ascorbic acid)



Bread kvass






Lack of vitamins leads to poor health. In this case, the doctor prescribes vitamins in tablets (demonstration of packages of vitamins). Excessive use of vitamins is dangerous to health. An ancient wisdom says: “Everything is poison, and everything is medicine. It's just a matter of dose."

    Vitamin destruction

Vitamins are very delicate creatures. Some of them are destroyed even under the influence of oxygen in the air or when you finely chop vegetables or fruits. Others are destroyed by cooking or frying.

Let's see what happens to the apple if:




(It will darken).

Vitamin C is destroyed by oxygen and when interacting with metals. Therefore, the apple should be eaten whole.

During storage, apples also lose vitamin C. After three months of storage, 16% is lost, after 6 months - 25%, after a year - up to 50% of the original vitamin C content. Therefore, it is best to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

And now I want to treat you to fruits containing vitamins that are beneficial for everyone (a basket of apples).

    Lesson summary.

    Where will the information you received today in class be useful to you?


P. 71-76, r/t No. 65.

From this article you will learn:

  • Tasty?
  • What does your stomach think about this?
  • Who's who in building a healthy body
  • How to overcome dysbiosis

From previous articles you have already learned how important the role of healthy eating is in our health and longevity. But what is healthy eating, how do you find out what you need and how to choose a diet individually for each person?

Today for some people I will dispel myths about healthy eating, for many I will challenge contradictions, and for others I will get an answer to the questions that concern them.

Ask yourself a question - what is food for you?

A source of pleasure, a stress reliever, or fuel and building material for the body? When do you eat? When did the wife serve dinner or did the husband heat up the afternoon tea? For company, because it’s a lunch break, or because it smells delicious, or because we’re visiting, and tomorrow this deliciousness will no longer be available...

What does your stomach think about all this? Why are you not very happy with your appearance? The tummy is bulging, the hair is falling out, the nails are peeling, heartburn is tormenting, chronic fatigue syndrome, kidney stones, well, what else is there... Or are they simply unhappy with their “façade”, but in general, as long as you don’t fall apart, nothing seems to hurt?

Few of us, when preparing our favorite lasagna, pilaf, solyanka or meat salad, think about how such food will be absorbed and what will be transferred to our body after the digestive processes. What benefits will our nerve cells, brain, hair roots and skin receive? How the microflora copes with the task of synthesizing the protein building blocks we need - enzymes, amino acids and vitamins. What will be used to produce the hormones we need so much?

Have I puzzled you? In fact, everything in our body is initially wisely thought out and so interconnected that one wrong action on our part causes a chain of violations that lead to deterioration in health. And, of course, no one has yet died from eating borscht with donuts and cutlets with mashed potatoes all their life.

But the complaints of people who eat traditional food about heartburn, bloating, hypertension, excess weight, constipation, allergies to oranges and hair loss, and hundreds of other uncomfortable conditions are so predictable and logical! And the worst thing is that such diagnoses have become the norm!!!

And if the body does not receive high-quality fuel, then how can it work without breaking down?

If you bought a foreign car for 20,000 euros, then you won’t pour kefir into the tank and mineral water into the engine, right? Because the car needs the fuel and engine oil provided for it. And we ourselves eat whatever tastes good to us, at random, but not what the body needs, unfortunately. Most often out of ignorance, of course, because we don’t have lessons on healthy eating in our schools. But in vain.

So how should you eat so as not to harm yourself, to maintain youth, beauty and health? So that you don’t fall apart after 30 and not suffer from incurable illnesses at 50?

First, let's agree that this conversation is not for one article, because I need to convey everything to you in detail and explain every single process of digestion and assimilation of food. If you have the patience to read everything carefully, then you can avoid many problems in the future.

If you already have health problems, I will gladden you: the body is capable of self-healing. In our body, cells live on average from 1.5 to 7 years. This means that once you change your eating habits and start living a healthy lifestyle, you can expect impressive changes in your health for the better.

But in order for you to see such results - a renewed body, healthy organs, strength, energy and vigor, you will need to try and completely change your eating habits. This is the first and most important factor in restoring health.

Therefore, now we will look at nutrition as a building material for the body, and not as a gratification of our food cravings and an emotional stimulant.

Our body to maintain vital functions, obtain energy, build organ cells, muscles, bones and other things. need fatty acids, carbohydrates, amino acids(building blocks of a protein molecule), vitamins and minerals(micro and macroelements). As well as chlorophyll and oxygen.

We must obtain fatty acids, carbohydrates, minerals, some vitamins and essential amino acids from the outside, with food.

The body is able to synthesize non-essential amino acids, some vitamins and hormones on its own, provided that the necessary starting materials are obtained.

Hormone synthesis occurs in different organs, but also depends on the nutrition received. But the synthesis of amino acids and vitamins occurs in the intestines, and completely depends on your microflora.

Amino acids are the most important component of the protein molecule, which the body builds according to its needs and sends to maintain muscles, various organs, nails, hair and bones.

Therefore, if, for example, you have a lack of muscle mass, then you do not have enough amino acids in your diet, which are responsible for the structure of muscle mass.

And if there are problems with hair, then one of the reasons may be a lack of nutritional amino acids that make up the keratin protein molecule. There are a lot of reasons for baldness and hair loss, thinning of the hair itself, weakening of the hair follicle, enough for a separate article. But today the topic is nutrition, so let’s return to digestion.

As I wrote in the previous article, unhealthy eating leads to changes in the intestinal microflora. And as a result, we are no longer able, for example, to eat an apple or cabbage without problems with bloating and gas formation.

It has become commonplace that people experience dysbiosis and that after each meal they need to swallow different tablets to relieve bloating or heaviness in the stomach. Rave! You just need to understand what and why you eat. Then there is no need for pills, and there will be no dysbacteriosis.

When we eat predominantly traditional classical Russian or European cuisine, in which thermally processed food and a mixture of proteins, carbohydrates and fats predominate, we disrupt all possible digestive processes.

Firstly, as I already said, our healthy microflora, consisting of E. coli, is forced out and is replaced by fermentative bacteria that feed on sugars and light carbohydrates and pathogenic, putrefactive bacteria that feed on foreign proteins obtained from meat and fish.

The result of the work of such microflora– poisons, toxins and wastes. Such microflora cannot provide you with building material; it only clogs you and acidifies the body.

Now a simple logical conclusion: The task of healthy microflora is to synthesize the necessary amino acids and vitamins, and it can do this by receiving fresh plant foods, dairy products and grains and legumes. You need fiber, which is food for E. coli. No healthy food - no stick. No stick - no building material for the body. No vitamins for health. There is no production of hormones due to metabolic disorders and lack of nutrients.

The consequence of all this is health problems. Dull skin, problems with teeth, bones, nails, hair, loose body, devoid of muscles and consisting of stored fat reserves. After all, our traditional cuisine consists mainly of excess fats and carbohydrates.

Draw your conclusions, my dears!

In the next article I will tell you how food is processed, we will have a fascinating tour of the gastrointestinal tract!

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Sincerely, Svetlana Aristova

All living things need food; starting from the ciliates of the shoe and up to HUMAN... This is how the body of living beings works... But FOOD is different! If a person eats in order to provide the body with the nutrients necessary for life, this is a NATURAL NEED... But if a person eats for PLEASURE, this is a LIFESTYLE leading to diseases... The more “refined” the food, the less from it good for the body. Modern CULINARS, COOKS, invent a lot of different “goodies” to attract consumers and, accordingly, generate INCOME. They don't care about their clients' HEALTH. It’s just that every PERSON who wants to LIVE LONG and at the same time be HEALTHY must KNOW that “THE MORE SOPHISTICATED FOOD IS, THE MORE USELESS IT IS FOR THE BODY.” THE MORE A PERSON DRINKS LIQUIDS, THE MORE THE GASTROINTESTINAL FLORA IS DISTURBED... "FASTING, URINOTHERAPY, SEPARATE NUTRITION, VEGETARIANITY ARE WAYS TO DISRUPTING THE SUBJECT MECHANISM OF THE ORGANISM." If a Man “thinks about “WHAT” he eats, then he is already sick! We must at least try to eat simple and, if possible, rough food in order for the body to WORK! KINGS, LEADERS, and indeed the ELITE in general, never were not distinguished by GOOD HEALTH, AND THE REASON was too indulgent FOOD and PLENTY OF DRINKING...

They say: “Truth is the ability to perceive OBVIOUSLY”... Gastric juice is a set of concentrated organic acids designed to accelerate the decomposition of food. By washing down food with water, drinking a huge amount of liquid when, in principle, there is no need to drink, a person dilutes gastric juice, changing the concentration of acids... As a result of this, food, instead of quickly decomposing, begins to rot. Putrefactive substances are absorbed into the blood through the walls of the Stomach and Intestines, slowly but surely poisoning the entire body with toxic components of putrefaction... Which ultimately leads to many different diseases.
The only STANDARD (indicator) of the need for WATER is our BODY! You need to drink when you really want to drink... And then slowly, in small sips. The only USEFUL WATER is the water that is found in the area where a person lives. No imported, “oxygen,” “ozonated,” “hydrogen,” or other “sophisticated” WATER will bring any benefit to the body! All this is ordinary “SODA” and its varieties. And any carbonated water is harmful to the STOMACH... Where LONG-LIVERS live - the Caucasus, EASTERN countries, Japan - the main diet is “main courses”, not soups... For example, in Uzbekistan, the only purely liquid dish is - This is SHURPA. Soup with lots of vegetables. And even that one is prepared quite rarely... And all the main dishes are porridge, including pilaf...

Convinced supporters of VEGETARIANism believe that a person can easily do without meat and still remain completely HEALTHY. Let's see how true this statement is.
There are four main components of food: Macroelements - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Microelements - vitamins and minerals. Fiber is found in plants and is necessary for GOOD DIGESTION OF FOOD. Water - about 1.5 liters per day is needed.
The optimal composition for maintaining HEALTH is considered to be a food composition containing -
Carbohydrates - 58 percent, Mono and polyunsaturated fats - 20 percent, Proteins - 12 percent, Saturated fats - 10 percent...
Each microelement has its own pharmacological properties...Iron is necessary for the formation of Hemoglobin, found in seafood, liver, eggs, nuts. Cobalt is necessary for the formation of red blood cells and is found in liver, kidneys, meat, and eggs. Copper Participate in the processes of BLOOD POOSIS, found in seafood, fish, liver, nuts, legumes. ZINC promotes the normal functioning of the PROSTATE GLAND, found in seafood, eggs, milk, meat, liver, yeast. ZIRCONIUM stimulates the GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT of TISSUE. LACK OF SELENIUM causes CANCER DISEASES...Chromium promotes the breakdown of carbohydrates, found in meat, liver, fruits, vegetables, nuts. Well, etc. So think about whether there IS or IS NOT...

I am quite curious and inquisitive. Every day I think about all sorts of different things, but here food theme interests me very much, because seeing every day people whose figures are far from normal, I feel uneasy. The same question always comes up: “They don’t see anything? How can they not notice themselves, their species? How is that????” Living in such a society is not cool at all. After all, you always want to look around and admire the beauty of this world, but you can’t, because people are part of this world, it’s impossible not to pay attention to them.

Today I would like to talk about the topic, Why do you need to eat at all?

Most people, when approaching the refrigerator, think about completely wrong things, for example:

  • So that I can eat something tasty?
  • We need to satisfy our hunger
  • I need to eat so I don't die of hunger
  • I need to eat something to get rid of depression
  • I'm stressed, I want something sweet!

These are the concerns most people have when they go to their refrigerator or go shopping. None of these people think about their health, no one understands why they need to eat at all. Everyone has thoughts about delicious things on their minds, from depression, from stress, but more often, of course, just about taste. I saw something tasty somewhere, my taste buds began to stir, and now I want it too.

This is very similar to animals that eat simply to survive, following their self-preservation instincts. But you and I are people who are able to think and we are able not only to think, but also to study, analyze and make decisions.

So why do we need to eat?

Of course, also to survive, but there are several nuances that really need to be taken into account. Everyone knows that food can be different, both in appearance and in chemical composition. Let's first understand the functions of categories food.

Fruits and vegetables, main function these products supply of vitamins to our body. Minerals are also contained in these products, but the main purpose is to supply vitamins.

Protein food, these are various meats, eggs, dairy products, basic function protein food, the supply of protein, which is broken down into amino acids in the body and then used for restoration and creation of muscle tissue. In fact, amino acids have many functions, but let’s limit ourselves to a few for now. Let's call this function, BUILD! By the way, protein products contain a lot of minerals and most often fats come from protein products.

Carbohydrate foods, and these are sweets and cereals. Main function these products energy supply. All processes occurring in our body require energy. The car also doesn’t run without fuel.

Water, this product is basic. We are 80 percent water, all processes occur with the participation of water. Metabolism, cooling and much more.

In fact, we need to eat in order to receive material and energy, so that the chemical processes in the body do not stop working, exactly right, and we are alive. It's simple, but you need to think more broadly. It is necessary to distinguish between carbohydrates, simple and complex. Also distinguish between fats, harmful and healthy. High-quality protein and low-quality protein.

You now need to restructure your thinking when you think about food. Don't think of food as a solution to all problems, but imagine food as a source of material and energy so that you can live your life in good shape, so that your body is beautiful and functional, so that you can simply do everything you want! After all, food is not a solution to all problems and not a stimulator of your receptors, food is an opportunity to create, create, not only some things, but also your life, as you see it in your head, in your dreams.

After all, if you eat right, you will be pleased to look at yourself in the mirror, you will look normal. Other people will want to communicate and interact with you. Your life will become more diverse, because you will be capable of anything, there will be no restrictions in your life. Your illnesses will leave you behind, unless of course you have completely neglected everything.

By the way stress and depression occur due to poor nutrition. Of course, you shouldn’t lose sight of your attitude towards the world around you, but nutrition plays an important role. Your resistance to stress depends on adequate amounts of minerals and vitamins.

And in general, all diseases occur in people as a result of poor nutrition. Our body is very strong and very cool, it is capable of anything. You just need to give him everything he needs.

I hope it's clearer to you now, why does a person need to eat?

If you have any questions, or vice versa, ask them in the comments. If you liked the article, share it with your friends, just with people, let’s make the world of people more beautiful together! By providing correct information to the masses...