Thematic game programs for children scenarios. Competitive game program “Day of Russian fun. The game "Magnificent hat"

Thematic game programs for children scenarios.  Competitive game program “Day of Russian fun.  The game
Thematic game programs for children scenarios. Competitive game program “Day of Russian fun. The game "Magnificent hat"

Quest "Wizard of the Emerald City" Designed for children aged 6-9 years. The goal is to find a gift/congratulation by following the clues in the notes. The passage time is about 30-50 minutes (maybe more or less). If the participants of the quest do not yet know how to read, then the host helps to complete the tasks.

What is a scrapbook gift search?

The participant is given / finds a letter / message himself, where he is invited to participate in the quest - the game and in the final to find a cache with a gift. To do this, you have to consistently find and solve clues. Hints are cards with puzzles and various logic puzzles. In each such note, the location of the next clue is encrypted.

Quest by notes is interesting and unusual way give the child a gift on his birthday (or any other occasion), as well as great option entertain the guests of this event at home. Also, by making some adjustments (replacing some places of hide and seek), you can conduct this quest, for example, in a cafe. As a treasure, there can be various treats, small souvenirs or a big cake for everyone! 🙂

The quest can be organized both for the company and for one child.

What you need: Balloon ik, pen (you can make paper), puzzles (for a small number of pieces), bottle, thread, envelope, box, carafe with water.

Quest subject: Wizard of Oz

Quest tasks for children

Start: Give the children an envelope, saying that it was sent by the wizard from Oz. Or you can do it more creatively, for example, make a balloon ( balloon stick to a small basket / box using drinking straws) and attach a letter to it. After all, the wizard flew in a balloon.

Letter: Dear Guys! Goodwin is writing to you. I am a wizard from the wonderful land of Oz. I need your help! Last night the winged monkeys stole my magic treasure chest. I can't handle the cunning monkeys alone. Help me find the chest and then all its contents will be yours. The monkeys left clues that you must find and unravel. My friends will help you: Scarecrow, Dorothy, Woodcutter, and Totoshka. Step by step you will come to the treasured chest. Look for the first clue in this envelope.

I wish you a good journey!

Your Goodwin is the Great Wizard of Oz.

  1. In an envelope riddle task from Totoshka:

There is a portrait in the room
Looks like you in every way.
Laugh - and in response
He laughs too.

Answer: Mirror

For the leader: You need to breathe on the mirror in advance so that it fogs up and write the word PILLOW!

In order for the writing to appear on the mirror again, the player(s) must guess to breathe on it! If they don’t guess, then the host can tell.

As an easier option: hide a note with the word "pillow" (or any other word of yours - a hiding place) behind a mirror (or nearby).

  1. Under the pillow lies a balloon (deflated) with the inscription puff me up!

For the leader: There is a note with a task in the balloon. To get the note, you need to inflate the balloon and burst it (or blow it until it bursts).

There is a note in the balloon: The next clue will fall towards you straight from the air, but for this you need to push it (the air) with your hands and feet! To do this, you will have to perform an incendiary dance. Ready?

For the leader: The presenter includes any cheerful track. All the children are dancing, and at this time the leader quietly throws a crumpled note on the floor (anywhere in the room so that you have to look)

  1. After the dance, the facilitator reads the next clue. The clue is a riddle:

And here's a riddle from the Scarecrow

Liquid is easy to store.

It is convenient to drink from it.

No matter how water leaks out

Close the lid first!

Answer: bottle

Children are looking for a pre-prepared bottle with a ribbon.

  1. For the leader: Prepare an empty bottle in advance, make a distinctive mark on it, for example, tie a festive ribbon around the neck. Place the bottle in the room so that it is visible but not conspicuous (for example, on a closet, bookshelf, etc.). Roll the next clue into a tube and wrap it with colored thread, tying a knot. Dip the note into the bottle, leaving the “tail” of the thread sticking out of the neck so that it is more convenient for children to pull it out.

Bottle tip:

And here is a task from the Woodcutter!

To get the next clue, you have to correctly guess and draw these animals. And then add from the first letters a word that will indicate the place of further searches.

Answer: To orova - O bezyan - AT camel — Yo and- R fish: CARPET

Print the picture and cut out individual pictures of animals. Put it together, roll it up, tie it up and throw it into the bottle too.

For the leader: We hide the next clue under the carpet. If there are several of them in the apartment, then even better.

  1. Note under the rug:

Flying monkeys are very fond of bananas. Along the way, they ate bananas and during the flight, many of them fell to the ground. Find those fallen bananas that could be anywhere. Hint: there are only 7 of them (equal to the number of players) pieces.

For the leader: Hide bananas around the apartment. On each with rubber bands or thread, attach notes folded so that the inscription is not visible. Warn the players that whoever finds the banana should not show anyone what the note says. When all the bananas are found, the leader gives the following task: You need to eat a banana and depict what is written in the note without words (banana in the mouth), and the rest must guess who the player is portraying.

Prepare a box in advance in which to put the next clue. Tell the participants that it will open only after completing the task.

In notes :

  • Street cleaner
  • Singer
  • Juggler
  • Woodcutter
  • The hairdresser
  • Musician
  • Painter

For the leader: When everything is guessed, the leader opens the box with another note and gives it to the children or reads it himself.

  1. In the box:Hint from Dorothy: You guys are great! But you need to hurry, as the monkeys can open the coveted chest at any moment and pull out all the treasures. To get the next clue, you need to find a feather that fell from the wing of one of the flying monkeys.

For the leader: Prepare a feather and tie a long thread to it, tie a note at the other end. Hide the feather so that it is slightly visible (the tip sticks out). When it is pulled, a note will follow. For example, you can hide under the sofa, or under the closet, in a shirt pocket.

If there is no real feather, then you can draw.

  1. Feather note:

Collect the puzzles and you will be one step closer to your cherished goal!

For the leader: Prepare in advance puzzles from a small number of pieces (according to age), assemble and reverse side write in capital letters the following clue (any appropriate place): for example, CACTUS (The name of any flower that you have in your apartment (better than the largest one). Under the pot of this flower we hide another note.

Disassemble the puzzles and put them in a beautiful box or bag (preferably not in the one in which they were bought) and hide it not far from the place where the feather was (we need it more difficult;), or tie it together with a note.

There is only a few left to complete our quest for the kids to find a gift at home!

  1. Flower prompt:

To sink to the bottom

You need to drink water first!

And, attention! - Don't get wet!

For the leader: Prepare a jug of water (juice) and 1 glass (can be disposable - to each his own). Fold the next note and put it in a bag so that it does not get wet and lower it into a jug of water (should sink J). To get the note, each participant takes turns pouring and drinking water from the glass until the jug is empty and the clue can be reached.

  1. pitcher hint:

And now comes the final step

And our enemy will be defeated!

Rather, open the chest

Until he suddenly froze! (oven)

Or Until it suddenly freezes! (fridge)

Or Until he suddenly gets wet! (washing machine)

For the leader: We hide the box in the oven (or in the refrigerator, washing machine)! Much more convenient and depending on what kind of treasure. It can be sweets, small souvenirs, a cake, etc. What do you think! 🙂

As an option: If you have a private house with a yard, you can hide the treasure in a bag and hang it on a tree branch. Then the prompt would be:

Here are our thieves in a cage!

Look for the treasure now on the branch!

Here is such a scenario for a quest for children to find a gift at home! It will take a little time to prepare for it, but it should be interesting!

We wish you a fun adventure! 😉 If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below the article! We will try to answer as soon as possible!

A set of blanks for the quest

We suggest to save time in preparation to purchase ready set completed task cards. You will receive all materials immediately after payment (within 10 min.) to the specified e-mail address. Click on the "Place an order" button. Then you will be taken to the product page, where you will need to fill in the fields and select convenient way payment.

The cost of this set of blanks is 65 rubles.

It is included in the kit:

  1. Cards with tasks in pdf and jpg format
  2. 7 cards for the task "picture"
  3. Pictures with animals for task number 4
  4. Goodwin's letter
  5. bottle label
  6. "Inflate me" card
  7. Feather
  8. A complete set of blank cards (if you want to change, add your tasks)
  9. Cards with text for 1st participant
  10. Envelopes

Attention! The order is sent automatically. If you have not received the material within 10 minutes. (check your spam folder), then write to us immediately in technical support (the address is indicated below), we will resend.

By placing an order (by clicking on the "place an order" button), you consent to the processing of personal data and agree to the site.

How to entertain the birthday boy and his guests of the age category 10-12 years old? Quest - perfect solution. During the quest, guests of the holiday will be able to feel like real spies and adventurers, solve charades and puzzles. The guys will get the task: to find the “artifact of boundless happiness” and will certainly cope with it! The scenario of the quest for the child's birthday contains detailed description preparation and list of props.

Quest progress:

  1. Parents offer the birthday boy and guests of the holiday to look into mailbox. There, the child and his guests find an envelope containing a letter, a tattoo translator, and a piece of a newspaper article.

Text of the letter: " The Ministry of Secret Affairs welcomes you and wishes you a happy birthday! We have received information that one of our spies hid an unusual invention - an "artifact of boundless happiness" at the address (address of the venue of the holiday). Our colleague left clues that will lead you to the location of the artifact, your task is to clearly follow the clues and then you will find it. Since you, like no one else, know every corner of this house, we are asking you to find an artifact and check its work.

P.S.: our colleagues will assist you in every possible way, in order to get their help you need to put the secret sign of our ministry on your forearm”

The child applies a tattoo-translator.

Article text:

« Sensation! Sensation! Sensation! Unknown flying object!

An extraordinary event took place in our city, eyewitnesses claim to have seen a UFO.

“It appeared from the sky like a bright flash of light, hung in the air for about ten minutes, and then it began to approach, the sound was such that my ears were blocked,” says Nina Ivanovna, an eyewitness of what was happening, “and then it sank to the window of my neighbors, I was so scared ! It flashed purple and then green. It made some weird noises!

Special services have already left for the scene."

Everyone heads to the window between the batteries and finds the first piece of the puzzle and a piece of the article pinned to it.

  1. Article: "TTT Management Campaign" warns residents about turning off the water in our city. On this day, water will not run through the pipes in the bathroom.

Everyone goes to the bathroom on pipes. There they find the second piece of the puzzle and a piece of newspaper tied to it.

  1. Newspaper: " Weather for the week:

Monday: -31, gusty wind 10m/s.

Tuesday: - 32, gusty wind 15m/s.

Wednesday: — 33 wind gusty 5-7m/s, snow.

Thursday: - 31, snow.

Friday: — 34, gusty wind 10m/s.

Saturday: -30, snow.

Sunday: -31, gusty wind 10m/s.

Meteorological advice - dress warmly.

Everyone goes to a place where warm clothes are stored. There is another piece of the puzzle there.

Puzzle example

  1. Putting together all the puzzles, the children understand that this is the plan of the apartment where they are and one room is marked with a red arrow. They go there. They search it in an almost conspicuous place; you need to hide a second envelope similar to the first. When they open it, they find a letter with invisible ink. It can lie under the iron, this will help children guess how to read it. If they can’t guess, then you can send a hint via SMS.

The letter has a word written in invisible ink, such as "cupboard" where the next letter is hidden.

  1. The children go to the closet where there is another letter with a charade. She needs to be unraveled.

The letter contains a charade (you can use one of the options):

Option 1:

« To figure out what I am

Say how in English "small"

Then add a big animal

Which harness pulled.

Translate into Russian New

And you can lie down

But only you in this verb

L to P try to replace.


Option 2:

« Often put next to a friend

And they seem to be called

His name with an "O"

With the letter "U" mine.

Option 3.

"The first syllable is a preposition

The second two syllables - often pleasing to the eye

The latter is a pseudonym used on the network

Combine three syllables and find out where to find it.


Guess the charade go to the place.

  1. They find a box under it is a photo of one of the guests.

Children go to the "guest-spy". The spy guest says, "I will only talk to a select few who have been marked." The birthday boy shows the mark, they give him the envelope.

Text of the letter: " I came to an extraordinary house and saw various objects: black chairs, green tables, purple boxes. In the back room, I found a long, shiny black piano. I was delighted because I love Beethoven very much. There was also a bookcase with books by Chekhov, Tolstoy, Ostrovsky, Dostoevsky, Pushkin.

Children read it. At this moment, the birthday boy receives an SMS with recommendations on his phone: To unravel the encrypted message, you need to remove from the letter: all verbs, all prepositions, all pronouns, all proper names, cross out all nouns that are not multiples of the sequence of the number 5.

It remains one word there and the key is stored. In this text, this word "boxes" can be replaced by any other place where you hide the key.

  1. The children find the key. Open the box. There is a book in it. In the book on different pages in different words in right order the letters REFRIGERATOR are circled in pencil.

Children go to the refrigerator where there is a bottle of children's champagne and a cake.

Quest Tips:

  1. So that the guests of the holiday do not climb wherever you want, you can stick stickers with a “stop” sign on the cabinets and drawers that are not participating in the quest, and warn the guests in advance that this furniture is not involved in the game.
  2. Some tasks may be difficult for children. For hints, you can use mobile phone. Using the phone, it is convenient to send hints in the form of text messages during the quest, as well as take a photo of the places where the objects are hidden in advance and send them if the guests cannot find the object in any way. The photo can be processed a little in the editor if you want to complicate the hint.

List of props for the quest for the birthday of a child aged 10-12: envelopes 2 pcs.; puzzle with the plan of the apartment; paper, cotton swab and "invisible" ink (lemon juice or milk); iron; casket; lock and key; tattoo translator; texts (letter from the ministry; articles; letter from a spy); telephone; book; cake or baby champagne.

How to prepare the quest:

  1. Prepare props: print the necessary letters, articles. The quest uses: a letter from the ministry; articles; a letter from a spy; puzzle (you need to draw a plan of a house or apartment and mark one room with a red arrow). Cut puzzle and articles.
  2. Using a cotton swab or brush, write a word on white paper with milk or lemon juice, for example, “cupboard”, where a letter with charades will be hidden.
  3. Put props in place:
  4. Envelope (Letter from the Ministry; tattoo translator; piece of article) - mailbox
  5. Puzzle piece No. 1 and article hint - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe window
  6. Puzzle piece #2 and clue article - in the bathroom
  7. Puzzle piece No. 3 and article hint - in the place where warm clothes are stored.
  8. An envelope with a letter written in invisible ink and an iron are in the room marked in red.
  9. The charade is in the closet.
  10. A box with a book and a photo of a spy guest in one of the places from the charade (Options: microwave oven; window sill; chair)
  11. Give the text of the letter to the guest.
  12. The key is to stick with tape to the bottom of the box.
  13. Cake and baby champagne in the fridge.

Interesting pages.

Idea for the script. Enough already for a long time all sorts of “spy” things, “mind games”, secrets and quests are fashionable in the world. Hollywood films are often shot according to such plots - something needs to be found, unraveled, and so on. The hero who solves the “riddle” saves the world and gets a prize. Why not move the plot to game form for a holiday?

Use the love of adventure, solving mysteries in organizing an exciting and impressive party.

That is, organize a quest. Usually, the quest is organized on the scale of a city or some territory. There are walking and auto quests. We offer you to organize a mini-quest that would fit in the hall for celebrating parties.

Place. Any large enough room will do. Consider the number of guests, break them into teams. One team must have at least 3 members. Maximum - 5.

Dress code.
The ideal dress code is a T-shirt and jeans.
You can present interesting badges with inscriptions about the quest or “army” medallions to all guests at the entrance to the party. On a badge or medallion, you can write the theme of the quest, the date of the event, an intricate motto. And also the best option- give all participants T-shirts with inscriptions about the quest.

Decor. It does not hurt to decorate the room with all sorts of “spy” things, fake cards, tips, faces of famous spies and agents (the face of James Bond is quite suitable), cards with red flags stuck in them. You can also create collages from newspaper clippings, where you circle some words or sentences with a red felt-tip pen. Part of the decor can be directly and part of the clues and the quest itself.

Holiday script.

Let's make a reservation right away that the scenario of the holiday will need to be further detailed and thought out, as well as all other parties.
So, the main task of the director of the quest is to think through good assignments for commands. The quest is a step-by-step game with clues, solving which, the participants are approaching the final. Whoever solves the quest the fastest is the winner. Participants act in teams, but they do not perform actions at the same time, but as they see fit. They can search, discuss, draw, think...
The organizer and presenters can direct from time to time, if the actions have already reached a dead end.
1. Select the theme of the quest. It can be design, the history of a city or country or even an era, the theme of music or cinema...

2. Start writing the script and preparing the props.

3. Here are quest ideas and examples of how to create them.

The theme is “Secrets of the 90s”.
We create tasks for the participants of the quest. We will have 4 tasks, you can add more tasks.

1st task.

Write a list of political figures of the 90s. You are given 3 minutes for the task. Teams submit lists after the end of time. The team that wins gets a hint (mark) about the next task 5 minutes earlier than the others.

2nd task.
Decipher the events of the 90s from the encrypted message.
“In the early nineties, part of the cinema was gone ....
June became happy for Boris for exactly two terms ...
812 9119 - a little inaccurate, but still - they created something from three letters ... ”

Decoding “1990 - Viktor Tsoi died. From 1991 to 1999 Boris Yeltsin was President. On December 8, 1991, an agreement was signed on the creation of the CIS.”
Whoever completes the task most accurately gets the right to look for a mark - for example, they bring a tray of cookies.

3rd task.

Tell a 1-minute story (each word in this story must begin with the letter "d"), about the writer, director and producer of the 1997 film, which begins with the letter "T" and ends with the letter "k".
Preparation - 2 minutes.

The film - Titanic, screenwriter, director and producer - James Cameron, that's why the "d".

4th task.

Fluff, Golden Boy, Ten, Star Barrel, Michelangelo from football - this is Anodaram, that is - .... (13 letters - a proper name) and he - ... (9 letters).

It is necessary to decipher the message - "Anodaram" - on the contrary, Maradona, that is, - Diego Maradona, an athlete.

Tags. Tags are the same tips that allow you to find and complete tasks, and sometimes allow you to decipher and complete the task itself, which naturally brings you closer to the final and victory.

Tags can be like this.
1. Label from newspaper clippings. They make up a story that includes some “special” words. These words should be somehow especially highlighted. For example, red. They can also stand out in style.
For example, we highlight the word agreement in bold type “December 8, 1991, an agreement on the creation of the CIS was signed in Belarus.” Then, the next task must be looked for behind a poster with the inscription “agreement”. The poster should be in a conspicuous place - it is elementary to draw it ordinary paints on paper.

2. Pieces of a letter torn apart can be marks.
Letters can be written on colored paper. Then the letters need to be torn up and the pieces laid out throughout the hall. Participants will have to collect the sheets of “their” letter and fold them one to the other, and then read the message. In this case, hints should be the same on all “letters”.

3. Cookies with hints inside can be labels. There are many cookies on the tray to get the largest number clues you need to reveal the most cookies. But!, the main condition is also to eat cookies, otherwise it will be impossible to use the hint.

4. Tags can be pieces of ice, inside which messages are hidden.

Thus, in order not to get confused, it is better to explain to the participants that the quest is an alternation of tasks and marks. The last task in the quest contains either a hint (mark) about the location of the “treasure” or contains the “treasure” already in itself.


    Choose at least 5 people - assistants who will leave their classes every break, hold the balls so that the number of the ball can be seen, distribute tasks, monitor the completion of the task, take pictures (it is better that they are teachers, but high school students are also possible).

IMPORTANT! The quest is designed for 10 teams and 5 breaks, on the basis that, on average, each school has one class per parallel, and the first and second classes will not participate, and that there are no more than 6 lessons per day. I have developed assignments and competitions with a margin, for your convenience, and the ability to choose the optimal concept of the quest, suitable for your school. If only 5 teams participate, then all the props can be prepared in one copy, and one curator per station will be enough. If there will be many teams, and two teams will come to the station at the same time, it is desirable to have two curators at one station).

    Distribute invitations to the quest to each class in advance, on the back of which different order the numbers of the breaks (with the indication of the time) and the balls that they need to look for at the breaks, as well as the maximum possible number of points for the task, are marked. Invitations and waybills are developed and presented in the application. Printed on one sheet on both sides.

IMPORTANT! Check the change times and change the maximum points. If you change assignments.

    Distribute balls with clearly visible numbers on them from the very morning to the assistants (for example: write with a black wide marker on red balls - there will be a good contrast) and tasks (if two teams approach each station for a change, the details of the tasks should be doubled, and the tasks themselves tasks - to be completed simultaneously), explain what their work will consist of (leave immediately after the bell, hold the ball high, explain the tasks to the classes that come to them, follow the implementation, place balls in their guide sheets.

IMPORTANT! If they did not have time for the change, zero points are set, the price of the completed task is 10 points, one point for the correct answer, additional points are given depending on creativity and the provision of additional information.

    If possible, monitor the progress of the quest, take pictures, help and support students.

    If the quest was carried out on the basis of 5 breaks, then after the 6th lesson, you can collect all classes for a school-wide line. On the ruler, you can talk about the holiday itself, about how the quest went, and about its results (for convenience, the results of each team should be entered in a summary table, a sample of which is presented in the appendices), and award the winners. Nominations can be awarded for the highest number of points for a particular task, for example:

THE MOST AFFECTIVE - to the one who called the most affectionate words.

THE MOST ATTENTIVE - to the one who finds the most differences.

MOST INTELLIGENT - to the one who solved the most puzzles.

THE MOST SKILLEST - to the one who did not drop a single ball.

THE SWEETEST - to the one who posted the biggest and most beautiful heart.

THE MOST POETIC - to the one who composed the most quatrains.

MOST COMPATIBLE - to the one who posted the puzzle the fastest.

MOST CREATIVE - to the one who earned the most extra. points.

    You can do a couple more if you want. school competitions in the form of a flash mob:

    Hug your neighbor (on command, each student must hug the other. Those who will not hug anyone after you count to five are penalized. They must go out and dance to the music in front of the whole school for 1-2 minutes).

    Friendship chain (students on your team should shake hands with their two neighbors. Thus, they will get a chain of friendship that unites the whole school. You can focus on this after the task is completed.

    Watch our hearts beat! (Ask the children to raise their hands above their heads and place their fingers in a heart shape, if you capture this moment, you will get a good and positive picture of the school, and they will have a bright and unforgettable moment in their lives.

Quest not loaded ingenious tasks and complex, costly and laborious preparations. The fact that the school already has enough work is a well-known fact, but I draw your attention to the fact that this is a holiday of LOVE and FRIENDSHIP. Show love for children, show your disposition and interest in them, and they will definitely answer you the same!

IMPORTANT! Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the methodological developments and materials are advisory, not mandatory. The number of stations, the order of tasks and the very form of the quest is your choice.


Exercise 1. The curator of this station has a camomile with letters in his hands. Each arriving team chooses 1 petal and must sayminimum 10 affectionate words that begin with this letter. The task is completed if the team named 10 words. In this case, they are given 10 points, if there is time and ideas left, then for each next affectionate word called, the team receives 1 additional point (no more than 5).


IMPORTANT! If two teams compete at the same time, they call affectionate words with their letters in turn (their letters should not be the same).

Task 2. The curator of this station has pictures in his hands on which you need to findminimum 10 differences (there are color and black and white in 12 versions) with the participation of seven or more teams, you need to print pictures for each team separately and at least 2 pens or pencils to complete the task. For each found difference - 1 point. If they find and prove more, the team gets additional points (no more than 5).


IMPORTANT! If two teams compete at the same time, it is advisable to print pictures for comparison in duplicate, distribute them to the teams, and let them mark the differences directly on the sheets, and you can set points for completing the task later by checking their results. Then you will need to print out the task for each team separately, and be sure to write the class or team name on them so as not to lose the results. If there is only one team at the station, it will be possible to print only one version of the pictures for comparison, so that the children point out the differences with their fingers, and the curator immediately fixes and sets the points received.

Task 3. The curator of this station has puzzles in his hands, printed out in the amount of how many teams in total will participate in the quest.Minimum You need to solve 10 puzzles. The more puzzles the team solves for the change, the more points they get.


IMPORTANT! If two teams compete at the same time, you need to make sure that the puzzle sheets are signed, and the teams do not confer and do not peep at each other. If there is only one team at the station, puzzles are solved aloud, and points are set immediately.

Task 4. At the curator this station in the hands of several balloons (in case the balloon suddenly bursts). Teams are divided into pairs (preferably a boy + a girl, but if they strongly resist, you can do it differently). Two landmarks (a book, a flag, a person, a chair, etc.) are set up two meters from the curator.

Each couple is given balloon, which they pinch between their heads. At the signal of the leader, they run around the landmark and return back. Like a shuttle run, the next two pairs start after them, and so on. Two pairs compete.

Maximum The number of points for this competition is 15.

IMPORTANT! If two teams compete at the same time, then the pairs that start at the same time are selected from two different teams. Ate for the change managed to runall team, they are given 10 points, if not - 0, if the whole team ran and never dropped the ball, they are given an additional 5 points.

Task 5. At the curator At this station, pairs of Chinese chopsticks and ear-wrapped candies (sucking lollipops twisted on both sides) are prepared.Using Chinese chopsticks, the team lays out a candy heart. Each member of the team lays out one candy, passing the sticks along the chain, so that they end up with a beautiful heart.Minimum the number of candies in the heart is 10. For each candy, 1 point.

Maximum The number of points for this competition is 15.

IMPORTANT! If two teams compete at the same time - there should be at least 4 pairs of Chinese sticks - two pairs for each team so that they have time to put their hearts out for a change. For convenience, the teams are divided into two parts, if someone lacks a pair, he will be the final link and will trim all the flaws in the heart when it is over. Each pair of participants takes chopsticks as it suits them (if they know how to use it, it’s good, if not, then at least in different hands, the main thing: you can take the candy ONLY wooden sticks!). They take ONE candy. And they lay it out in the place of the future heart (the heart can be laid out both on the desk and on the floor - depending on where it will be held: in the classroom, or in the corridor, the main thing is that the children do not interfere with each other to complete tasks). If the team managed to put out all their hearts for the break, they get 10 points, if not - 0, if the heart is laid out, and not a single candy fell, they get an additional 5 points.

Task 6. At the curator Envelopes, or just strips of paper, are prepared for this station, on which four words are written, with which the teams need to write a quatrain.Minimum the number of required quatrains - 2. For each composed quatrain - 5 points.

Maximum The number of points for this competition is 30.

IMPORTANT! If two teams compete at the same time, it is better to prepare clean sheets papers and pens (at least 10 for each change) and strips of paper with words for rhymes in duplicate. They can be handed out to teams to distribute within their teams and compose several quatrains at the same time in mini-groups. Do not forget to sign the team sheets so as not to lose the results when scoring. If there is one team at the station, then every new four words they receive only after they have composed a quatrain for the previous 4 words. Points are posted immediately.

Task 7. At the curator This station has prepared puzzle sets that need to be assembled. Puzzle options are presented in the application. Teams are offered envelopes with puzzles, one of which they must complete. If they collect on time - 10 points, if they do not have time - 0.

IMPORTANT! If you are counting on the quest for 5 breaks, this task can be made additional on the general line after lesson 6. Choose one type of puzzle, print and cut it for each team separately, distribute envelopes, and give the team that completes the puzzle first an additional 10 points that can advance them in the schoolwide ranking, which you will just calculate and sum up by this time.

We wish you joy in your preparations, the radiance of children's smiles, a sea of ​​​​laughter and moral satisfaction from the positive that you will present, and which will return to you with childish delight!


Change (time)






(common line)

ball number


Station location

Time frame

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

Maximum points

Earned points

Extra points

Final points



Change (time)






(common line)

ball number


Station location

Time frame

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

Maximum points

Earned points

Extra points

Final points



Change (time)






(common line)

ball number


Station location

Time frame

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

Maximum points

Earned points

Extra points

Final points



Change (time)






(common line)

ball number


Station location

Time frame

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

Maximum points

Earned points

Extra points

Final points



Change (time)






(common line)

ball number


Station location

Time frame

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

Motivation The teacher holds a book about pirates in his hand. Educator: Hello! Who among us did not want to go to a desert island someday, everyone dreamed about it, and to find a treasure there would be generally wonderful. I decided to read a book about pirates and find out about their adventures and tell you. Educator (more…)

A trouble happened in the fairy-tale kingdom - an evil sorceress harmed the fairy-tale heroes and stole a casket where gifts for children were kept. Everyone needs help fairy tale hero and find the treasured chest. Material: magical forest, witch's hut, letter, child in a bunny costume, fairy tale attributes, related (more…)

Younger + older age (Conversation) The teacher demonstrates the ABC to the children: Guys, look what amazing book in my hands. "Why amazing? - you think. But it's not just a book, it's an ABC. She will teach you to read and open up a huge world for you. I wonder if a book (more…)

The quest game is a journey through different stations of the city of masters. Representatives different professions share the secrets of their craft. On the way, children will meet many obstacles. Children will perform various tasks: guess riddles, make crafts, draw, etc. During the passage of the quest, children (more…)

Participants: 2 teams consisting of children and adults this case- the team "BLUE-GREEN" and the team "YELLOW-RED"\. The number of participants is not limited. Age is not limited. The goal of the game is to find the MAGIC KEY before the opposing team and bring it to the organizer. The time for completing tasks is not limited. Description (more…)

THE POWER OF THE MAGIC RING. \Quest for children\ Children are offered the theme of the game, the legend is told, the rules of the game are discussed, a clear setting is set for honesty and accurate performance of tasks in order to achieve the fastest correct result of the game. Легенда: - Ancient powerful Mages had at their disposal (more…)

The host explains to the children the essence of the game, tells the legend: -Once upon a time, a count lived in a castle. He was noble and rich, but he did not boast about it, he lived modestly, helped poor peasants, created shelters for homeless animals. His motto was: "All that glitters is not gold." Getting old, (more…)

LEGEND: - Today you are representatives of two civilizations - the planets SALARI and TURIAN. As part of space expeditions you will travel on shuttles through the expanses of space, visit different planets of the universe. Your goal is to free the peoples of space from pirates, help them return their stolen goods, unravel (more…)

"All in!" quest for youth. This quest for youth over 18 was my trial. Some tasks are taken from the Internet. but passed with us on "Hurrah!". 1. Rules of the game: The game takes place on the territory of the village. It involves: the House of Culture, the sports ground adjacent to it, the library, (more…)

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales? Children: (in chorus) Yes-ah-ah! Teacher: What fairy tales do you know? (Children list fairy tales known to them). Educator: Now I will give you a riddle, and you will guess it. It didn’t lie on the window, Rolled along the path ... Children: Gingerbread man. Educator: Well done! (Further…)

Teacher: In our kindergarten The Young Cosmonauts Training Center was opened. All girls and boys dream of space and space flights, other worlds and encounters with aliens. So, meet the participants of the Training Center. (Children enter the hall under the “March of Young Cosmonauts” by Filippenko.) Teacher: (more…)

A quest is a type of plot (literary, computer, game, in which the journey to the intended goal goes through overcoming a number of difficulties. It is clear that for children's holiday the idea of ​​the quest is perfect: children encounter various problems or characters who create problems, come up with (more…)

Many children liked it very much to look for "treasures" on the "pirate map". This action-adventure game has gained incredible popularity in kindergartens and schools. What other quest games can be organized for children, you will learn from useful materials this thematic section.

The technology of "play-travel" is very simple, but it gives great opportunities for organization gaming activity children in a fun way. The interactive entertainment presented on these pages will allow the children to imagine themselves not only as pirates, but also as scouts, athletes, travelers, fairy tale characters… - the list goes on and on.

Positive ideas for organizing children's trips and adventures.

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 2585 .
All sections | Quests for children. Scenarios for children's quest games

Synopsis of the musical game quest"Alice in Wonderland" for senior and preparatory group Dear colleagues! On July 4, 1865, the first edition of Lewis Carroll's famous book was published. "Alice in Wonderland". I bring to your attention a game quest designed by me...

Quest game "In the country of mathematics" Target: Creation favorable conditions for the formation of elementary mathematical representations preschoolers. 1.Educational tasks: - practice counting within 10. - consolidate knowledge about the composition of the number 10 from two smaller numbers; - improve understanding of the sequence ...

Quests for children. Scenarios for children's quest games - Quest game "Trail of Development"

Publication "Quest-game" Path ... " Parent meeting "Path of development" Form of holding: quest game - Hello, dear parents, we are very glad to see you at our meeting. - Today Parent meeting will pass a little traditional form. Apart from organizational issues we will make for you...

MAAM Pictures Library

Goal: Creating conditions for the development of cognitive abilities of children in the process of playing, the formation of independence and initiative in various types activities. Increasing the level of knowledge of children on the basics of life safety. Tasks:  Expanding knowledge...

During the summer recreational period in the GBOU "School 2065" in Moscow, work is actively continuing to work on interaction with the parents of pupils. As part of the work of the "Parents Club" on June 29 on the basis of the educational platform D-7, educators: Cherkasova Yu. A. and Shanina I. V....

Quest "In search of treasure" Purpose. Creation of cheerful, mood and conditions for active rest of children. Tasks. Learn to navigate the area kindergarten on the map. Improve motor skills and abilities. develop in children logical thinking, communicative...

Quests for children. Scenarios for children's quest games - Scenario of a quest game with children of speech therapy groups "Folklore is a storehouse of folk wisdom" (part ll)

Elena Alekseevna Yashchenko, Ekaterina Vladimirovna Pozdnyakova, Irina Georgievna Savinova, Tatyana Anatolyevna Sushchak, Valentina Viktorovna Kryucheva. The hall is decorated with Pavlovo Posad shawls, towels, wooden Bogorodsk toys. On hangers - folk costumes for girls and...

Scenario of a quest game with children 4-5 years old "Fairytale commotion in the forest" SCENARIO OF THE GAME-QUEST WITH CHILDREN 4-5 YEARS fairytale commotion in the forest! PURPOSE: to arouse in children an interest in fairy tales and their heroes, the ability to perform various game tasks; tasks; to consolidate the knowledge of children about fairy tales and their heroes, - broadening their horizons; -development of logical thinking,...