Technological map of bedside floor hanger made of wood. Technological features of manufacturing clothes hangers using welding

Technological map of bedside floor hanger made of wood. Technological features of manufacturing clothes hangers using welding

“Labor training lesson” - Author of the work. Purpose of work: Materials on the Internet. Main conclusions: My students with their works. Olympiad winners: Labor lessons are necessary and important. Feasibility of work: In my opinion, in some modern schools For a number of reasons, there is a reduction in labor training lessons. And everything taken together allows my students to achieve victories in regional Olympiads by technology.

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“Labor Lessons” - Using alternating intensity in training and relaxation - physical education minutes. End of lesson. Labor protection in technology lessons. Occupational Safety and Health. Health-saving components in the lesson: Correct ending of the lesson. Poll at the screen. Optimal illumination is achieved by a combination of artificial and natural lighting.

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“Making hangers” - Shilo. Material: wood. 55. Tools: stop, hacksaw. How are workpieces measured? Marking the workpiece according to the template. Work only with working tools. Attention, follow the safety rules. Love for art is an eternal burning, For the artist it is like a sweet burden. Axe. Use only proper tools.

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There are a total of 32 presentations in the topic

GBOU Belokatayskaya special (correctional) general education boarding schoolVIIIkind

Topic: Making hangers - hanger

Prepared by: teacher

technology (carpentry)

Kovin A.V.

With. Starobelokatay, 2014



introduce students to manufacturing technologyhanger - hanger;

improve skills in working with marking, sawing, planing, drilling tools.


correct logical thinking based on working with a technological map; promote the development of the eye, development fine motor skills hands,self-control skillsin progress practical activities;



instill the qualities of accuracy and composure whenperforming labor techniques;during the lesson, promote the development of a responsible attitude towards educational work, careful attitude to material, tools, and working time;

compliance with the rules safe work.

Materially - technical equipment:

1.Equipment of training workshops: tools and devices: square, hacksaw, rasp, drilling machine, ruler, plane.

2. Sample of a manufactured part.

3. Technological map for the production of hangers - hangers.

4. TSO.

Lesson type:combined

Forms of training:frontal, group, individual.

Methods of conducting the lesson.

1. Verbal and question conversation with reinforcement of the material.

2. Work according to the technological map.

3.Independent work under the supervision of a teacher.

Vocabulary work: Texture.

During the classes.

I . Organizing time:

    Attendance control

    Checking work clothes and readiness for class.

    Prepare tools: pencil, ruler, square, plane, sandpaper, file.

    Psychological preparation for class. Game “Distribute the tool according to its intended purpose”

II . Updating knowledge

  • What product do we make?

    What can it be used for?

    What tools will you need for the job?

    What material do we use to make the product? (pine)

    Why do we use this particular material?(light, durable, well processed)

    How did you determine? (by color, smell, texture)

Guys, what does the word texture mean? (wood structure)

Vocabulary work: Texture. (Repetition of the word - texture, questioning everyone).

III . Lesson material message:

Today we continue the topic “Making hangers - hangers”.

Guys, you have workpieces on your workbench, show me on the workpiece what this part is called (end, edge, face, edge.)

We prepared the preparation for you in the previous lesson.

Let's work with the technological map

Guys, please tell me what operation on the technological map we have already done? (operation No. 1 - selection of material)

Today in the lesson we will perform the operation indicated in image No. 2, 3. (analysis of operation No. 2, 3)

- Before we get started, let's reviewrules for safe work with tools.

Safety precautions when working with a carpenter's saw

1.The workpiece must be properly and firmly secured to the workbench.

2.When working with a hacksaw, avoid jerking and use a guide

3.Never guide the saw blade with your finger.

4. The hand holding the workpiece should be located at a safe distance from the saw.

5. To remove shavings, use a special brush.

IV . Practical work of students. Making hangers - hanger.

Ongoing briefing targeted walks .

First round: organize workplaces and comply with safe practices labor timely start of work.

Second walkthrough: check the correctness of the work techniques and technological sequence operations.

Third round: Check the correctness and implementation of students' self-control. Conduct acceptance and evaluation of work.

Give additional assignments to the most successful students.Safety precautions when working on a drilling machine

1. Turn on the machine only with the permission of the teacher

2. Check the reliability of the drill in the chuck

3. Workpieces must be kept on the machine table

4. Do not touch the rotating parts of the machine

V . Summing up the lesson:

    Self-analysis by students of their work.

    Grade practical work students.

    Analysis of class work.

    Cleaning workplaces


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1. History and prospects for the development of welding

Welding is the process of obtaining permanent connections by establishing interatomic bonds between the parts being connected when they are heated and plastically deformed.

Arc welding. The source of heating during welding is an electric arc, which was discovered by the Russian professor of the former St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy Vasily Vladimirovich Petrov. He was the first in world literature to describe electric arc, its properties, in particular its melting of electrode metal.

For a long time, the Petrov arc was not used in any country in the world due to the lack of practically suitable sources of electric current.

It has been used for metal parts since 1881. Preserved in the archives of our compatriot N.N. Bernados's descriptions, drawings and drawings indicate that essentially all types of manual and automatic arc welding used today were proposed by him. In a number of countries around the world N.N. Bernados was issued relevant documents for inventions on carbon arc welding.

Nikolay Gavrilovich Slavyanov developed equipment and technology for arc welding of metals steel electrodes, organized an electric welding shop at the Perm plant, used automatic machines own design and published several scientific works on welding. The first patent on arc welding was issued to N.G. Slavyanov, initially in France in 1890, and later in other countries around the world, including Russia.

The principles developed by Nikolai Nikolaevich are used in many modern ways arc welding. The inventor developed a number of designs of welding machines, methods of arc welding with different electrodes, arc cutting, underwater welding and cutting, welding on a vertical surface, original methods of spot and seam resistance electric welding.

2. Purpose and structure of the structure

The hanger is designed to accommodate outerwear, it is installed in classrooms, libraries, offices, conference rooms, etc. It consists of two base posts, a lower longitudinal jumper, two upper jumpers, large and small hooks and pattern details.

The racks, bases and lower jumper are made of a square pipe with a cross-section of 25x25, the upper jumper is made of a rod with a diameter of 14mm, the hanger hooks are made of a rod with a diameter of 10mm, the pattern parts are made of wheels with a diameter of 76mm.

3. Steel grade and its chemical composition

For the manufacture of clothes hangers, steel is used, made from steel grade Vst3sp. This group “B” steel comes with a guaranteed chemical composition and mechanical properties. Low-carbon steel, grade 3, semi-calm in deoxidation. Vst3sp grade steel is supplied and, in accordance with GOST 380-88, is smelted only by open-hearth and oxygen-converter methods.

According to standardized indicators, rolled steel with a thickness of 4 mm or more is divided into delivery categories, for group “B” permissible deviations The chemical composition is as follows:

· carbon - 0.3%,

· manganese - 0.03-0.04%,

· silicon - 0.025-0.3%,

· phosphorus - 0.005%,

· sulfur - 0.005%.

Steel has increased purity from metal inclusions. Fluctuations in carbon content within a grade should be no more than 0.07%.

Table 1. Metal inclusions

4. Selection of assembly and welding equipment\

I assemble and weld clothes hangers at welding table using clamping and fixing devices (vises, clamps). I mark blanks using universal tools: metal ruler, charcoal, scriber. I use it for straightening and bending parts. plumber's hammer, bench vice. cutting square pipes doing a corner grinder. I clean rust from metal using a metal brush. I remove splashes and slag with a slag hammer or chisel.

For electrode welding I choose welding inverter"Builder-300 R".


Rated welding current at air temperature from minus 25 to +40C?:

With PV equal to 60%, A 300,

At PV equal to 100%, A 250.

Regulation limits welding current, A 30-320.

Voltage idle move, V 85±5 Supply voltage 3 phrases (without neutral), V 300-450.

Supply frequency, Hz 50-60.

Rated power consumed from the network, kVN 12.

Degree of protection according to GOST 14254-80 IP23.

Climatic modification according to GOST 15150-69 X3.

Coefficient useful action, %, not less than 92.

Overall dimensions (LxWxH), mm:

Without fencing 480x200x360,

With fencing 550x255x390.

Weight, kg:

Without fencing - 17,

With fencing 18.6.

Average service life, years 7.

I weld some elements of the hanger using gas welding. I use it for gas welding gas burner medium power GZ-03.

Table 3. Technical characteristics of the universal welding torch

To supply gases from cylinders to the burner, hoses are used. For oxygen I use type III hoses, for acetylene - type I. I choose hoses with one fabric layer, an internal diameter of 9 mm.

For the gas station I choose an oxygen and acetylene cylinder.

Oxygen cylinders.

Oxygen cylinders have a seamless steel, cylindrical body. Cylinder height 1370 mm, diameter 219 mm, wall thickness 7 mm, capacity 40 dm/3, weight without gas 67 kg. Cylinders are designed for operating pressure 15 MPa (150 kgf/cm/2); the test pressure is 22.5 MPa (225 kgf/cm/2). In a full cylinder, the volume of oxygen corresponding to atmospheric pressure and a temperature of 20 degrees is 6 m/3.

Acetylene cylinders.

Acetylene cylinders differ from oxygen cylinders in their body and valves, but have the same dimensions, capacity 40 dm/3, weight without gas 83 kg, working pressure of acetylene 1.9 MPa (19 kgf/cm/2), maximum pressure 3.0 MPa (30 kgf/cm/2). An acetylene cylinder is filled with a porous mass of activated charcoal, which is impregnated with acetone at the rate of 225.....30 kg. per 1 dm/3 cylinder capacity. The color of the cylinder is white, the inscription is red.

To reduce the gas pressure coming from the cylinder and automatic maintenance specified operating pressure, as well as pressure regulation and protection of the cylinder from backfire are used gas reducers. The oxygen reducer is connected to the cylinder with a union nut, and the acetylene reducer with a clamp.

Table 4. Technical characteristics of the gearbox

5. Selection of welding materials

The clothes hanger is made of low-carbon steel, so for welding I use standard welding materials, electrodes brand UONII 13/45.

E46A - electrode type;

UONII - 13/45 - electrode grade;

3.0 - electrode diameter, mm

U - for welding carbon and low-alloy steels;

D - with thick coating;

2 - group quality of workmanship;

E43 2(5) - group of indices characterizing the deposited metal;

B - electrodes are designed for welding in all spatial positions;

O - for welding on DC reverse polarity.

For seams made by gas welding, I use SV-08A grade welding wire. low-carbon wire with reduced sulfur and phosphorus content and increased viscosity and ductility.

Table 5. Chemical composition welding wire

For gas welding I use acetylene as a fuel gas. Acetylene gas (C2H2) is a colorless gas that has a specific garlic odor due to the presence of impurities of hydrogen phosphide, hydrogen sulfide and others. Acetylene is lighter than air; at atmospheric pressure and temperature 20C? its density is 1.09 kg/m. cube

Acetylene dissolves well in liquids, especially acetone, becoming safer.

Table 6. Characteristics and properties of acetylene

I use oxygen to support the combustion of acetylene.

Gaseous oxygen (colorless, odorless and tasteless, slightly heavier than air. It is not a flammable gas, but actively supports combustion. Gaseous technical oxygen according to GOST 5583-78 is produced in three grades with varying degrees of purity. Grade 1 - 99.7% ; 2nd grade - 99.5%; 3rd grade - 99.2%.

6. Welding mode selection

The main indicators of the welding mode include: the diameter of the electrode or welding wire, welding current, arc voltage and welding speed.

Additional indicators of the welding mode: type and polarity of current, type and brand of coated electrode, angle of inclination of the electrode, metal preheating temperature.

The choice of arc welding mode often comes down to determining the diameter of the electrode and the welding current. The welding speed and arc voltage are set by the welder himself, depending on the type (type) of the welded joint, the grade of steel and electrode, the position of the seam in space, and so on.

The diameter of the electrode is selected depending on the thickness of the metal being welded, the type of welded joint, the type of seam, and others. The current is selected depending on the diameter of the electrode. To select the current, you can use the dependence: ?=kd, where k=35 /60A/mm; d—electrode diameter, mm. A relatively low welding current leads to unstable arc combustion, lack of penetration, increased spattering of the electrode material and the K coefficient is influenced by the composition of the electrode coating: for gas-forming coatings.

I perform tack welding using electrodes with a diameter of 3 mm.

Table 7. For gas welding I choose torch mouthpiece No. 3

Table 8. Acetylene consumption when welding carbon steels

welding plastic deformation burner

Table 9. Determining the angle of the mouthpiece

Filler wire diameter:

I use a normal flame for welding.

Power - M=300-390 dm/3/h.

Consumption of filler material.

P=Kg xS/2 (kg)

P=12 x3/16= 12x1.6=19.2 kg.

7. Technology of assembly and welding of the structure

First, I assemble the stand and bases, check the angle between them is 90C? and I grab the butt tack joint, length 5 mm, tack width 3-4 mm. Do I turn the knot at 180C? and make the same tack on the other side. I clean the slag from the tacks and check the seams, the joint is butt on both sides, the width of the seam is 8 mm, on the other two sides the joint is T-joint, the weld legs are 4 mm, and I weld the base of another rack in the same way. After that, I weld the decorative parts using gas welding. After this, I place the racks vertically and attach the lower and two upper jumpers to them. Using a tape measure I check the diagonals if geometric dimensions correspond, after cleaning the slag, I weld the seams, on the lower jumper there are T-joints and butts, on the two upper ones there are T-joints. I grab and weld T-joint hooks to the upper jumpers, the seam is a double-sided seam leg of 4mm. After welding the hanger, I remove slag and metal splashes, after which I inspect the product to make sure there are no defects.

8. Defects welded joints and their corrections

Defects in welded joints reduce strength welded structures and at unfavorable conditions can lead to the destruction of individual seams or the entire structure.

Defects are identified in welding production following types: preparation and assembly of products for welding; seam shapes; external and internal.

There are defects that are allowed, for which standards have been established for size and quantity, and defects that are not allowed and subject to mandatory correction. External defects include: crack of the welding joint; microcrack of a welding joint (crack detected at a magnification of more than 50 times); shrinkage cavity of a welding seam (a depression in the seam); groove of the welded joint (recess on the surface reverse side welding joint in incompletely fused base metal; root concavity (a depression on the surface of the reverse side of a one-sided weld); weld fistula (non-through depression of the weld); damage to the weld seam (superficial, chain of pores); metal splashes; surface oxidation of the welding joint (scale, film of oxides and or discoloration); undercutting the fusion zone (a longitudinal depression along the line of fusion of the weld with the base metal); flow on the welded joint; over gain weld; excess penetration; non-smooth mating of the weld seam; displacement of welded edges (mismatch of welded edges in height due to poor quality welding of the welded joint). Undercuts, surface pores of small depth, concavity of the weld and underestimation of the cross-sectional dimensions of the weld are heated to 10 mm if the pore diameter does not exceed 1 mm (at least 25 mm with a pore diameter of 2 mm).

The craters of the seams are welded; when welding non-hardening steels, they can be moved away from the axis of the seam at a distance of 20 mm. Burns in seams are also rare; they must be cleaned and welded. Metal splashes are removed mechanically. The influx is difficult to determine by surface inspection; it is distinguished by metallographic examination. The fistula is cleared and the defect site is welded.

9. Product quality control

I check the manufactured design external inspection and measurements. During this control, product quality is determined using unarmed gas (it is allowed to use a magnifying glass). Using tools (templates, probes and meters). Control subject to everything starting materials and equipment, fittings assembled for welding, assemblies and finished welded products themselves, regardless of their purpose.

I check the assembled unit or products.

· Compliance of geometric and basic dimensions with working drawings, compliance with tolerances.

· Gaps between parts, lack of displacement of welded edges, amount of overlap in the joint.

· Cleanliness of the metal in the welding zone, absence of rust, oil and other contaminants.

Control of the welding process and finished welded joints.

· The order of making seams in accordance with the approved technological process.

· Cleaning of previous layers of seam before applying the next layer of seam.

· Welding modes.

Based on the manufacturing stage welded products control is distinguished: input control, technological herd control. By duration, daily, periodic, volatile, surgical preventive.

By location: stationary: at workplaces, By performers: controllers, workers with self-control. By volume cohesive: selective.

10. Occupational safety

Safety precautions for welding work Oh.

Persons at least 18 years of age are allowed to perform welding work after passing the technical minimum according to safety regulations.

The organization of each workplace must ensure the safe performance of the robot. Workplaces must be equipped with various types of fences, protective and safety devices and adapted.

For creating safe conditions robot welders must be taken into account except general provisions industrial safety precautions and features of performing various welding works. Such features are possible lesions electric shock, poisoning harmful gases and vapors, radiation burns welding arc and molten metal, damage from explosions of cylinders with compressed and liquefied gases.

An electric welding arc emits bright visible light rays and invisible ultraviolet and infrared rays. Light rays have a blinding effect. Ultra-violet rays cause eye diseases, and with prolonged exposure lead to skin burns.

To protect eyesight and facial skin, shields, masks or helmets are used; light filters are inserted into the viewing holes to block and absorb rays. To protect welders’ hands from burns and splashes of molten metal, it is necessary to use protective gloves and wear a special tarpaulin cover over the body. Clothes. During the welding process, a significant amount of aerosol is released, which leads to poisoning of the body. The highest concentration of dust and harmful gases is in the cloud of smoke rising from the welding zone, so the welder must ensure that the flow does not fall behind the shield. To remove harmful dust gases from the welding zone, a device is required local ventilation, exhaust and general volume supply - hood. IN winter time forced ventilation must supply heated air to the room. In case of poisoning, the victim must be taken out into fresh air, freed from tight clothing and given rest until the doctor arrives, and if necessary, artificial respiration should be used

Electrical safety.

During electric welding work, the passages between single-station sources of welding current for fusion welding, cutting, surfacing must have a width of at least 0.8 m, between multi-station sources - at least 1.5 m, the distance from single and multi-station welding current sources to the wall must be at least 0.5 m. The welding current regulator can be located next to the welding transformer or above it. Installation is prohibited welding transformer above the current regulator. It is prohibited to carry out electric welding work during rain and snowfall in the absence of canopies over the electric welding equipment and the workplace. During electric welding work in production premises welders' workplaces must be separated from adjacent workplaces and passages by fireproof screens (screens, shields) with a height of at least 1.8 m. When performing electric welding work in damp places, the welder must be on a flooring of dry boards or on a dielectric carpet. When performing electric welding work, the welder and his assistants must use by individual means protection: a protective helmet made of non-conductive materials, which should be conveniently combined with a shield that serves to protect the face and eyes: safety glasses with clear lenses to protect the eyes from splinters and hot slag during stripping operations welding seams hammer or chisel; mittens with gauntlets or gloves, special clothing made of spark-resistant materials with low electrical conductivity, leather boots.

Fire safety.

The causes of fire during welding can be sparks and drops of molten metal and slag, careless handling of the torch flame in the presence of flammable materials near the welder’s workplace. To prevent fires, the following fire safety measures must be observed: do not store flammable or flammable materials near the welding site, and do not carry out welding work in rooms contaminated with oily rags, paper, wood waste; It is prohibited to use clothing and gloves with traces of oils, fats, gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids; Do not weld or cut freshly painted oil paints structures until they are completely dry; It is prohibited to weld equipment that is under electrical voltage, and vessels under pressure. It is necessary to constantly have fire-fighting equipment - fire extinguishers, sand boxes, shovels, buckets, fire hoses and monitor them in good condition, as well as keep them in good condition fire alarm; After finishing welding work, it is necessary to turn off welding machine and also make sure there are no burning or smoldering objects.


1 GOST 5266-80. Manual arc welding. Welded connections.

2 GOST 9466-75. Electrodes for welding carbon and low-alloy steels.

3 GOST 380-94 - carbon steel of ordinary quality.

4 Chernyshev G.G. Welding: “welding and cutting of metals” Textbook for beginners vocational education. Second edition, Publishing House "Academy", 2004 - 496 p.

5 Vinogradov V.S. “Electric arc welding” textbook for primary vocational education. 4 Products Erased. M. Publishing center"Academy" 2010. - 320s.

6 Maslov B.T. “Production of welded structures” textbook for students of secondary vocational education institutions. Erase. M. Publishing center "Academy" 2007. - 288s.

7 Svechnikov V.V. “Defects in welded joints” tutorial. Erase. M. Publishing center "Academy" 2008 - 64 p.

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Instructional - routing for making hangers
1) Material thickness S- 1.0 2.0
2) There should be no nicks on the sawn surface.
3) Handle electrolytes with care when plating.


Operation sequence

Tools and accessories

Making a template for wall mounting of a hanger. The template is made of cardboard

Bench hammer, chisel, anvil, scriber, ruler, core, 4 and 6 mm drills, drilling machine.

Apply markings according to the template and marking the centers of the holes.

Scriber, core, anvil.

Cutting table fasteners and hangers according to the markings. Allowance for processing is not less than 1.0 mm.

Filing and rounding the ends of wall-mounted hangers.

Flat files No. 1 and No. 3.

Drilling and countersinking a hole for a rivet, w 4 mm, and for fastening, w 6 mm.

NS-12A, drills w 4 and w 6 mm,

Sanding the surface of the hanger fastener to perfect condition

Sanding paper.

Making a hanger hook template.

Bench hammer, chisel, anvil, scriber, ruler, core, drill bits w 4 and w 6 mm, drilling machine

Apply markings according to the template.

Scribbler, core.

Cutting the hanger hook according to the markings. Allowance for processing is not less than 1.0 mm.

Bench hammer, chisel, anvil.

Filing and rounding the ends of the hanger hook, drilling a hole for a rivet, Ø 4 mm.

Flat files No. 1 and No. 3, NS-12A, drill bits w 4 and w 6 mm.

Sanding the surface of the hanger hook to perfect condition

Sanding paper.

Bending to the size of the drawing.

Yews, hammer.

Riveting fasteners and hanger hook.

Crimping, casing, hammer, straightening plate.

Application of galvanic painting.

Galvanic bath with electrolytes.

5holes w4mm
15 5

· 20
30 20

2 rep. w4 mm

Instructional and technological map for the manufacture of squares
[Download the file to see the picture]

Technical requirements
Metal thickness S - 1.5-2 mm. There should be no nadir on the sawn surface.
Operation sequence
Tools and accessories

Check the workpiece according to the drawing and straighten it.
Bench hammer, anvil.

Mark the square according to the drawing.
Scriber, core, anvil.

Cut out the square, according to the drawing, retreating from marking line so that there is an allowance for further processing (0.5-1 mm).
Bench hammer, chisel, anvil.

File to the size of the square, clean the chamfers, blunt the sharp corners.
Flat files No. 1 and No. 3.

Drill holes Ø5mm.
NS-12A, drill Ш 5.

Countersink the holes according to the drawing.
NS-12A, countersink

Bend the square at 90°.
Yews, plumber's hammer.

Check bending quality.

Grinding the surface of the square to perfect condition.
Sanding paper.