Cockroaches, insects: reproduction, causes of appearance and ways to combat them. What do different types of cockroaches look like? Who does a cockroach belong to?

Cockroaches, insects: reproduction, causes of appearance and ways to combat them.  What do different types of cockroaches look like? Who does a cockroach belong to?
Cockroaches, insects: reproduction, causes of appearance and ways to combat them. What do different types of cockroaches look like? Who does a cockroach belong to?

Ginger mustachioed cockroach can catch your eye almost anywhere: in a store, at home, in a basement, in a warehouse and, sadly, even in a grocery store or cafe. A small amount of water and crumbs is enough for a colony of cockroaches to feel great in the facility and successfully replenish the ranks.

Due to the ubiquity of the phenomenon, special services (SES) were created. They help managers of various enterprises maintain a favorable sanitary environment at their facilities. As for private homes, people act differently: some use the services of experienced exterminators, others prefer to deal with it themselves.

Not all cockroaches are objects of panic and disgust. Some live far in nature and do not bother people. Others, ornamental species, become favorite pets. Let us dwell in detail on some types of cockroaches.

It is these individuals, who are popularly called Prussians, that most often infest human homes. They establish themselves quite firmly in an apartment or house, and removing them requires a lot of effort. The main places where Prussians are found:

  • Private residential buildings.
  • Apartment blocks.
  • Medical institutions.
  • Public catering points.
  • Warehouses.

An individual of this species has a long body, the color of which can be either light or dark brown. Most often, body color is associated with red, hence the nickname.

If pests have already entered the house, measures such as sweeping up crumbs and clearing food from tables will no longer help. Cockroaches will find something to feed on. Even a grain of sugar found under the refrigerator, or a drop of glue, not to mention the “richness” of the trash can, can serve as a source of energy. In times of famine, the Prussians can feed themselves indoor flowers or soap. However, the lack of water will become critical. To force the colony to look for another home, it is necessary to monitor the complete absence of water. You will even have to control the condensate on the pipes.

This type of cockroach, just like the previous one, has chosen the human home. It gets there from the most unsanitary places: basements, garbage containers, sewers. If there is a black cockroach in your apartment, it will not be easy to get rid of it.

The diet of black individuals is approximately the same as that of Prussians: leftover food, crumbs, food waste.

Clusters of individuals are usually found near food:

  • In the trash can area.
  • Under the refrigerator and stove.
  • On the food shelves.
  • In the storage room.

Moving around a high-rise building, individuals visit basements, pipes, and sewer drains. Needless to say, pests can bring any infection into an apartment. This is the main danger of insects in the house. Thanks to them, bacteria from the dirtiest corners of the house can end up on kitchen table where a person eats food. This situation cannot be ignored, otherwise the risk will only increase every day.

It is interesting that the desire of insects to enter people’s homes is characteristic only of cold regions. In warm countries, these creatures live quietly on outdoors, finding refuge under rocks and in the cracks of city buildings.

In essence, white individuals are not a separate species cockroaches It's just a certain stage of them life cycle when individuals shed their chitinous layer. Simply put, individuals acquire white shade during the molting period. At this time, body tissues become almost transparent. In total, a cockroach undergoes about eight molts during its life.

There is a popular myth that a cockroach turns white if it constantly lives in the dark. This is nothing more than a fiction. Science does not know such cases.

It is extremely rare, but the following situation still happens: in an attempt to destroy pests, a certain chemical was used, after which the individuals survived. The substance had an effect on the body of insects, which turned them white.

Before us is a native of Africa. Subsequently, the insect arrived on cargo ships in America and Europe. This type of cockroach is extremely good at adapting to new living conditions. Although the homeland of insects is characterized by a hot climate, it was not difficult for them to adapt to life in a completely unusual climate. Individuals spend the warm season in the open air, and during periods of frost they begin to invade human houses, finding there enough resources to survive.

Even the cold climate of our country has succumbed to American cockroaches. Apartment buildings became an excellent refuge, which provided the insects with everything necessary for existence.

An unpleasant feature of the species is their increased activity. They are very mobile and at certain moments can show aggression towards sleeping residents and their pets.

Having retained the biological memory of a warm homeland, the American cockroach remained extremely sensitive to low temperatures: its death occurs when the temperature drops below 0 degrees Celsius.

Egyptian and Turkmen cockroaches

Both species have a characteristic appearance. The Turkmen cockroach is a fairly large individual with a black body and a bright red head. The Egyptian representative of the family has an almost round body of an absolutely black color and short antennae.

These insects are often used to feed lizards and snakes.

The view was discovered half a century ago. For the first time, representatives of furniture cockroaches were found in the central part of our country.

Externally, the individuals are very different from other species: the elongated body has a bright red color with dark stripes, long light legs, long mustache and transparent wings.

Now let's move on to such representatives of the cockroach family that do not pose any danger to humans. The worst thing you can experience when meeting these species is fear of surprise. It's about decorative types cockroaches, some of which you may encounter in the apartment of a new friend. But he will find himself not on the wall of the toilet, but in a specially equipped aquarium.

Recently, it has become increasingly fashionable to have atypical pets. Cockroaches are on a par with iguanas and spiders. For many this will only cause an attack of uncontrollable panic, but for others the warmest feelings.

Let's take a look at several colorful cockroaches living in the apartment completely legally:

  • Chess cockroach. Originating from India, the species is a very cute variant of domestic cockroaches. The name is closely related to its appearance: the back of the individual is painted in black and white color and has a pattern resembling a chessboard. This war paint was originally intended as protection against predators. During the day, the insect leads a passive lifestyle, freezing in a shelter, and at night it begins to search for food and other activities.

  • Dead Head. Your name decorative cockroach received thanks to its strange coloring: in the area of ​​the head there is an eerie red pattern, which creates an ominous accent against the black background of the body.

  • Madagascar cockroach. An individual of this species is quite large in size: the body length reaches 10 centimeters. Added to its impressive size is the unique ability to produce hissing sounds. This is necessary to scare away enemies.

  • Rhinoceros cockroach. Another large representative of domestic fauna: the weight of an individual can be up to 37 grams. This is almost equal to the weight of an adult sparrow. In addition, the species is distinguished by its long life: individuals can live up to the age of 10 years.

Reasons for the appearance of cockroaches in an apartment

First, let's figure out how individuals can get into a person's apartment.

Advice from a specialist at Eco-Processing:

When carrying out comprehensive disinfestation of certain premises, there is a high risk that insects will begin to scatter into neighboring rooms. For this reason, it is recommended to install a barrier. The barrier protection installation service involves applying a special preparation to doorways, sewer openings, etc. This will ensure complete destruction of the colony without the risk of moving individuals to other apartments.

  • Unsanitary conditions. In addition to specific precedents for bringing a cockroach into a house from the outside, there is an additional reason for their reproduction. It is more likely that the colony will settle down and begin to reproduce precisely where there is something to profit from. If it is not customary in the house to promptly remove food and crumbs, regularly take out the trash can and do wet cleaning, leave a large number of water after washing dishes and watering the plant, you should expect pests to appear.

Treating the premises against cockroaches

Any work to eliminate an infestation must begin with determining the exact reason why it arose. If you skip this step, your efforts will be wasted. The cause must be eliminated before disinfestation begins.

When choosing between independent and professional pest control The following factors become determining:

  • Having a lot of free time.
  • The degree of contamination of the premises.
  • Knowledge of pest control.

Some people despite common sense desperately trying to overcome the breeding pests on their own. However, even a great desire and a lot of time do not guarantee results. More often than not, this turns into an endless war. The results that can be achieved are, as a rule, temporary.

Only experienced specialist can solve the problem quickly and effectively.

The Eco-Capital company provides services to both individuals and legal entities. Experienced professionals carry out disinfection in apartments and houses, using drugs that are safe for humans, modern equipment. We care about the confidentiality of our customers, so the master has an unremarkable appearance, and his arrival does not attract unnecessary attention. Installed for all work guarantee period, which eliminates worries about the money given.

SES help is guaranteed result within a specific time frame for a fixed amount.

Cockroaches are insects belonging to the type Arthropods, squad Cockroaches. They love damp and warm places. Domestic cockroaches are most active at night, and during the day they hide in secluded places. Their diet includes the remains of plants and animals.


Some individuals may acquire a white color due to exposure to chemical reagents. Many people believe that these insects become light-colored because they live in pitch darkness, but this opinion is incorrect. Scientists have proven that there is no separate species of “albino”.

American look

This species is native to Africa. It came to America and other countries with goods that were transported by sea.

They quickly adapted to new living conditions and settled in human habitations.

Representatives of this species are very active and can even bite.

They reproduce quickly and feed on any food, however cannot tolerate low temperatures.

Cockroach is arthropod insect from the superorder cockroach-like, order cockroaches (Blattoptera, Blattodea).

None of the versions of the origin of the Russian word “cockroach” has been precisely confirmed. According to some etymologists, cockroaches got their name from the Chuvash word “tar-aqan”, which means “running away”, or the Turkic “taz” (“to run away”).

Cockroach: description, characteristics, structure

Cockroaches are distinguished by a flattened, oval-shaped body, ranging from 1 to 10 cm or more in length. The elongated abdomen of the cockroach consists of 8-10 tergites (dorsal sclerotized segments) and 7-9 sternites (abdominal sclerotized segments), 7 in females, 8-9 in males. At the end of the abdomen there are long, usually segmented cerci. In males, there are 1-2 styli located on the last sternite. Typically, cockroaches have a light body color with yellowish-brown elytra; dark or black coloring is less common.

The elytra of the cockroach are dense, horny or leathery, with pronounced venation. The hind wings are equipped with membranes and, when folded, are hidden under the elytra.

In some species, the front and rear wings are shortened, and there are also wingless species of cockroaches. Some species of cockroaches can fly, although their flight does not last long.

A cockroach has a total of 6 legs. The thighs and shins are equipped with spines. The legs of these insects with five-segmented tarsi are well developed and adapted for running.

The speed of a cockroach is quite high: for example, the American cockroach covers a distance of 75 cm in a second. In addition, it is almost impossible to catch a cockroach with your bare hands, because the nimble insect changes direction approximately 25 times per second.

The flat head of a cockroach can be triangular or heart-shaped.

The pronotum is almost flat, shield-shaped, quite large, with transparent edges in many species.

The jaws of insects are very strong, gnawing type, with many chitinous teeth.

The mouth is turned downwards.

The cockroach's eyes are large, simple eyes 2, in wingless cockroaches they are often atrophied, and in cave species they are completely absent.

The sensitive antennae of insects are quite long, sometimes exceeding the length of the body, bristle-like, multi-segmented, covered with many microscopic bristles.

The external reproductive organs of the male cockroach are represented by the genital plate formed by the ninth sternite.

Females are endowed with a hidden ovipositor and an ootheca - a special protein capsule designed for bearing offspring.

A cockroach lives from 4 months to 4 years, the lifespan of a cockroach depends on the species.

The cockroach is one of the hardiest insects, capable of starving for a whole month without harm to health. But when favorable conditions and thanks to the peculiarities of the oral apparatus, cockroaches feed on everything that is poorly hidden. A female cockroach eats from 30 to 50 g of various foods per day; males are not so gluttonous and eat 2 times less.

The cockroach is a nocturnal insect, and goes out in search of food after dark, and the “feast” continues until dawn, largely because cockroaches do not so much eat as they bite into various foods, finding the most delicious for themselves by sampling.

The favorite food of cockroaches is any baked goods, sugar and all kinds of sweets, in third place meat products and cereals, and completing the list of preferences are various vegetables and fruits, of any freshness. With absence food products cockroaches are content with paper, carpentry and shoe glue, book bindings, fabrics, various garbage and any organic matter.

Where do cockroaches live?

Cockroaches are distributed almost everywhere and inhabit almost all parts of the world, with the exception of icy Antarctica and other polar regions. The most numerous populations live in the tropics and subtropical latitudes, although these insects feel no less comfortable in the temperate zone. Cockroaches live in North and South America, Europe, Russia, Africa and Asia, and Australia. Countries with a fairly cool climate and frosty winters are mainly inhabited by synanthropic species that live in heated human dwellings.

In nature, cockroaches prefer to settle in shady places with constant high humidity: they hide in the thickness of fallen leaves, under half-decomposed wood, “feast” where there is an accumulation of rotting fruits or vegetables, and often live in rotten vegetation along shallow water bodies. Sinanthropus cockroaches often build their nests in ventilation shafts and sewer lines multi-storey buildings, in basements, in cracks in walls and behind baseboards, they are popular in city landfills and garbage chutes.

How to distinguish a female cockroach from a male?

Below are photos that will help you determine the sex of a cockroach.

Argentine cockroach (Blaptika dubia) - male on the left and female on the right

Marble Nauphoeta cockroach cinerea – male below, female above

Does the white cockroach exist?

Sometimes in ordinary apartment Among the typical cockroaches you can see rather unusual albino cockroaches. Many people ask: white cockroach– is this a separate species? Not at all. An insect can have this color during the molting period, when the old shell has already been shed, and the new chitinous shell has not yet acquired pigmentation. Another reason for the “whitening” of a cockroach may be disinfestation using toxic chlorine, which destroys the coloring pigment.

What animals eat cockroaches?

Although the cockroach is an almost indestructible insect due to its amazing fertility and adaptability to the most uncomfortable living conditions, they also have enemies. Some species enjoy eating cockroaches (for example, Centruroides gracilis, Euscorpius germanus And Hadrurus arizonensis), will not refuse to taste the cockroach centipede Scutigera coleoptrata, house spiders and. Cockroaches are hunted by the crested anole lizard, tree frog, northern leopard frog, and coastal toad. Cockroaches are a favorite treat for households, and dead cockroaches are eaten. Eulophid insects lay eggs in the ootecae of cockroaches, and the hatched eulophid larvae eat everything inside the cockroach capsule.

Types of cockroaches, names and photos

The modern classification includes 500 genera, including more than 4640 species of cockroaches. Below is a description of some varieties:

  • (Prussian) ( Blattella germanica)

It got its name due to the erroneous assumption that the insect was brought to Russia from Prussia. The Prusak cockroach is one of the most common synanthropic species, whose life passes in close interaction with a person. The body length of an adult cockroach is from 1 to 1.6 cm. Individuals of both sexes have developed wings, thanks to which they can plan, but cockroaches cannot fly for a long time. Males are distinguished by a narrower body, females have a fairly wide body with a rounded abdomen, covered with wings. The color of a red cockroach suggests different shades Brown. There are 2 characteristic dark stripes on the dorsal part of the prothorax.

The red cockroach is omnivorous, and in addition to its traditional food - the remains of human food, the cockroach can eat paper, shoe leather, textiles, and in extreme cases, even ordinary soap.

In fact, the Prussian came to Europe and North America from southern Asia, so the heat-loving insect in harsh climates survives only in rooms heated all year round.

  • (Blatta orientalis)

In the past, it was a fairly common species, significantly displaced from its usual habitats by the red cockroach. Length adult ranges from 2 to 8 cm. The color of the cockroach is black-brown or tar-brown with a metallic tint. Males are distinguished by longer elytra than females, but neither one nor the other can fly, but they run very quickly.

Black cockroaches live throughout Europe, Asia and Africa. They prefer to settle in heated rooms, sewers, adits, greenhouses, as well as in wildlife, not far from the main source of nutrition - food waste.

  • (Periplaneta americana)

In appearance it looks like a red cockroach, but has a large body size: from 3.5 to 5 cm. Like the Prussians, American cockroaches can fly. The wings of males extend beyond the abdomen by 4-8 mm, due to which males appear longer than females. The shiny body of the American cockroach can be red or chocolate brown. A light brown or yellow stripe runs along the edge of the pronotum. In the wild, American cockroaches live in wooden stilts, rotten wood, in the bark of palm trees, in sewers and ventilation tunnels. Thanks to their flattened body shape, they easily penetrate people’s homes through the smallest cracks and gaps, where they hide in attics and basements during daylight hours.

Cockroaches eat absolutely everything: any organic matter, garbage, hair and dead insects, fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, nuts, sweets, cereals, paper, pieces of shoes and clothing. In the 17th century, they were brought from Africa to North America, and later to Europe, where they successfully took root and spread everywhere.

  • Madagascar hissing cockroach(Gromphadorrhina portentosa)

Very large tropical cockroach, growing in length up to 55 mm (males) - 60 mm (females). Some individuals can reach a length of 10 cm. The weight of the cockroach is about 60 g. The back of the body is brown, the pronotum is brown-black. Madagascar cockroaches do not have wings. In times of danger and during mating games, they are capable of making loud sounds reminiscent of hissing. What’s interesting: the female cockroach hisses only to scare away enemies, and the louder the male cockroach hisses, the more chances he has for the female’s favor. Some individuals, in addition to hissing, can whistle.

The Madagascar cockroach is an endemic species whose range is limited to the island of Madagascar. Hissing cockroaches live in the branches of trees and shrubs, feeding on fruits and other vegetation. They are actively used for breeding at home, as live food and in cockroach races.

  • Marbled cockroach (ash cockroach, naufete, neofeta)(Nauphoeta cinerea)

It is of African origin, but due to its unpretentiousness and fertility, it is widespread throughout to the globe. The insect is also called naufet. Females are larger than males and grow up to 3 cm in length, males - up to 2.5 cm.

Marbled cockroaches eat raw vegetables and fruits, oatmeal and sprouted grains, bread, protein foods, grass, paper, can easily chew through thin plastic. In the absence of protein feed, cases of cannibalism are observed. The ash cockroach is a universal and most popular food insect for domestic hedgehogs, amphibians (and) and tarantulas.

  • Turtle cockroaches(Corydiidae)

This is a family of cockroaches with pronounced sexual dimorphism: females are wingless, large, massive, grow up to 3-4 cm in length. Males have wings and grow up to 2.5-3 cm in length. Due to their structural features, they are somewhat reminiscent of woodlice.

Cockroaches live in arid regions of North America, Central Asia and Africa.

Chess cockroach (lat. Therea petiveriana). Photo by: noexcuse4you

  • Sarawak cockroach ( Rhicnoda natatrix)

Lives on the island of Kalimantan.

An amazing feature of this species is the ability of cockroach larvae to swim well. Under normal conditions, the larvae prefer to hide in litter of fallen leaves located near small streams, puddles or shallow tropical forest lakes. However, at the first hint of danger, the larvae bravely rush into the reservoir, rushing to the bottom and waiting there. calm environment on the land.

The heaviest cockroach in the world is the Australian one rhinoceros cockroach or giant burrowing cockroach ( Macropanesthia rhinoceros) , whose length is about 9 cm and weighs more than 30 g.

Reaches the same size cockroach Blaberus giganteus . These 2 species are very popular among lovers of pet cockroaches.

The longest cockroach in the world is one that lives in countries Latin America cockroach Megaloblatta longipennis , the length of which reaches 9.7 cm with a width of 4.5 cm.

And the cockroach has the largest wingspan of 18.5 cm Megaloblattablaberoides .

Flying cockroaches, names and photos

Despite having wings, not all cockroaches can fly. And even representatives of flying species do not know how to glide in the air, but only make small and short flights. Flying cockroaches:

  • (Prussian) ( Blattella germanica)

It has a brown-red color and a body length of 1-1.6 cm.

  • Lapland cockroach ( Ectobius lapponicus)

A species that lives in Europe and the USA. Males are 1.3-1.4 cm long, females are 9-10 mm long. Individuals are colored gray-yellow and brown-yellow.

  • Asian cockroach ( Blattella asahinai)

It lives in the tropics and subtropics of hot Asia, as well as in the southern states of the USA.

  • (Periplaneta americana)

It is similar to the Prussian, but differs in longer length - from 35 to 50 mm.

  • Megaloblatta longipennis And Megaloblattablaberoides

They live in the countries of Central and South America. The length of the insects reaches 9 cm, width - 4.5 cm. The wingspan is 18-20 cm.

  • Blaberus giganteus

A species native to South and Central America. Males grow up to 6.5-7 cm, females - up to 7-8.5 cm.

How do cockroaches reproduce?

Cockroaches are characterized by an incomplete development cycle, consisting of 3 periods:

  • egg;
  • larva (nymph);
  • imago (adult).

Cockroaches are distinguished by sexual and parthenogenetic reproduction, but, in any case, in order to reproduce offspring, the female still needs to mate at least once. The male’s gametes are able to remain in the female’s body for a long time, and subsequent clutches occur without prior copulation.

There is no specific breeding season for cockroaches, but mating displays vary somewhat among individual species. Female cockroaches invite males to mate by lightly flapping their wings and secreting an odorous substance - a special secretion produced by glands located in the back of the body. In some species, mating is preceded by a lengthy courtship process.

The male cockroach fertilizes the female using the genital plate, and then the partners separate. After some time, the female lays 30-40 eggs and bears them in the ooteca, which is located at the end of the abdomen.

Female and cubs

Most species of cockroaches are ovoviviparous; some are viviparous.

The incubation period lasts from 2 to 5 weeks, at the end of which the female sheds the ootheca in a secluded corner, after which fully developed nymphs hatch from the eggs, differing from mature individuals in their smaller size, lack of wings and darker color.

Nymph (larva) of the Australian cockroach

The development of nymphs can last from several months, like the Prussian, to 4 years, like the black cockroach.

Cockroach larvae molt 5-9 times during their growth process, increasing in size after each molt.

After the last molt, the cockroach acquires a hard shell. Depending on the species, a female cockroach is capable of producing from 20 to 90 ootheca during her life.

On the territory of Russia and former countries The USSR is home to 55 species of cockroaches, in total there are more than 7.5 thousand species. Some are raised as decorative pets, participants in cockroach races, an ingredient in some traditional Chinese dishes, and other species are even listed in the Red Book. It is not difficult to understand what class cockroaches belong to: they are insects.

On planet Earth there are a huge number of representatives of the order cockroaches

Appearance of insects

The order of insects cockroaches belong to the animal kingdom, the phylum arthropods. Among them, there are 8 families of cockroaches and 9 families of termites.

Despite the huge number of species, structure and general characteristics cockroaches are similar in many ways:

This video shows how to determine the presence of cockroaches in the house:

Main types

To date More than 4.6 thousand species of cockroaches and almost 3 thousand species of termites are known. Most of them live in the tropics and subtropics. No more than 55 species are found on the territory of Russia, and the numbers of some of them are declining. Mostly we're talking about about cockroaches or red cockroaches: since the beginning of the 21st century, there has been a decrease in their number in Russia, the CIS countries and other countries.

Scientists attribute this to the improvement of the sanitary condition of housing, the relocation of cockroaches to more suitable places(in garbage dumps, etc.) and improving insect control products.

Unscientific theories include chemical or radioactive pollution, the spread of GMO products that negatively affect cockroaches, deterioration of the ozone layer, and the use of non-ecological building materials.

Red cockroach, or Prusak

Their homeland is southern Asia, from where in the 18th century they moved to the countries of Europe and North America, displacing the black cockroach. The name "Prussian" is due to the fact that cockroaches supposedly came from Prussia.

The red cockroach is one of the most common species and has quite small sizes

Red cockroaches reach a length of 1−1.6 cm and are colored brown. On the upper half of their “back” there are 2 dark stripes. The male's body is narrower, with a wedge-shaped abdomen. Females are wider and their abdomen is more round. They can fly (more precisely, glide) thanks to their developed wings, but for a short time.

They can quickly form large colonies, as they reproduce actively and quickly. The species is one of the most common in Russia.

Black beetle

Distributed in Europe, Asia and Africa. Its population declined sharply at the beginning of the last century due to competition with red-haired relatives and the invention of new poisons.

The length of the black cockroach is 2−3 cm, the color is black or dark brown with a metallic sheen. Sometimes there is a red color. The elytra of the male are slightly shorter than the abdomen; in the female they do not reach the base of the abdomen at all. Insects don't fly, but they run fast. One of their features is bad smell, by which it is easy to recognize their presence.

Black cockroaches have an unpleasant odor and carry a number of diseases dangerous to human health.

Black cockroaches reproduce faster than red ones. In addition, they are carriers of many dangerous diseases, such as cholera and E. coli, and bring with them many harmful microbes from garbage dumps. The presence of these insects in a home indicates unsanitary conditions. It is imperative to get rid of them.

American representatives

It first appeared in the African tropics, but in the 20s of the 17th century it came to North America, and then to Europe.

In appearance, the American cockroach is similar to its red relative. The length of its body is 3.5−5 cm, the body itself is flat. Males outwardly look a little longer due to the wings: they protrude beyond the abdomen by 0.4-0.8 mm. The American cockroach can be red or brown in color, with a pale brown or yellow stripe along the edges of the chest shield.

The American cockroach bites in self-defense, which can cause allergic reaction

American species easily adapt to external conditions, they are very nimble and fast, they can bite.

They eat any food they find, and not only them: their diet may include paper, soap, hair, dead insects, animal entrails, etc.

Carriers of microbes and bacteria dangerous to humans can cause allergies: the latter is observed in 50-60% of asthmatic adults and in almost 80% of children with the same disease.

Other types

The following are less common species that may be found in Russia:

It is worth special mentioning albino cockroaches. They are not a separate species - they are cockroaches after molting, which have not yet acquired their usual color. Discoloration may be due to exposure to chemicals.

Features of reproduction

Representatives of cockroaches develop very quickly, this allows them to create solid colonies in just a matter of weeks. Below is an approximate diagram of the life of cockroaches:

Thanks to short period During pregnancy, the fertility of cockroaches is enormous. For example, a Prussian dog can produce up to 300 thousand offspring in a year. The offspring of the black cockroach are half the size, while the “American” lays less than a thousand larvae.


It is worth knowing about representatives of the cockroach family:

Use of insects

Despite the fact that cockroaches are unpleasant and dangerous insects to humans, not all of them are destroyed. Cockroaches are used:

Cockroaches are representatives of an order that includes more than 7.5 thousand species, more than half of which are cockroaches themselves. They differ in habitat, appearance and behavior, but all representatives have much in common. For humans, these insects can be extremely dangerous, as they spread germs and dangerous diseases.

Cockroaches are very unpleasant household insects. There is no particular harm from them, but who would like to find uninvited mustachioed guests in the apartment? Many people immediately begin extermination, not even suspecting that there are many varieties of these insects. Of course, it makes no difference what types of cockroaches have settled in the room, but, as they say, you always need to know the enemy by sight.

Black (Blatta orientalis)

One of the most popular families indoors is black cockroaches. They easily enter the home, especially if there is nearby sewer drain, trash cans or cluttered basements. In the summer, members of the family can feel great outside, but when the weather gets colder they tend to find a warmer place.

An unpleasant odor, a chitinous black shell, and size (up to 3 cm) are the main characteristics of this species of cockroaches. Color can vary from dark gray to dirty red. Adult individuals reproduce slowly, but if you do not deal with them immediately, then such neglect threatens to grow the family to incredible sizes.

The largest concentrations of individuals can be found in the following places:

  • trash bin;
  • under the stove;
  • behind the refrigerator;
  • in the pantry.

Black cockroaches are the most dangerous insects from this family to human health. Since their favorite place is garbage containers, the number of infections and bacteria on their paws is impossible to even imagine. And together with insects, this accumulation of infection, dangerous for humans, can quickly move into the apartment.

Redheads (Blattella germanica)

If we consider the types of domestic cockroaches, this is the most popular family. It is also known as Prussians. No living space is immune from the appearance of red cockroaches.

It is worth noting that it is very difficult to get rid of them - insects know how to hide well, reproduce with incredible speed, and chemicals or traditional methods killing cockroaches is ineffective.

Types of cockroaches

You can meet red cockroaches almost everywhere:

  • Living spaces;
  • hospitals;
  • public places;
  • utility rooms;
  • country houses.

The body of the cockroach is slightly elongated, the chitinous shell has a reddish tint, which can range from light to very dark. Representatives of such an interesting family live near a large amount of food. Incredibly, they easily manage to penetrate even closed containers.

Interesting facts from the life of red cockroaches - they can find food almost everywhere. Even if you carefully hide all the leftover food, insects will easily find a few grains of sugar spilled a long time ago or stale bread crumbs.

The presence of water is vital for representatives of this family. They can go without food for a long time, but if the taps in the apartment are faulty, then the cockroaches will calmly continue to visit, constantly visiting the source of life-giving for them. They will not disdain indoor plants– young sprouts may be completely eaten.


You can often spot a white cockroach in an apartment. Don't think that this is some strange new species. In most cases, the cockroach has a white tint after molting. During their entire life, insects of this family shed their chitinous shell almost 10 times.

The light, almost transparent color makes the insect much more difficult to detect. After some time, it will be covered with a new shell and acquire a permanent color. How long will it take him to do this? In just two weeks, the mustachioed white cockroach will turn into an ordinary red or black pest.

The appearance of a white cockroach

Chemicals can affect the shade of mustachioed apartment dwellers. This happens especially often if low-quality products for killing domestic insects were purchased. After some time, the natural color will return.

American (Periplaneta americana)

It is not worth judging the origin of an insect by its name. The homeland of this family is hot Africa. Cockroaches made their way to America with cargo ships, and then easily spread across all continents.

Abundant food, a large amount of garbage near houses and unsanitary conditions in public institutions became an excellent incentive to appear in our country. Despite how many species are found, it is easy to distinguish this insect - its large size, oval body with a brown shell similar to folded wings, are sharply different from appearance the familiar Prussians.

Another feature that distinguishes American cockroaches from red or black ones is that they cannot tolerate cold weather. Even at a temperature of 0 degrees, the insect inevitably dies. Another unpleasant characteristic is that the American cockroach is very aggressive and can even attack a pet or person.

Furniture (Supella longipalpa)

The central regions of Russia are especially abundant in such types of insects. They were first discovered in an apartment more than 50 years ago, and since then the owners of the premises have been unsuccessfully trying to get rid of such a scourge.

The peculiarity of this family is the presence of transparent wings with dark stripes and a bright red tint. The kitchen is the worst place for these insects. Why? Their favorite foods are wallpaper paste and old books. This is what brings these types of cockroaches to archives and libraries.

Central Asian (Shelfordella tartara)

The south of Russia is a part of the country where you can find another family of unpleasant insects. It is very easy to recognize - only Central Asian cockroaches have a yellow head and a black belly.

Another one of them distinctive feature– insects are able to jump perfectly from object to object, and where it is not possible to overcome an obstacle in one jump, cockroaches simply fly over.

Egyptian (Polyphaga aegyptiaca)

Some of the most prominent representatives among insect pests in the south of Russia. Housing conditions they don’t overdo it - they can happily live both in an apartment and in a room for livestock. They do not pose a threat, they are absolutely harmless, although the size of the family can cause many problems.

The appearance is quite unusual. Large, up to several centimeters adults are black in color. The shell is smooth and shiny. This species is often used as food on farms that breed lizards.

A little exotic

Despite the fact that people always think of cockroaches with disgust, some apartment residents cannot resist purchasing the most interesting specimens cockroach family.

One of the most beloved pets is the chess cockroach. It is called that because of its original coloring, reminiscent of a chessboard. The insect is nocturnal - it prefers to hide during the day, and when darkness comes, it goes for a walk around the apartment.

Another wonderful representative of a large family is the Death’s Head. Why is it called so unusually? On his back interesting drawing in the form of a terrible grinning mask. The peculiarity of this insect is the ability to make long flights.

The huge Madagascar cockroach is a unique insect. Not only can it reach 10 cm in size, but the ability to make sounds is unique to them out of the entire huge family. It sounds like a loud hissing sound, but scientists have proven that it's just noisy breathing.

Cockroaches - what kind of insects are they?

The rhinoceros cockroach is also unique in its kind. The huge weight of these insects is to blame for this. How much exactly? An adult can reach a weight of about 40 grams. Also such wonderful representatives exotic insects can live a long life - up to 10 years.

A striking representative of a number of insects in Latin America is Megaloblatta longipennis. Not only is it huge in size, it is the only species that can fly without difficulty. The wingspan is impressive - up to 25 cm! The shade of this insect is especially beautiful - black, with purple tint. Because of its size, people are afraid to keep it in apartments, so you can only find such beauty in wild nature.

Mutation, crossing of several varieties, living conditions - all this has a beneficial effect on the growth of the family. More and more new species of cockroaches are appearing. Some of them are completely harmless to humans, but most can become the main cause of serious illnesses.

Scientists are confident that modern cockroaches can easily spread cholera or ulcers. That's why humanity long years fights these unpleasant insects. But so far everything is to no avail - the family continues to successfully grow and reproduce.

Video: Type of cockroaches