Corner of speech development. Speech Development Corner

Corner of speech development.  Speech Development Corner
Corner of speech development. Speech Development Corner

Mastery of oral speech is important process in the making personal qualities child. The preschooler’s active vocabulary is replenished, the ability to ask questions, formulate thoughts and draw conclusions develops. The formation and improvement of speech skills is carried out simultaneously with the development of mental and psycho-emotional abilities. Speech is a tool in research and creative activity, the opportunity to communicate with peers and adults.

Creation and work of a speech development corner in kindergarten: role, significance, goals and objectives

The child’s speech develops gradually. By the age of 1.5 years the first simple sentences: “Give me a drink”, “Give me”, etc. By three years lexicon is approximately 1500 words, the child is complex sentences, uses conjunctions, comes up with new words. Thus, already in the younger groups of kindergarten, increased attention is paid to speech activities with children.

It is necessary to pay attention to speech development from an early age of the child.

The process of speech acquisition is a complex process that occurs in all types of children's activities. The Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) identifies separate area- “Speech development” - and puts forward requirements for the work of the educator in this area. In addition to developing and conducting standard and integrated speech classes, the teacher of a preschool educational institution is tasked with organizing the subject-spatial environment in the group. For the purpose of development and, if necessary, adjustments speech skills For pupils of all ages, several corners are set up - book, speech therapy, theatrical and speech.

Speech development of pupils is carried out in standard classes

The speech corner involves conducting classes individually and in subgroups of 2-3 students. It also becomes one of the centers of children’s independent activity; they are pleased and interested in studying visual materials and playing here. The purpose of creating a corner for speech development is the optimal organization of the developmental environment for improving the speech abilities of students.

Materials and design speech corner attractive to children and arousing interest

The tasks of the speech corner directly depend on age and individual characteristics children.

Table: tasks of the speech corner

Children's age Tasks
1.5–3 years
  • Development of speech hearing.
  • Development of speech activity through improvement fine motor skills.
  • Enrichment of the active vocabulary.
  • Formation of a culture of verbal communication in a children's team.
  • Nurturing empathy: feelings of empathy, desire to support.
  • Strengthening friendships within the group.
  • Creating positive motivation for teamwork.
3–4 years
  • Development of speech breathing.
  • Improving sound perception.
  • Development of the ability to formulate a statement or question.
4–5 years
  • Development of articulatory motor skills.
  • Improving the ability to answer questions reasonably.
  • Development dialogical speech.
5–6 years
  • Development of phonemic hearing (the ability to distinguish sounds and phonemes in words).
  • Strengthening the skills of correct sound pronunciation.
  • Activation of vocabulary, generalizing concepts and lexical and grammatical categories.
6–7 years
  • Development of monologue speech.
  • Development of phonemic hearing.
  • Preparing for literacy.

The purpose of speech exercises is to develop facial and articulatory skills

Making a speech corner with your own hands

The speech development center is equipped and staffed in accordance with the age of the pupils. Thus, every year it is transformed and enriched to make it interesting and productive for children to study here.

For younger preschoolers, the speech development corner may include a sensory area - a place for the development of fine motor skills. As an option, this is a table with educational games: pyramids, a sorter, books and toys with buttons, bags for seeds and pebbles.

In the speech corner of the younger group, you can arrange a table with games for the development of sensory perception

Or it’s a rug on the wall with beepers, rubber bands, a plastic mirror, buttons, felt pictures, ribbons, and Velcro. The sensory mat usually depicts the plot of a fairy tale familiar to children (“Turnip”, “Teremok”, “The Three Little Pigs”) or images of natural objects, animals: flowers, trees, butterflies, birds, bunnies, etc. Everyone knows that a child’s first he actually wants to touch the object that interests him, so a developmental rug is made from pieces of bright fabric, scraps of velvet, printed ribbon, and colorful braid.

Fun images on the rug attract children and encourage active sensory perception of textile images

In recent years, busy boards have become popular as equipment for sensory development - boards or stands with objects attached to them, which small children are usually forbidden to touch. It’s easy to make a business board with your own hands: on plywood sheet various locks are glued or screwed (latch, door hook, latch), bicycle and doorbell, buttons and switches.

The development of sensory perception and fine motor skills is facilitated by the study of the so-called. "busy boards"

For all age groups preschoolers in the corner should be presented with objects and play sets for the development of speech breathing. For these purposes it is used waste material and simple toys: plastic straws and cups, ping-pong balls, cotton balls, plumes and pinwheels, flags, air balloons. The teacher turns on breathing exercises into play activities: “Put the ball into the goal”, “Raise the sails!”, “Shallow, shallow, mill!”.

Used to create the game simple materials: cardboard, colored paper and cotton balls

In the speech corner of the senior and preparatory group A place for board and printed games is being set up. The selection is made up of games with letters and words:

  • “Entertaining ABC”: for cards with letters (uppercase and printed), you need to select cards with images of objects for these letters.
  • “ABC Lotto”: cards with beeches are filled with chips with animals whose names begin with these letters.
  • “Kaleidoscope of Letters”: children learn to recognize the symbolic designations of letters on the playing field.
  • “Make a word. Dominoes: cards are used to create an image and its name.
  • “Who lives where”: cards with words, animals and their habitats.

Such games teach children to add syllables and words, as well as develop speech abilities in group play.

To stimulate children's verbal creativity and play dramatization games, a small area with a screen, decorations, and dolls is set up in the corner. Unlike the theatrical activity corner, the space for performances in the speech corner is limited. For example, you can paste over cardboard box- it will be a fairy-tale forest for the figures. Dialogue using hand puppets and bibabo can be acted out from behind a folding paper screen.

Dolls and decorations stimulate children's independent speech creativity

Requirements for the speech development corner according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

  1. Optimal location: the corner is sufficiently lit, located in a quiet place next to the book, theater and sensory development corners.
  2. Compliance with the age and individual needs of children.
  3. The presence of an animated character - a doll or a toy. The character who owns the corner encourages children to speech activity: tells funny stories, invites you to play, asks questions. With the help of an animated toy, motor exercises and exercises are demonstrated.
  4. Aesthetics. The corner is designed in the same style as the zones artistic reading and theatrical activities. The place of study attracts not only bright colors, but also interesting subjects: reproductions on the wall, figures on the shelf. Didactic and gaming materials are located in a corner by topic, and students learn to maintain order.
  5. Safety. Pupils of the first and second junior groups independently practice the development of fine motor skills under the supervision of a teacher (due to the danger of falling small parts V Airways). It is not recommended to equip a speech corner hanging shelves or cabinets with glass doors. Electrical appliances and power sources must be out of the reach of children.

Speech corner design option - video

An example of designing a speech corner in the middle group - video

Speech Corner Passport

Passport of the corner in kindergarten is an information document that describes the status of the activity center, equipment and subject content. The passport is drawn up by the teacher and certified by the administration of the preschool educational institution, stored in the teacher’s document folder or in a special cell in the corner. Colleagues, young professionals, and parents of students can get acquainted with information about the contents of the corner. A passport is required to nominate a corner for the competition. pedagogical projects on organizing a subject-developmental environment for children.

Sample speech corner passport template:

  • Name of the corner, age group.
  • Tasks of the corner (briefly).
  • Furniture items, quantity.
  • Electrical appliances, if any (audio player, projector).
  • List of visual teaching aids (posters, mnemonic tables).
  • List of demonstration materials (thematic pictures, cards-schemes).
  • Didactic and board games.
  • Sets for breathing exercises and dramatization games.
  • Card file of speech exercises and games.

Fragment of the passport of the corner for speech development: visual, didactic and demonstration materials - table

How to name the corner of speech development

The name of the developmental activity corner in kindergarten should be short and understandable. Traditionally, the activity center is named after the actual focus of the activity. Since a mandatory attribute of a speech corner is an animated toy, the name of this fantasy character is often used in the name. Unusual and funny names arouse additional interest among students. You can arrange a competition for children and parents to come up with a name.

Speech Corner Design Tools

The corner is organized in the group’s premises with the aim of developing children’s speech abilities and, by its design, encourages pupils to express opinions, joint discussions, and conversations. Both children and their parents are involved in drawing posters, wall newspapers and pictures.

Plates and emblems - photo gallery

Signs for all corners of the group can be made according to a single template. The sign can depict a favorite character to attract the attention of children. The sign is attractive and evokes a positive attitude towards activities in the corner. The sign contains the original name of the corner and an image of its owner.

Plates and emblems with the name of the corner are mandatory element design: they indicate the direction educational activities, contain the name and sometimes an image of a character beloved by children. It would be aesthetically sound to make a plate in the same style for all activity zones in a group, or to maintain uniformity in the logos of speech development centers.

Pictures - photo gallery

The drawings can represent animated characters that give children speech exercises Images fairy tale characters decorate the walls of the corner Pictures based on a children's favorite fairy tale serve both as decoration for the corner and as materials for constructing a story Pictures indicate one of the areas of work of the speech corner - familiarization with letters and sounds

Pictures and drawings decorate the walls and furniture in the group room. To design the speech development corner, images of fairy tale and cartoon characters, animals, and letters are used. At the same time, the pictures in the speech corner are functional; children can be asked a question about them or come up with a task aimed at developing oral speech: “Who is shown in the picture? Describe what he is like,” “Say hello to Dunno. Tell him how your day was,” “Come up with short story according to this picture”, etc.

Stand - photo gallery

A stand with plastic cells is suitable for displaying information for parents and picture diagrams for children. On the stand, the teacher places didactic materials on the topic of current classes. The stand in the speech corner may contain descriptions of games and diagrams of articulation exercises.

Stands in the speech corner are convenient for placement visual materials: pictures, chart cards, mnemonic tablets, photographic materials and drawings by students. Since the content of the stand is constantly updated, it is recommended to make plastic cells or use a magnetic board as a stand (fastening information sheets and pictures with push pins is unsafe, especially in younger groups).

Animated character - photo gallery

A doll the size of a child is convenient for demonstrating motor exercises An animated character is presented in the form of a poster on the wall A plush toy can be the host in a speech development corner

A special place in the speech corner is given to the animated character. The guys are talking with this toy or picture in game form, he “sends” them parcels with new games and letters with tasks.

Contents of the speech corner in kindergarten

For the children's activity center, environmentally friendly (plastic, wooden, upholstered) furniture is selected. Cabinets, chairs and tables should be comfortable and suitable for the height of children. Sample list of furniture for a speech corner:

  • Wardrobe/rack with shelves.
  • Table or shelf for temporary exhibitions.
  • Desk and chairs.

Furniture for the corner is chosen that is environmentally friendly and comfortable for children

Equipment in the speech development corner:

Table: composition of the material base of the speech development corner - table

Visual materials, manuals
  • Junior and middle preschoolers: posters, illustrations (“Vegetables and fruits”, “Dishes”, “Clothing”, “Professions”, “Animals and their babies”, “Special equipment”, “Letters”, etc.), cards depicting emotions , fairy tale characters, etc.
  • Senior preschoolers: diagrams and mnemonic tables for articulatory and finger exercises, posters on word composition (“Vowels and consonants”, “Division into syllables”).
Materials for sensory development
  • Younger preschoolers: toys with various fillings, rustling/squeaker books, safety boards and rugs, sorters.
  • Middle preschoolers: figured mosaic (wooden), puzzles made from large elements.
  • For children 5–7 years old: magnetic mosaic, boards with lacing, construction set.
Items for breathing development
  • Younger preschoolers: whistles, pipes, tubes, horns, turntables.
  • Middle preschoolers: tennis balls, cotton balls, boats.
  • Senior preschoolers: airball, bubble, air balloons.
Didactic materials
  • Younger preschoolers: thematic albums with pictures, soft and wooden cubes with images of animals, fruits, vegetables.
  • Middle preschoolers: collections of fairy tales, poems and stories with illustrations, cubes with letters and syllables, magnetic pictures and the alphabet, cards for didactic games(“Fold the picture”, “Make up the plot of a fairy tale from episodes”, “Distribute in pairs”, etc.).
  • Senior preschoolers: collections of tongue twisters and riddles, board and printed games (letter dominoes, lotto with words and pictures).
Materials for dramatization games
  • Younger preschoolers: animal masks, finger puppets, sets of toys based on fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”, etc.
  • Middle preschoolers: hand and stick puppets, bibabo characters.
  • Senior preschoolers: puppets, character headdresses (Little Red Riding Hood, Pinocchio's cap, princess crown, wizard's hat).

Sets of fairy-tale characters will be useful for acting out dialogues in the speech corner.

Sketches for the design of speech corners

The shelving unit in the speech corner of the junior group is filled with materials that students can access. The sensory area contains safe elements.

Arrangement of materials for self-study should be comfortable for kids

In the middle group, the speech corner is supplemented by a place (table or shelf) for temporary thematic exhibitions of books, illustrations, examples of written communication: “Illustrations of tongue twisters/sayings/riddles (popular print)”, “ABC and primer - the first textbooks”, “Greeting cards”, “Letters and telegrams”, etc. Game and educational materials (including sensory materials) are stored in the closet.

An exhibition to encourage speech activity occupies a central place in the corner

In the speech corner for older preschoolers there should be a large collection in the public domain board games. The space of the development center is supplemented with demonstration material (wall newspapers, stand, posters, exercise cards) and a magnetic board for completing tasks.

Children 5–7 years old are interested in working with a magnetic board and playing board games

Work in the speech development corner

Classes in the speech corner are built within the framework of the leading activity of preschoolers - play. That is why it is necessary for the teacher to have a toy assistant; inclusion in the play situation occurs as soon as the character greets the children. Children often have to be encouraged to engage in speech activity. The teacher arouses in the pupils interest in conversation, using topics close to the children (“Our toys”, “What do you like to do on a walk”, “What fairy tales did your parents read to you”, “What do you want to become”, etc.).

Games and exercises in the speech development center are aimed at developing abilities and correction. The corner is activated during the frontal speech lesson(with the whole group). But more often, individual and subgroup classes are held here, since there is a tendency to reduce speech therapy groups and the teacher is required to carry out continuity with the work of a speech therapist.

Table: types and forms of activities in the speech corner

Kind of activity Form of activity
Subgroup lesson
  • Examination of visual demonstration material (including mini-exhibitions) and conducting a conversation. For children with entry level speech abilities - “question and answer” form:
    - Who is depicted on the poster? (Animals and babies.)
    - Katya, which of the animals presented do you like? (Wolf, fox, bear.) And you, Vanya? (Hare, hedgehog, squirrel.)
    - Wolf, what is he? (Predatory, gray, ferocious.) What is the name of his cub? (Wolf cub.)
    Pupils of senior groups in conversations are encouraged to give detailed answers, tell stories from personal experience, I remember the plot of works of art:
    - What is the exhibition in our corner dedicated to? (ABC.)
    - What is the alphabet? (A book in which each chapter is dedicated to a different letter.)
    - Do you have the alphabet at home? Do you remember the poems from this book by heart?
  • Motor-speech exercises, speech therapy rhythms. The teacher pronounces the words and accompanies them with movements, the children repeat. These exercises are aimed at developing the improvement of phonation breathing (correct sonority of speech), at the development of voice data and diction, at the development of speech attention (performing the movements discussed). Examples of exercises: “Beetles and bumblebees” (on the command “Beetles are flying, bumblebees are buzzing”, two children walk and wave their arms, the other two pronounce the sound [w], when the words “Bumblebees are flying, beetles are buzzing”, the first subgroup says [zh] , the second is moving), “Basketball” (in a sitting position, arms down, children begin to pronounce [ba-ba-ba], [bo-bo-bo], [boo-boo-boo], [bee-bee-bee] , raising and lowering your hands with each new syllable), “Singing” (singing vowels [a-e-i-o-u] and syllables with them [la-le-li-lo-lu] with a change in the strength of the voice - upward movement and down the scale).
  • Theatrical games, i.e. involving the participation of several children. Pupils are invited to act out skits based on the fairy tales they listened to. The first version of the dramatization game: children first learn the dialogue, distribute roles, and reproduce the plot in the game. Second option: children recall the plot of a familiar fairy tale with the teacher, distribute roles and improvise.
Individual Individual lessons in the speech corner are conducted with children for whom monitoring has revealed low level speech development, and with those who are assigned additional classes Logopunkt specialist.
  • Articulation exercises. The teacher shows the actions, the child repeats, and observes himself using a mirror. Children 5–7 years old, after several joint lessons with the teacher, are able to perform articulatory gymnastics according to a reminder diagram (with pictures). However, control over sound pronunciation by the teacher is mandatory.
  • Development of speech breathing (the ability to control the strength and duration of exhalation): exercises with moving objects using exhalation are based on the principle of increasing the weight of objects. First, children try to blow away feathers, cotton balls, paper snowflakes, then balls, balls, and toys on wheels. Examples of the game: “Dry the laundry” (the child is asked to breath dry slightly damp handkerchiefs hanging on the bar), “Boats are sailing, sailing” (there are boats in a container with water various sizes and weights with sails, into which the child tries to make the child swim using exhalation), “Football match” (for one child: try to drive the ball into the goal, exhaling air through a tube; option for two children: board game).
  • Didactic games: for composing words and sentences, for retelling, for distinguishing vowels and consonants, etc. Examples of didactic games: “Say in one sentence what is shown in the picture”, “Arrange the episodes of the fairy tale and retell”, “Match the initial letters of the pictures ”, “Come up with names for the plot pictures”, “Choose a word/sentence according to the diagram”, “Name as many as possible”, “Continue the thematic series”.
  • Memorization of tongue twisters, tongue twisters, and poems. The teacher monitors the correct pronunciation and expressiveness of the text.
Independent activity
  • Role-playing games: “School/Kindergarten”, “Library”, “Shop”, “At the doctor’s appointment”, “Beauty salon”. In these games, children learn to act within the framework of social competencies, reproducing situations public life, build dialogues.
  • Dramatization games. Pupils independently assign roles and improvise, and the ability of speech creativity develops. It is necessary to replenish the details of the speech corner as children study folk and artistic fairy tales: character figures (Cheburashka, crocodile Gena, Moidodyr, animal character toys folk tales). It’s easy to make the attributes for dramatizations with your own hands: images of the characters are glued onto ice cream sticks. Masks and hats of the heroes will be useful for the students to play the roles directly.

Speech games in kindergarten - video

Games for the development of speech communication in a nursery group - video

Articulation gymnastics for children - video

Dramatization game in the first junior group - video

Regular classes in the speech corner help create a positive emotional atmosphere inside children's group, form stable motivation for active and cultural communication. Success in the future directly depends on the level of development of the child’s speech. A rich vocabulary, confidence in formulating thoughts, poems learned by heart, knowledge of proverbs and sayings, and expressive speech indicate a high intellectual level of a preschooler.

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Contents of the speech corner in junior groups of preschool educational institutions

In preschool educational institutions, a lot of work is done to develop and correct children’s speech. However, until recently, the activities of teachers of mass kindergartens using traditional methods did not give the desired result. Many of them are developed based on speech norms (while the number of children with various speech abnormalities and pathologies is increasing year by year), they take into account age-related characteristics of speech development and do not take into account the individual manifestations and defects of speech development of each child.

In matters of preventing speech disorders, working with preschoolers in a speech corner helps. It is a specially equipped space for playing alone or in small groups.

In the speech corner, the necessary material is selected for working with children of a given age during a certain period of time, helping the teacher in correctional work.

Its equipment includes shelving located at different levels, a mirror, gaming, didactic and visual material. With their help, teachers create conditions for correcting deviations in the development of children, stimulating speech activity and verbal communication. When selecting didactic material, you must consider:

Corner fillability;

Variety of materials;

Age appropriate;



Design aesthetics;

Leading toy (“mistress” of the correctional corner).

Games should be selected in order of increasing complexity, aimed at the development (correction) of speech and extra-speech mental processes and functions that make up the psychological basis of speech. Gaming and didactic material is replaced or replenished in the correctional corner weekly, depending on the lexical topic. At the same time, there is material on two topics: the one being reinforced and the one being studied.

1st junior group

1. Pictures by lexical topics.

2.Game catalog:

d) finger gymnastics.

6. Subject pictures.

7. Various types of theaters.

8. Pictures:

a) depicting natural phenomena;

c) main parts of transport (cabin, steering wheel, windows, doors, wheels);

d) depicting the work of adults (the cook cooks, the nanny cleans, the mother sews);

e) depicting the size, color, quality of objects (red, etc., clean - dirty, sweet - bitter, large - small, etc.);

2nd junior group

1. Pictures on lexical topics (albums).

2. Game catalog:

a) on the sound culture of speech;

b) articulatory gymnastics exercises;

c) breathing exercises;

d) finger gymnastics.

3. Works of art according to the program, etc.

4. Verbal didactic games.

5. Pure sayings, poems, nursery rhymes, sayings, sentences.

6. Subject and plot pictures for composing descriptive stories.

7. Various types of theaters.

8. Pictures:

a) with a picture characteristic features seasons;

b) household items;

c) details of objects;

d) depicting the work of adults (the cook cooks, the nanny cleans, the mother sews);

e) depicting the size, color, quality of objects;

f) depicting actions (going to bed, sitting down, getting dressed, walking, sweeping, washing, ironing, etc.).

Work on the development and correction of speech of preschool children is one of the priority areas educational process in kindergarten. Therefore, creating conditions for the prevention and correction of speech disorders in children is an important principle in the design of the speech therapy zone (correction corner, speech center) of the subject-developmental environment of the group. At the same time, the environment should be not only educational, developmental, but also aesthetically designed, and most importantly, comfortable.

The role of the speech therapy corner

In conditions educational concept modern preschool educational institutions(DOW) classes for speech correction and development can be conducted in two options:

  • in a specially equipped room for classes with a speech therapist;
  • in each kindergarten group.

In the first case, all equipment for work is located in the specialist’s office. The location of basic materials for group work is due to the fact that in kindergarten the speech therapist does not have an office or correctional work The teacher himself is in charge. A speech therapy corner is part of a subject-development environment for games individually or in a group, aimed at correcting existing speech disorders and stimulating the speech activity of children.

The role of the speech therapy center is to:

Goals and objectives of creating the center

Thus, the goals of creating a speech corner in a preschool educational institution are:

This is interesting. The acoustic realization of consonant sounds is possible due to the fact that when they are pronounced, the vocal tract narrows, causing complete or partial blocking air flow. Changing the direction of the latter makes it possible to produce different consonant sounds. To pronounce vowels, there is no significant narrowing of the vocal tract.

At the same time, for each age, the goals set are implemented within the framework of the decision specific tasks, which are cumulative in nature, that is, from year to year they are supplemented and enriched.

Work on speech development is built consistently from year to year

Table: tasks for creating a speech corner for different ages

Group Tasks
First youngest Overcoming speech negativism (when children strive to show, rather than say, a word or phenomenon) in paired and group games.
An exercise in matching an object with an image in a picture.
Clarification and enrichment of the dictionary.
Cultivating attention to addressed speech.
Second youngest Enrichment and activation of the vocabulary on program lexical topics (by filling the speech therapy area with suitable pictures).
Development of dialogic speech (in play situations when interacting with dolls and toys).
Development of speech breathing and the ability to coordinate speech with movement (thanks to a selection of breathing exercises).
Development of auditory and visual attention during the game.
Development of fine and gross motor skills of children when working with simulators.
Average Activation and enrichment of passive and active vocabulary.
Mastering the norms of word formation of forms of nouns and adjectives.
Work on the ability to control the strength and duration of exhalation.
Fine and gross motor skills training.
Development of spatial concepts.
Senior, preparatory Practicing and consolidating lexical material, lexical and grammatical categories.
Formation of phonemic perception and hearing (distinguishing between soft and hard sounds, for example).
Development of articulatory motor skills.
Consolidating the skills of correct sound pronunciation of given sounds in isolation, in syllables, words, in sentences, in coherent speech (by involving children in role-playing games).
Activation of vocabulary, generalizing concepts and lexical and grammatical categories.
Development of coherent speech.

Design of a speech therapy corner

In order for the correctional center to fully function, it must be organized in accordance with the requirements established by the Federal State educational standard(FSES).

This is interesting. The toy for the speech corner should be chosen according to certain parameters. First of all, it should have a movable tongue, using an example of which it will be possible to show children the position of the organs of articulation. The character's clothes should have Velcro, buttons, snaps, so that when dressing and undressing the character, kids practice fine motor skills. In addition, the outfit should be made from fabrics of different colors and textures - this will help children learn to characterize materials by properties and shades. And to quickly master the skill of orientation in the body diagram, it will come in handy if the toy has movable arms and legs.

Video: example of working with a toy in a speech therapy corner


Table: typical content of a speech corner

Materials Target Usage
Pictures to illustrate articulation games, sets of tasks for articulation in pictures or tables. For articulation gymnastics While completing tasks, children look at pictures that represent all the movements step by step.
Tops, lacing different forms and sizes, mosaics, puzzles, dry pool, templates for shading, tracing, pencils, felt-tip pens. For training fine motor skills In younger groups, children enjoy lacing (for example, connecting four fragments of a ship or car with a lace); in older groups, children work with shading to prepare their hands for writing.
Balloons, pipes, soap bubbles, pinwheels. To form correct breathing Children aged 1.5–3 years really like to blow soap bubbles; pupils in the middle group work with pipes and turntables. In older groups, children inflate balloons and also continue their acquaintance with pipes.
Dominoes, cut-out picture puzzles, games like “The Fourth Wheel”, “Recognize by the Contour”, etc. For the development of perseverance, attention, logical, figurative and concrete-subject and visually effective thinking. Cut pieces of puzzle pictures are used in working with children of any age. The only difference is that in the younger groups it is a compilation of pictures from four parts, in the middle - from six, and in the senior - from 10-12.
Audio recordings of children's songs, poems, games with pairs of cards (the picture shows a plot with missing parts of two sizes, shapes that the child puts on top after completing the task): a squirrel with mushrooms, a Christmas tree with toys, etc. To train phonemic hearing. To practice the sounds “ry” and “r”, the game “Squirrel” is played: the teacher names the reserves that the squirrel has made, and the children, having heard soft sound, put a small mushroom on the picture, and when they hear a hard one, put a big one.
Albums with tasks for automating sounds by V.V. Kovalenko, games L.A. Komarova, fun “Speech therapy lotto”, “Pick up and name”, “Steam locomotive”, etc. To practice sound pronunciation “Speech Therapy Lotto” contains 12 cards with cut pictures, which the child assembles into a whole image. Names the resulting pictures and highlights the sound being practiced. In older groups, children determine the position of the sound in a word and make a sentence with this word.
Pictures corresponding to the topics being studied, games “One - Many”, “Pick a Pair”, etc. To enrich the vocabulary Game "Match a Pair": when studying pets in the second younger group Children are asked to find pairs of pictures depicting a male (female).
Games “Whose Tail?”, “One - Many”, collections of games by E.M. Karpova, E.V. Solovyova. To learn grammatical rules of speech Game “Whose Tail”: children match pictures of tails to animals placed on a flannelgraph. After composing the image, they name whose tail it is (fox, hare, etc.).
Games “Guess the description”, “When it happens”, “Professions”. To train the skill of constructing coherent statements The game “Guess by Description” is played according to the lotto principle: children have pictures, the teacher describes the plot, and the children show. In older groups, children take turns describing the pictures and guessing.
Games “Match the word to the diagram”, “Make a sentence according to the diagram”, “Add the word”, puzzles and crosswords To enrich active and passive vocabulary, broaden your horizons and master the norms of constructing sentences. Game “Make a sentence according to the scheme”: children have a set of cards and symbols prepositions (on the covers from plastic bottles glued symbol, indicating location), you need to put together sentences from available materials and pronounce it.

Photo gallery: practical application of some materials

In the game “Whose Tail” children not only train fine motor skills, logical and creative thinking, but also learn to form a form possessive adjectives An exercise to sort cards by size depending on the sound heard helps to practice phonemic awareness. Compiling sentences according to a pattern helps develop coherent speech.

Tools and ideas for decoration

The basis for organizing a speech therapy corner in a group is a table on which a mirror is placed. Further packaging is based around these elements.

What you can do with your own hands

The subject-development environment in kindergarten is designed not only with purchased materials, but also with objects created by the hands of the teacher and parents. To a greater extent, this is done so that the kids, seeing the results manual labor, they treated him with respect. If we consider the speech therapy corner from the point of view of the possibilities of designing on our own, then in this sense the most optimal would be to create a stand. To do this you will need a sheet of plywood. the right size and a shape onto which the fabric is stretched through a foam pad. The structure is secured with a construction stapler. Thanks to the soft surface, materials on the topic can be attached with pins or buttons, and the stand will not lose its presentation due to frequent changes in visibility.

Small stands can be made under specific types work, for example, with finger play exercises, breathing exercises

How to name

The name of each zone of the subject-development environment should be understandable to children and, which is very important, easy for them to pronounce. Of course, you can take the path of least resistance and name the center “Speech Therapy Corner” or “Speech Corner”, but it makes sense to find more original options:

  • “Toy library with a tongue”;
  • “We speak correctly”;
  • "Zvukarik";
  • "Talker";
  • "Logolandia";
  • "LOGOcountry".

Video: video tour of the speech center in the middle group Video can’t be loaded: Speech corner middle group 2013 (

Photo gallery: design sketches for a speech therapy corner

Materials from the speech therapy corner can be placed on shelves by placing a rack above the table. A mirror is hung so that children, sitting on a chair, can see their entire face. In the speech therapy corner in the junior and middle groups, there is a permanent character who helps and shows children exercises and games. If the space there are few in the group, then the corner can be centered around a mirror hanging on the wall

Working in a speech center

Judging from the list of materials, we can conclude that the main type of activity in the speech corner is play, which is completely justified, since this is the main type of activity for children aged 1.5–7 years.

However, in addition to didactic fun, the speech center, using available visual aids, conducts:

As well as artistic and creative types of work as an element of practical activity.

First junior group Second youngest Middle group Older Preparatory group
Didactic games “Doll Katya is getting dressed and getting ready for kindergarten”
The teacher shows the children how the Katya doll “dresses” and “puts on her shoes.” As the game progresses, he names items of clothing, attracting the children's attention to details, and asks what color these items are.
"Who Got Away"
The teacher displays pictures of family members in front of the children. Alternately removing one, the children determine who is missing.
“What did the artist mix up?” The teacher invites the children to look at the picture and say what the artist did wrong (in the fall, children do not wear T-shirts and shorts, there are no strawberries, etc.). A retelling of the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”. "Restore Order"
The guys receive a set of pictures with a plot. Their task is to arrange the images in in the right order and describe what is happening.
Role-playing games Children imitate the actions of adults: washing dishes, ironing clothes. Games “Being a Doctor”, “Being a Teacher”. Games “Mothers and Daughters”, “Big Wash” (after listening to A. Kardashova’s story “Big Wash”). A dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip” as the teacher reads it, a game “Barbershop” with the distribution of roles: hairdressers - ladies' master, men's hairdresser, cashier, cleaning lady, clients. Games “Shop”, “School”, “Clinic” with independent distribution of roles.
Articulation exercises and tongue twisters. They are carried out in front of a mirror. Whoop, whoop, whoop, Mom is making soup.
If only there was smoke coming from the chimney.
Description of the exercise: smile, show closed teeth. Hold your lips in this position until the count of five, then return your lips to initial position. Repeat 3-4 times.
Frogs will like this:
Pull your lips straight towards your ears.
I'll pull and stop
And I won’t get tired at all.
The mouth is wide open. Push the narrow tongue forward and move it deep into the mouth.
Description of the exercise: open your mouth as wide as possible, hold it in this position until the count of five, then close your mouth. Repeat 3-4 times.
We open our mouth wider,
We play hippos:
Let's open our mouth wide,
Like a hungry hippo.
You can't close it
I count to five.
And then we'll shut our mouths
A hippopotamus is resting.
Va-va-va, wa-va-va - here you go high grass.
You-you-you, you-you-you - even over your head.
Ve-ve-ve, ve-ve-ve - cornflowers are visible in the grass.
Woo-woo-woo, woo-woo-woo - cornflower bouquet to Narva.
Finger games This finger wants to sleep, alternate bending of fingers right hand
This finger went to the bed with the left hand, starting with the little finger.
This finger took a nap
This finger has already fallen asleep.
- Hush, little finger, don’t make noise, “Addressing” the thumb.
Except for the big one
fingers, all the rest are clamped into a fist.
Fingers stood up, hurray! Sharply unclench your fingers, spreading them apart.
It's time to go to kindergarten! Clenching and unclenching the fist of the right hand.
This finger is a grandfather. The fingers of the right (then left) hand are clenched into a fist.
This finger is a grandmother, alternately extending the fingers first with the right one,
then the left hand, starting with the thumb.
This finger is daddy
This finger is mom.
But this finger is me.
That's my whole family. Clenching and unclenching fingers.
There are a lot of beds in the garden, (They clench and unclench their fingers.)
There are turnips and lettuce here, (Bend your fingers one by one.)
There are beets and peas here,
Are potatoes bad?
Our green garden (Clap their hands.)
It will feed us for a whole year.
A playful squirrel is jumping (“running” with its fingers on the table),
Tears pine cones from pine branches (they clench their fists alternately on their right and left hands).
He squeezes deftly with his paws (they clench their fists on their right and left hands at the same time)
And he takes it to his closet (“they run” their fingers across the table).
Ay, water, water, water! We will always be clean (they rub their palms rhythmically, imitating washing their hands)! Splash - to the right, splash - to the left! Our body became wet (the fingers are clenched into a fist, then the fingers are straightened with force, as if shaking off the water)! Using a fluffy towel, dry your hands very quickly (vigorous movements imitate alternately wiping your hands with a towel).
Breathing exercises Usually carried out with the second youngest.
"Leaf Fall"
Children blow with different strengths on leaves cut out of colored paper and suspended on strings. Along the way, you can name which trees they fell from.
We stand straight, feet slightly wider than shoulders. As you inhale, fold your hands like a hatchet and raise them up. Sharply, as if under the weight of an ax, we lower our outstretched arms down while exhaling, tilt our body, allowing our hands to “cut through” the space between our legs. We say "bang".
Shaking your head left and right, we take strong breaths. The shoulders remain motionless, and the ears stretch towards the shoulders. Make sure that when you tilt your head, your torso does not turn.
Turn your head left and right at the pace of movement. Simultaneously with each turn, we inhale through our nose: short, noisy (“like a hedgehog”), with tension in the muscles of the entire nasopharynx (the nostrils move and seem to connect, the neck tenses). Exhale softly, voluntarily, through half-open lips.

Practical activities

Creative tasks help children better understand didactic material, practice their speech skills and abilities, and also show their creativity.

Senior group "A" of combined orientation


Anna Nikitichna Sergunina

Elena Yurievna Drozhzhina

In our group, we pay great attention to the child’s speech development. Our speech development classes are designed to enrich and comprehensively develop a preschooler’s speech in all its aspects (this includes vocabulary enrichment and development sound culture speech, and coherent speech, etc.)

In order to maximally prevent the development of speech disorders in preschool age, we organized a subject-spatial developmental environment of the group room, starting with younger age.

Our group has created a corner for speech development. Equipment for our speech corner: racks, shelves for placing gaming, didactic and visual material.

The speech corner equipment includes the following games and exercises that we conduct to correct the speech development of children:

1. Games and exercises for the development of speech breathing:

"Roll the pencil"

"Put the ball into the goal"

"Blow on a dandelion"

“Pump” (Card index of breathing exercises).

2. Games and exercises to develop clear, coordinated work of everyone parts of the articulatory apparatus (work on diction):

"Articulation gymnastics"

"The Tale of the Merry Tongue"

Tongue Twisters,

pure talk,



counting rhymes,

Proverbs and sayings.

3. Games for the development of coherent speech, grammatical structure of speech, sound pronunciations:

“Make a sentence” - practice using simple, compound and compound sentences.

“What’s the beginning, what’s next” - develop the ability to compose a story based on pictures with sequentially developing action.

“The Fun Little Engine” - teach children to divide words into syllables.

“Make a word” - learn to determine the place of a sound in a word (beginning, middle, end).

“Antonyms” - exercise children in selecting antonyms.

“The fourth odd one” is to develop phonemic hearing, learn to determine the place of a sound in a word.

“Happy Snails” - develop phonemic hearing, learn to determine the place of a sound in a word.

“What’s what” - expanding the vocabulary, enriching speech with nouns and adjectives.

“Bad-good” - enrich speech with adjectives characterizing emotions, feelings, experiences.

“What where?” - teach children to use prepositions correctly.

"Who lives where?" - expanding the vocabulary, clarifying knowledge about the environment, practicing composing sentences, and forming words with the same root (bear, she-bear, little bear).

“Who moves how?” - teach children to coordinate creatures. with verbs, make sentences.

“What for what?” - expand children’s vocabulary, teach them to talk about a subject.

“What is what?” - expand children’s vocabulary, teach them to talk about a subject.

4. To teach children how to compose stories according to a plan or model, we use mnemonic tables:

« Winter",


"Wild animals","Seasons",

"Human Mood"

"Heroes of Fairy Tales" etc.

By conducting games and exercises in kindergarten during classes and free activities, we recommend that parents continue this work in the family. To improve speech breathing, we suggest that parents and their children pronounce small phrases, riddles, proverbs, and short rhymes in one exhalation. For children to successfully memorize poems, we recommend using line-by-line memorization in the form of the “Say a Line” game, when mother and child take turns saying a line of the poem, and then changing the order of the lines.

Having worked in a preschool educational institution for 16 years, and for the last three years working with young children, I noticed that children with poorly developed manual motor skills awkwardly hold a spoon, a pencil, cannot fasten buttons, or lace up shoes. It can be difficult for them to collect scattered parts of the construction set, work with puzzles, mosaics, and counting sticks.

They refuse modeling and appliqué, which other children love, and do not keep up with other children in classes. Thus, the opportunities for these children to master the world turn out to be impoverished.

Children often feel incompetent in basic activities available to their peers. This affects the child’s emotional well-being and self-esteem.

Over time, the level of development of hand movements in children with speech disorders turns out to be insufficient for mastering writing and creates school difficulties. Soon with the older children everything famous games were learned, played and shown at various events ( parent meetings, concerts, etc.).

Then we, together with the children, began to compose and come up with movements for our games ourselves. At first these were couplets (we write about what we see), and then “our compositions” began to be included in classes (as part of the lesson).

I bring to your attention some of our finger games:

We laid out the tablecloth two-handed swing

We put a saucer with a cup, put a fist on your palm

Napkin, plate, palms together

Fork and bread box . "fork", "plate"

We wish you an appetite

And we eat everything with a smile. show a smile with your hands

We take soap in our hands movements on the text

Three palms touching

Cheeks, let's not forget the neck

We will always be clean.

Are you awake? Stretch

Roll over onto your side.

Open your eyes : clench and unclench your fingers

"WITH Good morning, Expensive!" "flashlights"

We're going for a walk fingers “walk” across the table

Let's sing a song together palms open and connect

Today we are watching palm to forehead

Like sparrows fly. wave your arms

We build a city from sand palm rest on palm

The tower is visible from a distance palm to forehead

There will be a city made of sand palm rest on palm

Rise until the morning. hands up

We remove the leaves wave-like movements of the hands

We'll take a broom to help swinging crayfish left and right

Buckets and rakes hands in the shape of a flower, fingers spread

Well done to us. Is it true? stroking the head with hands

Watching the weather palm to forehead

Counting the clouds in the sky forefinger at the top, we count

And even in bad weather "umbrella"

We watch the weather. palm to forehead

Five hares, six nesting dolls show 5 and 6 fingers alternately

Let's count everyone together bend your fingers

And then we'll add a hare, show “ears” with both hands

To count equally. put your palms together

I'll get the paints now, extend your arms palms up

Jar and brush . clench your hand into a fist, wave your hand

I'll draw whatever you want - spread your arms to the side

Vegetable garden and home and garden fingers spread hands connected

I'm an artist, just a treasure. hand in fist, thumb up

Are you awake? Stretch ! spread your arms to the sides, stretch

Roll over onto your side. hands together in a lock, turn

Open your eyes : clench and unclench your fingers

"Good morning dear!" "flashlights"

Stand next to each other fingers on the table one after another

Don't be lazy when charging - wag your index finger

Run, jump and skip, moving the text with your fingers on the table

Just breathe through your nose! squeeze and unclench your fingers with a pinch

We roll the ball in our palms - circular movements with hands

The result was a matryoshka doll. spread your arms to the side

And we'll roll the sausage clasped palms up and down

She will become a rattle. fist pump

Glue a circle onto the square put a fist on your palm

And we'll put the Bug in it. tapping fists on each other

The bug will live in the booth - hit your knees with your palms

We need to put a roof on it. hands joined above head

This is a cube and a brick put your hand and fist on the table

We'll put them closer clap your hands

We will build a fence knock your fists on the table

So that a thief cannot get through. " threaten"

Look how we can swing of crayfish

Songs to sing and dance indicate fingers to cheeks, “flashlights”

And we'll show it to our parents Stretch your arms forward, squeeze the pollen. and razzh.

The holiday can begin. bouncing in place

We will paste a yellow circle- close your hands in a circle

This sun is our friend , hands “hello”

And there are rays around him, spin around

How good the kids are. sit down and smile

Not in every preschool institution there is a speech therapist.

I bring to your attention the design of the speech corner where the various material for pupils. This and speech games, riddles, nursery rhymes, poems, speech books. And for the interest of children - design in the form of a house for a mouse, in which various animals, objects, etc. are hidden. AND multifunctional manual “DEVELOP-KA”.

Everyone is familiar with the expression “A child’s mind is at his fingertips.” How well a child develops fine motor skills will determine how he or she learns at school. This includes beautiful handwriting, memorizing poems, etc. You need to work on developing fine motor skills from birth at home, in kindergarten, and then at school.