Sample letter from residents to the management company. Complaint to Rospotrebnadzor against the management company

Sample letter from residents to the management company.  Complaint to Rospotrebnadzor against the management company
Sample letter from residents to the management company. Complaint to Rospotrebnadzor against the management company

The management company is known to every homeowner in apartment buildings, as the organization responsible for providing the following services:

  • fulfillment of necessary repair work on the territory of the house;
  • maintenance of intra-house networks;
  • garbage removal;
  • supervision of communal meters;
  • invoicing for services;
  • and others.

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But there are situations when the management company violates the rights of owners by not fulfilling or performing its duties poorly. This is exactly the situation that will be discussed in detail in this article. In addition, the reader will learn how to act when contacting Rospotrebnadzor, how to write a claim, and much more.

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Actions of owners

Of course, if you encounter dishonest work by a management company, you need to write a complaint. But many do not know where to file a claim and how to file it correctly. We will consider these and many other questions that arise for homeowners who are faced with the negligence of management companies in the future.

Each owner who notices the work of the management company performed in bad faith can complain to the following authorities:

  • V management company;
  • to the housing inspection;
  • to Rospotrebnadzor;
  • to the prosecutor's office;
  • to court.

It is worth noting that most issues are resolved by contacting the Criminal Code. To do this, you need to provide evidence of the violation, draw up an act and write a complaint. Evidence may be video, audio or photographic materials. These documents must be submitted to the department. Moreover, it is recommended to draw up an application in two copies - one remains in the Criminal Code, and the other - with the date of acceptance and seal - is with you - this way you can prove the fact of the complaint itself in the event that the management company does not take any action on your issue, and you have to complain to higher authorities.

As mentioned above, there are cases when the management company ignores your claim in every possible way, so you will have to contact other authorities - Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office or the court. Many owners who have received a refusal from the management company to solve their problem, or have not received an answer, prefer to resolve the issue on our own, because they consider further writing of claims a waste of time. In addition, few of them know where to go with their problem. That is why, in this article we will look at how to write a complaint against a management company to Rospotrebnadzor and in what cases you can write a complaint to this organization.

In what cases can you contact Rospotrebnadzor?

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This authority controls:

  • The quality of services provided by the management company.
  • Compliance of the cost of services with tariffs.

In cases where the services provided by the management company are of poor quality, or their price is too high, and the management company does not want to recalculate or eliminate shortcomings, you can safely write a claim to Rospotrebnadzor. In addition, only this organization is authorized to make decisions on the return of funds for poor-quality services provided.

In some situations, when submitting an application to the housing inspection, a copy is also sent to Rospotrebnadzor. But this does not always happen - which is why we recommend that you submit your claim to this organization in person.

How to file a complaint

As mentioned above, in order to complain to Rospotrebnadzor, you need evidence that you tried to resolve the conflict with the management company yourself. To do this, you need a written refusal from the Criminal Code - in this case, you can file a claim further. But if the refusal is not received, and the management company simply ignores your application, then it is necessary to collect evidence that you contacted this organization at least three times. Evidence may include:

  • eyewitness testimony;
  • your copies of written statements (with date and stamp).

IN modern conditions lack of time, not every resident of the house will be ready to confirm your appeals to the management company personally, so we recommend using your copies of claim letters to the management company as evidence.

To confirm that the service was provided by the management company in bad faith, as well as to assess the damage, it is necessary to invite an expert involved in assessing the damage and draw up a report.

Now, let's look at the issue related to drawing up the claim itself.

IN in this case, it all depends on what goals the applicant is pursuing:

  • If the goal is to punish an official in the Criminal Code, then a statement can be written on the Rospotrebnadzor website.
  • If, in addition to punishment, the owner wants to seek compensation for damage, then you will need to contact Rospotrebnadzor in person - on the same website you can find the address and contact phone number of the branch of this organization closest to you.

If you fill out an application on the Rospotrebnadzor website, then everything is very simple - just enter the data in a special form and send it for processing.

We are writing a complaint for damages

  • On the right top corner the person to whom the complaint is addressed must be indicated

Here you need to indicate either your position, or, in addition to the position, your last name and initials, if you know them. Usually such letters are written to the Head of the Department Federal service for supervision of consumer rights protection.

  • Then, in the same place, in the upper right corner, only below, information about the applicant is indicated

In addition to your last name and initials, your residential address (with postal code) must be indicated here, as well as a contact telephone number where the organization’s employees could contact you.

  • Next, the name of the document is written in the middle.

This can be either a statement or a complaint. Despite some similarities, these two documents have some differences. So, a complaint is a document indicating that the control system is operating incorrectly, and a statement is a document in which you ask Rospotrebnadzor to look into your issue, including making a decision on compensation for damage.

  • Afterwards, the main part of the document is written

Here you need to reveal the main essence of the problem - that the service was provided poorly, or was not provided at all, and that you are asking for the return of the management company cash. In this part of the document, it is necessary to refer to evidence - acts, letters to the Criminal Code, examination results.

  • Final part

That part should contain a request or demand to sort out the current situation and return your money (or redo the work efficiently).

  • Afterwards, you need to sign the application (or complaint) and decipher the signature

Be sure to consider the following nuances:

  • The document must have a business style.
  • The use of profanity in the document is not permitted.
  • Check the document carefully for spelling errors.
  • As when submitting an application to the Criminal Code, in this case it is also necessary to make the document in two copies - one of them is certified by an employee of the organization, and then handed over to you.

If the complaint is filed collectively, then it is necessary to list all applicants in the second paragraph. In addition, all applicants must sign and transcribe it. If one of them for some reason cannot sign in person (due to absence from the city or illness), under no circumstances should you sign the document for this owner. Otherwise, the application will be considered invalid, it will not be accepted by Rospotrebnadzor, and it will be impossible to submit it again.

Response time

In what time frame must Rospotrebnadzor make a decision on the application and notify the owner (or owners) about it? Typically, a response is given within five working days, but in some cases it may be necessary large quantity time – up to 10 working days.

What to do if there is no response from Rospotrebnadzor?

So, more than 10 working days have passed, and still no response has been received from the organization - what should be done in this case?

  • Check in your own copy to see if you forgot to leave a telephone number to contact you. If this information is missing, you need to call the organization yourself and find out about the decision on your claim.
  • Leave a request on the organization’s website stating that there is no response to your complaint.

Thus, you will receive a response from this authority in any case.

If the answer is yes, then the management company will have to:

  • Refund money for poor quality service provided.
  • Perform the service efficiently, but at your own expense.
  • Reduce the cost of the service due to shortcomings identified by the owner.

In addition, if the response from Rospotrebnadzor is positive, the owner has the right to go to court to demand compensation from the management company for moral and material damage.

What to do if the organization’s answer is negative?

There are times when Rospotrebnadzor makes a negative decision on your complaint. What to do in this case?

  • Look at the reasons for the negative answer. If the reason is the absence of any document, then you can submit the complaint again by attaching this document.
  • It is possible that the complaint was sent to the wrong address - in such cases, Rospotrebnadzor recommends where to apply. To prevent this situation from happening, be sure to familiarize yourself with the issues that this authority can resolve.
  • If representatives of the organization do not see a violation of rights in the situation described in the application, you can contact the prosecutor’s office or court.

So, in this article we examined all the questions that owners have when filing a complaint with Ropotrebnadzor against the management company. After reading this article, you can easily resolve the dispute with the Criminal Code in your favor.

What can I say: public utilities in our country for many years now they have left much to be desired.

People working in different utility organizations, are not interested in repairing what is broken, performing preventive maintenance on those devices that have not yet broken, and also eliminating violations.

But sometimes their dishonesty becomes so blatant that something needs to be done about it.

In this case, you can file a complaint with the management company.

How and where to file this complaint

Where to file this complaint is, in principle, probably logical - to the management company itself. To do this, you need to draw it up correctly and competently, which will be discussed below, and also collect signatures from neighbors who agree with your position and demands. The more signatures you collect, the more success you are guaranteed.

The management company will be required, at a minimum, to read and study the document sent, as well as give you its official response to your complaint. Accordingly, she can answer “yes,” that is, do what you demand, or “no,” that is, refuse. But, at the same time, giving explanations.

If you are not satisfied with this answer, you can already go to complain higher, for example, to the court or the housing inspection. And if we are talking about sanitary and hygienic violations, then you can contact Rospotrebnadzor.

What should be in the complaint

Now let's talk about drawing up such a complaint. A sample complaint against the management company must be in writing; you can write it either manually or on a computer.

Such a document is usually divided into three parts. In the first part, you provide basic information about yourself and about your management company, to which you are writing a complaint. Next, in the second part, you describe in detail what happened and what you are unhappy with. Don’t skimp on words here and if you have any evidence that clearly shows that your rights are being violated, be sure to attach it to your complaint.

In the future, this will confirm your position. In addition, in this part you write what you want from your management company, that is, your requirements. But they need to be described clearly and concisely, without unnecessary eloquent words. At the end there is a date that records the day on which the complaint was written and the signatures of everyone who submits it. Before signing, everyone must read the complaint and only sign if they agree with everything.

The complaint must be made in two copies: one for the management company, one for you, so that the management company cannot deceive you. Also, for this they must put a stamp stating that they accepted the complaint on both sheets. And, of course, you should not forget that this is an official document, so when writing it, try to observe the etiquette of business correspondence and, with all the intensity of passions and emotions, do not stoop to abuse and jargon.

Below is a standard form and a sample complaint against the management company, a version of which can be downloaded for free.