Ceramic sewer pipe GOST 286 82. Appendix. template for measuring groove depth

Ceramic sewer pipe GOST 286 82. Appendix.  template for measuring groove depth
Ceramic sewer pipe GOST 286 82. Appendix. template for measuring groove depth


Ceramic sewer pipes


GOST 286-82



DEVELOPED by the Ministry of Industry building materials USSR


IN AND. Kanaev (topic leader); V.F. Pavlov, Doctor of Engineering. sciences; V.S. Radyukhin; V.A. Kitova

INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Construction Materials Industry

Deputy Minister A.Ya. Anpilov

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution State Committee USSR for Construction Affairs dated April 26, 1982 No. 105.

By Decree of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated April 26, 1982 No. 105, the introduction date was established

from 01/01/1983

This standard applies to ceramic pipes, intended for the construction of non-pressure sewer networks transporting industrial, domestic and rainwater, non-aggressive and aggressive wastewater.


1.1. The design, dimensions and maximum deviations of pipe dimensions must correspond to those indicated in the drawing. 1 and in table. 1.

Ceramic sewer pipe

1 - pipe trunk; 2 - pipe socket; 3 - outer shoulder of the bell;
4 - inner shoulder of the socket

Crap. 1

Table 1

Pipe trunk

Pipe socket


thickness of the barrel and bell wall S

(limit off ±4)

Inner diameter d

Nominal length L(prev. off)

Nominal cutting length l

(limit off ±5)

Inner diameter d 1

Nominal depth l 1

(limit off ±5)

Prev. off

Prev. off

Note. By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, the production of pipes of other lengths is allowed.

1.2. Symbol for ceramic sewer pipe V technical documentation and when ordering, must consist of the word “Pipe”, the internal diameter and length of the pipe barrel in centimeters and the designation of this standard.

Example symbol ceramic sewer pipe with an internal barrel diameter of 150 mm and a length of 1200 mm:

Pipe 15-120 GOST 286-82

The same, pipes with an internal barrel diameter of 400 mm and a length of 1500 mm:

Pipe 40-150 GOST 286-82


2.1. Pipes should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological instructions, approved in accordance with the established procedure.

2.2. Pipes on the outside of the end of the barrel and on inside The bell must have at least five grooves with a depth of at least 2 mm.

In some areas, it is allowed to reduce the cutting depth to 1 mm, provided that the total length of the grooves of this depth does not exceed 50 mm.

2.3. The ovality of the pipe barrel and bell should not exceed the following values: maximum deviations on the size of their diameters.

2.4. The taper of the socket along its internal diameter should not exceed 8 mm.

2.5. Strengthening longitudinal ribs in the form of thickenings are allowed on the outer surface of the bell, the shape and number of which are determined by the manufacturer.

2.6. The deviation from straightness of pipes per 1 m of trunk length should not exceed:

11 mm - with a diameter of 150-250 mm;

9 mm " " 300-600 mm.

The deviation from straightness of pipes of the highest quality category per 1 m of trunk length should not exceed:

8 mm - with a diameter of 150-250 mm;

7 mm " " 300-600 mm.

2.7. The deviation from the perpendicularity of the plane of the ends of the pipes to their axes should not exceed:

4 mm - with a diameter of 150-300 mm;

10 mm " " 350-600 mm.

2.8. Pipes per 1 m of trunk length must withstand an external load of at least:

20 kN (~2000 kgf) - with a diameter of 150-250 mm;

25 kN (~2500 kgf) " " 300-450 mm;

30 kN (~3000 kgf) " " 500-600 mm.

24 kN (~2400 kgf) - with a diameter of 150-250 mm;

32 kN (~3200 kgf) " " 300-450 mm;

35 kN (~3500 kgf) " " 500-600 mm.

2.9. Pipes must be waterproof and withstand internal hydraulic pressure of at least 0.15 MPa (~1.5 kgf/cm2).

2.10. Water absorption of pipes should not exceed 8%, and of pipes of the highest quality category - 7.5%.

2.11. The internal and external surfaces of the pipes must be coated with a chemical-resistant glaze.

2.12. The acid resistance of pipes must be at least 93%, and for pipes of the highest quality category - at least 94%.

2.13. Pipes, when tapped with a metal hammer weighing approximately 200 g, should produce a clear, non-rattling sound.

2.14. By indicators appearance pipe surfaces must meet the requirements specified in Table 2.

The total number of types of indicators on one pipe should not be more than 4 pieces, and on a pipe of the highest quality category - 3 pieces.

Note. The values ​​given in the table in brackets apply to pipes of the highest quality category.

table 2

The name of indicators

Standard per pipe

Not covered with glaze small areas:

on inner surface

Not allowed with total area more than 1%

on the outer surface

Not allowed with a total area of ​​more than 5%

Not allowed if they have a mesh character

Non-through cracks more than 1 mm wide on the socket shoulder

Not allowed on the inside with a length of more than one and a half shoulder widths in quantities of more than 3 pieces.

Cracks at the ends of the pipe:

non-through (not passing through the entire thickness of the pipe wall)

Not allowed with a width of more than 1.5 mm on pipes with a diameter of 150-250 mm and more than 2.0 mm on pipes with a diameter of 300-600 mm, going out for cutting, in quantities of more than 3 pieces.

through (passing through the entire thickness of the pipe wall)

Not allowed with a width of more than 1.5 mm on pipes with a diameter of 150-250 mm and more than 2.0 mm on pipes with a diameter of 300-600 mm, going out for cutting, in quantities of more than 2 pieces.

Individual smelts and foreign surface inclusions:

on the inner surface

Not allowed longer than 10 (8) mm, depth more than 4 (3) mm

on the outer surface

Not allowed with a length of more than 15 (10) mm, depth of more than 4 (3) mm.

Bubbles (swellings) on the inner surface of the barrel

Not allowed with a height of more than 3 mm in quantities of more than 3 pieces.

Broken spots on the ends of the pipe from the inside and outside and on the edges of the shoulder

Not allowed:

depth of more than 1/3 (1/4) of the pipe wall thickness;

longer than 2/3 (1/2) of the length of the thread for the socket and of the length of the thread for the pipe barrel;

a width of more than 1/8 (1/10) of the pipe circumference at the ends of pipes of all diameters and on the socket shoulder of pipes with a diameter of 150-300 mm and more than 1/6 (1/8) of the circumference on the socket shoulder of pipes with a diameter of 350-600 mm.


3.1. Acceptance and delivery of pipes is carried out in batches. The batch includes pipes of the same diameter and length. The batch size is set at no more than 4000 pipes.

3.2. To verify compliance of pipes with the requirements of this standard, the manufacturer carries out acceptance inspection.

3.3. During acceptance control, checking for compliance with the requirements of paragraphs. 2.13 and 2.14 are subjected to 50 pipes selected from the batch by random sampling. From the number of pipes recognized as suitable according to the indicators set out in the specified paragraphs, they are checked for compliance with the requirements:

clause 1.1; 2.2 - 2.4; 2.6 and 2.7 - 20 pipes;

pp. 2.8 - 2.10 - 3 pipes each;

clause 2.12 - 2 pipes.

To check the compliance of pipes with the requirements of paragraphs. 2.10 and 2.12, it is allowed to use pieces of pipes after checking them for compliance with the requirements of clause 2.8.

3.4. If, during acceptance inspection for compliance with the requirements of clauses 2.8 - 2.10 and 1.12, there is at least one pipe or according to clause 1.1; 2.2 - 2.4; 2.6; 2.7; 2.13 and 2.14 more than 4% of pipes for any indicator will not satisfy the requirements of this standard, then a double number of pipes taken from the same batch are re-checked for this indicator.

If the results of the re-test for compliance with the requirements of paragraphs 2.8 - 2.10 and 2.12 are unsatisfactory, the batch of pipes is not subject to acceptance. If, upon re-checking for compliance with the requirements of paragraph 1.1; 2.2 - 2.4; 2.6; 2.7; 2.13 and 2.14 more than 4% of pipes for any indicator will not meet the requirements of this standard, then they are accepted piece by piece with verification of indicators for which unsatisfactory results were obtained.

3.5. If in a batch of pipes of the highest quality category at least one pipe does not meet the requirements of clauses 2.8 - 2.10 and 2.12 or more than 2% of the pipes do not meet the requirements of clause 1.1; 2.2 - 2.4; 2.6; 2.7; 2.13 and 2.14, then the batch of pipes is not subject to acceptance for the highest quality category and their further inspection is carried out in accordance with clause 3.4.

3.6. The consumer has the right to carry out a control check of pipes according to any quality indicator, observing the procedure for selecting pipes given in clauses 3.3 - 3.5, and applying the control methods specified in section 4.


4.1. The length of the pipe trunk (clause 1.1) is measured with a tape measure according to GOST 7502-89.

4.2. The internal diameters of the pipe barrel and bell (clause 1.1) are determined as the arithmetic mean of the results of two measurements of their diameters with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427-75 in two perpendicular directions. In this case, the result of each measurement should not exceed the permissible deviation.

4.3. The depth of the pipe socket (clause 1.1) is measured with a ruler according to GOST 427-75 or with a caliper according to GOST 166-89.

4.4. The thickness of the walls of the barrel and pipe bell (clause 1.1) is measured with a caliper according to GOST 166-89.

4.5. The depth of the grooves (clause 2.2) is measured with a caliper in accordance with GOST 166-89 or a template, the design of which is given in the recommended appendix.

4.6. The ovality of the pipe trunk and bell (clause 2.3) is determined as the difference between the largest and smallest internal diameters, measured with a ruler according to GOST 427-75.

4.7. The taper of the internal diameter of the pipe socket (clause 2.4) is measured at its beginning and end with a bore gauge according to GOST 9244-75 and a ruler according to GOST 427-75.

The difference in the values ​​of the measurement results is taken as the taper value.

4.8. Deviation from the straightness of the pipe trunk (clause 2.6) is determined by measuring with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427-75 the size of the largest gap between the surface of the pipe and the edge of a metal ruler 1 m long attached to it.

4.9. The deviation from the perpendicularity of the plane of the ends of the pipes to their axes (clause 2.7) is determined by measuring with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427-75 the size of the largest gap between the end of the pipe barrel and the side of the square attached to it in accordance with GOST 3749-77 or a template.

The side of the square or template applied to the pipe barrel must be equal to the length of the barrel to the socket and be in contact with the pipe in at least two points, and the length of the other side of the square or template must be no less than the outer diameter of the pipe barrel.

4.10. The strength of pipes against external loads (clause 2.8) is checked using a press as follows.

The press is attached to the upper support pad I-beam, to the bottom flange of which a block of hardwood with a cross-section of 100´60 mm and a length of at least the length of the trunk of the pipe being tested is attached.

If the lower support pad of the press is longer than the barrel of the pipe being tested, then a wooden block of the same dimensions as the upper support pad is placed on it (Fig. 2a).

If the lower support pad of the press is shorter than the trunk of the pipe being tested, then an I-beam is attached to it, as well as to the upper support pad, on which a block of hardwood with a cross-section of 100´60 mm is placed, a length no less than the length of the trunk of the pipe being tested (Fig. .2b).

To uniformly transfer pressure under the upper and lower bars, lay a strip of felt or soft rubber 100 mm wide, 8-10 mm thick and the pipe being tested is placed between them.

Then turn on the press and increase the load evenly and continuously until the pipe collapses.

The value of the breaking load G in kN (kgf) per 1 m of pipe length is calculated using the formula

l- length of the pipe trunk, m.

1 - I-beam; 2 - wooden block;

3 - rubber or felt gasket; 4 - tested pipe

The final result is taken as the arithmetic mean of the test results of three pipes. In this case, the values ​​of destructive loads for each pipe must exceed the values ​​of loads for pipes of the corresponding diameters specified in clause 2.8.

4.11. The strength of pipes against the influence of internal hydraulic pressure and their water resistance (clause 2.9) is checked with a pressure of 0.15 MPa (~1.5 kgf/cm 2) according to GOST 473.9-81 with the following modification.

The holding time of pipes under pressure must be at least 5 minutes.

4.12. The water absorption of pipes (clause 2.10) is checked according to GOST 473.3-81 on samples broken off one at a time from the socket, middle and end of the trunk of each pipe being tested.

The arithmetic mean of the water absorption of all samples is taken as the water absorption value of the pipes of the tested batch; at the same time, the water absorption of individual samples should not exceed 9%, and for samples from pipes of the highest quality category - 8%.

4.13. The acid resistance of pipes (clause 2.12) is checked according to GOST 473.1-81.

4.14. Pipes in terms of appearance (clause 2.14) are checked visually without the use of magnifying devices from a distance of 1 m in natural or artificial lighting of at least 200 lux; in this case, cracks and notches are measured with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427-75 and a probe in accordance with GOST 882-75, melts, foreign inclusions, bubbles (bloatings) and chips - with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427-75.

Melts, foreign inclusions, bubbles (swellings) are measured along their longest length; the depth of the breaks - according to their maximum perpendicular to the end of the pipe or the shoulder of the socket, the length and width of the breaks - according to their largest dimensions.


5.1. The outer surface of the socket or pipe barrel must bear the trademark of the manufacturer, and on pipes of the highest quality category there must also be an image of the state Quality Mark, in accordance with GOST 1.9-67.

5.2. Pipes shipped to the consumer by the manufacturer must be accompanied by a passport indicating

the name of the ministry or department, the system of which includes the manufacturer;

name of the manufacturer, its trademark and address;

batch number;

date of manufacture;

number of pipes;

symbol of the pipe;

test results;

designation of this standard.

The passport for pipes of the highest quality category must contain an image of the state Quality Mark, assigned in the manner established by the State Standard of the USSR.

5.3. Pipes for their transportation are packaged in special containers of the manufacturer or consumer.

Transportation of unpackaged pipes may be carried out by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

Pipes transported to the Far North and hard-to-reach areas are packaged in accordance with the requirements of GOST 15846-79.

5.4. Pipes are transported in covered or open cars, all-metal gondola cars, holds and on the decks of ships, as well as on vehicles in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for each type of transport.

5.5. Containers in a vehicle are installed closely in rows in the longitudinal direction over the entire area of ​​the vehicle and no more than two rows high.

5.6. When transported in railway cars without packaging, the pipes are laid along the car in horizontal rows in stacks, separated from each other by wooden panels. Two are placed on the floor under each stack. wooden bars or a bundle of waste wood with a cross-section that prevents the pipes from touching the car floor. Placed on the end walls of the car wooden boards to protect the ends of the pipes of the outer stacks from contact with the metal parts of the car. Additional boards are placed in the free space between the stacks, or the boards between the stacks are wedged with wooden blocks.

When shipping pipes in an all-metal gondola car, two wooden blocks with a cross-section that prevents the pipes from touching the walls of the gondola car are additionally installed vertically on each stack along their walls.

The height of the stacks is taken based on the condition that the pressure on the bottom row does not exceed the values ​​​​specified in clause 2.8.

5.7. When transporting by water, pipes are laid in horizontal rows and strengthened so that during shocks they do not roll out or hit one another or the walls of the vessel.

5.8. During transportation by car pipes are installed vertically, and measures must be taken to protect the pipes from mechanical damage.

5.9. Loading pipes to vehicles and their unloading should be carried out taking precautions to prevent damage to pipes and the vehicle.

5.10. Pipes are stored in warehouses, under sheds or on open areas separately by standard size, placed in containers or in stacks. For greater stability, the stacks are reinforced with stops, and wooden pads are placed under the bottom row of pipes. The height of the stack is taken based on the conditions provided for in clause 5.6, but in all cases it should not exceed 1.5 m.


Template for measuring groove depth

Material - U8-U10 steel according to GOST 1435-90, 2-3 mm thick.

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Ceramic pipes


DEVELOPED by the USSR Ministry of Construction Materials Industry


IN AND. Kanaev(topic leader); V.F. Pavlov, Dr. Tech. sciences; V.S. Radyukhin; V.A. Kitova

INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Construction Materials Industry

Deputy minister AND I. Anpilov

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated April 26, 1982 No. 105.


By Decree of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated April 26, 1982 No. 105, the introduction date was established

from 01/01/1983

This standard applies to ceramic pipes intended for the construction of non-pressure sewerage networks transporting industrial, domestic and rainwater, non-aggressive and aggressive wastewater.


1.1. The design, dimensions and maximum deviations of pipe dimensions must correspond to those indicated in the drawing. 1 and in table. 1.

Ceramic sewer pipe

1 - pipe trunk; 2 - pipe socket; 3 - outer shoulder of the bell;
4 - inner shoulder of the socket

Table 1

Pipe trunk

Pipe socket

Nominal wall thickness of the barrel and bell S (limit deviation ± 4)

Inner diameter d

Nominal length L (maximum deviation ± 20)

Nominal cutting length l (limit deviation ± 5)

Inner diameter d 1

Nominal depth at l 1 (maximum deviation ± 5)




Note. By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, the production of pipes of other lengths is allowed.

1.2. The symbol for a ceramic sewer pipe in technical documentation and when ordering must consist of the word “Pipe”, the internal diameter and length of the pipe barrel in centimeters and the designation of this standard.

An example of a symbol for a ceramic sewer pipe with an internal barrel diameter of 150 mm and a length of 1200 mm:


The same, pipes with an internal barrel diameter of 400 mm and a length of 1500 mm:

2.1. Pipes should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

In some areas, it is allowed to reduce the cutting depth to 1 mm, provided that the total length of the grooves of this depth does not exceed 50 mm.

2.2. The pipes on the outside of the end of the barrel and on the inside of the bell must be cut with at least five grooves with a depth of at least 2 mm.

2.3. The ovality of the pipe trunk and bell should not exceed the maximum deviations from the dimensions of their diameters.

2.5. Strengthening longitudinal ribs in the form of thickenings are allowed on the outer surface of the bell, the shape and number of which are determined by the manufacturer.

2.6. The deviation from straightness of pipes per 1 m of trunk length should not exceed:

11 mm - with a diameter of 150 - 250 mm;

9 mm » » 300 - 600 mm.

The deviation from straightness of pipes of the highest quality category per 1 m of trunk length should not exceed:

8 mm - with a diameter of 150 - 250 mm;

7 mm » » 300 - 600 mm.

2.7. The deviation from the perpendicularity of the plane of the ends of the pipes to their axes should not exceed:

4 mm - with a diameter of 150 - 300 mm;

10 mm » » 350 - 600 mm.

2.8. Pipes per 1 m of trunk length must withstand an external load of at least:

20 kN (~ 2000 kgf) - with a diameter of 150 - 250 mm;

25 kN (~ 2500 kgf) » » 300 - 450 mm;

30 kN (~ 3000 kgf) » » 500 - 600 mm.

24 kN (~ 2400 kgf) - with a diameter of 150 - 250 mm;

32 kN (~ 3200 kgf) » » 300 - 450 mm;

35 kN (~ 3500 kgf) » » 500 - 600 mm.

2.9. Pipes must be waterproof and withstand internal hydraulic pressure of at least 0.15 MPa (~ 1.5 kgf/cm2).

2.10. The water absorption of pipes should not exceed 8%, and of pipes of the highest quality category - 7.5%.

2.11. The internal and external surfaces of the pipes must be coated with a chemical-resistant glaze.

2.12. The acid resistance of pipes must be at least 93%, and for pipes of the highest quality category - at least 94%.

2.13. Pipes, when tapped with a metal hammer weighing approximately 200 g, should produce a clear, non-rattling sound.

2.14. In terms of appearance, pipe surfaces must meet the requirements specified in table. 2.

The total number of types of indicators on one pipe should not be more than 4 pieces, and on a pipe of the highest quality category - 3 pieces.

Note. The values ​​given in the table in brackets apply to pipes of the highest quality category.

table 2

The name of indicators

Standard per pipe

Small areas not covered with glaze:

on the inner surface

Not allowed with a total area of ​​more than 1%

on the outer surface

Not allowed with a total area of ​​more than 5%

Not allowed if they have a mesh character

Non-through cracks more than 1 mm wide on the socket shoulder

Not allowed on the inside with a length of more than one and a half shoulder widths in quantities of more than 3 pieces.

Cracks at the ends of the pipe:

non-through (not passing through the entire thickness of the pipe wall)

Not allowed with a width of more than 1.5 mm on pipes with a diameter of 150 - 250 mm and more than 2.0 mm on pipes with a diameter of 300 - 600 mm, going out for cutting, in quantities of more than 3 pieces.

through (passing through the entire thickness of the pipe wall)

Not allowed with a width of more than 1.5 mm on pipes with a diameter of 150 - 250 mm and more than 2.0 mm on pipes with a diameter of 300 - 600 mm, going out for cutting, in quantities of more than 2 pieces.

Individual smelts and foreign surface inclusions:

on the inner surface

Not allowed longer than 10 (8) mm, depth more than 4 (3) mm

on the outer surface

Not allowed with a length of more than 15 (10) mm, depth of more than 4 (3) mm.

Bubbles (swellings) on the inner surface of the barrel

Not allowed with a height of more than 3 mm in quantities of more than 3 pieces.

Broken spots on the ends of the pipe from the inside and outside and on the edges of the shoulder

Not allowed:

depth more than 1/3 (1/4) of the pipe wall thickness;

longer than 2/3 (1/2) the length of the thread for the socket and the length of the thread for the pipe barrel;

a width of more than 1/8 (1/10) of the pipe circumference at the ends of pipes of all diameters and on the socket shoulder of pipes with a diameter of 150 - 300 mm and more than 1/6 (1/8) of the circumference on the socket shoulder of pipes with a diameter of 350 - 600 mm.


3.1. Acceptance and delivery of pipes is carried out in batches. The batch includes pipes of the same diameter and length. The batch size is set at no more than 4000 pipes.

3.2. To verify compliance of pipes with the requirements of this standard, the manufacturer carries out acceptance inspection.

3.3. During acceptance control, checking for compliance with the requirements of paragraphs. 2.13 and 2.14 are subjected to 50 pipes selected from the batch by random sampling. From the number of pipes recognized as suitable according to the indicators set out in the specified paragraphs, they are checked for compliance with the requirements:

pp. 1.1; 2.2 - 2.4; 2.6 and 2.7 - 20 pipes;

pp. 2.8 - 2.10 - 3 pipes each;

item 2.12 - 2 pipes.

To check the compliance of pipes with the requirements of paragraphs. 2.10 and 2.12, it is allowed to use pieces of pipes after checking them for compliance with the requirements of clause 2.8.

3.4. If during acceptance control for compliance with the requirements of paragraphs. 2.8 - 2.10 and 1.12 at least one pipe or according to paragraphs. 1.1; 2.2 - 2.4; 2.6; 2.7; 2.13 and 2.14 more than 4% of pipes for any indicator will not meet the requirements of this standard, then a double number of pipes taken from the same batch are re-checked for this indicator.

If the results of the re-test for compliance with the requirements of paragraphs are unsatisfactory. 2.8 - 2.10 and 2.12 the batch of pipes is not subject to acceptance. If, upon re-checking for compliance with the requirements of paragraphs. 1.1; 2.2 - 2.4; 2.6; 2.7; 2.13 and 2.14 more than 4% of pipes for any indicator will not meet the requirements of this standard, then they are accepted piece by piece with verification of indicators for which unsatisfactory results were obtained.

3.5. If in a batch of pipes of the highest quality category at least one pipe does not meet the requirements of paragraphs. 2.8 - 2.10 and 2.12 or more than 2% of pipes will not meet the requirements of paragraphs. 1.1; 2.2 - 2.4; 2.6; 2.7; 2.13 and 2.14, then the batch of pipes is not subject to acceptance for the highest quality category and their further inspection is carried out in accordance with clause 3.4.

3.6. The consumer has the right to carry out a control check of pipes according to any quality indicator, following the procedure for selecting pipes given in paragraphs. 3.3 - 3.5, and applying the control methods specified in section. 4.


4.1. The length of the pipe trunk (clause 1.1) is measured with a tape measure according to GOST 7502-89.

4.2. The internal diameters of the pipe barrel and bell (clause 1.1) are determined as the arithmetic mean of the results of two measurements of their diameters with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427-75 in two perpendicular directions. In this case, the result of each measurement should not exceed the permissible deviation.

4.3. The depth of the pipe socket (clause 1.1) is measured with a ruler according to GOST 427-75 or with a caliper according to GOST 166-89.

4.4. The thickness of the walls of the barrel and pipe bell (clause 1.1) is measured with a caliper according to GOST 166-89.

4.5. The depth of the grooves (clause 2.2) is measured with a caliper in accordance with GOST 166-89 or a template, the design of which is given in the recommended appendix.

4.6. The ovality of the pipe trunk and bell (clause 2.3) is determined as the difference between their largest and smallest internal diameters, measured with a ruler according to GOST 427-75.

4.7. The taper of the internal diameter of the pipe socket (clause 2.4) is measured at its beginning and end with a bore gauge according to GOST 9244-75 and a ruler according to GOST 427-75.

The difference in the values ​​of the measurement results is taken as the taper value.

4.8. Deviation from the straightness of the pipe trunk (clause 2.6) is determined by measuring with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427-75 the size of the largest gap between the surface of the pipe and the edge of a metal ruler 1 m long attached to it.

4.9. The deviation from the perpendicularity of the plane of the ends of the pipes to their axes (clause 2.7) is determined by measuring with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427-75 the size of the largest gap between the end of the pipe barrel and the side of the square attached to it in accordance with GOST 3749-77 or a template.

The side of the square or template applied to the pipe barrel must be equal to the length of the barrel to the socket and be in contact with the pipe in at least two points, and the length of the other side of the square or template must be no less than the outer diameter of the pipe barrel.

4.10. The strength of pipes against external loads (clause 2.8) is checked using a press as follows.

An I-beam is attached to the upper support pad of the press, to the lower flange of which is attached a block of hardwood with a cross-section of 100´60 mm, a length not less than the length of the trunk of the pipe being tested.

If the lower support pad of the press is longer than the barrel of the pipe being tested, then a wooden block of the same dimensions as the upper support pad is placed on it (Fig. 2a).

If the lower support pad of the press is shorter than the trunk of the pipe being tested, then an I-beam is attached to it, as well as to the upper support pad, on which a block of hardwood with a cross-section of 100´60 mm is placed, a length no less than the length of the trunk of the pipe being tested (Fig. .2b).

To uniformly transfer pressure under the upper and lower bars, a strip of felt or soft rubber 100 mm wide, 8 - 10 mm thick is laid along the entire length of the pipe barrel, and the pipe being tested is placed between them.

Then turn on the press and increase the load evenly and continuously until the pipe collapses.

The value of the breaking load G in kN (kgf) per 1 m of pipe length is calculated using the formula

l- length of the pipe trunk, m.

1 - I-beam; 2 - wooden block;

3 - rubber or felt gasket; 4 - tested pipe

The final result is taken as the arithmetic mean of the test results of three pipes. In this case, the values ​​of destructive loads for each pipe must exceed the values ​​of loads for pipes of the corresponding diameters specified in clause 2.8.

4.11. The strength of pipes against the influence of internal hydraulic pressure and their water resistance (clause 2.9) is checked with a pressure of 0.15 MPa (~ 1.5 kgf/cm 2) according to GOST 473.9-81 with the following modification.

The holding time of pipes under pressure must be at least 5 minutes.

4.12. The water absorption of pipes (clause 2.10) is checked according to GOST 473.3-81 on samples broken off one at a time from the socket, middle and end of the trunk of each pipe being tested.

The arithmetic mean of the water absorption of all samples is taken as the water absorption value of the pipes of the tested batch; at the same time, the water absorption of individual samples should not exceed 9%, and for samples from pipes of the highest quality category - 8%.

4.13. The acid resistance of pipes (clause 2.12) is checked according to GOST 473.1-81.

4.14. Pipes in terms of appearance (clause 2.14) are checked visually without the use of magnifying devices from a distance of 1 m at natural or artificial lighting not less than 200 lux; in this case, cracks and notches are measured with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427-75 and a probe in accordance with TU 2-034-225-87, melts, foreign inclusions, bubbles (swelling) and chips - with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427-75.

Melts, foreign inclusions, bubbles (swellings) are measured along their longest length; the depth of the breaks - according to their maximum perpendicular to the end of the pipe or the shoulder of the socket, the length and width of the breaks - according to their largest dimensions.


5.1. The outer surface of the socket or pipe barrel must bear the trademark of the manufacturer, and on pipes of the highest quality category there must also be an image of the state Quality Mark assigned in the manner established by the USSR State Standard.

5.2. Pipes shipped to the consumer by the manufacturer must be accompanied by a passport indicating

the name of the ministry or department, the system of which includes the manufacturer;

name of the manufacturer, its trademark and address;

batch number;

date of manufacture;

number of pipes;

symbol of the pipe;

test results;

designation of this standard.

The passport for pipes of the highest quality category must contain an image of the state Quality Mark, assigned in the manner established by the State Standard of the USSR.

5.3. Pipes for their transportation are packaged in special containers of the manufacturer or consumer.

Transportation of unpackaged pipes may be carried out by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

Pipes transported to the Far North and hard-to-reach areas are packaged in accordance with the requirements of GOST 15846-79.

5.4. Pipes are transported in covered or open cars, all-metal gondola cars, holds and on the decks of ships, as well as on vehicles in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for each type of transport.

5.5. Containers in a vehicle are installed closely in rows in the longitudinal direction over the entire area of ​​the vehicle and no more than two rows high.

5.6. When transported in railway cars without packaging, the pipes are laid along the car in horizontal rows in stacks, separated from each other by wooden panels. Two wooden blocks or bundles of waste wood with a cross-section that prevents the pipes from touching the floor of the car are placed on the floor under each stack. Wooden shields are placed at the end walls of the car to protect the ends of the pipes of the outermost stacks from contact with the metal parts of the car. IN free space Additional boards are laid between the stacks or the boards between the stacks are wedged with wooden blocks.

When shipping pipes in an all-metal gondola car, two wooden blocks with a cross-section that prevents the pipes from touching the walls of the gondola car are additionally installed vertically on each stack along their walls.

The height of the stacks is taken based on the condition that the pressure on the bottom row does not exceed the values ​​​​specified in clause 2.8.

5.7. When transporting by water, pipes are laid in horizontal rows and strengthened so that during shocks they do not roll out or hit one another or the walls of the vessel.

5.8. When transporting by road, pipes are installed vertically, and measures must be taken to protect the pipes from mechanical damage.

5.9. Loading and unloading of pipes onto vehicles should be carried out taking precautions to prevent damage to the pipes and the vehicle.

5.10. Pipes are stored in warehouses, under sheds or in open areas, separately by size, placed in containers or stacks. For greater stability, the stacks are reinforced with stops, and wooden pads are placed under the bottom row of pipes. The height of the stack is taken based on the conditions provided for in clause 5.6, but in all cases it should not exceed 1.5 m.

Ceramic sewer pipes


GOST 286-82



DEVELOPED by the USSR Ministry of Construction Materials Industry


IN AND. Kanaev (topic leader); V.F. Pavlov, Doctor of Engineering. sciences; V.S. Radyukhin; V.A. Kitova

INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Construction Materials Industry

Deputy Minister A.Ya. Anpilov

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated April 26, 1982 No. 105.


By Decree of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated April 26, 1982 No. 105, the introduction date was established

from 01/01/1983

This standard applies to ceramic pipes intended for the construction of non-pressure sewerage networks transporting industrial, domestic and rainwater, non-aggressive and aggressive wastewater.


1.1. The design, dimensions and maximum deviations of pipe dimensions must correspond to those indicated on and in.

Ceramic sewer pipe

1 - pipe trunk; 2 - pipe socket; 3 - outer shoulder of the bell;
4 - inner shoulder of the socket

2.4. The taper of the socket along its internal diameter should not exceed 8 mm.

2.5. Strengthening longitudinal ribs in the form of thickenings are allowed on the outer surface of the bell, the shape and number of which are determined by the manufacturer.

2.6. The deviation from straightness of pipes per 1 m of trunk length should not exceed:

11 mm - with a diameter of 150-250 mm;

9 mm " " 300-600 mm.

The deviation from straightness of pipes of the highest quality category per 1 m of trunk length should not exceed:

8 mm - with a diameter of 150-250 mm;

7 mm " " 300-600 mm.

2.7. The deviation from the perpendicularity of the plane of the ends of the pipes to their axes should not exceed:

4 mm - with a diameter of 150-300 mm;

10 mm " " 350-600 mm.

2.8. Pipes per 1 m of trunk length must withstand an external load of at least:

20 kN (~2000 kgf) - with a diameter of 150-250 mm;

25 kN (~2500 kgf) " " 300-450 mm;

30 kN (~3000 kgf) " " 500-600 mm.

24 kN (~2400 kgf) - with a diameter of 150-250 mm;

32 kN (~3200 kgf) " " 300-450 mm;

35 kN (~3500 kgf) " " 500-600 mm.

The total number of types of indicators on one pipe should not be more than 4 pieces, and on a pipe of the highest quality category - 3 pieces.

Note. The values ​​given in the table in brackets apply to pipes of the highest quality category.

table 2

The name of indicators

Standard per pipe

Small areas not covered with glaze:

on the inner surface

Not allowed with a total area of ​​more than 1%

on the outer surface

Not allowed with a total area of ​​more than 5%

Not allowed if they have a mesh character

Non-through cracks more than 1 mm wide on the socket shoulder

Not allowed on the inside with a length of more than one and a half shoulder widths in quantities of more than 3 pieces.

Cracks at the ends of the pipe:

non-through (not passing through the entire thickness of the pipe wall)

Not allowed with a width of more than 1.5 mm on pipes with a diameter of 150-250 mm and more than 2.0 mm on pipes with a diameter of 300-600 mm, going out for cutting, in quantities of more than 3 pieces.

through (passing through the entire thickness of the pipe wall)

Not allowed with a width of more than 1.5 mm on pipes with a diameter of 150-250 mm and more than 2.0 mm on pipes with a diameter of 300-600 mm, going out for cutting, in quantities of more than 2 pieces.

Individual smelts and foreign surface inclusions:

on the inner surface

Not allowed longer than 10 (8) mm, depth more than 4 (3) mm

on the outer surface

Not allowed with a length of more than 15 (10) mm, depth of more than 4 (3) mm.

Bubbles (swellings) on the inner surface of the barrel

Not allowed with a height of more than 3 mm in quantities of more than 3 pieces.

Broken spots on the ends of the pipe from the inside and outside and on the edges of the shoulder

Not allowed:

depth more than 1/3 (1/4) of the pipe wall thickness;

longer than 2/3 (1/2) the length of the thread for the socket and the length of the thread for the pipe barrel;

a width of more than 1/8 (1/10) of the pipe circumference at the ends of pipes of all diameters and on the socket shoulder of pipes with a diameter of 150-300 mm and more than 1/6 (1/8) of the circumference on the socket shoulder of pipes with a diameter of 350-600 mm.


3.1. Acceptance and delivery of pipes is carried out in batches. The batch includes pipes of the same diameter and length. The batch size is set at no more than 4000 pipes.

3.2. To verify compliance of pipes with the requirements of this standard, the manufacturer carries out acceptance inspection.

3.3. During acceptance control, checking for compliance with the requirements of paragraphs. and subject 50 pipes selected from the batch by random sampling. From the number of pipes recognized as suitable according to the indicators set out in the specified paragraphs, they are checked for compliance with the requirements:

3.4. If, during acceptance inspection for compliance with the requirements of p - and 1.12, at least one pipe or according to p; - ;


; and more than 4% of pipes for any indicator will not meet the requirements of this standard, then a double number of pipes taken from the same batch are re-checked for this indicator.

If the results of re-testing for compliance with the requirements are unsatisfactory, the batch of pipes is not subject to acceptance. If, upon re-checking for compliance with the requirements of p; - ;


; and more than 4% of pipes for any indicator will not meet the requirements of this standard, then they are accepted piece by piece with verification of indicators for which unsatisfactory results were obtained.

3.5. If in a batch of pipes of the highest quality category at least one pipe does not meet the requirements of p - and or more than 2% of the pipes will not satisfy the requirements of p; - ;


4.4. The thickness of the walls of the barrel and pipe bell () is measured with a caliper according to GOST 166-89.

4.5. The depth of the grooves (p.) is measured with a caliper in accordance with GOST 166-89 or a template, the design of which is given in the recommended appendix.

4.6. The ovality of the pipe barrel and bell () is determined as the difference between their largest and smallest internal diameters, measured with a ruler according to GOST 427-75.

4.7. The taper of the internal diameter of the pipe socket () is measured at its beginning and end with a bore gauge according to GOST 9244-75 and a ruler according to GOST 427-75.

The difference in the values ​​of the measurement results is taken as the taper value.

4.8. The deviation from the straightness of the pipe trunk (p.) is determined by measuring with a ruler according to GOST 427-75 the size of the largest gap between the surface of the pipe and the edge of a metal ruler 1 m long attached to it.

4.9. The deviation from the perpendicularity of the plane of the ends of the pipes to their axes (p.) is determined by measuring with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427-75 the size of the largest gap between the end of the pipe barrel and the side of the square attached to it in accordance with GOST 3749-77 or a template.

The side of the square or template applied to the pipe barrel must be equal to the length of the barrel to the socket and be in contact with the pipe in at least two points, and the length of the other side of the square or template must be no less than the outer diameter of the pipe barrel.

4.10. The strength of pipes against external load (p.) is checked using a press as follows.

An I-beam is attached to the upper support pad of the press, and a hardwood block with a cross-section of 100 is attached to the lower flange of the beam.´ 60 mm, no less than the length of the barrel of the pipe being tested.

If the lower support pad of the press is longer than the barrel of the pipe being tested, then a wooden block of the same dimensions as the upper support pad (a) is placed on it.

If the lower support pad of the press is shorter than the trunk of the pipe being tested, then an I-beam is attached to it, as well as to the upper support pad, on which a block of hardwood with a cross-section of 100 is laid´ 60 mm, no less than the length of the barrel of the pipe being tested (b).

To uniformly transfer pressure under the upper and lower bars, a strip of felt or soft rubber 100 mm wide, 8-10 mm thick is laid along the entire length of the pipe barrel, and the pipe being tested is placed between them.

Then turn on the press and increase the load evenly and continuously until the pipe collapses.

Breaking load value G in kN (kgf) per 1 m of pipe length is calculated using the formula

Where P

l- length of the pipe trunk, m.

1 - I-beam; 2 - wooden block;

3 - rubber or felt gasket; 4 - tested pipe

4.11. The strength of pipes against the influence of internal hydraulic pressure and their water resistance (p.) is checked with a pressure of 0.15 MPa (~ 1.5 kgf/cm 2) according to GOST 473.9-81 with the following modification.

The holding time of pipes under pressure must be at least 5 minutes.

4.12. The water absorption of pipes (p.) is checked according to GOST 473.3-81 on samples broken off one at a time from the socket, middle and end of the trunk of each pipe being tested.

The arithmetic mean of the water absorption of all samples is taken as the water absorption value of the pipes of the tested batch; at the same time, the water absorption of individual samples should not exceed 9%, and for samples from pipes of the highest quality category - 8%.

4.13. The acid resistance of pipes () is checked according to GOST 473.1-81.

4.14. Pipes for appearance indicators (p) are checked visually without the use of magnifying devices from a distance of 1 m under natural or artificial lighting of at least 200 lux; in this case, cracks and notches are measured with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427-75 and a probe in accordance with GOST 882-75, melts, foreign inclusions, bubbles (swelling) and chips - with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427-75.

Melts, foreign inclusions, bubbles (swellings) are measured along their longest length; the depth of the breaks - according to their maximum perpendicular to the end of the pipe or the shoulder of the socket, the length and width of the breaks - according to their largest dimensions.


5.1. The outer surface of the socket or pipe barrel must bear the trademark of the manufacturer, and on pipes of the highest quality category there must also be an image of the state Quality Mark, in accordance with GOST 1.9-67.

5.2. Pipes shipped to the consumer by the manufacturer must be accompanied by a passport indicating

the name of the ministry or department, the system of which includes the manufacturer;

name of the manufacturer, its trademark and address;

batch number;

date of manufacture;

number of pipes;

symbol of the pipe;

test results;

designation of this standard.

The passport for pipes of the highest quality category must contain an image of the state Quality Mark, assigned in the manner established by the State Standard of the USSR.

5.3. Pipes for their transportation are packaged in special containers of the manufacturer or consumer.

Transportation of unpackaged pipes may be carried out by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

Pipes transported to the Far North and hard-to-reach areas are packaged in accordance with the requirements of GOST 15846-79.

5.4. Pipes are transported in covered or open cars, all-metal gondola cars, holds and on the decks of ships, as well as on vehicles in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for each type of transport.

5.5. Containers in a vehicle are installed closely in rows in the longitudinal direction over the entire area of ​​the vehicle and no more than two rows high.

When shipping pipes in an all-metal gondola car, two wooden blocks with a cross-section that prevents the pipes from touching the walls of the gondola car are additionally installed vertically on each stack along their walls.

The height of the stacks is taken based on the condition that the pressure on the bottom row does not exceed the values ​​​​specified in .

5.7. When transporting by water, pipes are laid in horizontal rows and strengthened so that during shocks they do not roll out or hit one another or the walls of the vessel.

5.8. When transporting by road, pipes are installed vertically, and measures must be taken to protect the pipes from mechanical damage.

5.9. Loading and unloading of pipes onto vehicles should be carried out taking precautions to prevent damage to the pipes and the vehicle.

5.10. Pipes are stored in warehouses, under sheds or in open areas, separately by size, placed in containers or stacks. For greater stability, the stacks are reinforced with stops, and wooden pads are placed under the bottom row of pipes. The height of the stack is taken based on the conditions provided for by the requirements, but in all cases it should not exceed 1.5 m.


Template for measuring groove depth

Material - U8-U10 steel according to GOST 1435-90, 2-3 mm thick.

Approvedand put into effect

Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee




Ceramic sewers pipes. Specification

GOST 286-82

Group F 21

OKP 57 5510

Instead of GOST 286-74

Introduction period

Developed by the USSR Ministry of Construction Materials Industry.

Performers: V.I. Kanaeva (topic leader); V.F. Pavlov, Doctor of Engineering. sciences; V.S. Radyukhin; V.A. Kitova.

Introduced by the USSR Ministry of Construction Materials Industry.

Deputy Minister A.Ya. Anpilov.

This standard applies to ceramic pipes intended for the construction of non-pressure sewerage networks transporting industrial, domestic and rainwater, non-aggressive and aggressive wastewater.


1.1. The design, dimensions and maximum deviations of pipe dimensions must correspond to those indicated in the drawing. 1 and in table. 1.

Ceramic sewer pipe

1 - pipe trunk; 2 - pipe socket; 3 - external shoulder

bell; 4 - inner shoulder of the socket

Crap. 1.

Table 1


Pipe barrel│Pipe socket│Rating -

────────────┬───────────┬────────┼────── ──────┬─── ──────┤thick

Internal│Rating b- │Nomi -│Internal│Nominal -│schina

diameter d│long length│nal │diameter d│global at- │walls

│L (prev. │d length│1│bin l│barrel and

──────┬─────┤off .│cutting ├──────┬─────┤1│bell

Nominal .│Prev.│+/- 20)│l (prev.│Nomin.│Prev. │(prev.│S (prev.

│off .││off .││off .│off .│off .

│││+/- 5)│││+/- 5)│+/- 4)


150│+/- 7│1000; 1100;│60│ 224│+/- 7│60│19

──────┤│1200; 1300;│├──────┤│├─────────

200││1400; 1500 ││ 282│││20

250│+/- 9│││ 340│+/- 9││22


300│+/-10│││ 398│+/-10││27


350│+/-11││70│ 456│+/-11│70│28


400││││ 510│││30


450││││ 568│││34


500││││ 622│││36


550││││ 678│││39


600│+/-12│││ 734│+/-12││41

Note. By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, the production of pipes of other lengths is allowed.

1.2. The symbol for a ceramic sewer pipe in the technical documentation and when ordering must consist of the word “Pipe”, the internal diameter and length of the pipe barrel in centimeters and the designation of this standard.

An example of a symbol for a ceramic sewer pipe with an internal barrel diameter of 150 mm and a length of 1200 mm:

Pipe 15-120 GOST 286-82

The same, pipes with an internal barrel diameter of 400 mm and a length of 1500 mm:

Pipe 40-150 GOST 286-82


2.1. Pipes should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. The pipes on the outside of the end of the barrel and on the inside of the bell must be cut with at least five grooves with a depth of at least 2 mm.

In some areas, it is allowed to reduce the cutting depth to 1 mm, provided that the total length of the grooves of this depth does not exceed 50 mm.

2.3. The ovality of the pipe trunk and bell should not exceed the maximum deviations from the dimensions of their diameters.

2.4. The taper of the socket along its internal diameter should not exceed 8 mm.

2.5. Strengthening longitudinal ribs in the form of thickenings are allowed on the outer surface of the bell, the shape and number of which are determined by the manufacturer.

2.6. The deviation from straightness of pipes per 1 m of trunk length should not exceed:

11 mm - with a diameter of 150 - 250 mm;

9 mm " " 300 - 600 mm.

The deviation from straightness of pipes of the highest quality category per 1 m of trunk length should not exceed:

8 mm - with a diameter of 150 - 250 mm;

7 mm " " 300 - 600 mm.

2.7. The deviation from the perpendicularity of the plane of the ends of the pipes to their axes should not exceed:

4 mm - with a diameter of 150 - 300 mm;

10 mm " " 350 - 600 mm.

2.8. Pipes per 1 m of trunk length must withstand an external load of at least:

20 kN (~ 2000 kgf) - with a diameter of 150 - 250 mm;

25 kN (~ 2500 kgf) " " 300 - 450 mm;

30 kN (~ 3000 kgf) " " 500 - 600 mm.

24 kN (~ 2400 kgf) - with a diameter of 150 - 250 mm;

32 kN (~ 3200 kgf) " " 300 - 450 mm;

35 kN (~ 3500 kgf) " " 500 - 600 mm.

2.9. Pipes must be waterproof and withstand internal hydraulic pressure of at least 0.15 MPa (~ 1.5 kgf/cm2).

2.10. Water absorption of pipes should not exceed 8%, and of pipes of the highest quality category - 7.5%.

2.11. The internal and external surfaces of the pipes must be coated with a chemical-resistant glaze.

2.12. Acid resistance pipes must be at least 93%, and pipes of the highest quality category - at least 94%.

2.13. Pipes, when tapped with a metal hammer weighing ~ 200 g, should produce a clear, non-rattling sound.

2.14. In terms of appearance, pipe surfaces must meet the requirements specified in table. 2.

table 2


Indicator name│Norm per pipe


Not covered with glaze│

small areas:│

on the inner surface│Not allowed with total area

│more than 1%

on the outer surface│Not allowed with a total area

│more than 5%

Cuttings │Not allowed if they are of a nature

Non-through cracks of width│Н are not allowed on the inner side

more than 1 mm on the shoulder│ron length more than one and a half width

bell│shoulder in the amount of more than 3 pcs.

Cracks at the ends of the pipe:│

non-through (non-passing │Not allowed with a width of more than 1.5 mm

through the entire wall thickness│on pipes with a diameter of 150 - 250 mm and

pipes)│more than 2.0 mm on pipes with a diameter

│quantity more than 3 pcs.

through (passing through│Not allowed with a width of more than 1.5 mm

the entire thickness of the pipe wall)│on pipes with a diameter of 150 - 250 mm and

│more than 2.0 mm on pipes with a diameter

│300 - 600 mm, extending for cutting, in

│quantity more than 2 pcs.

Individual smeltings and│

foreign surface│


on the inner surface│Not allowed longer than

│10 (8) mm, depth more than 4 (3) mm

on the outer surface│Not allowed longer than

│15 (10) mm, depth more than 4 (3) mm

Bubbles (swellings) on the inside T- │Not allowed with a height of more than 3 mm

early surface of the trunk│in an amount of more than 3 pcs.

Broken spots at the ends of the pipe are not allowed:

with internal and external│depth more than 1/3 (1/4) of thickness

sides and on the edges of the pipe wall;

│longer than 2/3 (1/2) of the length

│cuts for bell and 1/2 length

│cuts for pipe trunk;

│width more than 1/8 (1/10) of length

│pipe circumference at the ends of all pipes

│diameters and on the shoulder of the pipe socket

│diameter 150 - 300 mm or more

│1/6 (1/8) of the circumference on the shoulder

│socket of pipes with a diameter of 350 - 600 mm

The total number of types of indicators on one pipe should not be more than 4 pieces, and on a pipe of the highest quality category - 3 pieces.

Note. The values ​​given in the table in brackets apply to pipes of the highest quality category.


3.1. Acceptance and delivery of pipes is carried out in batches. The batch includes pipes of the same diameter and length. The batch size is set at no more than 4000 pipes.

3.2. To verify compliance of pipes with the requirements of this standard, the manufacturer carries out acceptance inspection.

3.3. During acceptance control, checking for compliance with the requirements of paragraphs. 2.13 and 2.14 are subjected to 50 pipes selected from the batch by random sampling. From the number of pipes recognized as suitable according to the indicators set out in the specified paragraphs, they are checked for compliance with the requirements:

pp. 1.1; 2.2 - 2.4; 2.6 and 2.7 - 20 pipes;

pp. 2.8 - 2.10 - 3 pipes each;

item 2.12 - 2 pipes.

To check the compliance of pipes with the requirements of paragraphs. 2.10 and 2.12, it is allowed to use pieces of pipes after checking them for compliance with the requirements of clause 2.8.

3.4. If during acceptance control for compliance with the requirements of paragraphs. 2.8 - 2.10 and 1.12 at least one pipe or according to paragraphs. 1.1; 2.2 - 2.4; 2.6; 2.7; 2.13 and 2.14 more than 4% of pipes for any indicator will not satisfy the requirements of this standard, then a double number of pipes taken from the same batch are re-checked for this indicator.

If the results of the re-check for compliance with the requirements of paragraphs are unsatisfactory. 2.8 - 2.10 and 2.12 the batch of pipes is not subject to acceptance. If, when re-checking for compliance with the requirements of paragraphs. 1.1; 2.2 - 2.4; 2.6; 2.7; 2.13 and 2.14 more than 4% of pipes for any indicator will not meet the requirements of this standard, then they are accepted piece by piece with verification of indicators for which unsatisfactory results were obtained.

3.5. If in a batch of pipes of the highest quality category at least one pipe does not meet the requirements of paragraphs. 2.8 - 2.10 and 2.12 or more than 2% of pipes will not meet the requirements of paragraphs. 1.1; 2.2 - 2.4; 2.6; 2.7; 2.13 and 2.14, then the batch of pipes is not subject to acceptance for the highest quality category and their further inspection is carried out in accordance with clause 3.4.

3.6. The consumer has the right to carry out a control check of pipes according to any quality indicator, following the procedure for selecting pipes given in paragraphs. 3.3 - 3.5, and applying the control methods specified in section. 4.


4.1. The length of the pipe trunk (clause 1.1) is measured with a tape measure according to GOST 7502-89.

4.2. The internal diameters of the pipe barrel and bell (clause 1.1) are determined as the arithmetic mean of the results of two measurements of their diameters with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427-75 in two perpendicular directions. In this case, the result of each measurement should not exceed the permissible deviation.

4.3. The depth of the pipe socket (clause 1.1) is measured with a ruler according to GOST 427-75 or with a caliper according to GOST 166-8.

4.4. The thickness of the walls of the barrel and pipe bell (clause 1.1) is measured with a caliper according to GOST 166-80.

4.5. The depth of the grooves (clause 2.2) is measured with a caliper in accordance with GOST 166-80 or a template, the design of which is given in the recommended Appendix.

4.6. The ovality of the pipe trunk and bell (clause 2.3) is determined as the difference between their largest and smallest internal diameters, measured with a ruler according to GOST 427-75.

4.7. The taper of the internal diameter of the pipe socket (clause 2.4) is measured at its beginning and end with a bore gauge in accordance with GOST 9244-75 and a ruler in accordance with GOST 427-75.

The difference in the values ​​of the measurement results is taken as the taper value.

4.8. Deviation from the straightness of the pipe trunk (clause 2.6) is determined by measuring with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427-75 the size of the largest gap between the surface of the pipe and the edge of a metal ruler 1 m long attached to it.

4.9. The deviation from the perpendicularity of the plane of the ends of the pipes to their axes (clause 2.7) is determined by measuring with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427-75 the size of the largest gap between the end of the pipe barrel and the side of the square attached to it in accordance with GOST 3749-77 or a template.

The side of the square or template applied to the pipe barrel must be equal to the length of the barrel to the socket and be in contact with the pipe in at least two points, and the length of the other side of the square or template must be no less than the outer diameter of the pipe barrel.

4.10. The strength of pipes against external loads (clause 2.8) is checked using a press as follows.

An I-beam is attached to the upper support pad of the press, to the lower flange of which is attached a block of hardwood with a cross-section of 100 x 60 mm and a length of at least the length of the trunk of the pipe being tested.

If the lower support pad of the press is longer than the barrel of the pipe being tested, then a wooden block of the same dimensions as the upper support pad is placed on it (Fig. 2a).

1 - I-beam; 2 - wooden block;

3 - rubber or felt gasket; 4 - tested pipe

Crap. 2

If the lower support pad of the press is shorter than the trunk of the pipe being tested, then an I-beam is attached to it, as well as to the upper support pad, on which a block of hardwood with a cross-section of 100 x 60 mm is placed, a length no less than the length of the trunk of the pipe being tested (Fig. .2b).

To uniformly transfer pressure under the upper and lower bars, a strip of felt or soft rubber 100 mm wide, 8 - 10 mm thick is laid along the entire length of the pipe barrel, and the pipe being tested is placed between them.

Then turn on the press and increase the load evenly and continuously until the pipe collapses.

The value of the breaking load G in kN (kgf) per 1 m of pipe length is calculated using the formula


l is the length of the pipe trunk, m.

The final result is taken as the arithmetic mean of the test results of three pipes. In this case, the values ​​of destructive loads for each pipe must exceed the values ​​of loads for pipes of the corresponding diameters specified in clause 2.8.

4.11. The strength of pipes against the influence of internal hydraulic pressure and their water resistance (clause 2.9) is checked with a pressure of 0.15 MPa (~ 1.5 kgf/cm2) according to GOST 473.9-81 with the following modification.

The holding time of pipes under pressure must be at least 5 minutes.

4.12. The water absorption of pipes (clause 2.10) is checked according to GOST 473.3-81 on samples broken off one at a time from the socket, middle and end of the trunk of each pipe being tested.

The arithmetic mean of the water absorption of all samples is taken as the water absorption value of the pipes of the tested batch; at the same time, the water absorption of individual samples should not exceed 9%, and for samples from pipes of the highest quality category - 8%.

4.13. Acid resistance pipes (clause 2.12) are checked according to GOST 473.1-81.

4.14. Pipes in terms of appearance (clause 2.14) are checked visually without the use of magnifying devices from a distance of 1 m in natural or artificial lighting of at least 200 lux; in this case, cracks and notches are measured with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427-75 and a probe in accordance with GOST 882-75, melts, foreign inclusions, bubbles (bloatings) and chips - with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427-75.

Melts, foreign inclusions, bubbles (swells) are measured by their greatest length, the depth of the breakouts - by their maximum perpendicular to the end of the pipe or the shoulder of the socket, the length and width of the breakouts - by their largest dimensions.


5.1. The outer surface of the pipe socket or barrel must be marked with the manufacturer's trademark, and on pipes of the highest quality category there must also be an image of the state Quality Mark in accordance with GOST 1.9-67.

5.2. Pipes shipped to the consumer by the manufacturer must be accompanied by a passport indicating:

the name of the ministry or department, the system of which includes the manufacturer;

name of the manufacturer, its trademark and address;

batch number;

date of manufacture;

number of pipes;

symbol of the pipe;

test results;

designation of this standard.

The passport for pipes of the highest quality category must contain an image of the state Quality Mark in accordance with GOST 1.9-67.

5.3. Pipes for their transportation are packaged in special containers of the manufacturer or consumer.

Transportation of unpackaged pipes may be carried out by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

Pipes transported to the Far North and hard-to-reach areas are packaged in accordance with the requirements of GOST 15846-79.

5.4. Pipes are transported in covered or open cars, all-metal gondola cars, holds and on the decks of ships, as well as on vehicles in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for each type of transport.

5.5. Containers in a vehicle are installed closely in rows in the longitudinal direction over the entire area of ​​the vehicle and no more than two rows high.

5.6. When transported in railway cars without packaging, the pipes are laid along the car in horizontal rows in stacks, separated from each other by wooden panels. Two wooden blocks or bundles of waste wood with a cross-section that prevents the pipes from touching the floor of the car are placed on the floor under each stack. Wooden shields are placed at the end walls of the car to protect the ends of the pipes of the outermost stacks from contact with the metal parts of the car. Additional boards are placed in the free space between the stacks, or the boards between the stacks are wedged with wooden blocks.

When loading pipes into all-metal gondola cars, two wooden blocks with a cross-section that prevents the pipes from touching the walls of the gondola car are additionally installed vertically on each stack along their walls.

The height of the stacks is taken based on the condition that the pressure on the bottom row does not exceed the values ​​​​specified in clause 2.8.

5.7. When transporting by water, pipes are laid in horizontal rows and strengthened so that during shocks they do not roll out or hit one another or the walls of the vessel.

5.8. When transporting by road, pipes are installed vertically, and measures must be taken to protect the pipes from mechanical damage.

5.9. Loading and unloading of pipes onto vehicles should be carried out taking precautions to prevent damage to the pipes and the vehicle.

5.10. Pipes are stored in warehouses, under sheds or in open areas, separately by size, placed in containers or stacks. For greater stability, the stacks are reinforced with stops, and wooden pads are placed under the bottom row of pipes. The height of the stack is taken based on the conditions provided for in clause 5.6, but in all cases it should not exceed 1.5 m.


Material - steel U8 - U10 according to GOST 1435-74, thickness 2 - 3 mm.