Technology for selling office supplies. Technology for selling cultural goods. What is included in the range of a profitable stationery store?

Technology for selling office supplies. Technology for selling cultural goods. What is included in the range of a profitable stationery store?

Our catalog of sample documents, contract forms and job descriptions is collected in this section


JOB DESCRIPTION OF THE ANNOUNCER __________________________ I APPROVED (name of organization, enterprise, institution) ___________________________ (director, other official authorized to approve the job description) JOB DESCRIPTION ___________________________ (signature) (transcript _________ N __________ signature) Place of publication ___________________________ (date) ANNOUNCER I. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. The announcer belongs to the category of technical performers, is hired and dismissed from work by order of the director of the enterprise upon the recommendation of __________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________. 3.2. Transmit management orders, announcements at the request of citizens and advertisements.

Selling goods is the final stage of the trade and technological process in a store. The operations performed at this stage are the most responsible, since they are associated with direct customer service.

The nature and structure of operations for the sale of goods depend on:

First of all, it depends on the range of goods sold and methods of selling them. Thus, the buyer spends significantly less time choosing goods of everyday demand than for goods of periodic or rare demand. The content of operations for the sale of goods in stores that use different sales methods, which are understood as a set of techniques and methods for selling goods to customers, differs significantly. The following methods of selling goods are used in retail trade:


    through the service counter;

    according to samples;

    with open display;

    on pre-orders.

Self-service selling is one of the most convenient methods for customers to sell goods. Self-service allows you to speed up operations for selling goods, increase the throughput of stores, and expand the volume of sales of goods. This method provides customers with free access to goods laid out on the sales floor, the ability to independently inspect and select them without the help of a seller, which allows for a more rational distribution of functions between store employees. Payment for selected goods is carried out at payment centers serviced by cashier controllers. With self-service, the technological layout of the sales floor and other store premises, the organization of financial responsibility, product supply, and the functions of store employees change.

This method is used when selling most food and non-food products. The exception is bicycles and tents, since when choosing them, buyers, as a rule, need the help of sellers. These items, as well as items requiring packaging, etc., are sold in self-service stores through the personal service counter.

In self-service stores, the functions of sales floor employees are reduced mainly to advising customers, displaying goods and monitoring their safety, and performing settlement transactions. The sales process here consists of the following main operations:

meeting the buyer and providing him with the necessary information about the goods sold, services provided, etc.;

    receipt by the buyer of an inventory basket or cart for selecting goods;

    independent selection of goods by the buyer and their delivery to the payment center;

    calculating the cost of selected goods and receiving a receipt;

    payment for purchased goods;

    packaging purchased goods and placing them in the buyer’s bag;

    returning the inventory basket or cart for selecting goods to the place where they are concentrated.

The list of these operations can be expanded when selling technically complex goods, when the assistance of a sales consultant is required (his consultation, checking the serviceability of goods, etc.).

Sales personnel must ensure strict adherence to established trading rules. Thus, it is not allowed to require customers entering the sales area of ​​a self-service store to present goods purchased in other stores, to put stamps or any marks on them, or to oblige them to leave personal belongings. If desired, the buyer can leave a shopping bag, briefcase, etc. at the entrance to the sales area, and the store is obliged to ensure their safety.

Buyers place the selected goods in an inventory basket or trolley and deliver them to the payment center. Here, payment takes place both for goods selected by the buyer and for goods released to him through the service counter (in stores where not all goods are sold using the self-service method). At the payment center, the buyer is given cash receipts, which serve as confirmation of the correctness of the calculations and, if necessary, the basis for the exchange of goods. It is prohibited to apply double control when making payments to customers. The store administration has the right to conduct only a random check of the correctness of payment and monitor the work of the cashier.

In order to speed up settlement transactions with customers, it is recommended to equip the store with a single settlement unit. The work intensity of cashiers during peak hours should be regulated. For settlements with customers who have made small purchases (1-2 items), “express cash desks” are allocated. The acceleration of settlements with customers is also facilitated by the use of high-speed and automated cash registers, as well as mechanized settlement units with a mechanism for automatically issuing change, a conveyor for moving goods and other devices that facilitate and speed up settlement operations with customers.

In stores, three options for organizing a service point using smart cards can be used.

Firstly, you can use an ordinary electronic cash register of an automated cash service system, additionally equipped with a remote card reader and a keyboard for entering a PIN code (customer personal identification number) with a pinpad.

Secondly, a specialized point-of-sale terminal can be used.

Thirdly, an ordinary personal computer with a sprinter for printing sales receipts and a pinpad for entering a PIN code can be used as a terminal in a store.

When servicing a customer, the operator inserts the customer’s card into the pinpad and asks him to enter his PIN code. If the PIN code is entered incorrectly or the card number is on the list of cards prohibited for service, the operation is not performed and the card, depending on the situation, is returned to the buyer or confiscated.

Next, the seller enters the cost of the goods on the terminal. The terminal calculates the amount, updates the contents of the electronic card taking into account the purchases made, stores the transaction in the register and prints sales receipts.

Selling goods through a service counter includes the following operations:

    meeting the buyer and identifying his intentions;

    offer and display of goods; assistance in choosing products and consultation;

    offering related and new products;

    carrying out technological operations;

    settlement operations;

    packaging and delivery of purchases.

When a buyer comes to a store, he or she should be greeted with a friendly attitude by the sales staff. At the same time, a favorable impression is left by the neat appearance of the store employees, order and cleanliness in the sales area. Identifying the intentions of buyers is to determine their attitude towards models, styles and other characteristics of goods. This operation should be performed by sales personnel unobtrusively and in a polite manner.

After identifying the buyer's intention, the seller displays the relevant goods. At the same time, he pays attention to the characteristics of individual goods and offers other similar goods to replace the missing ones. If necessary, the seller is obliged to give qualified advice to the buyer, which may include information about the purpose of the goods and methods of their use, consumption standards, compliance of the offered goods with modern fashion, etc. The consultation should help promote new products and educate consumers’ aesthetic tastes. The seller’s responsibilities also include offering related products to the buyer.

The sale of goods is completed by settlement with buyers and delivery of purchases to them. These operations can be performed at the workplace of the seller or cashier.

When selling technically complex goods with a warranty period, in addition to the listed operations, the seller is obliged to make a mark in the product passport, issue a sales receipt and hand a copy of it to the buyer.

Selling goods based on samples involves laying out samples on the sales floor and introducing them to buyers independently (or with the help of the seller). After selecting the goods and paying for the purchase, the seller hands the buyer the goods corresponding to the samples. In this selling method, working inventory is placed separately from samples. It is convenient because in a relatively small area of ​​the sales floor you can display samples of a fairly wide range of goods. Typically, this method is used when selling technically complex and large-sized goods, as well as those goods that require measuring and cutting before being released to the buyer. This method is used to sell bicycles and other goods.

Samples of goods displayed on the sales floor must be provided with clearly labeled labels indicating the name of the product, article number, grade, manufacturer's name, and price. If necessary, sellers provide advisory assistance to buyers.

The sale of large-sized goods based on samples is combined with their delivery to customers’ homes from store warehouses, wholesale warehouses or industrial manufacturing enterprises. This allows retailers to reduce their need for warehouse space, reduce overall transportation costs and relieve customers from the hassle of delivering purchased goods.

When selling goods with an open display, buyers have the opportunity to independently familiarize themselves with and select the goods displayed at the seller’s workplace. They are laid out on counters, slides, stands. The functions of the seller in this method of selling are limited to advising buyers, weighing, packaging and releasing the goods they have selected. Payment transactions can be carried out at cash desks installed in the sales area or at the seller’s workplace. Selling goods with an open display is more convenient compared to traditional methods, since many buyers have the opportunity to simultaneously get acquainted with openly displayed samples of goods, without distracting sellers from performing functions related to displaying goods and information about their assortment. The use of this method allows you to speed up operations for the sale of goods, increase store throughput and increase the productivity of sellers. Typically, this method is used when selling those goods that are sold in self-service stores through service counters.

When selling goods using this method, special attention should be paid to their placement and display at the seller’s workplace. Small items are laid out in bulk in cassettes of open counter display cases. Larger items are stacked on the counter. When laying out goods, they are grouped by types and prices. The displayed goods must not be covered with glass or fastened together. Products must be equipped with price tags attached to the cassette cells with special clips.

Trading on pre-orders is convenient for buyers, as it allows them to save time on purchasing goods. Pre-orders are used to sell mainly complex assortment products. Orders can be accepted at a store, place of business, or at customers' homes. They may be submitted orally or in writing. Payment is made by pre-payment at the store's cash desk or by postal order, as well as by paying the cost of goods at the time of receipt. Pre-ordered items can be delivered to your home or picked up in store. For sporting goods, the order fulfillment period is set depending on the type of goods and the possibilities of its execution. This method of selling goods is especially convenient for residents of small localities, without wasting time traveling to other localities to purchase them.

The production of office supplies in Russia is relatively good. Domestic factories cope with the task, offering the population high quality products at an affordable price. Foreign brands are represented mainly in the elite category. Some segments already have their own leaders.

The key roles in the paper market are played by the Snegurochka, Maestro and IQ brands. At the same time, the share of the first trademark accounts for up to 50% of all sales in the country.

The main manufacturers of notebooks with plain covers are:

· CJSC "Bumizdeliya";

· Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill;

· Kamennogorsk FOB;

· Polotnyano-Zavodskaya paper mill.

The number of writing instrument manufacturers in the country is growing every year. The most famous brands are ErichKrause, PARKER, Montblanc, Waterman. However, the bulk of products belong to the economy class. A significant share is made up of goods from China.

A special feature of this segment is the long chain of intermediaries between the direct manufacturer and the end consumer. Domestic factories and large distributors do not work with small volumes. They focus exclusively on large wholesale. Owners of retail outlets have to cooperate with commercial warehouses or bases. You can find a reliable partner in special catalogs. There is a sufficient amount of information on the Internet for a comprehensive assessment.

Brief description of demand

Drawing up a business plan involves a detailed study of consumer behavior. The basis should be all-Russian data. They reflect the basic trends of the industry and the needs of the population. Thus, according to reports from the independent agency AS MARKETING, the cost of the product began to play a great role during the crisis. Russians give preference to simple stationery products, abandoning original design and brightness.

Nationally, there are also data on demand for certain types of products.

Important! Paper has been the sales leader in the office stationery segment for several years now. Its volume reaches 59%.

Table No. 1 Approximate product range of a retail store

Writing instruments

Pens, ink nibs


Markers, felt-tip pens


Cardboard binders and envelopes

Polyethylene inserts (files)

Plastic products

Business briefcases for papers

Drawing and Printing Supplies

Paper of different formats and qualities

Rulers, protractors and their sets

Sets of drawing pencils, leads, erasers, sharpeners

Cases for drawings

Office stationery

Stamp products

Diaries, calendars, notepads, accounting notebooks

Consumables for printing devices

Self-adhesive paper of various formats, stickers, bookmarks, tape

Stands for documents and writing instruments, prefabricated shelves, racks

Correction fluid, adhesives

School supplies

Notebooks with different numbers of sheets

Diaries and class journals

Briefcases, shoe bags

Copybooks, teaching aids, reference books, dictionaries

Atlases, contour maps

Covers in different formats

Paints, brushes, sketchbooks, plasticine, colored paper and cardboard

Pencil cases, cases, tubes

During the holidays, the assortment should be supplemented with postcards, souvenirs, and gift wrapping. The owner of a retail outlet must take into account the seasonality of purchases, as well as constantly monitor the preferences of visitors.

Experts identified the sale of creative and school supplies as the most promising areas. The market share accounted for by the segment is only 15%. However, it is precisely these products that are in demand even in the most difficult periods. The main buyers are art school students and professional artists. The increased markup also attracts attention.

Success in selling school supplies is achieved by taking into account seasonality. Store revenue reaches its peak values ​​during the preparation for the school year (from June to September). Russians cannot completely refuse to purchase stationery. A flexible pricing policy, developed taking into account the average earnings in the region, allows you to win over your competitors.

Organizing a business: highlights

Retail trade in office supplies on the territory of the Russian Federation can be carried out in stationary pavilions, through trays in markets or mobile objects. The requirements for the premises of a traditional store are minimal, since non-food products are sold. The presence of:

· lighting;

· sanitary facilities for staff;

· heating;

· area of ​​at least 18 sq. m;

· central water supply or imported water.

The owner is obliged to take care of arranging an isolated entrance. If the store is located on the lower floors of residential buildings, it will be necessary to ensure high-quality sound insulation. There are no special requirements for the territorial location of the facility. Selling stationery is allowed near schools, medical institutions and kindergartens.

The first step is to register a business with the tax service, statistical authorities and extra-budgetary funds. At the same time, the future owner of the outlet will have to resolve a number of organizational and legal issues.

Table No. 2 Scheme for creating a stationery store

Item no.


a brief description of

Choosing an organizational form

Preference should be given to the most common options in the segment: individual entrepreneurship or LLC. Individual entrepreneur status is suitable for implementing commercial projects with a modest budget. Registration costs will be minimal. Opening a store in the form of an LLC is important when organizing a joint business. In this case, the interests of each participant are taken into account and control of financial flows is ensured

Registration with the tax office

Registration is carried out on the basis of a notification drawn up using the unified form P21001 or P11001 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. ММВ-7-6/25@). The amount of the state duty, the list of mandatory applications - all this depends on the chosen organizational form. It will take 3 to 5 business days to enter information into the unified register. At the same time, employees of the territorial inspection will send information to all government agencies. The official website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation provides current instructions for registering a business. When opening a stationery store, general rules apply. Having an account on the government services portal will allow you to submit all documents electronically

Registration with funds and statistical authorities

Additionally, only entrepreneurs need to undergo the registration procedure with the Pension Fund and the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. You only need to do this once. The basis for submitting information is the conclusion of the first employment contract. Documents are sent to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation within 30 days from the date of registration of the employee, to the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation - 10 days. Legal entities acquire the status of employer at the time of assignment of the OGRN. You can receive a letter with statistics codes on the official website of the service. The document will have legal force

Opening a current account

The choice of credit institution remains free. The store owner can enter into an agreement with any organization that has a service license. At the same time, you will have to draw up an acquiring agreement with the bank and receive a terminal for card payments. Processing of documents takes from 1 to 3 days. The duration of the procedure depends on the list of services requested and the intention to use remote methods of account management

Selecting a tax regime

The best options for a retail stationery store are the simplified tax system and UTII. The second mode is preferable, since the average check is relatively small. The number of transactions per day at a retail outlet can exceed 100. Keeping tax records will be much easier when switching to a single tax on imputed income. It is important that the area of ​​the sales area does not exceed 150 sq.m.

Important! The obligation to use company seals has been cancelled. This rule has been applied to individual entrepreneurs for several years. Organizations have recently gained the opportunity to refuse an additional means of individualization. The legislation of the Russian Federation is only being brought into line with the amendments, and therefore problems may arise in practice. If the store is registered in the LLC form, there is no need to save on printing.

Starting a retail business involves purchasing goods. Having found suppliers, you will need to conclude contracts. It is better to entrust their development to a professional lawyer. The specialist will work out in detail the issues of product sampling, delivery, and offer a secure payment system. In addition, a professional human rights activist will explain the rules for selling office supplies.

Let us remind you that certain types of products are classified in a special category. Thus, according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55 of January 19, 1998, the return or exchange of non-periodical publications is not allowed. The rule on refusal of quality goods does not apply to books, notebooks, albums, calendars, music notebooks, maps and atlases, as well as forms, brochures and sheet art publications. The buyer has the right to return them to the store only if there are defects.

Risks of retailing office supplies and methods of protection

Opening a store will require great responsibility from the entrepreneur, because he will have to work with ordinary citizens. Unlike cooperation with commercial entities, such relationships cannot be called equal. The law always remains on the side of the consumer. In addition, retail sales are among the most risky from a tax point of view. On-site inspections rarely come without additional charges. Securing interests must be taken care of at the stage of drawing up a business plan. Otherwise, the likelihood of disputes and conflicts will be too high. The legal security system is built on a combination of several elements at once.

Point of sale documentation

First of all, the store owner should be concerned with the quality of the goods sold. The majority of office supplies are not subject to mandatory certification, but responsible manufacturers undergo this procedure on a voluntary basis. Confirmation of compliance with current standards will be required when selling the following products:

· products intended for minors;

· packaging paper, including textbook wrappers;

· calculators classified as low-voltage devices.

For these goods, the entrepreneur must have copies of certificates or declarations certified by the supplier.

The store also needs to install an information stand with a full set of documents for consumers. We talked about the list of required papers in the previous article.

Personnel registration

Customer service can be provided by the owner of the outlet or by a hired employee. Attempts to save on insurance premiums by refusing to formally register may result in large fines, shortages and even criminal prosecution. An employment agreement and a liability agreement must be concluded with the seller. You will also need to create:

· The order of acceptance to work;

· job description;

· internal regulations indicating the terms of payment of earnings;

· employee's personal card.

Unified forms for setting up personnel records can be found in banks of free reference and legal systems.

Another important issue for the seller will be a medical examination. The obligation to send a future employee for examination to specialized institutions is provided for in Art. 213 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, art. 34 of Federal Law 52-FZ. It is considered mandatory for trade workers to have medical books, regardless of the type of product. This is directly stated in SP

Internal control system

Owners of retail outlets devote undeservedly little time to setting up accounting. Especially often, a formal approach is demonstrated by store owners whose assortment includes a large number of items. The use of the UTII regime also contributes to the formation of a disdainful attitude towards internal control. An entrepreneur is not obliged to record income and expenses, and therefore audits are made dependent on trust in the seller. As a result, businessmen are faced with major thefts, embezzlement, and negligence.

It is important to establish competent accounting of material assets from the first days. Special programs will help to significantly simplify the audit processes. The leading developer of such products is, for example, 1C, but there are numerous analogues on the Internet. Some of them are even distributed free of charge.

The mechanism should be based on:

· system of primary accounting documentation;

· a scheme of individual responsibility for sellers and sales floor managers;

· modern control programs;

· Regular inventory and audits.

Despite the fact that only legal entities are required to maintain accounting records, it is impossible to refuse basic primary reporting. Only if it is available will it be possible to prove the fact of theft or other property crime.

Protection from additional tax charges and fines

There are quite a few methods to reduce the frequency of disputes with territorial inspectorates. Among the most effective options are:

· competent choice of tax regime;

· rejection of dubious schemes for optimizing the fiscal burden;

· involvement of a qualified specialist in reporting;

· setting up internal accounting of the movement of material assets;

· connection of electronic systems for exchanging documents with the inspection and extra-budgetary funds.

The store owner must remember the specifics of the chosen commercial direction. Thus, according to judicial practice, the sale of goods under municipal or state contracts will no longer be considered retail trade. Income from transactions will need to be reflected separately from UTII, and tax will be calculated according to special rules.

Refusal of cash register equipment also carries certain risks. Until 2018, UTII payers have the right not to use cash registers. However, this does not relieve them from the need to issue sales receipts to customers. At the request of the client, the seller is obliged to draw up a document containing all the required details. Failure to comply with the rules may result in a hefty administrative fine.

Thus, opening a stationery store will require more than just developing a commercial plan or marketing research. The future businessman will have to get acquainted with a number of industry regulations and study the basic rules of accounting, personnel and tax accounting. An analysis of practice will be of considerable importance, because the direction has existed for a long time, and the experience of predecessors can be successfully used in building effective strategies.