Paving slabs made from plastic bottle caps. Decorative fence for a summer house and a path made of corks. Preparatory work: selection of material and working conditions with it

Paving slabs made from plastic bottle caps.  Decorative fence for a summer house and a path made of corks.  Preparatory work: selection of material and working conditions with it
Paving slabs made from plastic bottle caps. Decorative fence for a summer house and a path made of corks. Preparatory work: selection of material and working conditions with it

Bottle caps are an excellent material for crafts and decoration. At the dacha they can find the most various applications. You can decorate an old basin, a bucket, a fence, a flower container or mulch structure, an unsightly corner of the house, a table top, a rug for summer shower, and instead of the usual sign with the house number, make an inscription from traffic jams.

The most painstaking and difficult part, although it may not seem so at first glance, is the garden path. Definitely, such a decorative element in a summer cottage will be original and exclusive. The main problem will be the number of lids; it will take a lot of time to collect them, even if all relatives, friends and neighbors help with this. The idea of ​​bringing it to life garden path We’ll leave the lids for a “snack”, but for now we need to learn how to make simple patterns out of them.

Yes, attach the covers from plastic bottles you can do it in different ways, the main thing is to learn how to work with them and you need to start with soaking to wash off all the inscriptions or use a solvent.

How to create simple patterns from plastic bottle caps

Before starting work, all the caps need to be sorted by color and a pattern drawn on the selected surface with chalk. If you don’t have success with drawing, then print out the drawing in full scale; it’s more convenient to compose it from several sheets, glue it together, cut it out along the contour of the drawing and trace it with chalk on the area.

Plastic plugs are laid out in rows, gluing to the surface or nailed, 1 nail per cap is enough.

How to make a garden path from lids

To make it, select the lids high density, considering that the load here will be considerable. The display can be done with an ornament, a picture, or randomly scattered; any method looks impressive, bright and fun, especially if the lids are multi-colored.

If you do not plan to make a path from the covers for a long time, then it is enough to level the soil and press the covers. Keep in mind that such a “carpet” on a quick fix is very short-lived, the grass will begin to sprout in the space between the lids and the lids themselves will gradually fly out or be pressed deep into the ground.

For a good garden path from plastic bottle caps, you first need to make a base: remove upper layer soil, dig a trench 10 cm deep, drive stakes along the edges and make formwork. Place a drainage layer of broken brick, crushed stone or gravel on the bottom, then knead cement mortar(4 parts cement, 1 part sand, 1 part glue), pour onto the drainage layer, place the covers, pressing them into the solution almost to the edge of the surface. When the cement dries and you see excess on the surface, take a stiff brush and clean it off. In summer, cement sets quickly, so do not do a large batch at once, do the work in parts.

Advantages and disadvantages of lids

The advantage of a track made from covers will be durability, brightness, resistance to temperature changes, ease of repair and cost-effectiveness.

The disadvantage of a continuous garden path or area in front of a house made of roofs is that they are slippery after rain or snow. But this can be compensated by partially laying out mosaics in the central part.

For a rough calculation: per 1 sq.m. there are about 1100-1200 caps from 1-2 liter bottles.

Caps from plastic bottles can be combined with metal ones, as well as broken ceramic tiles or paving tiles. Along with plastic, wine corks are also popular.

If you wish, you can make the paths with your own hands, but this is suitable for this unusual material like plastic bottle caps. Use your imagination and use these tips to create a unique and practical art object at your dacha. And you need very little for this: hard work, free time and our advice.

When it comes to waste material, many people believe that it is much easier to work with it than construction material. This is not entirely true. If you want the garden path to become not only practical element landscape design, but also him business card, you need to follow some rules. They primarily relate to the selection of material and its preparation.

Selecting plastic bottles and caps (corks)

They say that plastic does not decompose sooner than after 100 years. This is wonderful! Indeed, in this case it is ideal for garden paths (for the garden). Palette plastic caps quite extensive.

To create beauty, you can use:

  • caps from plastic bottles of different sizes;
  • lids from tetra bags, eggplants, and jars;
  • metal bottle caps;
  • wine corks.

The main requirement for plastic lids is high density. After all, the tracks bear a serious load. And it will be a pity for the wasted effort if the coating does not last long.

For the path you will need a lot of this material. You can do the calculation yourself:

  • measure the diameter of the cork, in 1–2 liter bottles it is 3 cm;
  • 33.5 corks fit in 1 meter;
  • for 1m2 you will need 1122.5 plugs;
  • multiply this figure by the area of ​​your path and you will get the total number of caps.

One family cannot handle this amount of drinks, even if you collect all the caps from bottles and cans, including water, beer, yoghurts and even medicines. Involve everyone you can in the project:

  • announce your decision to create an extraordinary element garden design friends, acquaintances and neighbors;
  • give a cry about collecting caps on social networks;
  • try to negotiate the supply of material with the employees of the nearest cafe.

How to make it yourself at the dacha

Corks can be laid in different ways:

  • face up (resulting in a flat surface);
  • ribs up (this path can be used instead of a massager);
  • the inside side up (the coating is textured).

The last option is only suitable for small plots under a canopy. Otherwise, during rainfall, water and dirt will accumulate in the recesses of the plugs. And for this uneven surface hard to care for.

He will introduce you to the varieties of crafts made from tin cans.

Mosaic laying scheme

This is the most creative part of the job. Before you start paving, you need to decide exactly what your path should look like. You can lay out the lids in even rows, regardless of color. The result is a colorful scattering of colored highlights in your garden. This path attracts the eye and looks impressive.

But if you want something more extraordinary, choose a pattern for your path yourself. Cross stitch patterns will help you with this. Paths with colored geometric patterns look good. If you are confident in your abilities, you can choose more difficult drawings. Some summer residents create real story panels under their feet in their garden. It is at the dacha that such decorations are popular.

Tools and materials

Despite the cheapness of the material, the approach to creating tracks from corks must be serious. Sometimes it is advised to simply level the ground before laying cork mosaics and start creating by sticking the caps directly into the ground or a layer of sand.

This type of carpet will not last long. Not only will the lids not last long and will begin to fly out one after another, but also the grass will hasten to grow between them. It’s better to spend more time, but do everything well.

You will need:

  • lids of different colors;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • construction or ceramic tile adhesive;
  • wooden blocks and boards for formwork.

To build a path you need:

  • determine the area of ​​the path and make markings;
  • remove the turf and topsoil;
  • dig a trench 10 cm deep;
  • drive supports along the edge of the recess;
  • make wooden formwork, and the nails need to be driven in with inside designs;
  • install spacers for reliability ( optimal distance between them – 1 m);
  • fill in a layer of crushed stone, gravel, broken brick;
  • prepare a solution of cement and sand (4:1) and add one part of glue to it, the mass should be of medium consistency;
  • don't pour it out a large number of solution to the prepared site;
  • quickly lay the covers according to the chosen pattern, lightly press them into the cement;
  • the solution should almost completely cover the lids;
  • After the cement has hardened, walk over the top layer with a stiff brush to remove excess cement.

The solution hardens quickly, especially in hot weather, and laying mosaics takes a lot of time. Do not fill the entire path with cement. Work by sector. Break your drawing into parts or conditional squares and fill in small areas.

Advantages of garden paths

  • The coating performs an aesthetic function without sacrificing a practical one.
  • The material does not require material investments.
  • Plastic tolerates temperature changes well.
  • Such paths do not lose their aesthetic appearance for quite a long time.
  • Paths made from unusual mosaics are easy to repair: any cover can always be replaced.

Disadvantages and methods to combat them

But such paths are not ideal; they have serious drawbacks. But knowing in advance what difficulties may arise with them, you can easily avoid them.

  • Plastic paths made from lids become very slippery after rain. Such coverings should not be installed on central paths. Their place is in the garden and near recreation areas.
  • An icy path becomes dangerous. If you need to walk on it in winter, it is better to combine a mosaic of plastic covers with designs made of cement, ceramics or wood.

Other options

Coverings made from combinations of plastic lids with broken ceramic tiles look good. Small sizes elements allow you to lay out fancy and extraordinary patterns. The result is a distinctive path of bright elements. Such garden patchwork will decorate the garden and place accents on the site.

The designs can be varied with metal lids. And adherents of eco-design will like the paths made of wine corks. Cork tree– a noble material with unique properties.

Health track made from different caps

Homemade massage paths in the garden have become quite popular. Children and adults love them. After all, walking barefoot textured surface not only pleasant, but also useful. For such paths you will need a cement base on which various materials are laid.

Juice lids will do, glass jars, corks, buttons, sticks. All this stuff is sorted by color and size. Then a sketch is developed. Here you can play not only with color and texture, but also with the styling method. Covers placed on the end will create a convex surface, while those glued with the recess down will give a smoother surface.

From bottles

This material can serve as a wonderful material not only for making, but also for arranging exclusive paths in the garden. For this purpose, whole bottles or parts thereof are used.

How to make from plastic bottles

Empty bottles cannot withstand heavy loads. Therefore, before building a path, they need to be filled with sand, fine gravel or dry soil. If you want to make a colored path, then put colored paper, foil inside the bottle, or pour a little dye, and only then add sand. When the material is ready, start laying it.

You can’t do without a cement pad in this case either. Only the hole for it needs to be dug deeper - 1.5 shovel bayonets.

  • Gravel is poured onto the bottom and formwork is constructed.
  • The bottles are placed sideways in a trench and filled with cement mortar.
  • Compact the masonry. To do this, place a board on the path and walk along it.
  • After drying, the formwork is removed.
  • Decorate the edges. Any mosaic is suitable for this.

You can make interesting paths from the bottom parts of the bottle. To do this, prepare a trench about 15 cm deep.

  • Cut off the bottom of the bottles (leave 1/5 of the height).
  • Make formwork and concrete pad.
  • Place the bottom in the wet solution.

From the remains of bottles you can build interesting garden sculptures or greenhouses for seedlings.

Greenhouse for seedlings from a plastic bottle.

Learn how to lay paving slabs.

How to make from glass bottles

The technology is in many ways similar to the previous one. Only glass bottles It is not necessary to fill them with sand, although sand will give them additional strength. It is better to take champagne or wine bottles, but beer bottles will also work.

They are generally installed with the neck down. For such a path you need a fairly deep trench. Therefore bottles for paths are often cut and used only bottom part. The laying technology is the same as for plastic.

This illuminated path looks very cool. To do this, you need to install small light bulbs under the bottles. It is better to take LEDs - they are durable and economical. Bottles are also suitable for building walls, fences and borders.


In the video: DIY traffic jam paths.

Ordinary lids are a cheap and practical material. They are well suited for paving paths of varying degrees of tortuosity. Surfaces decorated in this way look cozy and colorful. And in order for them not to get out of general style plot, complement the garden with bright mosaic sculptures and panels in the same color scheme.

More recently, plastic bottles were trash for the whole world, and it took several centuries to decompose.

Thanks to folk craftsmen, they found various creative application and one of the directions is decorative country paths.

Using bottles in landscape design

Eggplants should not be underestimated, because they can be an excellent material for creating a decorative element on the site.

This option can look creative and elegant if you apply your imagination and ability to work with your hands to it.

Main uses of bottles

The use of bottles for garden paths can be divided into several main ideas:

  • using bottles completely;
  • using the bottom of an eggplant;
  • using a large number of lids from plastic containers.

Path of lids

Preparing material for work

To use plastic bottles as a track, first you need:

  • Wash well from any remaining drink;
  • remove all labels so that they do not spoil in the future appearance;
  • Dry all material in the sun.

Also, before starting work, prepare all the necessary material:

  • sand or ordinary soil;
  • crushed stone;
  • shovel;
  • bucket;
  • garden shears (they are more convenient to use when cutting eggplants, but if you don’t have them, then perhaps use household scissors);
  • leveling boards;
  • formwork - box.

Having prepared all the tools, you can start working. Let's take a closer look at the main options.

Option number 1 - use whole bottles

Step-by-step instructions for making a path from whole plastic bottles with your own hands.

We fill all the bottles with sand or earth. This is necessary so that in the future they do not press under your feet, so you need to compact the sand in the container thoroughly and periodically tap them on the ground.

Advice! Do this activity with your children, they will find it very interesting, and you will save your precious time.

We dig a trench about 1.5 times the size of a shovel.

We install the formwork. We take boards of the required length and thickness of about 15 cm. They can be secured with wooden stakes on the other side of the path.

We put household waste (sticks, broken bricks, dry leaves, etc.) into the trench, then fill it with a sand cushion. This is necessary so that in the future the path does not go into the ground under your feet.

We lay the bottles horizontally, then lay boards on them so that they sink evenly into the ground.

Jump on the boards to make them compact more tightly; involve children in this part of the work.

Empty places between the containers we fill it with sand and cement, then go over it with a board.

Using a sprayer, water the poured mixture and let it dry so that the cement hardens. The path is ready!

To make the garden path look more fun and interesting, initially paint all the bottles in different colors.

The photo shows a finished path made from whole plastic bottles, made by yourself

Path of large bottles

Garden paths can be used both for their intended purpose and for a creative appearance of the site.

For example, if you make a large number of eggplants beautiful flowers and plant them as a path on the site.

It will look unusual if you use 5-liter plastic bottles.

We wash the bottles, dry them and cut off the bottom part.

We insert one eggplant into another, and fill the voids between them with sand. We lay two or three rows in the trench, depending on how wide you want the path.

We pour the construction mixture between the rows and use a sprayer to fill it with water so that the cement hardens.

You can watch the video on how to make a garden path from cut plastic bottles.

Lids are also used

A more interesting version of a country path if you use bottle caps.

Call the children to create such a path. Making mosaics will lift their spirits. But first you need to prepare workplace.

Lay out the future path. If desired, install formwork and thoroughly compact the soil in the selected area, first placing construction waste there.

We lay out all the plugs.

Place the boards on top and compact them so that the lids are on the same level.

For nice looking You can also fill the gaps with sand and walk again with a board, then with a brush, to remove unnecessary soil on the finished country path.

A path made of traffic jams will look more elegant if you lay it out like a mosaic, in the form of a beautiful pattern.

A path of inverted lids will be a pleasant foot massage.

The principle of creating a path is similar, only at the end of the work you don’t need to fall asleep mortar.

This path is not intended for constant walking, only for medicinal and decorative purposes..

The use of bottoms is also encouraged!

A good foot massager can be made from the bottoms of eggplants.

To do this, you first need to wash the bottles and cut off the bottoms.

Sort by size and color.

If desired, you can paint it in different colors for greater brightness in the area.

We prepare the trench in the same way as described above.

Then we lay the finished bottoms, compact them and get the finished version.

Additional decoration of the path

Glass bottles can be used as additional decoration.

After removing the formwork, voids remain in which you can install glass bottles upside down to ground level.

The result is a beautiful appearance. You can make a road fence if you install glass containers with the neck up, while burying only 15 cm in the ground.

More interesting option decoration will be the design of the area around the trail. By placing crafts made of the same plastic along it, for example, frogs or daisies. In this matter, the main thing is your imagination.

Paths made of glass bottles

Glass bottles are a dangerous tool and therefore should be used with extreme caution. Not everyone can decide to have glass under their feet, but if you do everything correctly, your health will not be in any danger.

The method is completely consistent with the plastic bottle trail.

Be sure to fill the bottles tightly with sand so that there is no air. Otherwise the bottle will crack under your feet. Next, place it in the trench upside down and fill the gaps between the bottles with the construction mixture.

Then you can put shiny paper or glitter with rhinestones in transparent glass bottles. It all also depends on your imagination.


From all that has been said, several important points can be emphasized:

  1. Follow the step-by-step instructions when laying a country path.
  2. If you are laying a groove of caps, then it is better to spend time and make a beautiful pattern so that guests will be delighted with your area. Or you can post some puzzles to make it more interesting for your friends to spend time at your home.
  3. When using glass bottles, think about safety.
  4. When arranging your dacha, always think about practicality, and a garden path made from plastic containers is just this option.

Plastic bottles have become widespread. Many people throw them away after use, and completely in vain. You can make anything out of them. A DIY path made from plastic bottles will require minimum costs from your side. But you need to prepare for paving in advance. The main stage is collecting the necessary material.

Before using plastic bottles, they must be thoroughly washed to remove any remaining contents, remove all labels and dry the material in the sun.

Before using plastic bottles, they must be thoroughly washed to remove any remaining contents, remove all labels and dry the material in the sun.

Prepare sand or ordinary soil, crushed stone, a shovel, a bucket, garden shears, leveling boards, and formwork. Subsequent steps depend on the method you chose to create a garden path.

Fill the bottles with sand or soil so that when further exploitation they did not press underfoot. Then you need to carefully compact the sand in the container. Dig a trench about one and a half shovel sizes deep. Install the formwork - to do this, secure the boards on both sides of the path. Place household waste - dry leaves, broken bricks, sticks, etc. - into the prepared space. Place a sand cushion on top to prevent the path from being pressed into the ground in the future.

Fill the bottles with sand or earth so that during further use they will not be pressed under your feet.

When everything is ready, lay the bottles horizontally and cover them with boards so that they sink evenly into the ground. Fill the empty spaces between the containers with sand and cement and use the boards again. Using a sprayer, water the poured mixture and let it dry to allow the cement to harden. Your path is ready. If desired, the bottles can be painted in a variety of colors. With their help, you can divide the garden plot into several functional zones and give the appearance of the garden a certain nobility.

They play a very important role and are its decoration. The path of five-liter bottles looks interesting and unusual. Wash them, dry them and cut off the bottom part. Insert the eggplants one into the other, fill the resulting voids between them with sand. Lay several rows in the trench - the specific number depends on the width of the path. Pour the building mixture between the rows and, using a sprayer, fill with water.

The path of five-liter bottles looks interesting and unusual.

Paths from lids

Another option for using bottles is caps. First, prepare the workplace: mark the future path, if desired, install formwork and compact the ground, after placing construction waste there. Lay out all the plugs, cover with boards on top and tamp down so that all the caps are on the same level. Empty gaps can be filled with sand and walked again with a board and then with a brush to remove everything unnecessary. A path made from plastic bottle caps will look more interesting if you lay it out in a beautiful pattern.

An alternative option is a path of inverted lids. It is created according to the scheme described above. The only difference is that it does not need to be covered with construction mixture. Such traffic jam paths are not intended for constant walking, only for decorative and medicinal purposes.

Path from the bottoms

Wash the bottles and cut off the bottoms, sort them by size and color. If desired, the material can be painted in different colors. Prepare a trench, place it in its finished bottoms and compact it. For additional decor You can use glass bottles. They can be placed in place of the formwork with the bottoms up and driven in to ground level. The different ones look interesting. The result will be a beautiful garden path.

Paths made from yogurt bottles

If you have accumulated a huge amount of containers left over from yogurt at your dacha, you can use them to make a beautiful garden path. To do this, fill the bottles with foil and paper. various colors. You can roll pieces of cut foil into tubes, which, after filling, will unfold inside. As a result, the foil or paper will be placed along the wall of the bottle, and the remaining space can be filled with sand.

The process of creating a path is similar to laying ordinary plastic water bottles. The result is a spectacular decoration summer cottage, which will delight you and your guests for many years.

Advantages and disadvantages of a bottle path

If you decide to make paths from plastic bottle caps on your property, it will be useful for you to know their advantages:

  • brightness;
  • ease of installation;
  • strength and durability;
  • minimal costs;
  • stylish garden decoration.

Among the disadvantages, the following factors can be noted:

  1. The need to collect a large number of containers or lids.
  2. The finished paths are quite slippery.
  3. Deformation at high temperatures Oh.
  4. Fading - over time, the container wears out and fades under the sun's rays.

Before starting work, make rough sketches on a piece of paper. The house, fence and other decor should be in harmony with each other. Decide whether the paths will be one color or not, with or without a pattern. If you plan to lay out a pattern, draw it on paper, calculating required amount plugs for each row.

The width of the path depends on its purpose. For walking it must be at least fifty centimeters, for other household needs - eighty. If you want to get a durable coating, it is better to lay the corks on a concrete solution. When mixing the solution, you can add dyes to it. Then between the covers you will see bright colors. Instead of sand, you can put foil in the bottle, wrapping paper, candy wrappers, etc.

Any installation method is simple to implement, but the practicality and beauty of the path depends on the correctness of your actions. Knowing and following all the nuances will help you avoid troubles and achieve positive results. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, consult with a practitioner.

Usually there is no time to bring beauty to the site - energy goes into planning the garden and vegetable garden. But the owners spare no time in making their site beautiful and comfortable. A decorative option could be paths made from plastic bottles, because when you go to the dacha, you take a lot of containers with water and juice, and a lot of it accumulates over the summer. You shouldn’t collect everything in a coolie and take it to a landfill - this is great material, with the help of which you decorate the site, unusual and beautiful things are made.

An example of an original path to a house made from plastic bottle caps

To make paths with your own hands, just use your imagination and creativity. Below we give step by step instructions, using which it is easy to create an unusual art object on the site. You will need a little:

  • free time;
  • hard work;
  • patience.

Some people believe that there is nothing difficult in arranging a path from corks from plastic containers, since waste material It's easy to work - it's not. If you want to surprise your neighbors and please your loved ones with the beauty of your work, you need to adhere to the basic rules in arrangement. And in most cases they concern the collection of available material for the path and preparation for work.

Option for a garden path made from bottle capsReturn to contents

How to choose material

It is worth noting that plastic is an ideal material for arranging country decor and including paths, since its decomposition time is 100 years. The color range of corks is very large. In addition, they do not lose their external data long time, but even if the corks fade in the sun, it is enough to simply paint them in the desired color.

Required material to create a track:

  1. Multi-colored, different-sized bottle caps.
  2. Juice carton lids.
  3. Metal bottle caps.
  4. Lids from jars and eggplants.
  5. Wine corks.

The requirement for material when arranging a path is that there must be a lot of it, it must be laid tightly. The heaviest load falls on the tracks. Without laying the material tightly, the garden path will quickly fail, and you will be sorry for the wasted effort.

Option to design a walkway made of concrete plugs

  • measure the diameter of the cork - for two-liter bottles this value is three centimeters;
  • per 1 meter, there are 33.5 pieces. traffic jams;
  • on square meter you need to stock 1122.5 caps;
  • We multiply the area of ​​the track by this figure and get the amount of material.

This turns out to be a very large figure, which no family will be able to collect, even if they drink a lot of liquid. Where to get the material:

  • tell your neighbors, relatives, and acquaintances about the idea of ​​creating beauty on your site;
  • advertise on the Internet;
  • go through cafes and canteens, agree with the staff to collect the corks in a separate bag.

There are inscriptions on the corks; they are completely unnecessary - the corks are soaked and washed thoroughly. Inscriptions that cannot be washed off with water must be removed with a solvent.

Path of traffic jams on the playgroundReturn to contents

How to do

There are several options for laying plugs:

  1. To obtain an even and smooth surface- plugs up.
  2. For a ribbed massage track - ribs up.
  3. For good texture, the inside side up.

The latter option is applicable in enclosed areas; when precipitation occurs, water and dirt accumulate in traffic jams. Yes and take care of similar coating very difficult.

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What pattern should I use to lay the plugs?

From this moment creativity begins. Before paving the path, you need to decide on the pattern that you will lay out on it. You can create a scattering of colors by laying out corks in rows, the result will be a colorful spotted path of plastic corks - which will attract attention with its multi-colored highlights. If you are an extraordinary person, you can create your own ornament. You can use any embroidery patterns.

Laying a path from plastic corks

A path made of traffic jams with even geometric shapes will look good - this option is easy to implement, just make the markings correctly. There are areas where summer residents have created real works of art with their own hands. You can safely experiment, and with the involvement of all family members. You will do several useful things:

  • create a beautiful and unusual path;
  • get incredible pleasure from the process;
  • Establish creative communication with children.

Often, during such a fun game with children, real masterpieces are created.

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Materials and tools

This stage must be approached with all responsibility, despite the fact that the material is inexpensive. The process requires a lot of patience, so you need to make sure that the path of traffic jams serves you for many years. Plastic corks as a garden path

Important! It is worth thinking about making a garden path at your dacha, as it will decorate the area.

Many people prefer to make garden paths out of plastic corks, but it is worth noting that these paths become slippery in winter. I would like to give advice, do not use this material for the paths you walk on in winter time. Use them only for paths between beds where you do not walk in winter.

Option for a path made from lids in the garden

For paving you will need:

  • a lot of corks of various shades;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • adhesive for exterior use;
  • formwork material.

It is worth noting that you cannot do without care in creating a country path from this material, be patient and get started:

It is worth noting that it is better to install concrete curbs to complete the composition.

An example of constructing concrete curbs for a traffic jam road

If there are none, then you can use old tires to install the track, cut in half and dug in around the perimeter of the track. Additionally, the border can be painted in different colors.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in creating crafts from plastic corks and, if desired, you can create not only interior decoration, but also decorate the landscape of your summer cottage. Video supporting various paths from plastic bottle caps.

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  1. This coating is very practical and aesthetically pleasing.
  2. Minimum material costs.
  3. Not afraid of temperature changes.
  4. Lasts a long time with proper paving.
  5. Easy to repair; if the cover bursts, it is enough to replace it without dismantling the entire covering.
  6. They do not lose color for a long time, as they contain a permanent dye.

So it’s much more profitable to equip paths with this plastic than paving slabs or other paving material.

How to make a garden path from plastic bottle caps | Country house

Bottle caps are an excellent material for crafts and decoration. In the countryside they can be used in a variety of ways. You can decorate an old basin, a bucket, a fence, a flower container or structure for mulch, an unsightly corner of the house, a tabletop, a rug for a summer shower, and instead of the usual sign with the house number, make an inscription from corks.

The most painstaking and difficult part, although it may not seem so at first glance, is the garden path. Definitely, such a decorative element in a summer cottage will be original and exclusive. The main problem will be the number of lids; it will take a lot of time to collect them, even if all relatives, friends and neighbors help with this. Let’s leave the idea of ​​making a garden path out of lids a “snack”, but for now you need to learn how to make simple patterns from them.

Yes, you can attach plastic bottle caps in different ways, the main thing is to learn how to work with them and you need to start with soaking to wash off all the inscriptions or use a solvent.

How to create simple patterns from plastic bottle caps

Before starting work, all the caps need to be sorted by color and a pattern drawn on the selected surface with chalk. If you don’t have success with drawing, then print out the drawing in full scale; it’s more convenient to compose it from several sheets, glue it together, cut it out along the contour of the drawing and trace it with chalk on the area.

Plastic plugs are laid out in rows, gluing to the surface or nailed, 1 nail per cap is enough.

How to make a garden path from lids

To make it, select high-density lids, given that the load here will be considerable. The display can be done with an ornament, a picture, or randomly scattered; any method looks impressive, bright and fun, especially if the lids are multi-colored.

If you do not plan to make a path from the covers for a long time, then it is enough to level the soil and press the covers. Keep in mind that such a quick “carpet” is very short-lived, grass will begin to grow in the space between the lids and the lids themselves will gradually fly out or be pressed deep into the ground.

For a good-quality garden path from plastic bottle caps, you first need to make a base: remove the top layer of soil, dig a trench 10 cm deep, drive stakes along the edges and make formwork. Place a drainage layer of broken brick, crushed stone or gravel on the bottom, then mix cement mortar (4 parts cement, 1 part sand, 1 part glue), pour it onto the drainage layer, place the lids, pressing them into the mortar almost to the edge of the surface. When the cement dries and you see excess on the surface, take a stiff brush and clean it off. In summer, cement sets quickly, so do not do a large batch at once, do the work in parts.

Advantages and disadvantages of lids

The advantage of a track made from covers will be durability, brightness, resistance to temperature changes, ease of repair and cost-effectiveness.

The disadvantage of a continuous garden path or area in front of a house made of roofs is that they are slippery after rain or snow. But this can be compensated by partially laying out mosaics in the central part.

For a rough calculation: per 1 sq.m. there are about 1100-1200 caps from 1-2 liter bottles.

Caps from plastic bottles can be combined with metal ones, as well as broken ceramic tiles or paving tiles. Along with plastic, wine corks are also popular.

device, material selection and installation

Paths made from plastic bottles - budget and original version. It is perfect for garden decoration. It has gained particular popularity among those who like to buy drinks in such containers. At the same time, not only the bottles themselves, but also the caps can be used for landscape design.

An example of a garden path made from plastic bottles

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Making a path from plastic bottles

A garden path made from plastic bottles is quite easy to make. This process can be carried out with the involvement of children. They will be interested in participating in the development of the design and its execution. What will serve as a great alternative to TV and computer games. And this is already an active holiday fresh air and development creativity The child has.

Material selection

To make an original garden path, the material should be selected according to the following criteria:

Having selected the material, it is washed and dried before use. This event will give a neat look to the future decorative graceful path.

An original, neat path in a summer cottage

Preparatory work

A path made of bottles will be made with high quality if you first prepare the base for it:

At this stage, the preparatory work can be considered completed.

Track installation

Bottles are installed vertically in the trench, and the protruding ones are deepened. The resulting path should be compacted. How can you do this:

At the end of the installation, the formwork is removed and the voids are filled with cement. After hardening, the path made from plastic bottles with your own hands is ready for use. There is another option for mounting bottles - horizontally. To level the surface after laying, install boards on the containers and walk on them. Thus, they compact and achieve a flat plane.

You can also make a designer path in your dacha using cut bottles, using their bottoms. The installation technology is similar to the first option, but there is some difficulty with installation.

The bottoms should be turned over quickly so that the sand does not spill out of them. Some craftsmen recommend pre-wetting it, this will make it easier to turn over and install the element. The video shows the process of installing a path made from plastic bottles.

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Bottle cap path

Plastic lids for containers are especially popular among summer residents. This is due to several of its advantages:

  1. Small size allows for hassle-free assembly required quantity. If you remember the dimensions of the bottle and how much space is required for storing it, then this is a significant plus.
  2. Variety of colors and sizes. Plastic bottle caps are used everywhere not only for carbonated drinks, but also for milk, yogurt, kefir, and juices. Therefore, it is easy to gain the required volume for the season.
  3. Thanks to the variety of colors and shapes, unique mosaic paths are laid out.
  4. Light weight allows for easy transportation to the garden plot.

Design and appearance of a path made from bottle caps

Using ingenuity and design skills, summer residents use plastic covers not only for garden paths, but also for finishing fences, walls and decorating gazebos.

Preparatory work

Preparing for the holiday season you can winter evenings lay out plastic material, choosing an ornament or pattern for the future path. Having decided, it’s worth sketching it on a piece of paper. IN summer season They are starting to build the path. To do this, the following preparatory work is carried out:

Installation of a traffic jam track

The work of gluing lids requires skill and speed:

Thus, a path of plastic bottle caps is gradually filled and arranged. Plastic bottles can be used as a plastic fence or border. They are installed vertically, buried at half or 2/3 of the height.

An interesting solution is to combine different materials. Garden paths made from corks and bottoms from plastic bottles will look original. When starting a bathroom or toilet renovation, don’t throw it away old tile. It will also look unusual in combination with plastic lids.

When purchasing and designing your own summer cottage, you want to not only grow fruits and vegetables on it, but also spend a good rest among the beauties of nature and buildings. Do-it-yourself decorating using available materials allows you to create unique landscapes. And mosaic paths, decorations and crafts for cottages and gardens made from plastic bottles have long received a worthy place among summer residents. Because the versatility of the material allows you to create masterpieces that do not affect family budget, but provide an opportunity to interestingly design the landscape.

a guide on how to use them to make a fence, rug, garden path and other decorations for the garden and home with your own hands

I am glad that humanity is gradually learning to reuse waste.

If earlier these were only modest attempts, now people will think several times before throwing a plastic bottle into the trash container.

Not only can the clear plastic be reused, but so can the lid. We will talk about them today. Or more precisely about how you can use different colored caps in everyday life, how to make them:

  • garden paths;
  • fence;
  • furniture;
  • massage Mat;
  • other crafts for home and garden.

Recycling plastic caps is a relatively young area that is only gaining momentum. In large shopping centers you can see special containers for collecting multi-colored plastic.

It is clear that a resident of a small town is unlikely to take a bag of lids to the capital to throw them away in a specially designated place. But you shouldn’t send them to a landfill either - you can give them as a gift second life.

What kind of caps can I use?

Colored, white, large and small - almost all bottle caps are suitable for creating country crafts.

The main thing is to give free rein to your imagination.

Can connect to collection their covers loved ones and friends.

This material can be used in a wide variety of ways, and for this you need quite a lot of it.

Coasters for glasses and hot dishes, children's toys and rattles, country rugs and seats, lampshades and curtains, garden furniture - and this is only a small part of what can be made from plastic bottle caps. Next we Let's look at a few master classes, which can become a source of your inspiration.

Garden paths and paths

The garden path in your garden will become brighter and more cheerful if you line it with multi-colored corks. Why buy crushed stone and gravel when you can use waste completely free? Moreover, this way you can save environment from pollution.

First you need mark the territory, install sides and fill the base hard material so that the plugs do not fall into the ground. Now all that remains is post path - you can do it in a chaotic order, or you can gradient or pattern, as in the photo below, the result will be unusual solution for landscape design.

A garden path made from lids looks good in the form of a rainbow, also this great option For imitation stream.

let's consider step by step process creating a garden path:

  1. First of all, it is necessary decide on the sizes path and its location. On at this stage you just need to mark the boundaries of the garden path.
  2. In the future it should remove the top layer of soil and dig a trench at least 10 cm deep.
  3. Now follows set up the formwork wooden products and fill the trench with fine sand or gravel.
  4. Prepare concrete solution in order to fill the future path.
  5. Flood the path follows in small portions with the addition of glue.

Now you can lay out colorful corks. In order for the path to have a finished look, it is necessary to install a curb. Plastic covers can be laid on top of green spaces.

Here we talked about how to make a garden path from tires.

Instructions for creating a rug

Here we will talk about massage mat, which will be useful for all family members. One evening is enough for you to create an unusual decoration for your home that will also be good for your health. A little patience and attentiveness - and the unusual massager is ready.

It can be use for foot massage at the end of the working day, as a massager for a tired back, and for rehabilitation after operations.

You can do it in free form, or you can think about the shape, size and even design of the product in advance.

Here's what you'll need:

  • a large number of plastic covers;
  • awl for making holes;
  • strong fishing line.

First of all it is necessary make holes in lids On the sides- It is best to do this according to the principle of the cross.

Now imagine what your rug will look like.

Lay out a pattern on the floor and fix it in any way (sketch or photograph).

Laid out install the plugs with a snake onto the fishing line according to the pattern, row by row.

The result should be a long “snake”. Then select the covers of the first row and place them on the fishing line in the others - located oppositely.

So, Having collected the first row, proceed to collecting the second, and then the third. All that remains is to tighten the ends and secure them securely. You can use the diagram provided, or you can try to create an original drawing yourself.

How to make a fence?

It should be said right away that to collect this material from the lids you need not just a lot, but a lot. It is almost impossible to collect such a quantity on your own, given that parts must be the same size.

It is also worth deciding on the color in advance - you can collect caps of the same shade, or you can cover them with the required color.

And here too lots of options:

  • cover the fence exclusively with one color;
  • make it in the manner of colored pencils;
  • Place an unusual pattern and a whole picture on the fence with plastic covers, as in the photo.

As soon as there are a sufficient number of caps, it is necessary to sort and drill holes in each of them with a thickness corresponding to the size of the fishing line. The same holes are made in the fence frame.

Once you have decided on a pattern or ornament, you need to weave a fence section. Non-ferrous metal wire is suitable for these purposes. And for fence frames you can use steel strips, corners and pipes.

Now you should position the covers in accordance with the pattern on the plywood or cardboard, after which transfer the image to the frame fence Then all that remains is string covers and secure them.

In any case, such a fence will definitely not go unnoticed. fasten caps should be using wire or fishing line. Nails - not the best the best option, since they will not allow the lids to fit each other.

Other decorations for garden and home

In a private house or gazebo on a personal plot, you can make unusual curtains from multi-colored corks. They will perfectly highlight the Provence style interior and also create a cheerful mood.

Making such curtains is very easy. The main thing is to choose the right palette in accordance with your interior.

Or how about a new one that is lightweight, convenient, compact and mobile garden furniture? Craftsmen make from lids original and creative chairs, and also decorate tables in unusual ways.

Also, don't be so quick to throw away corks if you have small children. This is great fun for kids that develops fine motor skills, and also shapes color perception.

Invite your little one to sort the corks by color - you will be surprised how much this activity will captivate your child.

You can also assemble a frame from wooden slats in the shape of a flower or a funny animal and fill it with colored caps from PET bottles - you will get extraordinary decoration For personal plot, which will certainly attract the attention of everyone around.

If you prefer bright colors and unusual design solutions, please note that the lids make unusual and original lampshades.

Making such an element with your own hands is quite simple. The main thing is to design the frame and select the lids of the required shade.

Practicality, convenience and functionality are the main criteria that the design must meet. country house. You probably have an old one collecting dust somewhere in your barn. kitchen sofa, which is a pity to throw away, and it’s difficult to make something worthwhile out of it. Try making a fun one out of plastic caps a rug that will bring life back to old furniture.

You can also make from bright plastic lids unusual pots or plant pots. Simply cover the base with colored corks.

Video on the topic

The video shows many ideas brought to life for creating a variety of beautiful and useful crafts from plastic covers for the house, cottage, garden plot:


To all that has been said, all that remains to be added is that lids are not waste or garbage. This universal material, which can reuse, creating unusual and useful things while protecting nature from pollution. These colorful caps can be used to create baby toys and rattles, garden furniture and interior decoration.

After reading this article, you learned how to use caps from PET bottles for the garden and cottage, making them various crafts and DIY decorations.

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DIY path made from plastic bottles. How to make paths from plastic bottle caps

The autumn season is not only a time for harvesting a rich harvest, but also optimal time to prepare a summer cottage for winter, namely, to remove garbage. Plastic bottles left over from summer picnics are exactly the situation when it’s a pity to get rid of them, and there seems to be no benefit from them. However, resourceful owners with a rich imagination and great aesthetic potential will find the best way out of this situation. Creating garden paths from plastic bottles, in our opinion, is in the best possible way using a plastic “treasure” that can give the site additional originality. Interested? Then this article is for you.

Garden paths made from plastic bottles. Preparatory activities

It would seem that the paths are made of plastic containers What could be easier? But this event also requires careful preparation. First, you need to decide on the type of garden path that you want to recreate in your garden.

There are several options:

1. Paths made from whole plastic bottles;

2. Paths from cut bottoms;

3. And finally, paths made from plastic bottle caps.

Let's stock up necessary tools, in this situation it’s a shovel, a bucket and scissors and let’s get to work. Depending on the typical characteristics garden path, preparatory activities will also vary. But let's start in order.

Paths made from whole plastic bottles. Manufacturing technique

In order to make a path from whole plastic bottles, dig a trench the depth of which is 1.5 shovels and install wooden formwork. The trench is filled up broken brick, glass, crushed stone and stones of various sizes, as well as other construction waste, are covered with a 3-centimeter layer of sand on top and compacted thoroughly. In accordance with the size of the future path, select an approximate number of containers and fill them with fine crushed stone, sand or dry soil and shake thoroughly until the contents are compacted. Filled containers are placed horizontally in the prepared trench, with the necks located towards the edges of the path.

To compact the laid out bottles, place a board on them and, after walking on it several times, compact them evenly. The gaps between the bottles are filled with sand and dry cement and compacted again in the same way. After walking along the boards, remove excess dry filler and, pouring water, leave until the cement sets. After waiting for the cement to completely harden, the formwork must be removed.

How to diversify a homemade path? Basic Techniques

That's it, the track is ready. But sometimes the soul requires aesthetics, and so that the path is not only functional, but also decorative element plot, there are many ways. Here are some of them:

1. The first and easiest option is to use multi-colored yogurt containers, the varied colors of which will invariably please the eye;

2. Or you can not look for easy ways and take ordinary transparent plastic bottles and, before pouring crushed stone and sand into them, place pieces of foil, multi-colored paper and shiny candy wrappers in them. So are you from excess garbage get rid of it and give the path additional decor.

But you don’t have to limit yourself to this. After removing the formwork, you will notice that the necks located at the edges spoil the general form decorative paths, and you may be a little disappointed. But this problem also has a simple solution - a border made from the same plastic containers.

For these purposes, the bottles are also filled with sand and placed in a pre-prepared trench with their necks down. This will not only protect the track from destruction, but will also give it additional originality. If you show your imagination, you can organize such a border not only as an addition to a garden path made of plastic bottles, but as an independent decorative element that can be used as a fence for a flower bed or other elements of landscape design.

And at the same time, you can use a self-made border made of bricks or flowers to decorate a path made of bottles.

A path made from the bottoms of plastic bottles. How to do it yourself?

To recreate a path on your site from the bottoms of plastic bottles, you need to carry out the same preparatory measures as when making a path from whole plastic containers:

Country paths made of traffic jams: do it yourself

One of the indicators of the livability of any dacha is the presence of paths. They connect garden buildings, lead to a recreation area, and separate the beds.

To make such a path you will need plastic bottle caps, cement, sand, boards and tile adhesive.

Country paths, in addition to their direct purpose, ease of movement in any weather, play a very important decorative role.

Such paths become the main element of the surrounding landscape.

Absolutely any material can be chosen for their manufacture, but to make the path at your dacha truly unique and original, you can make it from the most ordinary corks. This is an easy and very interesting task that even a child can cope with. But before you make your own country paths from traffic jams, you need to draw rough sketches on paper. The house, the fence, the flower garden, the rest of the decor - everything should be in harmony with each other. The dacha should become a single whole. Next, you need to decide whether the paths will be one color or not, whether to make a pattern or ornament on them, whether they need small fence. If you decide to make an image or post an inscription, then you must first depict it on paper, calculating how many traffic jams there will be in each row. You also need to collect a sufficient amount of the material used and only then get to work.

Construction of paths from traffic jams in the country

Before you start laying the plugs, you need to level the area and fill it with weed control liquid, and after laying it, compact it with a mallet.

Required tools:

  1. Shovel.
  2. Cord.
  3. Roulette.
  4. Hammer.
  5. Watering can.

Step by step work:

  1. Wash and dry the corks well.
  2. Make markings. To do this, you need to decide on the location of the path, drive pegs around the perimeter and pull the cord along them. If the path at the dacha has a bend, then at the turns the stakes are driven in at a short distance from each other so as not to disturb the smoothness of the line. Measure the width of the tracks with a tape measure. If the path is intended simply for walking, then its minimum width is 50 cm; if a wheelbarrow will drive along it or it will be used for other household needs, then 80 cm.
  3. The turf is removed from the marked area, stones and plant roots are removed. Use a shovel to dig a small trench and compact the soil.
  4. If the path has a fence, then it can be made using plastic bottles. Their necks down should be placed next to each other at the edges. Decorative fence can be made from any other available materials.
  5. Fill the trench with crushed stone. Level it out.
  6. Pour sand on top, compact it and lightly water it.
  7. The lids, bottoms up, need to be pressed into the sand. As the sand dries, it must be moistened.

Thus, you can lay out an ordinary straight path in your dacha, fence a flowerbed, make a labyrinth, or simply lay out small area, on which flowers in pots will then stand.

If it is necessary to make a more durable coating, then it is better to lay the plugs on a concrete solution. The technology is the same, but sand is replaced with cement. You need to make a path like this quickly, and it’s better to lay out the cement in small portions. When mixing the solution, you can add special dyes to it, then bright colors will be visible between the lids, and not a dull gray color. In addition to plastic plugs, you can also use metal ones. They are also well suited for laying and decorating a summer cottage.

DIY path made from plastic bottles

Garden paths paved with your own hands help solve the issue of zoning space on the site. Walking through them, the summer resident will be able to assess the condition of the plants in the beds, determine which trees need pruning and shaping, and simply enjoy the beautiful landscape of his garden. There are a huge variety of materials for paving paths, but the most creative and budget-friendly is the use of used plastic bottles.

Preparatory work: selection of material and working conditions with it

Plastic is very flexible material, suitable for the sale of exclusive garden projects. With its help, craftsmen make vertical beds, borders for flower beds, garden decor and, of course, bright and spectacular garden paths. Their construction requires a small amount of time and effort, which, if put to good use, the summer resident will be able to enjoy the result of his work for many years to come, because plastic takes a very long time to decompose. But before you take action, you need to choose the material wisely.

Not only plastic bottles can be used, but also other alternative materials:

Traffic jams from them;

Cut out bottoms from eggplants;

Caps for yoghurts, jars, medicines, beer, tetra bags;

Wine corks, etc.

In order for a path made of plastic bottles to become a decoration of the area, attracting the attention of all guests and neighbors in the country, you need to collect materials for a very long time. More large quantity raw materials will be required if the hacienda owners are interested in a path made from plastic bottle caps - they will need more than 1000 caps per square meter. Therefore, you can involve all your friends and acquaintances in collecting materials.

When the required amount of containers has been collected, you can begin preparatory activities. They consist of several stages:

Cleaning bottles from dirt and drink residues;

Removing labels;

Drying containers in the sun.

What advantages do plastic bottles have over other materials?

Owners summer cottages, the proposal to build paths in the garden from plastic bottles may react negatively, because many private developers are accustomed to giving preference traditional materials- stone, ceramic tiles, crushed stone or asphalt. However, compared to them, plastic has a number of advantages. Among them:

Affordable price and prevalence;

Preserving the environment on the planet by using recyclable materials in the garden;

Easy installation;

Bottle durability;

The ability to create paths with an unusual original texture.

Disadvantages of the material

Paying attention to the advantages, one cannot exclude from view some negative points use of bottles in garden construction. Plastic is a slippery material, so in winter there is a risk of slipping on the path while walking in the garden. In addition, under the influence of high temperatures it can become deformed, and under the scorching rays of the sun, it can lose its original color and shine.

Tools for project implementation

Before starting work, summer residents should prepare the necessary set of tools so that in the future all manipulations will be quick and accurate. To build paths they will need:

Building level;

Materials for the construction of formwork - boards, slats;

Bars for leveling paths;

Garden scissors for cutting bottles;

Sand or turf land for filling empty bottles and changes in the landscape topography on the site in accordance with the requirements of the project;

Cement mixture;

Slag, gravel, small construction waste.

Technology for building paths from whole bottles

Having decided to use whole bottles for paving paths, you need to consider the issue of their sustainability and durability. To do this, home craftsmen fill bottles with sand, and then compact it tightly in pre-prepared plastic containers and tighten the caps.

The next stage of work is the construction of a shallow trench, which will become the basis for the path. To prevent the trench from crumbling, work must be carried out carefully, removing excess soil with a shovel, and then compacting the soil with boards or feet. The optimal trench depth is one and a half bayonets of a shovel. However, this value can be adjusted depending on the height of the bottles used for garden construction.

When the trench is ready, craftsmen use boards of durable wood to construct the formwork. The installed boards are secured with pegs, and then small construction debris, slag, and tree branches are poured into the resulting recess, and a sand cushion is built on top of them. This is necessary so that the ground does not sag, and the constructed path does not disappear from under your feet several years after completion of construction in the garden.

Then the bottles are laid horizontally in the trench and compacted tightly, and the voids are filled with a mixture of cement and sand. When the solution dries, the path is ready. It will look more impressive if, before starting work, the bottles are sorted by color and laid out in the form of an ornament or painted with bright paint that is in harmony with the small architectural forms in the garden.

Using large containers

Five- and six-liter eggplants, in which manufacturers mainly package peeled drinking water, can also be used in dacha construction. They have larger size, so the construction of a path from them will go a little faster. To begin work, the eggplants are washed and dried, and then the bottoms of large-volume bottles are cut off.

Summer residents insert eggplants without the bottom into one another, and fill the resulting voids with sand. Bottles arranged in this way can be laid in two or three rows, depending on how wide the garden path being built should be.

After laying the eggplants in the trench, they are poured on top with a solution and sprayed with water from a spray bottle. Next, summer residents just have to wait for the solution to harden.

Lids - as the main raw material for paving garden paths

To build a path from caps, the master must be sure not only that the prepared raw materials are sufficient to implement the chosen project, but also that he has enough enthusiasm and inspiration to carry out all the work. The lids need to be laid painstakingly and for a long time, so count on fast completion the project is not worth it.

You need to start with preparation construction site. The ground where mosaic garden paths made of plastic caps will be located in the future is cleared of plants and the soil is leveled on it. Then they mark out the boundaries of the path, remove the top layer of soil and compact the earth thoroughly.

After installation wooden formwork start laying out the lids. They look more attractive if arranged in intricate patterns, interesting patterns or colorful mosaics. To level the laid plugs and caps, boards are placed on top. For a more aesthetic appearance, the paths are filled with sand.

Video: garden paths made from lids

Ideas for decorating homemade paths from scrap materials

On garden plot There is always the opportunity to express your creative ideas. Therefore, if a summer resident wants to make the paths constructed from plastic bottles, eggplants or caps even more beautiful and stylish, then he can use additional decor.

He can use multi-colored glass containers placed vertically as borders for paths, or he can build a border out of wood and paint it in bright color. To make the paths look spectacular in dark time days, small garden lanterns are installed near them, which with their soft light give the area an unusual cozy atmosphere.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the unlimited number of design options for the area near the paths. A summer resident can camp next to them flower beds, pave dry streams with stone or plant fragrant coniferous plants.

Knowing how to put into practice the technology of laying a garden path from plastic bottles, you will not only transform the garden landscape, but also make it more functional. Therefore, once again, when bringing a used plastic bottle of soda water or lemonade to the trash bin, think carefully. This container is made from artificial materials can be practical material for building paths on your estate.