Hard physical work how to cope. Harsh working conditions: list, differences from harmful conditions. How are difficult or harmful working conditions determined?

Hard physical work how to cope. Harsh working conditions: list, differences from harmful conditions. How are difficult or harmful working conditions determined?

At the moment, difficult working conditions are not regulated by law, and the direct severity of the work performed can only serve as a reason and factor determining the danger or harmfulness of certain work duties performed by an employee in accordance with his employment contract.

Therefore, harmful, dangerous and difficult working conditions should be distinguished. In general, the severity of the work performed at the moment is a criterion for the subsequent assessment of such working conditions as harmful or even dangerous. In this case, the severity of labor means the totality of physical stress on the body received during the performance of work activities. Thus, any hard work outside the established standards is harmful or dangerous, but not all harmful or dangerous work will be hard at the same time.

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Based on this fact, there is a certain number of legal conflicts. There are lists of positions with hard work, which for this reason cannot be held by women or minors, and, at the same time, according to the certification of jobs, such positions do not involve harmful or increased danger of work, and therefore - corresponding additional payments and additional social guarantees for employee.

Criteria and standards of labor severity

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Determining how hard the work is lies entirely on the shoulders of the certification commission at the enterprise, which is obliged to certify workplaces to assess working conditions at least once every five years. At the conclusion of the certification, certain positions may be recognized as harmful or dangerous for the following reasons:

Thus, hard work is not always necessarily associated directly with carrying a load. For example, work on a conveyor belt may be considered hard work due to standing during the entire shift, or even sedentary work that involves frequent bending of the body.

In this case, severity criteria may be different for different age and gender categories of persons. For example, separate cargo standards are established for women or minor employees.

List of heavy work in which it is unacceptable to use female labor or the labor of minors

The general lists of work in which women or minors cannot be involved vary and include not only hard work, but also work that has an increased health hazard due to other negative factors, such as chemical, physical or biological. Moreover, even intellectual or social work can be considered harmful to health, implying that the employee is in a state of increased stress in an emotional or intellectual sense, or vice versa - having a high level of monotony and monotony. In general, the legislation has adopted separate lists of heavy and harmful work with a full indication of professions that are impossible for women or minors, such as, for example, work in the following industries:

  • Mining and work involving underground work;
  • Certain professions when working in engineering, steel and similar heavy industries;
  • Certain positions at chemical, biological and similar enterprises;
  • Some activities in nuclear energy;
  • Agrochemical services using certain substances, etc.

Hard work and pregnancy - how to resolve the issue

If an employee was employed in a position that is considered unhealthy, but acceptable for women, in the event of pregnancy she can engage exclusively in activities that fall within the acceptable class of working conditions with the possibility of moving at will to a position with optimal conditions at her request.

In the absence of vacancies that provide for the absence of harmful working conditions, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 254 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to relieve his pregnant employee from performing her job duties until such a position appears for the entire duration of pregnancy, leave for her and maternity leave, while maintaining the full amount of her average earnings for the days of such absences.

How are difficult or harmful working conditions determined?

The need to determine any working conditions as difficult or harmful lies with the certification commission. Also, a conclusion about harmful working conditions can be revealed by an employee’s appeal to the labor inspectorate. For employees in positions with harmful, difficult or dangerous working conditions, the fact of the presence of such conditions must be reflected in the employment contract or additional agreements thereto.

An important fact: the employer does not have the right to arbitrarily change working conditions to more difficult or harmful ones. If the certification commission establishes the existence of such conditions, the employer will be obliged to pay employees all compensation due and provide them with appropriate guarantees, as well as provide them with the opportunity to move to another vacant position while maintaining their average earnings.

The certification commission can make conclusions on various classes of working conditions, which may be as follows:

Compensation for harmful working conditions

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The presence of difficult, harmful or dangerous working conditions requires that the employee be provided with additional social guarantees. At the same time, the number of benefits and guarantees provided depends on the final classification of the harmfulness of working conditions. IN In general, possible guarantees include:

  • An increase of at least 4% compared to the salary of a similar position without taking into account harmful working conditions. This premium is mandatory for all hazard classes;
  • Ensuring a 36-hour work week does not apply to employees whose working conditions correspond to hazard class 3.1 or 3.2.
  • Additional paid leave of at least 7 days per year does not apply to hazard class 3.1.

In addition, the employer is also required to pay compensation for temporary or permanent loss of ability to work due to harmful or dangerous working conditions.

In production, not all work is mechanized yet. Therefore, many people are engaged in hard physical labor. These are loaders, slingers, cutters, builders, miners, lumberjacks, road and railway repair workers, many field workers, etc.

Hard physical work requires great physical strength, endurance, spinal flexibility, joint mobility, and good health. During its implementation, a person practically uses all muscle groups - large and small, the fatigue of which occurs at different times. But this happens quite quickly. After just 1.5-2 hours of hard work, general fatigue begins to be felt, muscle strength and endurance decrease, a violation of body stability begins to appear, performance decreases, etc.

To replenish the expended strength and energy, a fairly long rest, up to several hours, is required. This is not possible in a production environment. Physical education will help shorten the recovery period for this category of workers. Specially selected relaxation exercises for active recreation, stretching the muscles and spine, breathing, etc., alternating with self-massage techniques and periods of passive rest, reduce tension in internal organs and systems and improve the regulatory function of the central nervous system. Normalization of breathing, arterial blood pressure, decreased heart rate, and decreased feelings of fatigue occur in fairly short periods of time - 5-10 minutes of active rest.

With an 8-hour work shift, workers in heavy physical labor are given up to 36 minutes for rest. During each regulated break, part of the time is intended for industrial physical education. The most appropriate forms are: introductory gymnastics, physical education breaks (in the first and second half-shift), physical education minute. For some workers who need additional training, a special rehabilitation and preventive complex is recommended.

Introductory gymnastics prepares the musculoskeletal system, muscular and cardiovascular systems for the upcoming hard work. By warming up the muscles and ligaments, it activates other body systems. The complex includes special exercises - performed energetically, like exercises.

A physical break is done after 1.5-2 hours of work in the first and second half shift. The complex consists mainly of relaxation and stretching exercises, self-massage techniques for individual parts of the body and limbs, and passive rest. Performed for 5 minutes, it reduces fatigue and eliminates the feeling of fatigue. In the second half-shift, when fatigue becomes deeper and more noticeable, AF should be longer (7-10 minutes), but with less load. It is also necessary to provide for passive rest.

A physical exercise minute is performed at the discretion of the worker for a particular part of the body, more often at the end of the working day, outside of regulated breaks.

Workers with heavy physical labor more often than others experience overload of the musculoskeletal system, which can cause pain and the development of osteochondrosis in different parts of the spine. Therefore, they are recommended to perform a rehabilitation and preventive complex most often after finishing work in a specially equipped room.

This form of training was readily used, for example, by port workers at the Murmansk sea cargo port, where large smoking rooms and uncomfortable rest rooms were turned into “health rooms.” They were provided with equipment for physical exercise during working hours. Installed comfortable chairs and special devices allow you to take certain positions to unload the spine and quickly restore performance after heavy unloading and loading work.

According to the recruiting company HeadHunter, it is currently easier for manual workers to find work than for white-collar workers. Today in Russia there is a shortage of representatives of blue-collar professions, and employers are ready to pay their work even higher than representatives of mental work. In addition, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for increased pay for performing heavy work, work with harmful or dangerous working conditions.

According to the definition of the explanatory dictionary, physical labor is work associated with the tension of a person’s muscular strength. It is based on active, purposeful motor activity. People who work physically, unlike workers who do intellectual work, require more energy to perform work. Especially a lot of strength and energy is expended during hard physical work (a person uses almost all skeletal muscles).

According to labor intensity, professions are divided into 5 groups:

  1. Professions associated primarily with mental work(managers of enterprises, medical workers, except for surgeons, nurses, orderlies; teachers, educators, except for sports; workers in science, literature, printing, planning and accounting, secretaries, etc.)
  2. Professions involving light physical labor(workers engaged in automated processes, in the electronics and watch industries, the service sector, seamstresses, agronomists, veterinarians, nurses, orderlies, department store salespeople, physical education and sports instructors, coaches, etc.)
  3. Professions involving moderate physical labor(machine operators involved in metalworking and woodworking, mechanics, service technicians, surgeons, chemists, textile workers, drivers of various types of transport, workers in the food industry, public utilities and catering, food sellers, railway workers, hoisting and transport machine operators, and etc.)
  4. Professions involving heavy physical labor(builders, the bulk of agricultural workers and machine operators, miners working on the surface, workers in the oil and gas, pulp and paper and woodworking industries, metallurgists and foundry workers, etc.)
  5. Professions involving heavy physical labor(miners engaged directly in underground work, steelworkers, fellers and wood cutting workers, masons, concrete workers, diggers, loaders whose work is not mechanized, workers engaged in the production of building materials whose work is not mechanized).

Performing physical labor of moderate intensity contributes to the physical development of the body, its improvement, increases immunity and mental performance. Physical labor ensures the normal development of such qualities as strength, endurance, agility, improves coordination and is much more beneficial for posture than sedentary work.

On the other hand, excessively heavy physical work reduces the performance of all systems of the human body, which can lead to frequent illnesses.

Hello ladies and gentlemen. Now I will tell you unexpected things. Since you have visited this site, it means you are doing or are just planning a renovation.

Or maybe you are a finisher, like me. It's no secret that repairs are a little physically tiring. And people who decide to do it for the first time are often completely shocked, how can they endure this every day?! Well, I have been putting up with this every day for 3.5 years now and have not suffered at all.

My working day starts at 9 am. At this time, for example, I start plastering. And I do this without a break until 13.00. It's lunch break. An hour for lunch is sacred. After that, from 14.00 to 18.00, I gamble at the same rhythm, without ever sitting down. And what is plaster, you understand, right? This is constant movement, kneading, dragging full buckets, climbing onto sawhorses and descending... In short, a super intense load. But at the end of the day I am cheerful, I have enough energy left to work on this and my 4 other sites, plus my so-called personal life.

And what kills me are people who sit in their offices all day and at the end of the day “oh, how tired they are.” Today we will talk about how not to get tired at work.

Yes, of course, there is such a thing as habit. My body has adapted to such stress. But habit alone is not enough, because this crap continues day after day, and your strength dries up. And this is where sports nutrition comes to my aid.

I first met him, it seems, in 2007, when I was a 1st year student. What else should a student do, no matter how hard he swings? I was seriously interested in this matter, well, it came to sports nutrition, but I’m eager to try it, I’ll trample on it! Then I discovered protein-carbohydrate mixtures (gainers), protein, amino acids, vitamins and creatine.

And you know, yes, these things work. Of course, I was not a turbo megabuck; at most I weighed 91 kg in clothes. Of course, someday everything comes to an end, and as soon as I started working in finishing, I abandoned the rocking chair - I didn’t have enough strength, and I didn’t have time, I was writing my diploma at the time...

I gradually learned all sorts of different things, labor productivity and, accordingly, energy consumption increased. And so, I have reached the point where you are so tired that you don’t understand what those around you are saying. You are somewhere between reality and a dream. So how not to get tired at work?

It was then that I remembered about “chemistry” again. I bought myself a jar of regular whey protein and a jar of creatine. And off we go. I was amazed at my speed, and by the evening I was as fresh as in the morning. And most importantly, I was excited about the work, I wanted to break records.

So, if you have to do physical work, you should try some of what I'm about to tell you. Let's go point by point.


Most of you know what this is. This is a regular protein. Protein is a building material for muscles and more. Without it you will be a vegetable. Drowsiness, weakness, brittle nails, bad hair are symptoms of protein deficiency. We go to a sports nutrition store and buy a can of protein. In terms of price, normal American whey protein will cost you about 2500-3000 rubles per 2 kg. What is 2 kg? Roughly speaking, this is more than a month's supply if you cover 100% of your needs. 50 g of whey protein per day is just right. Whey is the most easily digestible type. It comes into use quickly and without reserve. I won’t talk about it for a long time, read it on Wikipedia. You can identify it on the display window by the large inscription WHEY - whey. There are also egg, soy protein and casein. Each of them has its pros and cons, but I love Whey. By the way, if you want to lose weight, drink it instead of dinner. Everything will be absorbed, digestion will not be strained, there are almost no carbohydrates.

It must be drunk with milk. There are many different flavors to choose from, it is advisable to take thicker milk, it will be tastier. Don't drink water - you'll end up vomiting almost forever. But some people can't stand its taste. So start with a small jar.


This is the most powerful thing you can eat. It is usually called Creatine Monohydrate. It costs a penny - from 350 rubles for a month's supply. White powder without taste. I don’t know how best to explain, in general, what it is. In general, it is a carboxylic acid that plays a critical role in muscle energy metabolism. And if protein is just a building material, then this thing is something like fuel. On the 3-4th day of use, you will feel a significant surge of energy and a desire to lift weights. For me this is expressed in the desire to walk a lot of kilometers, I don’t know why. You don’t walk, but fly, as if on wings. I recommend. By the way, the thing, like protein, is harmless. But you can’t eat it all the time, only in monthly courses. Every month you need to take breaks of at least a couple of weeks. How to take it is written on the can. Stupidly mix one teaspoon in water or a protein shake in the morning and one in the evening. All. You are a monster.


This is a nutritious mixture of proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins... This is a kind of food substitute. It is quite cheap, but you also need to eat a lot of it. It also gives normal energy, but many people begin to gain weight when taking it. Still, there are a lot of carbohydrates there. But it depends on the person.

You definitely don't need amino acids separately. They are of no use unless you are a turbo guy.


We are talking specifically about sports vitamins, the doses there are thousands of percent of the recommended ones. I can say for sure - you will go to the toilet like a rainbow. You will not feel any other radical effects. Unless you had severe vitamin deficiency before. Such vitamins are very good when you need to protect you from colds. As long as you take them, you won't get sick. But 99% of the time you will get sick within 2 weeks after finishing taking it. For some reason it was like that for me.

In general, it’s better to take regular multivitamins like Multi-Tabs.

So, I could talk more about arginine, glutamine and other amino acids, but they are expensive and are not particularly needed at a construction site. Protein + creatine - this is the bomb.

This is such an unusual topic today. I wrote this post spontaneously, so there may be typos and mistakes. I'm too lazy to search and fix, I'm already ready to sleep... Bye!

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Irina Davydova

Reading time: 7 minutes


We all spend a third of our lives at work, which can be called easy and pleasant very rarely and with great stretch. And, in fact, no one promised fairy tales! If you want to live, know how to spin. But there are also women’s professions whose level of “stress” is simply off the charts. Unfortunately, no one pays extra for stress or gives extra vacations. Therefore, all that remains is to look for ways to reduce the consequences of such work to zero. So, the most stressful professions for women...

  • Supervisor. A stressful job for both men and women. It is certainly more difficult for women: physical and psychological stress quickly eats away at health, the work schedule is 25 hours a day, long business trips and constant employment do not leave time for family. Stress, chronic fatigue and heart disease are constant companions. And then everyone has to prove to everyone that a woman boss is no worse than a man. There are also problems in the maternal and sexual spheres of life: a woman leader thinks about children quite late; a wife, constantly absent from home and accustomed to commanding, seduces few people; libido gradually fades from fatigue and stress. This profession is suitable for you if your children are already able to take care of themselves, if your spouse understands and supports you, if your nerves are like steel ropes, and you can easily put any man in business under your belt.

  • Teacher (or educator). One of the most stressful professions. Working with children is never easy, but communicating with their parents is even harder. The stress is more psychological, because it is necessary not only to motivate students to study, but also to cope with those who categorically do not want to live by the rules of school society. There is also such a factor as school policy - additional pressure, which requires strong nerves. And all this hassle doesn’t pay off with a salary. Another nuance is the vocal cords. Sore throat is practically an occupational disease of teachers, and the risk of losing your voice is more than 30 times higher than in other professions. If you have dreamed of working as a teacher all your life, adore children, have a strong nervous system, and you do not have an urgent need for money (your husband provides), then this job is for you.

  • The main stress factor in this job is almost nothing depends on you. They decide for you how long you will work, where to go on a business trip, how short your vacation will be, what to write about and what to film. There is practically no room for error. Information overload, the risk of a mistake that could cost one’s reputation, and danger to life (covering events such as natural disasters or military operations) also do not add to mental stability. Typically, such work is chosen by people who are courageous, self-confident, creative and selflessly devoted to their profession.

  • A category of people for whom stress at work is normal. Of course, a person gets used to everything - to the sight of patients with serious illnesses, to blood and death, to difficult patients who are unable to control themselves, etc. But the consequences of stress, which we do not notice, do not appear immediately, but years later. And the work schedule of any doctor, intern or nurse is very difficult - with serious physical activity and extremely low wages. Your health, even the best, is also under attack. If you were born to help people, if the Hippocratic Oath is not just empty words for you, you are resilient, able to find an approach to any person, and know how to heal with words - perhaps this is the very profession for which you were born.

  • Waitresses. Stress factors: uncomfortable work shifts (sometimes night shifts), constant work on your feet (hence varicose veins and other “joys”), the need to smile even if you feel bad, and the need to remember “the customer is always right” even if you are frankly humiliate. As a reward - rare tips, low wages and the risk of being fired from work for any “misdemeanor”. If you have enough patience for any attacks from clients and bosses, and “working with people” is interesting and even joyful to you, then do not forget about resting your legs and preventing varicose veins.

  • Office employee. A person in this profession, oddly enough, also has many reasons for stress: large volumes of work, its fast pace, heavy workload and the need to stay late after work, difficult microclimate in the team and tyrant bosses. Physical problems include spinal diseases, dry eye syndrome and tunnel syndrome, deterioration of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, lymphatic and venous systems, and hemorrhoids due to a sedentary lifestyle. Strong nerves alone are not enough for such work; you also need good health, as well as an understanding that without preventing a number of diseases, this work will come back to haunt you quite soon.

  • Stressful and physically difficult work, which is accompanied by a whole bunch of diseases. Harmful physical and stress factors: difficult clients, working on the feet (varicose veins, spinal problems, arthritis), constant interaction with dyes and other chemicals (respiratory diseases) used in hairdressing, etc. It’s not enough to cut a client’s hair - you need to cut his hair so that the person leaves satisfied. It’s impossible to relax - the hairdresser is constantly on edge. It is important to guess the client’s desire and mood, withstand all his nagging and hysterics, and achieve the desired result, despite the fact that sometimes you just want to shave this arrogant client bald in revenge. In general, if you have problems with your legs, nerves and lungs, if you are not able to keep your emotions in check, this job is not for you.

  • And here I am walking, beautiful, in uniform and cap, through the cabin of the plane, smiling at everyone, wishing them a good flight... This is how romantic girls dream. In fact, The job of a flight attendant is recognized as one of the most dangerous and stressful: again and again this nasty varicose veins (work on the legs), the formation of blood clots due to constant changes in pressure; the bad effect of continuous vibration on blood vessels; earlier aging of the skin due to the high dryness of the air on the plane (humidity on board is no higher than 40 percent when the norm is 65-75); fading of pregnancy (miscarriages) during work even in the early stages; violent clients (often); psychological stress during weather-problematic flights, etc. In general, the work is “hellish”. If you are dreaming about children right now, if you have problems with blood vessels, and your spouse drinks valerian in boxes while you are on a flight, change your job to something more mundane and calm.

  • A very popular job that forces you to constantly be on your toes, and allows you to earn money, if not caviar and Hawaii, but for bread with cheese and sausage - for sure. Stress factors and other nuances of work: compliance with the dress code - work in heels and in certain clothes, no breaks - on your feet all the time, willingness to help every client, smiling broadly and explaining basic things for the thousandth time. It is forbidden to respond to rudeness with rudeness, it is forbidden to sit with a sad look, and in general everything that is not permitted is prohibited. And very little is allowed. The job is suitable for an active, active, sociable girl without health and communication problems.

  • Oh, these days of receiving pensions and benefits... And, most importantly, no one really cares whether it’s your fault that the money has not yet been transferred - that’s all! Who else should I lose my temper on? Being a postal employee is not just about working with people, it is about working with the most difficult segments of the population - old people and young mothers. And also long working hours and pittance wages. This job is suitable for women who are bored sitting at home, and for whom work is needed only as a pleasant pastime. Nerves of steel are one of the requirements.