Caring for flowering Kalanchoe - tips on how to make this plant bloom at home. Kalanchoe: home care

Caring for flowering Kalanchoe - tips on how to make this plant bloom at home.  Kalanchoe: home care
Caring for flowering Kalanchoe - tips on how to make this plant bloom at home. Kalanchoe: home care

It always seems that beautifully flowering plants require a lot of attention. But caring for Kalanchoe at home is not so difficult. The main thing is to follow simple rules, which we will describe below.

The described inhabitant of the windowsill is considered a medicinal representative of the flora, often used for nasal congestion and other inflammatory processes. The question is whether it is possible to use flowering Kalanchoe in medicinal purposes, is still controversial. But even if it is impossible to get rid of a runny nose with the help of such a plant, it will delight its owners with its flowers.

This type indoor decoration belongs to the Crassulaceae family, and translated means “plant with thick skin”

The island of Madagascar is considered the birthplace of the green creature, but its growth can be found almost throughout Asia. The flowering beauty is grown both in greenhouses and in the room. This type of indoor decoration belongs to the Crassulaceae family, and translated means “thick-skinned plant.” Thanks to its thick stems and leaves, it accumulates moisture and goes without watering for a long time. Prevents evaporation thin film, covering leaves and stems. All these features must be taken into account in order to care for a blooming creature.

Let's highlight the basic principles of care:

  • Feeding, pruning.

Now let’s try to consider each of the mentioned principles in detail.

Video clip on how to grow Kalanchoe at home

Flowering Kalanchoe does not require watering. You could say he likes drought more than overwatering. Of course, in the summer, when it’s hot outside, you should water the flower more often, and in winter, the frequency of watering is reduced to once every two weeks. Moreover, stagnation of moisture causes the appearance of rot, which sometimes turns out to be disastrous for your ward.

It is advisable that in a flower pot, in addition to soil, there is drainage, which allows maintaining the optimal soil condition for the inhabitant of the windowsill. And you can water your pet not only from above, but also into the tray.

Blooming Kalanchoe does not require watering

Unlike many indoor plants blooming Kalanchoe can be exposed to direct sunlight, especially in summer. In winter, it requires a period of rest, and the flowerpot is moved from sunny window to shaded.

The temperature regime, as in the case of illumination, differs in summer and winter

An interesting feature of care is that in order for flowering to begin, it is necessary to reduce the length of daylight hours. In a natural climate, this occurs with the arrival of winter. Therefore, on cold days, the window sill dweller pleases the eye with its bright colors of flowers.

But if you want the plants to bloom at other times of the year, you can artificially reduce the daylight hours to about 10 hours. To do this, put a bag of thick paper. Or simply put your pet in the closet at certain evening hours, and take it out in the morning and put it back on the windowsill.

The temperature regime, as in the case of illumination, differs in summer and winter. In the warm season, the temperature ranges from +18 to +28 degrees. IN winter time The living conditions are also cooler – + 10 - +16 degrees. The flower will even like it if you take it out onto an insulated loggia or balcony. This will be the so-called dormant period - an important requirement in caring for a flowering Kalanchoe, especially if it was actively blooming before.

Video about proper care

For comfortable growth, flowering Kalanchoe needs to be replanted. This is due to the rapidly growing root system. It is best to do this in April-May, when the plant begins its days of active growth. The main thing is that the daylight hours should be more than 12 hours. If this is not possible, then use additional lighting.

For comfortable growth, flowering Kalanchoe needs to be replanted

When transplanting at home new pot should be slightly wider than the previous one. But the composition of the earth should be the same. Remove the flower from the container carefully so as not to damage the earthen ball. You can add fresh cuttings to the bush, the main thing is that in the future there will be enough space in the flowerpot for the overgrown plants. And if the neighbors in the pot are of different colors, you can get a charming bouquet.

Flowering Kalanchoe is not very demanding on the quality of the soil; it will do well in both loose and dense soil. But if there is sand in it, then the flower will be grateful to you. When preparing soil at home, it is advisable to disinfect the soil before use.

From what is described above it is clear that caring for flowering Kalanchoe at home does not require much effort.

How to acquire such a handsome man, and also such an unpretentious one? The easiest way to buy is at a flower shop. But there have often been cases where a beautifully blooming inhabitant of a house may soon begin to get sick or stop growing.

Therefore, it is easier to take a plant shoot from a friend who has such a window decoration. Moreover, the described representatives of the flora reproduce very easily different ways, This:

  • Separation big bush.
  • Rooting cuttings.
  • Planting a separate leaf.
  • Sowing seeds.

The small stem forms roots very quickly and easily takes root in a new pot.

Dividing a large bush at home is acceptable when the bush needs to be refreshed. But the downside this method is the poor survival rate of the divided flower, for a long time recovery.

The most commonly used and simplest is rooting the cuttings. The small stem forms roots very quickly and easily takes root in a new pot. After a short period (about a few months), your pet will delight you with a lush bush.

You can also pinch off not only a cutting, but also just a leaf from the parent plant. It will take root just as quickly as a cutting, only required sizes it will reach only about a year later.

A favorable environment for rooting cuttings and leaves is a temperature of +23- +25 degrees, and good (without direct contact with sun rays) lighting.

A story about caring for a flowering plant

The seeds of the plant are very small and this makes planting difficult. They are laid on the surface of the soil, but not sprinkled on top, but only pressed in the seeds. Afterwards, a plastic bag is put on the pot or covered with glass. Favorable will be the presence of scattered sunlight, small ventilation and warm location. After the seeds germinate, the polyethylene or glass is removed and the small plants are placed in a sunny place.

With lack of care or as the resident ages, the leaves of the lower part of the stem may fall off. It's not that scary, the plant just needs to be rejuvenated. The easiest way to do this is by cutting, described above. And you will again have a charming bush.

Feeding and pruning

To get a beautiful blooming green creature at home, you need to apply fertilizer in a timely manner. The frequency of fertilization is once a month. You need to feed with fertilizer for succulents, but the use of complex additives will ensure abundant flowering.

Fertilizers should be applied carefully, because excess fertilization can provoke abundant growth of green mass, and you may not get flowers. Therefore, it is recommended to apply half the amount indicated on the fertilizer package. Moderate feeding at home will also have a beneficial effect on the growing representative of the flora.

The formation of a bush is an integral part of caring for a flowering pet. On a young bush, it is necessary to pinch the shoots to give the flower correct form. Also, on an adult flower, during the period of active growth (spring-summer), you need to cut off the upper part of the shoots to form side stems.

Removing diseased, damaged leaves and shoots is an important step for good flowering. It is necessary to trim off faded buds, and it is advisable to do this as close to the stem as possible in order to protect the flower from rot.

Video about care and breeding

However, the flower is little susceptible to disease, but when growing it at home, we must be prepared for anything. Therefore, we will consider the main signs of a flower’s “disease” and determine what care to provide in order to cure it.

Most often, an indoor pet shows that it is uncomfortable through leaves. That is, if you notice gray, white or brown spots- this is a sign that you need to change your care, or rather its regimen.

Most often, an indoor pet shows that it is uncomfortable through leaves.

Since the indoor beauty loves a moderate watering regime, the appearance of spots indicates that the soil is excessively waterlogged. The method of combating the disease is to reduce watering and use additional light sources. This also happens due to excessive feeding. Therefore, for recovery, you should stop using fertilizers, and at best, change the soil.

The cause of leaf death may be heat indoors and dry air. Treatment is to place the flower pot in a cool room and humidify the air.

Aphids are a pest for your favorite window decoration. When these small insects the leaves turn yellow and fall off, the buds are missing. For treatment, you need to cut off the affected areas and treat them with an aphid preparation or a soap solution.

We are convinced that it is not difficult to care for flowering Kalanchoe at home. If you follow the described home care methods, you will enjoy beautiful flowering for at least one month.

Video about how to care for kalanchoe blooming

If you provide the handsome man with access bright light for 9-10 hours, and then put it away in dark place, trim the flowers in time and fertilize once every two weeks, then the pet will respond to you by increasing the flowering period.

And after this pleasure, do not forget to provide your green creature with a period of rest, which means stop caring, reduce watering and lower the temperature.

In most cases, gardeners acquire new plants by purchasing them in a store. young bush, while many tend to choose a plant that is already flowering, because this way you can see all the beauty and characteristics of the variety. This is especially true for decorative flowering plants, in particular Kalanchoe, which have various shades inflorescences.

In this case, a situation often arises when, blooming at the time of purchase, the next season refuses to do so at home. Externally, the plant is absolutely healthy, actively growing a leaf cap, but does not lay flower buds.

To make Kalanchoe bloom, you need to create the right conditions for it:

  • lighting;
  • temperature regime;
  • watering.

Daylight hours and temperature conditions

The flower loves good lighting, so the northern window sill is clearly not for it. IN summer time It is advisable to take the pot outside or place it on the balcony.

Flower buds in Kalanchoe are formed only in conditions low temperature and short daylight hours. In autumn, it is good to keep the flowerpot outside until the first frost. Thus, Kalanchoe will have conditions as close as possible to natural ones.

In winter, the flower pot should be placed near the window glass, where the temperature is usually lower.

For bud formation, the ideal night length should be 12-14 hours. If possible, Kalanchoe should be placed in a room where the lighting will be natural: the sun shines during the day, and in the evening the light is not turned on often. If this is not possible, the flower can be covered every evening with a dark bag that does not allow light to pass through. In the morning, remove the cover.

Watering frequency

Since Kalanchoe is a succulent, it is able to accumulate moisture in its leaves and stem. For this reason, the plant does not tolerate abundant and frequent watering, and stagnation of moisture in a pot or tray can be detrimental to it.

It is necessary to water the flower only after the earthen clod has completely dried.

After the Kalanchoe has finished flowering, it is recommended to shorten the shoots a little so that the bush begins to branch and acquire a beautiful shape. The resulting cuttings can be used for propagation. Flowers that have bloomed must also be cut off with scissors, because they themselves only dry out, but do not fall off.

Kalanchoe like separate culture, began to spread widely in the 80s of the last century. At this time, scientists managed to obtain stable terry hybrids, which today are called Kalanchoe Kalandiva. These potted plants have many subspecies and they all amaze with their external beauty.

On the glossy bright green leaves, an air cap consisting of multi-colored flowers seems to float. Since the plant does not require special care and is a long-flowering plant, today interest in this crop remains very high.

Having purchased a beautiful Kalanchoe covered in flowers in a store, everyone hopes that this plant will bloom every season. However, this does not happen. After long flowering, Kalanchoe does not bloom, begins to stretch, the leaves become very sparse. What's the matter?

Why does Kalanchoe start to grow upward and stop blooming?

There are several reasons, due to which the plant does not produce flowers. The main ones are:

  • Lack of knowledge by the owner of the flower about the technology of growing the plant. After all, in the store the seller said that this potted crop does not require special care.
  • There is not enough lighting for flowering. As a result, the shoots begin to stretch; they simply do not have enough strength to begin to form inflorescences.
  • Very often, when we come to the store, we see flowering bushes. It seems to us that this culture is constantly blooming. But this impression is deceptive. To get this look, flower suppliers, before sending them to the store, achieve the appearance of buds by ordinary forcing.
  • A small plant with a small root system, planted in a transportable pot. The soil in it contains special fertilizers that are valid only for two months. This Kalanchoe is kept for several days in a short daylight hours, usually 10 hours. The bushes begin to lay flower buds.
  • When such a plant turns out to be in good home conditions, where normal lighting and temperature are created for it, it continues to bloom, thanks to the nutrients remaining in the pot.

To see again flowering bush, need to help the plant, it should gain strength and begin to bloom in good home conditions.

How to care for Kalanchoe after flowering

Home conditions allow you to create an optimal environment for the flower. After the flowering period ends, it is necessary to remove the remaining old peduncles.

To appearance Kalanchoe remained attractive, it is necessary to remove excess shoots. Having created the plant structure you need, you will need to constantly monitor the Kalanchoe, and pinch off unnecessary emerging shoots in time.

With the onset of spring, when flowering stops completely, you need to water much less often. The fact is that the roots of Kalanchoe begin to rot due to high humidity soil. This is the most common reason when Kalanchoe begins to wither when placed in excellent home conditions. The plant requires watering when it dries out upper layer soil. In the summer months, you need to water Kalanchoe depending on the elasticity of the leaves.

Replanting Kalanchoe

If necessary, in summer period, the plant can be replanted. This may be necessary when the pot becomes small. The signal is an earthen lump entwined with roots.

For Kalanchoe it is better to choose ceramic dishes, with a maximum diameter of 18 cm. The plant does not really like to be adjacent to other home crops, the exception is succulents.

To obtain decorative composition, Kalanchoe with different colors, can be planted in several pots. Moreover, caring for the plant will not change.

You can replant Kalanchoe in soil intended for succulents, adding a little finely sifted sand.

How to achieve Kalanchoe flowering in good conditions?

When the inflorescences completely wither, the entire summer period, Kalanchoe needs feeding.It must be performed twice a month, using ready-made mixtures, used to feed succulents.

  • After 30 days, after flowering is complete, the plant needs to be pruned;
  • If these are young bushes, the strongest growth points are pinched;
  • Woody shoots of an adult plant are cut off to achieve the desired crown height.

As a result, the Kalanchoe will not stretch. Before flowering begins, the number of shoots will increase, the tops of which will be decorated with emerging buds. They begin to form only when the length of daylight hours begins to decrease. For middle zone this period begins in October and lasts until mid-March.

For the plant during this period you need to create a comfortable temperature:

  • At night 20 °C
  • Daytime 27 °C

Moreover, if at night the temperature is above 20 degrees, there will be a delay in the appearance of buds.

Kalanchoe really does not like drafts and is afraid of the cold. For this reason, the plant should not be placed close to heating devices, as well as near the doors leading to the balcony, or next to the window.

What should be the lighting for Kalanchoe?

To achieve flowering house plant, it is very important to create appropriate lighting for Kalanchoe.

When the plant is dormant, from March to September, in the morning and afternoon, there should be the most intense lighting. In the hottest afternoon, to prevent the plant from getting burned, it must be placed in the shade.

In autumn and winter period natural light is always not enough, so there is no need to do additional shading. If it is cloudy outside or the Kalanchoe is standing on north side, it is necessary to install additional lighting.

Sufficient level of illumination can be determined by the condition of the plant’s leaves and its shoots:

Plant varieties affect bud formation. When the light is limited, the plant needs a maximum of 24 days to plant a new kidney.

If all the rules are followed, at the very beginning of winter, the plant will begin to bloom and will delight the eye for 11 weeks.

If you take care of the plant and maintain the technology described above, you can achieve constant Kalanchoe flowering. It will constantly grow and please the eye.

Kalanochoe is a flower often found in our homes, called home doctor, home ginseng, tree of life. Since the juice of the plant has healing properties and is widely used in medicine, the popular names of the flower are fully justified.

The plant is hardy, not picky, adapts to almost any growing conditions, and forgives its owner many mistakes in care, even if it is almost absent.

Beginner flower growers and very busy people can easily start such a plant; with a minimum of effort, you can get not only benefits, but also beautiful flowering.

Belonging to succulents, Kalanchoe accumulates moisture in its stems and leaves and is a close relative of the Crassula. Folk wisdom noted: Crassula - , Kalanchoe - Tree of Life. Having an external resemblance, many medicinal properties, Kalanchoe is often confused with aloe or considered a variety of it. However, even though they are both succulent flowers, they belong to different families.

Caring for Kalanchoe at home

Location and lighting

The flower is not demanding of light: in summer choose western and eastern windows, in winter - southern ones. Protect from direct sunlight; excess hot sun can cause burns. Only if the flower stretches out, the flowers become smaller and become inconspicuous - move it to a lighter window. In spring, you need to provide twelve hours of daylight if you want regular abundant flowering of the plant. In summer, the plant needs to be shaded, and in winter, increase daylight hours with artificial lighting.

Video about Kalanchoe in autumn:


Kalanchoe tolerates summer heat well, even above 30° C, in winter it likes the coolness of 16-18° C. When the temperature rises or falls, the formation of flower buds may be inhibited.

Humidity and watering

Well tolerated warm room with dry air high humidity at low temperatures not scary either. Spray the leaves to maintain cleanliness, wipe regularly with a sponge or soft cloth.

Life needs regular watering, depending on the air temperature, size and condition of the plant. In the dry heat of summer, water regularly and generously; in winter, minimal watering is required. In shade, water every 2-3 days, looking at the condition of the soil, but do not over-moisten: a lack of moisture is better than its excess.

Soil selection

Any soil for succulents sold in flower shops is suitable. You can make your own soil mixture: mix equal parts turf and leaf soil, sand and peat, preferably add perlite or charcoal, be sure to place drainage at the bottom of the pot.

How to feed

Use fertilizers intended for cacti, apply according to this scheme: from mid-May to mid-June once every 2 weeks, also late autumn Apply flowering plant food to stimulate flower bud formation.

Transplanting Kalanchoe video

You need to replant as the flower grows, if the pot has become small. Excessive watering can cause the soil to become sour: replant homemade ginseng, replacing the old soil.

Trimming and pinching

Perform pinching regularly, forming beautiful view flower. In the spring, shoots that have become very elongated are pruned, shortening them by 2/3 or even half the length. At the beginning of summer, pruning is important, especially for young flowers. Do light pinching after the flowering stage.

The video will tell you how to pinch Kalanchoe:

Pinching will allow you to form compact bush and dense branching of shoots, thanks to which the flower will look much more impressive.

What pruning gives and how to prune Kalanchoe correctly, look at the video:

How to make Kalanchoe bloom, watch the video:

Why does the flowering Kalanchoe not bloom and how to make it bloom? The reason lies in improper organization life cycle plants. It is necessary to observe the regimes of spring, summer, autumn and winter care with the correct air temperature, lighting and fertilizing. The video above will tell you more about proper care for flowering Kalanchoe.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe by leaves and cuttings

Reproduction often occurs with the slightest human intervention. A baby or leaf torn from a plant, falling on the soil, can germinate on its own. A cutting, baby or leaf is rooted in the spring in moist nutrient soil, covered with a cap to create a greenhouse effect.

Plants quickly take root and develop; all that remains is to maintain humidity and provide sufficient lighting. Grown seedlings are transplanted by transferring them into a permanent pot, arranging a mandatory drainage layer at the bottom.

Diseases and pests

A complete lack of care leads to weakening of the plant. If overwatered for a long time, the flower may get sick. powdery mildew or gray mold, susceptible to attack by aphids and feltworms.

Types of Kalanchoe with photos and names

The genus Kalanchoe consists of about 20 species, many of which are grown at home. The most common:

Kalanchoe Bryophyllum Bryophyllum

It is known for its many flowers, collected in the form of an open umbrella, rising on a long peduncle. Flowering colors are varied.

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

Dwarf profusely flowering species with stunning beauty decorative flowers a wide variety of shapes and colors.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva

Small, blooms for about six months, bred through selection.

Kalanchoe manginii

Grows up to 15 cm tall, with original flowers, similar to small bells.

Kalanchoe daigremontiana

Up to 10 cm high, with a straight stem and green triangular leaves, does not bloom.

Kalanchoe pinnate Bryophyllum pinnatum

The hardiest species, flowers white tone, smoothly turning into green. This type of juice is sold in pharmacies.

With a minimum of effort, you will get beautiful plant, which has beneficial properties.

Flowering Kalanchoe is one of the most beautiful phenomena for a gardener. This ornamental plant adapts perfectly at home and does not require significant care. It is worth noting beneficial features Kalanchoe - it can be used for cooking folk recipes and for medicinal purposes, which makes the plant practically irreplaceable.

A florist needs to know the flowering period of Kalanchoe not only because of the desire to admire its beauty, but also, often, to plan reproduction. As you may know, Kalanchoe can be propagated in in a flourishing state.

The flowering period of Kalanchoe is protracted. It blooms only once a year, but in the most joyful period of the year - winter! The first buds appear in the last winter months, and Kalanchoe completely fades in early spring. At good care flowering can be repeated. Then the buds will begin to form in March, after which the plant will still delight you with its flowering until the end of spring.

How to prepare Kalanchoe for flowering at home?

One of the main procedures designed to prepare Kalanchoe for the beginning of flowering is pruning. Timely pruning will allow the plant to start necessary processes, after which the Kalanchoe will begin to lay buds. How to prune Kalanchoe before flowering? You need to pay attention to the peduncle. It is cut as low as possible to protect it from rotting. All damaged shoots and diseased leaves are also removed. In addition, you need to pinch the top of the shoots so that the side shoots begin to form.

Caring for Kalanchoe at home for flowering

Having decided on the timing and period of flowering of Kalanchoe, as well as preparing the plant for its beginning, it is necessary to briefly examine the basic rules for caring for the flower.

Water Kalanchoe sparingly, since the stems and leaves accumulate moisture and can even survive a period of prolonged drought. Of course, excess water the tray must be drained, and the frequency of watering must be introduced as the upper part of the soil substrate dries out.

Kalanchoe loves a moderate amount of lighting, tending to increase rather than decrease, so the plant feels best on western and eastern windows.

In summer, the air temperature should not exceed 25 degrees, and in winter it should not fall below 12 degrees Celsius.

Humid air is not suitable for keeping Kalanchoe - it is much more comfortable in dry air. Moisture should also not get on the leaves and peduncles to prevent them from rotting.

Feed Kalanchoe with complex fertilizers once a month. Fertilizers for succulents are quite suitable. Be sure to ensure that the soil mixture does not thicken - be sure to loosen it after adding nutrients.

(2 rated, rating: 10,00 out of 10)


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